Su-25T Frogfoot FREE DCS tutorial series | Stepping it up a notch #dcs #su25T #frogfoot

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[Music] welcome back alrighty in this video we're going to be continuing on with the su 25 tango beginners tutorial series on starting from scratch from dcs world so in the previous two videos hopefully you've watched both of those so we went through keybinds you're going to need to for basic flight and we did a taxi we took off and we practiced some landings this video we're going to start working on navigation and actually trying to use the systems on how to navigate and land safely at airfields in pretty rubbish weather as well as night time or you can just use it whenever you feel like it so before we get into that though i found another really really really useful uh bit of documentation i'm just going to quickly save this into my my bookmarks because i will put the link in the description to this in the description below the link to this uh this download and you're gonna copy exactly what i'm about to do so you're gonna click on the download okay click on this download button right here and once you've done that it's going to bring up your you'll extract the folder it's called su-25t underscore documentation and you've got all this stuff here i'll just make this size large icons all right so what you are going to do is you're going to copy some things here so you're going to left click on one okay so we want to copy we don't need the airport ids because we've already got those in remember we've already got airport our ids are already in your new kneeboard so you're going to be adding some stuff to your knee board it's going to make life a lot easier there's also a pdf here if you want to use it on your your ipad or a tablet instead of having it on your knee board you can put it on there we're going to copy these into the knee board in the game so we're going to click on cockpit instruments we're going to hold uh control and click on ordnance bombs part one ordnance bombs parts to ordnance missiles ordnance pods and aaa ordnance rockets rwa sam nato sam rusher i'm going to copy all of those you know right control i say right click and select copy and then you're going to go to your dcs or your username save games dcs open beta i would recommend pinning it all right because you're going to be going to this a lot adding things and looking at stuff and you're going to come into your knee board folder that we went through on the other video you're going to select on su 25 t and we're going to paste these in paste all right so they're all in so how you see this if you go sort by name in alphabetical order this is the order that they will show up when you cycle through the knee boards all right so what we're going to do is i'm going to change the names of these things so it's in an order that i want them to be so we're going to change this guy here we're just going to call it 0 1 this one will be zero two zero three zero four zero five zero six so that's all of my uh my airfields will be first because i want that information there um then what we will do next let's go [Music] and you can put these in whatever order you want so i want the uh the sams the sam descriptions the pictures and their ranges and all the rest and that is my next one so we're going to go rename come on okay and this is going to be we'll continue on so zero seven zero eight and then we want cockpit instruments um i mean we could probably put that that uh at the front if we really wanted not too fast on the cockpit instruments though it's just a little bit of an in a bit of a a picture with numbers pointing to what stuff is in the cockpit so if you want to see that stuff you can have it in there so we're going to go from here we've got our sams we're going to go 0 9 10 11. um we're gonna make this one 13 this one will be 12 and then that'll do we'll leave cockpit and so we'll name this 14 and 15. all right so there we go so that's the order they're going to be in the kneeboard when you're cycling through when you press the button we'll have our airfields first then our sam descriptions then we've got all of our weapon loadout so this the weapon load that's going to be important for you because you're not going to know what is what it's going to give you a description in there so if i just open this up here you can see it's going to tell you the weapon the name the type gives you a description because it's you know you're brand new you want to know what stuff does what is going to make your life easier so you're going to put that in so we've again in the dcs sorry your username save games folder dcs open beta or release whatever when you're running the knee boards and the su-25 you're going to copy those in and then you can change the name so that they're in a specific order that you would like them to be in so if you don't want the airfields at the front if you want the airfields at the back and you want to have the weapons information in the front just order them in the appropriate number okay and that's it done and done let's fire up deuce yes and we're going to have a crack at doing some navigation alrighty guys so here we are we are in the the mission here or the uh sorry dcs world on the main menu and we're going to come over so again we're just going to continue on exactly where we left off from the the previous video so if you've followed along from the very very very first video of this series you should have a mission already saved called su-25t beginners or whatever you called it okay you should have that mission saved so you're going to open that mission back up all right so again if you're like well we'll slow down on the main menu you're going to come to mission editor click on that go to open mission and then the saved