Karuba - GameNight! Se3 Ep26

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tonight I'm game night Dave Aaron Lincoln and myself Nicki are going to be playing Kariba published by haba games designed by rüdiger Dorn and it plays two to four players let's start going through the jungle hey Nicky yes we teaches Kariba I will certainly try sure okay the premise of the game is we've all been on boats coming to this wonderful island and we're going to hunt for treasure we are all our own team we are not doing this together in any way and what we do is we we're going to set up our temples on one side in the green area and then our people in the coming off the beach we all put them up matching and this is a suggestive setup from the rules but you can set all this up in any way you want to just as long as we all have just as long as everybody has the same set up the idea is to build these roads and get your yellow guy to your yellow temple and your purple guy to your purple temple and so on everyone except me has all of their tiles set up around their board I am going to just draw randomly and call out the number and everyone can place their tiles and start getting their paths together there are tiles with folk I'm going to just show this one there are tiles with four there are tiles that are just teased and little u-turns no turns just turns and um straight lines up and down up and down or across oh you have to read it to keep them in that yes well is your eat or the number on here is your orientation or the tile so you know rotating so 11 is that tea but it can't be there exactly this is melon that's full 11 it still says yeah yeah yeah all right the other thing that these tiles have on them or do not have on them are crystals and gold okay if I call I think that's the 15 it's yes 15 uh you're gonna find where you want to place it on your board you're gonna take one of these matching and place it on there it stays there until you get one of your explorers up to that you have to end your turn on that spot to pick up the gem the two things you can do with your tiles is one lay it on your map to continue a path you may also choose not to lay the tile on your board to continue a path in favor of moving your Explorer for instance this tile 50 20 25 you can move your Explorer four places I should say may because you could stop at two or three if you don't want to you're most likely gonna like this is gonna get wasted a lot okay because it's - it's so it's two three or four yeah yeah but like sometimes just to get the gym it's one away so you're gonna rush one movement to do that right you don't want to waste a fordwi1 space so I I either place the tile on the board or I throw it away and get two three or four movement points yes depending based on the number of entry points or exit points on the tile it is that that's just for one adventure I can't split it up between different it is for one adventure you cannot split up a movement you also cannot have two adventures on one tile you cannot hop over another adventure either so if you've got an intervention adventurers yeah if you've got an adventure you know uncle's in some crazy for direction and everything leads to that you have to get him off of there before you can move another adventurer through there hmm does it matter which one picks up these things they just as far as the gems no and at all okay um the other way you can score is getting your adventure to a temple off the board off the which is off like completely off the boat so from here I need to move one more yes well not with this guy family one of you not with this girls right exactly good so once you get your yellow adventurer to your yellow temple and you are the first one there you can pick up the five tile and then that you know the next one's available yeah four three two and that goes for all of all of these temples did you say how many points there sir yes these were one she said and these were two - yes seeker at the end of the game okay can can I place a tile anywhere or does it have to link up to previously playstyles or make a perfect path big questions good question uh you can place a tile anywhere it doesn't matter does not have to link doesn't link up and it creates this is good that would be illegal because you rotate here to visitation I can talk and in in in our trial yes because you might even go pick up that gold and then Oh God and find a new way right exactly I like it alright uh when you pick up I skip this it's not a big deal but when you pick up a little gem you place it on the Explorer on the side that picked it up for thematic yes just to shake down one but it doesn't matter between doesn't matter which one got it but if that's the rules just say to place it on the guidance what does it mean what if we link our Explorer with the temple at the same time as another player good good question yeah because I'm just gonna copy exactly what you do and so all of our oh great you'll be surprised there's a little bit you're like oh mine you did the same thing then