Niall Horan Gets the Shakes While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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yeah I don't think this was a good material to wear on the show holy moly I know here we go hey what's going on everybody for first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Niall Horan you can catch him as a first time coach on NBC's hit show The Voice which returns for season 23 March 7th and more exciting news we have brand new music the single which is Lovely by the way is called Heaven as well as his newly announced album the show which is set to drop on June 8th but available for pre-order now Niall Horan welcome to the show thank you it's great to be here um I'm very nervous Sean well I feel like this has been kind of years in the making you know finally we're pushed in the room together what's going through your head as you prepare to take on the wings of death oh well I love watching the show I'll let you know how I feel doing it um I'm a huge fan I love what you've done and it's a it's just a genius concept and I've always wanted to do it and everyone was like blown away when I told them that I was doing it and I'm I'm seeing it in front of me and it's making me scared and people were walking around with gloves on bringing in milk and water I'm like ah I've already started sweating let's go [Music] okay right here we go [Music] hmm [Music] classic [Music] you're teasing me so as you mentioned in your intro it's your first time releasing new solo music in nearly three years announcing the name for your third album the show and then just days ago dropping a music video for the lead single heaven I'm always curious how an artist decides on a lead single especially after a prolonged Hiatus like what was it about heaven that screamed to you that this is the song that fan should hear first I think it's one of those songs that the concept sums up what you're going to hear from the record it's a it's a life big thought song um and it also gives like everything sonically um you know production wise everything is kind of all in in heaven so when you it's a good tee up for what you're going to get from the rest of the record it's a good sing-along when we wrote the song we were having a great time anyone who played it to since kind of sings along with sings along with the melody and um yeah so it's just kind of a everyone agreed that this should be the first single [Music] right let's do it what's that flavor maybe you're picking up like the ranch it could be just straight Ranch that you're picking up yeah it's kind of like a pickly oh yeah yeah pickle vibe to it maybe yeah I like that one there we go do I get to keep all of these actually you totally do it yeah we back them all up for you and give them to you on your way out amazing right I I do tend to lean for a hot sauce with most dinners I have or lunches or whatever oh okay cool boss I don't want to be that guy I've seen too many people come on here and be like I'm gonna nail this and then they're crying spitting into buckets and yeah that was that one was nice here we go your lead single Heaven it has these gear shifts that are so Dynamic so Sublime within them from a songwriting perspective what's the key to an effective bridge in your opinion oh um do you know what I've been doing a lot recently doing the pre again doing the doing doing the pre-chorus again um but yeah Bridges is just like sometimes it's like a tension and release kind of thing you've got a lot of information in Verse Chorus Verse Chorus and then it's just a complete departure to to get away to the bridge and give them some new information in the story I'm always trying to find if you can't find a good Bridge the trick is to go back to do the pre again do the pre-chorus again that's that yeah if you can't get a good Bridge you get to a certain point at the end of the second chorus and you go for a new thing new chords new Melody and it doesn't work got the old pretty backup [Music] yeah he looks dangerous this guy yeah for sure all right here we go here we go this is tasty what's oh it's got It's got it yeah it's got a little after kick you know yeah exactly I think sometimes these sauces they hear you compliment them and then bang slap in the face slap in the face that's what you get for underestimating me um wow okay now it's starting to heat up I get what you mean okay I'm still okay number three the fact that it tipped me at number three me too though if it makes you feel any better all right we're in the same boat here we're in the same boat so your new role as a coach on NBC's The Voice is a true full circle moment going from the audition stage where your career began to now your role of coach and Mentor from your spinning chair Throne you strike me as a really nice guy how do you navigate the role that rejection plays in a music competition show like The Voice yeah I'll be honest but that's the part I've struggled with um because I know what it's like to be 16 and stood on a stage I'm looking at some famous dude that's got um your future in his hands the easy part is pressing the red button spinning the chair saying how you like someone but when you spend its chair turns around and you're not with them how do you give them that rejection feedback um and that's where that's where I've struggled with it