Luxury Car Hauling Couple New 2023 Peterbilt 579 with 144" ARI Sleeper Tour -RCI Cribs S2E2

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so yeah i mean there's just lots of  aspects about this truck that i think   are pretty cool you know that most  people wouldn't even uh notice but… Hi we're team Parker- I'm  Sherry this is my husband Mike   and this is our fur baby Chica. We're  a team here at Reliable Carriers. well this is 2023 579 Pete,   it's got 144 inch sleeper on it   and at the moment it's only got 12,000 miles. we ended up getting the truck what was three   weeks ago about three weeks ago so and it had  250 miles on it when we got behind the wheel   getting into it was shocking almost I mean, you  know to walk in and look at this thing to me it   was you know it's futuristic compared to what i've  been in over the years i mean it's just a gorgeous   truck. It's beautiful, it makes life living on the road bearable and actually enjoyable.   You shut down at the end of the night and the rest of the  world is blocked out. We feel like we're at home. We're always on the road. When we started working here we got rid of our house.   We put our things we wanted to keep in storage, and  we have some nice stuff at our kids house.   This is our this is basically our retirement. Fast tracking our retirement, yep. You know, getting the most done in the shortest amount of time. No bills, and we dont have that house payment.   So we're not trying  to get home to the house that we're paying for   we can just go wherever, whenever  and it doesn't matter when we get back. It makes it very enjoyable. My husband had been on the road for 21 years, when I decided to get my license and go over the road with him. Team driving with my wife is incredible. I can do what I do. I go to bed at night and i wake up 500 miles down the road. Never in my life have i experienced that . So it's i feel like i'm getting twice as much done than i've ever been able to in the past. Alright, well let's go inside the truck and take a look at everything that they got going on in here! This is one of the cool features  about this truck, having a side door. It makes it a lot nicer than going in and climbing through in between the seats   The step comes out, I mean it's basically a motor home. This little screen door is pretty cool, I think thats neat. It's got a lot of little bells and whistles just like this throughout the truck. Come on in! Alright, so in here is where our home is. We have a nice little bench seat when the bed is flipped up. This is our bed. You can hit it, it'll flip down. It's a little bit smaller than a twin, but it's bigger than the last one we were in. And it's amazing what an extra six to eight inches of width will do when you're sharing a bed in a truck with someone. These are the our little Chica ramps so she can get on the bed. So we don't have to  pick her up and take her down because she's  constantly wanting up and down. We got storage space like you wouldn't believe.   It makes it incredible, I mean all my clothes are in here. I've got basically our work clothes cabinet, everything Reliable, and then the rest of it is all our other clothes. So when we're stopped in   Las Vegas, Phoenix, or California.. you know, if they don't have anything going on, we don't have to   go see the town in browns. Which makes it kind of nice sometimes. The sink, I just love the counter tops. I just love everything in it i i just to me this is  a very sharp layout and upholstery and everything   like that toothbrush holder well i put that  in there to be more hygienic you know so that   they're not rolling around in our little medicine  cabinet with all our stuff i actually like it   microwave- not just a microwave, convection  oven, broiler, grill, dehydrator and an air fryer. we've tried the air fryer, we've done the convection  oven, all in the microwave. Pretty neat, i didn't even know they had those. The fridge, good size. I  mean we can go to the store and   still spend four hundred dollars to stock this thing with food, and drinks and everything . The generator, which it is getting warm in here. I like just turning it on it'll kick on the ac ! We have, and this is what i mean by the bells and the whistles, the air vent. The old air vents were basically the same thing but all the controls are  up there so now my wife she could never reach it   before you just hit the button it opens on its  own and it kicks on you can set the speed reverse and we'll bring it back down wow that's really  cool it is neat yeah i was like i was looking at   it when i first when we first kind of like what is this remote for we actually ended up with so many   remotes in this truck. We have our shower, toilet system. This is this is what makes it   possible for my wife to be with me if this wasn't  here she wouldn't want nothing to do with it. and I gotta say, now that i've had this i'm quite spoiled. i don't know if i could go back to a conventional.. going into truck stops taking flip-flops, using public showers. This is where it's at.. The TV and the remotes that go with it. They got  the tv, they got a blu-ray player, up top   they installed a surround sound. Basically a center speaker so we've got so many controls I didn't know what to do with it. The  wife ended up getting all these little pockets and organizers, because she's a kind of a neat freak.  