Wax Empties | Scentsy, Candles & Vendor | May 2024

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hey everyone welcome back to my channel thanks so much for joining me today my name is Michelle I'm sorry if the audio sounds a little bit different I have my air conditioner in the window and so when I go to edit it and do the noise reduction it might make my own voice sound a little bit different but hope you don't mind today I have my empties for I believe this is the last 2 weeks or so uh so let's just get started I have quite a few candles that I've been crocking this one is blue Orchard Skies this was so lovely definitely right up my alley hit all my favorite points this one is um sorry for the oil on the bottom spring apple soft white woods and fresh Orchard air I can't tell you enough how much I love this one I would 100% repurchase it was really great performer in the Croc I didn't even bother to to burn it because my candles have just not been performing when I burn them yeah I really really love this I would love to see a vendor dup this in wax cuz I think it would be amazing then I had vanilla bean from DW home I did try burning this one as well but ultimately I crocked it it smelled so oh oh I have so on my finger now it smelted so strong on cold but was a very light performer on um in the Croc and trying to burn it I haven't got the wax out of this jar yet but anyway this was definitely a disappointment then I went through iced lemon pound cake again I tried burning it but it just wasn't a great performer um so I did rocket in the Croc it was okay but honestly a little bit disappointing as well a little bit light um so I don't know that I'm going to be repurchasing very many candles in the future cuz I just seem to be getting some disappointing throw from them as for scent I really love IC lemon pound cake it just wasn't a great performer this next candle was so special my friend Brandy gave me this in um my latest friend M this is from Charmed Aroma and it's B posum which was strawberry vanilla caramel it was I would say light but I could detect it it wasn't so much the candle itself though I'm sure you're Weare Charmed Aroma has jewelry in their in their candles so I was nearly brought to Tears by what was inside and I will show you guys that I'm sorry I have I still have so on my finger from that one candle but it's this adorable paw print ring and it's rose gold and silver I'm sorry trying to focus it it is it is too big for me but I'm going to take it to my local jeweler and see if they can just size it down um um it's just it's so special to me that I I really want to wear it and Brandy thank you so much this is just ah it's just Mak me tear up when I saw it I love it and I really want to um see if they can do anything about the sizing on that but yes that was so special thank you so much for that candle okay apologies you guys this is how I got sit on my finger I got super lazy burning this one and I didn't trim it and it definitely mushroomed and got really syy this was another candle from Brandy Look Away you guys look away but this was the hail and Haze hello sunshine I just I don't know I think I fell asleep when I was burning the bottom of it or I just was like watching a show and I wasn't paying pay attention but it got so s but I really did enjoy burning this one um I think I did like a week worth of burning this not every night but maybe every other night I'd burn it for a few hours and then yeah I just I got kind of distracted and lazy so definitely study but it wasn't like that for like the majority of the candle it did burn really nicely um so sorry for the G or the candle Gore there I know it's not really appealing but I did finish that one as well and I enjoyed it just a couple of quick senty items I have pink rhubarb sugar this is such a good one I like it in the wax I like it in the pods it is a little bit different in the pods than in the wax but not so much that I don't enjoy it in either um great performer nice and strong long lasting for us throw is really good this is definitely one of my favorites for summer uh really really like that one then a scent Circle in Clean Breeze I had this hanging in my closet for a while and I'd say for like maybe 3 4 days it did great and then it was kaput just done so I don't make a point of purchasing scent circles myself if I get them I use them but I I don't really buy them myself I'm so sad to be done this I know I talked about this and I believe it was my last empties this is a car freshie from Rocky Top wax and this is Strawberry Shortcake this was so beautiful I loved every moment of melting that or not melting using this for a bakery scent this lasted such a long time and it was so adorable in my car I absolutely loved using this every second I was in my car I really try to make my car an inviting space because I do have trauma associated with being in a in a vehicle um so having things that I really enjoy in my car kind of help negate that but yes I would 100% get more of these I believe this is my second one that I've used my mom still has her vanilla one in the car and it's still doing really well um too so highly recommend the car Freshies from Rocky Top wax oh sorry I missed a strawberry lemon cake um what are these called scent packs I put it in my weighted sensey buddy which by the way thank you to everyone who voted I have named him Cooper or Coupe um I thought it was really fitting for him as well so thank you every one for letting me know which one you preferred so yes I went ahead and put this one in it honestly it's not my favorite I wouldn't get this one again but um I I didn't really get it to be able to have scent with it anyway so it's just an extra little bonus but yeah not my favorite in the scent pack I'm going to try to stay in relative order but I'm going to go through clams first because they're taking up a lot of room I have Rocky Top lavender cotton candy cake this was really yummy I actually did this one last night so it's lavender C cotton candy and birthday cake it was really really beautiful loved it I love lavender paired with sweet notes and bakery notes it's just really calming at night and I really enjoyed this one I did really enjoy it as it was going overnight I just put this one in this is strawberry milkshake I'm really liking it so far it's got that nice kind of like tart and sweet strawberry with a little bit of like creaminess and it's performing good so far as I've said I did put my air conditioner in but