Path of Exile Beginner's Guide

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hi everyone it's Rax Path of Exile is considered one of the best arpg of all time it has one problem that's pretty much universally known the barrier to entry for new players is very very high which prevents a lot of people from playing some people have never played the game at all or some people might have started it up a little bit here or there but just got discouraged for whatever reason and quit so people have been begging me to make a beginner's guide and so here it finally is I need to make a quick disclaimer though keep in mind this is really my first League I've been blasting for the last few weeks and all the lovely people that have come into chat and have helped teach me I feel like I've learned uh like an entire encyclopedia in just a few weeks and I've leveled up uh of several characters into the endgame so I feel like I'm at least comfortable enough to make this video but keep in mind I am not a professional Path of Exile player I am not a god at this game yet hopefully one day um so after this video I'll try to make other ones but there are a ton of other Godly content creators who have made similar videos along with more advanced guides I'm not going to name them because if I do I'm going to forget some people but please go look around and check them all out because they've got some fantastic content as well but what this video is going to be if you've never played or you barely played and you quit and you hated it I'm going to take the giant monstrosity that Path of Exile is and I'm going to cut out 99% of it I'm going to take the last 1% and I'm going to simplify it as much as I possibly can so you can log in and dominate let's get started all right before we start playing Path of Exile there are three things that I think you absolutely must have as a brand new player in order to enjoy the game let's go over them the first thing is I would strong strongly advise you to follow a guide now of course I'm part of Team Max roll so I'm going to to show you the max roll guides but I would be very dumb to say that Maxell is the only place that has good guides there's probably lots of them there's lots of great content creators out there with amazing guides but these are the guides that I know these are the guides that I have followed these are the guides that have worked for me so that's what I'm going to show you Max roll. gpoe you go to build guides and you go to League starters I am quite sure that any of these would be very good for you but I'm going to talk to you about the three that I have played and I'll make a recommendation to you so let's start with the one that I started this league lightning Arrow deadi ey so lightning Arrow has the benefit of being the best mapper it just runs through and it eventually levels up into tornado shot and you just run through the maps and you just kill monsters five screens ahead of you and you just feel like a god there are two problems though the first issue is is you have zero survivability so you are going to die dozens if not hundreds of times on this build guaranteed so if you get really upset when you die this is not the build for you second thing is is in the end game to build in a tornado shot especially because it seems everyone and their mom is currently playing lightning Arrow de ey those Quivers and those bows and everything that you need are going to be very expensive it's one of the most expensive builds in the end game if you like to play a lot that's how you're going to be able to get the gear but there's no denying the output of lightning Arrow it's a ranged bow class and you just delete everything um it's absolutely amazing this is what I played when I played pass back so the only other time and I played it for a brief moment I played toxic rain ballista Pathfinder everyone kept telling me that the build is pretty mid and the build has been nerfed since then but let me tell you when I played toxic rain Pathfinder I thought it was Godly I killed all four of the bosses I killed Haven shaper Elder searing X Arc I think that's who they are and I also cleared all the maps and I was able to farm t16 easily here you lay down little totems little ballistas and they shoot down toxic rain that actually does chaos damage which helps a lot for like reflect because a lot of the times I could play reflect Maps but nobody else could it's very nice because you just lay your little ballistas and then you just run away and if any if any danger is there you just run the other away your ballistas will take care of everything for you um it felt amazing people have said that EA ballista explosive arrow is just a better version of toxic rain that might be true but I've never played it so if you want to lay down little ballistas and win like that this could be an excellent one for you or explosive ARA ballista so the other one that everyone is playing that I just made that people love is SRS Guardian summon raging Spirit guardian and I have to be honest with you if you want me to make a recommendation this is the guide that you should do and the reason why is the the campaign is just trivial once you unlock this giant set I call him butter boy once you unlock butter boy this giant golden dude that follows you around he just kills everything for you instantly and then the Raging spirits that you summon and you eventually pump it up they do so much damage and it's a build you don't have to Target anything you just summon them and they will do all the work for you and this is an amazing bosser at least it's way better than my lightning Arrow tornado shot because it's very tanky and again you can just lay the minions and just run away so if you don't know what to play and you want me to make a recommendation to you I would play this summon raging Spirit League starter we'll dive into it a little bit more later that's the first thing you need is a guide and let me explain to you one more reason why why it's not like Diablo where you can be like Oh I'm going to play a lightning sorcerer so I'll pick sorcerer in in the talent trees H I'll pick some lightning stuff lightning yeah this sounds lightning oh okay my build kind of works that's not going to work in this game there are too many mechanics there's too many complications for you to possibly make a good build on your very first try you can try if you want but you want my advice follow a guide for the very first time the second thing that you need is a loot filter you must have this you don't have this you are going to hate the game I guarantee you Path of Exile drop So Many Items if you don't filter through them from dropping you're going to walk five steps have a full inventory you're going to go back to town Walk five steps have a full inventory and go back to town you're not even going to be playing the game so when you log on to the Path of Exile website you go to game and then you go to item filters the loot filters here work very easily the most famous one is never syns I use this one forever so all you do is click on the loot filter and you hit follow and that's it once you hit follow