School in New Zealand and Argentina | Planet School | S01 E03 | Free Documentary

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[Music] we all know what school is like we went every day but these scores are different they're never boring and never ordinary dear children have fun here children play important roles here children make dreams come true here children push their boundaries and here children surpassed their own expectations planet school shows us what it's like to go to a very special kind of school [Music] Mia lives in Paraguay but she goes to school every day in Argentina a border girl who studies in the country next door and is crazy about her homeland I think Argentinians and para crimes can live in peace like sister and brother and later Mira school in New Zealand is this place in the woods learning in and from nature today's subject buoyancy how to build a raft that floats 5 a.m. in Nana WA a small village in the South American country of Paraguay yeah time to get up Mia eleven-year-old Mia is always woken up by her grandma before sunrise even though she's still tired she's got to get out of bed mia has a long day ahead of her I have lots to do before school that's why I get up early the strange thing vias school is not in Paraguay but in neighboring Argentina per village Nanoha is 10 kilometers from the border between the two countries and Mia's school is 5 kilometers further across the border into Argentina the way there is an adventure a 1 hour boat ride and more than one hour on foot Mia is the only one in her class from Paraguay all the other children are Argentinean Argentina has a better educational system that's why many mothers from Paraguay go to Argentina to have their children their children like Mia are then allowed to go to school there my school is great it doesn't matter where you come from by what or what your skin colors whether you're from Paraguay or Argentina sees all biological Cantino everyone is treated the same body white Mia's day is booked solid done school doesn't begin until the afternoon beforehand Mia has to go to the market with a grandmother and take care of the animals this is toto my parent where are you children come to your mom Mia's parents got divorced many years ago since then Mia has lived with her grandparents I live with my grandparents my brother and all my animals Mia's grandma is like a mother to her and today Mia needs her advice she's supposed to give a report at school about her native country grandma today a report and my performance you lived in Paris where I'm much longer than I have what can I say about it tell them about our animals about our milk and meat many Paraguayans are farmers we all have to work hard to survive here see my friend and if they asked me to say something in Guarani like how do you say I'm milking the cow or Daniella lapa I need that what what Annie is a very special language only people in Paraguay can speak and understand it Warren II was originally spoken by Paraguay 'he's native inhabitants [Music] in my village Nana what is a tiny place in Paraguay but it's also huge do you know what I mean Nana wah is between two rivers I thought maybe that's why hardly anyone lives here on the other hand we have more space for animals - and since the village is so remote mia has quite a long distance to cover first in the market and then on to school Mia's brother I dough is also coming kids don't dawdle at 7:00 a.m. the family leaves together the path to the border is not entirely safe first the three of them have to paddle to the other side of the river we have to take the boat no one likes it but if you didn't mind it's really hard work but the water is so high that all the footpaths are flooded I tried to paddle to the other side for myself but the wind was so strong that it pushed me back and the boat got stuck in the cantaloupe the grass over there and I I lost my paddle luckily I managed in the end I was so afraid I thought I had to stay in the boat forever after one hour in the rickety boat the first part of the journey to school is over [Music] Mia's family has a stand at the market along with her brother and grandma she gets everything ready for the beginning of the market day she stays there for three to four hours before school starts helping out and studying today she's not doing normal homework she's preparing for her report and her big performance Davis Union back in Paraguay and Argentina is friendship is boundless yeah me no man no man is I'm not nervous about my presentation yeah actually I'm excited to tell my friends more about my home country [Music] okay I'm singing a song and dancing a pair of 1/4 cup both for the first time what is it'll be hard what impression will she make on her classmates from Argentina at 11:30 it's time to get changed this is my school uniform I have to be very careful to make sure the uniform stays clean we play outside a lot and when I eat ice cream or chocolate gomez aye it can get easily smeared on my jacket [Music] let's see yellow we get in trouble if we let our hair down the principal says it will quickly attract visitors she means lice I look like a veterinarian in my uniform Danny Nadia it's 12:00 noon time to move on Mia walks the last part of the way to school alone she has to keep a close eye on the time as Argentina is in a different time zone when it's 12 in Paraguay it's already 1:00 p.m. in Argentina and now Mia is crossing the border every day on her way to school she crosses the line between Paraguay and Argentina I have an Argentine and passport too since there's no maternity ward in Nana WA I was born in Clarinda in Argentina so I'm also Argentinian oh well my family prefers to live in Paraguay how you like it here many mothers from Paraguay decide to have their babies in Argentina and not only because there is no hospital at home they also hope for a better future the economy in Argentina is much stronger I'm taking many Paraguayans go to work in Argentina I noticed something else bye we don't wear motorcycle helmets in Paraguay I they're too expensive in Argentina everyone can afford a helmet after about 1 hour on foot mia finally reaches her destination school number 21 in argentina a total of four hundred and twenty children between the ages of 6 and 13 attend the school in shifts half of the kids come in the morning whereas the other half like Mia come in the afternoon they come from Paraguay and from Argentina