The Mark of the Beast, Pandemics, and the “New World Order”—Facts vs Fiction (Dalton Thomas)

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the mark of the beast pandemics and the new world order facts versus fiction that's the title of this session today before we jump into this i want to encourage you if you don't already have it to go download the fai app it's free on all major app stores you can get it on your phones your tablets your apple tvs your rokus whatever you use if it's a major device or a major app platform it's available everything on the app is free and will remain free forever when i encourage you to go get it not just because of the free resources that are available but because in the next few weeks we're going to be announcing and releasing details about the most ambitious project that we've put our hands to to date in terms of media film music and more there's a rather large ecosystem about to be released and we're so excited to to announce the details of that all of that is going to be exclusively on the app it's going to go nowhere else and the app's the only place to get it now part of the reason for that is because it's going to be such a large ecosystem the app is the place where it can all be housed so go get the app if you don't already have it if you do thank you for downloading it so this is a weird title it definitely has a flare of sensational and click bait that's not necessarily the direction that we're going in actually as we look at this we're going to jump into a passage in revelation chapter 13 we're going to go through it line up online and ask some questions associated with this issue of the mark of the beast now the question is why why talk about this right now you say well hey dalton for the most part you guys seem like level-headed people and now you know they're market the beast stuff new world order you know that this is a bizarre title for you guys i want to take some time to do this session because one of the most frequent emails that we've received since the coronavirus kicked off as questions associated with the mark of the beast and these different theories associated with the new world order or whatever whatever you want to call it meaning the restructuring of the global configuration in the wake of this global pandemic and so there's lots of uh you know you just type in mark of the beast right now on google or on twitter facebook you're going to see a lot of stuff come up from you know very bizarre stuff to you know straight denialism of any relevance of these things so you have two extremes right now in the body of christ associated to this issue of the mark of the beast and we could call it the beast regime the beast empire the antichrist there is a denial and a scoffing at it on the one hand if people were like ah that's kooky that's weird you know you know uh we got into that in the 80s and we got into the ditch somewhere so we quit and you know you guys should quit too then the other camp they see the antichrist around every under every stone they see the mark of the beast is anything that they read on the internet and it's hyper sensationalized and very uh conspiratorial and so what i want to do in this session is have the authority of the word bear down on us over this issue of the marketplace because it is a very important subject in biblical eschatology it's very important actually it plays a key role in unfolding of the final 42 months of this present age and how the beast regime executes his ambitions regionally locally and globally so we're going to look at that one of the other reasons why people have written us sent a lot of messages on a daily basis asking is because of the issue of vaccines and because of technology now with cashless society and where things are changing and moving to on an economic front and on a health care front and so there's lots of questions people are wondering is this uh the coronavirus vaccine is this moving us towards you know someone will read an article on the internet saying you know bill gates is trying to put a you know a chip in your hand so that the vaccine is in there and they can track you and and people are nervous that this is the mark of the beast they're going this is probably it don't don't don't uh don't take the mark of the beast you know you're going to go to hell forever if you take bill gates's vaccine thing and so there's a lot of concern i think for and because the coronavirus has just destabilized uh so much globally there is a lot of insecurity and fear just in general of people wondering where is all this going because it is it is quite clear that in the wake of this thing there is going to be a a new world structure globally economically militarily not because there's a couple people pulling the strings in this vast conspiracy to make drive the whole earth to this you know this outcome but because presidents prime ministers administrations dictators regimes jihadis everyone and their uncle is going to be responding globally to the impact of the pandemic on an economic front and on a military front we talked a few days ago about what's happening right now with turkey intentionally driving towards the the reviving in the restoring of the caliphate the islamic state the original islamic state that's an example of a new world order meaning it's not as though you know there's some uh you know people in hollywood pulling the string so that they can get you to take a vaccine that's not really the mark of the beast that's what we're going to be looking at today the scripture is quite clear what it is and what it isn't and there's a pretty cool clear litmus test if you go down and go if it's if it's not this it's not that if it's not this it's not that and there's a couple key hallmark things i think are important and i'll preface this by saying this you should be much more concerned about the middle east than the west over this issue of the mark of the beast because this is not going to be something that's going to be implemented by let's say the u.s health department and that's where the mark of the beast is going to come from this isn't going to come from a western political leader who implements the mark of the beast the mark of the beast is a though it will touch the nations of the earth in