I Met Zoey’s Brother In Minecraft!

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ah Zoe these cookies are so good they sure are man they taste just like the ones from that paradise you took me to paradise are you talking about the Romantic City that place was so much fun yeah I wish I could go on another trip you do yeah why perfect I have one right here what does it say an ocean Paradise I know right is that uh introducing no Nico okay um a tropical island 400 miles west of square City fun romance and most importantly coconuts oh my gosh yeah you're right okay let's go home I have to tell cash and Shady that I'm gonna be gone for a few days oh I do too I'm gonna have to skip boys night but it's for vacation maybe we should ask cash and JD cash is Shady if they could come yeah obviously oh sure Zoe I'll do that okay perfect first let me get packing let's go I need to get all the essentials diamonds my backpack a pickaxe just in case so let me go into my basement ah okay now that I'm down here I can get all my diamonds just like this oh my gosh this is gonna be so useful for the trip then my diamond blocks in a pickaxe this might come in useful later you never know okay I'm ready okay now I could grab my briefcase from this drawer and put this stuff in there put my trusty code one two three four knock knock daddy wait a minute I'm packing up knock knock what's up yo yo yo Nico what you doing but I'm backing for a trip that means Zoe are about to go to what you're going on a trip uh yeah oh my gosh can we come dad the place is called why that sounds awesome Shady we're going it sounds tropical yeah but you can't go wait what why I'm sorry uh you just can't smells like a bunch of baloney but loading now I'm telling the truth why can't we come because Zoe told me she doesn't want you guys to come ah what yeah she just wants me and her how about we just go ask her ourselves I don't think you need to do that what it's fine Shady we could find something better to do I was excited me too sorry guys I'm gonna go see if Zoey's ready I guess we'll just blow up some houses or something yeah that sounds fun like a blue house I don't know I really feel bad about Landing cash is Shady but I had to do it to go with Sylvia load Zoey Zoey hey Nico I've got some bad news what do you mean bad news we can't go on our trip well I don't know my older brother's coming over wait why is that bad news though he can be trouble be troubled I'm sure he's not that bad uh you'll see wait who's behind you uh wait what oh hello uh hello hi what are you doing here can I still join the onesie Club no not at the moment uh we're closed for applications right now no I want to join now I'm sorry we're close get out of here break in hey my window my window oh my gosh I'll be back what oh my not my window again whatever I don't think he'll mess with you anymore what is going on over there oh fine take your cookies but don't break my wall why is the miner just talking randomly I have no clue hey this time you want a cake version I was gonna save this for the trip but since we're not going fine sorry we can still grow up no we can't my brother's coming in town and I don't want to go with him no I'm sure he's cool hey yo what's good little sis oh no hi Joey uh what's up little Brooke uh hello you are you still selling this candy back here man no we can't be having that wait wait wait what out of here no this is healthy we can't be eating all this candy you're gonna run away customers no no this is health food uh who are you I'm Joey Zoe never told you about me uh no I never heard about you in my life I'm sorry you must uh not be too important to Zoe then wait what I'm very important to Zoe right I thought you told everyone about me Bowie well anyways what are you uh what are you guys talking about in here uh nothing we were just planning to go on a trip to wahi nothing else I went to wahai last year I know people there you know people there yo what's up man bro I haven't seen you since like Middle School bro it was good yo what's good bro got a little size on you now huh yo yo we be eating man wait do we know it's Josh yeah you guys know Joe yeah yo Joshua yo uh give me five man give me five all right yeah give me five minutes do we remember that Middle School handshake we had yeah oh okay I don't think we remember it but it's all right where's my five bro what's going on I don't know all right anyway what's y'all to uh losers doing we're just uh gonna go to why you know that place remember we took some babes to wahi oh yeah I remember that that was that was chill we was little youngsters back then too yeah yeah but we've got the bibs at wahai okay so let's go over here all right I'm gonna see y'all later let's just go over here real quick I'll put some more uh put some more vegetables out here wait no oh man so we what do we get to do I don't know but can we just go to the trip without them is that possible so I mean use it that bad he's kind of cool actually oh no Nico you