but there are many more Argentinians school begins with a typical argentinian ritual the raising of the Argentinian flag an important ceremony who's raising the flag today anyone I would love to do it don't let me glassy nearly every one of my class dreams of being the flag kid I will not see it's a sign of distinction to be allowed to do it 1:30 p.m. school begins for Mia one of the students on the afternoon shift [Music] and as romances we put this tablecloth on the table to keep it clean [Music] good afternoon class begins with a short prayer Mia and her friend Bella gross sit together they always have a lot to talk about since they only see each other at school we live far apart on different sides of the border and her keyless set off to spread the good news good Mia when he got there he went to the Temple of Apollo in the city of Davos I like mrs. latife a lot because she's very strict it's true I like it okay see if she weren't nah no one would pay attention name mark but since she's strict we all get good grades there this Mia school is public it's free for everyone and on the first day the students are given the school supplies they need if their parents can't afford them for example a backpack and notebooks [Music] Miah even got a pair of shoes in Paraguay Mia would have to pay tuition and bring her own food here in Argentina all the children are given milk and sandwiches for lunch but today Mia doesn't eat as much as she normally does I'm drinking less milk soon I'll be spinning around so much when I dance I keep thinking about the performance in my class I'm the only one from Paraguay the rest are Argentinian that's why no one at school number 21 ever speaks war on e my grandma and grandpa really want me to speak and understand granny so I never forget it many things familiar Tamia from home are missing here but many things are missing at home that are normal here computers for example we're making a list at the beginning Mia didn't know anything about computers she had never had one or a used one before coming to school [Music] means that way long my grandparents don't know anything about computers or cell phones nothing they think it doesn't matter if you get the agilent oh I mean how do you move those to the right [Music] those boys with the glasses are the best at computers I mean it's easy for me I pretty much emphasized I have three computers at home to practice on [Music] time for gym class it's one of the students favorite classes the school gave me a shoes that match her uniform she wears them to every class even gym [Music] not having a pair of gym shoes doesn't bother they're actually comfortable and she's not wearing any either it's fine [Applause] [Applause] meanwhile it's already 3:30 p.m. it's almost time for the one break between classes and it's only 10 to 15 minutes long time to go to the school store the children can pay with Argentinian pesos or Paraguayan guianese still usually only one currency lands in the cash register not all kids have money to buy things at the store but guess I'm in pain no some of the parents don't have a good job I see little lipid or any job at all I'm magical so they bring food from home why not it's using the kids from Paraguay who can't afford the store yeah you know sometimes I'm sad that I don't get money very often but that's how it goes it's fun when we play tag and I'm sick during the break tell me company [Music] how did you get ready for the performance I asked the teacher what I could talk about I chose a song with the music teacher Omar and I practice the dance shortly Mia will perform for the whole class and thus show them something from her home country Paraguay she's been practicing a song in Guarani and a typical Paraguay and dance for the last two weeks for the performance she's wearing a porchetta a dress with the colors of the Paraguayan flag I'm so antsy I'm shaking down to my fingertips I don't know what to do I can't wait to sing and dance I hope it goes well okay like and oh well here we go [Music] nothing I'm so curious how my classmates will react I hope they all clap at the end it came up before Mia talks about Paraguay another student gives a presentation about his country Argentina ready yes Daniel oh you're first [Music] danilo sinks so well I'm nervous [Music] [Applause] [Music] like I'm dancing barefoot Mia's presentation starts with her report Paraguay and Argentina as friendship is boundless I think Argentinian and Peregrine's can live in peace like sister and brother bridges are important for that and our school the children get a lot out of it it feels like you're all part of my family and now the hardest part the song and the native language of Paraguay what I need just this morning she had asked her grandma about it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I got a bit tripped up but I kept going I'm so happy Wow I'm a bit dizzy from all that swirling what a relief Mia did it her teacher is satisfied and what about her classmates I can't do that I love it beautiful her voice the song the dance I'm entranced I really liked how she held the pot so elegant amel mia is happy and tired at 6 p.m. she'll go back to Paraguay a journey of more than two hours lies ahead of her when I grow up I want to be a lawyer I want to protect everyone so that Paraguay can become a free country without theft and other crimes and while Mia's Day is coming to an end in Paraguay the day is just beginning on the other side of the world in Auckland the capital of New Zealand wake up you got for us for today it's time you were up and on your way twelve-year-old Mira lives here with her parents it's Wednesday on this day of the week Mira doesn't go to her normal school instead she attends an outdoor school so her uniform stays hanging in the closet and Mira puts on more comfortable clothing [Music] fart school is all outdoors it's nice and I love it a lot [Music] Mira's family also includes her small dog peepee and her parents Colin and Hera Mira's father is the director of a theater in the city her mother is an actress every morning the three of them eat breakfast together and discuss the day that lies ahead but what are you gonna do for school rains today for our schools is like a little break from from the devices break from the pen and pencil sitting at a table you know that eight hours writing things down it's a bit of break into a sanctuary its forests courts in the forest Mira lives