New Zealand's School Without Rules
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Channel: SBS Dateline
Views: 1,452,887
Rating: 4.8351574 out of 5
Keywords: SBS, Dateline, Swanson, School, Auckland, New Zealand, rules, no, play, time, break, recess, free range, Bruce McLachlan, principal, Professor, Grant Schofield, University, Technology, Dani Isdale, children, education, alternative, fun, discipline
Id: r1Y0cuufVGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 21 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I would love to know why his rule is "dont kill anyone" rather than "dont hurt someone". Also, bigger kids breaking up fights is great, I can guarantee back when I was in school and young we would have encouraged fighting between younger kids. But the boards with rusty nails should still be removed from the playground.
The weird thing is that students learn if they are motivated. So having the teacher being there or not doesn't really matter as long as the motivation remains the same. With laptops, PC's and older students you don't need teachers to teach but just adults to make sure they don't destroy things or fight.
This is fantastic! I wish I could go back and live those recesses.
What an awesome sub! and what an awesome video! Who would of thought you take away the cotton wool kids work themselves out ;)
So it's full Ancap?