Deep Sea Adventure - GameNight! Se3 Ep28

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you gay night tonight on game night Lincoln Nikki Dave and me mark are going to play deep sea adventure again for three to six players by June Sasaki and girls Sasaki and published by own games so let's get diving hey Mark yes Lincoln would you teach us deep-sea adventure I will sure try okay so in this game we are all together on a summary deep-sea adventure alright and so we are all on this submarine and we have all of this undersea treasure laid out in front of us in a long track all right and we'll play this game over three rounds we kind of play it together but we're definitely in competition you'll see the together part in a little bit and most points at the end wins all of these undersea treasures are worth points these at the bottom of the ocean are worth the most these are the next two our submarine and worth the smallest amount in fact there's even some zeroes up here all right your turn works like this at the start of the turn we're going to reduce our oxygen supply I'll come back to that in a minute and it doesn't happen in the beginning of the game it happens a little bit later then you decide whether you're going down swimming down to the bomb of the ocean or swimming back up to the submarine there will be three separate rounds in each round is a expedition underneath the submarine to get stuff and come back up alright so let's say the start of the game of course you're going to go down you when you're going to go down I like to play where turn your guy down to because it's important to remember whether you're going down or up then later on when you want to go up stand them up I've already turn the other direction this is down Boop and then back the other way is going up me to try that way and then you roll the dice these look like normal dice and they're six hiders but they're not quite normal they're one two three one two three so the total you get is gonna be a little lower than what you're used to that's important to remember but you roll the dice and you move okay in that case I'd move four I'll move 4 spaces one two three four now I have a decision I can pick up this treasure and collect it but not look at it then we put one of those and I would put a placeholder in there and this is point that I may get if I survive my expedition do you get to look at it when you take it nope no you don't and like I said these are not very many points even some there so that might not be worth it to pick up these low value ones you may want to go deeper but that would be my whole turn or I could have decided to not pick it up because I'm planning to swim quite a bit deeper and just be right there it would go to Nicki's turn the importance of picking things up besides the points as that affects the oxygen that we're all breeding on this low-rent submarine that we all share the same oxygen supply apparently we have tubes going up to the we're all sharing 20 air tank yeah right in common tank that one common tank now let's say that I did pick it up and you all take your turns and it comes around to me again I can decide whether I'm going to go back up to the submarine or keep swimming down all right and then I might roll the dice but before any of that now the oxygen goes down equal to the number of tokens I have and that happens for every one round the turn so right so here I've got one token my oxygens our oxygen supply goes down one it starts at 25 and it marches its way down and then it finally reaches an X and anyone who's still in the sea dies and the treasures they've collected worthless okay so that's why when these dice that don't roll too much and all of these treasures that we've taken start eating up Rockets oxygen supply that makes a difference and they even slow you down because when I roll the die let's say I'm still going to go down now I roll six that's not top roll but it's minus one because I have one treasure I only go five one two three exerting yourself carrying it now I decide I'm going to pick up this one let's say okay let's say it does that mean it's minus 2 which from your own yo u minus 2 when I roll and also I will use up to oxygen oh boy our shared oxygen and you guys do all your sorts of things now at some point I'm decide on my start of my turn to go up let's say it's gone around the table another time I decide okay I'm going up the oxygen still goes down too and when I roll look I'm moving three oh no - - I'm moving one Wow and I'm going a lot slower and I've got get all the way back up to that submarine not just the flat space but on the submarine before the oxygen runs out that we are all sharing okay imagine I get back then I would turn these over and see how many points are and that's how many points I would score in the first round and then we reset by removing these placeholder spaces collapsing the the track a little bit and having a second expedition and then we will have a third that ends the game what happens if he didn't make it back and that happens a lot if you don't make it back you don't get to see these things you don't get to collect these things they stack up in groups of three and they fall to the bottom of the ocean so the next one that would go would go on this and then the next pile because it and yes if you can make the same round if somebody else didn't make it that would happen right yeah you can go down to the bottom and there's those threes those stacks of three count as one treasurer for consuming oxygen and for reducing your movement and so they could be a lot of points if you can get