New To DCS World | So you want to be a fighter pilot? #DCSworld

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welcome back alrighty in today's video we're going to be running through the roadmap for learning a module and learning that is not what you would really expect so let's cover this thing straight off the bat okay to save you a lot of time and effort and pain and frustration first and foremost if you don't have the time or the patience to commit to learning the basic fundamentals of your module that you've just purchased you should honestly reconsider getting into dcs in the first place and go with a more casual level flight sim such as war thunder ace combat or armor or something like that okay the reason for this is you will not enjoy the game and you most probably become frustrated and quit because you keep dying to things you're unable to blow targets up or complete missions because you didn't want to learn the basics before the more advanced you're looking at potentially hundreds of hours of practice to master these basic steps in order to be combat mission ready so if you're still listening after that truth bomb then these are the steps and sequences i would recommend you to follow to become competent at your chosen module alright so the first important call is the keybinds so you're going to need to obviously bind the controls in your module to your hotas or whatever you're using to fly and i would definitely uh recommend if you haven't already check out my uh welcome to dcs video i'll put the link in the description uh check that out and it's going to give you a heads up on kind of the the hotes and peripherals and all the stuff that you'd kind of want to get your hands on before you kind of deep dive into dcs but it's going to assume that you've watched that or you know what you're doing in terms of you've got yourself set up and you can you're ready to start getting into your first module and you're going to start with the keyboard so you're going to go into the keybinds area and you're going to bind everything that is flight control related so you're going to bind your pitch you're going to bind roll you're going to bind your okay you're going to bind your flaps throttles speed break if applicable notable steering landing gear external lighting if required wheel breaks trim hats pretty much anything related to basic flight is what you want to bind what you don't want to bind is the gun trigger weapon release button radars on and off anything that isn't directly related to basic flight is just going to be a temptation or a distraction to you at this time that you don't need to worry about okay trust me all you're going to do if you start trying to bomb stuff and shoot stuff down straight away is you're going to hinder your your development as a dcs pilot and you're going to put yourself further and further behind where you could actually be if you actually concentrate on this stuff properly alrighty now that you have bound your flight controls okay you're going to have to do another thing now you're going to go into your axis commands or axis curves and you're going to go into set axis curves for your pitch your roll and your your rudder pedals i would recommend starting with a an axis curve of 20 to 25 somewhere in it i'd go if you're brand new to dcs go 25 if you've flown you know flight sims before a little bit go with 20. okay even if you think you know what you're doing put a 20. okay trust me it's going to make your life a whole lot easier when you're first starting out once you have spent some time in the sam you actually understand what's happening and all the rest of it then you can worry about going a lower number okay but you want to set your axis curves your user curves to uh 20 to 25 all right and then you can adjust them later on down the track when you get a bit of a feel for your aircraft alrighty so now that you've bound your controls all right it's time to start getting yourself familiar with your aircraft okay your module so you want to either start reading or watching or both the cold start procedure for your module okay so youtube really good for uh tutorials chuck's guide if you haven't checked out chuck's guide is definitely worth a uh worth of google and you've also got the actual dcs flight manual that comes with the module you can have a read of that as well but uh depending on how you you learn best okay some people learn better by reading about it some people learn better by watching it and then some people learn from a combo of the both okay two things so start doing some some research find yourself a video or a procedure on how to cold start the jet from there you're going to start practicing your cold or practicing cold starting of your aircraft right so you've just paid good money for a full fidelity aircraft so you may as well learn how it fully works and not be lazy don't be a dirty hot starter okay starting up the aircraft from scratch and learning where all the buttons is is going to help you later on down the track when you're being um starting to learn how weapon systems work radar stuff because you're going to know where the button is because you turned it on and off yourself okay you're familiarizing yourself with the cockpit by learning how to do a cold start so you're going to keep practicing your aircraft cold starts until you can do it without looking at a checklist okay alrighty so next step in the road map would be learning how to actually taxi your aircraft or module around an airfield so if you have bought for example the f-18 hornet or the f-14 tomcat don't start on the aircraft carrier yes i know it's cool and i know that it's not what you want to hear but you want to just practice on an airfield okay when an actual pilot gets sent to flight training they don't start learning on an aircraft carrier they learn on a on an actual