Décorum - GameNight! Se9 Ep54 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] hi hey welcome to game night here with nikki and aaron and lincoln and me dave boy oh boy i've been playing games with these guys since the very first episode of game night so how happy am i to play decorum a game of passive aggressive cohabitation for two to four players published by floodgate games designed by charlie mack and harry mackin and drew tannenbaum i mean come on it's a game where you just have to know what the other people want and you know we've known each other a long time it should be easy right yeah i mean whatever you guys want to do is fine with me i love these guys [Laughter] hey dave yes lincoln will you teach us decorum will i ever i think it's a little too late for that we have no decor that's what i meant to say decorum in decorum it's uh we are housemates and we are all living in this little four-room house where the bathroom and the bedroom are upstairs no downstairs bathroom living room kitchen um the we are all living together and we all have uh particular wants and needs or what we like to be comfortable and happy in this house so our goal is to figure out before time runs out what would make us all happy what can we all how can we all compromise so that we can all be happy in this house basically all right um the game actually comes with a bunch of cool scenarios that are in the box these which they recommend you play in order are actually just for two players these are the two player scenarios these are the three and four player scenarios and they're ranked by difficulty with little stars on the outside on the outside of them but for purposes of the game we're going to play we have a demo a demo the game comes with a demo and what's the demo is going to be like what's in each of these envelopes which is a it's going to show you a way to set up the house so the bathroom it shows you the objects that i put in the bathroom and it also shows you the wall colors okay that's what that represents that i put in the bathroom and then included in the demo we each have essentially these are our three things that we want to get out of this house these are the things that make us happy they are out of the house or into the house well these are the things that make us happy about the house okay okay they can be positive things like we like we want lamps or we want things to be green or we want you know red four things in a red they can be negative things like we don't want any artwork or we don't want any green walls they can be specifically weird things like we want the kitchen to have exactly two objects and none of them are blue i mean they can be very true all right there's there can be things that refer to just specific rooms or the whole house or upstairs downstairs or right side of the house left side of the house all right and again they can be in various shapes and sizes but the demo is designed all the sphere scenarios are designed that there is some situation in which we will all be happy okay yeah so let's talk about the objects there are essentially 12 objects but there are three types of objects there are wall hangings and curios and lamps okay the objects all come in the four colors yes and they also come in four styles okay um unusual retro antique and modern all right and the little icon below is not it's pretty good that's clearly the hourglass is clearly antique yeah okay this is retro but they're at the top here in case you need to know like what's what and every room has space for one of those types of objects so each room can have a lamp where the lamp space is but only one lamp all right each room can have one lamp and one wall hanging and one curio there's a there's a spot in each room and then this right up here this is paint this is just what color the room is for purposes of color this is all that matters and the color of the objects is all that matters the color on the board yeah is just flavor text color and it doesn't count towards your color goals okay on your turn you can either add an object you just take it from this board and you put it somewhere on the board you can remove an object you take one something from off the board and put it back in its place over here there's four of everything by the way four of all the objects you can change the color or style of an object so if i didn't like this red lamp i could make it a blue lamp or if i didn't like this retro lamp i could make it an unusual lamp yes you are also changing the color when you do that but yeah the point is you can change the color or style of an existing object all right what you cannot do is swap an object for a different one right so you can't take out a lamp and add a curio wouldn't even fit in that spot well you'd put it here even if they're the same style or color you can correct yeah correct so you can add it you can bring in a brand new object you can remove an object you can swap the style or color of an existing object you can change the paint color in a room a room can never have no paint color so you're just changing say this green to yellow or red or blue or you can pass you're not actually allowed to pass however unless all of your goals are met all right after you take your action you then if you have fulfilled all the things on your card you say i am fulfilled in which case you take no more turns all right but uh so that's why you can pass first if for some reason like on aaron's turn he made some move that did everything i needed i could pass and say i am fulfilled all right but if i don't pass if i actually do one of those things after i do that there's no turn order the three of you will all give me some reaction in some way shape or form and your reactions can be something like oh i love what you've done in this room oh no okay or what i hate that or meh that's fine so basically you're not allowed to specifically give any specific