a very direct way it is a localized middle eastern event that's associated with a very specific middle eastern centric military campaign in the final 42 months of this present age as we transition into the age to come it's a very specific middle eastern event and i think right now one of the the the challenges i think for americans and for those in the western world who are not in the middle east is to understand the world does not revolve around the united states of america it does not revolve around the western world now that does not mean that there is nothing significant and there's the us or the west or europe or the uk has no relevance or significance at all the point is when we look at biblical prophecy the united states is not in the bible anywhere it is a middle eastern story it's a middle eastern book describing middle eastern players surrounding the the heart of it all the city of jerusalem and so that becomes quite clear when we look at the any biblical eschatology we're not talking about events that are taking place in you know la or tokyo or london or new york city or miami we're talking about events that are taking place in the middle east in and around jerusalem the city of the great king this context is very important because it helps i think it's it keeps us from falling into silly traps of sensationalism and baseless conspiracy theories there's a very important passage in isaiah 8 that i would we're not going to go through it right now but i want to reference it and encourage you to spend some time in it in isaiah 8. they were living in a time where there was a lot of confusion and fear in the air because a military incursion invasion of jerusalem was imminent and there was lots of talk of conspiracy that there was all these you know who's pulling the strings who's doing what and the word of the lord came to isaiah in isaiah in chapter 8 he said this don't fear what the people fear don't dread what the people dread don't call conspiracy what the people call conspiracy let the lord be your dread let him fear him and him alone he says bind up the word the testimony among the disciples and wait for the lord and i think there's this in a hyper sensationalized hyper strife ridden in environment that we're in right now globally and a hyper conspiratorial moment in history i think it's very important that we take seriously the issue of our own biblical illiteracy in the contemporary church today we really need a baptism in the bible we need to go deep in the word we need to as isaiah said we need to not fear what pop culture fears we need to not declare conspiracy over what pop culture declares conspiracy are are people conspiring and doing things yes of course but if you're focused on the wrong thing with the wrong perspective it's actually going to lead you into a place that's going to be very unhelpful for you your family and your friends when the actual events begin to unfold and there's a very important verse i think that helps put it into perspective in jeremiah 12. jeremiah said this he's talking to the generation after isaiah and they're they're living before another military invasion of jerusalem and jeremiah says this guys you can't keep up with the horsemen right now you can't keep up with the foot men sorry you can't keep up with the foot footmen how are you going to run when the horsemen come in other words guys the intensity hasn't even started yet this is just the very beginning we're just dealing with footmen wait till the horses and the chariots come you're not going to be able to keep up with them the the intensity is yet ahead and i think that in a way is a prophetic framing for where we're at right now with all of this covid corona debacle and the economic and the uh ethnic racial military geopolitical conflict that we find ourselves in guys i want to be clear this is these are not days of trouble this these are days of calm the intensity is yet ahead and this is a very important framework to have as we move into this because there's a lot there's going to be such conspiracy fatigue that's going to roll out in the days ahead and i watch it right now on facebook and twitter the amount of rage that people are feeling about things some of them are real and some of them are just delusional it's not even real and some of the things that are real are not actually as significant if you put it into the broader global generational context that we find ourselves living in and where all of this is going to so with that let's just jump into revelation 13. i'm gonna jump in right in chapter five or verse five we're gonna read to the end of it the first four verses just describe the the rise of the beast the antichrist and you can read it yourself the part that i want to get to uh is in verse 5 through 18 and then we'll work our way i'm going to read it straight through and then we're going to go work our way through it so verse 5 i'm reading from the esv a lot of different translations word it differently but for the most part it's it's pretty straightforward regardless of your translation verse five the beast the antichrist the little horn the man of sin gog was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words and it was allowed to exercise authority for 42 months it opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against god blaspheming his name and his dwelling that is those who dwell in heaven also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them an authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation and all who dwell in the earth will worship it everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world and the book of the life of the lamb who was slain if anyone has an ear let him hear if anyone is is to be taken captive to captivity he goes if anyone is to be slain with the sword with the sword he must be slain here is a call excuse me here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints some translations say the patience of the saints the endurance of the patience and the faith of the saints it's a call then i saw another beast rising out of the earth it had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon it exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast whose mortal head wound was healed it performs great signs