airfield okay so if it's good enough for the real guys it's good enough for you as well so despawn yourself off the aircraft carrier you'll come back to that in a little bit i promise put yourself on an airfield do your cold start there and then just practice taxing around on the tarmac getting used to your nosal steering your rudder pedals and all the rest of it make sure that you are comfortable taxing your aircraft around okay so once you are comfortable and feeling okay with taxing your aircraft you've gotten used to the rudder pedals or your nose will steering how much pressure you have to put on the pedals and all the rest of it to steer and not go off the other runway and using your throttle and all the rest of stuff you're ready to start getting ready for the next step which is taking off and landing so you're going to start again searching on youtube find videos that uh show you how to take off show you how to land for the module that you're flying and things you want to take note of are airspeed for your flaps and gears because you can overspeed them and break them so you want to take notice of the airspeed that your flaps and landing gear can be raised and lowered aircraft configuration so if you need to rest the hooks if you need flaps to a certain setting all that kind of stuff for both takeoff and landing because for a lot of the modules the takeoff configuration is different to the landing configuration so you're going to need to learn both of those so again do your research go to chuck's guides go to the youtube videos start watching it and start familiarizing yourself because once you have had a bit of a read and had a bit of a uh a bit of a watch of some videos you are now going to taxi your aircraft out onto the airfield and practice some basic flight characteristics now when you actually get airborne okay you want to stay within visual range of the airfield you took off from because you're not going to know how to find your way back if you fly ages away so stay within visual range of the airfield so you can come back and practice your landings all right so once you are happy with the basic flight handling you've got a feel for you know how sensitive the joystick is when you you uh roll the aircraft you know the aircraft up and down using pitch or you keep the rudder pedals in have a play around with all that stuff and make yourself comfortable with it okay how far do you have to push the stick for it to turn a certain amount of degrees how much how sensitive is the throttle settings all those things you're going to need to have a play around with and get get a feel for okay once you have done that and you're feeling okay that you can fly around and not crash in the ground you're then going to start getting yourself organized and start practicing some touch and go so touch and go if you don't know what that is is you come in for a landing you touch down on the airfield and then you take off again put your landing gear up circle back around and then just keep practicing so you just you're doing a landing without actually stopping all right and what you're going to do on that is goal number one is your first goal is to not crash and die okay and it's going to be sketchy okay you're going to be all over the shop you're probably going to spear in and crash and be a big smoking hole if that's the case it's all good jump in another aircraft re-slot and then go through it all again do your aircraft cold start taxi out onto your runway take off have a bit of a fly around and come back and have another go at landing every time that you die is a learning experience for you to practice the stuff that you didn't die on before okay so you're reinforcing good habits for the stuff that you didn't die on okay so the next step in your journey to becoming competent is once you're able to successfully take off and land without any issues so you're not smashing the landing gear in and requiring a repair or flat out just crashing the aircraft into the ground you're not over stressing anything when you're taking off by leaving the gear and flaps down any other stuff so soon as you can take off and land successfully and your aircraft is still serviceable and air worthy when you put it back on the ground you're ready to start moving on to the next little phase so now you're going to start looking at the communications menu dcs so keybinds for your radios in the aircraft and buying them as required and then start looking at getting your atc air traffic control com so calling up the uh the radio frequency for the actual airfield that you're at and using the the comms to contact the airfield and say that you are you know requesting takeoff and requesting uh landing the reason for that is because if you are flying in a dusk or nighttime sortie and you don't radio in the airfield they will not put the lights on you won't be able to see so you've got a radio in to get them to turn the lights on so it's always a good habit to get and get into to call the the tower of the airfield that you're landing at or the carrier so that they turn their lights on for you at night time all right so once you have figured out how to use the radios the next step is how to enter in waypoints or data into your aircraft if it is applicable so if you've purchased a module that you can actually manually enter in waypoints on the fly that you don't need waypoint set by the mission editor so more of the modern aircraft you're going to be able to do this you're going to again do your research find some videos look at chuck's guides and learn how to input data into your aircraft to put a waypoint in okay waypoints is what you want to start learning at on the next step how do you enter a waypoint how can you edit the waypoint or delete the waypoint from your aircraft module you've selected once you uh while you're working on that also