New World: Aeternum Interview with Creative Director David Verfaillie

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what is up everybody this is Keith Mitchell here at Summer game Fest and it's been an amazing experience so far I've been losing my mind here but I'm sitting down with a gentleman who is working on a game that I didn't think I ever enjoy and I'm just you know just being honest with you and I'm gon to butcher his name I feel so bad for it let's try this so David ver Perfect all right so I didn't mess it up and the game we're talking about is New World eternum Eternal Eternal I'm screwing at him so bad so for those who don't know about this game this game is an MMO that's currently playable New World on PC and now this new version of the game is coming out for PlayStation 5 Xbox series X and s x y and we had a chance to play it today and I have to say coming into this I didn't think that I would be I didn't think I would enjoy it because I'm I'm not a big MMO guy anymore World of Warcraft has has hurt me we won't we won't talk about that but I've had a good half an hour playing this game and it blew me away I really like what I played so far I like the fact that it fills more as an action RPG um I'm assuming the goal was for people single player people to play the game and enjoy the game without being involved with MMO and it worked out amazingly I really enjoy that uh so the first I got to ask you is why well there's well there's so many MMOs coming to the console or on the console like Final Fantasy 4 and uh what was that other one Black Desert Black Desert pleas desert uh there playst yes BSO Ali too took Sega forever to bring it here but they finally did it why I think well did you get to play the combat I think the combat is something that really separates New World Chum from other MMOs like it's an action-based combat experience right like you got to move around you got to dodge you got to block it's like you actually feel like you're a part of the combat experience and I think that sort of really bring something new to the genre so I'm a big fan of action RPGs and more specifically I hate to say it uh Souls likes and I don't like I don't want to say Souls likee because a lot of people say it's not souls likee and there's a big back and forth between the community but the the attacking the dodging yeah all the blocking it all felt Souls like is I don't know if that was the goal or I mean I think it is definitely one of The Inspirations that you know is a bed new world I think that idea of physicality in combat is what we wanted to achieve right like it's not like these big aoes right like when you swing your sword or your weapon it's got to actually hit the person to hit that that really tactile feel is important for us so I usually play these kind of games I usually play two types I either play a warrior up in your face with a shield or I play a mage stay away and do my damage my distance and I noticed there were a number of archetypes in the game you can play as I really enjoy playing with the Mage because one thing I noticed is when you're you're attacking things you also have the ability to switch to a different weapon so the Mage has the fire staff there's also a live staff I believe and there was also the ice G the ice GA ice gaunlet and I realized after playing for a while I can actually attack with the fire staff switch it to the The Ice Gauntlet do my other damage I was trying to figure out how to do some uh slowdown keep them in place and then hit them back in with the fire and actually used the pyromancy to do some more damage so I was really enjoying the the way you can change up in combat that was a lot of fun again the dodging that was really good it was more of a uh you're not getting near me because I'm keeping you locked down I didn't get a chance to play The Warrior but I really like what I played with the uh the Mage yeah I'm glad you mentioned it that the like ability to switch weapons is a big part of the combat right and I think there is there's a really cool uh move with the ice Gauntlet where you put down this sheet of ice and anyone that comes through it gets slowed down so it's perfect to put out you know you put out it slows them down switch to the fire staff and do a ton of damage I didn't get a chance to get that I guess that was further down the Tre okay um now the one thing I really did like about the game and I really have to I mention it because it's a big problem within games like this is the character creation and there were a lot of different um hairstyles I'll leave it at that there were a lot of hairstyles different textures I really enjoyed that the character creation also gave a different skin tones which is really good as well and I was able to create a character that I really wanted to create that looked like me awesome okay so that was really cool there's the issue of games where they don't have a lot of hairstyles like that and people go in the Uproar and have comp conversations about that so I really enjoyed that the character creation had that ability that was really nice to see when are you looking for players to get out of this game not it's a new update of this game I mean I think what I like about New World Tournament is it's up to you right like there's the beautiful solo sort of story experience right that I think a lot of people play there's also a huge crafting experience right like you can go around you got