Are New World: Aeternum's Changes Actually GOOD?! | DUSTYWHY REACTS

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what's going on my cool cats and kittens it is your boy Dusty y love it or hate it I am still here so I've had a little bit of time to sleep on this announcement the console reveal and the October 15th news surrounding New World transitioning to new world aternum and I originally was a little bit caught off guard and I was surprised by everything and I still have a ton of questions that I would really like answered but having a little bit of time to look at it from an outside point of view I really think some of these changes that we're seeing might actually be good for the game as a whole So today we're going to look at those changes we're going to get into a little bit of why I think they'll be good and as always if you guys have any questions drop them down in the comments below smash the like button and stop over to the new world directory where you will see me Dusty y live every single day streaming the game that we love so much let's get into it so with the October 15th announcement there are still quite a few things that we've been left in the dark on what's new but we do know a few things so what we're going to take a look at in this video are going to be the upcoming console releases on Xbox and Playstation we're going to look at the upcoming three boss raid which is a new world first we'll look at the pvpve island that that's coming into the game a new currency that they're adding around that Island a potential round of Fresh Start servers some PVP matchmaking and then we'll touch on the new mounts that they've shown at the end just for a nice fun thing to end the video on the first thing that I want to touch on a little bit more in depth is the upcoming console release and the potential eyes that that's going to place on new world as a whole now I know a lot of the community has a lot lot of questions still revolving around what's going to happen in between now and October 15th and beyond that date I do too but one thing I want us all to keep in mind first and foremost is that with this amount of eyes on new world it's imperative that we as a community come together to support the game as much as we can and make the entrance of the potential new community a smooth welcoming entrance instead of alienating them like so much of the current Community already feels the ones of us that are have a very important job to make this game seem like it is something that has potential and really making this a place where players will want to come in October now one thing that I think will come from this console launch will be a nice stimulus to the Casual player base now a lot of people are thinking from a very war-based perspective at least in the community that I have on Twitch as we are primarily war players here but we do have a mix of everybody so we try to keep it all all in mind the Casual player base and the day-to-day player base has been significantly lacking in New World for a long time war players have always been here and Wars have been happening but there's nothing aside from that the daily replay ability for people just hasn't been there the new player experience in the past has been very poor and that's been improved upon a lot so with new players coming in and the new player experience being improved there's a lot more of a likelihood that these new players are going to today and hopefully by the time this launch actually happens there will be more of a an interactive and engaging endgame to actually keep these new players here and help them transition from new player to Casual to an everyday player which some of those everyday players will then transition to competitive players I personally took a game from the break for 10 months and came back for the brimstone expansion I started on Fresh Start servers and now I play on six servers I'm in some of the most competitive companies in North America and you know I was one of those casual players at first that came back to the game and just fell in love with it so it can happen it does happen and there is really hope for it long term part of that end game experience that's being revamped is the PVE content and a lot of people will scoff at PVE content in new world but at the end of the day the majority of players myself included as a PVP player are going to engage in PVE content at some point especially if this is engaging content and rewarding content those are two things that new world has struggled to really hit us with for a while the hardest content that we've had in the game it was in my opinion the sand worm raid when it came out currently the sandworm has been scaled up to the appropriate level but the rewards haven't so there's just really no reason for people to actively run it other than to unlock the perk on their Spin to Win Whirlwind backck on on top of that this new raid is going to feature a first for New World the re bosses that get progressively harder as you progress in the raid now I'm not quite sure how difficult these bosses are going to be one thing I want everyone to keep in mind in Games like World of Warcraft block pares Dodges misses crits are all percentage based and New World the best players can manage their stamina choose exactly which attacks and actions to block which to dodge which to tank so we need to keep in mind that the best players in New World are outplaying these bosses and it's a little bit different than just praying for RNG to mitigate damage when the best tanks can choose to mitigate all of the important damage so let's keep in mind as hard as AGS is working to provide us with content PVE scaling in this game is incredibly difficult given the vast scale of the player base's skill and keeping that in mind I'm very excited to see what this new three boss raid is going to bring to the table both in terms of rewards and exciting content for me and for many others in the player base