Adopted By A ROBOT FAMILY In Minecraft!

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we're in this weird place wait where are we what we're testing tubes and I think we're being experimented on experimented on who would do that I don't know oh my gosh we need to find a way to get out of here you guys are awake wait who are you well I am m-i-a Mia wait Mia do we know that person Zoe uh no they don't look familiar yeah it's okay M.I.A why'd you trap a Sierra I am trying to make my robot family bigger your robot family and why are you talking like that oh just because I'm a robot I figured you guys just wanted me to talk in robot since that's what you will be soon wait we're gonna be robot soon though who wouldn't be human sorry about it let me go over here let's turn on these machines and don't worry about it robots have a lot of benefits to them you can fight off monsters you don't even have to eat and you live forever we live forever we could be together forever well and we can go on So Many Adventures oh that's not what I meant but okay M.I.A go ahead let's start this you know what you're doing I am a robot aren't I three two Zoe do you feel any different uh yeah kinda you look different whoa you look you look friend no I look the same what Elisha I'm a robot and wait Zoe your name is Zoe and your name is Nico three thousand Nico three thousand oh my gosh that sounds so cool well we've got robot names wait M.I.A is that it's becoming a robot that's it holy guacamole it worked were you expecting it not to work well like I said it's an experiment I was uh testing wait what would happen if it didn't work uh let's not get to that let me let you guys out wonderful thank you whoa finally the real world and that why is there Pig there oh that was my next test subject wait what wait what are you doing am I uh what perfect oh gosh I guess we should just leave that pig there here I'll show you guys this first hand oh okay can I try to press the buttons sure why not it's actually fairly easy oh my Nico what did you do was that my fault oh gosh yeah duh guys I think we should get out of here good idea well anyways where are we well we're currently in my laboratory where I do most of my experiments wait what so are you looking at this place you sure am it's a mansion this place is huge I've never been in a house this big we actually do have more robots here wait you do besides us yeah they should be somewhere around here okay well if you mind if me and Zoe help ourselves oh yes of course but but before you guys go I must warn you you guys have one robot power each wait what I have a robotic Powers yes but I'm not too sure what they are yet because everyone's is different so I could discover them later yes but good luck enjoy the tour okay cool that sounds good wait are we waterproof no do not go with the water oh gosh yeah let's not go in the water then wait two is this over here hello what's your name hello I am cash 2.0 wait why are you talking like that because I'm a robot oh my gosh don't forget we know m.i didn't talk like that okay yeah you're right but I was created by her you know oh actually it does too oh really yeah we were once humans I know I saw you guys in the pods you guys were really scary looking wait what really yeah I don't like the look of of humans but you guys look way better now do you think yeah I guess I look different anyways you guys want to drink a drink that what kind of drinks you serve here uh here I got olive oil olive oil what sorry accidentally activated my laser ability let's be careful yeah but two oh sorry sorry gosh that's kind of dangerous oh no wait what that one malfunctions a lot oops oh gosh Mia's gonna be mad did you just fart um on accident I'll clean this up don't let her get here please oh my gosh that's kind of crazy yeah uh okay Club while you're moving down let's look around oh Zoe turn around oh what happened why are you talking like that because I am a robot these guys are faking the robots up that makes sense I am a robot too Zoe stop talking like that oh what's up Shady what happened cash 2.0 um I accidentally uh blew up the place but it's fixed right do you think Mia will see she definitely will see she has cameras Oh My Gosh well that's not good anyways what is your name Shady Shady you remind me of someone named Shady what that's completely different what do you mean this sounds the same shady and Shady no no no not really can I get some motor oil yeah oh my gosh why do these people got you oops what um sorry whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Shady you're gonna blow up my place again do you guys know how to control your abilities yeah it just sometimes activates on accident are you serious yeah that too be careful dude stop sneezing oh my gosh you're doing that on purpose now yeah I am Shady come to my office now I knew that was gonna happen you're a drama um I'll see you guys later so you want to follow him and spy yeah let's do it oh my gosh tattoo photo we'll be back all right oh my gosh well in the meantime we can see how big this place is let's see what's happening Shady I'm understanding that you're having a little problems with your abilities um maybe well I was sitting here enjoying the scenery and all of a sudden I see TNT flying everywhere oh my God yeah that was uh that was the new recruits to be honest the new recruits hey that was it Isa oh there they are were you guys shooting TNT no we weren't we don't even know how to use any of our powers but Shady get back here I'm running oh my gosh you guys will never catch me what do you mean I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running why are you Vega okay stand back or I'll sneeze on you I don't want that oh gosh oh gosh so you got to be careful sneezing I don't know if we can control our powers just yet okay well rules are rules and we're not supposed to use our TNT cannons at the house okay so lesson learned this is a beautiful home yeah I know look at all these music discs