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are you looking for a thrifting Channel where the thrifter actually thrifts for their s their home their family and their friends well you do not need to scroll on YouTube anymore you have landed on the right channel hi my name is Julie and here on thrill thrifter I absolutely love to go thrift shopping I go at least once or twice a week and I love to film some of these Adventures to share with y'all I love to bring you along and I hope that you feel as if you were thrifting right along with me in today's video I have a lot of things to share with y'all I'm going to be showing you my Thrift haul all throughout the video and we are just going to get into a lot of fun things with that Thrift haul so I hope that y'all enjoy it let's go thrifting I'll share my Thrift haul with you all throughout and give you lots and lots of tips tricks and ideas along the way on what you can do with thrifted pieces as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a little shout out here to all of my Arizona friends let us know down in the comments section if you are from Arizona [Music] don't overlook little baskets like this when you are in the thrift store in the thrift store you may just see this plain looking little old basket and you're wondering what in the world can I do with that well go to a garden center somewhere and buy you a beautiful little house plant stick it in that little woven basket and Bam you will be surprised how beautiful that plant looks just sitting down in that basket it [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is the first thing that I picked up on today's Goodwill thrifting trip and I just love how it looks and also it's going to be very functional for me I have been using a little bitty mason jar to keep my salt in over by my stove but I think that this is going to work so much better it was $229 and again I just love the Simplicity of how it looks I love the little metal bar up here it'll be easier to kind of pick up and move around over by my stove top and I love that it has just a very simple little cork top that I can pop on there and pop off real easy to either pinch out the salt or use a little wooden spoon you know whatever I want and if I decide that this just does not work well for me with the salt you can use this for so many other things you can store this on your desk in your office area put paper clips whatever in it use it in your bathroom for epson salt just all sort of little things so for only $2.29 I thought that this was a wonderful little F that I will definitely get some use out of so what I'll be using today to get all of the stickers off of all of my thrifted fins is just lemon essential oil you do not have to get it from this company I just already happen to have a whole bunch of their oils on hand so that's what I'm going to use and you don't even have to use essential oils um I'm never trying to push this brand on anybody I just want y'all to know that I don't even buy from them anymore but because I have them I'm going to go ahead and use them but lemon essential oils I have found get the stickers off so much easier for me and I have to put in no effort at all but you can use so many other things like just hot water hot soapy water just any other things I'm sure people will let y'all know some other things down in the comments but if you see me using this it's just because that's what I have and it just works so well for me so let's work on getting this sticker off getting this cleaned up and getting this put in [Music] place so I think what I will do on the cork piece here is I'm going to clean it really good and then put it out in the sun because I don't know I'm going to do like a dry brush kind of clean because I'm not really sure if that'll hold the soap and the water and kind of make everything like moldy and me do I don't really know I haven't researched how I need to clean this maybe I should do that first but that's what I'm going to roll with today I'm going to just clean it the best I can sit it out in the sun so when y'all see the next clip here of me you know putting the salt and all back in just know that this has been out in the sun and dried in all the things and hopefully that is what has disinfected and clean this more so than soap [Music] forgot that I had this Himalayan pink salt from Asia standard that I wanted to put in something so that I could have it available to use so what I'm going to do is use the other salt that I use the Redmond's meal salt or whatever that I also from Azure I'm going to leave it up in the cabinet and just fill this container with this so that's going to work out perfectly I forgot that I even had this so let's get this open and see how much of this will fit in this little jar I'm excited because I've been wanting to use this for a while and I just haven't had a little vessel put it in so that all worked out it's kind of clumpy because it's been in there a while but I'm going to go ahead and put it in here anyway and we can kind of guess I can kind of mash it I mean like kind of break it up yeah yeah it's real easy to break up so and it's just the pieces here on top I've had it back in my other Pantry so I don't know I don't know why it's clumping up like that but I guess it just does that but the whole bag is kind of like that we're