it doesn't seem to be having an issue throwing with my air conditioner on so yeah I've been getting really good performance from Rocky Top and have been loving her stuff bling Berry baked shop from Rocky toop is berry crem brulee strawberry ice cream shop cookie coma and birthday cake this was really good as well she has such great combinations I would say this one was this one was on the lighter side for my Rocky Top but still you know a really good performer like I'm not complaining I'm just you know of all the ones I've melted so far this one was maybe on the lighter side but still really good performer raspberry thumb print cookies I forgot I had this and I've been hearing so much about raspberry jam lately and I'm like you know what I don't even think I've had much raspberry in my wax melting experience so I put this one in and I really enjoyed it so I would definitely pick up some more like raspberry jam type of scents this one was really good I just I don't obviously like floral raspberry it has to be a very like sweet Jammy almost like a um syrupy you know what I mean type of raspberry but yeah this one was really good and her stuff is just so beautiful and it just you know it doesn't have to be beautiful by any means but it just gives you a smile when you go to melt it and you look at it and you put it in the the wax warmer you guys this one what a ride C Berry crunch so this is C crunch Berry cereal raspberry Mandarin vanilla bean eucalyptus White Pine and Douglas for you're thinking to yourself what a strange combination absolutely but it was so fun it was like an experience you go to a to a movie theater and you experience a whole other world and then it's over and you come back to your own world and you're like it was nice to get out of my world and be in that world for a moment you know what I mean this was kind of like that I hope that makes some sort of sense it had so many different I don't know how to say it right now I'm just you got to experience so many different things and not all of them were simultaneous so you would get like a little bit of the cat crunchberry cereal and then you get a little bit of like the outdoor outdoorsy tree notes and then you'd get sort of this like Fruity sweetness from the raspberry and Mandarin and then you'd go back to the cereal and then you'd go back to the like Outdoors Z it was just so fun and I really enjoyed this one I have another one so I'm really happy to have that but yeah this was just a masterpiece of scent experience well done Melanie okay I think this is the last I think this is the last item I have from Rocky toop pretty Shir so this was in the shape of like a hexagon B kind of thing it was really pretty um I was kind of experimenting with honey scents and I got to tell you guys sorry it's gotten dark the reflective bags kind of make it the camera dark but I got to tell you guys I was not a fan of this one simply because of the honey note I just I'm not into it I can't do it but this was a boomer it was so strong so if you really like a pure honey scent I highly recommend this one but for me personally the scent preference just was not in my wheelhouse I picked this up a little while ago I don't think I hauled it but it was Sensational strawberry crunch on cold it smelled amazing but I got to tell you on warm it was really off-putting I did not enjoy this one strength was really good but I don't know yeah I picked this up in February I don't know what doesn't really have the scent notes it just got really kind of like sour and off-putting and I did not enjoy this one so I would not repurchase this one personally so I've got a few from melting memories this one was lavender dreams this is a really pretty lavender albe it on the light side of course I melted this overnight because that's usually when I melt lavender scents it was really really beautiful lavender like I really really love that scent um I'm not sure what else it's mixed with I did really enjoy it just a little bit on the lighter side for me then we have churro this is a really really good dupe for Cent's churro churro um you you get that kind of like fried pastry note with the cinnamon sugar this one was a decent performer for me like you definitely could pick up that um that Bakery cinnamon and that fried dough note um yeah this one was really enjoyable then I did Smokey Woods this one was really lovely I really enjoyed this one I think this is a dupe for some sort of cologne if I'm not mistaken yeah I really enjoyed this one it was a really great performer too um she does these sort of like uh what do you call it like high-end fragrances really well this was definitely a really um really great performer and a surprising one that I enjoyed I I didn't expect to love it so much on cold as I did on warm but yeah really really nice winter Forest this was kind of like I wouldn't say Christmas necessarily but more like a cool forest and we had a cooler day so I did did that this one was okay it's definitely had more of like a Greenery Forest than say like a Christmasy Pine Forest if that makes sense it performed well I'm happy I had it but I don't think I would repurchase this one if it was offered again okay we're getting into bags this is wild berry cream cheese frosting from TR Traver City wax this was delectable delicious perfect amount of wild berries with that cream cheese frosting the cream cheese frosting wasn't too sour in my opinion there there was enough Sweetness in it I would recommend this one and I would pick this one up again we have a couple from L3 sorry if I go too close it gets dark so I'm going to try to stay a little bit further away Brandy had sent me this one this was abod crane with atap POS so smoked vanilla cinnamon sugar pumpkin seeds UD jet puff Malo Malo fluff and toasted Malo wow I don't know when I'm pulling wax I usually like smell it and it kind of this one kind of get kept getting pushed to the background and then I went to smell it again a little while ago I was like oh this smells really good and it was cooler and I really wanted to melt it and you guys this was this was so good I really like the pumpkin seeds in this one and the oud but then it was combined with a lot of other like the sweetness from the all the Malo scents and the the smoked vanilla was really nice so it was like Smoky with some warmth but enough Sweetness in there too Brandy thank you so much for sending me this one I'm sorry it kind of got pushed back to the back of my collection and I wasn't sure