haven't seen the worst of it we should just still go on the trip regardless so I'm sure we could bring him along are you sure yeah he's probably not that bad oh my gosh uh sorry I got rid of all the candy you can't have these well you should eat those no these are girls okay we should probably head to the airport now we fully packed okay uh I can drive hop in hop in wait you can drive yeah I uh I'm a pretty good driver you know it's just a one kid but it's okay here we go I'm good I'm good wait what uh okay I'm gonna puke oh gosh all right so uh like so I'm a pretty safe driver guys but uh I think I need to uh stop for gas up here stop for gas did it fuel up your car oh they just we just need it filled up but uh I'll head inside and uh I'll pay okay so we do not a gossip a car I so I think it's like this people is it working I think I take a dine perfect and we just gotta wait for him yeah wait why do we need to go in there anyways I had to pay you don't know how to get gas uh no I don't you don't drive no I don't oh I forgot you're not old and like jacked and like mature like me girl hello oh my whoa well your friend has a very good physique oh my oh my oh boy hold up Joey calm down Joey Joey if you guys seeing this guy he's Jack you're a jacked my friend you're jacked look at yourself bro let me get 10 man let me get 10. let me see him no no that is not a part of my workout no push-ups for me what you can't do push-ups bro no no I just don't do push-ups now this is gonna get interesting yeah but Joey let's get out of here okay okay let's go guys yeah nice to meet you man you're Jack dude yeah I'll see you at the gym my boy hurry just get in the car get in the car yeah let's head to the airport so uh what are you and Zoe usually talk about Nico no thank you oh man she ever tell you any stories about when she was little uh no I don't think so she ever tell you about the first day of kindergarten oh I'll tell you man she uh she actually jumped out the window to try to go back home by the way we don't need to worry about security they know me guys they know me we're good oh what what happened to Zoe get back in the car that we're good we're good uh okay yeah yeah no they know me here guys we're good they know you here oh it's fine this is great I got my plane out here I got a private jet wait why so we didn't tell you I got a private jet no bro look at my chain dude uh okay this looks like a chain of somebody who has a private jet huh don't worry this is just some random jacket look at bro I got the key I got the key man come on just go in okay and then hello wait a second wait who are you hello I'm just the pilot for the play uh Michael get back in the cockpit hey yeah no who's Michael who is this in my plane man I don't know have you said we could have extra customers no no I'm gonna have to ask you to get out man okay do I still get the money no no that thing you just gotta get out man all right you gotta get out of here man don't we need that guy no no no no no I'm the pilot Man I'm The Pilot now good luck flying then loser hey hey I'm gonna steal your car too what buster whatever man we got the plane it's all good uh Zoe this guy is crazy yeah I told you who's up man you chill bro yeah yeah go ahead fly take some kiwi man yeah yeah oh watch your shrink who invited this guy I hate green things but uh look it I mean I am the pilot look at I I know the password so I mean come on man he knows the password okay then that means he's valid okay whatever yeah yeah well uh I think you guys should head to the back and uh there's a couch some snaps and uh I call it I call the couch wait what come on well the password's one two three four obviously okay let's go Michael you're not kidding at you what was the password again nope I was telling you what are these snacks ew cabbage why is there only Adventure hey I could see you through this crack I ain't Michael be quiet uh I could toss things through it well Zoe your brother is kind of a handful I told you this trip is gonna be awful but he's pretty cool we could fly a plane I don't know if he can actually fly a plane what but you sounded so confident yeah but I've never seen him play a plane yeah I'm sure it'll be fine he's a good Place how did you how did your code oh my gosh anyways I'm so oh I gotta use it where's the bathroom no uh okay who's gonna tell him there's no bathroom over there better no not me okay whatever what was that sound oh my head hurts oh gosh oh um oh what happened well we we made it man we made it here we're good man wait wait what did you just crash his private jet oh yeah Zoe could I talk to you for a second what did you do now it's just between us I just don't need to tell Mom about this okay oh no I'm definitely telling Mom about this no no I'm uh no you you are you aren't telling Mom about this hello pilot this is why you don't fly the plane oh well just just let's just make sure we don't need the authorities to know about this yeah that's probably gonna be a million