How to SLAVE THE TPOD to where you're LOOKING | DCS World

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hey what's up guys 104th Maverick checking in with another video today we're going to take a look at one of the most common questions I get when I'm streaming in the F-18 Hornet how do you slave the targeting pod to where you are looking with the helmet display this is actually something that's really easy to learn to do and is a great skill to help you quickly Target something that you see happening on the ground enabling you to get weapons on target fast let's go ahead and get started all right here we are living the dream in an orbit above an enemy position at Angels 24. you can see we already have the camera on the ground looking for targets we can move that around and zoom in and zoom out we can also see where the camera is looking by pointing our helmet display in the area we are focusing on and move the camera around and see that the camera position updates in the helmet display now let's say we see something interesting on the Airfield below us down here what a friendly calls out that something is happening down there rather than trying to slow the camera over using the controls which can sometimes be time consuming and stressful especially when someone is getting shot at we can simply look at the area of interest and get our camera to snap to that position we do this in four easy steps the first one is to make sure that our sensor of Interest or soy is selected to our camera we can see this by the little diamond in the top right hand corner of the display incidentally to select the camera as soy if you don't know how to do it it's just by simply pressing sensor control switch right on the sensor control switch now that we have our camera selected as soy we now have to snow plow the camera basically all this means is that the camera is looking straight in front of the aircraft rather than anything else we do this by pressing the undesignate slash nose wheel steering switch three times until we see the diamond showing us our camera position move to the top center of the display this indicates that the camera is now snowplowed now that we've done that we tell the aircraft that we want to make our helmet mounted display our sensor of interest and we do this by pressing sensor control switch forward on the sensor control switch once we do that we see a little dot inside the aircraft data on the HUD and we'll also see a targeting circle on our hmd when we look around the final step is to actually look at the Target or the area that we want the camera to snap to once we're looking at it we press the throttle designator controller depress switch and the camera will then instantly snap to whatever we're looking at and stay in that position so now that we have the camera looking where we want it we have to then reselect the targeting pod as soy to manipulate it around and investigate the area we do this simply by pressing sensor control switch right on the sensor control switch and we see that the Pod is now our Center of Interest and by selecting sensor control switch right one more time we enter into area track mode designated by these vertical brackets on the display and we can now freely move the camera around it's important to remember that we can only select our helmet as a sensor of interest when the camera is snow plowed so before trying to slave the camera to your helmet you must remember to snow plow the camera first then press sensor control switch forward so remember friends make sure the camera is soy snow plow the camera by pressing the undesignate nose wheel steering switch three times then make the helmet sensor of Interest by pressing the sensor control switch forward look at the Target then press the throttle designator controller depress switch and then make the camera soy Again by pressing sensor control switch right and then press the sensor control switch right again to get into area track mode all right guys I hope that helps thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video hit that like button and subscribe to the channel if you've not already done so to keep up to date with new videos Top Gun and volleyball ladies and gentlemen I'm not Scott Manley fly safe
Channel: 104th_Maverick
Views: 48,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dcs, dcsworld, f18, f-18, hornet, targetting pod, atflir, litening pod
Id: c3xZNeznork
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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