just going to put it in here and maybe I should have put it through a blender or something first I'm not really sure have y'all ever had pink salt do this is it supposed to do this I don't I don't really know um but yeah let me just put this in here like this and I guess I can kind of just pinch it out like this when I get I don't know that's going to be inconvenient is it supposed to be like this y'all I don't know maybe I should put this on a plate and kind of break it up first and then put it back in here so see things do not I do not edit this stuff out when it does not work because that's just not reality reality is sometimes you pour your salt out thinking you're about to have a cute little clip for for see for your audience and then things like this happen so I am going to pause real quick and see what I need to do with this salt if I need to blend it up or what and then I'll show y'all what it looks like after okay so I did try to put it in a different bowl and just kind of break all those little pieces up as you can see it's a lot better now I'm not really sure why it did that but either or let me show yall where I'm going to keep this so it's easily accessible to me while I'm cooking [Music] [Music] there was a lot of beautiful Crocs and Goodwill on this day the only thing about a lot of these is I don't like a lot of the patterns that are on them but I wanted to give you a little tip they make a spray paint now that is like a very pretty cream color that you could spray paint these Crocs and just cover up all of those little bird houses and stuff if you did not like that and then have you some beautiful Crockery pieces in your home to put some florals or something in so definitely keep that in mind when you're thrifting if you don't like the pattern on something you can always spray paint it if you like the [Music] shape the next thing that I put in my buggy and actually purchased was this beautiful little tin Christmas candle I love y'all know it let's all say it together how old country and primitive this thing looks it is just adorable and I think for Christmas it is going to look so pretty just in the bathroom or just sitting on a small little shelf it actually is a candle so that's a plus I'm not really sure what kind of candle this is it don't really say on the bottom it's got like a purple tint to it let me smell it and it really doesn't have a smell so what I'll probably do is maybe just burn this down and put something in here like make a new candle for in here for Christmas but I just love how beautiful and old and just I don't know primitive that this looks let me try to get up close for y'all so y'all can see the Santa face let me see if it'll focus there you go maybe y'all can see it a little bit better I know that light's kind of shining on it either way I go so that's about the best I'm going to be able to do it was only $229 so I thought that that was a plus I'm going to leave this sticker on because I like to do a video closer to Christmas of all of the things that I have thrifted throughout the year and I want to remember how much I paid for this without going back and looking at old videos so I'm just going to leave that sticker on there for now it's really small you can see it kind of fits in the palm of my hand but super adorable y'all know I shop for All Seasons all year and I can store this somewhere I'll have to store it somewhere inside because of the candle aspect of it it'll literally melt if I put it outside and my bins were I keep all of my other Christmas decor but I'm going to keep this inside and I'll probably be pulling it out and showing it again in a what I thrifted for Christmas decor video coming up around November or so so yeah super excited to grab this [Music] [Music] I have noticed at this Goodwill in particular that they are keeping all of their Christmas on this one little end cap so that is definitely fun because I love to look through all of the Christmas stuff even though it is still May I'm going to stop and look through all of this Christmas stuff and see if I can find anything to put in storage until it's time to decorate for Christmas [Music] [Music] I was excited for just a few minutes I had this whole aisle to myself and then I spotted this beautiful Globe up here somebody was just asking me the other day if I ever see Globes when I'm out at the thrift store and here you go I can't remember who asked me that it was somebody local but this Goodwill definitely had a globe so if you're watching this video get up here and get it before it's gone because at $4 and some change that thing will not last long [Music] the old worn out look of this got my attention but also I have somewhere that I'm needing to put this to kind of make a spot level I have I think it's like a little camping oven or pie safe oven I'm not really sure I got all kind of information on this little oven when I showed it before and in the very bottom I wanted to kind kind of Stack some plates and or keep like some vegetables in there like some potatoes because I feel like I could keep potatoes or different things like that that kind of like the dark in there so I thought this might fit in there and be good and secure and then I could stack decorative plates on here and they wouldn't you know wobble from side to side or I could use this to place certain vegetables on