to see a little bit but you can chop down trees you can make weapons you can make armor with it uh there's a whole group experience with Dungeons and big Expeditions uh there's also PVP if you're into that so what's great about it is you know you just sort of choose what do I want to do how do I like to play do I want to have a relaxing day today and just sort of craft and explore a little bit or do I want to do hard content is there an end game for single player yes there is in fact one of the brand new things we're bringing are the soul trials so throughout the game uh you go through this story you know it's about a 50 60 hour storyline uh and you get these epic fights along the way but it felt sort of sad to like have This brilliant fight but you only do it one time so we took all these big fights that you do throughout the story and we put them in an instance content and up leled them made them harder for the end game and you can do that now solo as a player every day you know there'll be three of them you choose between them it's one of those fun activities you can do sort of in between stuff to just sort of do solo end game wait so you're saying I can go back and fight these bosses over and over thank you very much that is something that we always ask for in action RPGs there are these bosses that had these these such amazing experiences and then it's like all right well I beat the game and I can't fight this boss again unless I do a new game speaking of that is there a new game in this game or is it just continue to evolve no there's no not not like a new game plus that some single player experiences have this you as you finish you hit the end game uh and then that's sort of like a more open experience and you can continue leveling up your character uh if you have been playing a little while say you were a PC player like on this update we're increasing the gear score the strength of the weapons so there's something new to do so we'll continue adding stuff and making the world bigger and better for speaking of that since this is coming out for the consoles and is made for uh controllers Game Pass will the PC version get access to that as well yeah in fact we we sort of we launched that earlier on the PC to you know sort of get some feedback and testing on it uh a lot of new console functionalities in this like I don't know if you did the lock on is super cool it allows you to lock on enemies there's a little bit of a assist so it makes it easier to hit range stuff uh with a controller versus mouse and keyboard so we we sort of took that early experience and really refined it this time around well I said like I said I I really enjoy what I played I think this game is going to how should I say that I think the the fans of action RPGs are really going to enjoy this and they're not going to associate this with the original New World it again when I started playing this I was like wow this is something complete different I played New World once upon a time ago and I haven't been playing again because I'm not really a big fan of MMOs anymore like Dad don't have much time you know but this is nice you can play it in in chunks slices whenever you want to get this something and I really enjoy what I played so I'm looking forward to seeing this come out later on awesome what is some of your favorite things about this game uh well there's a ton I think you know we talked a lot about the combat we haven't talked much about the story like I think the story and like the integration of you know you got to see we have tons of igc's in there now new camera dialogue system which sort of puts you and the people you're talking to more face Toof face you get to see them emote so all those things just sort of bring the story out and really bring it to the Forefront I think is something I've really enjoyed so before we end this interview i' always like to ask people a personal question yeah so what are some of your favorite games well so I'm an old school gamer uh you know I started on the Inari Nintendo was probably my defining sort of console so all those early Nintendo experiences uh after that you know I got big into fighting games so I've played a lot of fighting games and you can sort of see some of the the soul of a fighting game if you've ever played like street fight fighter combat uh you know the sole of that is a little bit in our combat system also cuz those were hugely influential games for me oh yeah that's what I was doing I was mixing I was literally mixing up the people when I was fighting them yeah so um looking forward to seeing this when it comes out later on is there a release dat uh October 15th October 15th and update for the PC coming out PlayStation 5 Xbox series X and S all right well I'm looking forward to playing it uh thanks again David thank you man once again everybody Keith here not Haven here at uh summer game Fest 2024 and we'll see lots more gaming stuff and you hear for myself and Scott later on today thanks for watching
Channel: The Outerhaven
Views: 2,305
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Keywords: new world aeternum, new world ps5, new world xbox series x, new world xbox series s, amazon mmo, new world aethernum summer game fest, new world david verfaillie, interview with david verfaillie, ps5 mmo new world, xbox mmo new world
Id: qXhU27Udot4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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