you can go into the game and you can select it via the game item filters and then uh or Escape options game and then item filter that's what is and then you can select um the filter that you want now one thing that you can do is when you first start out you just take the regular softcore version then when you get a little bit further and is just dropping too much stuff and you're like ah I don't want that crap anymore you can just select a different one you can select the semi-strict one and then you can pick the stricter one as you get further along you get the idea right so as you get further you can increase inrease the severity of how much it's going to filter out you must have a loot filter if you don't have that you're going to be big sad then the final thing is I would download awakened Poe trade this will help you so much we're going to get to that at the very end of the guide but trust me it's not going to really help you in the campaign much but you need this and console players I don't think this works for you so that's big sad so I apologize but for PC players trust me get awaken Poe trade you'll see at the end of the guide why all right we got our guide got our awaken Poe trade we followed our loot filter time to play the game Path of Exile log in and we're going to create a new character now you don't have to do anything it automatically picks the thing that you want see how it highlights Affliction Affliction is the current league mechanic you want to choose that you don't want to pick ssf for your first time you don't want to pick ruthless and you don't want to pick hardcore or anything like that that let's go softcore for our first time if you don't die on your first playthrough of Path of Exile it's going to be a miracle so everything should be good so hit okay and then we've got all of these different people that we got to pick now the first thing that's going to confuse you is Max roll guide says SRS Guardian but when I click on this and go through all of them name of my shadow the name of my Marauder none of them are named Guardian that's because all the different classes level up and Ascend into a different class so there's a base class which is what we must pick then we'll Ascend later so there's a beautiful little guide right here of what ascends into what and you will see that if you wanted to play SRS Guardian you would need to start as a Templar and then you will Ascend when you get the choice into guardian and if you wanted to go lightning Arrow Dead Eye you would pick Ranger and if you wanted to go talk toxic rain Pathfinder you would also pick Ranger okay so that's the first point of confusion that will help you so we're going Templar on the left if we are going to play um SRS Guardian name it and log in all right with our brand new character now we've got a set our options before we set out on our journey so we go to options you can mess around with any of them here but let me show you a couple important ones first of all go to game item filter and then pick the Lo filter that you followed so you probably followed never syn's regular softcore filter so you would click that and hit the refresh and boom there we go um another super important thing on your mini map is go to landscape transparency and put it all the way down reason why is if you look at my mini map here it's got these nice little lines showing me the outline of the terrain if you put I think it by default it starts like this and look at how confusing that is I have no idea where to go anymore so all the way down on the landscape transparency and we have a beautiful little map and another thing you can do for fun is you can mess with the mouse cursor I made it pink and I made it large because in the end game there's going to be a lot of crazy stuff um that's going to uh really mess with you another thing is you can change your attack uh you can move stuff you can select stuff as movement only you can pick what your attack is I actually move with my mouse five so I'm going to go like that as I force move and here we go we pick up our scepter we talked to the dying Exile we use our attack and it's going to drop us our very first gem so here's the thing to understand there are gems in this game that you socket into your gear and then you're able to use them so glacial Hammer is an attack it's melee it's strike it's it's cold it's got the TXS the tags at the top and that's going to explain to you like how it works later on when we get a little bit better at the game the basic idea here is you want to take an attack and Link it to other gems to make it more powerful so the most powerful linking you can get in the game is a six link that will be one of your goals starting Path of Exile is getting like a six link body armor so you can absolutely dominate with your summon raging Spirits or your tornado shot or whatever it is that you're playing so obviously red sockets and red blue sockets and blue that makes sense and what you will notice in the guide here is the guide is going to be explaining to you exactly what you're going to be looking for at all times it's very easy to follow this guide if you go to the leveling Tab and by the way you can see how good good of how good of rankings the summon raging Spirit Guardian has difficulty very easy budget extremely low mapping excellent bossing good God the bosses that I did died instantly defense excellent so that's why this build is so good it's good at everything but anyway you go to the leveling Tab and right here this little thing has just about everything you need to succeed look how easy this is you start at level one and it's telling you well you're hoping to get rolling Max Ma and you're hoping to find Elemental proliferation and combustion and Link them together so if you find any item with blue blue blue then you're going to acquire these three gems and you're going to get them very early on and then you're going to use rolling magma which is your spell to crush everything however um when I played this um I used the holy flame totem with summon fantasm and that dominated for me I love if you can't tell from me talking about toxic rain I love just laying these totems and having them do all the work for me I found rolling magma to be a little bit clunky but people said it's the best option early game and they're smarter than me so I believe them but anyway the basic idea is is it shows you what kind of links you're looking for okay and these don't need to be linked to anything and then as you level up a little bit they'll change they'll say okay oh there's something that changed you might want to change your spells a little bit okay there's a change and you just keep leveling up like this then finally you're looking for a four link and now finally at this level we're using summon raging Spirit you'll find that's very common in many guides for example if you're playing lightning Arrow you might think that you will play Lightning Arrow from the beginning but actually they recommend playing rain of arrows for a very long time and then switching to lightning Arrow because rain of arrows is so strong early game okay so that's how