New Lifetime Movies 2020 Based On A True Story #LMN - African American Movies 2020

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so okay all right let's check this pirate ship up a it mm-hmm lower that [Music] okay good off the bed okay come on get up in there i want daddy to take me in i know you do but to david kellerman and when i tell you about your dad when he off gallivant he always come back he always come back that's right ever we got work to do i'm looking mama tully [Music] so [Music] i'm muslim yes so [Music] um so corey stop it before i take that stick to you that ain't our generator come here you done your morning chores i'm tired mama oh you tired huh come on over here come on sit down come on sit down tell your store all right once upon a time a little boy we lived on a tiny farm by a shallow creek and family worked very hard to make that tiny farm prospect but that creatures wouldn't give them enough water so one day the mom asked a little boy she said take them pebbles from that creek bed pile them up along the bank then soon enough crete gonna run deep give us all the water we need and the boy said that but they was hot and the little boy grew tired he made me look up and noticed a bunch of crows in the trees and little boy called out to the crows to say crows help me take these pebbles from the creek bed and pile them up along the bank and the crow say what's in it for us boy said well oh y'all like all the tomatoes my mom always rushing you off our creek run deep our farm get bigger and it'd be enough tomatoes for everybody what you think about that crows crows as long as you help you're not going to be doing all the work and little boy said sound good to me that'd be just fine it's been the crows swoop down scoop up a pebble stack em lightning fast on the bank so fast little boy said they all need my help they be done in no time and then lean back close his eyes smart boy soon enough wake up from his nap and guess what what it was covered in pebbles covered in pebbles so much that he couldn't move and little boy said crows what you do crows the boy he said we help long as you help that was the agreement but you done fell asleep and left all the work for us and we cannot let that stand so then crow stood on his chest lean in and say i'm sure we're looking forward to them tomatoes but feel my boss yours look mighty fine i think i have a taste and then you pluck out the eyeball and swallow and then you pluck out the other one and swallow that one too and he said mighty fine indeed fly off you know what you learned from that story this big old ugly world and don't nobody owe you nothing ain't no half step you do the work you reap the reward you lazy you lose body parts you want your eyes plucked out no we're gone all right then best to get to work you better eat that bacon boy you know how many jars of okra that caused i want to see a clean plate when i get back morning lemon texas last week we paid up well this ain't that need to come in dixon like i said we're gonna need to come in [Music] you play i smelled something cooking hey little man what you got there baking hmm i never seen you before ain't no reason you should have lemon take a seat you know i wouldn't be here if i didn't have to be can't just wait till toddy get home how long have you been gone you gotta go see tommy can i just deal with you i told you all i know ain't no way around this one that might be a day or two for it to play out and we're staying till it's done tally got the truck best kid walking in finish up koi we heading up sorry lemon you got to stay don't worry i'm real good with kids the way it is these two men gonna take care of you for a spell you'll be good maybe drop me some of those pictures and i'll be back real soon mm-hmm you know my heart better be you're my heart mama [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] ah tommy that cassidy girl's here oh good invite her in kitchen um well hey come on in sugar take a load off you've got to excuse me but the boys want some biscuits hell of a ramble through those woods you must be parched hmm i suppose you're wondering why i summoned you i reckon you got a good guess though huh here you go where's charlie oh no truly yeah i figured well bring up you need your electrolytes [Music] the key is wait till they're almost done and then you brush them with a little bit of butter they brown up real nice anyone tells you to brush them with an egg is an ignorance tarly is skunked lemon pay taxes every month wait tell you otherwise no no he did not but this ain't about my generator i provide you a means to power and and you pay on time and i thank you for that i like helping you you keep up your end it gives me peace of mind that way all i have to worry about is bacon keeps cookie jar full now this is something else lemon charlie is a dreamer dreams of more for you and your boy than he can scratch out of that earth and i don't blame him i don't think not one bit but dreams can be dangerous can blind a man to his duties make him take risks sometimes those risks don't pay out you might end up owning debt to somebody in this case it's me now i gave him a chance to make it right i told him go fetch me something bring it back done clean slate but i hadn't seen him since i tasked him and you know what the consequences are if he lets out uh this is as hard on me as it is you but we both know the creed find charlie return what's mine i'll murder your boy and i'll bury you in live right next to him biscuits are ready i'll give you a couple for the walk uh so hmm hmm [Music] are you okay no i am not i i'm pouring peace today i don't need a drink i need a car got delivery need to be made today you do that and you can use the car it's the healers now uh i've been putting it off so they're hard to get it sound fair [Music] [Music] don't you even touch this box they should put your slurps on you what is it vitriol burn through your flesh clear to the bone it's just a lot of city food honest for the most part [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm hello day brought you a vow i'm grady lift yours what this is sacred soil no weapons allowed on this land we seek to bear witness to the fire keeper holiday holiday brought a powerful grade i have a day indeed behold