Forgotten For 4 YEARS, the Freedom Factory Rollback REBUILD Begins!!! (632 Big Block)

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what all right guys you already know the deal every day on we're picking one random order and sticking something awesome in that order and it was a three-day weekend so we have three winners to call so from the 16th we have Kevin S from oh from Crescent Canada all right well we got a Canadian on here dude let's give him a ring can you hear me hear tnation going on we can't get through to Kevin from Ontario Canada so Kevin enjoy your Mojave dude don't know the international call is not happening today second one from the 17th we have Ryan C from Mor Park California and he got a calendar a Sam shirt and a tie shirt what a guy oh he seems like a Baja Ray kind of guy dude California from California Ryan brother hello who is this this is your boy cleer calling you up cuz you sir won yes sir yeah you won something no way way there's no way there's there's a way this is this is happening Brother so we [Music] need you're my hero Ryan we need to decide right now if you're an air guy or a land guy I'm a guy I love air I love all right all right what do you want to do what do you want to do you want to go air land I want to go land man go and land something fast fast Offroad we got a truck left got you we got a Baja R 2.0 we need the best trck you got all right brother we're Ry we're getting you the one of the last Baja Rays all right brother you're my thank you so much thank you buddy see you fire me up what a good guy what a good guy answer on the first ring fired the heck up all right last one the 18th we got Jeff H from Texas with a LeRoy 6C shirt probably on a horse right now just at the steak your has he double call ready he a tarker all right no answer from Jeff so we're going to go promoto promoto that'll do it all all right guys we burning through them but we've got some great options left we got two infractions left we got the Craton left you guys already know the deal hit up place order we might be calling you tomorrow to throw one of these in your order let's get to the video hell yeah brother you're on the pleas FR YouTube channel ladies and gentlemen we're standing back here in the graveyard of the freedom Factory hundreds of miles from civilization and I see it in the comments section everyone's saying Cletus you abandoned the freedom Factory tow truck well we just passed the 4year mark of me owning this facility and it's time to bring the freedom Factory tow truck to its former glory and put in a freaking 632 10.3 L big block and save her from the bone yard so this square body tow truck came with the freedom Factory when I bought it estimated value of this tow truck you know when I bought the track $98 is what I'd put it at I think that's what I put it on the balance sheet as and it's estimated that it's been sitting back here in the Boneyard now roughly 50 years if you read the comments on my videos the math it all works out that it's now time to fix it and George and I we're starting a new rebuild series based on the cars that we've abandoned at the freedom Factory over the years as you can see we've got quite a collection going so George and I today while the guys handle the real work at the shop and fix the race cars the things that go fast George and I will be out here here in the sticks I mean literally I got a scratch on my leg earlier and a bee almost stung me and George and I have set out to prove the guys in the shop we're mechanics and we can wrench just like those boys can you know what I'm saying so today we're going to get the tow truck we're going to take it back to the shop we're going to put the 632 big block out of the Twisted T car in it and make it the baddest tow truck the world's ever seen this thing the hydraulic pump on this thing is going to be making more pressure than Elon Musk rocket down the road so first things first let's get it started all right so flat tires no big deal one of the issues I'm seeing is this freaking scoreboard that someone leaned up against my tow truck I don't know if this was Josh or Adam but either you watching this video strike one yeah that's dises don't scratch my tow truck okay this is the scoreboard from out on the road if only we had a flat let's get it run we could probably lift the bed knock it off I like way that's why we do this I like that's why George and I are in charge of this channel check for rattlesnakes yeah oh rattlesnake no it's just a frog let me pop the hood dang honestly she's a little rougher than I thought no no no no don't worry don't worry I got a whole plan for that get the jump box there we oh nice I'm glad the air cleaner was on it yeah what we're going to do here is a little Vice GP special just pour some gas down the carburetor throw the jump box on it see what happens I got the brake clean you got the key jump box is hooked up we got voltage I the starter oh yeah oh the starter is definitely going to work don't forget to floor it n no starter no starter I think our wire is pretty smoked yeah I would say so might have to hook her straight to the yeah oh that's the ground oh she's red dude I know it's just a little trick little trickery there all right behind it the bow there we go I got a solid buzzer going in solid buzzer I got the fuel I got nothing nothing okay what are you seeing down there squirrel buddy this might be the biggest starter I've ever seen in my entire life well it's got to start a lot of horsepower oh squirrel I hear a lot of popping sparking and popping oh okay I hear starter turning all right now we got to get the old solenoid kick out oh oh we she's turning yep yep that sound as promising let her rip oh hold up doing some welding up here all right so we've realized that our key is not giv 