Nextcloud Quick Tip - Add or Delete Data for a User Directly on the Server

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hi there guys so i hope you're all having a great holiday time over christmas and you're not back at work already now this video is a next cloud quick tip video all about copying moving and deleting files directly in the next cloud share sounds interesting then let's get started so a super quick video here a quick tip for nexcloud we all know that we can upload files to nexcloud either through the web ui or through the next cloud client and we had a look at doing that in the earlier next cloud videos but are there any other ways we can get files into nextcloud or if we want to bulk delete files out of next cloud so now let's go across onto my unraid server and then head across to the shares tab this share here that we created for next cloud obviously if we open it up it contains all of the files and folders for each user on the next cloud server inside a folder based on the username of the particular user and inside that users folder in a subfolder called files all of that uses files and folders are stored in there so any files or folders that you upload through the web ui or through the desktop client or even making next cloud they end up here okay so we know that each user when it's created it makes a subdirectory here with the username and all of the files inside so what would happen if we actually went into one of the user's folders here into its files and then made some changes maybe deleted some files or uploaded some files could we do that and what would happen well let's have a look and see so i'm going to open up this location in this file browser here here's my folder here ed and the files so what i'm going to do is i'm going to delete some files here let's delete these and also in the photos folder i'm going to add two photos okay so let's minimize this now and go back to next cloud and have a look at the files here well the files we deleted it still thinks they're here and if i go into the photos folder here those two photos are siberian huskies that i put in here they're not here at all now the reason for that is when we upload something to next cloud it adds it to the database so it knows what's where but what we can do we can force nexcloud to rescan the library and therefore see any changes to the file system so to do that we need to go back to the unread web ui go to the docker tab here and go to the next cloud container and open the console window into it and i'm going to type sudo space hyphen u space abc then a space and php space now i'll put this in the description so you can copy and paste it but the location is forward slash config forward slash www forward slash next cloud then console.php then space and then files colon scan space hyphen hyphen all so with that command put in i'm going to hit enter and what this does is scan through all of our users folders checking for any file system changes and making the necessary updates so we can see them in next cloud now in the command i just used you'll notice at the end it's hyphen hyphen all now this scans all of the users now if i wanted to instead of hyphen hyphen all i could have just put the name of the user so for me the end of the command could have been files colon scan space add and then it would have scanned just my user folder and left all of the other user folders alone which is useful if you've got a lot of users on the next cloud server or just a few users and they've got a lot of files the scanning the individual user will be a lot quicker but the advantage of using hyphen hyphen all is well you can make changes to more than one user's files at once or just because you want to double check that all of the files are correct in the other users as well okay so let's check and see if that's fixed it so i'm going to close this window now and i'm going to go back to next cloud and now if i refresh this page we can see these files have gone there's two recent photos here and so if i go onto my photos tab here we can see these two files have been added okay great so it's all working so there are a few reasons why you might want to add files or delete files using this method and one is you've got an old next cloud instance that's no longer working and have been files uploaded there in the past well you can recreate all of the users on the new next cloud server then copy the old data from the broken next cloud pop it into the user's files rescan the files and then you've recreated your next cloud with the users and the data and another reason might be as the administrator of the next cloud server you might have a time when you need to actually delete some data from inside some users folders so you can easily do that without having to actually access the individual accounts you can do it locally on the next cloud server then rescan the files and all's good and obviously you just might want to upload a whole bunch of data to your own account this way because you don't want to use the client or you don't want to use the web ui now like i've said before it is possible to be able to link whole shares from the unraid server into your next cloud and share them out to users or even people just on the internet who don't have next cloud and that's what we're going to be looking at in the next video and i'll be uploading that video i think on thursday now but if you enjoyed this next cloud quick tip video i'd really appreciate you hitting up that like button and if you're not a subscriber and you like this video hey maybe this video persuaded you it's worth subscribing anyway guys i just want to say to all of my patrons and supporters thank you so much guys for all of your support i really couldn't do this without you and just thanks to everyone who watches my videos i hope you all had a great christmas and you're going to have a great new year too well for now it's time for me to go but whatever you're up to for the rest of the day i hope it's good and i'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Spaceinvader One
Views: 14,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zdj7IHJHWjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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