mission that we just used before to do our a bit of a fly around and practice with our key bars and all the rest it should already be in there you're going to click on it you're going to press ok and it's going to load it up in the mission editor we're going to add some things to this now and do it together so you guys can uh can have a play around all right so what we're going to do we're going to click on our little aircraft okay so we've got an airplane group it's called aerial one it's exactly where we left it so what you're going to do now is we're going to add some waypoints because in the actual game when you're in there because the su-25 is a low-fidelity aircraft you don't have the ability to put waypoints in so you have to do the waypoints in the mission editor all right so if you want to fly like a certain flight path you have to come into this mission editor here and you've got to pre-plan your flight before you launch the mission all right so we're going to put in some waypoints so you're going to come over to the waypoint tab right which should already be default on and you're going to click on add okay if it's on edit you want add and then what you're going to do we're going to pick a few points so again if you want to just follow along where i'm flying that's fine so we're going to put a waypoint out we'll just go here right so over here just if you want to move the waypoint just click on edit as well edit and then drag it so i'm just putting it on the fg 73 okay that that uh that square there if you want to copy along at home fg73 that's where i put it now you can assign yourself airspeed and altitude and the uh the actual su-25 ins system will try its best to get you at the desired altitude so say and we're going to change this to metric here right because it's it's in uh metric okay the sg-25 is in metric so there's no point being in uh imperial which is where all the nato jets most nato jets are in imperial so they use feet and nautical miles and not whereas the russian aircraft they use metrics so again to change your your mission editor things you've got metric imperial alright so we're in imperial right now you can see our altitude is in feet speed is in not and then if i go again view metric click on our little guy again altitude is in meters and speed is in kilometers an hour so we're going to change our altitude now so it's default to 2000 we want to get up to let's make it 3 000 meters and we'll have a speed of let's go 600 600 kilometers now all right i'll show you this how it's going to work in a little bit so now we're going to go add again so we want to add another waypoint and we're going to have our next navigation point is going to be this little uh this little airfield just to the northeast of batumi all right you should see it the little cross there i use it a lot i'm going to put it right on the middle there and we're going to make this waypoint uh we'll make it um let's go like a thousand meters and we'll keep our air speed make it 700 kilometers now okay so that's way point two way point two and we're gonna go one more waypoint um and then we will do a landing so our last waypoint let's make it um we'll go up here onto the river mouth up near atara pot okay just the to the easter sanaki the river mouth there i'm going to click it right there and we'll make this one 2 000 meters and we'll make it a speed of 500 k's now okay so there we go so we're going to take off we're going to head out way point one waypoint two waypoint three and then we're going to land at um let's go we'll go for kataisi all right so you're going to go edit just if you leave it in add okay if you get taken out of ad and then you go to click on the map it puts a waypoint down straight away to delete that waypoint just press delete click edit and then you can move the mouse around okay you can move the map around and it won't mess you up so to make a airfield a coalition color so at the moment katasya is neutral so if we land there we won't be able to use a rearm or a refuel we'll be able to land there but it won't let us get weapons or refuel aircraft or anything right so you want to make sure it's a blue uh coalition or if you're flying on the red team you want to make sure it's red so you just all you do is just click on the the name and then over here warehouse and airport coalition we're going to select blue and that changes the color to the actual coalition that is controlling it so if i go sonarky and make it red it'll be red on the map okay so you can see which one is which we're going to change that back to neutral all right so we want to be landing at cathy we're not going to put a waypoint in for katarsi because we're going to use our ins and navigation systems to make ourselves head out to guitar see to land last thing we're going to do is we're going to change the weather now so we're going to go time and date so again if you're still super new to this don't worry about changing the weather too much just leave it on a clear day so you've got less things to do but i'm just gonna make the weather a little bit more gross by bringing it down the uh the base level we're gonna make it at 700 meters okay so there's going to be clouds starting at 700 meters instead of up at 2 500 meters okay so 700 meters there we go all right so that is it so it's going to be a uh an overcast so we're not going to be able to see cathy potentially we're gonna have to rely on flying our instruments a bit more and actually doing a landing so we're gonna have a crack at that we may crash we'll see um but yeah like i said if you're still brand new and you're like whoa whoa whoa don't do that just put the weather on you know light scattered or nothing have no no no weather so it's just pure nice nice cloudy now cloud free day good vis you don't