New World Order: The End Has Come (2013) | Full Movie | Rob Edwards | Erin Runbeck | Melissa Farley

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] everything will be okay [Applause] get out females first get out [Applause] [Music] officer Lucas Williams ID code four six six six seven eight I have seven prisoners the process everybody inside so I mean you think you're gonna back down tonight I got a hundred credits this is every single one that's a back Hey look at me be strong okay what's gonna happen to it I don't know but whatever happens I cannot let them break okay okay wait oh it come on you Alden charged with treason against Lord Aldo de Luca leader of the New World Order and thereby have been sentenced to death [Music] [Music] I can't believe this is happening Christine focus we knew it was coming to this we know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] set to meet with the present and members of Congress today to discuss the alarming crisis in regards to the Iranian government nuclear program Yallah and their persistent look oh hey hey what's up just doing some reading in the park Book of Revelations yeah that scary book no you know I don't think we have anything to worry about right now no it's not time yet somebody's lady no I'm not joking oh my god you're a senior I don't know I just say are you okay are you okay I mean it hurts a little okay so um don't move maybe maybe you should call an ambulance sir okay I'm gonna call you one right now I'm so sorry sir hold on one second seriously I'm okay I'm Jason dami of course you are tell me Jimmy you make it a habit of talking on the phone and backing up hitting people or usually way more careful I'm so sorry I tell you what instead of making a big fuss over this I'll let you make it up to me how you go out with me this weekend Wow huh do I have a choice you know this is a really weird way to meet somebody well maybe it's fate so you're one of those people so what do you say no no I'm totally just kidding yeah yes I would love to go out with you all right so then it's a date okay in the name of Lord DeLuca I offer you clemency one final opportunity to join our order Lord DeLuca our merciful leader is prepared to pardon each of you of the charges set against you if you would but only pledge yourselves and become true citizens of the new world government and their it smart I will take Demark very well today you shall be returned back to society for it is the will of our Lord's a Lucca that all should live in peace why should any of you suffer release him immediately maybe we should take the mark what Kristin died today we live if we take that mark even her Souls I want to talk to you today about the return of Jesus Christ the Apostle John lets us know in John chapter 1 verses 1 through 3 that in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God and all things were made by him that's a guy hit with the car I just text me mr. Fink God's names it's Sunday so know I do whatever you want I am - - or even was not in vain neither his death or there can be no doubt you know if I can bring a friend I don't come I just go come on just go okay okay and when he returns he will take possession of the earth can't believe you're making me do this [Laughter] so I asked you today what is your stand with Jesus Christ [Music] so who's this Jason guy what does he do he's a student deme yeah there's something you're not telling me I know you okay um he's a dancer a dancer mm-hmm like an exotic dancer are you serious like he's just trying to pay his way through school okay he's like me he wants to be a dentist yeah okay deme your parents are going to throw a fit when they find out and who says they have to know I don't know what to do with you so I give this change you got arrested for dancing it's not funny Boise jail is not as fun as you nice work buddy Oh ladies this is my buddy Cedric pleasure to meet you pleasure is all mine yes come here a lot oh no actually this is my first time but Deming comes here all the time it's a good spot I try get over here couple times a week or so oh wow that's a that's a lot you guys well get here little lost and run into a few more people or they run over me then [ __ ] dance with them to later reliable information now for today's breaking news US agents have disrupted an Iranian assassination for hire scheme targeting Saudi Arabia's ambassador the United States elements of the Iranian government directed the alleged plan grim situation reports and a member of Iran's Revolutionary car and face conspiracy charges connected with the plot in addition of course doesn't matter but it's always good to have a lot of people by noise a lot um usually a lot of drinks spare drink guys yeah so what are you doing later I'm going home I didn't mean it like that I just said never mind also in today's breaking news the top UN Human Rights official deplored at the devastating leave remorse is told in Syria what's everyone drinking I'm buying oh that's a first I'm in a good guy I'm just still trying to get used to you always paying in with ones Oh one's paid bills last week so still spends alright boys break it up no I will