Su-25T Frogfoot FREE DCS tutorial series | Land like a BOSS #dcs #su25T #frogfoot

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welcome back alrighty in today's video we're going to be having a look at the su-25 tango and how to perform pattern landings all right so this is the next step so you've hopefully watched the previous videos in this series and you've gone through how to set up your keybinds for flight you've managed to take off you've managed to taxi around on the airfield you've managed to go for a fly you've managed to fly some waypoints and you've managed to do some successful landings if you have been able to do all that stuff and not crash into the ground or trees or anything else then you're ready for this next video if you still need work okay this video will be here waiting for you this is the next step afterwards where we're going to start really dialing in the the finer points of landing all right we're going to just start flying an actual resemblance of a landing pattern all right so we're going to go into that right now so you're going to come into the mission editor so continuing on we're just going to keep adding to our mission so you're going to come in here if it doesn't load up with your uh your map straight away it's because i was in here before okay just go file and you hit open and you're going to select the mission that we've been working on the su-25 tango beginners we're going to open that up and this is our previous mission okay in the previous mission we uh gave ourselves waypoints we flew the waypoints waypoints one two one three and then we used our uh landing ins to get to kataysi to land all right so that's what we did last already now this one we're going to be actually setting ourselves up an air start aircraft all right so you don't have to go through the the startup procedure because it's pretty straightforward you turn power and you press engine start and your taxi out that's that's pretty much all you got to do there's nothing too crazy about it so we're going to save a bit of time and we're going to put a aircraft in for an air start for yourself that you can also use in your missions to practice things so you're going to come over to the add or modify airplane group you're going to click on that and we're going to just plonk one down on the map we're going to change the coalition to georgia because that's got the su-25 tango we're going to scroll down just like su 25 tango and we're going to select and there we go it says that their client or player so it doesn't matter which one you choose the difference between those if you're like what what does it have one and the other so player is for only a single player mission and if you want to make a multiplayer mission so that you can you know fly a mission with your friends you need to select client so that will make this aircraft a selectable slot for anyone that joins the multiplayer server if you actually eventually run one so we're just going to go with client because i just i just pick line all the time all right right oh so now we're going to set ourselves up and we're going to give ourselves a waypoint so this is our new aircraft we are going to click on tyc boom and we're going to say altitude 0 for ground so it's 45 minutes that's the altitude of catalysis and our speed we're going to be doing 650 kilometers an hour and our altitude will be zero when it gets there so don't stress on that that's just telling us that's where katowice is all right we're pointing our aircraft in the right direction right right okay so when we spawn in you can see how far away so if we just go edit click off the map if you click on this little uh this guy here use ruler left click and i'm going to click in the middle of catasia left click left click and hold i should say i'm going to measure out and we are going to put ourselves right at the end of this little river here straight out from the airfield roughly 25 k's out okay so we're just going to click on you bastard it again bam once you got it right click and then you can uh it'll stay on the map and then you can move your aircraft onto the spot all right then just to get rid of the ruler there you go that is it i should just move this guy down a little bit more so it's kind of flying in just move that guy there what is a heading on this zero seven and two five all right that'll do for now all right so we're pretty much 25 k's away from the airfield and our starting altitude we're going to make this um let's make it 800 meters okay 800 meters speed 650 kilometers now all right so set that up in the mission for yourself all right so you put a uh an aircraft in it is starting at 800 meters altitude speed is 650 kilometers an hour you've put a waypoint for waypoint one we've assigned it to the ground so i just pressed zero and then just left click and it will default to the ground altitude and then our speed is still 650. okay so if you've done that you are ready you're gonna press file you're gonna press save oh but before we do that we're going to change the weather back because we don't want to be flying through clouds so we're going to go back into our weather click on that you're going to click broken clouds you're going to read let's go for we still want some clouds we'll go high scattered 3. so click on that press ok and then we're just going to adjust the cloud layer to let's make it uh yeah three seven okay 3700 is the base cloud so there'll be clouds around it'll still look cool we can leave the time of day the same 6 45 but we've just lifted the cloud layer up so we'll actually be able to see katyasi and practice our landings all right so we're going to go far we're going to press save and then we're going to press little green circle here to start the mission all right so you can see now we've got one aircraft start position is spatulas this is our cold start aircraft that we gave ourselves and the other one says air so this is the su-25 that you just put into the mission i'm going to click on the air one so make sure you select start position air and you'll start in the cockpit flying in the air straight away so we're going to press ok and you can see we've swarmed in and we're going to press fly all right so i'm going to bump my pad brightness up and trim our aircraft out here zoom in a bit so we should be able to see potassium right on the nose there all right so we're just going to hit um active paw so left shift left window key and pause and that's just going to freeze our aircraft in the air i'm just going to bring up my cursor so you can see it as well to bring your cursor up is left and charlie on the keyboard so you can see we have got potassium right there on the nose and we're in route 21k to waypoint number one okay and if we want to change that to landing we are going to press number one on the keyboard return and you can see it's going to number 12 