information right like you can't say oh i don't like the color of that right right it's either you either like what i did or you dislike what i did or you don't care what i did and you're able and you're allowed to express that in any way shape or form all right you are allowed to say things like if if i did some object and blah blah blah you are allowed to say stuff like oh my god dave is killing this house you are not again a good winner could be positive or negative yeah dave is ruining this you're killing it dave is ruining this house okay yeah okay which is your way of saying that maybe i have messed you up more than once like oh okay so you are allowed to sort of you are allowed to sort of give me like a meta reaction based on stuff but not on specific stuff that i'm doing yes you can't you can't say anything that points in a direction that's all whether it's just good or bad or whatever i am actually player one i believe in this demo i am i'm player one and i'm so i'm going to take my turn and do that then nicki then lincoln then aaron and then we move this one spot what you said there's no player order it's just for those reactions just for the reactions this actually is on the cards i've actually doled them out in player order wow and you got your color i know yeah you've got your color that you want we don't care so we're gonna do that for five rounds and in a four player game every five rounds after the fifth round we have a house meeting in a house meeting we are going to share information so we each have a card that has three things on it that are our three requirements these smaller cards are just copies of those three requirements they're just duplicates of what's on your big card yes really okay yes and when we get to a house meeting we're all going to give one of these cards to one other player okay okay it doesn't have to be equal all three of us can go you know what let's all give aaron a card because he really needs to figure this out he's messing us up big time okay um and that player basically keeps that card so they can refer to it for the rest of the round when we get five more turns we're going to do that again when that happens you are not allowed to give someone else's information out so if if i've given you this from me you can't the next round pass that to lincoln more importantly i can say aaron i want that back because i want nikki to also know this you can or you can i can okay i can take back the information i've given you or i can give one of my others depending on what i who i feel needs that information so in the same turn right can you take the card and then give it to me you can always you can always retrieve any information you've given other players all right but you but you don't want to do it until then just in case like if you give me a piece of information by the third term we're doing it i might have forgotten what it was and i want to look at it again okay all right you said that when i'm fulfilled i don't take any more turns so don't take any more actions uh you are correct i didn't quite explain that as well as i could yes you you it might get messed up and you might have to then take a turn next time around because the game ends in one of two ways the first way and this is how we win the game is if we all are fulfilled satisfied yeah if we can all be fulfilled then the game is over and the second way is every time we do one of these these house meetings we're going to turn one of these over to this side of the house and we only have five of these so when we need a sixth one which is to say 30 turns in and we don't have it we lose okay so when i when i am fulfilled do i skip my turn if i happen to still be fulfilled on the next turn there would be no reason you just pass again so your action will be passed okay you're only ever allowed to pass though if you are fulfilled correct that was that was the point i was trying to make but yes you are not out of the game right as far as action because you are correct moves can be made in the interim that mess stuff up for you okay oh one more thing uh i didn't say about the house meeting we're also allowed when we have the house meeting to this is the only other way we can communicate other than giving out information and and reacting after we do stuff we are allowed when we get to a house meeting to sort of give our a general vague report card of how we feel so far if you want okay you can say like man i feel like we're close like even if we're not like you're allowed to sort of give sort of a general vague hint of where you are in relation to the whole overall house does that make sense uh-huh i can't see how this can be i can't either it's gonna be so hard it's crazy uh even though we're playing the easiest if i want to relocate something do i have to take it off on one turn and then put it back into another room in another turn there is no move there is no move there's no swapping swap all right um for purposes of fun but if you don't look i'm gonna i'm gonna show you i'm gonna show everybody my card that's a good idea okay and here we go turn one and i am going to start by removing this to there okay you don't like that grandma gave me that limb all right oh anyone else i'm not sure how i feel about it okay it's not good it's not bad okay nikki your turn i kind of like what you did there with the space [Laughter] it's your turn uh you don't even need to hold these other three cards you guys the versions of the big card he said touch them also holding all three cards to what you have to change it to another color oh i do you can never just remove paint you have to change the other color yep sorry wow green place i didn't catch it somebody likes green all right maybe i can live with that uh yeah i don't care i don't even care yeah [Music] all right you're up link okay i think i will [Music] all right aaron i don't have a strong strong feeling no whatever i'll tell you