even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell in the earth telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived and it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain also and here's our our text that we're focusing on also it causes both small and great both rich and poor both free and slave rich poor free slave small grade to be marked on the right hand or the forehead marked on the right hand or the forehead so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark that is the name of the beast or the number of its name this calls for wisdom let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six six six now there's a lot of phrases in there that have get kind of picked out from time to time and you know even if you've never read revelation 13 i think in pop cultural christianity we've heard terms like mark of the beast or 666 we've heard these terms what i want to do is get into the context of this storyline that is lodged in in the middle of the book of revelation and it's this the larger story arc because if you just hone in on the number of a man and his number is 666 and you go well geez what does that mean and then you get intimidated and then you shut down quit because it's so confusing because it's just bizarre what does that mean a number of a man 666 is the mark what is this the context of the book of revelation is extremely significant in helping us understand the details and passages like this now part of the book of revelation is chronological part of it is not say well how do you know what parts are chronological and which parts are not well for example if something is numbered one two three four five six seven that's chronological meaning the first seal that's torn is the first one the second seal that's torn that is torn is the second one that's chronology get it one two that's chronology to make a case that you know the seven seals are not chronological doesn't make any sense because they're numbered now there's there's events in the book of revelation that get inserted into it that are you don't really know where it fits in the timeline but what we do know is this the majority of the book of revelation from chapter 6 through to the end of the book takes place in one single 42-month time period and into the age to come so it's the millennial reign and eternity and 42 months beforehand what we're looking at in revelation 13 is describing some of the events that take place during that 42 month period now if we backtrack and we look at revelation 11 and revelation 12 we also see the 42 months mentioned multiple times in revelation 11 we see that during this 42 month period the city of jerusalem is under attack and siege we see that two witnesses are operating we see that there's no rain for 42 months we see that there is violence in the city of jerusalem that there's this churning military conflict in the trampling down of jerusalem for 42 months we see in revelation chapter 12 it goes back in time and we see the birth of jesus we see the the broader storyline of the 12 tribes of israel we see prophetic reference historical references to prophetic stories in genesis that's taking us back to show us the broader context of the story of history with satan's war with the covenant that's revelation 12. but within revelation 12 we see that there's there's been war throughout the ages throughout history but we see that there's going to be a in an unequaled war an unprecedented war in the final 42 months of this age in other words the point of revelation 12 is to say that throughout history the devil the dragon the serpent the liar the deceiver he's been at war with the purposes of god throughout history he's been trying to thwart and to destroy the purposes of god throughout history which he's failed to do there will be another concentrated moment of conflict with the enemy and the powers of the air before the end of this age within a specific 42 month time period when we get to revelation 13 verse 5 we see this the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words and it was allowed to exercise authority for 42 months so let's ask the question what is the mark of the beast and how do we know it is or it isn't the mark of the beast meaning okay some vaccine comes out next month for the coronavirus and delta airlines says you can't get on our plane unless you've taken the vaccine is that the mark of the beast either making me do something and if i don't do what they're saying i'm not going to be able to do these things is this is this the mark of the beast let's put it into context here because the mark of the beast is described in verse 17 and 18 okay but it's in context it's after the rise of the beast onto the world stage okay what i'm going to do is give seven dynamics that are at play that give shed light on the timing of the implementation of the mark of the beast that gives sheds considerable light on what it is and what it isn't and the first point is this is that the mark of the beast is implemented at the beginning of the final 42 months of this age the final 42 months which is three and a half years or 1260 days okay this final three and a half year period is when the mark is implemented meaning it's not implemented it's not being implemented right now we know that for sure because there's other events that have to happen that kick off the 42 months and if those preliminary events do not happen it's not the mark of the beast it's actually quite a helpful rule rule of measurement here if it's not with you go okay well how do we know we're not in the final 42 months no that's point number two the invasion of jerusalem is the catalyst for the beginning of the final 42 months or to say it another way the mark of the beast will not be implemented until you see jerusalem invaded by foreign armies and occupied by foreign armies this is a very significant point all biblical eschatology all of it revolves around one single paramount catalytic event that sets everything in motion it's called the abomination of desolation in matthew 24 verse 15 jesus described it he said when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet daniel standing in the holy place get out of jerusalem flee to the mountains if you want to survive until you see a fl forced flight