New World Order FULL SERMONS

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i'd like to hear how god has been protecting and keeping you during this time of crisis while we get started with today's message again today's message is entitled the new world order and our last message we studied the signs of christ coming we studied what these signs were in political in the political world in the religious world in society we saw that jesus had given us signs informing us warning us how close we are to his second coming why is that important because when christ comes that's it that's the end of time what does that mean that means that we are now living in the last days okay that is what we are living in now what's the difference between the last days and the end of time it's very simple think about getting onto a long car ride once you get into your car and you begin your trip you're living in the last days when you arrive at your destination no matter how many stops you made in between when you arrive at your destination no matter how long it took you when you arrive at your final destination you are at the end of time now now now now now there are usually markers on the way and you know how close you are to arriving at your destination well does the bible give us an inkling as to when we begin the end of time well it actually does god does in revelation chapter 13 revelation chapter 13 god tells us look when you see this happening no that that's it you're at the end you're at the end of time okay and what is that marker well that marker of revelation chapter 13 speaks about a one world order a one world economic power one world religious power and a one world military power now because of this and because so many people focus only on this people tend to shy away from the book of revelation they become apprehensive they become nervous they become jittery they don't even want to study the book of revelation and that is such a that's that that's such a shame because there is a blessing given to anybody who reads the book of revelation just go back to our first night study and you'll see what those blessings are see god promises to give anybody who studies or hears and keeps the words of this book god promises that he will give them a blessing and you're missing out on a blessing you're missing out on the blessing because all you're focusing on are is on the beast your focus on the dragon your focus on the antichrist your focus on babylon you're focused on all of the wrong things it's almost as though you don't want to look at a rose because you don't want to focus on its storage well don't look at the rose sure it has thorns mind the thorns but focus on the rose and that's what revelation is god didn't give us revelation so that way we could focus on the beast god gave us revelation so we could focus on jesus christ as a matter of fact revelation 1 1 bible says that it is the revelation of jesus christ please observe that it is not the revelation of the beast or the antichrist or of the false prophets it's not the revelation of babylon it's not the revelation of anything other than jesus christ and him coming back for us now please jot down the following verses i'm going to i'm going to point out some things they're going to seem a little scary but but trust me trust me trust me i'm not here to scare you i want to give you hope because our god is a very present help in the time of what trouble right so the first thing i want you to look at is revelation chapter 13 verse 3. go to your bibles revelation chapter 13 verse 3 read along with me what does god say and i saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wandered after the beast number one god tells you that he is going to allow a beast like power to take control over the world why why is he going to do that for the same reason that he allows everything else to happen he just wants you us to witness that he's more powerful but why does the bible use a beast why why why a beast and it's so offensive to call it a beast because it's in contrast to the land so you have a comparison and a contrast a beast and a lamb we'll get more about that in our next study but number one please observe that god is allowing the beast to have control over the earth number two please read along verse 4 notice and they worship the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worship the beast saying who is like unto the beast and who is able to make war with him number two number two number two please observe please observe please observe god is going to allow this beast power to receive worship he's going to allow it he's not going to stop us he's not going to stop the people from worshiping the beast he's going to allow it and please observe in this text that he's going to make war did you catch that so not only is it going to be a one world power and a one world religion this power full new world order will also be a religious new world order that will have the power to make war against anybody who opposes it and god is going to allow it how is god going to allow it because god god always allows his people to witness his power against his enemies note please the third thing no please the third thing go to revelation chapter 13 verse 17 go to revelation chapter 13 verse 17 the bible says and that no man might be able to buy or sell that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name now that's the that's the last point i want you to observe for right now please note a one world power one world religious power one world military power and now one world economic power seems seems as though all hope is lost and that's only because you're looking at the thorns i want to look at the rose is that all right look please of revelation chapter 