what let's see what if what if we put this down here in the living room oh that looks good down there anybody else have any feelings about that lamp down there i don't know about that one what's that mean i can't tell you all right yeah that's one round here comes round two okay uh let's do this well anyone how you feel about that well it depends upon how the other rooms don't love it don't eat it all right nikki you're up okay um yeah i'm all right with that i like that okay what happened no what happened to this house oh all right okay all right lincoln okay well uh hmm [Music] gross that's so fantastic put this crap here oh man i don't care for that i don't care about it either all right there's everything there's always a strong opinion let's see all right aaron i do like that the art is different on each one yeah yeah i like that too tell you what i think we need what do we need when we need it okay that's anybody what would you just do paint oh yeah looks good to me okay wow okay i am gonna pass because i am fulfilled holy moly really really now okay what does i mean the house is in the way that i like it it's gonna mess up well if you got to i mean you gotta change it because yeah we gotta find a way where we can all be happy all right i'm filth wow oh i like that nikki that's just bringing the whole place that is the worst sweet terrible dave didn't like that either no no what about no wait that no i don't i don't i don't do everything i don't care about that i'm sorry no i don't care about what lincoln did what about what about this all right okay i don't mind that okay i don't mind that are you currently fulfilled oh are we at the end there no it's just dave's turn again yeah okay uh and last year and he was fulfilled i will pass because i am fulfilled okay wow things are interesting we're making stuff happen i don't really know how or why but you know well you know yeah oh no no way come on it's all everywhere come on lighten up man it's okay it still looks good no i hate it what about now still looks good to me i think i have no strong feelings you're a master it's fantastic [Laughter] have you ever seen a house before i mean i like that lamp but i don't like that lamp no i'm wet you know whatever all right whatever with that um i mean it seems like such a dumb turn to do but i'm just gonna do this oh my i mean i obviously hate that there's some strong feelings about that all right well you know wait are we supposed to have the meeting now or at the end of this round end of the round okay good question though he is just paint crazy she is she's a painting crazy i'm satisfied with this place i like it i like that i like that you mean you're fulfilled now on your turn i'm fulfilled wait hold on so you're passing and then fulfilling okay i have no struggle well let me double check you yeah yeah double check his action there yeah i like this look at that i'm happy here just aaron and nikki are the troublemakers i'm i'm a piece it's okay we're going to have to have a house meeting here i'm ready dave i got an itinerary and list of demands for you but let us try oh hey wait i got an idea here let's see this will probably screw up everybody [Laughter] let's try this oh my god that's terrible i don't mind it at all i don't care for that i don't care for it either i don't like it at all you know what house meeting house meeting house meeting all right everybody take one of your cards and one person erin you can have this from me you can have this for me dave choke on it okay okay i think we understand each other oh that what a good house meeting [Laughter] get with the kapaki okay okay my card just says eat me this helps i think we can do this all right we're on turn six okay wait this one is yours like i understand and that is yours okay okay i am going to swap out this for this i forgot oh i forgot about the swap no i love it i love what dave's doing i love dave's ideas let me see how i can make that work i don't see how i can we can figure it out oh boy what this is the worst house meeting ever all we're doing is ruining everything that's terrible oh i have to do this i don't know why you would do that to that place because now it's got to be yellow oh that's that's coming together yeah that's coming together not crazy about it but okay let's see not crazy about it but okay you know what we have to do you know what this house needs what uh it needs this all right i mean okay you know what that works i can live with that yeah yeah okay all right i'm hearing some good feedback all right uh you know what that is though i think this little accent right here now the whole thing is fantastic no i hate it set it on fire i think i need to get my uh all right nikki back from you nikki is passing she is i'm sad you're satisfied okay lincoln how can i solve that i have to change that are you just removing it yeah okay um i don't like it but okay you're are you allowed to take a turn and then say that you're satisfied or you only are allowed to pass and then say you're only allowed to pass and then say your thank you oh no no at the end of your action you're only allowed to pass if you are fulfilled but you are allowed to take an action and then say you're familiar and then say that you the first thing you do is take an action the second thing you do is if you are fulfilled you say you are fulfilled thank you uh all right even though i'm i i'm still happy is can i make a change that still fills my no criteria if at the beginning of your turn no yes you are so here's the deal at the beginning of your turn you are allowed to take any available action you can change paint color you can remove an object you can add an object you can swap enough even if she's currently fulfilled correct essentially helping the rest correct the only restriction is you cannot pass as an action unless you are fulfilled already all right but if you are fulfilled you can pass or you can