from jerusalem after the invasion of the city of jerusalem the mark of the beast has not been implemented now will there be forerunners or harbingers or precursors or foreshadows of the mark of the beast before the invasion of jerusalem i'm sure of it will the technology be used if it's a technological thing we'll get to that in a moment whether it is or it isn't but if it is technological will the technology be used and practiced with and set in motion before the final 42-month period yes i believe that it will be but it doesn't make it the the mark of the beast any more than a localized clash of middle eastern powers in the middle east is the great tribulation there's going to be wars and rumors of wars but it doesn't make it the war to end all wars there's going to be demands upon people for example today there's places where turkish proxy groups are occupying kurdish villages and you cannot buy or sell because of the occupation of these jihadist groups there is regime held areas in syria today where sunnis cannot buy and sell because they're now being subjugated by their shia victors who took the territory back in one the clash with the rebels during the the last number of years in the syrian civil war is that a picture or an example of how the mark of the beast will be implemented yes absolutely but it doesn't mean that it is the mark of the beast it's very important to not have let speculation run wild where everything is that and here's the bottom line until jerusalem is laid siege to we're not looking at the mark of the beast full stop that kind of ends it i mean we could really say amen there and move on but there's more points that i think help color things in now let me back up for a moment you say well belton how how do you know that the final invasion of jerusalem is the catalyst for the final 42-month period there is so many verses for that if you haven't watched our daniel study or maranatha global bible study on the prophecies of daniel go listen to that and go through those sessions joel richardson and i go through it in great detail verse by verse word by word and we look at this particular issue the final siege of jerusalem in the final 42 months in very great detail with we spend a lot of time on it you can get it on the fai app under the bible studies tab and then click on the prophecies of daniel but having said that to give a simple answer to the question in context of the book of revelation we know from chapter 11 that the final 42 months that's referenced in 13 is at the time of the trampling of the holy city under the feet of gentile invaders this is the context of this final 42-month period it's a battle for jerusalem we can't read the beast in revelation 13 disconnected from the beast's military campaign where jerusalem is concerned the military campaign for jerusalem is the hallmark sign and prophetic event that signals to the church and to the nations of the earth that this is the war to end all wars this is the edge of eternity we're on the brink of the age to come this is this is the final countdown of the final 1260 days of this present age and until that event happens you can't know for sure that you're living in the generation of the lord's turn but the moment that the siege begins you will see the coming of the lord or you won't survive the 42 months but you're going to be watching it from a different vantage point either way you are living in the generation of the coming of the lord number three this is a a really really heavy one well before i get to that let me focus on this phrase in verse five it was allowed it was granted to exercise authority for 42 months who allowed it who's granting this power now we read that satan gives his power to the beast but god is sovereign over this this is a very important point for example the seven seals that are torn in revelation chapter six who tears them it's not the devil it's the lamb it's the lamb of god tears the seals who's giving authority to the antichrist the lord deuteronomy 13 says this if a a miracle worker one who does signs or wonders or a prophet declares prophecies and does signs and wonders and those signs and those wonders come to pass and he leads you astray to another god know this that i the lord raised him up to test you a biblical theology of the antichrist is this that god grants the authority to antichrists of old and the final antichrist to test the people of god it's a it's a heavy reality but it's very true god is exercise giving authority to the beast for him to exercise in this tyrannical reign during the last 42 months of natural history now this messes with our theology massively for a cotton candy christian culture where we see goodness the goodness of the lord in a very myopic way and the the history the clash of history and theology present a much different picture of god's goodness he's far more good than our cotton candy christianity presents him to be he's far more good but his goodness also is in juxtaposition with his severity that's what paul said in romans 11 consider the goodness and the severity of god or in revelation chapter 10 he says john take the scroll and eat the scroll it's both bitter and sweet the day of the lord is very great and very terrible it's going to be the most glorious hour of human history it's also going to be the most difficult and awful terrible and challenging hour of human history it's the great clash of all the extremes the point is this god is raising up the antichrist god is and it's for very specific purposes to force natural history in the direction of god's temporal and eternal purposes let's move on to the next one number three it says this that in verse seven it was allowed the beast it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them to make war against the saints and to conquer them the mark of the beast is in a direct connection to a campaign for the eradication of the saints there will be full-blown jihad and genocide that provides the landscape and the backdrop to the implementation of the mark of the beast this is not about vaccines guys this is this is something else entirely we're talking about mass bloodshed mass martyrdom mass subjugation of the people of god and what's crazy about all this fascinating i don't even know the right word any