12vt to the starter so we went ahead and made a jumper wire that also doesn't work oh sweet how about now nothing brother how about now again nothing brother what are you using the process of elimination how about now nope am I supposed to be grounding or positive uh positive okay I'm on the positive side put it back all right how about now nothing dang it need a bigger wire huh I'm just going to try to jump it how about now not feeling confident nothing squirrel well no cuz then you're going to have to be oh shoot they going have to be under there every time we want to start it about welded itself together there all right here we go yep oh oh holy crap we got to run it I can't believe it started that fast dude all right this is like real sketchy though yeah it is it's definitely a neutral tell you that much yeah that have been it's good engine right here go ahead this is so sketch gosh dang P like a kitten I'm trying to get that mechanical pump going you kidding you got it Betsy you're good you're good all right okay so we just need to figure out how to get power of that damn starter and we can just start it from up here we be in good shape runs like she did 3 years ago exactly pop the starter off real quick run and get a wire a couple hundred miles away from the store and then we'll just leave yeah we're really far from any civilization right yeah there ain't no fuel going in there yet nope let's try sucking on it see if there's any fuel in there I don't know if we should even go the tank route dude it probably needs a fresh tank to be honest I got some fresh gas right here though all right so what we're going to do is we were just about to put fuel right to the carburetor but we realized we got a mechanical pump down here so what we're going to do is put a line to this fuel jug we've got give her some fresh fuel skip all the crap in between and hope our pump's working hope our pump is working and then it'll feed the carburetor and then we're good so hopefully we we chose the feed line you think that's the feed line uh yep now we got to get this line full of fuel no no no just put it in there it will prime it all right put it up high though as high as you can get her I mean if it can pull it from the tank it can pull it from here all right all right hit the key I'm on it ready yep wow it runs so good I'm just trying to run her long enough to get this uh fuel system we got Prime yep oh we definitely got fuel pressure oh gosh how do we kill it how do we kill it we can't kill it I don't know how to kill it oh brother oh no how do we shut it off oh pull the fuel out no wait pull that fuel off wait oh wait where's it leaking out of that BD got a hole in it I think it's leaking out of the hose oh wait hold this out no no then we're going to lose our Prime again it's dying it's D oh we could have just covered the intake really panicked there hey this is good yeah that's good all right she's running like a dream let's figure out where a Le yeah it's pretty loose we might have to watch the replay dude it's pretty loose honestly I'm really I think it's coming out of there you know what cut that let's get a fresh end on it we'll put it on re hose clamp it and those guys over there think they're mechanics I mean we just got a truck running that hasn't ran in 50 years exactly in what 10 minutes in like no time yeah there we go I slide that on with that hose clamp I didn't even get to get on the throttle just wait till I grab a hold of that baby imagine with that hydraulic pumps going to be doing you're tight dude hey don't let Zach touch that he doesn't know what he's talking about oh yeah look we're just going to make us a new wire so it actually works exactly what I thought don't touch it you don't know what you're doing tight connections help is it just a lose connection well I loen it out the truck just now yeah yes you sure about that yeah it off of there all right here we are we got our new starter wire on little pre there we go yeah hit it [Music] yep easier spraying my hand a lot all right we got no leak now all right we're good we got gas we're good W he's running we're dial now this thing has no Cooling in it so you know a dang oh whipping rocked out of the fan all right I'm going to go unhook the jump box Bo real quick all right see what we're working with down here is so [Music] good man it's real Dusty down here running great bud I got I got get in there the old Freedom Factory flat B she's going to bog down I just try and drive it out from underneath it yeah see if it'll move under its own power first oh heavy load on there old girl yeah [Music] yeah power steering is looking like it's not working that good he's really cranking her in there come on old girl you got it you got [Music] it let's go oh we're so dialed right now we're good Dial Dial no brakes okay okay I don't think I need brakes to get to the shop though no we're good it's only a couple hundred miles come on you might just have to down shifter this is that classic case of the brakes where you just have to crash to stop yeah potentially stall her [Music] out I don't know that the key is going to work to turn it off you know no it's and I'm not willing to test that oh that's a good point yeah oh look at her look at her what a machine I'm pretty sure the PTO is engaged well that wouldn't be good as long as they keep her out the high RPMs we going to be fine now we have a 20080 m drive back to the shop yep the power steering works so good looks like it doesn't DA's shot it was like I had never seen that thing run look at this clutch Shi you might have lost that gear Bud all right all right hey I said clutchless clutchless second gear is the only gear we got right now clearly so we're just going to stick with that this is this March the farthest Drive I've ever done in this thing