have to worry about uh any clouds or anything like that but if you feel up for the challenge copy me we're broken five 700 meters all right so we're gonna go far we're gonna press save and we're gonna start flying this mission we're gonna do it together so today we're gonna learn how to use navigation in the su-25 alrighty guys so we are in the su-25 we spawned in on the ground so again i'll show you the knee boards that we just put in at the start of the video if you so if you press right shift and k and then you want to press the little square brackets next to p on the on the keyboard papa on the keyboard gonna press the square bracket to the right and it's gonna cycle so you've got waypoint it one you an overview and then as we go through here we go so this is the order we put them in remember so all of our airfields will be and then our next one will be the the sams sams sam's and then it'll go into the bombs bombs missiles rockets pods and fuel tanks air-to-air missiles cockpits and the rwr and then it goes back to the start so that's the order that we put in the very start of the video okay so we're just going to leave it on caucus that's what we want and then just right shift k we'll get rid of it if you just want to glance at that just press k on the keyboard and when you hold it it'll stay up and then if you want to let it go yeah let it go you can also uh drag this if you press [Music] right shift k you can move this if you don't like it over there and take it over to the left move it to the right wherever you want it to be i'm just going to leave it on the right so you can move that on the screen as well all right so let's start this thing up so right shift l get the lights on and we're going to uh we're going to get a rear i'm just i wanted to change my skin color again if you go to external view if you don't like the um this bar down the bottom here i don't like it i don't think it looks nice it's cool if you want to see like airspeed and heading and all that kind of stuff but when you're just making videos it doesn't look cool having a an information bar on the bottom there so all you do is just press uh i think it's right or yankee right can i sorry left control yankee on the keyboard left control yankee once twice and it disappears and if you wanted to bring it back up left control yankee so it cycles between indicated airspeed truespeed and then it disappears and then also if you want to change your uh location so your grid referencing your coordinate coordinates you press left alt yankee and it changes between the line as well right useless information that you probably don't really need right now but there you go all right so we're going to press uh left alt and apostrophe which brings up our resources rearm refuel screen and we're just going to change our skin and change the uh the number to zero six nine gigity just because there we go so we load up air crew is gonna or ground crew is gonna do a rearman refuel because that's what you've done so they're not going to put anything onto the aircraft because we don't have any stores selected we didn't put any bombs on and the fuel is already full so it's not going to be an issue if you are going to do a rihanna okay i'll get fuel when you land you need to have both engines turned off shut down fully shut down and the canopy open otherwise ground crew will not re-arm you or refuel you as well alright so let's start this bad boy up so we're going to start up so you can start up both realm and complete yep there you go and then it'll say refueling or refueling and reaming is done so you can start up both engines at the same time and so i'm just going to flick engine start right engine start left at the same time it's not going to hurt it and you can see they're both spilling up at the same time both needles are moving with both green lights on here and again in that uh lovely little knee board there scroll all the way you go you got a little cockpit instruments so if you're like what the hell is this thing you can have a look so number five would be our attitude director indicator the adi is that guy so you can see all that stuff it's paying for itself that knee board all right so we've got both engines are started and we are going to set our flaps so on the flaps here um if you press f on the keyboard once you put the flaps to half so that's our flap switch there you can't click on it with the cockpit and we've got the the one layer of flaps you press f again it'll put the claps back up so f only cycles between landing i sorry take off flaps and flaps up you need to actually assign um for landing flaps you need to actually assign flaps landing position so all press left shift f all right so when you're taking off you just have to press f you just want one level of flaps and then when you're landing you want to go two levels of flaps and they should go two lights okay so flaps so it's going to go back to one level take off we're going to shut the canopy left control charlie and we're going to bring on our you just turn our hud up and i went through how to do all this stuff in the video before with buying so if you don't know what i'm doing go back and watch the video and we'll be on board with what we're doing here we're going to turn our nav lights on on the wing tips so they're flashing they look cool we're going to put our landing lights on taxi lights there we go lights are on and we are good to taxi all right let's run them up so at about 60-ish percent engine rpm we start moving forward there we go i'm just going to taxi out over onto the airfield so you can see we do have a an overcast attack we should actually go through um actually go through atc as well because it's pretty straightforward on this so the uh the command you use on the f3 fc3 aircraft the keyboard line