now one of the things that has me the most excited is the addition of a pvpve island this island is going to have both AI creatures and other players that you can slay and upon defeating other players you'll get a new currency which is going to be a dubloon this dubloon has been said to be spendable on best in slot gear and I have another theory that with the gear score expansion to 725 we're going to see a lot more use out of these deons than just purchasing gear I think we're going to be able to upgrade current 700 gear score gear as well as our current artifacts to scale those up to 725 so whether they actually Implement that or not as we know my predicts have been hit or miss primarily Miss lately so we'll see but that's something I'm a little hopeful for as the artifact question does remain unanswered and the jump to 725 does seem a little odd to me now something that I think could be very cool for this island to prevent just a mass Main ball Zerg Fest of people teaming and no regulation I think that there should be set start times for this island throughout the day each island will utilize New World's new Shard system and this would in theory break it up into multiple smaller instances in my mind a Hunger Games like start where everybody picks their build goes in and has a dedicated spawn point throughout the map and then from there it is a free-for-all would be the most fun and balanced way to start everything off it would keep it fresh it would give a sense of RNG and it would stop a lot of the gatekeeping that people fear with entries and exits now again that's something that I think maybe down the road a little bit more and we don't really know a lot about the actual release of the island but a few of my hopes for it long term that I think could really increase the fun next I want to touch on something that I think is a very delicate Topic in a lot of games games right now and this is skill-based matchmaking PVP matchmaking has been something that the developers have said will be coming to 3v3 Arenas now while I think 3v3 Arenas has largely been neglected by the developers I'm a large fan of 3b3 and honestly not making it cross server was intriguing and then neutering the rewards from it putting a daily limit on how much you could actually get from it and just making the crates that you get as a reward generally not viable ruined it for a lot of people to the point where 3v3 don't even pop on a lot of servers anymore opr being cross server has really taken over as the predominant PVP game mode due to its constant accessibility um most of the time you're sitting in a q for 20 plus minutes just waiting for a 3v3 to pop on servers so with that being said I do still worry if there are not adaptations made to Arena as a whole that we're not going to see enough people taking advantage of the Arena game mode and playing the arena game mode to actually benefit from matchmaking now one thing that people have brought up with matchmaking is some sort of matchmaking system in oppr as well I think this is personally a bit more of a slippery slope than arena is while arena is a killbas mode where you are trying to beat the enemy team before they beat you secure the kills oppr is a little bit different oppr has a mix of PVE and PVP elements with objective control as the primary form of scoring points so I think in a high skill opr Lobby you would be more likely to run into 39 Bob the builders than you would be to run into a few people trying to frag out and I think that's something that we have to keep in mind the number one way to win a re uh win opr over and over and over again is typically to PVE and build those bases up so matchmaking is something that I'm very intrigued to see more more of hear more of and hopefully that's answered very soon for us now we've talked about a lot of the really cool features that are coming to the game that I think will affect the gameplay and the community a lot one thing that I want to shed some light on that is a little more optimistic and a little more light than some of these topics are the new mounts that we've been shown these are some really cool mounts compared to some of the original mounts that we were given in the game um and I know one of the main complaints in terms of the art is that our rmt skins are severely lacking the in-game transmog system has largely taken down the rmt shop in terms of skin acquisition just because for whatever reason we got some goofy looking skins in the store now I've purchased a couple myself but at the end of the day I'm very heavily in game for my transmogs with that being said these new mounts look really cool and that makes me pretty optimistic that we'll be getting some cool skins coming to the shop soon and if you know me you know I love my drip so just a little side note to keep in mind that wraps up what I think is going to come to the game with what we know off of the initial announcement now there may be more in between what is now June 10th and October 15th we've got right around 130 days until we actually see the launch we've got a beta in between them a closed Beta And what I would assume may be an open bet beta after that so I'm going to stay tuned for the changes as always I'll be live every single day Streaming new world you can join the fun over at dustyy where I have multiple Wars pretty much every single night and we're always having a good Yap sesh I appreciate you guys checking me out I'll see you soon stay tuned for my build guide for season 5 and a shocking twist to a build guide I'll see you soon but
Channel: DustyWhy
Views: 1,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DustyWhy, New World, New World Game, New World MMO, New World: Rise of the Angry Earth, MMO, War, Build, Guide, Bruiser, tank, hammer, axe, developer, announcement, aeternum, showcase, new dev, dev, ags, dusty, why
Id: hG7LfeykP1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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