have a beer Kristen same thing Oh No thank you I don't drink right no how about just the coke for both of us all right so uh how little kiddies do any playground you two get along hey I am a girl named Siri is that what she did blowing man they can't pick up his pizza box all right down to business no seriously there's a huge party going downtown and ice making it up we're going yeah all right automatic DeeDee right here folks done deal we're just getting going all right start let's do this it's a new beginning [Music] Emperor Aldo de Luca spokesman the Supreme Chancellor of Nations announced today that all citizens effective immediately report to their New World Order subdivisions for marking we can no longer tolerate the rebels apiece any longer said the Supreme Chancellor the Supreme Chancellor also said in the press conference we are relying upon all citizens of the New World Order Kingdom 12 a sex pose enemies of the state by citizens receiving their marks immediately the Supreme Chancellor also said no citizen without mark shall be able to buy trade or sell anywhere within the New World Order realm and that all persons without mark shall be reported to their local service and or it is right away I don't rate at a supermarket in Istanbul could this be the start attorney you have to trust the system have faith you know the the government is concerned about us we follow the law they're only concerned with the ones that don't okay no isn't that how it's always been still seems like there are freedoms being taken away I don't like it honey our freedom is not being taken away there are only doing what's necessary to ensure our safety that's all don't worry you'll see [Music] Renuka also will be discussing a stimulus plan for I gonna make reform in America [Music] hello yeah I'm almost done studying do you wanna meet up later okay sure um I'm almost done here too maybe be about another 15 minutes yeah about that okay cool I'll come pick you up okay okay bye okay this is looking really nice I think you're gonna really like it oh hey are you gonna go to the big worship service for Lord DeLuca this weekend I will the Supreme Chancellor himself is gonna be speaking cool yeah I can't wait I heard so much about his unbelievable powers maybe I'll get to see one myself and witnessed a miracle one of my friends she got us there front row seats that's really cool we heard on the news today that the mark is now mandatory the government's really cracking down on the resistance just makes me so uneasy but your father says not to worry that's right your mother and I are gonna go down at this branch do you want to go I'm gonna go meet up with Kristin dad I'm not getting the mark sweetie you're gonna have to yes I mean come on these people are serious you won't even be able to go out by food without it is that what you want what do you do I don't dad I don't know but I'll burn that bridge when I get to it okay I'm not getting the mark you don't understand I'm just afraid that if you don't some harm may come to you harm we can like turn me in no never mind about this now just just go on and enjoy yourself with your friend yeah well oh honey what are we gonna do don't worry Hey damn want to go to McCoys [Music] Thanks just had a weird conversation with my parents about what apparently the mark is mandatory now it's mandatory yeah the cursing I'm not gonna take the mark and neither are you no of course not I'm with you on that one pastor Johnson warned us about this are we doing here apparently we weren't very good listeners or doers I should say nothing we can do about it now so have a burger go next go you'll be alright next go next next your names please Frank Holloway date of birth and your ID please 5 852 your name ma'am Susan Holloway and your date of birth and your ID please yes 917 54 is there anyone else in your home no just us have a seat over there please you'll be called to receive your mark next hi welcome to McCoy's kitchen your server I'll be Cheryl today and she'll be right with you I start off with some water while you wait um yeah that'd be nice yeah all right I'll be right back thank you hey did you hear about that nine year old boy who killed his mom and dad yesterday I didn't what happened to him did he get arrested no I guess his parents were under investigation because his dad mentioned Christ to somebody at work [Music] what's troubling you only to be sure that don't have to mark I'm gonna die [Music] I think bad is gonna happen I just let's see if here anymore okay I'm sorry no it's okay all right ready I'm gonna do them at creig's barbecue I can just get chips placed on I'll do the same let me get out of your way and I will be right back if you order thank you [Music] Jason how are things going with him pretty good that's good are you in subject I don't know ever since rapture he just changed just shut down I mean next time I talk to him I found out his mom his dad his sister they were all taken and now he's really worried about everybody just like you he was telling me to stay inside and avoid public places what's he doing to survive I vaguely remember him saying something about him and his