is above the enter key the the backslash or the forward slash i know which one is one of the slash keys above enter press that and this will bring up your atc okay so it's simplified uh radio controls compared to like the f-18 horn and stuff where you've got different comms in this aircraft in particular the su-25 it's just one one key press which is backslash will bring up your radio to talk to everything okay talk to uh you can talk to atc you can talk to other aircraft in your flight you can talk to a wax and do all that stuff offer them online so we're going to hold short here these are these red lights and we're going to request take off because you should do this habit of doing this because they are going to eventually rework expressing my toe brakes instead of the actual brakes um they are going to rework the atc eventually and um i know it's probably going to bite me now because i never use it but we probably should so we're going to say you can either click on the button f1 request takeoff if you click on it with a mouse or you can press the actual keyboard f1 one take off take off and we'll get cleared to take off because we're a little bit away let's push forward a bit when we taxi out he should say uh cleared for takeoff let's do it again and field one one request takeoff so let's just taxi out i just want to check something here if we can actually adjust the altimeter or not so i'm just going to press uh left alt b brings up your mission briefing window and i'm throwing all this stuff at you so our qfe is 759.11 millimeters of mercury okay so that is our altitude at tumi all right and that means if we tune our altimeter which is this guy to 759.11 our altimeter will read zero feet okay so at the moment it's reading now timing is reading 10 feet so it's a little bit above so it's not bad but it's not perfect and i'm just going to have a quick squeeze now let's have a look uh search for [Music] altimeter pressure decrease increase there we go you can do it so i'm going to change this bind just because i'm not going to remember that so i'm going to clear that and i'm going to clear this and i'm going to go increase is going to be the plus next to on the top of the keyboard where the numbers are one to nine so plus and then decrease is going to be minus all right don't worry about radar you're going to rebind that stuff or you'll change it to something with your um your keybinds when we get to that at a later date and there we go okay so we've got increase and decrease so again we wanted the number was 759.11 if i press decrease now and that bind that which did just did seven five nine and there you go zero so when you radio into a airfield um they're going to tell you the qfe for the particular airfield so say when we're going to land at um up here at kataisi at the end of our flight this is going to be a different qfe to this because it's going to be a different elevation potentially tibitumi so we might have a different elevation so you always want to tune your altimeter to the airfield that you're intending on landing on okay so when we are radio in to kobaledi to land we will uh get the qfe and we'll change it so that we're good to go and then that way our altimeter is set at the right actually readings so we don't crash and die okay so now we're going to go through taking off and using navigation so adjust control so we are going to be using the bind number one on the keyboard which is navigation modes so you can press number one and it's going to cycle through the different types and we're going to run through those types in this sortie so i'm going to take off in a second so i'm going to press number one now and we are on on route okay on route mode and we are 0.5 kilometers from waypoint 0 which was our start point which is where we spawned in okay over there that's where we started zero is our waypoint to change your waypoints let me just double check the bonds next waypoint is left control plus tilled or right shift plus tilled okay just select next or previous um just think what uh do i want to change i'm going to change that for me you don't have to change this but i'm going to change it for me i'm going to change it to the the arrow keys up and down all right so i'm just doing this so next waypoint is going to be arrow up next waypoint sorry previous waypoint don't worry if it unbinds stuff because you if you're using a joystick you're not you're going to use arrow keys okay so they're free keys to use so up and down is going to change my waypoints now so if i press up on the arrow key and see it goes to waypoint one so now on our f10 map if i click on us they're gonna show us it's not gonna show us sometimes it does all right sometimes it'll show you a waypoint plan but anyways because we uh we did the we did make the waypoint in the mission editor together we can see that our waypoint is 49.8 kilometers away we need a an altitude of 3000 meters because that's what we set it to and that's our airspeed we want 590 kilometers now i think we set to 600 it's close enough all right and then this little circle here this is our director to get us to the waypoint so we need to put this cross here on that circle and fly to the waypoint all right so we're going to take off and we will head over there and then you also got down here on your hsi 50 kilometers bearing 297 is uh where we want to head to get ourselves onto the course line don't worry about that we're just going to take off and then we will uh line this bad boy up right oh brakes on enough talking let's run this up so we're going to go up to full power as soon as the brakes start wig brakes off again we're looking at an airspeed of around 180 kilometers now we're going to start gently pulling back on the stick using rudder just to keep yourself straight and level