the gems work you're going to be finding different gems and you're going to want to try to link them for more damage eventually you end up with a six link as you probably saw here this is the passive tree for Path of Exile it's a gigantic monstrosity and sitting here trying to understand it and Theory craft it is far beyond what a new player would be able to do so you just follow it just follow it and he's and subtract them who wrote the guide shout out to subtract them is going to guide you through exactly what you need to do just follow it step by step by step easy as can be down here it tells you when you're going to get all of the gems in act one in act one in act one in act one act one act one you notice you get them all very very early duh otherwise it wouldn't help you and then here are some important tips and tricks for the build guide and you might be like oh my God I don't want to read that there's really not much text at all this is all the tips and tricks for the entire campaign so if you read this it will teach you how to position stuff what to do look for this ring do that da da da d da it's worth the read trust me I didn't read it my first time and everyone told me asked me why I didn't and then I I regretted it so the leveling tab right here is going to have everything that you need okay so let me just show you some Basics here so we socketed this Gem and now we have racial Hammer then when you walk forward here I believe there's always a chest that's going to give you a support gem that's going to kind of teach you hey here's how you link something there it is oh you can't miss it it's going to be somewhere boom what a surprise it links perfectly with what I have and there we go and then you just you can map this to whatever skill you like big swing big swing dead another option that you have that I need to mention with any attack this is especially helpful for like the lightning Arrow Dead Eye is you can select attack without moving always so that means if you click it it's always going to stop and swing so you don't have to do that weird stutter stepping Force standstill stuff in Diablo you can actually select a skill to always attack if you click it stop and do it no matter what which is um something pretty excellent my opinion I wish Diablo had that one more thing I want to talk to you about it's a lot of talking right but one more thing flasks so there are a bunch of different kinds of flasks and these are going to as you probably guessed by the coloring these are going to recover your health and the Mana flasks are going to recover your Mana okay they're by default they're uh I think they're actually bound to 1 two 3 4 five qwt is over here I think I switched it um but anyway there are also a bunch of other flasks you will encounter along the way I wouldn't worry too much about that you could probably get by by just going with life and manif flast the entire time for your first playthrough one very nice one while leveling is Quicksilver every time you press it you run faster just helps you get from A to B that's a a favorite especially amongst the speedrunners and people that have played a lot let me tell you the basic idea of how to think about flasks so when you start to get different uh powers on them when you start to get magic flas that actually do something besides just you know restore your health the idea is to get different uh powers or affixes on them that will help you for example I might find a flask that says this grants you immunity to being frozen fine then when I'm looking for another life flask I would like it to have a different Power it might be immunity to bleeding or it might might be immunity to corrupted blood something like that that is something to keep in mind for your first playthrough try to get different flasks that give you different Buffs um and you might be wondering well when I use a flask how do I get the charges back you get the charges back by killing monsters so if you're fighting a boss and you're like running low on your flas and you're panicking one of the best things you can do is continue to hit the boss to hopefully you phase him so he summon some ads when you kill the ads you're going to get more flask charges and you get the idea one final thing I want to tell you right off the bat you might be like oh my God I got to use all of my skills over here and then I have all my flasks over here that I have to I'm essentially playing piano tiles over here while I'm playing a game over here this is already too complicated and it's not for me well I have fantastic news for you in the endgame you can actually craft your flas to AutoCast you can craft for example cast when charges are full and so the moment that you get full charges it'll just cast it for you doesn't work on every flask like health and Mana grinding gear games wants you to actually use those intelligently but for all the other ones like the evasion or the extra armor or the movement speed you can have those just AutoCast so actually as this zombie is going to try to kill me nice try um so that actually gets solved in the end game so if you're worried about that in the early game you can fix it later on all right we got our character created we've got our guide we got our loot filter let's talk strategy in the campaign let's talk some very basic hints that I think are going to help you so if you watch a speedrunner play Path of Exile they're going to just blast through the game they're going to skip everything they're only going to do very very specific quests here and there Farm XP at these perfect points they know all the layouts this is not us right we're brand new players it is perfectly fine to just kill the monsters that you see um it's a I think a good idea for your very first playthrough to do every single Quest yes I can make a checklist yeah do this Quest that Quest oh yeah you can skip this one do these five and these four no no don't do that one don't go to that zone that's confusing and it it's not fun just play the game you can do all the quests so here's what I do go go through act one and just play play play haha your quests your quest will show up here and then when you get to the very end then you can look at these little boxes on the ground and see if there are any quests left for example all these quests are done because they're great out but a dirty job it's telling me I have a quest over here so if I ported to the coast this little blue dot indicates that I've got the Waypoint i port here I run a little bit Northeast and then I run Northwest from there I should be in the right Zone to complete this Quest if I were you I would just do all of them when you finish the campaign you can double check your work you can do slash passives and make sure that the number to the left of all of these quests is not zero make sure that you got all of your passive points and you'll know that you did all of the critical quests the next thing that you are going to see is in the early game grinding gear games is not going to give you very many portal Scrolls or Scrolls of wisdom you're probably going to find way more items than you have Scrolls