familiarize yourself with takan okay taken which is a navigation system as well that some airfields are fitted with and if you're going to be doing carrier ops or aerial refueling you're going to have to know how to use the tac end so that is the next thing you need to familiarize yourself with as well tak in plus data entry for waypoints all righty so once you are competent and you're confident that you can enter a waypoint and you know how to edit and change it if you enter it wrong what you're going to do now is you're going to open up the f10 map and just have a look around and just copy down some waypoint information so if you're not sure on how to use the f10 map again do some research and learn how to use the f10 map all right there's plenty of guides and stuff out there learn how to use the f10 map get some waypoints write down the coordinates and then you're going to enter those coordinates in to your aircraft and then fly that flight plan okay so fly from you know pick a few waypoints out and then what i want you to do as well is also pick an airfield so if you're on the caucus map which you most probably are because you've only got the one map so far if you're on the caucasus map choose an airfield that has got attack in uh some of them off the top of my head are batumi and kobaletti those two definitely have takens so find the attack in or an airfield that has attack in and you're going to tune in to that tachyon beacon and then use that to navigate to an airfield when you finish flying your waypoints all right this is going to be like a consolidation flight on in dcs world and if you want to know kind of how that would all go together i'll put a little pop-up on the video right now of my consolidation flight in the f-18 hornet where you pretty much cover the basics of all this stuff and yeah you can fly it along to from one of uh the feedback i've gotten from the video very very helpful it is tailored at the f-18 hornet but you can most certainly fly other modules and kind of follow along at the same time alrighty so the next piece of your competent aviator puzzle is now that you've gotten takeoffs you've gotten landings you've gotten waypoint navigation you've got radios down you've got taken navigation down it's now time to actually start learning the proper procedures for taking off and landing as per the book okay so we're pretty uh loose on the rule with um your altitudes and all that kind of stuff so if you haven't already start having a watch of videos on how to do a and a correct airfield landing all right so you come in the the correct altitudes the correct air speeds you do your turns you familiarize yourself with you know the uh the upwind leg the downwind leg finals all the abbreviations and terminology there's plenty of videos out there on on those from yourself right familiarize yourself with those as well as if you are flying a carrier capable aircraft all right start having a read and having a watch of case one recoveries and case or and uh carrier cat shots okay launching off the catapults the correct the correct thing you're supposed to do okay not just take off and fly because if you are going to be flying on a multiplayer server at some point in in time or even you're going to be flying an in-depth mission from a campaign you run the risk of if you just do whatever you want you run the risk of having a midair with another person or an ai aircraft because you didn't follow the actual procedures that are in place righto so once you have finally mastered aircraft startup aircraft tucks aircraft taxi aircraft takeoff from both a uh an airfield on land and an aircraft carrier with the correct procedures as well as landing correctly with correct procedures on an airfield and or the aircraft carrier you are now ready to start the next challenge okay so you should have all the previous points that i have detailed below be competent at them and when i mean competent i mean you don't need to refer to a video or a uh a guide to do said task okay it should be you should have done it enough by now that it's kind of um committed to your memory and you can do all that stuff so like waypoint entry updating attackings tuning and radio frequencies flying correctly all that stuff you should have that down if you've got all that stuff down from that point from this point uh back to the start of the video your next challenge is to start working on formation flying right or if your aircraft has got uh aero refueling capabilities it's time to start learning how to aero refuel okay so plenty of videos again on tips and tricks for error refueling this is going to be painful heads up straight away you're going to you're going to rage at this you're going to it's going to be a rough ride for you when you first start and this is where the axis curves are going to come in so if you didn't change your axis curves and you went nah i'm just going to leave them at zero you are going to struggle big time on this next step so if you haven't make sure you go and change your access curves to 20 to 25 okay 20 to 25 on roll pitch and your for your formation error refuel training and you're gonna practice okay so if you have a a aircraft that is capable of doing in-flight refueling you're going to practice doing aero refuels if you have a aircraft that doesn't have air refueling capabilities you are going to practice flying formation off of a tanker or another aircraft so just put a tanker or another aircraft in the mission editor or in your mission or just jump on a multiplayer server and just pick a pick a plane and just fly near it okay and your goal is to fly formation now if you're doing air refueling if you can successfully aero refuel you can successfully fly formation off of an aircraft because that is all aero refueling is it's formation flying that is it so if you can error refuel no dramas you also