pull them back on the stick now come on get up all righty we're going to press g for gear and then once our flaps get over around 400 knots 400 kilometers now you want to put your flaps up flaps up and we've got all our indicators uh off we're gonna bring the throttles back a touch now i'm just gonna fly this circle and just chase it i'll keep your power because we are in a climb so it's wanting us to climb up right now so you don't have to follow it straight like perfectly just know it's gonna it wants us to be at 3 000 meters and you can see there's a difference here i'm just going to pause it right now all right so paused on the screen this number here this is our radar altimeter so we're currently 915 meters above the ground underneath us as soon as we get through i think it's 1500 meters it's going to switch to barometric altimeter pressure which is this guy right here okay that guy right there is what we're uh we're going to be flying off so it'll switch to whatever that's saying when we get above fifteen hundred we're gonna be at three thousand three thousand meters let's go continuing on so it does want to nose up quite a lot so i'm just hitting trim to bring my controls up right control enter brings up the controls we're just following that circle you can see our range is counting down 38.5 and it has changed now we're not have a flat we don't have an r so we're in uh barometric altitude now so i'm just keeping it roughly leveled on the circle okay in line with the circle not trying to get it exactly in the center because it's going to start leveling off here all right so it's going to descend down a little bit and just try and get these two together so this only matters if you want to be at a certain altitude if you don't care about the altitude all you need to worry about is that this circle is in line with the center of your cross so say you had uh we put the waypoint down at sea level okay this circle would be pointing at the ground so you just line up the circle with the center of your cross and just fly whatever else so 26 miles away and then same with the airspeed we set an actual airspeed that we wanted to target so that is why our airspeed is 650 and it because we set the airspeed in the waypoint in the mission editor it's telling us we need to be at 510 indicated to match the airspeed that we set in the actual uh the mission but it's not necessary to meet those things exactly the main thing is you're flying towards the waypoint again i've just trimmed i'm not using any inputs not touching my stick i'm just using my trim just to try and keep my aircraft line straight and level so i just wanted to come up just to touch i'm going to trim it nose down one little bit just a little bit eight case eight kilometers to waypoint number two or number one so as soon as we get there this is going to update automatically and it will go to waypoint number two 5ks so as soon as we get to this counts down to zero it's going to update to number two i'm going to go into right here and turn it's going to make us fly that way and here we go boom waypoint 2 is over to outright so again now because we changed the uh the actual uh altitude to a thousand meters for waypoint two in the mission editor you can see it says a thousand now and our airspeed is 510 indicators what we want so we're just going to come around and we're looking at a bearing of zero eight five so we're gonna roll that so this little guy here on the air the hsi this is our heading that we wanna be heading to that little yellow line that's where our weight point is i'm just going to keep coming right i'm going to send down to a thousand at the same time okay so you can use this your hsi to get to where you want to be you remember remember this waypoint is the uh the little practice airfield that we put as number two if you put your waypoints in the same spot as i did all right so i'm just going to pause this right here and we're going to go to f10 we have a look at where we are heading so at the moment we're heading that way and we want to come just to the right a bit more so if we look at our uh actual adi sorry hsi it'll be saying that the yellow marker would be pointing slightly off to our right is what we want all right so if we have a look all right there's our yellow marker slightly off to our right that's where we want to head we want to head more what's that one zero zero so there's a zero nine zero one zero zero one one zero one two zero so you wanna be heading one zero zero let's come right a touch more to one zero zero i'm going to descend down through the clouds here all right so if we uh pause it again and go to f10 just so we don't crash we should be pointed pretty much right at that's where we put our waypoint at the crossroad the crossroad the other cross strip there the practice one we're pointing right at it okay now this one here this line here this is your course line so this would be if you want to fly straight in so from our waypoint that we hit at fg i can't remember what it was fg something or other okay the actual chorus line if you drew a line from waypoint one to waypoint 2 that exact bearing that's what this thing here is okay so we are currently not on that course line all right so we're just going to head we'll cruise a little bit further to the right here i'm going to try and get this line here as we go further right we're going to cross through and this will start lining up with the yellow marker and then once this one and this one are lined up we're flying straight on the exact bearing from waypoint 1 to waypoint 2. again you don't have to really worry about that stuff if you just got to get to a waypoint but just say you put a waypoint in where you had to fly the direct path because if you deviated off the waypoint for example um you'd fly into