hey [Music] sewor it just blows ice cold ice cold our homemade fuel system is really working I was wondering how much she's got left in her there's only about a gallon to that cast iron block cast iron head dude she ain't overheating she's just getting warmed up all right I'm ready to lower the hood all right go ahead oh my Lanta she's really hot she's really hot I know that I don't think I know that oh boy on the open road oh look at that old police oh Shooks copper that's his bad timing right there all right all right oh oh is that our gas tank our gas tank just fall down I don't think so the Hood's still up sound as long as we stay quiet and calm it should be fine don't say a word right everyone hold their breath all right so guys we just finished the 200 mile drive at well speedometer doesn't work guess it a 8 mph and now we're pulling back into the McFarland racing shop where we plan on fully repairing this thing just out here trying to give the people what they want lot of smell pouring out there oh man I can smell it I could think I could smell some plastic what in the [Music] world we made it yes we made it oh no oh no no no yeah yes dude I have no brakes oh my God looks like you got not a lot of holy smokes dude you got some issues bud what did yall do this wouldn't the door what did you do well it doesn't have any cool in in yeah well it did you know what we'll go ahead and get this out of there yeah we are really worried about that honestly she's really good on gas she's not even that bad just two two two 280 in some spots 2 yeah see that's nothing it's not that bad cast iron heads dude this engine's coming right out of here all right so those of you who are CSI investigators you guys been spotting this truck wow my yard is so wet you guys have been spotting this truck like in the background of the hovercraft video where I crashed my hovercraft weren't worried about my health we're worried about this truck this is what I bought to replace the the cab on the current Freedom Factory truck cuz obviously someone T-Bone that one door doesn't shut rust real bad this one's pretty clean I need to put that whole deal on it's a GMC dude we just need to put the engine in that well I think the frame is shorter though it is yeah it's way better yeah but you can't put the flat bed on it well we could put a flat bed on it dude this truck will be way cooler well this truck's a lot nicer yeah yeah and it's a shorter Defenders ain't all dented the Cab's still there well yeah we're going to we're going to put that cab on the other truck we can't get rid of the flat B that's the whole point of this project this Frame is in like Immaculate Condition it's a nice truck wonderful Dude get my dogs out on YouTube right now unbelievable get your dogs out dang dude dude look at this thing dude oh if we just put a a dual bed on this thing yeah it's got a diesel oh 6.5 non-turbo right 629 turbo 629 turbo yeah does not R paint matched already paint matched no dents it was a good buy heck I don't think the cab even has a dent I I bought a thing probably been here what two years James it's been a while long I think going on three dude there's do you see a dent not mean I mean it's it's a little dirty but look at this this thing's in perfect condition right now are you kidding me dude if we build this and sell it as a square body duy in such good shape we'd be rich there's not a dent on this truck am I losing my mind right now yeah you're very fired up about it I didn't think you could get this excited about square body but you didn't well I say we you don't know me very well inside it you got a tent in there I noticed oh yeah I had the uh running boards at one point point oh nice I don't remember what I did with those we don't need those oh you got some parts the keys right there yeah look at that what's in all those parts boxes dude this thing's clean in here fires right up as clean as it is it appears that it's going to have brakes oh it's definitely have brakes I haven't seen anything missing I just see one line that's a little rusty but we might be all right all right jack stand load up I you want to get it the dry ground and then check tires yeah I'm going to try and get you out yeah on the flat tire I don't think we're going to go very far fast this is a really clean truck in here yeah there's it's not there's not a dent on the truck yeah performance parts inside blueberry outside mayonnaise all right here it comes oh come on this is too easy no way all the tires got air in them do a check dude this thing will fire up and drive to the shop we put those injectors in it I know I think he said it need injectors they're in it man it's it's honestly a shame to put this to ruin this truck no it's Freedom Factory blue interior a shame the ruin that's for bringing the freedom Factory R in the hood that's it that's it that's nothing and this transmission work in our trucks our transmission's toast probably dude o smooth she's smooth okay at the dash the dash M what is up with you right now dude look at it it's there's not a dent on this cab blows my mind James just kicks the door dude listen to that listen to that if we didn't need the door for the to truck I would totally have kicked in I can't believe all the tires sell had air in them that thing been for like almost three years dag gum Silverado all right folks here we are cruising speedometer works dude hell yeah we are on our way to the shop oh Nelly look at her look at her home sweet home another trip being a perfect success that went so good that went really good I mean there's not a single thing wrong with this truck my square body bro I'm taking that it's not staying here this is mine dude it's mine don't you think we should just put a bed on this thing he called me 10 minutes ago goes hey man can I