friends working to stay below the radar I don't know he didn't say much about it Kristin what are they we have to find them okay no I'm serious we have to find them now all right I'll I'll try to get a hold film hi I am the head of this facility congratulations on your new citizenship is everything all right I mean is is there anything I can do for you I guess I'll let you be on your merry way [Music] oh but there is one thing where's your daughter [Music] she gonna be okay your parents won't have the mark I don't know if he should go home yeah it's not just my parent it's my little brother too I don't know they don't really pay attention to me I mean come to think of it they haven't questioned me about it yet I'll tell you I I'll go check it out if it seems dangerous I'll give you a call okay just be careful okay okay yeah [Music] she couldn't come down with us due to a previous engagement I can assure you she will come down as soon as she returns home but I thought that you said you were alone I'm sure it was just a mistake perhaps you didn't quite understand the question yes yes sir here take my card call me if you need any assistance with your daughter her well-being is now our greatest concern again congratulations thank you mom dad hello [Music] hello hey how are things going over there it's good my parents aren't even home tonight how are you doing same here my parents are all Steven has baseball no that's right okay we'll just keep an eye out okay okay I'll see you later right yeah I'm gonna hey Emma let you go I'm getting another call okay okay have a good night bye-bye hello hey baby hey baby yeah yeah I'm just around the corner from you um can you meet me under the tree all right I think what Vanya sounds good oh well just buy one of those frozen ones just takes an hour oh okay I'll tell you what I'll cook you do the dishes no I don't think so you all right no I'm freaking out you heard about the mark be mandatory yes I know sit why are you so calm about this you're not taking the mark are you look nobody knows better about the mark of the beast than I did marking the beast look I'll show you the man they call Lord DeLuca in a spokesman are actually the beasts that come out of the earth with two horns it's all right here and now now we're at that point where the false prophet who happens to be Lord toluca spokesman unleashes horrible punishment on everybody that won't bow down and worship the image of the beast or the image of Lord Luke do you remember not long after the rapture Lord de Luca was assassinated yeah I remember seeing the news reporters like right after Iran had that short roll over you're afraid right which Lord De Luca helped to end I mean it was his proposal of peace that led to his assassination people are blinded by the false miracle of the Lord to Lucas coming back to life but what really happened is completely different than most people believe Satan resurrected Lord de Luca wait you're telling me yes or Deluca is actually possessed of Satan himself wait I know this no I mean I mean what you're saying I know this I remember like a year ago before the rapture happened I was trying to read revelations and it just it didn't make sense to me but how do you know so much about this my father and mother are the Christians they should tell me about these days when I was growing up but I just didn't listen no I'm just filming it look talukas spokesperson isn't gonna let anyone who doesn't have the mark by food anymore that's not all I mean you can expect that anybody who won't bow down and worship the image of the Beast will be killed Kristin oh my god Kristin what no no no she has a sheet she told me she has friends that they're living underground and the government isn't tracking them yeah you know what do you mean me no don't forget I'm the one to introduce you to my best friend Cedric pay attention in the words my and friend no of course I do I'm just really good at keeping secrets which nowadays is a skill that could probably save some lives [Music] [Music] good morning I'm Alan Jennings and now for today's news the Supreme Chancellor of Nations announced today the do to violent attacks on subdivision headquarters across the country resulting in the deaths of two New World Order officials and several new world order peace enforcers has initiated operation safe streets this global operation grants New World Order peace enforcers authority to use lethal force to shoot resistance fighters on site and I'm Geneva Salvatore the Supreme Chancellor also stated it's imperative for all remaining citizens that have not yet received the mark immediately do so to avoid severe consequences and unnecessary loss of life the Supreme Chancellor also said due to the heinous crimes of Christian insurgents it will be necessary for persons with other mark to distinguish them as friendly to be counted as offenders and she'll be immediately arrested the Supreme Chancellor also authorized home invasions to be conducted by enforcers on those suspected of harboring insurgents and/or worshippers of Christ we'll be back in a few moments hey guys second all right good job oh thanks boss we try so where are