in Avondale a suburb of Auckland Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday she walks to school a totally normal public school but on Wednesday everything is different her mother has to drive her to school straight through Auckland and then out into the woods [Music] it's a long drive because it's so far away I'd say and with traffic like we have in Portland that it's raining cats and dogs but the Sun will shine again soon the weather is unpredictable in New Zealand particularly on the North Island where the capital city Auckland is located especially now in winter it can shift from one extreme to another within a few minutes but no matter if it rains or storms that the Outdoor School class is always held outside the core of the forest school is what actually is the forest the trees and then you go down is the main circle and in the circle we've got four there's some stumps and there's a little fight Meera's has hired to her two best friends Troy and Jessie she doesn't yet know what challenge awaits her today Daniil Murdoch and her husband founded the forest school in 2016 she's the boss one day a week the forest school offers children an alternative to their normal school the point is to experience nature and test individual boundaries okay good morning Costa which way you're going to go around about 20 children between the ages of 6 and 12 meet here every week on the same day the other four days a week they have normal classes in other schools [Music] at the beginning of the day the children start the fire and learn how to use simple tools in the process we are doing spot fire which I mean we're doing sentence we're using the flint and steel to try light there is no set curriculum at the forest school the children don't learn from books but rather from nature through practical experience the idea is to do experiments and figure out how to solve problems on their own each success strengthens their self-confidence as soon as the fire is lit the clouds disperse and the Sun comes out again each morning one of the children is allowed to open the mailbox the letter is read aloud in the forest at the so called palm tree it usually describes a task for the day the children believe the letters come from a mythical creature named ton Eva how many father kind of mythical was a kind of dragon creature that we have and he lives in the water down there and he comes up and he leaves us little here forest school kids I've seen that James has been working on a raft for several weeks now the problem is that he has been working on his own so your challenge today is to collaborate work as a team and creatively build a raft together there are some pictures that are being handed ground so you guys might like to think of some different resources that you use mostly wood stuff that floats barrels [Music] what Miro doesn't know yet she'll have a special job on the team it's going to leave that project so your job is to try and get the team working together so that you can do that yes that with help with help from your feet [Music] I'm a little bit nervous if we put somebody on it and then it just goes falls apart like who won't hold anybody's now all the students start working on their projects mirros team gathers under the tent to brainstorm the forest school gives the children practical experience with science whereas the raft exercise teaches them about buoyancy they learn to deal with gravity while climbing trees see how they need to see that but can you see that that means closed so he's got another CVS oh that one's supposed and it one's posed and teamwork and trusts always play an important role [Music] Gibbons really must be kind of strong teacher and he's the one that's always you know building things and then he's strength but but he's kind like is really kind that he's only strict when he needs to be oh good move jack it's good [Music] ohmygosh be on my hands oh they're freezing - Neil taught at a normal school for 15 years then she decided to open a so-called one-day school with her husband Gavin right in the middle of New Zealand's rainforest for each day their children spend at the forest school parents have to pay around 50 euros but there is also a scholarship program funded by donations three students from poorer families attend the school for free meanwhile miró's team has come up with a plan the raft is going to be constructed of tree limbs lashed together underneath barrels will provide the necessary buoyancy but then there's a problem Sam wanted to make a spear to defend the raft from sharks the others thought it was unnecessary now he doesn't want to participate anymore we need more we need lots of help and I feel like nevertheless its mirrors job to lead the team Sam is sad and is seeking solace from one of the teachers Miro definitely wants to get him back on the team but Sam doesn't want to when runs away a little later he reconsiders and the kids make up I think you guys just try to work through there listen to each other's ideas what do you think they managed to convince Sam only a small shark swim in the bay of Auckland and they're harmless the team is back at full strength time to gather materials the first thing is the barrels there are some old cooking oil barrels left over from the last project their job is to make the raft float these people catch the school initially got the barrels from a garbage dump and there are more than enough tree limbs in the forest to make the frame but right when the raft team is about to start construction it's time for lunch each day the forest school runs on the same schedule and you can take the space you can take the bucket the seashore is right next to the school each afternoon the students are allowed to do whatever they want here FreePlay is a central element of the school founders pedagogy the school day ends at 3:00 p.m. but first me Rose team needs to get the barrels and the tree limbs arranged so that they can get back to work next week the raft is supposed to be finished by the end of the next school day Mero has mixed feelings a bit of stress to be honest we have to make all of that pile of debris into a raft into a boat little bit stressed a little bit of confusion a little bit but also but she won't get to work on the raft until next Wednesday on the other four week days Miro goes to a standard public school Avondale Intermediate School a New Zealand education law makes this possible according to