Nick Vujicic Hour of Power Grace

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you Oh this morning we're very very very blessed nick voyage remember him the guy from Australia born without arms born without legs no limbs but he said I don't have any limits amazing guy one of the world's greatest possibility thinkers and he's back with us today and he is going to preach the sermon Nick love you thank you love you too doctor say grace have you heard of the acronym for grace I I heard this about a year ago GRA C II God's riches at Christ's expense I want to talk about the grace of God this morning and for those who do not know me my name is Nick voltage I'm a president of a non-profit ministry called life without limbs based in Southern California right here in Los Angeles and it's fantastic just to be able to be used by God I'm even in my circumstance showing the strength of God showing that we can have joy happiness and a fulfilling limitless life because we serve a limitless God and I'm 26 years old and for those who don't know what happened to me I was actually born this way but I thank my my mum and dad all the time and you know they say well thank God we couldn't do it without Jesus Christ by our side one day at a time you know as I get older it's interesting as my parents my dad especially is opening up to me about details specific details of even that moment when I was born there was no medical reason no warning at all and I found out that my dad took a lead in in in holding me not at first but he was the first to hold me my mum it took her four months to come to terms with it she didn't breastfeed me she found it very very difficult to hold me for four months she held me but for very short periods I don't know if I would even go that far if I was my mother if I was my father would I be able to hold my son in that shock in that in that insufficiency my mum and dad were leaders of a church and my dad's been a lay pastor for 26 years and even the most faithful servants of God and even the most greatest faithful men and women of God that we read in the Bible there are many times where we have a sobering thought of our insufficiency my father I have many great memories of him and he's still alive today and I thank God that he's alive but at age 8 I went up to my mom and dad and and my mom actually told me I forgot this my mom and she told me at age 8 they NICU came crying to me one day and you were you were saying you're gonna kill yourself and and she asked me why why do you what do you say that and I say well who's gonna look after me after you and dad are gone and she said God and I you know 10 years old I tried to give up in life I didn't see that hope I didn't understand the grace of God for if God has wonderful grace and power then why just let me have pain in my life and you know what happened one night I was really upset my dad came up to me and he said Nick I love you and God loves you and long after I'm gone God is going to be your father I have a wonderful heavenly father who loves me so much and I want to share with you that grace of God you know I was speaking at a conference in 2002 one of my first speaking engagements I was very nervous my palms are sweating my knees were shaking and I didn't know what to say then I my palm cards I couldn't find my palms but this this wheelchair here this is my wheelchair to my left this is my BMW 7-series and after preaching this lady came up and she said you know Nick some people say I see the love of God in the sky and in creation and mountain she said I don't understand that but I looked at your wheelchair and I understood the grace of God what a beautiful time for me to be born I mean you've got I have wheelchair I have an iPhone man you know I've got hands-free phones you know I'm saying I've got it we've got a website and Facebook and Twitter and all these things you know I love it how how we gonna we're gonna not take things for granted grace of God everyday I can't even breathe my next breath without him I have life the greatest gift of all I have an opportunity to extend the kingdom of God and I'm not sure if I shared this last time when I was talking about faith couple months ago but I was talking to some friends in Texas Dallas his name's William Noble and he said Nick there's only going to be two questions when we go to heaven in his opinion I said what's that he said God's gonna ask me Nick do you know me and second who'd you bring and I'm thinking wow you know we have a 96 year old father here my grandfather's 93 years old and both of my grandfather's were preachers and he's still preaching to his wife and it's amazing that you know life is always an uphill climb but the higher you climb the more you see and when you feel like falling guess who's standing right by me that's Jesus Christ to fulfill the purposes of God and I want to read from Romans five first eight verses it says therefore having been justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ last time I talked about faith this one I want to talk about verse 2 it says through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God and not only that but we also glory in tribulations knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance character and character hope now hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us for when we were still