to the bottom of the ocean pick them up and make it back and you may win the game but it's well we'll just see how it plays in okay as far as occupying spaces do we share space or hopping I'm glad you said that we hop over each other right that's important and that helps going down and it really helps going back up to the submarine you want to hop over people coming back does count as spaces there's our movement spaces so they only go away once the adventure is done right in between the each other three adventures we will go on so yeah and I'm sorry the track gets shorter obviously by the time the third round right now these treasures that might be the death of you as you're coming back up to the submarine you can drop them back off is while you're going back up you land on one of these placeholder spaces you can take one of these treasures that came from anywhere in the ocean and put it back there mmm that'll lighten your load maybe make let you survive the expedition will mean you'd consumed one less oxygen next turn right right so that could help I guess what's our total oxygen 25 I'll share with monks that's a lot they'll Lincoln you should die wouldn't worry about it you should just plan to keep diving I don't know if I believe you keep keep orange is the start player that's me hey hey that's right mark okay go ahead down oxygen doesn't go down any and I die for one two three four i heated up nope all right Nikki cuz we're all gonna go deeper right I'm heading downwards by the way for or I'm doing it cuz then I get to hop over yeah picking it up nope hi pick it up no here comes I'm gonna roll the - come on big numbers yeah that works no let's all be okay no idea god I am going down - hey that works though I'm picking it up oh that's the best role you could of God no you always announce your intention right at the beginning of your turn yes up around okay damn okay - yeah look our name blue not bad no it's the same thing do you want it no press my luck three taking it man want to go up right now go ahead but then I roll a six and I'll get nothing mm-hmm I will die for all of us I'll go down wait you have a good chance of moving though right but we're all gonna die maybe four oh now you're nice and deep no oh good we're all gonna die okay starts my turn yep not just the other one yeah I am out of here yeah see ya I mean what's gonna happen that's why I wanted to go up and just grab this one I go with or minus one is three one two three uh I'll pick that up are you crazy I'm not gonna pick this yeah Nikki shoot up and down I want to go down one more time down I have to take pictures gets it oh thanks I'm good I didn't get you to the fray though three two blue yeah yeah Wow big points I clearly want that yes grab it now as long as she rolls sixes should be okay like an oxygen it will be my am going uh oh wait actually I destroyed your turn you can decide in case you want to go down even deeper look three so you moved to gonna pick that up another two bigger oh he does he's gonna kill us all he's gonna kill you so I get fool okay back up come on hey roll the right game to do that be a roll oh good also known as three died did you do the oxygen I did I mark loses one oxygen yeah I'm going up I guess you could go back down no once you make a decision you're going you're committed to going on we never go back to right you can't deal with hey no mixing matching in this game yeah three one two three yell get that eek that's it that's where you've killed us all he's a shark player this I think hold on raise mine Nikki I assume I'm back I am I'm standing at big rolls baby get them yeah there you go 6 minus 1 is 5 1 2 3 that was pretty awesome you have one you want to put it back or you know you know what I'm not giving it up yet one two you want that too you know down one I'm hoping that one we're gonna make this Oh what I wouldn't make it out no absolutely not here down to one - jeez hex double ones cigs no but you don't take you suck oxygen anymore no I don't suck any oxygen okay he's breathing fresh air Wow yeah one for Nikki now you guys better start I moved it for you didn't I yes just keep rowing sixes Nikki P that's all I need floors oh one two three well I don't want to drop that no no - right Lincoln yep six oh darn it whoop that's me one two three four come back no I don't think I'll make it and I hope long as they don't roll twos come on big numbers big numbers Suze one two three okay now I think I'm gonna maybe drop it I'm gonna pick it up you're stinky I'm gonna be greedy yeah you've just sealed my doom there's one HP now you're gonna roll big you're gonna be right here ooh boom okay you want it no okay how way to oxygen to fill incan blues one pick it up pick it up no to oxygen oh man big numbers are I've sealed my fate no - hey on you move I'm admitted Rivera I'm gonna drop one here on an exhale on yeah yeah it's gonna be one for you two for him my money for me no I think you are gonna make it but you're still gonna suck oxygen I have to drop it and hope I should never pick that up nicotine oh I'd be here now if I didn't use crazy Nicki's Aaron you already do that I have not done Nicki's air Nicki's air one thank goodness you turn my wasted consume 1 3 so - she's ahead of me Elmo blue - oh yeah you're gonna pick it up you know you can help kill Lincoln if you pick it up I think I did mess this up move me too big you got it Oh nicely done eat it now you're a la he's on I'm on the ship yeah oh yeah I just left I'm like I'm out of here it's horrible big numbers nope this is the worst not enough so like one she might make it you're gonna