for so you're going to be you're going to be very frustrated and you're going to be like how in the world am I supposed to identify all this different stuffff um I I don't even know what to do with this gear there's a million little vendor trick recipes but one of them that you should know from the very beginning is if you vendor an orb of alteration it'll give you four Scrolls of wisdom do that four Scrolls boom and then you just like good old Diablo 2 days you right click it and you identify it and look we it's a good thing that we sold that because we just got the greatest stuff ever found in Path of Exile history in the event that you don't have an alteration and you don't have any Scrolls of wisdom don't overthink it just go to the vendor and just sell it all sell it all it's going to give you a bunch of little itty bitty currency it's fine go forward keep killing if you kill everything you will be very overleveled if you do all the quests once again you'll be overleveled you have some extra bonus items you'll get all the passive points everything will be feeling very very comfortable so one more trick that I want to show you is let's say you're out uh doing a quest here okay let's say I'm over here and I'm going this way okay I'm killing I'm killing I got to kill uh the great white shark okay uh there's the great white shark I killed him I want to go back to town now but grinding gear games is not being very generous you don't have a way to go back to town well one way is keep keep pressing forward and look for the next Waypoint but if you got to go back to town right now you can actually just hit Escape go to character selection just relog into your character and boom free Scroll of town portal here I am you won't have a way to get back exactly where you were or you can just go down here to the Waypoint and then pick up where you left off and keep going that's another huge hint when you don't have portal Scrolls just log out and you'll start in town uh so that's that's about it for the strategy feel free to do everything and now let's hit on some key points in the campaign that you must pay attention to all right let's talk about one of the most important things in the game your hideout this is where you're going to this is your nice warm comfy safe place that you're you're going to be using uh for 99% of your Path of Exile Journey so when you beat act two you're going to get a quest to go to your hideout and you're going to do some very basic things with it I think you're going to get your crafting bench it's one of the very first steps this crafting bench is absolutely Godly for you your hideout is not going to look like this because I have an amazing beautiful Hideout that I got from Hideout go here for most popular layout with no microtransactions for example and then you can download them here if you want a beautiful Hideout or maybe you're a you're an amazing designer and you can make it yourself and make it amazing but in the very beginning it's going to look like a pretty dull room um with uh nothing in it and there's little hideouts that you can unlock as you're going through the campaign so um when you get here to the crafting bench this thing is going to carry you now there's so many things and so many amazing tricks with the crafting bench but like I said going to get rid of 99% of everything and learn the most basic stuff in every single item there are an amount of prefixes and suffixes that you can have on it usually three prefixes and three suffixes I don't know if there's the possibility to have more I'm sure there's always crazy things in Path of Exile um but anyway when you're leveling up through the game there's two things that you want to focus on on just about every single character life and your resistances so when you're playing through the game you want your resistances not chaos when you go to when you press C and go to defense you want your fire cold and lightning to be 75 or even a little bit higher there's nothing wrong with that the entire time so when you pick up some loot or whatever and you've got some currency Beyond act two you might be wondering hm how can I get a Little Bit Stronger click on the Waypoint anywhere and at the bottom you click go to your hideout so here I am and then you go to wherever you place your crafting bench and then you throw something in there now if you have an open prefix it'll give you the choices that you can put on your gloves but maybe your prefixes are full and then maybe you can craft a suffix prefix is life suffixes are resistances this is almost always what you want to craft on your gear while you're leveling up um and another thing is you'll notice as you're running along through the campaign there's little crafting recipes that you can click on to unlock them for your bench make sure that you click them sometimes you'll see them on bosses or when you do the trials of a cency which is going to be the next Point um but it's a very good idea to come on here and craft life or resistances on everything and there's since there's different levels of all the different uh recipes you can always just craft the little baby ones you won't have very much currency for the campaign I have never found that you need anything more than the bare minimum but for example crafting and by the way there's a beautiful search bar here if you just craft you know the the bottom tier 20 fire reses that's going to make a huge difference for you if you're missing it so make sure you pay attention when you log when you uh unlock your hideout make sure that you understand that at any Waypoint you can just click go to your hideout like that if I think if you download awaken Poe trade you can also just press F5 to go to your hideout immediately as well I think you can also type slideout I believe um and go to your crafting bench life and resistances are absolutely your friend in Path of Exile there was one more thing in the campaign that is absolutely critical to understand and do as you move along and complete as quickly as you can and that is the trials of ascendancy so you can Ascend into your final form remember how in the beginning we said Rangers can level up into either dead eye or Pathfinder and how the Templars can level up into a guardian this is how you're going to do it so in certain uh areas you're going to say complete the trial of a sent tendy and essentially it's just going to lay a bunch of traps for you and see if you can figure out the little puzzle to get through it remember we're playing softcore here so it doesn't really matter even when I'm playing a baby character I always just find that just yoloing through it as fast as you possibly can works pretty much every time so if you just Rampage through it here and just go as fast as you can you should be able to win quite easily when you get to the end of it it's going to say hooray you did it and there's going to be six of them in the beginning then there's going to be three more to do the next level and then three more to do the final level in the campaign so what's going to happen is when you get to act three oh I don't have a I don't have a portal scroll