when I would melt this but yeah I really did enjoy this one it's a shame that L3 is closing but I did really thoroughly enjoy that one I had this little sample maple sugar cake or maple sugar cube cinnamon rolls cream cheese frosting pretzel on cold this didn't really thrill me but on warm this was really nice and I kid you not you guys this lasted for days I don't even understand it was a really a longlasting great performer um I don't know whether like the maple itself is just like a longer lasting scent profile but yeah this was really good and I'm usually not a fan of like Maple syrupy notes but this was more of like a maple fudge note I would say from destination wax I had French baguette which is freshly baked and buttered French baguette um this one was kind of a dud for me I really love French baguette but this just didn't really perform um it was from February 2023 so it's over a year old yeah I don't know it's just uh just didn't really throw I finished the infamous Hannah's baby from bird's making scense which is strawberry white cake and zucchini bread it sounds basic it looks basic but do not be fooled this one is a boomer this one is an amazing strawberry Bakery it's like strawberry mixed with a little bit of warmth from the zucchini bread she's got a really good zucchini bread it's not corn chippy or Doritos or anything like that sorry it's getting darker again this was one of her big brittles love this would definitely get it again I'm trying to get through some of my birdies making sense so that I can restock in the near future speaking of I also had this peanut butter and jam shaped thing I will insert a picture here it was so adorable and it broke my heart to melt it all her shapes break my heart to melt them because she puts so much effort into them and they look so realistic it's insane this is peanut butter cookies crusty bread and strawberry jam I wasn't sure how I felt about peanut butter and jam scent but I really enjoyed this one it was like a nice background scent kind of nose filling you got um a contrast with the sweet um strawberry jam really liked this one I would uh consider getting this one again now that my super Tarts haul came in I melted the last of hippy go lucky that charity had sent me last summer as if you saw that video you know how much I love this scent so grateful she sent this to me it was absolutely amazing and I picked up a full bam so I was uh I was kind of hoarding the last piece of this because I knew I was getting more but as soon as I saw my package ship I went ahead and melted this because I love it so much it's pachuli and pink sugar and I forget what else is in it but it's amazing it speaks to my soul and I love it so so so much I have a few from pretty like liby this is a local vendor to me I've had this vendor a couple times this one was Rosemary fota Pacha I think that's how you say it this was really good it wasn't the longest lasting one which I was surprised at but the Rosemary and bread note was surprisingly really Pleasant in wax and I really enjoyed that yeah I would consider getting this one again maybe not in a huge piece but this was like one of her small sample size bars I would maybe pick up um another one of that cocoa and lavender same siiz little snap bar this was so good I loved this one I think maybe it's like cocoa butter I don't know anyway this was so good and calming like so calming one of the most calming lavender Blends that I've personally melted it performed really great it lasted a long time definitely would be a repurchase for me and lastly lemon shortbread I melted this um alongside the the lemon shortbread candle that looks totally um butchered this one was really this was really good but on the lighter side for me so this one personally wouldn't be a repurchase it was still enjoyable okay just a few from Harper James this was sunshine cake this was from the fall when she did um the like customer blend so this one was my custom blend and I was trying to do something similar to Lemon coconut chiffon so this is lemon pound cake toasty coconut and buttercream frosting oh my my gosh I love this so much it was so good and summery and just delectable I definitely got the toasty coconut in there I loved this 100% would be a repurchase I think now you have to go on a customs list to um order her custom brittles but yeah she did another like pre-order and offered this I know she's been offering those Custom Blends in a few pre-orders this was lovely and I want more I finished a brittle in step right up so this is kind of like a carnival blend it's funnel cake caramel apple and popcorn I loved her combination it's definitely you know I would say most fendors have their own kind of unique Carnival blend and hers is I'd say okay so their circus concessions from Rose girls I'd say that's number one charity has it right there number two would be step right up I really enjoyed Harper James version of it as as well I think my camera cut off while I was talking about this but this was a really good uh combination of the funnel cake and caramel apple corn and just a hint of popcorn not too much really love this one okay lastly you guys I had this brittle in buy me some it is sea salt butter popcorn and caramel I've had quite a few caramel popcorn scents from different vendors hers and fantasy wax I had fantasy wax years ago I don't think she offered it since then but she had a really really good one as well and I'd say this one was right up there some um some other vendors I just mostly get the buttered popcorn and I don't enjoy popcorn on its own but there is enough sea salt and caramel in this to balance out that really kind of strong popcorn note and I would repurchase this although I have another brittle so I'm good for now but this was a really really great caramel popcorn if you're looking for for one of those well thank you everyone for staying with me and listening to me talk about all the wax I've melted in the last couple weeks I hope you guys are having a lovely weekend it is a long weekend here for us in Canada so if you're in Canada I hope you're enjoying your extra time off take care for now and I will see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Mini Moments with Michelle
Views: 150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scentsy, Home Fragrance, Vendor Wax, Wax Community, Empties, Melting Basket, Wax Haul
Id: 9I5wwFY1gck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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