but it's it's full circle stuff and it's um gotta say I've really really enjoyed it apart from the rejection I really enjoyed it I would Nile the coach of today judge's own 2010 audition I wouldn't have turned it was a right place right time um no I've I've I don't think I want to turn for myself put it that way a turn for me now I've learned a lot I've been around the block a couple of times uh which is a lot can be said for someone who's 29 but um yeah I I turned now I wouldn't have turned that that's the truth [Music] okay here we go [Music] and I think it almost goes down a shift you know we're going down the gear here don't speak too soon though don't speak too soon we're going back to the pre-chorus exactly no Bridge just yet yeah don't need that complete departure until the bomb it looks so scary the bomb but don't take yourself out yet don't take yourself good stuff I've made it to four and I haven't puke or anything yeah they can't take that away from you now can't take that away from yeah how did it go well I got past four without snots running down my face so they can't take that away from you right so while music is your first love I know that you have a passion for golf that began as a kid in childhood staying up late so you could watch the masters from Ireland and then here you are all these years later playing some of the best golf courses in the world with the single digit handicap when you think back on all the pro-ams and celebrity tournaments you've played to date what has been your crowning golf achievement wow that's a that's a good question I made uh I played Riviera in the Genesis open uh with my good friend Justin Rose about five years ago and I wasn't very good at the time but somehow I made five real-life birdies on the back nine uh which is I've never done ever since and I probably never do again to make five birdies in nine holes but I don't know where it came from and we ended up winning the proa so it was uh that was that was a good golfing achievement do you have a go-to swing thought um I've about five or six uh Tempo is my number one tempo yeah like keep it slow I always hear like my friend Justin always says that pretend you're like winding up a like a Jack In The Box slow back quick through kinetic energy apparently and then do you have a 19th Hole tradition uh about six points against us there we go yeah that's the way to do it I'll do it that's the way to do it six points again it's in an Uber home leave the car in the parking lot guys all right good advice are you ready to move on here to the halfway point you're doing great by the way here we go so this next one is the Brooklyn Deli ghost pepper sauce Brooklyn that oh I've seen this one before [Music] I like that well here it comes yeah Slow Burn leaves kind of uh a trail behind you know it's long too it's not one of those quick Snappy oh holy moly I wasn't expecting that all right now we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that gram where we do a deep dive in our guest Instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so we'll pull the picture up over here on the monitor you just tell us the bigger story right ah there he is what's the most Scottish thing about Lewis Capaldi and what would he say is the most Irish thing about you everything is Scottish about Louis there's nothing else about him uh he's the most Scottish man I've ever met um his ability to hold his accent no matter where he goes no matter who he's speaking to and not give two flying F's uh as to if they can understand him or not that's the most Scottish thing ever well I've kind of spent so much time in America that over the years I've realized maybe I should slow down um because they actually don't understand what I'm saying like people will look at me with like like I've got 10 heads um Lewis's ability to not care is the his most Scottish thing and he would he I think he's actually talking faster to Americans to see how much he can annoy first time uh myself and Lewis met Sean we were in we were in a bar and like it was a club kind of vibe in L.A yeah yeah yeah and uh West Hollywood nightclub Vibe yeah through and through I don't know why we were there but we were there anyway and um Sean you come over and uh to say hello and I was like I don't give a [ __ ] what anyone says man this is the most Starstruck I've ever been and he was deadly serious can I take your number I want to come on the show he was cracking me up he was like well two of us I was like this is sick you're cracking me up too but you know what it's nice to get that kind of a hero's welcome yeah I'm walking into a dark cavernous nightclub yes right now where they're going around it's all sorts going on in there and then we see you like it's uh yeah we're both huge fans oh yeah what a night and you know what we've gotten you in here now now we just have to get Louis yeah it's easy thank you all right here we go no afterburn we're good you think you're good yeah oh do I think I'm good hopefully we're good hopefully we're good do I think I'm good or are you telling me that I'm expecting should be expecting something you know sometimes this one hits a little bit later I was nervous coming in here and I should still be nervous but I don't want to be that guy that like I want I want to see myself her spray and like not throwing everywhere