NEW To Me THRIFT STORE + Goodwill | Thrift With Me | Reselling

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there is a new thrift store in town it's called Green Life okay well today I'm trying something different there is a new thrift store in town it's called Green Life thrift store it's in Mount Holly Springs uh which is not too far from where I live and my mom has been raving about it um they just opened a few months ago um I've seen lots of their posts on Facebook and I was driving by today on my way uh to the Handover Goodwill so I decided you know what I'm going to stop and I'm going to see what they have to offer because I've heard really great things so let's head in and see what we can find to buy and flip for a profit but also I need to find some T-shirts for Laurel because it's getting warmer out and uh she's outgrown own all of her summer clothes from last year and she's growing like a weed um so I'd rather get her some secondhand clothes that are that are lightly worn um then go out and buy new clothes that she's just going to grow out of really fast so we're going to head in here and see what the selection is all about here we go all right this is really cute and this is the old Dollar General okay let's see what we can find last I saw on Facebook they are overflowing with donations um $3.99 made in China I do like the heart on there I guess maybe that's like a pie plate or [Music] something that's a really pretty cake plate oh it's Andrea Bic I didn't really I thought that was plastic that's why I set it down so hard um this is spring night Fine China it's only 99 labeled as a small toy I don't I don't know if I'd give that to lur to play with mine is super pretty though don't normally pick up Andrea badc I find that it doesn't have a very good resale value so I typically leave it behind oh you know what I just realized um that you have all of these displays on top that also have stuff to pick from it's completely oblivious to that look all these cute little houses I think I've actually had these canisters before was a long time ago but I do remember having these those aren't um Linux are they I don't think so I know they have the Linx spice Village I don't think those are I'm going to walk away and then you are going to be like those were Lennox masassa the masassa ones get me every single time they want to be glassy babies so bad and they just they're not they're not glassy babies there's a plate with a bird on it that's a really pretty bird Wildlife Federation there's a really pretty bolt down here nice pin wheel pattern it's only $199 that is what I am talking about um I don't know if this is Imperial Glass or not but look at the pretty iridescence on that that's so pretty one only $1.99 that's better than uh how dare I say better than Goodwill prices I think I'll stick that in there this is a really cute pattern and that is obviously the lid to a Dr box that's probably the same artist maybe not I mean it looks pretty close oh yeah it has the same marking but the bottom of that is missing Bell collection it's a staple at every thrift store regardless of which thrift store it is you're going to find a bell collection it's almost a guarantee all right oh I like this that's a pretty canister isn't it I like the flower on that who makes oh that's Wheaten that is a Wheaten canister with a flower on it I really like that Wheaten didn't make just bottles they also made really pretty flower canisters I wonder if I could take stuff off of this cart it's just kind of sitting here it looks like it's ready for the picking I think Laurel would love this toy this is $1.99 she loves stacking um and I think she would really enjoy that so I'm going to pick that up for a laurel and then I was noticing here is a luster vase I usually pick these up when they're the right price I'm curious what the price is only $199 get out of here all right I'm going to grab that $1.99 that's the right price we're going to take it with us let stick it right in here all right and then we're going to look over here this looks like all of the cute little Collectibles I like the texture on that 5.99 there's no design on it though it's just kind of boring here there's some kids playing over there with noisy toys chimia FS scraft what is that thing o looks like it's reverse painted but kind of looks like a circus tent huh it's very confusing it's painted it's made in China it is 99 it won't focus it's also small home is what it's labeled as I like it it looks like a circus all right I think that's it for the hard Goods around the edges the rest are really toys and Frames let's go find some clothes for Laurel these all look a little bit big for baby Laurel way too big those look like Juliet size she is a 3D I think there's oh all the baby clothes are in bins let's go dig through some bins right and the baby clothes I don't really feel like digging today um 18 [Music] months I don't know I think I might uh try something else cuz today's not really a digging day those are cute what size are those there's no size on them all right I'm going to walk away from [Music] this I'd rather have them all on racks that I could pick from today is not a digging day for me so we're going to go check the Collectibles and see if there's anything up there but this is a nice little haul and for great prices too I know this is not a commercial I'm not being paid to make this video I just wanted to check out a new thrift store how cute is that thing what feel like Juliet would rock that it's $2.99 purse watch your video this morning thank you okay and just like that we're back in the car that was a fun little thrift store I never stopped there before my total spend was $13 I got a cute little toy for Laurel I got a purse for Juliet No I did not get anything for everyone's always like you never get anything for your son they don't sell gaming consoles and video games at thrift stores usually they don't sell Roblox that's I usually don't get anything for ason um but yeah that was fun that was cool um only 13 bucks so I'm gonna get out of here now I'm going to head on down the road I'm not sure where it's going to take me but I'm going to bring you guys with me and I'm sure we'll end up somewhere fun so um I'll see you there I absolutely love that this Goodwill is no longer playing music I don't know if the stereo is broke but I like it we're going to start in this aisle today just because it's the first one I picked so let's see what we can find it's kind of a pretty shell planter fun beads on that couple clowns those are me and oh my gosh what is this that's kind of wild I do like this it is a fish vase okayy look there's a Boston's dog these seem to always be chipped