dollar bill so good luck with that I mean I got that I got that that's fine wait why'd you got that okay anyways this is well hockey whoa this place looks sick look at these palm trees over here oh they're so pretty so I guess there was a few mishaps to getting here but I bet this place could be fun yeah you know what I think it's gonna be great yeah this is gonna be fun Zoe yeah it sure is come on let's go this way yeah this is gonna be great right Joey yeah man I think the path is up here it's okay and whoa this is the airport over here this place looks nice yeah we didn't have to go through all the security and stuff because they know me uh they know you okay oh this guy yo yo man what's good bro you know this guy you remember me I remember you bro what's good remember those those babes man oh yeah I remember that like a while ago he knows this guy yeah man I know this guy are these your babes oh no no that's my little sis bro you gotta back up this one's a little cute hey what dude whoa whoa my bad I mean I guess man my bad all right all right anyways you give us the tour man they've never been here before okay can I get a tip though how about a raspberry a raspberry all right dude that doesn't seem like a very good tour hey uh ayo ayo tour guide um what's good not to tell you how to do your job but like I think the pathway is over here oh my bad I was just following the road oh is this the airport man this is the airport okay then I thought you worked here bro okay uh yeah this is twerk I did not know what he's doing Zoe yeah we're definitely not giving them a tip yep definitely not smoke hush all right y'all man we got flowers over here yeah very nice wow hey try not to touch stuff man wait how much is that gonna be 100 million we got the flowers over here and a pumpkin oh I like flowers wait what you already showed us flowers huh bro we gotta get to the good part man come on what's the good part that's like the psyche lame dude and let's go then put your front and legs on let's go all right man let's get running man come on let's go maybe start running I run marathon sometime oh gosh I get tired just being around these guys Zoe yeah me too I need candy hey are you guys running wait who's this who are you I could totally be doing a race you guys want to run who are you okay three two one gonna beat you guys I'm gonna beat you um are you guys running uh yeah totally Harold remember remember don't come over here while I'm doing a tour man oh okay I will stay quiet you want some corn bro oh yes we'll race you later Harold okay okay I will keep a bubble in my mouth what's going on hey come on I don't I don't get paid for this stuff bro this is your job though I'll get paid a dollar an hour oh my gosh well I'm sorry I guess be my head to tip Zoe I guess so so we obviously have the beautiful boats and the scenery whoa this place is so what type of fish you got here uh let's see we got fish fish and fish that's all I know bro don't ask me any more questions you don't know the tropical I don't know any Tropicals man all right we got uh y'alls y'all's uh places that you can stay at wait what well these these the high-end ones man you you guys you guys probably can't afford this but I'll be staying here I thought y'all pay for that package oh but that that's my my package bro wait what you got we got something else for you once it's something else yeah down here it's pretty good though oh no Joey yeah well what does that mean well tour guide you you know we'll tell them we'll tell them hey man this is my first tour I don't even know where I'm going but I I thought I saw you last year yeah I was doing something else and I think I was just cleaning bathrooms oh gosh this guy doesn't even know what he's doing all right y'all so we're in this room and I think it's like a temple or something Tempo okay Whoa man this place is deep whoa yeah this is a deep pool let me go ahead yeah hey man Harold why don't you take a splash little bro no no I think we should leave yeah good idea let's just get out of here Let's Escape your brother for a little bit yeah let's Let's Escape uh guide yeah where are our rooms oh man y'all don't have rooms y'all got some tents though wait tense but what about those places over there oh those are for the rich people I think wait wait oh gosh what is that like that's a bird hello birdie okay um I guess this is kind of humbling right yeah well I guess you'll sleep there and I'll sleep over here okay sounds good with me yeah it looks like y'all got some color coordinated tents and then you have all these birds flying around sorry about that no go uh oh you might get pecked wait no I just picked him up whoa oh I got one too oh these guys are so cool I don't know if they bite oh it's poking my eye gotcha no it doesn't bite so we need to talk to you okay what is it gosh this place is beautiful it sure is I just wish it was only the two of us yeah because your brother is kind of crazy I'm not gonna lie yeah just a little bit but