13 verse 8 revelation chapter 13 verse 8 the bible says god says and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world did you catch that are you following along with me do you see what god says not me what god says god says that the people who are going to do this are those whose names are not written in the lamb's book of life ergo what you need to focus on is not the mark of the beast it's not babylon it's not any of the things that you find in revelation other than this one thing and one thing alone that your name is written in the lamb's book of life now how could we have missed this john 3 16 tells us for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whomsoever should believe on him should not perish but have everlasting life now if that were true then why do you think it's not true in the future the only thing we need to focus on is if our names are written in the lamb's book of life because revelation chapter 22 verse 12 tells us behold i am coming quickly and my reward is with me to give to everyone according to his works have you asked god to write your name in his book of life have you confessed jesus christ as your personal lord and savior have you given over your life over to him have you asked god to change your habits your inclinations your predispositions well if you have then you know one thing that god is able my bible tells me i don't know what yours says but i know what mind says mind says that god is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ask think or hope for according to the power that worketh within us what does that mean that means if you believe it you can receive it yes god promises to change your life i'm not talking about whether or not god is going to give you riches i'm not talking about whether or not god is going to give you that degree i'm not asking you whether or not you're going to from a physical illness i'm asking you do you believe that god can change you from a sinful human being destined to destruction to making you a child of his victory a victor and a conqueror over the enemy see my god tells me he is able he can do that he can do that and so much more and he is coming from for all of those who have made a decision to follow him in victory now i would like you to start with me our study as to how close are we to the end of time how do we know that we are living in the end taste how do we know that we are living in in this time just before the end how do we know i encourage you to find in your bibles the book of daniel daniel and revelation are two eschatological books what are what does that mean well that means books that deal with the time of the end and the end of time there are actually three in the bible daniel revelation and the book of zechariah zechariah is particularly interesting because not only does it deal with just before the second coming of christ during the second coming of christ it also speaks about what's going to happen after that it takes us all the way to the time of the end the end of time and the time eternal i encourage you to study all three of those books now here in the book of daniel we're going to see just how close we are to the end of time we're going to look at the signs of christ coming in relation to the political powers on the face of this earth now the book of daniel has been under quite scrutiny quite a bit of academic scrutiny there was actually a time when people believed that the book of daniel was just one big hogwash one big fake one big fable one big story one big children's story time that was until during the napoleonic age they found this wall what you're looking at is called the ishtar gate this was the main gate entering into babylon today nobody argues whether or not daniel was an actual person nebuchadnezzar or babylon or actual actual people places people and places okay nobody today argues with that but there was a time in when people did argue with the veracity found in the book of daniel now here in daniel chapter 2 you'll notice that there was a king his name was nebuchadnezzar he had a dream and this dream troubled him what was the dream he had he saw a statue that covered the entire face of the earth with the head of gold and the chest of silver and the waste of bronze and the legs of iron you notice particularly interesting that the feet the feet were made out of clay and iron which is quite unusual now a stone was cut without hands struck it at the base at the feet and that stone became a mountain and that mountain then covers the entire earth now when the king had this dream he woke up pretty startled could not recall anything of the dream so he called together his counselor council of wise men now this council of wise men included sued sayers magicians astrologers it included people who would read uh chicken lizard chicken chicken livers and try to guess what the future what the future had what's interesting that the king doesn't get bring them together to tell them what his dream was he brings them together because he forgot the dream and he's asking them tell me what i dreamt now which is easier for me to tell you what's going to happen in the future or me to tell you what happened which one of the two is it easier for me to prognosticate what's going to come or what has already occurred but god does this to demonstrate to us that his word is true and we can rely on him that he knows the end from the beginning god allows us to see what's going to happen that way we could have trust in them now why am i sharing this with you because when these wise men told the king we can only tell you what's going to happen in the future we can't tell you what happened in the past the king says execute them i can't trust you you've been lying to me now please observe that this