so I could either Escape or we could press F5 or slash Hideout can't do that from here that's a w okay so we go escape log out we're going to use the trick in the guide boom incredible so when you get to act three oh perfect it put me here there's going to be a little board right here that's going to highlight green to show you which of them you've completed of the six in order to try the little Labyrinth to win so if you're missing any of them you could Mouse over this little circle and it would tell you which one you're missing but I've done them all I actually don't know why that one isn't highlighted maybe because this is my alt and what you're going to do is you're going to go in here and start the beginner Labyrinth that recommends level 33 and you're going to try to go through it there's going to be a bunch of little puzzles there for you to solve and you're going to have to fight the same boss three times when you kill him you're going to be able to get a bunch of rewards open some chest you're going to be able to level up a gem or do stuff like that um but you're finally going to be able to pick your ascendancy points so this should look familiar if you're going to play SRS Garden you can see I literally copied the same build guide and I absolutely dominated the game with him but this is uh the funniest thing ever when you complete every time you complete one of these Labs there's four of them three in the campaign and then one later on you get two points to put in to your ascendancy so you would pick your ascending to a guardian and then you get this little skill radiant Crusade grants level 20 summon Sentinel of Radiance the the proper name for this is butter bll boy now you get to summon butter boy and he obliterates the entire game for you and you can AFK the rest of the time so just to give you an example like obviously I'm I'm too powerful for this tier but let me just summon butterboy and do absolutely nothing but walk forward and I just want to show you how powerful he is this is what your leveling is going to be like for SRS Guardian once you beat the first Lab at level 33 okay butter boy there he is okay and you just walk there is a there is a skill that you will have that will recall him for you okay it's way easier when you have the recall and he burns everyone alive and kills them instantly I'm not I'm supposed to be playing summon raging Spirit you don't even need it this guy just walks forward and he tanks for you and he he gives you damage reduction and he burns everybody alive and the burn is screen wide this is what you get to look forward to the first time you beat the first lab you're going to get butter boy and he's going to carry you one massive hint and I messed this up on my second character don't do this when you get to the third lab you're going to get to the third lab about at the end of The Campaign when you fight the final boss make sure that you complete the lab before you kill the final boss the reason why is when you kill the final boss he lowers all of your resistances for the end game to get you ready for maps to you know make the game more challenging for you so if you kill him first then you have to do the the third lab with way less resistances it just makes it way harder so make sure that you do the third lab before you kill the final boss but once you get butter boy with SRS Guardian once you get this guy and you resummon him whatever every 20 seconds 30 seconds whatever it is and there's going to be a skill that you take that will let you teleport him to wherever you are you just Dash forward boom boom boom and then you just resummon him oh oh and everybody's dead that's how powerful it is make sure that you do the labs in the campaign and one more thing just in case you're having difficulty with the labs you probably already guessed Max roll has an entire guide on the labs it'll tell you exactly where all the trials are and explain where they are on the maps da da da da da it will explain all the different traps so if if you want to read further if you really want help and you can't get through the lab this will help you another thing is if the first lab says required level 33 you go at 33 and you just get destroyed that's okay go try go level up in act four keep leveling up a little bit go back when you're 35 go back when you're 40 that's fine but make sure you get it done as early as your character is able to because it has massive rewards all right we did it we learned about skills and flas we learned about the labs we learned about The Hideout and the crafting bench we love the crafting bench for the LA for the life and the resistances and we got our ascendancies and butter boy carried us through and we dominated and now we're finally in the endgame and we're ready for the fun part let's talk about a topic that's unfun though is that even a word unfun we're going to go escape options microtransaction shop remember Path of Exile is a free game and if you ask me grinding gear games is allowed to make money on their game if everything was just free then they would shut down and we wouldn't have a game to play so this supports them so we are going to go to the stash tab tab and I think you've got to buy three things to enjoy the game a lot of these will really help you but I think there's three of them that you should really consider purchasing if you made it this far and you're still enjoying the game the first thing that I would buy is the currency stash tab you're going to be finding so many currencies if you don't have a tab to keep them all organized your brain will explode speaking of brain exploding your brain will explode if you don't have the map stash tab if you're enjoying the game you're going to be getting so many Maps if you don't have this to organize them beautifully for you it's just not going to be fun the other thing that I would buy is a premium quad stash tab what a premium tab means is you can trade from it and trading is a huge part of Path of Exile and trading is actually a great way to learn a lot about the game about the different values it's also an amazing way to help enable you with different farming strategies so if you don't have a way to trade it's going to be very rough yes you could pay far far less to just upgrade a tab to a premium tab but these Tabs are much smaller having one gigantic one to trade out of should be enough and I believe 10 points is a dollar so if my math is right the total here is 3750 but there's no stash tab sales going on sometimes they have sales and actually it's almost Christmas so maybe there will be some I would buy currency map and premium quad that would be my recommendation for you if you would like to enjoy the game let me show you what they look like real quick so if I click on my map tab as we're going to explain how the maps work this is all the different levels of them and all the different ones and it organizes them beautifully for you the currency puts all of your currencies normal and exotic perfectly here just Stacks them all up and by the way if you're about to say that I'm poor I just bought five doctor cards okay maybe I am still poor but