make a change you can do both i i have an idea that might help everybody so that's why you understand though obviously we're talking about it you understand that without this conversation if you made a change and then said you were fulfilled as opposed to if you passed and then said you fulfilled we might all think that the change was what you needed yeah and might misinterpret that but if it helps everybody and you think you know a way to help everybody that would be fantastic okay in any case aaron i'm on that i hate it i am fulfilled okay i hate it nothing needs to change as far as i'm concerned okay i'm gonna do this sorry nikki i i'm okay with that i do not like that i don't like it okay at all just curious oh that was this we're here now yeah all right nikki okay oh yeah that is a fantastic little piece you picked up okay brings the whole place together it really does it's sweet uh it's not it's not bad okay oh all right no objections nice job it's a little crooked that's my only conclusion well this has to go i understand brian are you putting you're not swapping anything in right okay so but i am i am yeah i can't say that i like it you can't say that i like it but you're not fulfilled at the moment i am fulfilled oh oh lincoln is fulfilled uh let me check my house meeting notes okay i think i can all right let's see yeah yeah i am fulfilled that's i like it no i mean but all right i'm cool all right i'm blissfully happy let's try this all right who's unhappy dave i am fulfilled disgusting yeah it's horrible i'm barfing in my mouth okay okay um i'm i'm fulfilled you are yeah okay so you're passing yes um well then i'm fulfilled the worst no i don't like it at all you are fulfilled you were fulfilled on your turn i was and i was on mine as well you were yeah i think i have to mess up yours but let's see you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna do this it's i think this is this is the way wow wow this house got bad just terrible yeah i am fulfilled at the end of my turn again okay well i'm gonna put this here and i'm and i'm fine with that i don't like it okay i think it's great that's great i mean i'm fine all right nikki you're still unfulfilled though dave huh it's not fulfilled not perfect are we having a meeting now not at the end of this restaurant after my turn you're are you good or no no i'm not good okay so fussy such a such a i don't understand you guys huh i'm okay with that we've had that before but i am okay with that fine with me oh all right it's okay now uh let me double check something uh i'm happy i'm fulfilled fulfilled or whatever right now oh wow i believe i am too i'm just double checking i should check too right just making this i'm i'm happy i'm fulfilled all right house meeting okay another round i mean if someone's the only unhappy person someone's getting a card from me right i am giving this card to lincoln i'm giving this card to you no do you want this one back here lincoln no you can keep it okay nikki i'm giving this card to you uh oh i feel like i'm in trouble this one yeah and this one ah wow holy moly okay these are great conditions i think this house meeting is gonna be the one okay all right here we go um i'm gonna put this here oh move to kick dave out of the house and i am fulfilled i hate it wow yeah you've ruined my happiness if i'm not being clear i don't mind i don't like it i got it all right not a big deal um it works for me i can i can fix it but i don't so i mean that's dave's turn now it's nicki's are you he's fulfilled i'm i'm fine with that are you passing i'm still fulfilled are you passing okay pass fulfillment pass okay aaron all right i mean come on all right we're trying to work with you man [Laughter] i wish i understood what aaron yeah what's going to make aaron happy what does he need he's hard to deal with i mean i can't i've known aaron for years and i still haven't figured it out we've all known him for a long time longer than many relationships you just did that yeah so did i meet you guys first or him first oh yeah aaron definitely first we didn't meet until 2004 oh yeah right yeah car wars yeah i met aaron playing car wars not that i was playing car wars yeah you were playing car wars all right meanwhile back to this game did we not meet at woodard's before that was the house no we met at so-called gamesday four or five at the petco community center where we were playing games here and there was like a bunch of animal food stacked over here it was a storage area nice yes meanwhile housemate yeah so dave you just put this lamp here i'm not gonna mess with that but i'm going to [Music] uh i'm gonna i can't that would not fulfill me this this decor would not fulfill me okay so i'm gonna try all right i i don't think this is gonna work for somebody but i have to try this i don't mind that i'm fulfilled fine wow pass i'm fulfilled oh wait no i'm not i hate that let's see i knew it i kick it all back i screwed somebody up uh uh let me yeah we're on the yeah one more turn one more time we did a full one on yes okay oh cause three of you for fulfilled right aaron poor aaron i know it's not okay let me do this i hate that yeah i know i know somebody who doesn't like that whatever are you okay with that uh yeah whatever okay you know what i hate that and one of my friends hates that okay i don't know if that's legal or not you're passing so i can pass okay [Laughter] i am satisfied i am uh oh interesting interesting yeah that's cool fascinated i'm easygoing at this point i want to know why what i did and that makes that that that's really interesting oh okay yeah i think i know what it is you guys we're getting we're getting further off track here yeah that's happening in a weird way uh why i'm fulfilled or whatever it is at this yeah are you yeah oh man i know right i know i feel your pain i have two of your cards i've only gotten one i'm surprised i don't know what yeah i