New DO NOT LAUGH in Minecraft!

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this is Do Not Laugh make others laugh to win but when every player is out to make you die of laughter who will huh uh what's up all right gentlemen welcome to New do not laugh but blue new wait what what what what's new about it is it the new sticker going to show you something very interesting are you ready I can't hear you yes [Applause] beautiful I don't like this where's my belt actually where did it go I think I can't see it I think I look good oh don't worry all right we got this one more time [Music] Zayn is a bigger nerd than this I don't understand I heard that I am not a nerd I'm a kitty what was that uh okay that's a laugh meter that is a very dangerous everyone should laugh so we can see what it does we'll find out okay I'm next if I have a way to punish my friends I wonder um are you wondering why I turned into this elephant yeah particularly irrelevant [Laughter] [Music] give me something good Pierce okay okay actually you know I you know I got a pretty bad joke you know uh people told me this one is uh well let's just see and uh what the ain't no party humor on my channel gee no no no I promise this is really poopy I didn't know that we had to to get done in it and then respond I want to go again all right so fast okay go ahead I got a new one I got a new one and don't worry it's not gonna be like pierced with this potty humor and all the days better all right so huh and oh are you just taking my joke this isn't this isn't just a toilet um why don't you come take a closer look uh sure what is this somebody else [Applause] rub on your face what's going on what's going on oh you want to see my three heads [Music] all right I guess I'll get I'll give it a try all right let's see how funny this time ready for the funny okay and show me [Music] all right what what are you doing hang on yeah you look a little bit late what is that what is that why is that oh my God you're so pretty pretty I love this little companion [Laughter] what what happened wait is that what happens when you laugh too much wait wait does he walk like that wait walking yeah wait I don't turn this off I don't know say do you have to go potty I mean it kind of looks like me oh I Just Can't Stop Dancing my house Barbie are you okay okay you just stay there sir and keep doing it okay good job I'm gonna go while you uh figure that out oh sure sure that's a great joke to tell uh that's right yeah what all right so why can't Elsa have a balloon um [Music] it's a question it's a setup funny it could yeah you got it uh yeah it's um yeah you know what that wasn't fair you all should have left so um what happened there see oh uh hope you all like what I did with the laugh bomb that we're gonna get one of those all right at least I got Zane Pierce and we're safe okay okay okay okay well you know what I'll I'll go uh maybe it'll make you a catch up huh okay oh there it is oh I got better I don't know your bones still look a little weird oh okay okay hold on I I think I got it okay uh prepare yourselves for laughter yeah [Music] I don't get it is it working I don't even care if my lavender goes down pretty good hey guys it's working oh it's finally oh what the why is there what is that yeah it's an amazing um no no and if you were gonna get an ore get the diamond the diamond is somewhere look at this place all right all right all right all right let me start off the joke all right let me start the joke let's go all right let me ask you boys a shoe a question that is a shoe all right it's a shoe that's why have you ever wanted to be a Barbie girl in a Barbie world types [Applause] [Music] yeah so does that make me Ken um no you're more like a you're more like a skipper yes I'm not sure don't ask how I know that I'll go next I'll go next [Laughter] wow okay all right the ugly comment got you wow Pierce I'm so sorry I just ate your tears at least somebody got you some of them [Applause] how to make all of you all of you there we go all right now it's time I'm gonna use this to use mind control and you're all gonna become my minions I just get this working over here say let's try it out okay oh my gosh why are you sure [Laughter] it doesn't work I think it works okay but oh I'm surrounded bye [Music] one of us stuck like this are you like this forever I don't know I hope not oh and now for my next trick I'm going to pull a rabbit out of that [Music] okay okay yep yep yep so you just gotta reach in hold on it's kind of deep okay there we go oh wait wait come back oh where'd the rabbit go uh lots of money all right hold on let me grab another one wait a minute uh two more what is that uh how many rabbits there's one more one more one more I get some practice I got this huh uh the rabbits [Laughter] well this bunny has become my friend I'm friends with this bunny now hey hey what Gotti carrots no get out of here but this is for you and I made it especially for you oh no don't drink it oh whatever you do is it a milkshake oh no yeah very special milkshake just for you let me let me let me let me see how is it [Music] it's not bad it tastes kind of like oh that's not part of the joke [Laughter] [Music] I don't like the giggle but you ended up making it any funnier now that's what I expect happy birthday to you happy birthday it's your birthday take care of it guys look away I gotta make the big nuggets can I have two okay so this Do Not Laugh is very close first we had Ian die and then we had Pierce die then we had Zane guy I don't know what happened to me okay sorry don't answer it it's fine it's fine it's okay it's fine all right so so for my joke I'm gonna do uh this and I hope you all better laugh or sing I will read your diary out loud okay why are you targeting me [Music] no guys quiet quiet I'm trying to make the noise Stitch makes okay this is the worst Stitch impression I have ever seen wait what [Music] oh there he goes anyway good job I like your stitches [Music] it's now my turn keep doing it and I'm not gonna have a tiny little furry creature I'm gonna have a tiny little creature fascinating I'm a Frog wait a minute is there is there is there a lady frog nearby whoa it's not even tinier oh what whoa there we go oh my God I never get that spell off me ah okay before you leave wanna hear my Stitch impression sure it was so good okay it's my turn I can't believe all right all right all right I've got one for you ready so why are chickens so funny [Laughter] it became a chicken [Music] because uh whoa oh it's making chicken hey look no this is our children those are real too you're right come here come here I need more knocking okay [Music] [Applause] thank come here let me give you some wise words of advice real quick what do you got first off I think that you really shut up no all right all right hold on Jeffrey out of my inventory all right uh let's see here I know I know I know okay I got this look at this hey if you guys brought food you can eat though hey app what what sound does a crow make do you really want to ask me that yeah all right wait that's not the sound of crow makes incorrect but good work what does it say a sound a crow makes Kaka yeah yeah I get it I'm going underneath I can't be a part of this anymore oh wait a minute I'm good [Applause] okay all right I'm back all right so so here we go here we go here we go all right you know what I want to see I want to see I want to see some really what I wait do not like wait Hendrix Pierce this is your candidate [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow he's so big and handsome but yeah you know what I I have an idea you know he was so buff that gives me an idea for mine okay ready and see just do some of this I changed my mind five credit uh fighting crime is hard all right I'm in my gym clothes so what kind of exercises does a lazy person do none up close what [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] gyms in all the working out went to my thighs and then and then you'll explode oh hey my stage is okay we're all good all right died as he lived I guess okay who's next not very long am I okay said go up oh all right behold science whoa uh huh is this a porta potty oh no this is one of those ancient telephone books silence I will need a special volunteer for this demonstration he's special don't you want to be more handsome and his impressive I could be even more handsome yes I want to be more handsome oh okay uh put me in this uh what do we how what do we do they just get in the contract okay ignore the adorable Pony in there what's in the other one ah don't worry about it bud okay what happened it's a sun am I more handsome now oh okay you look beautiful huh I don't get it what happened hey I'm sick let me let me look at myself I've merged you with one of the most beautiful creatures Ian you're welcome [Applause] oh come on Ian I said I was sorry I'm not okay okay sit down you Jokers I've got a real crowd pleaser ready for you okay oh yeah okay all right here we go and uh oh okay yeah is that a yeah corn corn a big lump with knobs it it has the juice it has the juice I can't imagine a more beautiful thing I can tell y'all about it his buddy yeah it is pretty funny
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,826,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: eVQ6uOYv9qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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