that you know really liked a dark place so that's why I picked this up for only $1.29 I thought I could try this there and if it did not work there y'all know that I love to layer everything in my house so I could even prop this up on a shelf and let this just kind of be a background to something I could put a plant on top of this and let this be the drip pan I mean you could do all sort of things with this you could actually you know clean this up and use it to you know serve food on to take outside on your patio with the warmer months coming up just endless things that you could do with this for $129 but let me show y'all what I'm actually going to do with it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so here's the Little Oven that I'm talking about I love this it just sits here on my countertop and I love it I do have some dishes over here drying so excuse those but um I do love how this looks and I'll probably always keep it in my kitchen or somewhere and this is the spot that I'm talking about you can see I do have some potatoes in there in a thrifted bowl on top of a thrifted plate because I I couldn't just sit this bowl on there because it wobbled around too much but let me show youall down here in the bottom this is where I'm wanting to put this little tin let me turn the brightness up you can see down here it just it just wobbles like this if I put my hand down here it wants to act up so yeah I've turned it all the ways and this is how it's supposed to go but yeah anything you put on here it just you know wobbles around so what I'm thinking is that if this pan will fit down here y'all let's let's say a little prayer that this will and look it's going to slide right in Oh and it fits don't you just love when things work out like that I'm trying to get y'all clear hold on I was focusing on this let me see oh and it fits snug y'all it fits just perfect on top of that rack I'll show y'all better here in just a minute so that let me see it's still trying to kind of wobble though let me see if I can yeah if I kind of Pull It Forward it kind of tucks it in there and keeps it from wobbling so yeah yeah yay that'll work out and wouldn't it be fun if I could just start collecting these and have a whole stack of these that would look cute down there too um but I also wanted to put some of my plate collection down here so we'll see what I do y'all know I'm always moving something let me kind of get over here on the side where y'all can see see how it just it just tucked down in there just perfect and that's going to work out and it's like it's a pie oven or a pie safe whatever and this is a little p P plat so I think it would be appropriate to you know collect some pie plates of some kind and kind of stack them in there I'll just close it back up and I know it's going to be very hard for y'all to see but it is kind of tucked down in there and yay I was hoping that that would work so I love it when things work out like you think they will [Music] I thought that this was another piece that would be beautiful at Christmas I could not quite figure out what it was I want to say maybe it held a candle and maybe it's just missing a little lamp shade or something I'm not really sure I did love the base of it with a little bird and some of the Blues in it I thought it would be gorgeous at Christmas but again I could not quite figure out what it was so I decided I better leave that behind and then I wanted to share with y'all this little plate it's called The Giving plate I've come across these before at the thrift store and shared them with y'all these are so fun Thrift and then put some goodies on them give them to someone maybe in your neighborhood that's widowed or widower and or someone in your church maybe and then they can pass it along and give it to somebody as well it's just fun to kind of get one of those and keep the giving going so what got my attention on this was the blue color and I am trying to bring a lot of Blues in in this spring and summer and probably this fall you will also see a lot of Blues in my Decor so I was like oh this is so beautiful of a blue color and I love this wood top and then I realized y'all that it is actually a woodwick burning candle and I'll light it here in just a minute so y'all can hear it and when this candle is burning it makes like a crackling kind of noise almost as if it's like I don't know a fire pit or a fireplace crackling uh fire so it's these are really really fun I love these I love them more in the fall I used to not I kind of got out of burning candle but I'm kind of I really missed them so I try to not burn a whole bunch especially if they're really really strong because they give me a headache but this one is uh it was not that strong when I smelt it it originally came from Ross as you can see here for $5.99 so I'm going to get that sticker off and I only paid y'all a129 I don't know what it says on that or anything but yeah for $1.29 and I needed a candle here to go on my bar because I just finished burning up one that was there so this is going to be perfect but I do want to kind of just wipe it off get this sticker off I'm going to do that off camera because I think y'all get the point now that you can use lemon essential oils or just very very hot soapy water to get the stickers off I'm just going to have to be careful on this one