only got one from dave you've kind of been working sort of with me so far dave wait a minute what you gave me a card showing one of your decor needs right which you specifically countered on your last move and then stated you were fulfilled what yep so oh yeah yeah i was focused on oh you're right yes so that's a problem that's done sorry everybody how's it going last meeting house meeting dave doesn't know what he wants you're right so what so when i said that i was fulfilled i actually wasn't yes oh okay i'm the problem all right i got i got overly focused on everything else you did yes it's your turn all right all right let's just fix stuff just take a turn to correct things all right we'll do it dave i gotta try i think we already did this but i gotta try this i really don't like that no neither i mean come on well all right then we can we can spend some time all right next turn well you know my card i know let me uh i don't see how i fixed that let me get rid of this you fix it in roundabout ways okay i just got rid of that because i'm dumb right you're just undoing those and i'm not fulfilled by the way right but i i just had to get rid of that uh may i can i re inquire about something that's already placed like sure what like who placed it or as i recall everyone was thrilled about this i think they were okay pretty much yeah or at least didn't hate it it was at least two of the three oh boy i don't knowing some of your needs i don't know why you pleased i knew here i think that's a good move terrible it doesn't terrible it doesn't thrill me or hate or no please stop doing that i i no that's terrible it's gotta be you're fulfilled now yes okay all right just do the other odds i know i believe you were fulfilled when this happened so yeah does that work well he can't tell you he's just gonna tell you whether he likes that movie or not i don't mind that at all um okay i i know i know i know something that needs to happen now we're here is that something that needs to i'm definitely not satisfied no you're not but you know but i know i know yes but is it going to be just an empty house i mean would that work because some people need things specifically in there i feel like i've done this before but you have probably when you did something bad now okay let me do gosh i felt like we were so close we weren't so yes we were i felt like we were we really were let me do oh hold on yep i am currently fulfilled at the end of my action okay let me do this just that i knew other people weren't let me just too focused on that um how do you feel about that i'm fine with that that's fine how you feel about that i mean that doesn't hurt okay i'm not fulfilled but i'm just i'm i set us back a couple turns because i was dumb sorry we got 30 turns we're only halfway all right nikki it's on you i am reading my cardigan just to double check i am fine okay lincoln i'm fulfilled terrible yeah actually i'm not fulfilled okay you're not no i'm happier but i'm not but he's happier yeah [Music] erin i don't mind that am i netting no i don't whatever no it's fine i'm fulfilled now okay okay that's not gonna work that's not gonna work that's not gonna work okay that's not gonna work okay let's try this uh that's totally fine i like deserving about that that's fine okay i am not fulfilled though nikki you're not nope okay i'm i am fulfilled lincoln i'm fulfilled uh i didn't like that nope no me neither but let's see am i fulfilled i'm not so oh i'm fulfilled i like that i'm fulfilled that's fine i think nikki well i know i know someone like oh but by the way gosh okay oh right there was our first house meaning yep i have nothing to share i because i'm fulfilled are you not allowed to give cards i think you should give this to an active player then who doesn't know it uh wait no i want this card why don't we say there you go i'm giving that to you technically we have to fill this phase out but i don't think it's gonna matter it's just gonna cost us a heart you want to give me a card do you want to give aaron a card do you want your cards back to give to somebody i gave one away already okay you because i think your mom yep maybe gonna do that okay we're up here oh yep card might as well there's no reason not to share one oh that's fantastic i know some of these i'm gonna be so surprised that like one of these mystery conditions that's fantastic too okay uh i will pass and i am fulfilled i'm fulfilled i'm fulfilled i'm fulfilled yeah i figured we were but we still we still had to lose one of those hearts there is like is this like the victory there's a scoring system that you mostly use more in a two-player game than in a four-player game so let me double check everything yeah well i think we should read them all just go through it and make sure we're okay yeah yeah seeing as how i screwed up that one thing okay i'm good i can't believe i screwed that up i know you dave i was so focused on the car i know i was so focused on the color thing i don't even know what you were focused on but the one thing you gave me when you contradicted that was the one i was you guys that's a good one it's so hard i mean yeah it's hard to guess that but i mean i kept communicating every time like okay this has got to go then i'm set so here was my problem if i don't put that lamp there so my bottom one my third one we should just read them okay i'll read them my third one the one that i was paying the least attention to is the upstairs may not contain lamps and then i put a lamp there the one that the one that i thought would be easy to do that no one would come off of was my second condition was the house had to contain all four colors in any combination paint or whatever and instead of doing the lamp i should have tried doing the paint yeah i was so focused on the objects um now my problem is of course right yes if this doesn't have a curio then this has to be yellow right but this one has a curiosity