How to Sync 7TB or over 1'000'000 Files to Nextcloud Faster!

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in the last part of my how to build a home server tutorial series I have showed you guys how to install and set up next cloud on your own private home server if you haven't seen this video then definitely check it out in the card right now and in today's video I'm gonna show you guys how to efficiently transfer large volumes of data from your main computer onto your cloud and for that we want to start with a clean next cloud client so the unload next cloud click on login now enter your IP address of your home server and if you set up TLS then don't forget to add HTTPS before entering the IP address now this message will pop up because you are now connecting locally to your home server you don't want to connect over the Internet and have all of your traffic from your main computer go over the Internet your home server if it's in the same local network and therefore the hostname so the IP address doesn't match up with the name that the certificate expects next you want to connect to your account so click on login enter the username and password of your admin account on next cloud click on login and now grant access now on this screen is very important that you don't click on sync everything from the server and instead click on skip folder configuration next let's go through the steps of just syncing a folder from your computer with your next cloud instance for that click on add folder sync connection pick a local folder that you'd like to sync in my case we are going to attempt syncing the YouTube / assets folder click on next and since we've not yet set up a dedicated folder on next cloud click on create folder enter the name of the remote folder click on next and add sync connection now as you can see data is being transferred but it's actually being transferred rather slowly so in order to transfer all of the 230 gigabytes it's probably gonna take about one day or so which is absolutely ridiculous so now let's have a look at how to more efficiently transfer data from your computer onto your next cloud let's say for example that I want to transfer this folder that's about 4 gigabytes of size on to my next cloud so to more efficiently do that click on the start icon enter CMD to open up the comment prompt now change drives by typing in the drive letter so in my case Y followed by a column you can display all of the contents of a folder by typing in there and if you're at the right place you can now copy over entire folders on to your next cloud by typing in SCP - R P where R stands for recursive whereas the P ensures that all of the time steps of your files that you're transferring are going to be preserved this is super important because if you don't put in the P then what will happen is as soon as you enable the next cloud connection with the next cloud client it will actually redownload all of these files within the folder as it thinks that they have been changed on the server so make sure to use these exact options then enter the name of the folder that you want to transfer followed by your Linux username so this is not the next cloud user name here and the IP address of your next cloud instance : the path where you actually want to save your data into in my case this is Mount cloud data then my user name so Roman files and then the folder that you're copying enter the password for the user that are using to access your server and wait until all of the data has been transferred as you can see we're transferring at a healthy 900 megabits so that's pretty much the speed limit off Gigabit Ethernet once the transfer is done you can hop back onto your server and in the files directory you can see that the thumbnails folder now exists if you change directory into this folder you can see that all of the timestamps are preserved however if you browse to your next cloud you find that the thumbnails folder isn't there so in order to make next cloud aware of the changes on the server you're going to have to scan the directories and this is done by typing in sudo next cloud OCC files colon scan - - path then the path to the directory where if now added some files in my case this is rhomin slash files slash thumbnails and hit enter now after a while you can see that next cloud has successfully added 452 files in one folder and upon reloading your next cloud you can see that the thumbnails folder is there including all of the files now finally back on the computer where you uploaded the files from in the next slump client click on add folder sync connection browse to the location off the folder that you've just uploaded click on next and select the folder that you've just created on next clouds click on add sync folders and as you can see the connection is immediately in sync now let's up the game a little bit and synchronize an entire hard drive from my local PC on to my next cloud in this case and then transfer the entire YouTube drive which is about 4 terabytes of size right now with my next cloud in the data directory of your next slot installation create a folder for the hard drive that you want to sync so in my case I'm gonna create the YouTube folder make sure that this folder is absolutely empty back on your main computer open up a CMD and change the rectory to the hard drive that you want to copy over onto your next cloud type in SCP - RP followed by a star that indicates that you want to copy all of the files in the current directory and finally again your Linux username your IP address of your next cloud server followed by the location of the folder that you've just created as you can see we're transferring once again at about 900 megabits per second which means that this 4 terabyte folder is going to be copied onto our home server in about 10 hours after all of the files are successfully transferred you once again want to initiate a scan for new files with next cloud by typing in sudo next cloud dot you see files colon scan - - path to the directory where you choose copied your entire drive into since we transferred a lot of data this will take a few minutes finally back on your computer click on add folder sync connection select the drive that you've just transferred search for the corresponding folder on next cloud click on next and add some connection now next cloud will check for any changes in the folder you've just added but after a few minutes you should see this green checkmark and with that you cannot finally actually start using your own clouds now if you're interested in subsequent videos regarding installing certain plugins for next cloud then definitely leave a comment down below if you like this video leave a like if it is liked it leave it as like subscribe for more content like this thank you very much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Game Guides
Views: 57,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech guides, techguides, how to sync files nextcloud, how to sync files fast nextcloud, fast file transfer nextcloud, tansfer files faster to nextcloud, nextcloud sync, sync files without nextcloud client, sync files no client nextcloud, sync without nextcloud client, sync large files nextcloud, transfer large files nextcloud, how to sync large files to nextcloud faster, nextcloud sync slow, sync many files nextcloud slow, sync huge number of files nextcloud slow
Id: 3v5T5czXTcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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