because it is a candle I can't go run this you know under too much water but y'all some people do like watching me um like wash and clean up the thrifted items that's why I throw those clips in there it is just very satisfying to some people I love seeing that if I watch a thrifting video so that's kind of why I include it because it is part of the thrifting process so I try to bring y'all through the whole thrifting process of going thrifting showing you what I got how I clean it because I do clean everything that comes in my house from the thrift store and then how I am using or styling it in my home I just try to show you the process because that's just reality that's just what I do and I TR try to keep everything really really real here on my Channel with the exception of if I have to cut out Clips where I try to do an intro 15 times and I can't get my act together now I will edit a lot of that out but as far as the process of the thrifting and what I do and how I go about it this is just really how I do it anyway that was you know a long little Soap Box spill there so let me get off and get some soap on this and get this sticker off [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] something fun you could start doing if you love to go thrifting as well is Thrift a lot of these candles that maybe are in an ugly vessel if you love the color or how they smell and you can always melt that wax down and make your candle in something else that you thrifted that you love even more so definitely keep that in mind and if y'all are interested in me showing you how I do that again I think I did that around Christmas time last year but I am more than happy to try and Thrift a few pieces and kind of show y'all what I'm talking about just so you can kind of go ahead and be working on that craft and getting those things built up before the holidays actually get [Music] here now this is a very fun piece for the fall season and it reminds me of some of those pictures that people were doing last fall and they were taking pictures like this and adding Little Ghost and adding little I don't know like Halloween figures or fall figures and all that kind of stuff to the picture I could not personally bring myself to ruin the picture and do that but that's what that reminded me of seeing last year around the fall and Halloween season [Music] okay so it is no secret that I love the color green and when I spotted these little bowls I thought that they were gorgeous I really wish that I would have brought one home I did not I ended up putting these back for whatever reason maybe I was just thinking I did not need one anywhere to be a plant drip and what I mean by that is like be a drip bowl for the water that drains through the plant that is definitely an idea if you find a beautiful decorative bowl that you just don't know really what you would use it for we use it to put a plant in and it can catch your water so you've got a beautiful plant and then you can also have your beautiful bowl out on display as well [Music] [Music] [Music] and y'all know we are going to stop and look at these coffee mugs just very briefly because you just might find the one [Music] this is a very nice Marshall's picture here with the blue on it I kind of thought about my daughter Cara when I saw this because she kind of likes more of that modern Farmhouse look I would definitely decorate with that but I am trying to just get my collection to purely Iron Stone or just very old vintage vintage excuse me pictures in my house so I decided to leave that behind but I definitely thought about her when I spotted that [Music] I'm not really sure why this basket was priced at $529 I probably should have got it because I really do like it and I felt like it would look really good in the fall season on my patio or my front porch but I was feeling a little salty because they had it at $5.29 and decided to leave it sometimes I'm just like that y'all sometimes I will pay up for things and then sometimes I'm just not in the mood and that basket I guess I was just not in the mood [Music] [Music] so I picked up these little mini baking cups because again at Christmas time these always always come in handy to make little candies or what I have found too is that you can use these inexpensive little baking cups for snacks so especially if you have little kids you want to make snacks all the things these work perfectly so for for $1.29 I went ahead and grabbed these I'm not really sure how much they are if you were to buy a package like this around Christmas time at Walmart or somewhere but I'm thinking they're probably more than $129 maybe you can find some at the Dollar Tree I'm not really sure I've never looked for any there but yeah I went ahead and got these because I do want to make some different little like Reese homemade Reese's Peanut Butter Cups candies and different things like that for Christmas this year so definitely be ready for um Thrift M when we do all of that fun stuff together so yeah I went ahead and just grabbed these for $129 and again I will put these in my Christmas stash if you have room to do that I encourage you to go ahead and pick up all of the out of season Decor or items you can use around those seasons and store it if you can I know not everybody can do that I've mentioned that before but if you can I would go ahead