without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous and we'll one die yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die we're going to understand the grace of God why does God love me because he's loved he doesn't even love me as an evangelist because of what I do he doesn't love me I can't I can't save anybody I can't even save my own soul but I am seeking God's face you know when when some people talk about you know wanting things from God seek his face seek you first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added hope does not disappoint true hope false hope is anything but in Jesus Christ you know for me in my life grace is to be thankful grace is to be able to even read the Word of God my flesh doctor Shula he will tell you how many times preachers around the world will get up on Sunday morning and and maybe feel there is a concern or there is an emptiness and we're god help us to preach not even in our own strength can we preach no even in our own strength can we read and pray my flesh doesn't want me to open the Word of God and say you need to change yourself you have sin in your life I don't want to hear that I don't want to you know we want to be comfortable in our life I like this I like that but grace is that we even see who Jesus Christ is you know Martha and Mary who was the one in the kitchen who was it Martha she was busy doing and where was Mary at the feet of Jesus was not only that Mary got to see later on at the tube it's amazing I love Jesus I love God because his grace is sufficient and I want to thank God that he even said no to my prayer you know what a sad day would have been in heaven if I had enough time to ask God God out of all the mistakes I did wrong when I was eight years old I prayed for arms and legs is it wrong for me to ask for arms and legs can you imagine if God gave me arms and legs at age eight and that was not what God had intended to do for my life he wanted me to be the miracle he made me to be can you imagine if I said God out of all the things I've done wrong what was the biggest one that stood out and he said Nick I made you without arms and legs you were perfect just the way that you were and you asked me for arms legs and because I love you I gave you arms and legs and you said Nick if only if you ask me for my will and not your will two hundred thousand more Souls would have come to the Lord Jesus Christ and would have been here in heaven that's grace its grace to live it's grace to die because I want to go to heaven it's grace to learn it's grace to relearn how many times have we relearn something well thank God he doesn't give up on us God will not give up on you if seek Him you will find him maybe you were also caught up in a drug addiction and you came to the Lord Jesus Christ and you went to church but what differed from this other powerful testimony was that you went they may be back to drugs what God still loves you he's still there his promises are there keep on seeking and you will find him I couldn't go through my depression on my own I can't forget the disappointments in my life that paralyzed me we serve a limitless God not only will he give you grace to get through it but to achieve all you can I want to share with you a story I've never shared before it's hard when you are based in a Western society based country to go to Africa or go to Indonesia and see grace you have pity you have compassion for we see how much more we have out here but I want to share with you an amazing grace story Indonesian people I love them butchy to Han means praise God and I've been to Indonesia three times and one of the things that happen in Indonesia is our DVD that is on our website laughs without limbs dot-org got into the hands of many and we thank God that these DVDs have been used in prisons and orphanages and churches and so forth but in Indonesia we found out that there were a hundred and fifty thousand black market and copied DVDs and when the governor or the coordinator came up he said Nick I am so sorry I'm so sorry about the Indonesia people I said what's wrong he said the black market they don't understand copyright copyright copyright right to copyright to copy but we thank God you want to know why because only if one soul is the Gospel message Who am I to charge Who am I to ask anything because the gospel was freely given and I freely give the forgiveness of God was freely received and we freely forgive and said don't worry pastor hon honey it's all good I didn't say please God that night I said thank you God it's not about always you know help I get so excited what I preach my hands fly everywhere okay I'm just gonna make sure that I don't go over time I want you to understand something one more thing with prayer you can have 100 people praying for you but if your hearts not in your prayers we could have a hundred people praying for your heart and your situation and we pray you know what the biggest barriers that you get on your knees that is where power is that is where grace is that I as a brother in Christ would pray for you and that you would find the grace of God to humble yourself and ask for forgiveness and renewing of mind back to Indonesia I was speaking one Sunday seven times three services in the morning for services at night I was very tired for lunch we went into a Chinese restaurant and as we walked in you know when my caregivers