finally it starts to diverge one player will take the whole five the the second player will take the four and A one Djinn what is crystal know so if we all if all of us do it's really top exactly friendly that makes sense right cuz otherwise it's a dexterity game yet or Speedway motel first I grab grab great now what ends the game two things can end the game we either run through these tiles and that is that and we add up our points or one player gets all four of their explorers to the temple which which means then they can't do anything else really difficult but yeah yeah those are that yours it's just number of points and then it's just number of points I don't even want to know if there's a tiebreaker oh I want to know at the end yes don't tell me now okay let's see unless you want us to know it now no we'll talk about a fool's hammer to talk about the end yeah well we'll certainly member talk about it at the end if it ends in a three-way tie yeah I don't know be awesome if I'm excited this sounds really fun is really on it it's fun it gets a little like I like the part already that you don't collect these two you actually go over the tile right yeah and that you have to stop there I don't mess around here on the seventh or the eighth writer what does Kariba does is it a real jungle can you tell me the history of the land I unfortunately I cannot but I've already made my clothes and their interest okay what about 25 26 why just seven and eight oh boy or 25 points 25 26 or is this because you're worried about this connect yeah and what that right away I want that one right away just not a mess around all right I would also take 23 yeah are they guys go you ready yep I'll start with the disk come on lucky tile that would be a six six six that could go in the corner too yes it could no rotating oh crap I really well that's right I was so easy it already rotated yeah this game is awesome no it's too hard so we can absolutely start anywhere we don't we can just put like out here oh yeah as long as it's that's friends in there right direction you'd almost have to write the fact that you can't rotate the tile means you need to have the most liberal replacement rules possible or you'd be totally hooked yeah but I liked it you can't rotate it no I mean that's the way it is with a lot of these title items right yeah well gonna be we all have the same chance all right Nikki okay everybody's got their six come on seven race is a 3434 a geek 34 ace and a girl I want to rotate that one too I know all right Jenny yo don't up done ten ten curve no it's perfect it is yes free one oh yeah for you all right fine oh that is the wrong pair I guess I'll tried to rotate I'm killing myself I'm killing yourself right now what is this gonna do here you know what it's just gonna hurt you later okay all right but I want to find every crystal if you like it then you better put a crystal on it I was there so milky and not clear no they just I thought it was too small they're just really small I'm only like broken crystal eight they're only worth one point yeah the only have two hectares don't wait for us yes I have you like alive for a single point crystal when he got baby 36 36 that's the most outrageous one of all mm-hmm throw that away he's just up going boom lady got some go oh wait a minute oh never mind I did it I forgot that I I should pay attention to your abs too late done well everybody got their 36 oh we don't all right no I'm good I'm good yep darn I'm gonna work with that 27 27 mm-hm oh why why did I do that I don't know eek yes egads dumb this is horrible it's exactly right this is I should say visit for omegas south Lass's if you have to stop on this to pick it up yes okay here we go look at this box Dan already yeah uh what nine-person upside down that's why you can't rotate this is the same as twenty-seven theses hold it's very gentle and it has a gem on it absolutely the worst I'm moving I don't care yeah out that's probably what I should have done one to pick up a Jim who picked it up the little yellow Daniela do same here on mine oh I just realized something really dumb okay so I screwed that up uh uh uh I'll put that here and there we go see see I have already horribly screwed up you ready yeah oh this is great it's 24 huh 24 I love ya like I like you Nikki it's horrible I like Nick I'm glad you like it cuz I sure don't know I don't know if I like that oh wait what am I saying oh are you saying wait no that's okay 24 is okay to tape tonight Nikki well that gets this out what was the one I just threw no I don't want this no what I need eeeek I need another correction I hope we have those available Oh three we need three yeah we won three one of those no I don't want three 21 and 3 or 3 I want 21 I want a corner without it whose wish am I supposed to honor just just flip it and what you got is a cursor by 18 18 mm 18 18 18 huh Simpson eh I'm gonna throw that out and move bling I thought about that gym guy who kind of looks like me got a June yeah I'm doing it - good one - yellow guy all right ready