Why New World Lied To Us - My Theory

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all right I'm going to do a little bit of a rant video I have a theory as to why I think um why I think you would have failed in their delivery and why everything happened sort of the way it did it is just a theory but I feel like the breadcrumbs will point in One Direction potentially but let's see what you think okay now before I start I just want to say to me I know that a lot of people are sort of [ __ ] on the devs and a lot of people saying well it's not necess the devs it could be the business managers and that's true kind of crapping on the new world company as a whole right AGS I guess I don't really care who made the decisions like the other thing is the devs are the face of the company so you know if you get some bad food cockroaches and your Uber Eats you ring up the customer servers you know their argument can't be well I didn't do it because they're the face of the company so they have to receive the heat just like if things had gone swimmingly well and everything was like really really happy with it and everyone was like oh my God this the best update I've ever seen then they would be certainly happy to receive the price right so they have to receive the heat at the same time so stay here okay so let's get going right they've told us the first little thing we have to consider is that they've literally told us multiple times as PC players when we complained about no content they said wait until May wait until May there's going to be like a huge announcement you're all going to be blown away and we're going to relas a road map at the same time right so they're implying pretty heavily there that there's going to be a lot of content for PC players okay so that that that that is the first bit of sort of what happened that didn't happen um and then they also pushed it back once we got to like before we got to may they pushed it back to June so we it was just the console release we already knew it was going to be a console release so it was kind of like where was the big announcement every PC player was like where's the big announcement we already knew that it was going to be on Console the question was whe whether it was going to be crossplay really and there's no way they wouldn't have known that they hadn't implied through the multiple times they told us there's going to be this big announcement guys don't worry just wait you know if you oh we can't wait to tell you you'll understand you'll understand when we tell you in June why we've been holding off right they must have known that that's what they were implying was PC players were expecting content keeps coming to the so they've either purposefully misled us on multiple videos and in multiple situations and as they say intent is n910 of the law and and they absolutely had intended if they purposefully much let us the intentions there right it's either that one option or two they're so incompetent and they're so ridiculously stupid that they didn't even connect the dots and see how that was going to be like like a console release is not a big announcement especially for PC players because why would they give a [ __ ] about the game being released on Console other than a big play player population coming in right so those kind of two options either you're a liar or you're stupid now in a way both of those don't sit right with me that's what's happening I just even if you were manipulative I don't see the benefit of lying to a customer base like I I don't think they're stupid because they're devs of a game like they can't be that stupid right and they have enough people to know you know like they've made some definitely made some stupid decisions but I think overall they're not stupid so I don't think they're stupid and it just seems weird to me like why you would lie like that there's something missing right that just doesn't quite add up to me that alone the the outcome of that is going to outweigh the negative outcome of that is going to outweigh the benefit of Lon if you know what I mean so there's something a mess which is where what I've been thinking about lately so this is my theory right my theory is that they absolutely fell behind on the coding and the infrastructure needed for the data engineering for um console release and that's why when the announcement rolled around they were so behind on schedule or things were just so [ __ ] or whatever um that all they had to announce was the console release I think that they had thought back with they announced it month six months ago or whatever it was that they were like we're going to have all the console sorted and then we'll release all this new content right um and then that will be the big announcement and everyone will be happy but then everything went tits up and everything went wrong for them the Cod whatever it is and then so they actually weren't even near console release by the time June rolled around and so then they were kind of forced even though they knew it was going to be [ __ ] show they were kind of forced to say well we're just releasing console and on Console right because that would kind of explain why they made a terrible marketing decision to advertise the console even though that' kind of imply that there'd be more to it we already knew that the reasons I think that is we already we already knew they were behind schedule because they pushed the announcement back a month from May to June I know they said that was because they wanted to do it at this that game festival or whatever but I don't know I think um that wasn't the case I think they were behind schedule and I've already said I don't think the dev a Liars um and I don't think they're that stupid so I feel like there's must be some other factor for why things turn to [ __ ] and I mean the only I can think of is that the console code just isn't working wasn't working the way and they have just changed all their backend code around so that would kind of make sense a little bit and then also the other thing that makes me wonder is like we just lost October the 15th seems so far away like if you were going to be planning to release it on console from and you've had several months to do it you'd want to be releasing it shortly after your announcement surely but they're not it's actually another four or five months away so I think they've actually without telling us pushed it back again to October the 15th I'm sure that 6 months ago they were thinking they were going to be releasing it much sooner after the announcement right that might have made sense in terms of like wait wait wait we've got a big announcement in June I would not have been upset if that said okay we're releasing on Console in a month or within a month and then we're pumping up this content here's the road map right and they' said they were going to give us the road map so that sort of makes sense right where they were like coming out on console with them the next month here's uh the road map what we're going to do after that we're going to be pumped out the content then I would have been happy because like cool content's coming we' got all the stuff coming our way and then at that point too they would have been like the PVP Zone and the new raid and all that kind of stuff the other thing too is they mentioned in their Q&A that they they kept saying oh we want to just we want to get things right we want to make sure it's bug free and a Smooth release and they kept saying that like that was like a real Focus for them and you don't say that and things have kind of been going wrong which we already know that every time they do something they introduce bugs so that could be the reason why they were saying that but also it could be because the code isn't working and that's really on their minds cuz I know I work in data science and if I'm about to talk about the delivery of a project to a client I'm I'm going to be saying like you know these are the analytics that are going to be coming through this is what's going to benefit your company blah blah blah blah the only time I would ever talk about I just want the code to work is if everything was going wrong if I couldn't get machine learning models to work or the infrastructure behind or the backend code wasn't working everything was going wrong then I would probably start talking about oh I just want to get it to work I just want you know everything to be the code to be working and data to be working and all that kind of stuff so um that would indicate to me what their focus is on because that's what they keep talking about anyway it is just a theory let me know what you think I feel like I feel like there's just something missing and it runs a little bit of an or as to what were you thinking and I just feel like this explains it a little bit more um you know it might not be the truth it might be close to the truth who knows let me know what you think I'll see you all later
Channel: Kamo Chameleon
Views: 2,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New World
Id: pPz0JDP57SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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