Goodwill SCORE! Worth $200 Each?! | Thrift With Me | Reselling

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how much $3.99 and $6.99 that one must be extra fancy cuz it's French ooh [Music] crosswords well today we are in Le Moine Pennsylvania and we are sitting outside of the good go uh we're about to head in here and see what we can find today to buy and flip for a profit here we go Temptations all right I thought maybe that was going to be vintage and it's not all right well let's start in the right place we probably wondering what is the right place to start Jocelyn I'm going to show you the right place to start is always figurines you should always start in figurines otherwise you're doing it wrong this is such a shame I love him so much and his tail is broken is so sad oh my goodness that would have been the find of the day if he had a tail this is a really nice Shaker too that's really faceted um but don't think there's much value there even though it's a cool Shaker we have a little vanity set paint hand painted something something oh who's this she's got a broken wing oh she's a now kind of looks like kind of looks like she has to pee outoor against that looks like Royal Copenhagen it's b& Copenhagen 19 199 H I got a woodmill there I might grab that um what other trinkets do we have those look possibly English that one is lamos one's French how much $3.99 and $6.99 that one must be extra fancy cuz it's French there's another now figurine right that one's actually yro $6.99 is it broken I don't think so H interesting everybody always asked me why don't you pick up yadro I usually don't pick it up because it's priced at full retail or it's [Music] broken neither of which is the case this time around um so I think I will pick it up you guys are probably screaming at me like it's broken right there Jocelyn I don't see where it's broken guys I'm just going to stick it in here you don't want to over just trickle out I really like that but it's been repaired it's kind of pretty but again there's breakage that's a shame there's some cool stuff on the shelves today it's my same experience yesterday at goodwi there was a lot of broken stuff I was kind of disappointed that's R what do we have here let go goodness there are actually two of these I'm going to buy these I'm going to clean them first and then I'm going to put them on my daughter oh I don't know though I don't know if those will fit she's got like large feet she's got my feet I don't know we'll try them they're really cute this is a very sweet rabbit I like it probably a contemporary Decor piece then somebody ruined these by spray painting them gold why would you spray paint the mushrooms gold never in my life seen a gold mushroom all right we are going to go to vases next that's our next stop small detour I think we need this Italian Italian fish another small detour check out this studio pottery over here I do love the glaze on that that looks like it may have had a lid at one point random doll back there what is this it's damaged that's a shame there should be a stem right here on that cherry those are cut ruby cut to a clear there's two of those I think we'll take those [Applause] they're in good condition okay so here we are in the vases one of my favorite aisles just a rainbow of color um color vases we have these here believe those are flash colored they don't really excite me so I'm going to leave them this this is kind of neat looking it is party light that's fun I've always wondered who makes these because I've seen them before and now I know because it has a sticker on it so that is party light what do we have down here looks like somebody used it as a candle holder this is why I always say like and if you have fancy glass um use a c like a battery operated candle because otherwise you up with all this soot on the inside what that says on the bottom I'm not sure this pretty should we it is really pretty I think I think we I think we'll take it EA Area School District I love a Pennsylvania folk art red wear but a lot of the times you find it it will be uh it will be personalized just in some way or fashion I guess he's still alive I don't know um I think I've had this artist before Andrew lo loer I feel like um their viewer is his sister like my VI is is his sister did I say that I feel like I said that wrong I found some of that at the rers [Music] once this lamp is everything that was the lamp I didn't know I needed as the lamp lady yeah I don't even know who makes that I don't know where it comes from it's extremely light it's like a a hollow plastic so shippable it would be easy to ship I could sell that on a sale it would just be a tall box but I don't think it would be very heavy or difficult to ship I was actually surprised when I picked it up I didn't think I'd be able to do it single-handedly but it worked out check this out Italy is it maybe it's not in English it's $3.99 that's really pretty I'll take that uhoh it's filling up fast what are these glasses those are fun there's no markings on them P for it h interesting flower pot in the mug section might look that up cuz I know that some of those pieces can do well and I do have it price at $12.99 [Music] so usually I won't take a chance on pieces that are $112.99 I'll look them up before I buy them I'm more apt to be like oh it's $2.99 I'll take a chance on that when you get to like $12.99 I'm like we should look that up before we buy it that's pretty Texas blue bonnet from the private collection of George Bard should we look this one up too we're going to have a whole cart to research by the end of this oh it's a shame that's all damaged ooh cross swords I like the looks of cross swords on back I'll stick those in there look at those little bugs all over the outside I did just notice as I was putting those in that the plate underneath has a chip on the edge so I don't even think it's worth wasting our time to look it up cuz I'm not going to mess with it i' love to find some more cross swords so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go uh it look through the teacups if there is such a thing as teacups here and we're going to see if there's any teacups and saucers with cross STS cuz I've had really good Lu at those in the past but check these out these are so cool they're bacasa of course they're bacasa um in my experience most bacasa doesn't sell very well but um you never know these could be the exception I doubt it though I doubt these are the exception I'm going to leave them check out these fun mugs you see s like they would be really topheavy though you'd be drinking coffee and next thing you know it would be all over your LP look like Hamp possibly I don't see any teacups lots of Cups but I don't see any teacups oh there's a gentleman with the bowls that match this but he missed this bowl maybe he just didn't want that bowl you seem to split up the set take Gary mertile