New World Hinted at MASSIVE Content Shift Before The June Reveal

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all right what is going on ladies and gentlemen how is it going I am is there no one else and in today's video I wanted to talk to you guys about a video that I ended up not doing last back in March earlier this year uh New World had a forgein and interum Q&A and and like all q&as from New World I listen to them because I want to hear feedback from the game uh I at that point in time I wasn't playing the game for a couple months I was looking forward to new content coming out and waiting to see when that new content was was going to happen and when this Q&A happened one of the developers uh made a comment that really stuck in my ear it it was just one of those things that just kind of resonated and it it made no sense to me and I thought about doing it at the time I thought about making a video talking about it kind of talking about a prediction and where I thought the game was going to go and I changed my mind because I was like you know we're going to find out in 2 months where the direction of the game is going to be anyways so instead of this kind of irk at me and then do a video and be wrong and have a bunch of people you know watch a video that makes no sense you know in hindsight 2 months later if I am wrong like there's there's no point right well I I feel like I really missed the window because I I was right after hearing the live stream I I was right with what was going on U my my prediction was correct and and yeah I all I have are are DMS but let's uh let's he hear what the C the question was and then we'll we'll just dive into my thought process and everything and I'll I'll post you know what I what I was discussing with a few my content creator friends on Discord all right why has there been such a lack of investment into the PVP aspect of your game is it down to Resource Management player data yeah so before we launched like way back new world was a PVP Focus game um and we listened to the players at that time and we adjusted and we actually made it more PVE Focus based on that that feedback and what we see is the majority of our players are PVE focused we do have PVP players though and we do have different modes for them and moving forward it's definitely something that we want to invest in this is exactly the reason why I personally stopped playing new world because I do like playing oprs I do like playing Arenas um but there's only one opr map and there's only two Arena Maps and the problem is it doesn't matter how much you enjoy combat of a game when you get burnt out on maps like you you at least want map updates that's why you see Call of Duty come out with map packs that's why you see Halo come out with map packs that's why you see all these other games that have PVP modes kind of like this come out with freaking map packs because they know that players get burnt out and so I I don't know why but new world doesn't think that that's the case and so new world is going into it saying we are not going to we're going to have over 2 years of one map for Outpost rush and we just expect you guys to play this exact same map over and over again in into eternity and you will like it and you will have fun and shockingly like players just aren't interested in the same map over and over and over again they they keep asking for new maps and new world will not provide new maps uh they they gave a a second map in in arenas their 3v3 area and the way the game I'm sure it's still working this way but the way it worked in January was it wouldn't even rotate between the two Arenas during uh while you were queuing in at a time it wasn't like RNG it would be one map all the time for two straight weeks so it was just always the same map all the time for two straight weeks and then it would switch to the next map and then it' be that map for two straight weeks and I don't know about you guys like I I was trying to come up with a comparison for this and this is going to be my my best analogy that I can come up with on it is it's kind of like having your favorite food right like think about a food that you feel like you could eat all day every day uh I have two there's two that came to my mind I could eat a buffalo chicken burrito with black beans and all the fixing seasoned sour cream cheese all this I could eat that all day every day for for a very long time uh same thing with pizza just simple pepperoni pizza I I could do the exact same thing with that I I would I I wouldn't feel bad about it but if if my only choices were 2 weeks straight of the same burrito and then once those two weeks were done I then had to do two weeks of pizza and then rotate back to burritos I feel like I would make it through the first couple weeks pretty good I be like okay I mean it's I don't have any other choice but but through two weeks I I think I could I could pound out 14 burritos I I feel pretty confident in saying that same thing with pizza I feel like I could do the same thing for through the first rotation of pizza too the second time when I got back through burritos I'd probably be a little burnt out and I know by the third time I would just be like come on man like give me something else I I I just want one meal that's something else this is just way too much it's way too much I'm I for as much as I love this at some point I'm going to get tired of it and it's the same thing with maps it's the same thing with with this entire concept and so it's not a shock that after two plus years the PVP player base has slowly dwindled it's not a shock when your Wars are the exact same map over and over it's exact same objectives over and over and over again why players in the PVP environment are leaving that also just because you have it doesn't mean you can't stop providing updates for it and just expect players to stay all of this was one of those things where I was like okay I I mean the the player base is the PVP player base is dwindling but what are they talking about when they're saying PVE players what are they talking about cuz I I don't I didn't know who they were talking about I didn't understand what they meant by PVE PVE is obviously