yeah 5 now I need to reverse a five oh that's perfect I don't like anti five hmm where's the anti five Nicki and I don't know oh wait what am I saying I don't know what are you saying Dave oh wow let's do that I'm never gonna get up there is the problem eeeek you have now I wanted to title 12 11 12 11 hang on 11 12 yeah I'm holding up the show too good because let's just discuss this we gotta go on over yeah I'm like look at you you've already got stuff connected I know sort of sort of it's nothing connect to exactly where I want to go but at least they can go sure let's try that that's gonna work I know it it's all bad the worst I think is that you forget sometimes what you yeah what you want you need and you toss it yeah oh crap three three three three run to wrong doo doo doo doo doo doo I'm gonna say whenever there's a Kris I'm gonna go please everyone remembers to put it on the tile um that's a good yeah thanks that's a good that's a good you pick up this one and then go back the other way yes I should crazy that guy is hunting crystals in Boots I got a way to move to that's right he's young he hasn't got nothing but time to explore his jungle Adhan find crystals all right just as everybody yes come on teen no I did 120 wasn't 17 a good one no no it's a strange no it's pretty straight is good if you want to go straight straight is good if you want to go straight there we go the problem is I need to start connecting things actually move I'm never gonna act anything ever it's really clear that nothing is ever going to connect I'm gonna I'm gonna skip this crystal move to space Wow yeah I think trying to get to the end is better than going one space at a time go ahead me all right come on seven eight twenty six twenty 35 35 another oh hey I'm raising sadly how wait that's good boom Jim yay boom let's do this let's just whoa let's just yeah yeah yeah yeah okay - one - oh no no I'm sorry I am you're moving - I'm not tiled no I did my thing okay I paid my dude 1313 oh good it's got it yeah I think I can deal with that doo doo doo doo stay bad that is horrible come on one of the pluses it's critical let's do this let's try that any always come over for this later there's no okay everybody got their gem on there yeah come on Thank You Aaron come on Nicky 14:40 know shuffled it I don't know yes seriously moving okay yeah I don't want to do bling bling bling bling bling okay that'll get me there I'll get me later get there all right come on come on now we need some good tiles yeah seriously tease teaser pluses yeah yeah yeah that's seven eight good eventually we haven't gotten a four and this is a twenty nine it's a T though yeah what's the wrong direction Iggy the wrong team oh no that's okay question kind of throw a chili to not move oh you actually can just for failure forfeit that seems ridiculous yes question is that a terrible move it's not it's just fancy I don't want to place it on my sin inch and my board is so ugly but I'm 95 percent say yes terrible man all right would you go through next I'm not ready yet cuz you had a question I'm sorry oh I really need some of those other do okay where is that yeah come on Nikki eleven it is a tea and maybe in the direction you guys are gay hooray for Allah I think that'll work yeah I'm going to place that right 4:11 bling dad is gonna cut that off come on this is horrible for me I don't like it there - to Bologna is the line I'm moving I might do that side - I'm moving no brownness this old dude put it down ready yo down there eight hey no hang on make sure put this in the right place yeah last thing I don't want to do is screw this up I think I want that there oops I need to get this guy oh I need so many of these yeah I guess technically they'll all come out unless someone bless your dishes immediately hello well you guys have really really but yes I made my stacks even so I just went through and select a kid Nicky done doctor Denton 32 32 hmm Oh know what y'all okay bling bling bling mm-hmm this is not good yeah throw away a gold piece no it's just not good now let's see wait does that screw meatballs no I can't do that pie that screws me where can I put it but it doesn't totally screw me but it's pretty bad it just goes right here that's much better I am actually gonna use this to move even though it's a waste but I'll pick this up okay done hey 33 see nobody shuffle T oh I should have waited it was the same one I should have waited one got some gold hmm I'm looking at your board cuz you know what's coming up I don't like what's left like what's left yes okay yeah actually this would be a lot tougher if you didn't have any tiles out there and had no idea what was left I kind of I don't so I'm looking at you guys I don't want to do that that is horrible hmm I want to Rick can I rotate this one no can I pay a gem to rotate okay I'm moving one that's not that's the orange guy 22 you put the gym on a 22 you made this dude brown and this guy orange exactly when Lincoln and I both need he put it on the yellow I know I can't pick tup the other one