else yeah it's better it's better TV do you have a most thrilling memory from the pitch reflecting back on your multiple soccerite appearances I remember one time I played a game at uh Old Trafford Manchester United Stadium the first time I ever played it and I've got bad knees so I was only going to play like 15-20 minutes anyway but I remember walking onto the pitch and the first person that passed me the ball was Ronaldinho and the second person that passed me the ball was kafu it was I bought to those guys that won a World Cup and I'm just looking around the pitch and it's just like legend legend World Cup winner Champions League winner Premier League winner and me with the book with the skinny legs and the bucket he needs um soccer head is just like it's the best it's like our dream and we get to play with Legends like that it's such a cool thing I can't stop staring at the bomb right like it Telltale Hearts you a little bit right all right I haven't touched the milk yet I've noticed that I've noticed that by the way clock that all right are you ready to move on here to Sauce number seven I guess I am so this next one dreams of calypso okay foreign [Music] my way around here I'm afraid to like go and get the little bits in case they're spicy right yeah and let's like it activates something yeah kick something loose all right oh that's got a look at that kick that's a prolonged one it took a while to get there and then it just goes boom exactly we have a little bit of like a cumulative effect I think you know I feel like after we're not seven we're just layering one on to the next over here you know so I've heard you talk about the influence that the 70s has on you bands like the eagles Fleetwood Mac but I'm curious how much of your songwriting instincts do you simply attribute to Growing Up in Ireland and being steeped in such a rich tradition of words yeah I've always kind of grown up on that and grown up on singing Irish singer songwriters like Damien Rice and things like that so he's obviously played a big part in what I do excuse me kicking in now excuse them off that's really rude isn't it but I'm sure yeah you have a real Long Leash real long news but um how I naturally write would have a Celtic influence and then lyrics yeah lead into that kind of story telling that we are kind of known for I'm not James Joyce but you know if you were to walk into a country pub and somebody gave you an acoustic guitar is there a go-to song that you'd go to first to win the room over oh that's a great question but you can't go wrong with the fields of athenry that's a big Irish kind of like uh big Irish Pub Anthem um anywhere that's anywhere that's heard in Ireland that gets sung along too usually when I go into a bar unless they were handed to me in the first drink or two don't come near me after a few everyone's like come on sing us a song I'm like no okay I can't I shouldn't because it'd be a disaster and people have phones these days right right I don't want to be seen all over this containment yeah is there an Irish slang maybe specifically Connie westmeath that you can't shake no matter how many spins around the world you take that's such a good question I need a second on that one foreign like I'm cheering you on go on go on well on that topic this next Wing is to bomb Beyond Insanity my message now go on go on oh you did you take that one up priorities I can't be look at the color of it compared to the rest of them I mean I'm trying to find my side there's much I actually got the shakes right I've been nervous about this for about seven years [Music] oh oh no no here it comes and this is just there's the perspiration that Brian Cranston was talking about nothing can prepare you for it and that you were talking about you know you're like I want this to kick in let's get it going that good TV you were asking for like it was just in the mouths before now it's everywhere yeah yeah I don't think this was a good material to wear on the show holy moly I know here we go I know I'm going into Sean is a dangerous Society this I want to see myself first not throwing everywhere yeah it's better TV wow I know please tell me it's downhill from here please so it'll probably continue to grow on us just a little bit really right once this kind of mushroom cloud of the bomb clears on the other side of it it's all downhill it's all downhill but the next I don't know 45 seconds to a minute and a half we're in the storm we're in the storm Nile careful careful there you go I already made the mistake they're almost almost had your One Direction band mate Liam Payne on the show he told this story about how he playfully trashed your car then took a picture of yeah and then posted it to the internet but never blurred out the license plate what do you remember about the Fallout of having your car tracked by fans for a time I remember just going why did you do that um it's outside the studio I was in recording the vocal holy moly I know I know no comment your honor um it's got me shaking that one it was outside the studio I was inside doing a vocal and I came back out and him and Louis had like put garden chairs all over the car it was like mops buckets about 10 rolls of toilet rolled and he just took a picture and put it on the internet and there was my license plate all over the Internet no not even a fear