sam's and get shot down then that's an important thing twitter come right a touch more we'll see what it does let's go back a little fast and we're flying in the clouds here so we're using pure instruments to uh reference where we're at right in the clouds all right so you can see they're starting to get a bit closer together now so as soon as they pretty much are closed we're going to turn and put both of them on at 12 o'clock on the hsr all right pulling up all right so they're getting pretty close let's level ourselves off here so we are fully in the clouds here so i have no idea which way is up down left and right except for our little uh all right so they're pretty much almost leveled up and then we're going to turn to follow so we're going to go back to bearing about 0.90 in a little bit and climb back up to a thousand all right let's turn so we're going to turn now and put both of those on the nose let's just pass the zero nine zero [Music] there we go so we're pretty much the uh flight director i think it's what it's called this circle is pretty much where we want it to be we just need to climb up because we are at 760 instead of a thousand it's going to climb back up now into the clouds where we don't know anything using trim so i'm just kind of referencing this circle and this here where we want to be six k's away so if we descend down now get under the clouds even though we said we'd be at 10 000. there's the airfield right there there it is still flying right over the top of it as soon as we fly over the top it's going to switch us we're going to head over up there all right and back we go so we're going to be at 2 000 feet 2000 meters again and again i'm going to head over chucking a hard right and lining this up remember your coordinator turns bit of rudder in and you can go a little bit further past off to the left just to line back our course line course line back up so as we cruise out off to the to the left a little bit more these two are gonna drift together and once they both kind of point at each other we will bring it back on course yeah so if you're flying in the clouds right now oh my god i'm getting totally lost i don't know which way is up and down bang out of this go back change the uh the clouds back to no clouds and then come back and fly it again when we practice all right it's never going to turn back so we've got a bearing of like three two five ish gone go 335 okay climbing up you'd also use this guy this is our localizer essentially so when that's dead straight down the middle and this line here is our altitude that wants to be at so we want to get that crossed as well so we can pretty much fly with this instrument right here all right so if it starts cruising up it means you need to climb so catch it and see there our altitude is mismatched and this guy we want to make sure we come adjust touch to the right to get that right in the center go i'm just trying to get these two yellow crosses here lined up and we're a bit high nine nine kilometers away from our waypoint i'm just gonna descend down now two thousand so this is all uh skills you need to practice to learn how to fly because sometimes you're not going to have beautiful weather to fly in you might have to use your instruments to fly but start off practicing practicing this with um no clouds and then kind of go from there let's put two k's away now we're going to switch to on kobaletti next version of uh navigation all right so we're going to hit uh left shift windows key and pause that's going to put us in active pause all right so we can still click on stuff in the cockpit right we're going to bring up our neighbor so we've reached the end of our waypoints now switched us to return which is sending us back to where we came from but we want to land at covaletti which is number 13 on the knee board so uh what's it called lady no kataisi is where you want to land so we just flew over our waypoint that we just put down there we want to be coming over towards cathy which was our airfield that we assigned ourselves over to the uh to the east of us so back in here we want katarsi which is number 14 so you're going to use the waypoint change button that we used to cycle between the waypoints before and we're going to go to number 14. okay so this is going to tell us a new altitude and a new speed that we need to get at to get on the return which is going to set us up 10 roughly 10 nautical miles or so behind the airfield so if we go f10 it's going to fly us the user we'll find out which active runway is isn't a second but it's going to put us you know like out out here somewhere all right it's going to set us up for our approach to land it's going to put us up at altu that we can start flying in and use our instruments to land so what we're going to do is we're going to unpause so left shift windows key pause we're going to come right and climb up to 4500 you can again check your uh hsi horizontal situation indicator where you need to be so that we want a bearing of pretty much zero nine zero come right now while we're doing that we're gonna press backslash on the keyboard we're going to select atc i'm going to select kitaci inbound field one one inbound battery all right so you set a qfe 756 decimal one five so 756 will do that's close enough all right so it's going to fly off to the right a touch more to get these two to go together so it's a little bit more important now that we get these lined up come to the right and then as soon as they start closing in closing the gap together we'll turn back on the bearing so we're flying exactly where we're supposed to be because we've got clouds if it was a full overcast and you're coming through the clouds so it is scattered let's see we've got looks beautiful but we're going to fly it as if we couldn't see so