I've been putting it here and what was the number I'm sorry wait oh my words 22 nope if I do that I'll never get to the other place I'll get in there I guess you're gonna get there before me link I don't think so well if I did that right you'd beat me there but the problem is if I do that then I'm cutting everything off this direction potentially right well on the other hand I guess I could get out this way oh this is all good ready yeah four four four I think it's time to move yeah yeah how does this brown but this brown guy wants to get to there okay actually four forth right one two hmm done sixteen sixty what moving so moving with there's gold on that tile there's goals no matter there's no way to use it you never know oh that's true if you really don't know I know that's it now I need to think no I almost want to count up how many movement points are left there's a bit we still have all the fours there are three of the four yeah but they're gonna be you're gonna place at least one of those at least one cuz you're sure otherwise there's like two threes at leat three fries left this is the last gold tile there no more gold token nuggets after this they can do this I feel like throwing one away is kind of a big sacrifice if I get a tea the good for half way there that can go there that okay that has to be a plus whether I like it or not yeah move away so do I care about this is the question ready fake I'm doing yes as crazy as it sounds I think I'm doing this and cutting that whole thing off I'm crazy never gonna come back for those Jim you're a crazy person I am look Fox sir any more tea yes yeah this is a 23-20 83 yeah is beautiful I think I can live with that I likes it he likes it a lot that'll work column very well oh wait does it go there instead no that's fine done one one moving moving one Space Wing yeah that's stupid what am i doing this is definitely weighted towards the single ones for it for this one 19 today 1919 the hell you say 19 only 19 dang it I got blocked yeah I really have a traffic jam going on Rosalie hey wait that's moving - okay one two wait yeah yeah alright Nicky I need I'm going to 21 move one space I need 21 oh my god you need 24 28 or you die or 20 or 30 is that what you just drew yes uh you are correct more thirty thirty is gonna work thirty will fit right here who there's also three movement excited oh wait I'm gonna move instead okay that's good probably a mistake but I did it ready yep twenty how do we have three of our intersections not picked yet cuz nikki is because Nikki's run out Joe it's all my fault yeah the thigh the yellow what and I'm always gonna get that but I want to I'm getting the purple okay fantastic next seven yay god bless you you're good people I don't really need to say fifteen twelve twelve cereal is where your over there I might move three hold on twelve is three yeah but oh crap oh crap yeah okay 31 31 - oh I found purple okay so you get a 3 mm yeah boo was the one we just did 31 31 okay put it oh crap they're now taking movement with a gym I need to get this guy out of the other dudes way okay 15 oh good news Jim look and that has a gem on it by the way people look okay the question is yeah it does how'd you what to do demo which a monkey 28 next I'm going to move there's only four more tiles I'll go too I know yeah you guys told me there was a lot of movement left wait I'm not getting much anywhere I don't think I can make it on all of them mm-hmm I think you're right with you make it no - I didn't worry about making all of them sir okay I moved all of us are only gonna get two of them - uh twenty-one yay finally okay wait does it really even care about sure no because I'll never make it to here right 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I'll never make it so this guy's dead at this point dad do you yeah yeah I'm gonna move backwards if I get the four oh my gosh wow I just realized I blocked off a temple and didn't oh you totally didn't even realize it and you were moving that guy yeah well he picked up a sure gold yes he probably yeah oh he's probably not gonna make it there nope okay good one 28.8 that would be 28 sorry that allows me to finish the balloon before everybody else finished Brown that was nice one too Ballu yeah I'm not gonna make it alright two more tiles left yeah too short 25 25 blue eyebrows the yellow oh my gosh and I'm blocked you blocked your guy with an explorer yeah oh but I'll just move one and he can him yeah it's better than nothing and I was well and there's a look at all the gems she's got yep I'm done there's one left at one level when it's 26 so I can get a gem at least on now that's it that is ridiculous I'm gonna put it right there there's no reason a well-told let up so the Gold's are - yeah 8 X I took that way right oh you got three of them Oh Lincoln yeah but I don't have that much I think Nikki's doing better making now I didn't finished one I have 25 21 I before I have 19 22 17 wait two forces she only finished one I only got one all the rest of hers are blocking each other