adjective i use is not the right word but what's important to recognize here in this verse is that in verse 7 it was allowed to make war who allows someone to make war on the saints the lord so the lord grants authority to the beast and then allows him to use the authority to make war on the saints and to conquer them now this is also going to mess with our theology specifically not just our our goodness of god theology but our theology of martyrdom the issue of self-defense you know some of the most angriest comments that will for sure will get put on this youtube video will be people who are saying i refuse to bow down to the beast and let him just slay me i'm going to take up arms and fight what the book of revelation presents specifically there and in verse 9 and 10 he says look the dynamic here god is granting authority for the crushing of the saints god is it's the same dynamic in the generation of jeremiah now compare isaiah and jeremiah's generation in the generation of isaiah the lord said this to isaiah isaiah tell the people to defend the city and i will defend the city stay in the city the message to jeremiah is this tell the people don't defend the city to give themselves into captivity if they don't there will be heavy consequences for this tell the people they must submit to the captivity and go into captivity meaning this in historical seasons the purposes of god are changing there's different word of the lord dynamics at play in different moments and seasons of history and in this season of history the final 42 months we need to recognize that god is giving authority to the beasts to wage jihad on the saints and to conquer them now back up to chapter 12 verse 11 in revelation what does it say it says the saints overcome the dragon the enemy how we overcome we conquer him by what the blood of the lamb the word of our testimony and not loving our lives so wait a minute in chapter 12 we are overcoming the enemy and in chapter 13 the enemy is overcoming us what's the deal who's overcoming who here and the lord is saying yes yes you overcome him by letting him overcome you you say what guys we follow a crucified messiah we follow a slain lamb now he's also coming back as a victorious blood-stained conqueror yes but he's not called you and i to start militias to fend off the ant the hordes of antichrist armies during this time there's something else going on here are you and you say dalton are you saying there's no room for any self-defense during the great tribulation that's not what i'm saying what i'm saying is if we're being led by pop cultural mentalities then we don't we're not immersed in the word and we don't understand the purposes of god in doing this we're going to be profoundly offended and disillusioned and confused by who god is and what he's doing because why would a good god subject the people he loves to the tyrannical reign of the antichrist now here's another important interesting dynamic here the whole concept of the pre-tribulation rapture which is so destructive specifically in context to this chapter in these realities because if you're not intending to live through this because you're going to be eating popcorn in a jacuzzi in heaven watching all this go down then it's really irrelevant that's destructive it's also incredibly destructive because it doesn't inform you now of how to posture yourself in the days leading up to it because you are anticipating getting rescued out of here conveniently you're not preparing to endure which is what the call is in verse 10. it's a call for the endurance of this of the saints not a call for the expectation of the escape of the saints the book of revelation is a call to endurance not a call to escape the fourth dynamic that's important captivity and sword in conjunction with the mark of the beast or we could say it this way military domination and a massive refugee crisis look at verse nine if anyone has an ear let him hear if anyone is to be taken captive to captivity he goes if anyone is to be slain with the sword with the sword he must be slain captivity and slaying this is the kind of conquering that the antichrist is going to be doing during this final 42 month period that's been granted to him to do and what john is is hearing is this is the prophetic word if anyone's to be taken into captivity go into captivity if anyone's to be slain you will be slain here is the call for the endurance and faith of the saints that's this is the need for endurance and patience and faith because when these things begin to bear down on us your endurance is going to collapse and your faith is going to collapse this is the point of giving us this information which is why the mark of the beast has everything to do with faith way more than it does concerns over vaccines look i we may be on different sides of the spectrum concerning vaccines are they good are they evil do they cause autism do they stop plagues destroying countries there's there's room on to debate that in an open forum and to discuss it there's not room biblically to make the mark of the beast about that when the mark of the beast is actually associated with an end-time military campaign that's connected to the siege of jerusalem that's connected to an attempted eradication of the saints that's what the mark of the beast is it's part of that context in that larger campaign captivity and sword meaning here's how you can you know lick your thumb and feel the winds blowing if it's blowing in the direction of the mark of the beast being implemented is if we're moving towards mass martyrdom now again this is where some of our i think biblical illiteracy is showing is that right now in the united states there's a lot of talk about uh persecution you know they're telling us to keep our churches closed we're being persecuted you know they're censoring us on facebook we're being persecuted not really not really this is this is you know i want to i don't even want to i was going to say persecution light but i don't even want to say that yeah it once this stuff is you know full bore you know we're going to be looking back at that and going man remember when we thought we were you know whining about them telling us we couldn't meet in our church building you know and i want to be sensitive about that