and advise getting it while it's inexpensive in the thrift store and then right after I saw those little paper muffin t uh muffin cups excuse me I saw this package of Martha Stewart napkins now I have mentioned this on my channel before many times and I have showed y'all that I love to purchase napkins cloth napkins like this at the thrift store and we use them especially in our guest bathroom as little hand towels so when you go in there to wash your hands you can use one of these napkins as your little hand tow now keep in mind they are not as absorbent as a you know a regular towel but they make a very pretty presentation in there and we do use them people use them all the time and then they'll just hang them up on a little hook that I have in there once they're finished so I loved how beautiful these were look at this pattern on here I think these are gorgeous and they're brand new still in the package so of course you can use these as napkins you know if you want to do a place setting and all the things of course use them for that but I wanted to tell y'all you know another option you could do if you find inexpensive beautiful napkins at the thrift store put them in your bathroom and let them be used as little hand towels because look at this price y'all a129 can you believe that that's crazy so I love these very very much I'm going to open them so we can get a better idea of what they look like I don't know if there's just one in here or if there's two it look okay it looks like maybe there's two but we're going to get them out real quick and I'll show y'all where I have some other blue napkins in the guest bathroom that I thrifted and we're just going to switch them out for these for a little while because they're white and they just look very like summertime to me so I was excited to find these I love to collect beautiful napkins like this okay I'm trying to make sure that's not a bug let me look okay I went outside and shook it out I'm always very very careful with stuff like that um what is that oh that's just a little hook okay I guess that's just a little thing they use to hang it up so they feel like very good quality for sure maybe it's just one maybe it's just a really it could just be one if it's just one I don't know so yeah look how pretty that is a little scalloped Edge it's got a little spot right there I'm going to have to put these in the wash let's see one wait let me just unfold them all because that could be a little deceiving yeah it's actually two okay so they're pretty big wow you could actually use this as like a layering piece over a dresser or something these might be a little too big to put in the bathroom but I think that's where I'm going to put them yeah so there was two in there for $129 Martha Stewart brand oh Martha she come made a comeback y'all um yeah so I really like these so I'm going to I'm going to fold this up and kind of show y'all where they're going to go but I will have to throw these in the wash but let me just show y'all how I'm talking about putting them in the bathroom and how you could do that as well so sometimes what I like to do is go ahead and fold it again like this and then show all the pretty edges here like this so that may be what I do do this one the same way oh let's I'll probably cut those tags off after wash it but let's just tuck it in for now and then I like to just kind of I don't know just lay them like that I don't know it's not necessary I mean but you know some things just make washing your hands fun okay so here's the blue ones that I thrifted probably several months ago so we've been using these and you know what since there's only two of these other ones what I might do is because they would go I'm sorry for the lighting in here let me see if I can turn y'all up a little bit more cuz it's so dark in here there's no window all right so what I might do is like do one of those and then do one of these do one of those do one of these and that'll look pretty and then I can hang this one up let me show you where I'm talking about hanging this up so see I just have a little shelf here with a hook and the one that's currently being used we can just hang it up for that day keep the rest of them in this bowl right here on the countertop [Music] I was going to give youall a little update on this thrifted mirror that I got in Dallas it is definitely being used and loved by everyone who can reach it in this [Music] bathroom so y'all know that feeling if you're an avid thrifter and you're out thrifting down an aisle and they bring out one of these carts full of merchandise that is to go on the Shelf woo at my Goodwill they do not care if you go through it because that's less work that they got to do so we are going to stop and go through this cart real quick and see if there's anything on here that we just cannot live out of course we have to check out the linen section I really love the colors on this blanket except for this gray color I do not do Grays in my house so for that reason I decided to leave that behind I'm just going to scan through a few more of these and then we're going to head back over to another aisle that I stopped shopping at a while ago when they brought out that cart I got sidetracked so let's head back over there right now and see what they have [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so