is a time of crisis this is a time of consternation this is a fearful time for everybody because there's is usually as is common among the good there's always a mixture of bad and while the bad kind of highlight themselves and the good stay quiet and humble and meek the bad get the good into trouble just ask my sister just ask her okay now among the wicked lying deceitful wise men of babylon there were good wholehearted men who followed after god four of them are going to be highlighted the first one is daniel second one is shadrach third meshech fourth abednego you can read about them in daniel chapter 2 and daniel chapter 3. you can read about daniel and his three friends well daniel gets the message that he's going to be executed because these fake and phonies they couldn't tell the king what he wanted to hear they asked for an audience before the king the king grants it to them they tell the king give us one day and at the end of this day we will tell you what your dream was they go back home and they start to pray and they ask god to reveal to them what the king dreamt at the end of that night daniel goes back to the king and he tells the king that god has revealed to them the dream as a matter of fact you can read about it in danny chapter 2 23. he starts off with praising god i thank you and praise you o god of my fathers you have given me wisdom and might and in verse 28 he stands before the king and he tells him read along with me but there is a god in heaven who reveals secrets and he has made known to the king nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days did you see that the book of daniel not only covers the time of daniel it covers the hour time and it takes us all the way into eternity let's look at that dream again the bible says read along with me you king we're watching and behold a great image this great image whose splendor was excellent stood before you and its form was awesome this image's head was a fine gold its chest and arms of silver its belly and thighs of brass its legs of iron its feet partly of iron and partly of clay you watch while a stone was cut out without hands which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay and broke them in pieces then the iron the clay the bronze the silver and the gold were crushed together and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found and the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth now please note i'm not interpreting this prophecy this is what the bible says happened this is what god says happen because this is his word now i could tell you what i think this means i could tell you what each one of these elements meant i could tell you what i think but we're not here to find out what i think we we want to know what god said so let's look at what god says daniel chapter 2 verse 36 the bible says this is the dream now we will tell the interpretation of it before the king did you catch that i'm not going to tell you what it means we're going to read it together and we're going to see what god says it means verse 37 and 38 daniel writes you o king are king of kings and you are this head of gold what does that mean that means that babylon the empire of babylon the nation of babylon was demonstrated by the head of go and this babylonian empire lasted from 605 to 539 bc today nobody argues whether or not babylon was a world military power at the time today we know from historical evidence how great and how majestic this this nation was the capital alone of babylon had hanging gardens its walls were 10 miles around and that's important because rome's was only six miles around and athens were four that means they understood architecture that means they also had the financial of power to construct a city of such great magnitude now how do we know that it had economic power well all we had to do is look at the temple of marduk which was 300 feet high and outside it was covered with blue glaze tile and inside it was overlaid with gold as a matter of fact the altar and the throne were made out of eight and a half tons of solid solid solid gold today nobody argues whether or not babylon existed but there was still some consternation as to whether or not nebuchadnezzar existed that was until we started finding clay tablets clay tablets that nebuchadnezzar himself commissioned them with his names on it he writes the following the fortifications of a sailia and babylon i strengthened and established the name of my reign forever now now some people will argue with me and say well that that's just speaking about nebuchadnezzar nebuchadnezzar had a son and his son had another son so that's one two three three different kingdoms no that's not that's one kingdom it's babylon babylon is mentioned as the kingdom because the bible says in verse 32 read along with me its chest and its arms of silver remember that well notice what daniel interprets in verse 39 he gives the interpretation of that but after you shall arise another what not king but king dumb and it will be inferior to yours why inferior because just as gold as in just as gold is much more precious than silver so too this next kingdom would be inferior and was it indeed inferior absolutely the persian empire lasted from 539 to 331 while it handled a larger swath of territory it was not as strong and not as economically powerful as babylon was as a matter of fact it was pretty much a weak kingdom now you could read about how this happened in the book of daniel chapter 5. in the book of daniel chapter 5 you'll notice that nebuchadnezzar's grandson belshazzar was having a feast was having a party and during his drunken debauchery he decided to bring in the utensils that were used [Music] in the jewish system of worship and god doesn't take it too