your marks we were just on our way to get ours oh yes we were okay good because I'd hate to lose two of my best reporters oh and by the way don't even bother coming back to work without your marks my life is miserable enough already I don't need the NWO breathing down my neck [Music] hello demi you have to get out of there come pick me up wait wait Kristin where are you I left my house I'm on the corner where you dropped me off I was watching the news you have to get out of there okay just try to calm down okay I don't want to talk to them where did you see anyone I'm on the street corner where you dropped me off okay okay yeah I'll be there in a second honey are you going down and get your mark today no dad I told you I'm not getting the mark you have to if you don't you'll be counted as an offender is that what you want if you get caught you're gonna get arrested or worse yet kill honey why can't you see what your father is trying to tell you mom what can't you see that that's the mark of Satan that's nonsense nonsense no dad it's the truth no it's not the truth right now what are you some kind of a Bible for all of a sudden I'm trying to protect you don't worry about me what are you doing nothing I'm just what is it it's nothing well what is this did you call me okay got a female 5 feet 4 inches tall thin build last seen wearing a gray top dark pants you didn't get it now [Music] 20 you call I did sir what took you so long our daughter wasn't willing to get the market first but we thought maybe later she would be willing to change your mind is everything okay yes it is my pop call on me she turned me in Kristen then they came out of my house I just barely got help God we have to get out of here and Hammond I've been Cedric there they're part of the resistance he's a part of it too there are others where is he I don't know yeah I have to call everybody call him [Music] [Applause] my mom she drew me look I know you're upset but I need you to try to calm down and pay very close attention to what I'm about to say 'first where are you I don't know I'm like 13th in something okay well slow down draw attention to yourself okay then I need you to head north on the interstate towards the forest I've got to grab a few things then I'm heading up there and I'll text you when I get there keep a low profile don't break any laws not stop for anybody okay [Music] What did he say he wants us to keep going north before as he's going in there its location [Music] every significant [Music] I'm your family down [Music] we're gonna survive we just need to stick together hi this is Sharon Kim reporting live for the NWO subdivision as you can see behind me there's a group of very excited people gather you'd say openly a glimpse at the Supreme Chancellor is scheduled to arrive wait a minute let's look at you Biden right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it looks like he's Mikus out of the car right now [Applause] and the crowd is going nuts the amazing [Applause] God is loving him [Applause] [Music] rise my friend [Music] Supreme Chancellor it is honor to have you with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] from the common designs here's this she had his joy for winning this moment [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what is it all things proceed according to plan Supreme Chancellor many more have taken the mark of our leader Lord DeLuca you've done well but yet I sense a conflict within you [Music] we are tracking two females which we believe to have connections with the underground resistance and what do you know about them afraid little but I have managed to track one of them named Demi to her parents the Holloway's I conducted an extensive background investigation on them both and have found no connection to the resistance or history of insurrection however her father tried to hide her from us when he and his wife came forth mark I trust that you did handle the situation accordingly yes they both have been retired psalmist all bare not the Markby and as far as that other females family they must suffer the same fate yes my lord had shall as far as a resistance I empower you to no ends to find their leaders and destroy them it shall be done now go [Music] it's okay come in [Applause] let me introduce you guys to two very important friends of ours Allen Jennings and Geneva self guess that's what you meant when you said I would know them this is Mark that's Jennifer pleased to meet you and that's max welcome I know you guys have a lot of questions so please just sit I'm glad you're all here but we're still not safe even as I talk we're still being tracked I'm sorry I cannot guarantee that any of us and including myself will survive and according to this it's most certain that we're all going to die we're not dead yet as long as we are breathing we will continue to fight ever since the inception of the tribulation era which we are now living in I've been studying the ways of our enemy or nemesis primary weapon is the Internet it's through the internet that they're able to obtain sensitive intel on everybody trust me they know everything they need to know about each of us and