whatever and then uh what does a premium quad tab look like looks like this look at how much space we have to sell so much different stuff this should be good for you in order to play the endgame so if you've gotten this far I would highly encourage you to buy these because without those tabs it's going to be pretty rough all right now it's time to talk about mapping and you could probably make a 67 week video on just mapping but this is the beginner guide for beginners so again as promised I'm going to try to cut out 99% of it mapping this end game I think is one of the best end games ever released in an arpg maybe the best end game there's just so much to do here and so much to discover so uh let's go over the basic concept of the mapping system so there are maps from T1 all the way to t16 there's actually also t7 and maybe there's other crazy ones but this is the map of the 115 different maps you can think of it like Pokémon you want to catch them all you want to have it say 115 of 115 just like it does for me now once you achieve a certain Milestone all of them turn to level 16 Maps so you can run whatever one you want but that's not how it goes in the beginning usually it's like level ones then twos threes fours and it just spreads out right so you want to run all of the different maps and get the credit for it because every time you do that if it wasn't enough to have one giant passive tree that you don't understand that you're following a guide for how about another one M another tree brain exploded however this tree in my opinion is much easier to explain than the other one what this tree is is it's allowing you to go through all of the different League mechanics that Path of Exile has released over the years and has included in the game going forward and it lets you choose one or two of them that you really love to do and you can buff them tremendously and you can actually block all of the other ones so you can only focus on one or two things that you love doing it's it's a great system so if we zoom in here A bunch of the mechanics have different names and I could sit here and try to explain them all to you but that's where the head explosion comes in we're going to skip that but there is a mechanic called breach I just block breach your maps have no breaches 2% chance to have something else okay uh abysses nope gone oh Expedition I did Expedition on my toxic rain I loved Expedition by the way gone oh uh sacred grove which I believe is Harvest gone uh ritual gone uh blight gone uh ultimate him gone uh con Rogue markers contracts blueprints gone I blocked them all because I'm doing Legion Legion is a simple concept kill all the monsters once and then kill them again that's what I'm doing on Lightning Arrow it lightning arrow and tornado shot are Godly for Legion because Legion spawns a giant mass of monsters that you have to kill twice in a huge radius that's what that's what tornado shots good at but SRS Guardian what you might be playing that's not what it's good at it's good at very methodical game playay like sanctum for example and people are saying that it's a turning out to be a very good bosser as well so the basic idea is is you're completing the maps in order to get points to spec into this tree and eventually what you will do is you will block all the stuff that you don't like once you've try it at all and then you will heavily invest in the stuff that you do like and you'll run that over and over to make your currency then you will trade stuff make some money and then buy the big ticket items that you really like all right right um so there is one thing to understand about completing the maps so they're level 1 to 16 if we go to the map tab notice how 1 through five are colored white and they're also white on the picture whenever you complete a white map it will only count if the Rarity is blue or higher so for example if I have this core map it's a white map you can tell it's white because the the symbol is white and also because it's level two if I just plug this in my map device and I run it I will not get credit for it because it's not at least a blue map so you go to your little currency tab you put your map in here and this is where some of this little baby currency that you've been picking up through the campaign you're going to use it so this orbit transmutation says it makes a nor normal item magic item oops and then we just use it on the map boom and now it's blue and now we can run it be aware though it's going to give the monsters some powers and it's going to give you some better items but sometimes it's going to give you a terrible AIX that you cannot run it might be reflect damage back at you and that might one-hot you in that case not I wouldn't do this for the lowlevel m but for the higher tier maps you can scour it which just says removes all modifiers brings it back to a white tier and then you can just try it again H the fact that my thing is public is annoying me because it's trying to sell my stuff instead of use it okay and then oh this one looks pretty easy then we could run that okay so one through five they've got to be at least blue they could also be yellow as well from 6 to 10 you need to make them yellow for them to count so if I get so all those will work if I get this one bog level seven you see how the symbol is yellow now I know it's got to be yellow for it for me to get credit go back to your currency tab throw it in and this time we're going to use orbs of alchemy uh take out an orb of alchemy here we go and make it yellow check to make sure it doesn't have the nasty reflect that you can't run perfect I can run this one now we will get credit for it and then finally for the last here the red ones you got to do something even further got to go even further Beyond Goku's style first you have to make it yellow okay that that looks nasty and then you have to corrupt it corruption is topic for another day but you need to know this if you get this far so you got to use a vow orb and you have to corrupt it when you corrupt something you never know what what going to happen nothing could happen it could completely change all the modifiers it could uh change it to a completely different map yeah I don't know boom okay it looks like it changed all the modifiers and it put Monster reflect damage rip you can't scour a corrupted item so I can't uh I can't use that trick anymore so now this map is pretty much bricked if can't run the monsters reflect 18% of physical damage so it gets a little harder to get the completion for the other maps not to mention the maps themselves are naturally harder and usually have much more deadly affixes but if you're playing SRS Guardian I think you'll be just fine butter boy will will help you with the little um summon raging Spirits I think you'll be fine you'll be nice and tanky not going to be the fastest mapper but you'll be fine lightning Arrow you will die 974 times but you will probably eventually win but yeah all you do is punch the maps into this device and then it opens six portals so you got six tries and you just try to get to the end and kill the boss that's all it is it's pretty