borrow a trailer and all the trailers were full or something and then ping out and I see this in your go fig perfectly fine it's about Square bodies hey I have a deal for you though on that I have a really good deal do you have an engine for it uh yeah we're put a big block in it do you do you have the big block yeah I have a big block for you you do not want a big block fully built from JH diesel fully built pass a hard pass thanks thanks real part of to give away truck right here live now pretty clean unit what do you think we need up here if we wanted to get it to um it's a 62 diesel 62 it'll probably put gas in it probably start well we probably put diesel in right oh gas diesel whatever I put gas you got start food and batteries you get it running you think right now it'll start absolutely here's deal stay here fuel filter here crack this little guy this is actually your fuel filter look at that goofy thing it's this big canister so well can you get it rid for us real quick um D help us out real quick man come on dude you really got to leave us right now yeah obviously not doing anything this how this guy gets Free Labor right here he's like oh Free Labor really dudul dude wow are your friends really come on let's get this thing running dude batteries yeah they're good these well they're all hooked up so they're probably not Dr I mean I got two jump boxes in there yeah we got a jump box do you guys have time get the all right let's get the B quit talking should we push her up a little all right Bud hit the key oh she's slow oh it's yeah good we're literally good this make us slow down a little bit come on bety there space and braing in there problem is you can't straight too much it starts to lock up oh come on oh dude need a little bit more juice we got a p start R clean I'm telling you a little bit more juice let's hook your juice than we would your let's burn out the giveaway CH Pander golly dude custom souped up put the Black on red I to do back it's a diesel so you have to I'm serious I like to do it backward backward black on red red on black I just like to be different than everybody so here I'll you can watch me hook it up hook yours up first black to red black there's no reason for all this Tom fo feel so wrong I can't do it a you're good all right the right way well just feels wrong you that on is that on the positive is that on the positive Sam we need a jump the old 730,000 M 53 get it hey un put the red on the black yeah I don't yeah I'll hook mine up backwards too you hook yours up backwards okay it just feel so wrong red doing red on black right yeah and black new thing all the kids are doing it Sam's really struggling do it all right give her give her a hit what what's going on dude high compression engine dude oh yeah no don't touch it don't touch it why you BL me she fired up dude go ahead H easy all right d it in there H it hit it hit it hit it hit [Music] [Applause] it it's running [Music] great okay we know it runs now definitely runs what do you think now you can sell this thing running and driving all right so now we know we can sell this engine as a good running engine and that just adds to our profit cuz we're only using the C so jh any interest um yeah I actually have one of these blown up so we might just take it from you no no make a deal I have to buy it oh yeah hang on hang on now owe seasoned with these deals here I owe you money so what's the before I shake a hand I got to hear I owe Jade about $4,000 4900 with interest right now 4,000 cuz the interest free and with that engine we'll call it 2000 it's not bad what do you mean 2900 bucks for a perfectly running diesel it was perfectly running before just ate a can of bre thanks for coming e appreciate it lock we IDI George in his attempt to not do this project now he says I bet the bed doesn't even work I bet it does bet it does let me fire it back up we might need to kick her off with something it's a breake we did run her out of fuel I just think a douie is so cool this is a douie with a 632 oh the key is off oh unreal dude there we go got the buzz back now tried to close the door now we drained our voltage you breathe on that literally all [Music] right no way no way literally works great what doesn't work you got to stretch her out [Music] more nice [Music] dude he let's go get the other truck don't go don't go all the way up down a little [Music] bit works like a [Music] dream what were you saying about it not working nothing I wasn't saying nothing I don't want to hear it w it works really good yeah it does imagine with the 632 she'd be singing I'm impressed listen to this door just like the other one sounds just as good yeah all right guys we have several options on the table now because the diesel runs in that thing this thing runs I don't know exactly what we're going to do so we turn to you in the comments section let us know what you guys think we should do I feel we have to save this bad girl and it it's time so we'll come up with a plan we'll order some parts but we need to make that plan so drop comments below let us know what you think that's it for now thanks for watching do it for day a wolf freaking and see you [Music] later
Channel: Cleetus McFarland
Views: 1,239,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leroy, 1320video, drag racing, boosted, cleetus McFarland, cleetus, McFarland, Leroy, bald eagles, bald eagle machine, 1320, modified, boost, turbo, twin turbo, precision turbo, Texas speed, Texas speed and performance, Fasterproms, tuning, tuned, burnout, stick shift, six speed, corvette, Leroy Vette, c5 corvette, Chevrolet, unicorn, c5, supercharging Leroy, turbocharging Leroy, freedom factory, ruby, auction corvette
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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