because i can understand on the other side of the argument as well people are saying my government's saying you know it's okay to go to you know a casino but we're not allowed to go to our church building that's messed up i agree that is messed up that's that is dumb but what i think is also messed up and is going to lead us into funky places is by associating these little speed warbles that we're feeling right now associating that with some kind of end time persecution thing like keep it in context yes it's foolish for a government to say hey yeah you guys can go uh to casinos and bars and strip clubs and whatever but you can't go to church that's silly that but let's let's argue that on the grounds of it being silly okay let's not call that end time persecution because it's not is it a precursor to it yeah kind of in the sense that we're moving towards end time persecution but the thing is guys you need to be much more concerned about the actual dynamics of the persecution that's coming in from the east than the kind of secularized leftist persecution that's coming from the west what do i mean by that meaning this in the end the let's call it the secularist left thing which is a beast in and of itself i mean that thing is a very violent vitriolic beast that thing will collapse under the weight of the rising beast empire in the east the final caliphate when the caliphate rises in the actual beast empire which is a ten nation middle eastern confederacy when that thing emerges onto the scene let me let me give a paint a picture an example of this when isis came on the scene in 2014 it was it was pretty small and yet it decimated the middle east decimated the middle east the amount of people who were killed the amount of people that were slaughtered the the implementation of islamic law into the places where isis established its caliphate outposts and borders and boundaries guys that was you know that was really small that wasn't national it wasn't a national army it was just rogue jihadists setting up summer camp in iraq and syria in the in the numbers of tens of thousands i mean it was it was it was large but guys think of this a ten nation confederacy bound together with a a scripturally inspired bloodlust for the eradication of the jewish people and the reclaiming of jerusalem and the liberating of al-aqsa mosque when you see that thing you're going to look back at the days when we had you know senators and governors saying silly things to christians in the united states and we're going to go wow jeez remember those days remember how easy those days were the days of jihad that are coming is going to far eclipse anything that we're experiencing right now and i would say even going to far eclipse anything that the persecuted church is feeling right now in the middle east you know we work with we we i mean this is most of what we do is working in the middle east in areas of persecution and working with the persecuted church working with believers who are having to walk through the rigors of what it means to follow jesus in a muslim society where it is not celebrated to leave islam and to bow the needs of the jewish messiah and i'm looking at this and what guys put this into perspective as well the persecution that's taking place right now in the middle east is persecution light it's persecution light even the stuff that you know we saw during the last number of years with isis it's light it's light it's persecution light what we're about to see emerge on the world stage you say dalton that's you know it seems like you may be overshooting the runway here on intensity i don't think i am because of the magnitude of how the scriptures describe this final hour of martyrdom i mean it's to the point in revelation 6 9-11 where there's so much blood spilling and so many saints going before the altar in heaven crying out going god how long are you going to let this go and the lord is saying not until the full number of martyrs are slain we're approaching an hour of full martyrdom as a sign of the end of the age this is moving into unprecedented levels of carnage and bloodshed unprecedented i mean almost every chapter in the book of revelation is describing the mowing down of the saints under the tyrannical reign of this final beast in his empire the fifth dynamic here that we're looking at is this concept that authority is given to the beast over the whole earth in verse 8 we see this that the authority or verse 7 i'm sorry authority was given to it over every tribe and people and language and nation and all who dwell in the earth will worship it this is not going to be a localized vaccine or localized technology or even a global banking system you know where it moves towards putting chips in your hand or your fingerprint becomes your identity for your banking management which is where global mark global economy is going i mean it's moving towards a cashless society globally it's moving towards your identity being your method of banking that's just where things are going now will that could that potentially be used as part of the infrastructure for the final beast implementation of this thing it could be it could be but it's not the thing in itself it's not the thing in itself just because you get a chip in your hand doesn't mean that you've taken the mark of the beast okay now it will probably feel weird to get a chip in your hand when you realize oh man i can't bank unless i you know have this again that even though that may or may not happen which is speculation it may or may not it still doesn't mean that that's the mark of the beast because this is connected to every nation tribe and tongue and a global worship movement this is a very important point in verse 5. this is not localized implementation of a medical or an economic system like chip banking or like vaccines to deal with a pandemic like corona that's not what this is what we're talking about here the mark of the beast is directly connected to open conscious worship of the beast worship adoration giving you're laying your life down for him in worship and allegiance and not only just a worship movement but a global one it's granted authority for the earth now when we read passages like over every tribe people language and nation this does not mean then that