a very all-encompassing thing it's basically anything that's not PVP related like it could be anything and so I'm sitting there and I'm trying to figure out okay I'm when I was playing I was on Castle steel it was pop locked for a very long time we we had a very high population I never saw the trial run I I never saw people doing looking for group trial I'm not saying it didn't I just you just didn't see it in area you didn't see people running it you didn't see people looking to run it or anything like that so I never really saw the trial as far as the Expeditions go everybody was M rotating through m ations uh trying to get artifacts at that point in time and the the cues for these artifacts there would be like four groups queuing up at the same time so it's was like 16 people at any point just queuing up running through these these Expeditions trying to get these artifacts all the other Expeditions were more or less dead unless like one specific group needed one specific thing right like no other Expeditions were queued up and running and so I was looking at it and I was like okay I see way more people uh in 3v3 and Arenas and in fluence races I I see way more people out doing these things than I do see doing Expeditions and and trials and so I'm like okay well well what PVE players player base is left casuals casual players is the first thing that jumped to my head players that are out there chopping down trees doing quests doing these sorts of things and and it just irked me at the time because I sat there and I was like they're going to do exactly what ESO did they're just going to do the bare minimum they're not going to make content for veteran players they're not going to listen to the player base they're not going to listen to their concerns try and provide stuff to to cater to this player base they're just going to say hey we have a lot of players that like to chop down trees and they like to go out and do these things and we are going to make something that's a lot more casual friendly and we are going to make something that's a lot more uh solo friendly and that that's the PVE that they're talking about people that are picking up the game for the first time that that really have no retention rate at all and so uh I think this is a mistake I think this is a mistake for a variety of reasons I think the veteran player base for a lot of games helps bring up it you you need both you need the new player experience you need new players coming in constantly bringing in lifeblood into the game and you need a solid veteran player base to train people up get people to uh expand and and become a veteran player it it it all makes sense and so I'm sitting here and I'm looking at it okay I was like all right well you're not going to provide PVP updates and you're clearly not providing endgame PVE updates and in a large scale uh but what they are going to do is they're going to change the genre of the game to uh more of an arpg and have a bunch of soloable content that allows players to play solo in an MMO RPG and go around and Quest and level up and do these small solo player instance events you know like a what a massively multiplayer online role playing game is and so that's what this entire PVE thing revealed to me and it it's interesting because like I can I can pull myself back from this situation and I can see where new world is coming from and the fact that they have 5,000 players right now guys like a lot of players aren't coming back through that door uh they could come out with five new opr maps and 10 new Arena Maps and what is the population going to do in the next couple months what's it going to do jump up to 8,000 jump up to 9,000 those 900,000 players from back in 2021 they're not coming back through that door anytime soon not not from a a quick couple of map release that's not happening how will some of those players come back how will they get the most players well the the October release it makes complete sense for them to build for October because there's only there's two entirely new different player bases and there are MMORPG arpg style players there that play Black Desert online that play New World they've been playing those games for a while there's not really there hasn't been a good game kind of like this that has come out on Console in a while and I know a lot of people I used to play on Console I I know a lot of people that would be very interested in this type of game and so I could see them pulling in a lot of players and with all the changes that they've made to their single player quest lines with all the changes that they made I could see them retaining a lot of console players when the game goes live and so from a business perspective from a money-making perspective it makes complete sense to roll out your content and just build for October from a Gaming Community perspective they've actively [ __ ] the bed for the last three months and they have actively [ __ ] the bed on this game for the last three years there there's just no other way around it like this game started off as a survival MMO and people complained before the game went live that hey the survival MMO is too harsh we want you to change it and they listen to the feedback from the community all those PVE players before the game came out and they listened to the players and what did the game do start off at 950,000 people and it [ __ ] nose dived it nose dived in a terrible horrible way now there's it's not the change from PvP to PVE that that caused this to happen it's the the soullessness of the game that caused this to happen like there's been multiple different people that have said this the game just didn't feel right afterwards the game didn't have what it it's it's okay to have a toggle on toggle off system but there was nothing to supplement the fact that you got rid of so much player driven content there's nothing to supplement the fact that if you if you shut off the toggle off system so many parts of the map were just [ __ ] dead and so so that's part of the reason why the game died it was really shitty to level the performance was bad the dupe bug invincibility glitch like all these sorts of things combined to create a really