whatever they don't know they find out it sounds like we're already done in the water then no I'm not it actually gives us the Vantage we need they can use the internet against us then we can use it against them precisely with the help of God I've been able to decode encrypted algorithms full of intel on their political and military agenda what have you been able to find out how did some snooping around at the station trying to gather as much as I could I came across a lot of info but it was how to decipher I do know that they are planning something big that supposed to go down to some place called the valley of megiddo same thing here my contacts told me about some CIA ops being conducted with US Russia and China in the Mediterranean a new world order regime is planning some sort of a summit with US Russia and China some sort of an alliance its military off of some kind definitely how far have you come with the fake mark well I've been able to duplicate the mark itself but I've been having problems with authenticating them I'm working on it good because the success of our next move is going to rely heavily on you and mark following some leads of my own I'm casing out our next target and their security it's tight they have weaknesses now Jim can hack the security system and I'll take care of the guards so what is that you're planning to do whatever we have to to survive that's all for now everyone just make yourselves at home and relax a little you got first watch [Music] my lord the Turkish king sent word he's looking forward to your arrival tomorrow [Music] what's the situation there some Christian cells were found operating in the region but according to our intelligence reports they've all been infiltrated and the perpetrators publicly executed now the Turkish king seeks to join the new world order assemble your team we'll leave shortly [Music] [Music] can't sleep [Music] neither can I [Music] are you okay [Music] I think we made a mistake coming here what why would you say that we left our families without their friends we don't even know if they're okay I was just trying to protect you [Music] okay hey you guys hey how are you we're fine [Music] the play is going to work [Music] I've known Jason since we're in the surface together I trust him with my life [Music] we're all going to get through this together [Music] you guys okay yeah we're okay good I'm gonna go down the road a couple of miles and just scout the area don't make him with you no and you just stay here I just feel a whole lot more comfortable okay hey be careful very well how's everything look so far so good good Roger that let's move what I would make the boys some sandwiches okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] that's okay you're safe now look at this I came from the cabin we gotta go we gotta go back to the cars back there we can't stay here we're sitting ducks if we do we're dead for sure so come on just stay close to me come on what happened back somebody just came in and started shooting up the place who ingested mr. given in my position what no no we thought he was huh all along he was company so the mark on his hand we all did you know I really gotta get out of here because they could be right behind you where's your leader I said where is your leader let's get out of here [Music] [Music] we gotta keep going we all need to rest for a minute let him rest weary comma Bob super clear be careful okay I can't believe he's gone Claire yeah I went up about 150 yards I think we can make the car here's the plan don't run it's over you know seven to dispatch yeah we got four prisoners send the wagon we'll meet him at the highway [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] why did this happen to us like us being here is all my fault oh no it is yeah not weed example for you to follow why here now I'm gonna what we face back there what we can't [Music] no no don't leave me damn you please don't leave me [Music] give me the strength to face forgive my sense Oh God stand with me [Music] [Music] I can't you know I can't but y'all die No goodbye No me singing praise hello sweet sound do you think this is Noble we've all made our sacrifices this is your final chance take the mark let's say a wretch like me [Music] [Music] people choose [Music] [Music] speech they're singing love perfect [Music] let not your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in my father's house there are many mansions if it were not so I would have to I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where whether ago you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you ready to enter [Music] [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 2,966,423
Rating: 4.5208921 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, bridgestone multimedia BMG, christian, trailers, movies, Movie, God, EncourageTV, Rob Edwards, Erin Runbeck, Melissa Farley, Antoinette McCoy, Duane McCoy, New World Order Full Movie, New World Order Movie
Id: ku8-F4aR9bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 40sec (5140 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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