literally every tribe in the amazon and the south pacific and southeast asia that every single one of them is going to be taking the mark of the beast and worshiping in a stark literalist every single person that's not the point the point of this is it's going to be global so don't take it in a ultra ultra ultra uh literalist way of meaning literally every single language is gonna have to take this chip that's not again the issue here is mandatory global worship not a chip it's about worship not technology which at this is a good point in the session before we move on and wrap this up to say this you can't accidentally get the mark of the beast you can't accidentally get the mark of the beast meaning it's not as though someone you know the the guy that you know let's say the guy in the middle of africa somewhere and they go hey look we're moving the whole country decided we're going to do this new global banking thing and the only way to you know that we're eliminating cash and now you have to put this chip in your hand if you want to be able to bank and the guy goes ah okay i'll do it all right because i need to bank he didn't take the mark of the beast he didn't take the mark of the beast the mark of the beast is directly connected to open conscious worship of the antichrist if it's not open conscious worship of the antichrist it's not the mark of the beast number six endurance patience and faith is needed not humanistic resistance the the the call here is not don't take the mark of the beast don't get the chip don't get the thing in your forehead the thing the call here is not it's not don't do the mark the thing is endure the jihad don't lose sight of what's happening and where this is going this is about the faith here is a call for the endurance and the faith of the saints yo with dalton what if okay so what if two years from now you know my government in my home country tells me that i have to take this vaccine in order to fly or to go to school or i have to take this chip if i want to bank what do i do again if it's not open conscious worship of the antichrist it's not the mark of the beast the call is not humanistic resistance against the technology or a banking system or a health care initiative it's a call to endurance not escape and faith not humanistic resistance god is calling us into radical faith faith this is why paul said all these things are great but this is the most important faith hope and love faith hope and love faith is what's going to be tested in these days and faith is what you and i are called to walk in when this stuff begins to unfold not humanistic resistance yes we're going to resist the antichrist yes we're going to resist the mark of the beast yes we're going to resist the scourge in the persecution of the final beast empire and the confederacy yes we are going to rebel against that and oppose that but we're going to do it from a standpoint of endurance patience faith humility gentleness love it's about what's going on in here inside it's not about what's going on in here with a chip yes we are going to refuse the mark of the beast because it's not about the mark it's about the conscious worship of the antichrist number seven the right hand or the forehead the right hand or the forehead now i'm not i'm not going to push this as a this is i'm sure that this is exactly what this is what this means but i just want to throw this into your consciousness to draw attention to the potential likelihood that the mark of the beast will have potentially nothing to do with a new world order in a global banking system and it will actually look a lot more like islamic law being implemented within islamic law under the conquests of muhammad in the conquests of the subsequent caliphates there was a number of uh juris prudence law legal systems legal thought put into place concerning the people who refused to submit to the faith that was being forced upon them through violent conquest so for example as muslim armies swept across north africa and invaded and took over they forced islam on the people of the location of conquest and said you have an opportunity to become a part of the house of islam or it's okay if you don't want to but you will have to pay the jizya tax and you will be living in subjugation and your rights are going to be significantly diminished because you are not a part of the house of islam you're a part of the house of the unfaithful and because of that you're going to be taxed there's certain things that you can't buy and that you can't sell and you're going to be subjected considering the fact that the scripture describes the final beast empire as a middle eastern confederacy of nations that today are hard-line islamic nations and that these nations are moving towards the rebuilding of an islamic state and a middle eastern caliphate in light of that i think it's much more logical to assume and speculate that the mark of the beast is going to look a lot more like islamic subjugation of infidels than it will look like western banking and health care systems mandating that you do certain things with your body in order to pay your bills and buy groceries and be able to get on planes and public transportation the difference between those two things is very severe and the reason why i think it's important and worth considering that the mark of the beast is going to be much more islamic in nature than it is going to be western secular in nature is because the writing is on the wall that this is where history is moving to where history is moving to in the middle east is the rise of the caliphate if you didn't watch our video from the other day i want to encourage you to go watch the turkish caliphate rising what we're seeing right now is the beginning stages of the formation of the caliphate a hundred years after it was dissolved in 1923 and 1924 we are approaching the hundred year anniversary of that and the nations in the middle east are openly calling for the re-establishment of the islamic state and thus the re-establishment of islamic law being implemented in the same way that it was implemented under the ottoman empire where you had to pay your you had a degree of religious freedom and liberty if you kissed the ring and if you in a sense took the mark the mark of the infidel you