So she wants everything in its place. that's where these baskets came from, you know, because we just had empty counter space.   But you know where you're gonna put everything rolls  around on the floor so we got some double-sided   sticky tape we put it up there and she does a good  job of picking out what it all matches so it looks   sharp if it was me things would be rolling around  on the floor i'd be tripping over water bottles   and all that good stuff. One of the most important  things in this truck that didn't come with it and   we added ourselves is the ice maker game changer  makes life incredible when you can get a cup of   ice you know even though we keep cold drinks  having you know well everybody knows having   something with ice in it all the difference  in the world so that thing runs non-stop and   continuous all right and i'll show you inside  the cab and what a 2023 peterbilt now looks like   all right so we're in the front of the truck this  is uh pretty uh you know it's new and a lot more   advanced than what i've ever been used to in the  last 23 years no shifter and no clutch takes a   little bit of getting used to uh when i started  driving this you know i was it's still a lot more   jerky than uh what you can you know what i'm used  to doing having a clutch and i'm having a manual   and everything i'm going to go ahead and fire it  up and that way you can see the gauges on the dash everything in here all electronic i mean  basically uh like having your smartphone   as our dash now no more gauges pretty neat  i can uh adjust everything i can change the   layout how i want it to look if i uh you know  roll the switch right here it'll take away   we have all the different uh you know  your oil pressure your torque your boost   that's how i have it laid out it's pretty much  everything that will show up on the dash um but   if i roll this up once you'll see that go it  can take more away some i guess if some people   don't want to look at everything that's going  on with the truck uh they'll roll it up to this   spot and you just have the speedometer showing  in the tachometer here's the transmission so it's as simple as this you roll it i'm in drive  i push on a gas pedal like i'm in a car and we go   down the road when i stop i set the brakes back  in neutral if i want to go into reverse there   we are and that is the automatic transmission you  can manually shift this uh it does have you know   we can push this button at the end we're getting  on the highway we're pulling a load and i want to   run the rpms a little bit higher um i will do  that usually probably about sixth or seventh   gear i then you know will take it up to it's  it's a 13 speed so from there i'll sometimes   manually shift it depending on the situation I'm in, it makes definitely is weird i'm still   you know going to stop still moving my foot for  the clutch i still go to grab the shifter every   time i do anything the radio slick i mean we've  had these in trucks for a while now uh you know   it's the nav system you know cd player this is the  hard deck but everything goes through the screen   links up to my phone real easy so i don't  even really mess with the radio because we all   know that you know 50 miles down the road you're  looking for another station so i can just play   my spotify, or you know pandora or whatever you  have right through the radio you can choose audio   my wife's phone when she drives at night  she'll do the same thing she'll link up she likes listening to books. It's pretty high  tech, everything that goes on in here.   this switch here this is your i can turn  off the beeping for crossing out of my lane, which i don't it doesn't really bother me like I thought it would. A lot of people complain about it,   but you get used to it i guess the most aggravating thing about all the sensors and   the beeps is if you can see right now it says acc that's adaptive cruise control.   So if I got my cruise control set, i'm going down the road, i'm coming up i'm doing 70.   I'm coming up behind a guy who's doing 65, it will  match his speed. It tells me his speed,   the truck will then match his speed before i know it, I look down i'm like wait a minute..why am i   only doing 65?! Well the guy you know an eighth of a  mile ahead of me is doing 65 so i have to manually   go over it get on the throttle and come around  him um if you get too close it starts warning you   and you know the warning is i mean it's set at  a good spot you know at the point where you are   tailgating and you are getting too close where  a lot of us have gotten in that comfort zone   of doing it'll start yelling at you, you know, so once you get used to it you know you're   getting over into the left lane a little bit  sooner than you know a lot of us want to and   you know it might make the impatient driver  behind you want to cut you off on the right   and split both trucks but you know we're going  to have that no matter what we do the must have   you know these air ride seats are pretty cool  they've got a memory to them i'm just going to   hit the button and it automatically after it  adjusts for the 300 pounds that's sitting on   it it goes right back to the last setting where  i had it so you can just dump it it goes down   if i get out of the seat and it know and it  