make it she has to make it yeah I'm rose - oh okay so and then it goes technically you're turning naked so I have one it goes to this end my turn if I go to the X yes since the star was summarily your turn you get this turning and that's it for this expedition so if I'd kept my - and it went down only one could I still have rolled then yes I should never have dropped that one actually I wouldn't be here now I'd be here if I'd yeah that one oh yeah anyway so only the other ones hurt me yeah yeah yeah that was nothing hit so it's a good thing you drop that off okay so we made it five are we revealed in seven points 11 10 whoa nice and well survived rewrite these goes away she'll survive to dive another day yeah well who's the new star player the person who was the deepest at the end of the last round which could in your case be the last person on the boat so that was me I am I'm going now here's a 25 hi Dave you're in last place for so you clearly need to die very deep whatever get points whatever don't forget that I'm just giving you tips all right how far are you going down I'm going down just check picking that up it's like I'm sitting speeding it up yeah I'm picking that off sock what animal free will free free will yeah Willy what I hit you it'll be four four peel it up nope 500 get it up yeah that's what you wanted to get I need you to get a four I'm dying again put a minimum a alright put a thing under my dude I need a five what you get for I have to I'll die otherwise decisions I'll keep going with you today we don't need him yeah do that I think is a Mirotic yeah I know I'm sorry there really yes all right we're down one yep and I will run away go back to the boat I'll go down go back that's too huh yeah I'm orange yep perfect I'm out of here that's exactly what he wanted we know that yet you can make you wanted to just get to the tooth mm-hmm because you have man oxygen he did get one you yeah then Nicky wait this he has no pieces oh what the last round oh yeah right this maybe that's what you turn them up so you get confused from the kitchen in here and I was taken in there you go thank you sir that's actually anyway does that make sense if we kept them face down the window remember because now I know we can use one oxygen if he were all hidden just put it on the side whatever is one oxygen for you like what you definitely need to know link are you going down are you running up going down oof dang it up only three because oh yeah yeah that's fine that's better yeah yeah sure all right oxygen down and I don't go run away nice run away big numbers 3 4 also known as a three one two three there you go like that hang on picking up I can't get to the boat next turn I will not pick up I will give everybody a chance okay hmm you lose too much to Austin yeah okay I'm going back up yep good luck player and I am moving one why drop anything not yet Nikki you down one yeah I will be heading it Oh five right and some 340 with that yep yeah I'm going up now I can get on the boat good luck Lincoln yeah I don't know if I'm gonna make it just roll six like Nikki Oh three my drop really nope hang on I didn't do your - that's Lincoln and now you now me sorry guys I'm failing at this job your oxygen management for two or three one two three I will pick that up alright mark down to one - I am now officially on this I'm moving three one two three darn it I want to take another one up no dropping no - for Nikki Oh Oh lose three and Yamini she's good yeah she's really good - for Lincoln oh oh I'm not gonna make a big worry one gonna drop something no I'm not gonna make it back so whatever well she don't throw about her oxygen anymore - for me I need you to make it back okay here you go what oh no I'm not gonna pick it up and I'm actually gonna die there probably why my to make it alright you moved it down to for me yes Oh probably gonna dive Iranian ooh for one - see you don't already back you actually didn't want me to make it back that was the best look here comes out - for late well I would you yeah I like it - fake not making it back man yeah drop something there's no point you'll get one more roll but you're right you won't make a six for sure I go down - and I 500 snake eyes could kill me again yeah I love it no no I made it there okay can't believe we're all surviving all right like in this realises if I dropped one right I would get two shots - no this is your last role but if I didn't if I yeah yeah yeah yeah it's okay but now that's cool do that that's awesome drop the - okay let's try it it gives you your best shot right so technically you're supposed to do it on your lap we're just seeing I'm not gonna make it we'll see you well that doesn't right one two three yeah you drop your last one then you'll make it now my gosh alright here's your last chance come on link it here five or six yes oh that's right now the bottom I wasn't this goes down at the bottom yeah yeah okay points oh look I got a zero on my other cherry city 14 I have a total of 12 we got there 1907 innit - I got this last time Wow 79 oh that is it oh yeah you're right sorry all right here's my score please come out it's not so 12 right that's good can't move in it what's happening to the C by the way here bring it all up it's not getting it's getting shallower shallower that's like global warming well we've just yeah that's a deeper I guess Lincoln you were the last - yeah you're the first make it back mm-hmm you had a chance that was exciting for not picking it up oops come on six boo not picking it up - it going down oops Oh fail - now three that's not bad yeah mm-hmm gonna