kindly when people handle his sacred things in a careless and haphazard way the bible says that god wrote on the walls you have ever heard the saying the writing is on the wall well where does that come from it comes from daniel chapter five when god wrote the following three words many meaning your god has numbered your kingdom and finished it did you catch that did you catch that god sets up kingdoms and god brings them down then he wrote the following word tackle what did that mean you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting did you catch that god knows what we do from beginning to end as a matter of fact jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 god says before you were formed in your mother's room i knew you what does that mean that god knows us intimately and personally he knew every single thing about every single one of us and then he says paris no please your kingdom has been divided and given to the medes and the purse did you know that did you know that god has the power to move wealth do you not know that god has reserved the wealth of the wicked for the righteous god has reserved all things unto his children praise be to god god is in control see we're trying to see how close we are end of time and we're doing this by looking at the signs in the political world and we're going all the way to the time just before the birth of christ god mentioned one kingdom babylon now god mentions the second kingdom metal persia when did this empire begin it began at the end of the first kingdom the end of babylon was in october 13 539 now you'll note please if you study some history that you'll see that the gates to babylon were opened you'll also notice that the military strength of babylon was asleep at the wheel as it were now you can read about all of this if you want to in the history books now but you could also do the same if you study the book of isaiah in the book of isaiah written 150 years before the birth of cyrus why cyrus because cyrus was named in the book of isaiah 150 years before his birth you can read about cyrus if you want to in the book of isaiah chapter 45 or through his cylinder it's found in the british museum of natural history in isaiah chapter 45 god declares that he is going to leave the doors open for him and that the weapons of their enemy are going to be laid down just as the cyrus cylinder dictates just as daniel chapter 5 dictates and just as the history books dictate all of these events all testify to the veracity of god's ability to tell us what's going to happen in the future again this is what god says in isaiah chapter 45 you know that i am he how because i tell you what's going to happen before it happens 150 years before the birth of cyrus he was predicted now some people have said well you know you can't trust the book of isaiah the book of isaiah was rewritten the book of isaiah was added to well here's something interesting we have what's called the qumran scrolls have you ever heard of the qumran scrolls well in the qumran scrolls you'll find that the book of isaiah was found now this was important because it was found and dated 125 years before the birth of christ before the birth of christ before cyrus himself this qumran scroll showed the book of isaiah and when they did a study of isaiah chapter 45 where isaiah 45 would be in that scroll they found the very same words that you find in your king james version bible of isaiah 45 1. god spoke about isaiah god spoke about cyrus before he was born daniel chapter 2 verse 39 bible speaks about a third kingdom go ahead read along with me daniel 2 39 a third kingdom then another a third kingdom of bronze which shall rule over the earth remember now please notice this explanation of that third kingdom it's going to be found in daniel chapter 8 verse 21. read along with me please observe the following and the male goat is the kingdom of greece the large horn that is between its eyes is the first king no god not only says the number of kingdoms that are going to arise he actually names them now you might want to debate the book of daniel but jesus himself told his apostles to remember the words of daniel therefore jesus must have believed that daniel was an actual person and number two the veracity of his words the empire of greece nobody debates it i mean how many movies haven't been made about greece and the grecian empire lasted from 331 to 168 before the birth of christ nobody would debate on whether or not alexander the great was an actual historical figure you could see just about how many movies there are just about his name alone you could read about it also in history of rome chapter 3 book 3 chapter 10 writes the following on june 22 168 before the birth of christ at the battle of pythnia perished the empire of alexander the great 144 years after his death so now we have three kingdoms first one is babylon the second one is metal persia the third one is greece what about the legs of iron does the bible give us any inclination about that legs of iron down in chapter 2 verse 40 said finally there would be a fourth kingdom please again observe we're talking about kingdoms babylon meadow persia greece and now a fourth one which is that fourth one well it's none other than rome how do we know rome is the fourth kingdom well all you have to do is read dr edward gibbons classic decline and fall of the roman empire says the following the images of gold silver or brass that might serve to represent the nations and their kings were successfully broken by the iron monarchy of rome nobody debates whether or not rome existed it was the empire that crucified christ you know that so what do we have we have four kingdoms that we've already spoken about babylon meadow persia greece and