the law school principals can allow children to go to an institution with an alternative learning concept one day a week but they still have to make up all the school work they miss [Music] intermediate school is a two-year orientation stage between primary school and high school the first class here doesn't begin until 9:30 a.m. karakia it's kind of just thanking everybody in that we live in a peaceful country and so we're able to have education karakia is a prayer tradition of the Maori people the native inhabitants of New Zealand students learn a lot about the Maori here today they are focusing on an old myth we're going to look at the creation map so in the creation map here is tane mahuta and he's the guardian of the forest anybody elaboration on this we don't push it up comfort - and the class is called global discoveries it's a mixture of geography and history [Music] in the beginning we'll a neither father and papa the mother many sons were born into the darkness between them two became god of men and war and we're going to create a storyboard of that particular story it's our culture a large portion of mirros classmates comes from Pacific Islands like Samoa Fiji and Tonga these islands lie to the north of New Zealand about ten percent of the population has emigrated from their mirros favorite classes are acting [Applause] and cookie okay you kind of move around and go from class to class so I kind of like the routine of normal school and I like going around and you go to discuss at this time [Music] the last class of the day for Miro and her classmates is math it's not one of their favorite subjects but today's class will be rather interesting you have a challenge today here is the task Anderson really carefully you will need to build a walker or a canoe and you have 30 minutes to do it the math teacher has clearly coordinated with Tennille from the forest school you do the children are supposed to learn above all by experimenting in a group Alta asked us to make a walker which is and we were thinking we can do more of like a kind of a criss cross thing so we've kind of incorporated everybody's ideas a half hour later it's time to test the boats on water have the students risen to the challenge the first model can float but would it be able to carry the two weights [Laughter] now it's time for the boat built by mirros group without empty volumes there is no buoyancy that's what the teacher wants the students to learn we were talking about the effect of three units of measurement volume capacity and what [Music] helped me about the raft that we're making because the barrels are the thing that's making us float enough the water gets in the barrels and go a week has gone by it's Wednesday again that means it's a forest school day the raft is supposed to be finished today the children use ropes to lash the tree limbs together into a frame we've just had to move over a beam because it was too far and we couldn't put the barrel on it and so that's gonna be enough time consuming but they've got nearly all the ropes and all the sticks tied together and we can stuff in the barrels on but first the barrels have to be sealed tight miru is confident that the raft will be finished today I'm pretty excited because it's looking pretty good since Kevin skipped it everything's been good up and sir I think it's it would be a lot easier now the barrels need to be put under the frame since the lashings need to be extremely tight Gavin now takes over the leadership role okay I'm just gonna do this I'll just show you guys it can be but we're not easy as a quick really squeezing it is a teacher now so we using it to get it really tight but now that Gavin has taken over Mero suddenly feels useless she's frustrated [Music] now Givens dipped and that's not I don't think it's as much of a leader like I'm supposed to be doing I don't think I've actually been doing it much and I'm feel a little bit bad because I haven't been as contributing Nero's team sees things differently however from the best I've had he is very kind and understanding she's also patient when like when everybody frantic and everything she hopes to like Tom and everything she's really good late like them a little later Miro tries to forget her frustration because now it's time for the children to carry the raft to the water and naturally Miro would rather be in the lead than sit around pouting we are carrying it down and oh my god it is so heavy but everybody else was helping that's become really easy and it's button power and standing at the front and holding holding on to it and everybody's doing and one-handed helping human teamwork rather than competition a decisive learning goal in the forest school here a major focus is placed on acquiring important soft skills key competencies like teamwork motivation and empathy by this metric the raft building project has been a success but the decisive question still remains will the right float we might have some people and I just hope and even if it works will it carry the weight of the passengers [Music] seems to be floating hang on some people want to hop on like candles yeah so we get Catherine and do you think at the back what do you think meter okay you go then yeah well let help up I can feel a floating cuz that's like swaying and it's moving hey guys there's a folk who believed it would flow that's buoyancy taught quite practically and successfully I relieved that we didn't fall over and I'm proud that we've got it done and it's out really good it doesn't feel like anything was going wrong we weren't like holding it together though without all our lumps it was actually really fun and I'm really proud of all of us and once they change their tune I won't be able to go first I just feel kind of like I'm at the end of my childhood living for our school I really don't want to but I also want I also think like as soon as I turned 15 I'm gonna come back me like can I work [Music]
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 406,156
Rating: 4.8325143 out of 5
Keywords: school in new zealand, school in new zealand with no rules, high school in new zealand, new zealand, new zealand high school, new zealand youtuber, school in argentina, school, high school, argentina, documentaries, documentary, free documentaries, free documentary, full documentaries, full documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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