though always chipped what is that alarm yellow it's the color of the week 50% off Wednesday through Monday I never pay much attention to the colors because it seems every time I'm like the last person to color this is a really cool lamp I'm sorry I'm distracted by this lamp I'm like half talking to you guys and half distracted by this amazing lamp I don't know what's happening up here I feel like the shade is too much what is what is happening this is like oh the price was no the price is on here somebody did that lamp Dirty by putting that shade on there I can't tell what's going on here I do really like it but this whole thing happening here is not a good thing this whole thing is not a good thing I'm going to put this back we're going to leave that I don't know if I should put that shade back on I feel like it's just going to fall apart maybe that's for hummingbirds that's that is a magnet with Wiggly feet Bas I feel like he should just hang out there it makes me laugh all right I'm not seeing much on these shelves $2.99 on the shell it's a nice Beach Decor no signatures on though you know I might stick that in here these are always fun $4.99 first edition Webco made in Germany $4.99 I might have to look that up a lot of the times I see these they have the long noses on them so maybe I'll look that up Matt Brewing Company UDA huh let's see if there's any value in that before we dismiss it there's a little these little guys long as those aren't broken that seems good I don't see any breaks on that maybe some H there's a chip right there there's a crack I think I'll leave them behind all right that's really cute that little tiger oh I guess line chalkware though I don't have the best of luck with chalkware there's a paper weight and bading on that we're not really finding much today $6.99 maybe I should get that for my sister for Mother's Day okay there's a wall pocket made in Japan shame that's got so much ch on it mhm handmade Irish Cottages Albany New York oh there's the there's the other book end guess they got split up we should probably reunite them right feel like that's the right thing to do I think that's as close as we're going to get it bone china napkin rings Unfortunately they are broken I've noticed that there are a few otter scattered about so somebody must have donated their otter collection okay I came back just to do this make sure that they were reunited completely here's some homeco dogs I love you this much feels empty day though oh my goodness I was just getting ready to go and look at the kids clothes to find some stuff for Laurel and I noticed this silly thing right here I think we need to acknowledge how cute this is and what a good job mg did this is a hobbyist piece this is maybe the best hobbyist piece I've ever seen ever the only thing missing is the Hat the hat is missing and I wish so bad that it was here because I would have scooped this up in a heart beit but it's missing it's little little Santa hat and it really needs it it's not complete without it so I have to leave it all right shirts for Laurel she's in 3 te right now which is kind of crazy cuz she's still just a little baby but oh she loves dinosaurs she loves dinosaurs I think I told you guys her her favorite movie right now is no longer Frozen it's monsters Monsters Ink now what were you ask so I feel like she needs this cuz dinosaurs are kind of like monsters that's a sweet little outfit what size is it that is three years that would fit Laurel for $425 she could go be bopping in the backyard playing on the bouncy house okay I loaded up on stuff for Laurel fantastic um and now I'm just going to go back and see if anything was restocked if it's not I'm going to take off all right Webco matte Brewing Company of Germany here are the long nosed ones that I was talking about you have a few that sver really good money I canot find the one in my cart um I figured they were at least worth looking up you can see some have pretty decent value I may try doing a Google image search of the one that I have in my cart here's a um officer officer SS so mine apparently is a marine I did a Google image search um this one is out of stock but they had been asking $190 for it I don't know if it's out of stock because it's sold or if it's out of stock because they unlisted it and both of those are plausible um but for $4.99 given that result I'm probably just going to hold on to it uh at $4.99 even if it sells for 10 bucks I'm doubling my money so we're going to give that one a shot and see what happens mle Laurel that's kind of cute baby collection laminated Place Ms sorry those are kind of fun oh what's this that's so colorful I kind of really like this and it's got a little hanger hoop at the top that is my jam well gra that's got lots of color all right well on that note I think I'm going to get out of here right after I look at this oh what in the world is that that's odd it's like a ring it's a riggy thing not what in the world that is a cabbage all right so we found a few things we found a couple things um um to flip um I think two maybe three things so our total spend was $73 I feel like the majority of that was clothes that I bought for the kids nothing wrong with that um I ended up buying three shirts for Ashton a bunch of outfits for Laurel um Juliet just went clothes shopping so she really didn't need anything um but yeah sometimes days are like that I feel like we found a little bit more at the first thrift store um than the Goodwill um but we just didn't get it at the right time it's all about timing um but on that note I'm going to call it quits on this video and uh I I said we'll see all you tomorrow um but before before I end this video I want to invite all of you guys to check out my new Marketplace on District I did start a handmade Marketplace in addition to knicknacks it's called knick-knacks handmade um and it is all handmade all handmade things um so it's not your usual glass and pottery that is mass produced vintage that sort of thing um it is all handmade knickknacks and um you can find it down in the description of my YouTube videos or you can tell right in the white right in the web browser nicknack made. net um and you can go find it that way so I invite all of you to join um to check out what some of our artists have to offer and um I guess I will still with you tomorrow f [Music]
Channel: Crazy Lamp Lady
Views: 87,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique reselling, buying and selling antiques, thrifting, making money, never pay retail, relic recoverist, crazy lamp lady, vintage, thrift stores
Id: 4m2TkJEri2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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