simple so but you must understand one more time just for reinforcement one through five if got to be blue you can use an orb of transmutation not have to remember you mean you can just read what the currency does this is just the basic currency right here um for uh 6 through 10 it's got to be used an Alchemy orb and then from all the way up from uh 11 to 16 you need to Al it and then you need to use a Val orb and just send it and pray that the corruption keeps the map that you originally had a rnid nest and hopefully you don't get uh the reflect on there you can just hold control and left click to put everything back back into your stash by the way one thing I absolutely need to point out to you is when you buy these tabs you should set their affinities you right click on it and you put the Affinity as currency that means when you control left click into your stash if it recognizes it as a currency it will autofill it in for you if you don't pick that it's just going to vomit it into a tab randomly so when you get your currency set the Affinity to currency if you buy that Tab and when you buy the map tab right click it set the Affinity to the map thing so glad I remember that I would have been very upset if I forgot to tell you that there are two more things I want to show you and then we can finally wrap up this video man I said I was going to cut out 99% of the stuff but I feel like this video is getting too long and people are going to be sad so what you may be wondering is wait a minute Rax you forgot something what am I supposed to do what currency farming strategy am I supposed to use here are the different ones that you can do as a starter and here's what you can use in the end game I'm doing Legion I absolutely love it I've done Expedition as well I don't know where Expedition is but I absolutely love that one as well but the one I would recommend for you is League start ALK and go so uh grimro by the way shout out to grimro he's probably one of the best currency Farmers ever in path of exile's History um it's super easy it's it requires you to invest literally nothing and it requires you to manage nothing so essentially all you do is what I already described to you what you do is you use an Alchemy orb on your Maps then you just go clear it and that's pretty much it and uh there's a nice little setup here with a tree if you click the little cross in the top right here will show you how to path through it use the arrows at the top it's going to show you like some key nodes like shaping the skies and shaping the mountains and how to path through and it essentially is just going to make your Maps better instead of doing that more advanced strategy of block this block that block this go really ham into this that this is just buffing your Maps nice and easy so you'll probably see a lot of different leak mechanics as you do this going through your Maps and uh you'll be able to pick up on some of the things that you may and may not like I'll give you a warning whenever you do any League mechanic the the blight Tower Defense uh the delirium mirror which I call Gray peacock it's it's a giant gray peacock um whether you try sanctum or when you you know ultimatum whatever you try it's probably not going to go very well and you're probably going to be confused and that's okay don't let that discourage you you're supposed to be confused just kind of mess around with it and just see oh I kind of like fighting in the Gladiator Arena oh I really like picking the flowers and harvest oh I really like uh the legion thing killing all the enemies and then killing them all again haha I killed you twice haha you know whatever um then after you use this basic strategy then you could go into one of the endgame strategies they're all listed here and they'll teach you exactly how to do it in the best way and then you can make a million doll one final thing that I want to tell you which I hope will make you feel a million times better about the game maybe I should have put it earlier in the video you don't really have to know everything's value everything's worth how everything works in order to make a profit in this game and how do you do that it's with that very first thing that we started off with at the beginning of the video the awakened Poe trade so I have this turned on right now so let's say a oh I run a map and uh I don't know I get um I get this this this uh uh and this and this okay that that those are the items that I found all you have to do is hold control and press D and it's going to tell you how Val how valuable it is so if you look at the bottom it says I'm holding control by the way to Mouse over Mouse over here hold control press d continue to hold control you have 10 of these they're worth 15 chaos orbs chaos orb for lack of a better word is like finding a $1 bill on the ground it's the basic currency of Path of Exile and then a Divine orb right now is like finding two $100 bills it's like 200 chaos for a divine right now roughly at the top left you can see it's actually 190 for a Divine anyway this will give you the most rough estimate of what it's worth you got 10 of those it's worth about 15 chos so then remember the premium tab that you had you could go throw it in there this isn't a premium one here's a giant premium one and I could say right click it and I say the exact price I want you to pay me 15 chaos orbs divided by 10 of them the first is the currency that you are willing to pay or they're going to pay you and then the 10 is how many you have 15 for 10 fair trade and then you just go play then people will whisper you I would like to buy this they come to your hideout you initiate the trade with them you right click their portrait you trade it to them they give you 15 chaos let's try another one impale support you want to do you think that I know how much a level one with 18 quality impale support is worth I got no clue I'll be honest with you I don't even know what impale support does if someone gave me a million I don't know it impales stuff supports and attack and impales I don't know doesn't matter control D it's worth five chaos six chaos and you can look at how long they listed it a trick if you get something very valuable sometimes people will try to trick you and they will put they will put like 10 copies of it for very very cheap but it's actually a super expensive item because they're banking on you looking at the top looking at the top uh listings just undercutting them by one and then they'll buy it instantly and you just lost a ton of money one way you can tell that is if it was uploaded 10 days ago well they had no intention of ever selling it because uh no one ever bought it even though it's the cheapest one so maybe they're trying to price fix it you can also click on the trade site and go to the trade site this is something you should get familiar with as well and you might say oh okay but what if I leveled it all the way to 20 and I got it to the maximum quality what if I got it to 20 quality and the sorry I'm losing my voice the gem level was 20 search now it's wor 27 and you can do the math and be like well do I want to use the currency