of blurring it out [Music] I really get it now folks this is not as easy as it looks I've always you know you know those people it's like I'm like it I've seen it before I've watched the show a thousand times you kind of there is an element of or that spicy but also is it right are they acting are they doing it right it's natural right when you're watching the show you're like oh well yeah yeah and then you end up in the sea different story it's just a step the edges of my lips and the tip of my tongue are just on fire now for the rest of the day I hope I hope not okay please say this is easy right yep but no nowhere near not like the last one not like the last one it's just adding to what the bomb did yeah sometimes it can kind of like wake the bomb up again you know yeah yeah when the bums starts to go to sleep Undertaker in the coffin coming up Taco Vibes comes in and goes kind of outdoor amphitheaters that you find in the United States what makes a place like Red Rocks your favorite stage to perform on yeah I love the amphitheaters um nothing better than going on stage when the sun's setting and on the last tour we sold it out and I was like Blown Away one of the better nights of My Life um you've got all you can see is all these beautiful rocks and an ocean of people just a really really really cool experience I do I enjoy the amphitheaters in general you feel like you're on tour when you're playing the amphitheaters all right Nyle I made it [Music] I need to do it with two hands in case yeah there you go get a bit aggressive Slow Hands [Laughter] there you go that's perfect that's perfect yeah happy with that I'm happy with that I can't believe we're at number 10 I never thought it was right Cheers Cheers thanks for having me of course thanks for coming in [Music] body in the wings long overdue whoa I know [Music] the dab yeah kind of fell off the wing and hit the back of my throat straight away that happens oh I've been there I know well that's not far off the bomb maybe it's because I think accumulation but and I think it might have been just the way in which it attacked you you know plus it was just a bullseye Landing yeah nothing fun about that nothing fun about that but the worst is over we're in the clear and before we get to this final question I have to give you some context all right so back in 2017 Liam said in his interview that you're his favorite person to grab a cheeky beer with okay and back in 2017 when that episode was being worked on by one of our editors Mari okay she was pregnant at the time thinking about baby names lots of things bouncing around in her head and no joke just the way that he said cheeky beer with Niall that's what inspired her to actually name her firstborn son Niall all right that I thought you were going to say she was going to call the bear the baby Cheeky beer also a good name that baby half years old okay and we're gonna go to the monitor because Nile and Mari final Wing 10 question for you that is crazy by the way so I want you to meet Nyle oh my god um and he's cute like my favorite song is uh here can you tell him what your favorite song is um yeah her spirit song is what makes you beautiful and while I do love that song um we've heard it quite a few times now so I was just wondering if you can recommend another song for a mom in a car um that would be played many times over and over again for a five-year-old okay love you Niall needs a new Nile song I can't believe that that's amazing I knew that Nile became a popular name at one point but um I didn't see the way that yeah it coalesced with hot ones to actually you know yeah um okay great question um he likes What Makes You Beautiful uh Heaven by Niall Horan you can stream it now you heard that Nile go check it out grab your mom's credit card and look at you yeah I caught that right yeah go again do that again all right you know what I gotta nail the Dismount and look at you Niall Horan taking on the wings of death living to tell the tale now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life thank you for watching I've got my new song Heaven that's out right now I've got my album called the show it's coming out June 9th and I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you some more soon [Applause] I believe in it holy crap oh Liberty listen where are we going just [Music] you know what's so good I like I I didn't he wasn't even looking at you and I knew what to do because I watched that many times wow hot ones fans breaking news the three and one boneless bites challenge is back for a limited time you can put your taste buds to the test against some of our most iconic flavors the classic Los Calientes and the peak of heat Apollo but don't fret hot ones fans even when the three in one challenge leaves the freezer aisle you can still pick up your favorite flavor of hot ones boneless bites visit for more information on products and to find a store near you because it's time to bring the Heat home
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 2,054,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, niall horan, niall horan the voice, niall horan interview, one direction, x factor, the voice, harry styles, zayn, niall, horan, liam payne
Id: QnoG0a7dZk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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