I blocked myself this guy could have made it but she then she cut that off at some point and didn't see it so I got 17 24 I got 22 a 1919 congratulations day absolutely I got more gems than you I guess right I got an a bonus gems well didn't you get more guys off the board no we each got equal and you actually scored higher in these but I beat you with the gems I think yeah but I had like a super precise my god look at that that's good yes like it in that kind of regard it hurt me I will I what I absolutely should have done which would won me the game is instead of taking the movement but I wanted to uncheck this here mm-hmm I moved and then place this on the next one that gave me that connection I had a tea that would have done it right oh I see you didn't need the plus in other words I did I need anything to make that connection but I wanted to start moving because they were all this path is bad you don't want to wait for the curve well it didn't matter I didn't want to I wanted to start Blake on this just chokepoint up okay yeah you never seen look at this I'm I didn't I'm shocked that you didn't do better but was it because you didn't just make gems I have taken two gems only apps I have 2 4 9 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 point yeah you have 12 and 12 which is a pretty good balance I decided since this was the first time ever to play this game that I wasn't going to be great making these connections and I thought let me just pick up as many gems as I can to start with and see if that helps but then I mean look this guy never got off the mat really the very last turn of the game for my 4 movement points I moved him from off the board on the board I was never I didn't see ahead of time that that if I made a path this way I was blocking the people can be right in the directions like I did that and I had everyone blocked in the middle and I had I had to move one backwards to get out of the way so what did you what did you fell up over there you are saying this well you didn't make the right pocket I cut off one of my temples and this guy could have absolutely made it especially since well the problem is in this game it was so weighted on the singles before the connectors right that was you know I know it's harsh random numbers I know I know that's farce I feel like you're always going to be striking a balance between trying to you know trying to get all your guys out there exploring or just focusing on one or two or three at a time and these were our last three tiles which is crazy because there's four of these in the game yeah and you heard me at the end member going 2828 the only reason I was calling 28 was that allowed me to get 2 points it allowed me to bring the blue guy into 5 and not have you moved the blue guy yet yeah does that make sense link yeah my blue guy didn't even wait was the wrong way yeah dude it was gone the wrong way drama Wade you have 25 you beat me what why this guy he was going here not up here I was like here so dude got all of them yeah and you won Wow which makes sense you should win okay you did better than me in these things right but that was why I wanted the 28th was I saw Lincoln was a Lincoln was three away from getting his blue in and on my turn prior to that I moved my blue guy to spaces in hopes that I'd have the 33% chance that the 28th was right and when it did it allowed me to snake a point I probably beat you on that didn't you did because I was dormant yeah it got me in and it didn't get you in right what that was the one thing all the stupid thing is is I was the brown was up here and he could have moved I was holding off on him getting him up here to the purple which I don't know what tech I was doing there oh no but there you go there you go so you add 25 to it it's crazy the vegetable it's a very tight like this is a very tight map that's a very tight pal I think that's the sort of the key that you want to do is Nando's but I was waiting for so many essential connects to make it I know you guys have you had dudes moved up and I couldn't do that everything was like 1 or 2 tiles for each guy you know that was awful and I had this guy was blue okay so he moved a long way did you have to move like one guy most of the way to get him off the path for the rest of the guys to go through well this connection right here was bad right because there's all of these are all of these are leading through here rather going up here or going up here here right your blue is an eight length path well and mine is 10 you know this would have one - oh that was purple blue was where did he start started on the 20 on this one no no he did okay so one two three four five six seven eight nine right well nine nine eleven yeah but I was going you know what here's the deal dude I think my brain had this as purple the whole time I wonder if I put the gems in the right spot in other words I was doing this as purple even though that went to the right spot but like my brain had this is oh I see you're saying because it's right here with us we think Nick