from the ether to the physical form nature provides these are for eyes you can want these gloves what they do wait here [Music] hello day hallow day our earthly bodies are merely lanterns for our fire inconsequential and transient [Music] and though these vessels are weak our flames burn bright and strong but through the elements we are connected to the natural order nature provides energy nature provides nature cries nature provides pain our faith is being tested but fear not this melody is an illusion [Music] from the ether the physical we shall send it back from whence it came back to the [Applause] deeper [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] so charlie holly now [Laughter] [Music] oh okay what did you take so good to see you again shut it that's a knocks on it take a bushel of empires peak ripeness you pick the best three or four that's about the sweetest thing as you can ever put between two layers of crust anybody that tells you to add sugar to an apple pie is an ignorance you ask toledo slash he ain't no criminal mastermind just what you have him do i am failing to see a vexen element here lemon it looks like he succeeded he got caught tommy person knocks done chopped his hands off leave him to walk to the hospital the man can't tell an acre of dirt you think he gonna walk 38 miles before he bleed out my husband is dead the father of my child lying in a ditch somewhere halfway down the mountain i am sorry to hear that but charlie was skunked i ain't arguing that is the nature of the amends we got laws folks follow the creed folks survive but you an ark stealing from another ark charlie stole from person on me oh your word i'm calling the query council gonna hear about this cassidy's even been here three generations four four well then query away it's certainly you're right due processing all this is done sending your boys home here on out come tax time wade meet me at the edge of my property no running gonna set foot on my porch again you here that sounds fair hold up sugar i am so sorry but this is the wrong watch percy's granddaddy left him a watch on his deathbed and it had a nice little message inscribed on the inside this ain't it what are you saying charlie took the wrong watch he's still skunked and due to his untimely death it is up to you to set it right he does what you ask well he tried the debt is paid i see we have a difference of opinion guess i'm not gonna change your mind all right go on my brother will give you right home got my truck don't need a ride oh it's no trouble one of the boys will drive yours give you a bullet chance to chat [Music] [Music] hmm looks like someone's been busy while you're gone takes a while to dig a great proper i mean six feet down six wow see the moon right now you say you dig a hole fill it back in during a full moon you'll have extra dirt left over gravitational pull such science of course now you got a body in that hole you gonna have extra dirt left over full moon or not i believe that's called displacement it i was outside last night wish i had paid closer attention let's say it was a half moon maybe you strong-willed lemon like most folks on this mound hell it's our defining feature you're gonna have to do what your conscience dictates but i'm gonna give you something to think about that whole getting filled in tomorrow no matter what's going on with the moon you're the ones going to have the most influence over how much dirt's left over nice talking deep [Music] get on over here come on now hey phil's playing in the dirt mama uh-huh i see now you're gonna go play in the tub go on in now did you talk to tommy you and she make good biscuits and clean off your shoes no dirty up my porch things gonna drag on here another day and i know cause of that you got to stay here but you ain't staying inside my house i'm still a married woman and my husband ain't here and you can tell tommy you won't i don't care you're on the porch tonight and that's that get yourself in a bit and blankets i like her [Music] so [Music] lord i don't wanna die in this storm lord i don't wanna die in this storm [Music] lord i don't want to die in this storm well you got dirt in places i know you could get dirt you have fun today with your babysitters yes good they gonna be here one more day i got a few errands to run tomorrow but then that's it things got me back to normal mama yeah i want daddy to tuck me in dad had to go down the mountain but he missed you some fish and we're gonna all be together again real soon okay okay you want my heart to be yeah my heart mama [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so uh oh what time is it something to be up in now you cook eggs what you know how to cook eggs yeah cook eggs make sure my boy and fill in that hole you dug ain't gonna be no use for it time is you know how to cook eggs [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] number one sam's on the front porch with a double barrel 12 gauge number two you got a 38 snub tucked in your trousers number three my hands is empty i figured that's three reasons you ought to lend me your ear you got my ear what you done until he was righteous folks follow the creed folks survive and yeah we're in agreement on that before you did what you did you asked why no everybody know he had a deal right what you got really hill worth more than a pocket watch plenty and that's all he take he was skunked somebody test him to it who tommy runyon no runyon knox been in truce for 17 years that's why it couldn't be a runion that stole it cassidy's steal from knox it get handled proper running steal from knox it's war some ambers recent light run for some feathers uh hmm that awoke what up 23 acres north a little outcrop feel was running property once knocks now has been since the troops last month the big old oak tree got struck by a lightning and i went up and took it down tommy was up in arms sitter her granddaddy planted that tree i told her my property my tree i paid her no mind next day not pete i figured she got over it she know but she getting even your granddaddy watched for her granddaddy tree you got proof enough to call it query then why are you here they got my boy a couple runyon's at my place now say if i don't do what they ask he did he all i got i need your help