he's family yeah he's pretty cool well you know what I'm kind of exhausted I'm gonna see you in the morning okay all right good night Nico good night all right I'll see you all in the morning wait uh I can't fit on my bed sir I can't fit on my bed oh me neither but good night wait you're sleeping here okay good night [Music] who just did that yo you ain't you went up for your uh 4am workout bro wait what no what you mean man you went on that grind set like me um no I usually wake up at like 10 a.m what oh my um oh okay well anyways you want to take a walk man I want to talk to you dude man-to-man okay sure yeah all right you could have some more breakfast too oh okay uh okay might as well wait raspberries are pretty good actually man I heard you beating some raw salmon too raw salmon ain't that bad yeah no that's good for some protein man I like that that's rad man no okay uh but uh just wanted to talk to you man I've been I've been seeing some things seeing some things like what well I think everybody kind of knows man kinda knows what but uh throw my little sis in you like Zoe and you oh wait yo guys what's this guy yo go to bed man this is 4am I think he's sleepwalking oh um hey hey hey wake up oh man yo go back to bed man I'm talking to my bro where are my glasses oh gosh uh Joey let's go yeah yeah let's go man but let's get to the point Nico uh yeah I know you like my little sister what do you mean what do you get about no I know it I know you like my little sis man it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay I see potential in you potential yeah man maybe if you uh you start eating some vegetables and you start grinding like me you could uh could maybe be a good man someday okay um I'll try my best but I'm thinking man thinking I set you and Zoe up on a date for our final day wait what you do that for me I would man I got you okay so I'm thinking you go wake Zoe up you tell her to get ready and uh I'll come back and get you okay sounds good thank you Joey all right see ya Joey's actually being kind of nice maybe this could work out after all [Music] sorry Zoe I know it's early he's literally what do you want I got something planned for you later today what is it you just gotta get ready okay I'll get ready I'll come back in 10 hours wait what I don't know I'm just gonna go back to sleep all right yo Nico Nico Zoe we're right here come on Nico wake up oh Sasha you were snoozing man uh yeah bro okay I know that's fine but uh so you guys ready you tell Zoe what we're what we're doing yeah I told her that we're gonna go somewhere later where are we going right now I don't know what was your idea oh but you don't need to tell Zoe anything uh yeah I didn't really tell her that much wait what are you telling me here you guys just follow me I'll let you guys stay a little ways back to talk all right okay what's going on Nico Zoe trust me Joey's helping me out a little bit okay it's fine it'll be fine oh okay I like hanging out all right so uh yeah last time I was here I I met this monkey and uh he's gonna he's gonna help you guys out okay he's like a a butler basically a monkey okay it's tropical you know tropical uh okay so he's right up here oh whoa I guess we're on the beach this is so beautiful yeah it's romantic I could even see the sunrise right there hello what's up monkey oh what's up Joe yo uh so here this is gonna be their uh their courses for today and uh I'll let you take it from here all right man vegetables have fun guys you guys are friends with Joey That's my boy oh he's my brother oh I love Joey oh yeah do you guys want coconuts sure sure okay one sec wait what what do you mean one sec [Music] oh my gosh I guess I release a monkey guys I'm stuck oh no oh we gotta help him I'm stuck oh my gosh so we give ladders oh no uh here let me catch you okay here I go oh wait so you got me are you okay you did not catch me sorry whatever I got the Coconuts okay wait what there's actually coconuts up there yeah well finally I could try with a coconut tastes like let me try it oh my gosh that was so good oh these are delicious yeah Joey told me to get those I love Joey but yeah that's my boy yeah but he's kind of annoying though what huh what I'm just being honest what did you say he can be a little annoying sometimes he's not do not make please [Applause] do not make fun of him uh Zoe we're finally out of there yeah that was the worst took a while to escape that monkey yeah I think it bit my toe stuff well anyways we can check out these high-end places oh Joey how'd the date go guys I uh picked up these babes man wait cash is Shady oh yeah Joey thanks for taking us to this trip what thank you cash Shady what the what so we wanted to come on the trampa okay Adventures to cook one on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: Nico
Views: 1,415,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: XJsoPW-2S3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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