to make it 20 and spend the time to level it to level 20 maybe you do or maybe you don't the answer is you don't but that's the idea you can also use the trade to buy things for example like the best uh belt in the game is head Hunter so you say Okay I want a head hunter how much is it oh 190 divines this is where you realize you will never be able to afford a Head Hunter and that's when you shut off Path of Exile and you go play Mario Kart instead just kidding we don't act that way we're going to farm 190 Divine orbs and we're going to buy the Head Hunter if you don't want a specific unique you could be like okay hey I'm just starting my SRS character and I'm dying a lot so can I just get um you can type here can I get a pair of boots and let's see type A the tild day to the left of the one uh Till by the way not squiggly okay squiggly that's fine and type in life I want say Okay I want boots with uh 80 life and uh I would like Elemental resistances because my resistances suck they're not capped so I would like boots with at least 70 resistances and uh I'm sick of moving slow so movement speed uh I want them to be 30% search it's going to have the cheapest one for three chaos you can have an 88 life 42 dual res and 30% move speed boots for three chaos orbs okay you click the whisper it will whisper them they're going to invite you you click in the top left go to their hideout with the with three chaos orbs trade it to them you get your boots now you can live okay you can look at the trade site that's how it works but I wanted to include those two things use the Al and go League starter it helps you with maps and be aware of the trading thing with the awakened Poe trade you can price anything with control D let me show you one more thing okay sorry this is may be a little bit more of an advanced thing uh but I want to show this to you okay here for example sometimes you will your loot filter will show you uh a special item let me go to uh let me go to a different area so you can see it and you see how that's it's weird it's like green it's got weird coloring to it what this is is it's a fractured item now this you got to check it a different way fractured item just has like this guaranteed stat that's going to be there forever and 89 life is very juicy if you hold alt you can see it's tier 2 tier one is the best so it almost it has the maximum role of the second best tier okay so how would I price this same thing as always control D okay now this this is confusing it's looking at all the stats on it this is confusing I but for a fractured item click base item base item I want to know how expensive is this base item because people will Craft on it that will give me an accurate estimation of what it's worth this is posting it for five that's that's you you see it's like stupid like not worth five but I could probably get 20 25 30 chos for it okay another trick that way when you see this you're like what's this weird thing I don't know it's a fractured mod control D look at the base item it's that 89 life that makes it valuable general rule of thumb if you hold alt on a fractured item and it's not T3 or better it's usually dog little hint this is getting too advanced this is the beginner video and somehow we're talking about fractured items there's a lot of things I can teach you but not in this video so uh let's let's wrap it up here real quick summary here um when you're going to play Poe it's a free game make sure you have a guide make sure you have a loot filter make sure you have awaken Poe trade we looked at how to create a character and put it on the Affliction leag you can actually do the League mechanic we didn't even talk about the league mechanic but you go down in a hole and you collect Wisp and it makes your map way harder for higher rewards that's there we go there's the explanation there um the skill gems are going to link together in your gear remember you don't have to don't don't try to Theory craft that don't try to Theory craft your atlas tree either your Atlas Tre either you won't be able to use the guide for your first build then you can start Theory crafting later make sure that you know the little tricks if you run out of wisdoms sell the orbs get the wisdoms if you run out of portal Scrolls remember you can just escape and log out and log right back in you'll be back in town make sure you get your hideout your crafting bench life and resistances are your friend make sure that you do your trials and make sure that you do the lab you get butter boy it's over you won summon butter boy run forward read the guide it will explain it you win um in the endgame the map device it's Pokemon to get your points 1 through five blue 6 through 10 yellow 11 through 16 yellow and then corrupted um and then use the alen go League starter from maxr it's going to buff your Maps take a look at the different mechanics try to sort of learn them you will be confused that's normal don't get overwhelmed and you're confused microtransactions premium quad tab map tab currency tab set the affinities right click set the affinities you don't need to know what anything's worth awen Poe trade control D and it will roughly tell you how to use it use the poe trade site to search for some cheap gear especially a couple of weeks into the season it's going to be very cheap and if you see weird stuff fractured items search for the base item and don't let people trick you don't if you see the cop Topp a cop top couple of items man I can't even speak anymore that are way too low then you know that someone's probably trying to trick you and then just have fun with it um I do have one question before I sign off here I would really appreciate your honest feedback to this video if you have time throw me a comment I will read them what did you think did did this help you at all did this uh help explain the game does this make you want to try the game does it make you not want to try the game does it seem overwhelming um I will read your feedback if you have it for me and we'll see if I should be making more guides on this game or not but I hope that you found this digestible and not overwhelming and gives you the motivation to log in and give Path of Exile try if you have a lot of time on your hands and you like to really invest into a game I think this is going to be very rewarding for you thank you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 220,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diablo, Diablo 4, Diablo IV, Barbasrian, Necromancer, Rogue, Sorcerer, Druid, Mephisto, Lilith, Uber Lilith, Helltide, Nightmare Dungeons, World Boss, Last Epoch, LE, POE, POE 2, Path of Exile, Path of Exile 2, Duriel, Maxroll, Youtube, Guide, Walkthrough, Build Guides, Tier List, ARPG, MMO, Tierlist, Gauntlet, Twitch, Raxx, Rax, Raxxanterax, Monolith, Sentinel, Mage, Primalist, Acolyte, Diablo 4 Guide, Diablo 4 Builds, Ashava, Avarice, Wandering Death, Echo of Varshan, Grigorie, Lord Zir, The Beast in Ice
Id: 3FHpBinhnDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 20sec (3680 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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