oh I like it I played it before right huh to see if it was worthwhile and I just have a lot of fun with it I can't believe I did this bonehead man is just ridiculous and then at the end I I blocked myself I don't know my brain is turned off or something um but I love this game and I want to play it again right now so there's that yeah it's really really well done I'm surprised because this as we were mentioning when Nicky and I did plays before this is a lot like the mechanism placing is like take it easy where you have it it's a bingo type thing where you're all drawing this from the same pool of exactly the same tiles right and then the only thing that varies is where you're placing it here on the on the map and as you can see none of us really even followed the same kind of arrangement and I just I love the fact that you're wishing for numbers you're like okay please number 27 Nina yeah because you especially since there's a scarcity of the of the ones that are like there's only a couple of each tile right but I mean there are city embossing exactly so like those turns that we kept getting the wrong ones you know we're like oh man I you know needed like this one for the longest time I love that you're waiting for this to get drawn but boy was it rough because it was really a bad choice or I should have made this like a double path here but I didn't need to do anything differently I know I know but it's we won the game I know it's weird like I feel like I'm almost precisely made it right I obviously boned it a little bit I was I was done I mean you guys might not have finished you yet you were you were you were done on your second-to-last I'll write as you move the blue guy or whatever but the point was your blue guy was only one away right or sorry what it was like here he was a four would have taken him up correct yeah that's why I needed the two right if the four had done then we would have tied for five right and you would have scored I needed to see if I could gain a point on you right what's cool for me was I like the notion of when the when like the 31 comes up or even worse like when the 32 comes up with its two-point thing on it yeah I need a movement yeah it's like that hurts like I don't offend the way for Google+ it's a drag to waste a 2 as a 1 right like sometimes I wonder if you should just skip the gym you know well I also look how many gyms even had available on the board I didn't have that many 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 yeah but you picked him up right of course yeah but but I'm he threw out a lot I threw out a lot of gems just because I'm like I want to try to get across the board and it's funny I didn't I did not think I would beat like get done before everybody else as far even though I it looks like I might have almost been able to do that well but there's no reason you shouldn't you but my point is is this they're so little new it's it's like this is a pretty precise board but it might be kind of some longer paths right but does it matter it's it's ridiculously economical as far as you have one main path that connects everything yeah there's no reason you should ever lose the game with that board I mean I place the tile here that did me no good I please wear at least three that did me know where I could have used to momen instead right these tiles did me no good were the ones he thought it out there I never got near there and so that was all wasted oh I see the guy never me the guy knows never well I mean he was here at the end here anyone picked up that Jam yeah what I still needed an extra tile and more movement to get there so so these three in retrospect are three wasted turns yeah were you saying it uh one thing I want to point out is I picked up on my gems and I'm last you picked all all of your gems and you came in first so yeah there's something going on there it really is about efficiency of your AF and using it at the right time you did get 13 points and gems I know which is the your score is actually 18 oh what'd she say 17 you got 13 points in gyms though I you know I whatever ya covered up or something so no it's 12 isn't it two four six oh seven eight nine there's six one ten eleven oh you're right my dad you didn't get twelve points of gems but stings you right uh two four six seven eight nine two ladies have to send Jim's okay how many did I throw away that was I counted at four away 14 tiles for a movement I don't think there's anything wrong with that if you could pick up all your two point gems right but as far as which one's head Jim Jesus dinner there's four Jim's right we all threw one away yeah or to throw away to you I throw away nine points and gems I think the problem the other problem is that you have to stop with a gym sock yes which is great yeah I was trying to space them two apart cuz I figured yes but I just couldn't do it there you go I said I think I didn't blow it on two meals because I ended up moving guys like when I was desperate to not use because there's many of these these single the only ones