they carry me in we look like Siamese twins because we carry torso the torso and so one heads facing this way and another heads facing that way it was so funny so every time someone carries me I mean you know we went into his restaurant the restaurant stops the people eating the waitresses they all stop they're looking at me because I'm so good-looking I'm joking they stop and we go to our VIP table it's a long conference table about 12 of us and I wasn't too sure you know who was who and we sat down and this lady came this this maybe she was at that time night mmm 21 years old she came up to the door and she's crying crying crying crying oh no I uh what's wrong was wrong and she's speaking Indonesian and you know I want translation you know I don't have the gift of interpretation you know I want to know what is you saying and they don't tell me because they're all in captured by what she's saying and they start crying I said hello can someone just fill me in here so they tell me a historian and and she was living in a house with her parents I don't know how big to I don't have hands to show you but as big as this little platform it's about I don't know forty feet by 20 feet okay living in a house with a family who go out to the rubbish dumps the trash dumps to pick up plastic that's how they made their money to survive a dollar a day this family survived the greatest gift of God that she ever had that she felt was so dear to her was her family and a mother and father separated she said god I can't do this I think it's worse being in a broken home than having no arms no legs she said God you've taken away the most dear thing I can't do this she said that's it this is my last time I'm going to church and next Tuesday she plane down the head she's going to give up she's going to run away and hide herself and give up she went to church on Sunday she said God I give up on you the pasta showed a black marketed DVD of life without limbs all the way in Indonesian she said if God had a plan for Nick if Nick didn't give up on God then I'm not gonna give up on God she started praying for a job six months later God gave her a job where in the Chinese restaurant where I just happened to have lunch and she said Nick I want to go to Bible College but it's so hard to go to the Bible and she shared a little bit about myself she said I live in this Chinese restaurant and I sleep on the concrete floor I said you sleep on that floor she said yes I saw bugs and everything I thought I can't imagine she left the room and I said come back after we eat and I'm so disturbed by God how can I help this woman please help me to help her and I'm so disturbed about her sleeping on the concrete floor and she's away from her family and this guy to my right he says Nick do you know how hard it is to go into a Bible College I said no he said there's only one Bible College in the whole region and you have to pay this in this amount of money and if you have the money there's a 12 month waiting list for an entrance exam and if you sit the entrance exam only one percent of the people actually get it he starts smiling and said Nick you're very disturbed that she sleeps on the concrete floor I said yes he's that's why I said what he's smiling her he said you don't know who I am I said no I don't know who you I said I'm the pastor of the church that you just spoke at and we have on-site accommodation and if you want to put up some money we'll give her her own condo her own apartment I said how much is it he told me how much I said boom we'll get it done I'm like oh this is so cool she's gonna have a home I can't wait for her to come back I'm gonna throw you're gonna get out of his place it's gonna be so cool and then this guy to my left he starts crying it's not smiling I said what are you smiling he said Nick I'm a businessman I want to pay for the whole thing I said no no I want to take I want to pay for it I want to do all I want to even retire her you know how much money does she make and they said well probably a dollar and I said don't worry about it I'll cover that that's okay I want her to be free and to doing what Jesus wants to do and then a man from the other side of the table I'm thinking their house she's still gonna go to Bible College this man on the other side of the table he is smiling I said what are you smile you he said Nick I'm the president of the Bible College grace of God is never empty and if you have a cup and you want to fill the ocean in the cup you're not you cannot fill the cup with the ocean but only if the cup is Hollow can the ocean pass through the cup I and am an empty vessel of God may God bless you may God surround you with His grace through your circumstances to accomplish all that he has to be thankful to pray and to trust father in the name of Jesus may you touch each and every one of us with your grace and your love and we thank you Lord that you are our Father no matter what we do you still love us because we are your children in the name of Jesus we ask for healing chains to be broken eyes to be open in your mighty name we pray amen may the Lord bless you and keep you
Channel: flyingalbert
Views: 29,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nick, Vujicic, Jesus, Christ
Id: Fjn7I29nTyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2011
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