this could be blue right right you're saying things we don't know yet i think we should all read our conditions so my conditions were the house had to have exactly three curios oh oh okay it had to contain all four colors objects and paint and or paint and the upstairs could have no lamps yes wow okay mine was the house had to contain at least one room without any objects yeah oh that's a tough she gave that one to me at the very end and then um the next one is exactly three rooms in the house must be painted the same wall colors she gave me that one right away and the last one is the downstairs must contain at least one red unique curio wow oh hey i got you two i know okay well mine where the downstairs uh may not contain any wall hangings okay right um if a room does not contain a curio it must be painted yellow that's why i kept watching wow you have some crazy ones yeah and then uh the house must contain exactly two styles so it's you know oh wow that was why i kept pulling out like you guys would add a third in them like it's gotta go right i had to change it that was also a good one to share early though because at least so yeah i could help you with that you know what that to me are before we got that right away that was why we had like a united front before you read before you read yours in my mind that's the hardest one yeah because style icons are the things i'm paying the least attention to the first time i'm playing especially right i'm so focused on object and color yeah right yeah anyway go ahead aaron uh mine is all downstairs objects must be the same color yeah oh my goodness which seems hard but we kind of just landed on it eventually did i give you that one you gave me the red retro lamp okay that's the the my the the one was very difficult i must have a red retro lamp somewhere in the house okay i tried it in every single room and it got removed from every single room but i i mean like i just had to keep putting it back there because this seemed to be the place as soon as i noticed that you kept putting your styles has to be retro because i have to have a right which is fine but it needed to not have the this you know the antique right i mean it was like i you they kept coming back in i'm like i i you know we right so i would switch to the other one it's fine as long as it's just two well that was me screwing you up right because i'm trying to get the fourth color sure and what i as i said i needed to i needed one full house meeting sooner right to start messing with paint instead of the objects wait one more the uh the upstairs must contain exactly three colors so you can't put your fourth color right on this on the top so i kept having to like swap a paint color or swap an object or something without messing up too many things i like that one a lot actually so yeah the two was tough because you guys just kept putting the things in i'm like i agree so i kept okay well that's fine i can swi you know because i said aaron i'm like what is it what you start by doing this you know like you moved one thing that was like and it enough had to change i was able to switch back over you know yeah this is cool yeah yeah there's no i knew about halfway through that we were all really liking this because you probably experienced the same thing i did we're like going along and we're like it's a little bumpy at first but it's like oh i got most of my things almost already yeah i got fulfilled really early yeah and then we i'm like well how far were we and then we had a house meeting and i'm like well this is gonna i'll get i'll let you know this and you'll let me know that it was great and i thought well how hard could this be and then everything went so went backwards yes yeah i never thought we were gonna go backwards as fast as we did and in fairness i've knocked myself backwards but well yeah how close were we when you put that in you just need to change the paint instead of if i had done a paint change then the problem was at that time it was yellow yellow yellow red okay yeah and i don't know i don't know if i would have changed the one of the yellows or the red the red seemed very specific to me so i don't know which paint i would have changed i would have absolutely left these alone for some reason hilarious and neither one of those male 1 well i didn't know that but of course this seemed very specific that the downstairs paint was the same you know nikki let me know yeah she said i need it must contain at least one red curio right so i'm like okay well i don't care about the color in that room then it because it's it says if a room does not contain a cure it must be painted yellow right so it must be panned yellow but it can be painted yellow if there's a curio in there right so it's not terrible but it was you know and that's good backup insurance for you even if someone removes the cure because it didn't even matter right once they were yellow it's like okay this is like all i need to do is change that to yellow and we're fine it's funny though i mean i like what i love is how the objects we started to lose a lot of objects yeah and i'm like well how's this even working right that's almost you want the minimal objects you uh that you see yeah whatever works yeah what did you think yeah i liked it when i first heard about this game i'm like how does that even right it's it's kind of got a bit of the mind to it you know which is a little bit it just seemed like such an odd way to to like you know you get told it's a house decorating game and okay and then it's a deduction game and you're like huh so but i am surprised i liked it and it there was some good laughs in there so it oh yeah it actually does sort of fall into the party side which again is surprising to me how do you turn that into a party game um but i really liked it and was very surprised and happy to see something so different yeah it's very yeah i love i'm surprised you got