Aphmau said a BAD WORD!

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Mouse is a bad word in Minecraft and one of our friends is about to tell on her wait wait someone is gonna tell on me there oh you're gonna get in trouble you guys said it too what happened aphmau says a bad word oh this Lush cave has had so many materials there's so many crazy things right Ian Ian hey uh maybe you want to join me over here won't be a little bit more organized like me you know says you just you watch I'm gonna find something awesome whatever let's see at least I got a lot of materials here there's a ton of things like huh [Music] I actually did it definitely be careful around here though okay whatever danger is my middle name you're such a nerd and now this gold is gonna be here okay five five out it's okay I got it flips uh let me seal this off that is a mutant creeper do not want to deal with that ah okay um oh there he is good thing you said to respawn he's like his head is everything gone it didn't I sealed it up for now there's a mean creeper Oh Come monster with creeper What A Thorp Stones slurps what does that mean wait you you don't know I told you you're a nerd that is a cool guy word for cool guys only cool guy word right oh yeah no no really really flips is only for the coolest players on the server lurps okay then I'm gonna say it flips oh did you just say what I think you just said um flirts [Applause] you can't just say that word after huh well it's for cool people besides Ian said it well I don't care if Ian says it huh why is it because he's a boy no it's because he's a disappointment huh you're being really bossy right now I'm allowed to say my say what I want ah I'm serious and so am I you can't tell me what to do I can I can see however I want hmm I can't believe zina's being bossy with me it's fine it's fine I'm just gonna be with my puppy hello boy how are you doing let's get you a bone here you go you're doing such a good job we're both cool people right hey F what hey uh can we talk for a second talk why uh listen I I've been thinking and you were right I can't actually tell you what to do you know I'm not your mom or anything well that's true and I appreciate that you can't I know who is her what Zayn Zayn what did you Zayn saying you did not Zayn thank you for bringing me Zayn I appreciate it now me huh you have some explaining to do yeah see Minecraft I do when my baby is making bad choices now what is this bad word I'm hearing about um what's so bad it's for cool people like um it's burps I will not tolerate such language you and I are about to have a very serious discussion young lady wait what's over there I love him I didn't think I was gonna get in trouble um where are you oh boy I gotta get here fast oh my mom finds you you can rob me huh but you cannot hide forever Miha you know this oh look at the Sheep joke seven blue waffles there we go oh yeah so what you gonna give me for the wall oh well you get one official Ian coupon valid for one day uh no I don't think he's gonna give you anything other than just to hang out with him and do his bidding I'll take it so this is where you've been hiding me yeah but what's on it Mom oh whoa whoa how about that wolf is tamed right this is a Noah bitey Puppy Zone and I don't want to lose any shape today it is a tan wolf don't worry noise no no give in to your base instincts attack what happens when you say bad words there are consequences please there's nothing wrong with the word flirts okay why they're just digital like that Tamagotchi you refuse to keep alive consequences come to those who use bad words no wait wait it's fine we can go find more sheep and Pop-Tarts should be down here that won't work all of the animals in the server are gone I bet you regret using that bad one well you made all animals on the server are gone 100 oh seriously no animals at all how did that even happen uh when did my mom learn to use Command Center if you stopped using bad words that's not what causes this Mom I'm not sure what exactly made this but I have my suspicions you know and it wasn't flips Now you listen to me oh no where are they coming from you know I bet it was because he used that bad word Mom I don't live under your roof you saying the ripples into your rules if I didn't live under your roof and also the word didn't spawn monsters look flips see wait what more what see mother always knows best right you taught me that we wouldn't have to run if you stopped using potty words you said potty it doesn't calling them potty words I'm not a baby we made it out fine the mobs look like this did you spawned oh I know baby you were so cool if only you stopped using bad words you'd be so much cooler what funny what do you mean mom mom would you respond mommy huh the scream says I died how do I get back into the game just just respawn and click the button at the bottom just highlight over it it's fine you'll respond don't worry and then a bunch of mobs started spawning for no reason it's just odd oh no Casey you know it hurts me to hear you talk like that guys come on calm down she said what the what oh Mom you're Elsa or else on what's what happened to my house oh well I thought it was time to host one of my most fabulous fancy tea parties party my mom has the best tea party it's just like Elsa tip oh no no no no no no no no no no me huh only the fanciest the fanciest people can come in so no swearings mom you can't judge people based off the language they use that's not right also it's not gonna have that happen okay I'm not going to say it I've never said it so I would love to join your tea party all right now maybe we should give it up for now I don't think we should surrender I think there's something fishy going on saying I'm disappointed in you what can I say I am a culture gentleman well you can join us whenever you want me huh you know the rules we're gonna go to Ian's actually we'll host our own party there since my mom decided to take over my house and I have the children to share with her because