percy sent me straight with tommy i get coy out where i know he's safe then we call the query make tommy pay for what she done council won't stand for it they know the truth so what'd she send you for the other watch what other watch she said totally took the wrong one she went the one with the inscription on inside they put one watch lemon no inscription on the inside to say knocks on back what are you really doing here first wake up sounds like he was really wheeling and dealing in here you think a watch gonna make it even my granddaddy planted that tree blood needs to be shed you got that why can't it stop now or kill another ark no matter the reason that means war charlie stole from knox got caught got killed you came here for revenge i don't pass about sale where you think i got the gun go on look as long as you ain't here to say otherwise council figure one of the knox boys got you so what you go shoot me now well not here look like he's running oh please i got a little boy yeah i know that's tough as long as things go smooth you hear wade'll drop him off at your next count i'll grow up ashamed of you but it'll grow up [Music] let's go take a slump you just gonna leave me like that [Music] oh my god he feels right he's still [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you gonna chase me i'll stand there till you believe that [Music] the hell [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh hey hey man when the guns coming hey a man with a gun is headed this way a man with a gun is coming he's almost here i couldn't stop him let's go this is sacred soil i ain't here for any of y'all just her i'll be on my way your weapon or your life and you all don't want to get shot this move i ain't playing i ain't gonna warn y'all again take him down back to the ether can't you just shoot [Music] get off my earthly body is just an illusion a lantern stained by sin let us wash it clean you're like washing nothing back to the east [Music] now [Music] back to them [Music] [Music] hello day hello day uh how the hell is this place so quiet she's got chickens don't she ain't they supposed to be clucking or something they are don't you hear no bull hit a tree again did you hear that ain't deaf you ready for this it's up the bull who does it keep an eye on him i don't rob you bo can't stop that thing let's run in something where are you eh [Music] [Music] hmm hey what is that is it a horse no the hell wait there's goat in the kitchen stay where y'all coy go and play in your room i gotta take care of a few chores and then i'm gonna make you dinner okay go just just take it easy wait and y'all i'm gonna let you go but i got two shells for you you try me you understand yes i understand yes ma'am go not to go okay get what like keys in the truck you gonna get in and drive away wait wait oh what the hell did you do both of them had a chance to walk away they made that choice time you make your own tell me so i mean i don't know if you noticed but tommy ain't the it's over tight we saw she acted about a tree what you think she's gonna do when she finds out what she's done to her kin well the only way she'll ever consider it over is if she makes an example out of you and your boy but i'll give her the message you're right i gotta end this tonight just gonna leave me down here with these two lucky i'll bury you alive look like it's a full moon after making some griddle cakes shaped like animals what you want bobcat possum you know try to possum see what i can do [Music] good stuff okay good thank you thank you [Music] from the bathtub [Music] oh hey maybe we find our place with a little light get you a real boat to play with canoe you like that yeah start thinking the names good boat gotta have a good name [Music] [Music] we'll play hide and seek okay switch down down the floor make yourself nice quiet and pull up to this nice later house now i'm gonna run in tell her to look for you whatever you hear you stay here okay [Music] okay you win the prize [Music] [Music] you better not be tracking dirt through my house [Music] ball his hands here i know you're upset let's just both take a deep breath and calm down so we can talk about this you hungry i'm making some skillet cornbread best cornbread has the least ingredients ain't much more than buttermilk eggs and 100 pure cornmeal that's the key no flour under any circumstances anybody who tells you to put flour and cornbread is an ignorant you ready to go ready you um leave the car again drink i'm good okay got to work from down the mountain some hikers found a body no hands about 15 miles from here took him into town i reckon that's charlie 15 miles huh you get any knox boys in here two three times a week first one you see you tell them go up to tommy rony's place in the kitchen and the cookie draw they find papa knock's pocket watch never mind you know him just pass it on and then you lay low you're gonna be a war i see and you me and click on head on down the mountain ain't nothing for us here no more left loose in at my place could you check in on it from me go neither in with this key or a shovel i'll let you choose which one uh keep my goat chickens anything else you want great troubles thank you agreed remember that story i told about the boy and the crows what i told you i said this a big old ugly world and don't nobody owe you nothing and cornbread is an ignorant ain't no half stepping you lazy you lose body parts well you do the work you reap the reward that's only true your game ain't rigged against you how about we play a new game yeah go see what's at the bottom of this hill you're my hmm buddy you're my heart mama [Music] if i should lose most everything i'll tell you what i would do [Music] i'll tell you what i would do i'd start singing [Applause] and if you silenced all my and sounds all night never sit down um [Music] far away [Music] if you find another way so [Applause] uh [Music] far away away far away [Music] away [Music] away
Channel: mollers247
Views: 841,984
Rating: 4.6706643 out of 5
Keywords: Lifetime Movies 2020, New Lifetime Movies 2020, African American Movies 2020
Id: _tvhsvOiZ_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 3sec (5223 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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