we can use whoa what are you guys doing what oh nothing we're just admiring your beautiful house well I hope you guys know that one of my Powers as a robot is teleportation so if I sense trouble I'll be there see you around wait wait oh man she's uh scary well the one and ask her how I would discover my own robot power yourself we can't do anything really yet well we know that you can sneeze TNT yeah I guess that means I'm actually a robot yeah hopefully she's not looking because I really do have to sneeze wait what what Shady yes in my office now way down um Mia M.I.A yes do you think me and Zoe can learn how to discover our robot powers for ourselves Ah that's just what I've been waiting for dedication and drive wait really actually you guys should be able to compete in the robot exams tournament robot exams tournament Zoe are you hearing this ethereum what are those that's where you guys will be able to discover your abilities okay can you take us there oh of course Shady office you guys follow me wait what ah wait uh Mia one second I saw someone they're over here I need to ask them a question uh excuse me well who's up for a game of pool oh gosh uh this guy's kind of weird uh never mind yeah I'm going back there's a weird man on the porch okay show us how to get to this robot exam tournament uh I love the enthusiasm Shady office wait a second the guy's out there uh who is that Randy it's Randy well Mia let's go all right follow me yeah yeah okay Mia this is just a wall oh yes it is just a wall why don't you hit it a few times what do you mean yeah hey hey wait what I knew you guys would find the entrance is this an invisible wall look at the thing this is crazy okay Zoey let's go MIA where are you taking us oh I'm going going to take you to the tournament area the tournament area what to do with the borders of the Arena up here disappear as you walk forward and as you walk back that's so cool yeah it's a special thing only us robots can see so what is this Mia well for your first game it's going to be the ice boat race ice boat race will this help us train yes it also might help figure out what your abilities actually are okay let's do it all right perfect let me provide your boat so I'm just going to grab them from one of these wait what one random one I usually keep track of where everything's at okay cool I guess you're really smart here you go and here you go oh man Nico are you ready yeah but so I'm gonna beat you I'm sorry wait no way I'll even give you a three second Head Start actually all right now I'm just kidding nope [Music] oh my gosh wait I'll get it by the second round come on come on I've got this okay three laps three laps up three laps I'm gonna beat you no you're not let's get let's get away I learned how to do it check me out wait who's that Zoe uh no clue I'm winning wait what don't stick down come here Zoey Zoey Sally come here give me a hug no get away good luck with that Zoe come here hey no fear oh gosh what let me get it oh wow I'm in Zoe's boat you can't get me oh gosh use your powers Nico wait my Powers use them to save Zoe use them to save Zoey [Music] take cover oh gosh I can't explain yourself well I just got turned into a robot so I came to see Zoe wait what you gotta turn into a robot yeah so robots still have feelings wow never knew that I mean you probably have feelings for Zoe too still okay be quiet what are you guys talking about over there nothing so wait you know what I'll just give you the win for this round oh pretty and the kid just disappeared maybe he unlocked the teleport ability gosh well Zoe I'm ready for the next part of the tournament examsa all right let's go hello Nico and Zoe oh hi Mia I would like to applaud you on discovering one of your abilities Nico doped actually it was absolutely amazing unfortunately Zoe we still haven't seen any powers yet oh man sorry Zoe however that leads us to our next game next game uh yeah I think I need a a lever my apologies I'm all over the place today thank you Nico well who's that oh no I'm holding a chicken wow oopsies Nico good work Nico 3000 alrighty guys welcome to the next game this is going to be parkour over electrical water electrical water do not fall in the water for what happens well your robots you could probably take a guess unfortunately let's go this is easy um Nico goes that way I think I'm gonna take a shortcut wait did the shortcut yeah are you joking oh my gosh well I'll just gonna go this way oh this might take a while you go wait Zoey you're at the end oh my God oh my gosh I can't believe this uh let's go I got this okay come on come on come on Zoe I'm coming yeah hurry up I'm bored oh my God my gosh I'll be there in a second uh you gotta be patient wait are you sleeping with you oh my God guys she's sleeping whatever come on I got this let's go last few jumps and last jump let's go Zoe hey there you go I made it without dying good job why do you have to wake me up sorry I didn't mean to well I did me too because we have to the next challenge let's go um where's Mia oh wait what absolutely beautiful job guys way to finish that Nico 3000 Zoe another fail what that wasn't a fail that was being smart that's a good way of thinking about it Zoe wow okay I guess there's two ways to win that last challenge well anyways what is this challenge for this challenge it's gonna be a bit tough what's with this challenge well each of you will be provided a scanner a scanner I am also going to give you each a pickaxe and a shovel oh what are these for for this challenge you are going to locate the TNT and diffuse the bomb before it explodes wait what with the tickets out oh we gotta hurry hurry wait and she doesn't wait Minebot hello are you gonna help us with this okay what are you saying wait uh why did this guy feel familiar Zoe I have no clue wait what is he saying you have scanner waiter oh yeah wait are we supposed to use you Zoe I think so come on turn it on come on I'm charging it yeah whoa I see things over you well