these guys are starting to come together again as soon as they get close we're going to turn back on bearing zero nine zero keep that climb going on with 38 kilometers from our return point is going to switch straight to landing point as soon as we get to that oh now it's got a way too high as i change the uh the airfield our actual height we want is eighteen thousand eighteen hundred sorry not three thousand i'm gonna descend back down i'm just gonna press backslash to get rid of that in the top right and we'll just match these up all right so they're lined up pretty much now so we're going to turn back zero nine zero nice smooth turns just descend down second i'm just using trim just to so i don't have to use much stick input at all you can see our circles down there that's where we want to be keep descending down and if we uh just pause it and go to f10 you should see is putting us on a set off we're here there's kitasi it's setting us up for a instrument landing lands straight in on katarsi we're going to be landing on runway07 by the looks of that that's where it's going to land us so we're flying in getting ourselves organized to the end again you can keep an eye on this these guys you want to keep that one lined up that cross all together so there's a fair few things you need to like chameleon with uh eyes going up down left and right at the same time we're pretty much a little bit higher all right we switched to all right so as you get closer it's just gonna keep updating itself so now we're gonna start descending down we need to slow down 350 kilometers now again we're just keeping this guy lined up in the center we'll match these two glide slopes up light sleeping localizer [Music] hello [Music] change over in a second again [Music] okay landing all right so now we've got to be at 900 i'd say zero seven zero 16k is out for landing just trimming the aircraft there's the airfield on the nose there all right we put our gear down now gear down and our flaps down aircraft's going to balloon up because we've got flaps down we've got more lift trimming you just pretty much fly this stuff we couldn't see the airfield okay i'm going to that should put the lights on all right we've got the airfield right in front of us we're still low compared to where we should be nice and smooth i'm not really looking at the airfield at all i'm just following that circle trying to keep it pretty much in the center and then you should be by this stage you should be within uh you should be able to see regardless of the weather you should better pick it up come in nice and smooth all right so we're switching to uh visual landing now not looking at that circle anymore just flying the aircraft with my eyeballs see the airfield i can see the runway start putting a flare in gently gently and p for parachute oh shoot is out of jubilee yes it is don't need them anymore and we'll taxi off so that's how you do it guys so that is navigation in the su-25 so i strongly recommend you guys practice doing that so just jump in the mission editor just like we did give yourself some waypoints and practice flying just like that okay using your weight points because again if you don't know how to get to where you need to be you can't drop bombs on the place that you have to get to right so just make sure you are able to use your navigation understand how the navigation works in the su-25 i just learned that the first time i've done that i um did some reading of the the dcs su-25 manual and i watched some youtube videos of people flying the su-25 and put it all together and that's that's it to tell you then so you navigate and that's how you can use your kneeboard to fly to airports and set your yourself up for uh landing so remember the on route is for your waypoints return is to set you up you know on the uh straight in essentially of courtisi of the airfield return and then when you switch to landing that's actually when you're getting close to the actual uh the strip and you fly in your ils landing so if you're landing in crappy weather you'd switch to landing mode um and then if you've just uh got good weather return should get you close enough to actually see the airfield and you can just fly a visual approach from there anyways guys i hope that helped yes and if it did go ahead and do me a solid and hit the big old like button for me got any questions queries or comments throw them in the comment section below and i'll do my best to get back to you guys as soon as possible and lastly but at least if you haven't already and you enjoyed the video you enjoy the content on the channel if you could do me another solid and hit the subscribe button and subscribe to the channel helps me out a bunch we're almost to uh we're on our way to five thousand for sure it's cruising along which is awesome so thank you to everyone that has subscribed already and if you haven't and you just hit the subscribe button thank you very much legend i appreciate you alright guys that will do us on this one i will catch you on the next one see you later
Channel: TorniQuetHD
Views: 4,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TorniQuetHD, tips and tricks, Military Simulation, Milsim, DCS World, F18, dcs world, dcs, Mission making, dcs mission making, dcs mission editor, dcs editor, tutorial, top tips, DCS Sortie, F16, A10C, JF-17, SU-27, SU-25, Hornet, Warthog, DCS 2.5.7, TOPGUN 2, Maverick & Goose, How do I get better at DCS?, Getting better at DCS World, Su-25T Frogfoot FREE DCS tutorial series | Stepping it up a notch #dcs #su25T #frogfoot, Su-25T Navigation Tutorial, Su-25T Frogfoot Navigate Like A Pro
Id: V7Y3uyqMoSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 45sec (3525 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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