horrible game it's it's always a culmination of a bunch of things but their changing of the tide of the direction of their game before the game came out uh was the first signal right them changing the tide of where the game is now one of the great things about Amazon the the big delivery company is they're flexible and they're able to uh provide services and goods to people that need it in in a fast manner even if you don't like Amazon the company even if you don't like supporting Jeff Bezos and his billions of dollars you could at least understand that sometimes Amazon just stands out above everything else from from a product standpoint and their their ability to bend around uh and provide a service no matter regard no matter what the the instance is is something that a lot of other companies can't currently replicate you can't do that with the game man you can't do that the game's got to kind of stand on its own and the fact that they've waffled I mean it's the gamees come out came out in 2021 it's 2024 and this game has been a survival MMO this game has been a toggle on toggle off PVP PVE MMO and now it is a single player arpg with with group-based instance stuff something right so in in a three-year period they've changed the direction of the game three different times uh they they they're not they don't have an idea for where the game is and where they want the game to be they're just listening to their data on what the players are at the time and they're going to build for that and and that's all they're going to do and so if you're looking for a game that that has a Direction that's going to uh build to endgame players unless all the new player experience all turn into veteran players and they dive into PVP or PVE they're not [ __ ] touching that [ __ ] guys they're not they're they're going to go hey our players are PVE and they're they're they're built around chopping trees we're going to [ __ ] chop some trees that's what we're going to do we're going to we're going to chop some rocks we're going to chop some trees we're going to do the most Bland boring rollout content on a quarterly basis where we have a holiday event where we kill this snowman we kill this [ __ ] rabbit we're we're going to roll out this stuff because this is the [ __ ] that the casuals like and there's a place for casual content there absolutely is there's also a place for veteran content and there's not enough of it there's not enough this so this game until they start doing that I think they're going to have a good head start in October I I will still stand by that that it's Amazon guys they're they're going to pump out money for this reveal uh for this console release I I fully expect them to go full court press on sales and on marketing and advertising to get as many people in the door as possible and with where the game is at now with where their new player experience is at now with with the content that they have with with hopefully much improved performance from 2021 I think the retention is going to be better but it's not a Hail Mary save the game this is hey now we have a player base again what the [ __ ] are we going to do to keep them what are we going to do to keep this player base now and that's where I question what's going to happen because we already have three years of history of exactly what happens we have players come in they play what what exists there's not a lot they get bored they leave they wait a whole year for new stuff to come out they some come back they play it they experience it there's not enough for them to play it or continue playing it they leave they come back a year later to another release they play it until it's boring they leave and they come back a year it sounds like the exact same Cadence it's going to have and so they're going to I I hate to say it guys like I do like the combat I do plan on coming back in October to this game I do plan on playing The free-for-all Zone CU this is something I actually I do think the repeatable content for that will be there but at the same time this is not going to be the the game that you can play all day every day and and just get lost in in this game long term this is a game that when it comes out you're going to play content for a while it's not going to ever have enough content to feel like you're ever happy with what it is and it's just going to be the same Bland boring stuff and then you're going to get bored and then you're going to go away play another game for 5 6 7even 8 months and then you're going to come back and it's going to happen all over again and so from my perspective if you're you're a player that's played new world and you're considering purchasing like if you haven't bought rise the angry Earth yet I would wait I really would I would wait until I until there was feedback if the if the patch was any good I I already have it from last year and so I will try it because it's already free for me but if I didn't have it I wouldn't be playing I I I would wait and see because this game is [ __ ] up hard guys it's [ __ ] up so bad and and I don't I don't understand the direction I I don't care if the direction was PVE or PVP or whatever like pick something and go and they can't they they haven't picked something and gone yet and so if they don't know what they are I don't know what they are and if I don't know what they are I'll find somebody else that knows what they're doing and so that's my perspective on it we we'll have some fun in October we'll play it by ear we'll see if the devs can figure this out and realize that they need more [ __ ] content but it doesn't sound like it it doesn't sound like it at all I'm going to end this video here let me know if you guys have any questions or comments I'll provide it I'll try to reply in the comment section below as always guys thank you for watching have a nice day
Channel: No1
Views: 2,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARPG, New World, MMO, Genre Shift, Gaming News, Open World, Action RPG, Update, Gameplay Changes, New Content, RPG, Analysis, Theory, Criticism, Community Reaction
Id: obaCiWTb6kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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