and I said TNT under the ground and Redstone uh do you know which one's it well I don't know uh one of these is definitely at uh one of them's holiday bright red and it says TNT over it maybe that's it Zoe of course that's it okay minor mine don't lay down right here right here right now wait we're on the second floor is it over here probably not let me use my scanner again come on stand oh Miner it's right here booty two books under yellow yeah we gotta get rid of it and if I skin again it's gone wait uh um that was a blessing in disguise well let me scan and figure out if there's more rhyths on around here well there is well this thing is sick silly right I know right I can see everything well I think we should mine back up to the surface do I think we're gonna tell Mio that we finish this challenge yeah lovely work everyone oh hi Mia you guys did an amazing job and Zoe great job helping out thank you we defused the bombs mine but how did you get in here you failed the first two levels oh gosh what is she trying to say I am boss wait what's up get out of here go back let's just go into the next challenge follow me this one is gonna be a toughie a Tuffy nothing to feed us what is this you guys see that building over there yeah don't look don't look look at me wait what I will give you guys three seconds to look at that building and then you must recreate it from memory wait why you're kidding right I have a terrible memory you're a robot it's going to be Immaculate okay wait let me get these things out of my inventory so then I could just scan it alrighty perfect you guys got this it's the memory test good luck okay can I just get her to help with this come on let's see uh nope doesn't work well let's just look at this thing okay so wait so there's uh pillars on the Side Glass yup good time is up wait watch out that was it they didn't even look inside so would you remember any of that no oh gosh wait do we have like Master building Powers you have memory Powers this will be easy okay Zoe Do You Feel Like Anything uh I don't think so okay well I remember the wall so maybe we should start with the walls first good idea let's try it okay uh Toy I think that's the whole house right I think so it looks pretty close yeah is this it terrible effort keep going wait what what did we do Zoe did you notice anything different about our house maybe the wood color was all it did look a little off wait let me fix that okay that should be good wait why don't at least half the house wait I think it's generating come on uh I think that's just half the house oh gosh me as this guy to keep trying I'm believing in you both okay stop reset Zoe how about you try uh all right wait who's this it looks like we have an Out Of Tune Builder here wait what Fletcher what are you doing here I hope it's not you Nico duh no let's see it go ahead and paste it well it's always pasting it now so we go don't worry I've got this I just gotta think really hard there we go uh I only see half of them never mind uh yeah is that good oh my gosh Zoe absolutely amazing and it looks exactly like the original but we can't say the original anyways we are we ready for the next challenge you are I'll see you in there okay let's do it come on well uh hi Mia hello Nico 3000 and Zoe welcome to the next challenge the next challenge whoa what is this there's like two courses here yes there is going to be a mine cart with TNT on it you have to stop it before it reaches the bunnies you're serious right I am very serious wait there's bunnies in there wait what oh my gosh [Applause] oh no the bunnies are doomed wait what do you mean I'm terrible at parkour well I'm going first let's go I gotta do this for if it doesn't get placed in the bunny should be fine right yeah you're yeah okay well let's just keep going and wait I said don't worry oh no no run it's still going oh gosh wait what do I gotta do here you go quick what okay okay we should be good right oh that was close oh my gosh if I didn't out all these buddies would have died I guess robots do have hearts yeah of course we do okay well that was easy uh Mia we're on to the next challenge amazing work Nico 3000 and Zoe thank you thank you thank you this challenge is going to show your true robot abilities true robot abilities what do you mean I know how to shoot wipers uh yes that's just a minor ability that we have wait actually this challenge is the leap of faith wait what dub what do you mean leap of faith well people say that robots don't have emotions but you guys are just going to have to trust me on this one are you guys ready yeah but what are we doing equip the robot boots yeah what whoa what just happened what what are we doing well this is awesome whoa can we flies away oh my gosh wait who is this hello Fish Box who are you hello what are you doing with that button it's my button is yes but if you want say something nice about you okay well your head is very fish-like what oh [Music] [Applause] oops that's what you get the room will destroy in three minutes wait what you have to updated uh please step up you look so beautiful nope not good enough okay Nico I'll try something oh my gosh girl I love your Fishbowl it's like Soul it's giving wait really yeah yeah it's giving like you're going crazy do you really think my fish was getting oh yeah it is like girl stop stop okay okay oh my gosh so we'll be out of there yeah that was close do you have some food I'm kind of hungry oh yeah sure here you go okay nice well nice just enjoy some watermelon on the porch now knowing that I locked all my robot to build it up yeah let's eat up yep wait guys don't eat that watermelon what do you mean there's one oh gosh much more to go catch Adventures the cooking on the screen if you enjoyed then please don't bye guys subscribe bye [Music]
Channel: Nico
Views: 2,362,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: 0eVdiRVTFLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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