after I finished looking at the Linens I remembered that I kind of missed a spot cuz I got distracted by that cart they rolled out so I wanted to go back and look and I'm so glad that I did because I came across this vintage sifter here I already have like probably two to four of these somewhere in there and I love to use them at Christmas to put little Christmas trees in in the kitchen and I don't have one this big I don't think and because this one was only marked at $229 I've done lost the tag off of it somehow getting home but it is a vintage it says Bramwell measuring sifter and then up here it says Made in the USA so that's always exciting so I got this mainly to use at Christmas time but you can also use this you know year round to decorate in your kitchen somewhere you can hang this off of a little Peg Rack or let me show youall something else you can use some little floral Greenery I have really been trying to this spring and summer use a lot of real plants in and throughout my house but there is absolutely nothing wrong especially if you have places in your home that do not get good sunlight where your plants will grow if they're real then definitely just use faux florals I I do have faux florals all over in certain areas that just do not get good sunlight so this is just to kind of give y'all an idea you could definitely you know make this look cute let me raise y'all up a little bit with just some faux florals and decorate this somewhere somehow in your kitchen let me just give you a little idea real quick I have this little piece here so we might just pull this away and just see what it would look like with something you know like this you could definitely see do something different like this which this is probably got I don't know well it might work the books make it a little high but you get the idea of a different way that you can use it other than a Christmas tree now of course this looks really too big right here in my opinion but it's the only little Peg rack that I have in my kitchen at the time so it's just to kind of give you an idea of what it might look like if you had a peg Rack in your kitchen and you wanted to just hang it off of that Peg rack and you could go ahead and put some of those faux florals hanging out of it or a little kitchen towel um utensils you can use this over by your stove top to put some utensils in so I have some smaller little wooden utensils that might work good in here so if you have you know a a lot of smaller wooden utensils or any type of utensils for that matter don't have to be wooden I just think that it would be another option for people to use for that I don't know that I would use this to actually sift flour or anything because it is kind of rusty um but yeah definitely so many little options you could even have a little poose plant in like a real poos plant like I have one right here it's in a really really small pot and I don't know because of that that metal bar it might not fit good but you might be able to yeah that's probably going to be too big but I mean I guess if you're not going to use it as a sifter you could completely take this out and maybe put a little poos plant down in there because as you can see well let me back it up for yall you know if you could get a a real posos plant down in there or a plant of some kind that would look very very beautiful the colors there are just gorgeous so that's another idea for you I think that's a really good price on this chair it is in great shape for only $10.29 I'm sure that somebody's going to enjoy that I spotted over in the corner this piano bench and the reason I'm looking at this is because Elizabeth is using my vanity bench in her bedroom to keep a lot of her stuff on it's easy for her to roll up to those and put her stuff on but they had that one marked at $30 so I decided to leave that behind and and then I remembered they had this beautiful Cedar Chest up here in the front that I forgot to really look at earlier so I wanted to just take a peek at this before we left it was gorgeous I loved how the outside looked you know just old and Country and then the inside was in great shape they had it marked for $60 which I guess is fair if they don't move large furniture pieces here they do mark them down so maybe I'll just kind of keep an eye on that I have a Cedar Chest that my dad made me but my daughters are looking for some for their kids so I'll definitely keep an eye out on that so that is going to wrap up today's very long thrifting trip to Goodwill I hope that y'all enjoyed it being longer I've been putting out a lot of shorter videos just because of graduation and all the things but I have more time on my hands now so I'm hoping to start making these videos a little longer if y'all like that just let me know down in the comments section but anyway y'all we hope that you have a wonderful weekend we love y'all and I'll see you next week with a brand new video
Channel: Thrilled Thrifter
Views: 35,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thrifting goodwill, Thrift haul, Thrift shopping, How to thrift shop, Thrilled Thrifter, Thrift with me, How to decorate with thrift store finds
Id: XebzqEJmR-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 24sec (2664 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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