knows there's no way it'll it'll lower itself   um i usually just hit it and dump it myself but  it's there's no more adjustment because i gotta   where i want it i think that's pretty cool to  me it's like going from a you know a chevy work   pickup truck and getting into a cadillac escalade  you know i mean that's where we're at now with it   one feature i like it came with the uh  privacy curtains you flip everything down snap them open and completely shut out  the rest of the world and it keeps me from   having to keep these curtains shut um when we're  parked we feel like we have a lot more room it's   almost like you know she's back there if i feel  like you know i could go to my den basically   and do my thing a feature that my wife likes a lot  is this little tray for some reason i find that   obnoxious when i stop and get us some food and  we're going down the road and she's got her burger   laid out on there and her fries and her little  dipping cup it's just whatever makes her happy i   haven't personally used it but she loves it the  chica bed i mean that is her that is her spot   used to be a side window in the door in the  last truck so she definitely misses that but   she's getting used to it she's starting to sit on  the seat more if she wants to look out the window all right well this is uh the  trailer that we are assigned to   it took me a minute to get used to  the enclosed aspect of car hauling   like i said earlier you know i hauled cars for  over 21 years before we came here to reliable so you know i'm not trying to sound arrogant  but i know what i'm doing when it comes   to the aspect of auto transportation the nicest  trailer that i've had since i've been here   all the equipment's worked good but this one has a  couple little extras that really make my job a lot   nicer a lot of times i don't use it but it's this  floating floor right here is what we like to call   it but it basically brings back the aspect of an  actual car hauler a lot of these they just have a   deck that go up you know get you over the axles  this i can lift the whole belly of the floor up   i can take a ford gt from the rear end of the  trailer and put it all the way up here on the   dance floor without having an issue on the front  end or the rear end makes life great because it   makes a lot more versatile i can put whatever i  want wherever i want i've got four independent   decks on the top i had another one before this one  that had three big ones which was nice that was   more of a gt trailer this is more along the lines  of your actual car hauler any car haulers watching   this that are thinking about you know hey what  can i do with an enclosed trailer reliable i'll   tell you this i haven't done it yet but i strongly  feel i can get eight nine elevens in this trailer   if they had them at one spot for me to do that  simply because i can get this deck up i think i   can nose one underneath it down here on the bottom  and the other three even if i had to lower the   in front of the axles down over here pretty  sure i can get three with a fourth one over   top of each other right here and obviously four  across the top because we got four decks well i'm   going to open up the gate those of you who have  used or seen a lift gate this isn't anything uh   new or exciting but those of you have never seen  one this is how we get them on here reliable so for the most part you know it's like an  elevator you know you're putting low profile   vehicles on the top you can take your gate right  to the ground drive your corvette your ford gt   uh your ferrari i mean you know anything that  you'd normally be ripping the front bumper off of   on a set of skids to put up on your 10 car this  boom no boards no build none of that stuff up   one of our first experiences the two  older gentlemen that were selling off   some of their collection yeah and they had a  uh they had an army jeep that was at a base   in alaska i believe it was 1940 and he drove it  when um he served so he actually drove that jeep   he did and he was able to purchase it from the  government when he retired from the service   and he was 92 years old and decided it was time  to sell it yeah that was that was actually our   first pov load i thought it was ohio but we were  going down to uh an rm sale down in uh miami   so that was that was actually  our first pov move for an rm   and that was our first tip too i still  have the 250 dollar bills the guys gave me i just i really enjoyed those customers and their  story well thank you for coming on a tour of our   truck and our equipment and uh seeing what we do  here at reliable and uh we'll see you guys later goodbye everybody
Channel: Reliable Carriers
Views: 1,967,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2023 peterbilt, 2023 peterbilt 579, 2023 peterbilt 579 ultraloft, Auto Transport, Automotive, Big rig, Car Hauler, Car Transport, Couple drivers, Enclosed Auto Transport, Exotic car transport, Reliable Carriers, Reliable Carriers Inc, Team driver, Team trucking, Trucking, Volvo, exotic car, kentucky trailer, kentucky xl trailer, kenworth, luxury vehicle transport, peterbilt, peterbilt 579 ultraloft 2023, rare cars, sleeper tour, sleeper truck, t680, trailer tour, truck tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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