that did you share the empty room thing with anybody i don't think she'd do it i don't mean yeah i don't think you did this one where you i finally did because i don't have any of my cards yeah but that last share doesn't count because we were because we were basically there we were required to finish that house meeting you have it then i guess probably but the fact that you got that done i just figured people some of somebody i didn't make that connection okay me neither i i think that's the beauty of having 12 different conditions a couple of them are going to just fall into place accidentally and then you have to sort of like go no stop messing that one up well for example you needed you needed a red retro lamp but you also needed everything the same color and you had a red thing too and i thought oh well this is going to no that was nikki had the red thing i don't know right i don't have it i'm like well those dovetail nicely and obviously it's the demo they want to do that but but i have one that says there needs to be three curios yeah right and lincoln has one that says like the curio rooms all have to be the same paint color if there's no curious if there's no it has to be yellow if there's none has to be yellow oh i see so this was fun because there's a curio there right right right right right i mean they all they they make them fit together nicely obviously wow i did not think it was gonna work as smoothly yeah well for the demo especially right sure yeah obviously they can be more difficult yes in that regard i really like what is actually happening in this one what is it it's like a guy with an eye and some sort of i like i like the limited communication where you can just say i hate it or i love it or i'm fine i don't care that way about that's right like the game work yeah very much like that i think that's a pencil the eye is just the curio symbol basically right no no i think it's a i think it's a diamond it's not on the knees but no it's not oh you're right it's only the unique they're unique it's a fork and a spear and a spoon and a knife he's like he's like a little table salt shaker guy i guess those are unusual they are they are unusual it's in an unusual container as well i guess like each thing is unique but just slightly different slightly different yeah i thought these were when i was setting up that horsey unicorny thing i was like what's the oh not unique sorry unusual but it's so little and yeah usual that's not really unusual no i don't know is that the no you got some sweet also modern art it's actually got some really great art yeah and it's i it's very fun i think it's actually it's not it probably won't overstay i mean if you get to an another set of um house meetings yeah i mean we'll get we start this again and continue down that might be bad right i would hope that but who knows especially if it's there's also probably a learning curve right i mean well plus they're going to change and they're going to get harder right but but if we play this again so the as i said before the the so let me flip this over so when you play a two-player game you flip this over there's the two-player scoring thing as indicated by the two again you do that for me and i can't quite snap it in there's the two right it doesn't feel like it's gonna do it doesn't feel like it wants to there we go um so the two-player game uh you only have three hearts i think and a two-player game it's interesting your first house meeting isn't until turn 15. wow yeah and then rather than moving forward the game basically wants you to reset to one or go to 16 essentially and then you have one here five and ten and here and yeah and if you don't win by there then you're done 25 turns on the two-player game uh no i mean yeah you go to you still go to 30 don't you one that's showing first one's at 15 and in the two-player game you just have this oh that's the way that you're not passing information you don't pass anything in a two-player game when you have a house meeting you just read one of your things out sure but in a two-player game you might have more than three things i don't know oh i don't i don't know how the things work because i don't think there was a two-player demo if there was i didn't see it in the box yeah so you're not passing anything this is i actually kind of think this is good right this is the way they solve the multiplayer oh yeah i like that and what's nice is that you're not giving information to everybody right you're just giving it to the person that you think might understand better now i understand to a certain extent you were exploring and trying to figure out whatever but i i felt like i felt since i knew your whole lamp thing i felt like on that one turn where lincoln put the swapped out your red lamp or whatever your retro lamp i felt like if you had just removed his i would have put your lamp back for you i don't remember what i did on that one like i was ready to just take it i was ready to essentially tread water from my own objectives and put yours back for you which i did for lincoln a couple times because no i knew his two style limitation right away and i think that's great so the information sharing you know gets people on your side to sort of help multiple goals at once yeah i actually didn't get i mean i only had one right for the longest time then you guys i think gave me both of these at the end but i i wasn't like i clearly wasn't messing with you too much right you know what i mean i was like doing small changes to like just keep the balance so i was hoping i was communicating i guess i didn't because they were both surprised by the two different styles yeah that's a hard one but i felt like you and i it seemed like you needed that information early on yeah because it was like yeah i mean i never would have i wouldn't had a clue but it helped to have the two of us like at least try to keep that under control right so we used three of these right yes we did okay so the scoring condition is when the game ends we get three points for every condition right so so 36 right because we had 12 plus two points for every heart left over nice around 40. 