that I was waiting for was maybe like that was this one I kind of forgot about this guy yeah it's lieutenant and I know that I need a straight one up and I almost toss them like no I need deaf nose I and I said that beforehand where I'm like you gotta be careful throwing something out when you actually need it and I almost threw that one out I mean yeah exactly I was I almost threw it out it's funny because that's why I built this right I was hoping for this so that these would be two apart yes I pick one up and then ultimately in the long run the only reason that I came in second was I later just place this I totally said to hell with this plan I'm trying to write because I realized that I didn't I was trying to connect everything differently instead of connecting everything with one bit it didn't hit me until about halfway through the game that what I really wanted was this what I really wanted was one path that connects everything and not two paths they connect everything right in two paths right is with him well I still think that I had a hard time no you did it almost perfect I know I know but I still almost feel like there should have been so that they could pass each other it was yes seas were chill there were three not as bad as oh I see yourself somebody had maybe I have unique three hours yeah oh yes yeah and I was like I was looking at Aaron going wow how is he gonna get a head and I was like once and I was getting close to having that and I was like what do you do and you said you backed up to make it no that was for a gym but I basically had three guys in a row and the one that had to move first I didn't have his path finished yet so I had to like I was waiting with a pile to unjam my whole traffic snow yes I helped myself not choke by never bother that I wasn't on purpose but as it turns out I came in a very close second by ignoring one of my god so Miley wandering ahead here at adji ignore 25 yeah yeah the only one for most of the game might be a good strategy then if his path is done at the end use some movement but like I don't want all for them out there blocking each other well I see we can't the downer is is you can't screw them by just blowing the tile right like like that one although that's not screwed no I just never don't want to get what he needed to make that connection but like you want to leave it open I although I gotta say it's it's probably very simple to do where you bone it where somebody said totally not gonna be a move or they can't get very far right I mean Nikki I almost shot cuz she closed I could have made it in if I hadn't if you had dinner I have two questions what is the tiebreaker if someone does tie in points oh you remembered yeah that the done that the first time raker is the most jungle tiles placed on your board if that you're still tied at that point then it's friendly and you're both win oh I would beat you in the tiebreaker yeah because you're I was less efficient how's that you threw out more for movement I know but that would seem your path is more efficient but but you didn't use you didn't make a guy right with you tied you didn't even move a dude if you and I tied right you have the new one with three guy makes sense because if I score the same number of points as yes whether he dudes but with fewer movement that would be the tiebreaker yeah that would make sense right like I was actually more efficient eyesight in that case I you scored me a mega-size scored more with fewer movement yeah neat that is my second question is is this the first game in a hundred plus episodes that Niki has taught to us I don't remember I think she's taught something before okay yeah don't well good job I did Ringo flew me yeah that was it's been arrived well he wasn't here for that that was rusty Oh English rhyming yeah it was rough and uh Aaron what did you think I think it's pretty neat it's got a really good mix of randomness and strategic I definitely have to balance the efficiency of your path or paths through there through the jungle with the movement of your explorers and the timing of the movement you know if you have one path you're gonna have traffic snarls and if you have multiple paths you have spent more tiles than you might have needed to I think it's a pretty fun little mix of it also doesn't really have a lot of luck I mean we all have it doesn't have any like we all have exactly the same if it affects everyone that's exactly there is luck I mean it's but everyone's getting is the same amount at the same time but we might be but based on how you played you could be more fortunate opposed to any game where you can yell out what you wish to have happen yes Cindy come on lucky 17 well thanks for teachers Nikki you're welcome
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 42,198
Rating: 4.9664569 out of 5
Keywords: Karuba, HABA - Habermaaß GmbH, HABA, Rüdiger Dorn, Family Fun, board game, BoardGameGeek, GameNight
Id: umRF4vA-Gh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2015
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