Why Finland's schools outperform most others across the developed world | 7.30
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Channel: ABC News (Australia)
Views: 1,692,328
Rating: 4.933979 out of 5
Keywords: Australia, abc, abc news, news, finland, education, school
Id: 7xCe2m0kiSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Oh I wish we could have an education system like this in the states!
Finnish performance and standards of excellence truly are extraordinary. They're known for adopting a Phenomenon based Learning model which is highly student-centric, active, social, and inter-disciplinary with real-world problems. It's what's recommended by US Next-gen standards currently, but Finland has adopted for decades and made mandatory ~5 years ago.
The rigorous standards to study teaching there are also no joke! I have advanced degrees (B.A. / M.S.) in Cognitive Neuroscience with a specialization in Human Learning. When I was reaching out to institutions for PhD programs in Education/Pedagogy, only the Finnish ones got back to me that a teaching certification was a hard requirement. Others either didn't need it, or were willing to waive it if I to take an extra course or two in the first year.
It looks like a great system. I am surprised that other countries aren't trying to adopt it?
I’m all about sustainable living and hate the suburbs for mult reasons. I’m saying classes need to be smaller. My mom was a CFO for a multi million dollar company from the time she was 30 to 50+. She retired in her 50s and went back to school to become a teacher in buffalo city schools....... for ten years now she been shocked at how poorly the school systems are ran, the waste of budget, and lack of respect for her job from even just the principles of the schools. She can’t even apply what she’s learned/ been taught about teaching in her classes bc of the strict guidelines set by school administrators (who usually know very little about what the kids need). My argument was that what they do in Finland can be done here! I’m also a proud Canadian and not so proud American and always shocked at how this country thinks. I worked on wall st and know some really “important” people, along with understanding the market (fundamentalist and technical analyst ) well out of love for it (which is important to know in this corrupt and capitalist country). I’m sick of propaganda/ fear holding this county back from making needed changes and evolving! I was at a organic chemistry lecture a while back and the speaker who’s been in the field for 50+ years said, they rarely can find Americans in this field now a days bc they’re so under equipped in education. It’s literally to hard for them to catch up to what young adults from other countries already know and have a solid foundation for learning off of.
I don't want to detract from the content of the video and the messages, but
Statistically, the means of smaller groups vary more than the means of larger groups, so smaller populations will be found at both extremes of the spectrum on many "averaged" plots.
As an aside, not taking this fact into consideration led the Gates Foundation to support cutting school sizes for a while.
A socialist nightmare! Terrifying!