yeah when the Tea Party you so good I know but we can also make fancy dresses hey guys what's up uh are you coming over to hang out oh I always knew you two would realize what great company I am and what did you have a tea party okay oh you got it come on in I am always ready for a party and you know good thing I cleaned up the place earlier this place is so gross this is what it looks like when you oh oh good it's getting right [Music] here well you know don't want to do it here we could go exploring and get cooler things for my house just clean up all right I think and what your Apple should be this way oh is there any way to find it faster well the best so come on actually don't remember the names of I'm the ghost of aphmau's mother reminding you not to use foul language [Music] no it's a ghost that's what I said it's a player it's my mom mom you can't keep messing with me my friends of course you know for our parents and now you won't even leave us alone I must do what I can to ensure that my daughter grows up to be a polite and strong young lady and who will always listened to her mother and doesn't use bad words oh yeah well flips I said it oh wait wait what wait what is that what are those it happens when you use bad words no something is definitely yeah about this is bad this is bad I don't know if we can fight these ghosts I can't hit them well yes uh by the way could you help mommy with these ghosts I don't know what to ow no they're after me oh no oh gosh no no let's get out of here come on out of here no no no no no let's go I can't believe this all this because of flurps is it really that much of a bad word I've never heard it before ah whatever what is it now uh Kim yeah now you doing okay buddy I'm not great honestly I'm not in the mood to play right now oh no just proud of you some treats you know so we could talk and hang out what do you saying okay that sounds fun Kim come on I actually just straightened up after my mom like wrecked my house a bit oh I'm sorry to hear well nothing these fresh baked cookies couldn't fix these look amazing yeah and you know what I just wanted to bring up that the whole reason I don't like to use that uh word maybe it's just uh I wouldn't serve it you know it just makes me feel a little uneasy to hear it and uh well understand what I mean right I get it don't worry if it makes you that uncomfortable thanks for talking to me like an actual person I could absolutely tone it down well that's good to hear me too oh we can totally even cheer about this there we go oh little insurance agree so I kind of booby trap them just in case Bud get on my side so we're okay right right maybe one second Kim oh okay yeah here there you go you can take those cookies back I can't believe you actually I'm good for right now just take him start running oh I'm sorry oh my gosh people here okay let's see check it out okay so the good news is that it looks like the remote has been working as intended just be sure that aphmau doesn't see you using this thing all right don't want this track back to me oh I am a fantabulous actress please she will never know what's going on though this remote is quite an interesting little tool you made I'm quite impressed what well I mean whatever you say but she it would be great if she doesn't know that we've just been faking this drama all this time I'll just be happy and finally stop having players using foul language on This Server speaking of which excuse me for a moment I need a little bit of a mommy moment if you don't mind I'll just uh I'll be at my house when you need more texts by the way um what what does a mommy moment mean wait why did she leave her inventory behind cause she's the Newbie okay she thinks she lives in the inventory if she logs out oh my God see I got a shoe no way what what is it she's been controlling every everything oh prank remote can I keep it can I keep it can I keep it don't fight oh fine okay let's go how can we get to keep the remote wow much better oh no more beans for me tonight now to get my where is the remote where's the remote oh no oh no oh can I have lost the remote oh oh where did that get go oh no I think it's time for a taste of your own medicine [Music] remote control remote control where are you where's that nerd boy when I need him keep quiet what are you doing she's gonna hear you I'm being stinky it's not really sneaky no we're gonna lose okay oh [Music] no please iPhones mom what are you doing here what is this what is going on I hear a bunch of noise going on from out here oh see anything I don't really don't see what's going on here there were monsters that were attacking now I see what you're talking about what it shouldn't be my problem I I don't know why this is happening stay back do the fire with you ah I think we're done with this I'm freaking out with this what was that oh my gosh wow that was a taste of your own medicine mom why are you here you two are both Gamers [Music] instead of having a nice honest conversation with me you decided to just prank me behind my back whoa I'm so sorry I actually don't mind much anymore I'm gonna go play that star animal game now far away from here you understand okay wait wait wait yeah also I heard what you guys were saying Zayn I can't believe you you like that anymore okay I all right I promise and you have to promise to make me a prank remote come on come on come on this day's been hard enough as it is I promise I will not do anything like that ever again yeah that's also have a nice tea party and we're gonna do it the right way none of the inside we have our pets back and we've all learned a very valuable lesson about using words properly this time right I won't ever do that again all's well that ends well at least probably yeah animals are back everything's nice and normal now I mean I'm just happy this clatter fart of a day is over oh [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,967,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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