rome but what about the feet what about the feet in daniel chapter 2 verse 41 the bible says just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron so this will be a divided kingdom first of all if you're going to build a statue why would you make it so fragile shouldn't you make the base the strongest part what is this with clay and iron well the bible alludes to the weakness and the fragility of this base because he says in daniel chapter 2 verse 43 so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united any more than iron mixes with clay god says that this fifth world empire this fifth world empire will be a divided empire now it is interesting to note that the decay and the this and the dismemberment of the roman empire today is called europe and we are living in a time when europe is attempting to unite when you are looking at the map when you look at the map of europe what you are looking at is the divided empire of rome the alemanni the burgundies the franks lombardos swagson suive suivai visigoths the harelis the vandals and the ostrogoths all used to inhabit what today we call europe and today we're living in a time when people are trying to unite not only europe but the world the bible says that this is going to happen until the time of the end as a matter of fact if we turn in our bibles to revelation chapter 17 revelation chapter 17 go there quickly revelation chapter 17. the bible tells us that something astounding is actually going to occur revelation chapter 17 tells us the ten horns the what ten horns how many kingdoms ten kingdoms ten horns how many toes ten toes ten horns ten kingdoms ten toes do you think god is trying to give us a clue the ten horns which you saw are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the is this where it ends no no no no no this is not where it ends because please remember the bible tells us about a stone cut without hands but let's continue reading revelation chapter 17 verse 13 is that's all right with you the bible says that is going to do more please observe what they're going to do these are of one mind and they will give their power and authority to the beast verse 14 says these will make war with the lamb and the lamb will overcome them why for he is lord of lords and king of kings and those who are with him are called chosen and faithful praise be to god please observe that there are thorns but there is a rose and the rose is much prettier than the thorns god says that the kingdoms of gold the kingdoms of silver the kingdoms of brass the kingdoms of iron then this kingdom this fifth kingdom this fifth world empire of feet of iron and clay will be smashed by a stone cut without hands and it will strike it at its base and pulverize it and the wind that holy spirit will blow those ashes and those dust away and it will turn that stone will turn into a mighty mountain and that mountain will cover the entire earth praise god daniel chapter 2 34 the bible says you watch while a stone was cut without hands struck the image on its feet of iron and clay broke them in pieces verse 44 the god of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand for how long forever what does that mean the rock the rock is nothing else than the kingdom of our lord and savior jesus christ his second coming his return when he comes to put a lay aside all of these other empires why because he is king of kings and lord of lords he is god of gods he is the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end what are the events in the book of daniel the second coming of jesus the nations of europe that come to an end the god our god who will set up his kingdom and this kingdom will last forever jesus anointed as king of kings and he comes to the earth to reign praise be to god revelation 11 15 that's why the bible says and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he shall reign forever and ever why are you focusing on the beast why are you focusing on the mark of the beast why are you looking at the thorns look at the rose and guess what one day soon jesus christ is going to return and why is he going to return he's going to return for all of those who have made a decision a pact for him a pact with him and that could be you you see right now right now right now at this very same instant you can ask god to write your name in the lamb's book of life and what will that do that will give you power over the enemy the enemy's weapons will fall dead lifeless at your feet and they will sneal prostrate before you because my bible tells me that god will even make your enemies your footstool praise be to god would you like to ask god to enter into your life would you like to ask god to write your name in the lamb's book of life if you do bow your heads along with me and pray father god please write your name on my heart and write my name in your lamb's book of life in jesus name amen hey i know you had this prayer and i know right now you feel the presence of the holy spirit just entering into your life and you have the joy and peace of knowing that god is going to take care of you that everything is going to be all right again my bible tells me that god is a very present help in the time of trouble please contact me let me know that you asked jesus into your life and you asked god to write your name in the lamb's book of life please send me a note via email or post it on our facebook page i'd love to hear from you god bless you
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Keywords: Sermons room, sda sermons, daily sermons, sermons, powerful sermons, prophecy sermons
Id: lDqQDkHv4rs
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Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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