know we saw the mark for example when most people fell when raqqa fell what what did we see we saw the marking of the shia we saw the marking of the christians saw the marking of the yazidis and they were taken as the yazidis for example were marked and they were taken as as sex slaves and they were trafficked and bought and sold within isis systems but then the christians were not allowed to buy or sell their homes were marked with an arabic letter in that they follow the nazarene that they're christians and they can't buy or sell and they're to be subjugated to the laws of the islamic state i want to submit to you the idea and the possibility that the mark of the beast is probably going to look a lot more like a caliphate than it will your local governor or senator implementing some health care measure in your particular state or county or country on that note i want to say this this is speculation we don't necessarily know exactly what the mark of the beast is but as we've gone we've seen so far what we do know is that it's connected to the final 42 months we know that it's connected to the siege of jerusalem which means it is a middle eastern centric event which means it's a middle eastern centric implementation we also know that it's connected to a war against the saints where they are conquered and mowed down we also know that captivity and sword which means military domination and a refugee crisis are involved we look at zechariah chapter 12 13-14 we know this from zechariah 14 half the city of jerusalem will go into captivity where's the other half well the other half fled okay the other half some of them stayed we don't know the full breakdown of the other half but we do know is this half the city goes into captivity which means this you're not going to be able to buy that's the context of the buying and the selling and the marking is jerusalem is the captivity is the refugee crisis it's a global worship movement it's a conscious global worship movement there's a need for patient endurance and faith we know that it's on the right hand and the forehead now the last two and then we'll we'll wrap this up i think i said seven at the beginning but it's actually nine nine hallmarks the eight is this the mark is directly connected to the economy and mandatory allegiance to the regime we see this in verses 16 and 17 that it causes both small and great rich and poor both free and slave slave which means slavery and trafficking of human beings will be involved in this thing to be marked on the right hand or the forehead so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark so it is economic but the economic component is connected to the regime to the empire to the caliphate to the state to the kingdom of this final beast it's connected to the economics of the beast's regime is a good way to say it so in other words if whoever implements a healthcare or a banking system but it's not the 10 nation confederacy in the middle eastern configuration of nations it's not the mark of the beast the last thing is this look at the last verse in verse 18. this calls for wisdom let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it's the number of a man and his number is 666. that's that's enigmatic that's cryptic we don't know the details of what this is which is why john says this calls for wisdom this calls for wisdom so we see here the call in verse 10 for endurance and faith and we see the call in verse 18 for wisdom so the point is this if you want to navigate the days before this well and if you want to navigate these days well pursue patience and faith and wisdom and wisdom will help us distinguish the difference between false alarm and prophetic speculation in creating unnecessary adrenaline and drama we want to have calm hands that are not full of adrenaline when all this goes down because we know what it is and we understand what's taking place so in closing the mark of the beast pandemics and the new world order is the coronavirus moving the nations of the earth towards the new world order yes but that new world order is going to look a whole lot more like a caliphate than it is these conspiracy theories about the united states or europe or hollywood or whatever fill in the blank or a contemporary pandemic like kovit kovit is definitely shaking things up and moving things to a place where things are going to be configured for the beginning of the end but it is not the thing in itself the vaccine for kovid has absolutely nothing to do with the mark of the beast why because the mark of the beast is the mark of the beast and the beast is the leader of a ten nation middle eastern confederacy that leads a violent assault on the city of jerusalem that initiates the final 42 months of this present age until you see the revealing of the man of sin in jerusalem paul said in second thessalonians until you see it there on in the holy place on the temple mount said jesus until you see him revealed in the beautiful land said daniel in daniel chapter 11. until you see that happen you're not witnessing the implementation of the mark of the beast you're merely witnessing a vaccine or a banking system and you cannot be sent to hell forever over a banking system or a vaccine you simply just choose whether you want to take it or not but it has no bearing on your standing before god because of the blood of jesus because it's not connected to open worship of the beast i hope this is helpful go download the fai app if you haven't already and we will see you next time bless you in maranatha
Views: 2,852,216
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Keywords: Dalton Thomas, FAI, FAI Studios, end-times, end times, eschatology, Turkish antichrist, antichrist, Middle East beast, Joel Richardson, islamic antichrist, pretribulation rapture, rapture, Amir Tsarfati, Behold Israel ministries, frontier alliance international, sheep among wolves, return of Jesus, beast empire, revelation 13, harlot babylon, great tribulation, bible study, maranatha global bible study, Donald trump, make America great again, covid19, christian, mark of the beast
Id: az6c7negl6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 18sec (3678 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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