sit this right now hang on this is last round is it I'll pick it up really yeah and then run I didn't say run I just said pick it up you think that's Antonio win I'm just kidding oh oh not so good do you want it nope okeydoke all right Lincoln nice and deep five one two three four five picking it up oops what do I want I just wanted I wished I knew the actual values of the cheer I 22 you I didn't know there was zero yeah there's double digits in the bottom I'd say there are zeros okay me are you gonna back it up chicken well there goes that one principal thank you oops is that the first time that happens to look for me being on no I got chicken going down one down you kind of have to once us oh I go on down one I'll get that one - you don't have to she might not get anything no I know but but she's got a high score right I needed something only you are within range really that actually that first cheat you picked up my word for you want that ah yeah unfortunate our only hope is to breathe her air alright lankey go back we've only spent me I'm down I'm down one bent - can I say hmm going back that's feel like you have to wait I get to but that's good gets me yeah jaw-dropper Isaac also gonna go back hang on mi what Willie's won anyway I can't go down and BC I roll a six I know that's my there yeah I would all go down with you no one no I won't buy you a sir a key she's gonna go back and totally win right so you know I know you don't she's such a hot number no that's not what you want to die yeah no hey that's a little sick okay I just lost the game yourself I'm going to aim for a Jade's I'm gonna go up I don't know this is I'm carrying two treasures only if she doesn't make it the problem is I need to suck air so that's - yeah one two I'm taking out yeah that's me that's what I needed to have happen down one for the air yeah I'm going up ah hex yeah hex 3-1 to do about that yes bum bum down one for Lincoln for I'm out who that helps nothing for me down three one two three I need to move man how about one you want that but he kind of has to to get we wouldn't have oxygen level does it he doesn't have to I'm gonna try it to get me yeah I'm hoping she gets in the boat and then I got all the air to myself - even though I might never move one too big oh babe I'm thinking you will deplete the air so much that well that's true she kills you that works too unit that's all sister rules you know 4-2 no no no they get up you don't want that here wonderful I'm taking it really yeah I could - zero are you're gonna die for sorry hang on for now for two three four you also and - for yep hi mama Oh put him in the boat and we were all one two three all right Nikki you got a couple of chances let's see unfortunate she's gonna make it probably - three yeah nicely done yeah there's a ton of oxygen left that's pretty nice yeah what the thing is if we didn't run away dad 22 mmm 24 Oh risking my life that was a lower one now this one is last 29 30 Oh pull it off die bu yeah I got one of my she's got a zero hi hmm all right that was 18 19 20 to 28 yeah too bad that was a zero yeah you know to do it cuz he was still grabbing stuff Legion yeah yeah you had to they had to come had a good roll I was hoping to actually take one on the way up yeah we mattered but I was like I wasn't leaves open the way up and then I rolled the first six I rolled to the whole stupid game yeah it was kind of a bad but when I click tonight is like I could not go further Yeah right I don't think it would have made it to I mean it would have been rough I don't I I definitely stop spending oxygen so that's one reason why both Dave and I stopped setting action that's the only reason why that was there where it was at all right yeah if I don't know six yeah I hopefully pick up a second one yeah cuz I cuz I was six away right and I thought sweet six - the one I will I will absolutely not make it to the boat and get a second tile and then what happened was Oh dump me you were in front of me I'm like Oh someone's in front of me I'm gonna leapfrog over them that was my flip how do you think Nick oh I like this game a lot it's just fun to press your luck and I mean I think this is the best I've ever done in this game and the best I've seen of the three years do um the only one day yeah that's right the dying happens I'll have treasure pretty awk more often than making it back to sub for sure yeah so this is like a weird rarity um I I like the plain simple design Oh graphic stuff is just beautiful the box is beautiful I just I like that yeah the whole game is in this little teeny box simplicity 60s design is just gorgeous yeah that hold the whole line of this these designs I think the designer and the head of the company does the art I might be wrong about that but he's it's all amazing it's such neat every single one of ones I see I'm just like wow this is just so well done really really brilliant the patrol one is that they're all like similar like the eye changes it's just is really fun like neat yeah our saddles really nice yeah yeah it's got this groupthink kind of thing going on where we could all kind of agree that we're gonna go deep for the big points but then this prisoner's dilemma that one is comes in it is is one person chaos that bad got that one that b31 oh nice yeah yeah I just knew it wasn't gonna happen it was too far back and don't let the simplicity of the design and the fact that it's a small box take away from the fact that you have to really there's thinking going on sure not too much that's was you the other management it's not a kids game no necessarily and you can't I have