company there's a match for that c Port pretty certain it's not a match it's really close all right so I found a sold list on eBay this is a 4 in version sold for 12 I think that's bigger than 4 in I mean I'm not an expert but I think it's bigger than 4 Ines so I think I should do all right I would guess probably 18 to 24 possibly a little bit more on that um and then this one it's only $4.99 so I think I do all right on those um I haven't looked up the plates yet I was just distracted by these down here who C no not I was like Royal Dalton no Royal Cen sweet rocket oldest pottery that 1652 that's fancy don't know if they're fancy enough though looks like these Royal Cen plates sold for about 10 bucks a piece instead of eight for 35 because they were put to auction and they only got one bid this is what I mean when I say some things or better as buy it now and dinner wear is usually one of those things they sit for a very long time um so for that reason I'm going to leave him behind I don't know how I missed that I almost knocked that turkey off the shelf that was horrible of me but I missed this oh it's it's it say Czechoslovakia um but it's got a giant chip on it that's a bummer do we oh do we care about the chip no we might not but we do care about that so we're going to leave it what is this got Ste Arizona she's missing an arm okay so I just did a Google image search on these plates I've told you guys before I don't use Google image search to price things um I use Google at my search to identify items um that's very important I think a lot of people use try to use it to price things and you end up like in a bad place because you think things are worth a million dollars um so we did identify them they are heren uh Roth child bird possibly I think we're in pretty good shape I think those might be the winner of today this is a dessert plate for 205 they're asking yeah they're M that's what I was thinking I'm like Ken I mean those crosss are usually M here's it here it is m i [Music] findings antiques what do you have to tell us about this they're just pictures okay so we might have to do a little bit more research um the course swords are usually M that's why I was like great well that's what Google says Google's not always right we we should know that oh goodness I still think they're worth quite a bit of money so um Man part of me is like oh I wish I found the heren versions but I feel like we're going to be surprised um by doing some research on these M fact if you don't look them up right now case in point this is worth point this is paid service uh that I use there's a link in the description obviously it's affiliate um so I do receive a small commission here's some rare M porin bird scene plate sold in 2014 granted prices do fluctuate over the years this could have been when they were worth a bunch of money um so we're just going to scroll through prices may have dropped they may be worth $200 now but that's really exciting to see them selling for like a thousand yikes there a gyore angel her Halo's a little crooked but I feel like we can relate sometimes also this magically appeared in my cart I was locking B was like oh my goodness my sister might like that that's right guys she gets first STS on the boho now I'm turning over all the China oo darn well it was exciting for a minute wasn't it Louisa aspbury Park 1902 uh I looked at this before it's really damaging but what do we have back here with the wings that is really fancy porcelain Linux USA this is the Vintage Linux before that started making it all in in uh China I think they make it in China now I know they don't make it in the USA anymore there's some Pyrex $9.99 and $14.99 on the M what is oh is France is it campare we may never know I tried peeling back one of the stickers and I was afraid I was going to break my nail so I stopped I think I should give up on finding any more of the m in though it was a good effort but I don't think it's going to happen what is that is made in China oh I see something fun over there another mystery Maring look full I really like it that's really fun for uh o marking I've seen before a weird stamp that's familiar to me it makes no sense it made no sense then it makes no sense now um it's very patriotic it would be really nice for our 4th of July there's some studio pottery little heot looking thing oh it's good damage that's a shame that's probably why it's hanging out over here in the nonsense aisles what does she do she hold a napkin not really sure she looks like a napkin holder there is some ancient Papyrus writings we going to go this way we're going to go check out the Halloween section because I have a uh sale coming up on knickknacks and if there's some nice Halloween over here I might incorporate it into my sale have to speak to us though can't just be any Halloween there's a fun fat cat happy Halloween looks like whatever that is is throwing up phone all right I don't really see any Halloween that I need to have it all just looks like like a Five Below Dollar Tree stuff so all right was worth a try it was worth a try I think I'm just going to um feature my Halloween stuff but then includes some other fun stuff why are you so broken why are you so broken why do you have to be like this you're so fun and you're so broken my goodness gracious I've never been more tempted to buy Christmas stuff in the middle of April it's so good I don't need it what is oh that's an alligator maybe there's some anley I do kind of like that design maybe I'll stick that in there see I would love like it's everywhere somebody have some really nice China and we're over here these are the figurine aisles and this is where I'm finding it I'm determined there's some more nice tryina hanging out somewhere all right well that was a really awesome trip to Goodwill and we came away with some unexpected success in those plates with the cross swords um I looked them up a little bit more thoroughly after I left looks like uh one of those plates will sell for between 200 and $250 that's what it's looking like when I go to list them I'll really delve in but quick search like not like standing in the middle of Goodwill but sitting in my car research shows $200 to $250 per bird plate so it's was about $500 and my total spend was $7 so i' say we did pretty good today um obviously I've moved on um I am sitting outside of anti marketpl of L Moine haven't said that in a while um but I'm going to head in here you guys are going to have to wait for that video and uh I guess I'll see tomorrow so long [Music] [Music]
Channel: Crazy Lamp Lady
Views: 86,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique reselling, buying and selling antiques, thrifting, making money, never pay retail, relic recoverist, crazy lamp lady, vintage, thrift stores
Id: H2h54SO2Fns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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