buy a byproduct of that can fly formation at the same time well done all right so we're almost there guys you're almost at the level that you need to be to be actually useful in missions so once you can do all of the above steps procedures successfully and competently you know how to do it without looking at videos or chuck's guides or your own little notes you can kind of do it all by yourself now you are now mission capable and have the basic skills required to be useful in a flight with your mates or in a uh a multiplayer server you can keep yourself alive and you're not going to die once you're at this stage this is when you should actually start looking at learning how to do you know the weapon systems like learning how to use the radar learning how to drop bombs learning how to shoot missiles this is the point you should have all this other stuff that i've talked about beforehand that should be already established okay because remember this is the proper way you should learn how to fly an aircraft right because remember the the real fighter pilots they don't rock up on their first day of flight training it's like all right guys we're taking off from an aircraft carrier we're going to go and do a bvr you know shoot am-rams at each other and then we're going to go do some error refueling we're going to go and drop some bombs on a target using j dams and laser guided bombs with a jtac and then we're gonna rtb back to the boat and we're gonna do a case free recovery all on your first set they're not gonna do that okay you're gonna start off with the basics of how do you start the aircraft up how do you turn the radio on how do you do a taxi how do you turn your nose with steering on are your brakes you know all that stuff you need to learn all the basic stuff before you worry about dropping bombs on things all of the above skills are going to take you hours if not hundreds of hours to get good at so remember if you try to sprint before you've learned how to crawl you're setting yourself up for a bad time okay think of it as building blocks okay you've got to learn how to crawl first once you learn how to crawl then you start walking once you learn how to walk then you start jogging once you can jog then you start running once you start running then you can start sprinting okay you don't just go from being born as a kid to sprinting 100 meters at the olympic finals that doesn't happen you've got a there's progressions that you need to do and i know it's probably not what you want to hear but i promise you if you do the above steps that i've just gone through and you follow them and you stick to that you're going to learn your aircraft and your module way quicker than someone who's just all over the shop trying to blow stuff up and shoot things before they're ready for it you will go you'll get to that point and be confident before they ever will be they'll probably quit and never play dcs again and you'll actually be enjoying it and love in life right guys that's enough rambling from myself so i hope you enjoyed the video and again i apologize if that's not what you wanted to hear which let's be honest for most of you you're probably just your eyes glazed over and went oh my god do i really want to learn how to do all this stuff but i promise you okay this is speaking from someone who's been in your shoes and is thinking the exact same thing that you're doing of oh i'll just put some missiles on and just go and try and blow something up all right you're gonna suck and you're gonna die and you're gonna get frustrated and then eventually you're gonna get to the point where you're back at this video making your way through these steps okay so save yourself a whole lot of heartache and pain and suffering and just start doing this stuff i promise you that it will work a hundred percent i'll bet both my balls on it that you will get better way faster than if you just have a crack and try to drop bombs and shoot stuff straight off the bat without learning any of the basic fundamentals of your aircraft module oh okay so thank you guys thanks for sticking that one out if you enjoyed the video make sure you hit the like button it helps the channel out a bunch if you think that's a new player to dcs or one of your friends who's being stubborn and needs to hear it from someone else besides you would uh benefit from seeing this video share it with your friends um you know spread the love of the correct way to do things you know the old saying aviate navigate communicate it's a saying for a reason because it's true um but yeah anyways guys so thank you like the video share it with your mates um and if you haven't already and you enjoyed the content you enjoy the channel i really appreciate if you hit the big red subscribe button for me you're almost at 4 000 subscribers which is absolutely crazy so thank you to everyone that has subscribed already and if you just hit the subscribe button thank you legend i really do appreciate all of you guys for uh you know dropping comments leaving likes watching the videos it um it's crazy okay absolutely humbling so yeah thank you guys and i'll leave it there and i'll catch you guys in the next one see you later
Channel: TorniQuetHD
Views: 24,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TorniQuetHD, tips and tricks, Military Simulation, Milsim, DCS World, F18, dcs world, dcs, Mission making, dcs mission making, dcs mission editor, dcs editor, tutorial, top tips, DCS Sortie, F16, A10C, JF-17, SU-27, SU-25, F14, Tomcat, Hornet, Warthog, Viper, AV-8B, Harrier, DCS Liberation, DCS Liberation Dynamic Campaign, DCS 2.5.7, TOPGUN 2, Maverick & Goose, New To DCS World | So you want to be a fighter pilot? #DCSworld, DCS zero to hero, How do i get better at dcs?
Id: yB9HKleqj3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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