another kids but you can play so it's all tied the bottom of it those are the bottom of the brain that's going on in the game is not you know like Candyland or something don't let that simplicity fool ya fool yeah I think when we first played we didn't even know the right there we didn't really understand how the dice just by being one-two-three one-two-three dice make a big difference in your movement you know so that you saw us in this game that decision to pick up a third treasure tile is huge there's a s it didn't happen too much in our turns I know what happened a lot of years but you can have terms when you don't move it all and you could be not very far from the sub but if you have three treasures you may never get to move I'm going to ask you that so if you were here and you did not roll enough to move and you didn't move at all you could then drop one right yeah because your since I start my turn on they're right for me in addition to just loving the game I mean I just like playing the game it's fun right it scratches Lalo's the Lich's it's got dice and luck and but some thing and and I don't know you're talking about groupthink no one's ever gonna go even if we all decided to go all the way down we've played the game where we've tried to do that you still might not get back up the bath is so long well but you don't use any air I mean all right theoretically we all dive down to the big point values okay we all pick up one treasure right that's all we do right you think you make it back I think some of us will make a bet and if based on the dyeing anything up on the way home see the values here well here's the thing right I if I if it all gets very greedy right I am unless I think I'm not gonna make it then I pick everything up to use up the air everybody tell everyone or a lot they're huge yeah well it makes sense it's ditch way down there at the bottom one idea I had and I've never played this way is for everybody to pick up at the top as much of the low little treasures as possible so you scooped up yeah the trick the deputy reason no twos get closer to the boat and then you had maybe have a better chance I mean look if there was a fourth round this all of this would be gone all of this would move up to the boat of course you wouldn't want clearly a fourth round cuz that would just kill the fun of the game but um my thought was to just go for the quick easy first round pick up the ones clear that out so the track moves smaller then you might have more of a chance to get down to those oars well as long as people make it out with a bunch of treasure the oxygen runs out quicker and then that means you're gonna drop but the good thing is you drop a bunch of crap at the bottom of the ocean you may have to do that yeah so each level is +3 so the first level is zero three two of each for two seven two of each eight to 11 two of each 12 to 15 two of each yeah that's it that is the man that's the math of that I think what you're saying is absent the kind of group quasi cooperative thing you're talking about you know these aren't three times the value at the bottom there and yet they're at least three times the deadliness risk to the bottom it's hard well know what's nice is if you get a four you don't have to pick up a second one that's one tile that gets you a lot of points meaning meaning you don't the only are going to subtract one from your role the right a the strong part is that when you pick up a one on the way back up you know it could be zero mm-hmm and but it's also giving you a harder chance to get back but what happens is I I mean I feel that you would have you'd go down there and everybody would use up the oxygen yeah to make sure you don't make it back with those big sure I would sure try what I was trying to say before though about the elegance of just the game design is this plays two to six players and you don't change this at all yeah in a six player game you still only have 25 oxygen you think oh my gosh if there's five turns at the very least but it's the leapfrogging thing that balances that out and that's really cool to me like it obviously it changes slightly how far down you might try to go although it also pushes you far down right for the beginning I know that I'd never played with two that's essentially with two I think you could go deeper maybe except that you have to roll more to get there because you're only gaining one extra movement point by leapfrogging over someone assuming that you do right and to me that more than anything put like that extra smile on my face when I thought well how do you change it up with more players the answers you don't you just play it the same I'm like that is really cool because it absolutely works that way it's really it's really neat well I think the fact that you don't share space and there's the leap frogging really adds to that whole right thing cuz as long as there were some people had me I felt I was okay to go one further because on the way back up there was a possibility of just rolling a three or four and all and making that good because I was hopping over two players or three players yeah or even one player yes difference it's awesome it's really awesome well thanks for teaching us mark you bet you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 44,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jun Sasaki, Goro Sasaki, Oink Games, Family Fun, Press Your Luck, Dice Game, Board Game, Boardgamegeek, Game Night, GameNight, Family Game Night
Id: KLxTglV4Zyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2016
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