40. okay so 46 is the maximum score okay but there's no chart that says oh yeah if your score is this you know good job or your house is okay there's nothing like that in the world's greatest roommate right right and i know i said this up front but just to say it again the the four player the three and four player game oh the other thing that's kind of sort of cool where is it in who's got player four yeah uh where's the player for single cards they passed out so if you play a three player game i cuz was wondering about that kind of i kept reading that on my cards so if the demo is representative of the four player envelopes player four in a four player in a three-player game you don't use this player four card you just take the separate conditions which makes me which leads me to believe that there's probably three on each card and you give them it says on the back like give this to player one give this to player two give this to player three so that would give a three-player game essentially four conditions at the beginning of the game right you'd have i see you have your card plus the fourth condition that's correct all the four player sets let you do that and play with three players right interesting i i opened an envelope to be sure no hey so that's right it's open it's ruined now so that tells me that you probably always only have three conditions and the thing that makes them easier or harder is just the specificity probably of those conditions and how they clash with the other ones but you can open those four play envelopes and play them in any order you want okay the two player game is specifically uh so could we have been satisfied when he did that when he put that blue one there no if you if he didn't do that and change something to blue there was no green on the board for the longest time so i was never going to be satisfied until all four colors were there and i wasn't going to be happy because that would be something in every room and i needed one room and i'm going to get an empty room right the empty thing if he didn't do that yeah and painted this room blue right because i don't care because we have a curio there so would that have been i mean we've got the blue here now then nikki needs this to be yellow yes she needs three rooms i mean it has three rooms oh that was that's right though that was it that's what i did yeah the three rooms the exact same color along with your curio thing was really sort of cool right yeah yeah i'm intrigued i want to i want to see some of the others yeah i want to play another set just to see how they fit fit because initially enough if you had made those three rooms the exact same color green instead of yellow i would have been i would have been fine almost two she was doing green at the beginning almost two housemates did i do green or blue you were doing green and because i said the house was getting real green yeah because there was two green already out or something right so it was like that's would be the fastest way to just take whatever and then it all of a sudden there wasn't and we went to yellow and i'm like do i fight for blue no that's not my problem my problem is three of the same so i'll help with getting it yellow yeah i mean well i think i did all of these yellow because it was the only way i could you know right i could deal with because these kept going away and stuff like that and i removed them sometimes like i needed to get rid of but once nikki the one thing she gave me was was this that you know the downstairs must contain at least one red curio so i'm like okay well i can work with that that's not impossible well because i think i i could be wrong but i think you were the person most of the time taking out my red curio i'm like he needs to know that i need a red curio downstairs i don't care if you put a red upstairs i don't care right but i need a red one downstairs well yeah once i knew i i didn't much targeted information given yeah that's really good it's really messing up this condition for me so i'm gonna let that know about right makes sense yeah it's great it totally makes sense i wonder how many cards because you know how many you because both you and aaron got quite a few i think in the end right we were like again the last round doesn't count i understand and if the four-player game gets too easy for you if you there's a another side of the board actually that's good because now we're on the floor side again um you add you add these little roomy tokens yeah and so now you have an additional action available to you which is swap you can basically you always have to have two in one bedroom and two in the other okay so instead you can either take out an object or put back an object or do all the things you normally do but now you have another action which you can go this guy goes here and this guy goes there and why am i doing that because in addition to the conditions on your card for what the house wants to be you also want to be in a specific room this is great yeah again though in fairness if i just don't put that dumb green lamp out there we would have probably gotten 42 points maybe i don't know that we i don't know that we succeed by that last one but but i don't throw everybody off including myself that's the worst part about it yeah well thanks for teaching this day you're welcome lincoln and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on the bell you get notified when we poop new videos see you next time [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 20,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: mQvS0jU0rwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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