is the airfield so again bringing up our knee board right shift k press our uh square bracket key and number 12 sanaki let's have a look on the map so it's giving us that one there okay sanaki so we want kataisi that's where we're heading so we're going to select number 14 so without uh next waypoint keybind there we go 14 sorry 14 then we're 3.1 on the return we press 1 again to go to landing we're in landing in this mode now and 19.9 k's from the threshold all right or you can just press one and have it on waypoint number one 21ks either or doesn't matter because we're just going to be flying a pattern excuse me okay so what we're looking for when we are in the su-25 is we're going to be flying a decent standard pattern we're going to be doing a left hand pattern turn so let's just bring up the f10 map here zoom in all right so as we come in we're going to be flying in we're going to have the airfield on our left hand side so as we're flying in we should be able to look out at the left side of our aircraft and see the airfield as we fly down so we're going to be looking for an altitude of 450 meters which is around 1500 feet give or take a few feet which is the standard uh altitude when we coming into the pattern and we're going to be doing a speed of 600 knots which is about let me just get my little calculator converter real quick because trying to convert this stuff into kilometers to knots is a pain in the ass 600 kilometers now is roughly well it is exactly 323.974082 knots there you go okay so 320 ish knots all right so we're just going to cruise in there and we're going to come past so as soon as we go past catalysis at our altitude of 450 meters 600 knots we are going at 600 kilometers now sorry we're going to go into a left-hand 30 degree bank turn trying to stay nice and level and we're going to roll out on the reciprocal heading of the airfield so we're going to be heading on bearing zero seven zero which is the airfield and then we wanna roll out on bearing two five zero okay so you can see the airfield number there zero seven zero two five zero we're gonna be heading that way we'll do a left hand turn and we're going to roll out bearing two five zero on the downwind okay so this is called our upwind length up wind leg so we're cruising up past the airfield when we turn our left initial turn this is our crosswind leg and then as you're coming back down the opposite direction from the airfield where you're going to land this is called the downwind leg okay and then as you turn around this is base turn and then as you come into land you're on final that is the pretty much a pattern landing all right and uh if i remember i'll try and put a little cool little graphic up on the screen don't hold me to that today so if no graphics uh show up on the screen then sorry boys i forgot but anyways that's what we're going to be doing okay and then as we roll in we're going to do a couple of touch and goes and you guys are just going to practice this for some just landing practice so we're going to unpause now so left shift left windows and pause key and we're going to get ourselves sorted out so we're looking for a speed of 600 knots slow down [Music] 450 meters and we're also as we're cruising i'm going to press backslash press f5 and we're going to select what was the airfield we want i can't remember the name of it slash f5 f1 anyway one one inbound [Music] altitude runway zero seven there's our airfield so we're just going to offset to the right of the airfield still descending down all right so i'm just adjusting trim here runway there's our altitude 450 meters a little bit low speed let's climb up a touch hard to see our airspeed but we do have the airspeed indicator just here so that's uh our altitude this is our airspeed here so we're going to speed up to 600 let's set right out 400 airspeed there's our f field on the left just there all right again these numbers aren't like exactly you have to hit them exact don't stress on having perfect numbers but you want to try and get as close to it all right so we have gone past the airfield we're going to go into a 30 degree bank so this little line here this is our 30 degrees bring it on over kicking in rudder trying to keep our turn level this is our vertical speed indicator climbing for a rollout a little bit slow there but we kept that speed pretty constant that's two five zero let's roll out adjust our trim if required all right so as we come along here we're going to cover that next little reference point so i'm just going to press pause at this point almost where we need to be swings level all right so we've paused so we're at it would take 600 kilometers now 475 meters so around 54.50 so we're looking at the right altitude now what you can look at here is we want to use our wingtip as a reference so we want our wingtip to be underneath the runway okay if your wingtip is covering the runway like it would if you couldn't see the one what the runway at all because the runway is actually hidden by the wingtip you're going to be a little bit too close so you want to be having a gap there okay and again there's no exact science to this this is going to be practice practice practice but you want to have a little bit of separation from the airfield so as we went out and did our turn we did a 30 degree bank keeping our speed around the same and trying to keep our altitude around the same and then rolling out on the reciprocal heading of two five zero and you can see we've got some separation from the airfield so then when we start our base term which we're about to we are going to roll in a left-hand turn and begin our descent down to land so we're going to start slowing down now so i'm going to put the throttles to idle and i'm going to put the speed brake full out and we're going to drop our air speed down to below 400. we're going to put our gear down and our flaps down and we're going to start our base turn so what we're looking for is the threshold right there that's pretty much where that taxiway is there's the you can see the tire marks that's where we're going to use as our touchdown point okay we're going to try and land there so as we extend down on the downwind we want to draw a line from the threshold from i use this guy here so this uh the inboard second inboard pylon that you can actually see so this is your first inboard most inboard one this guy okay the second one away from the intake i use the uh the screws here the bolts draw a line straight up and when this part is in line with this part okay so that part there of the airfield where the the taxiway comes out when that is right above my wingtip right here that's when i'm going to start my turn right because again i want to give myself enough time to roll out and line myself up with the runway all right so we can have a crack at that so here we go we're going to press pause throttles are in idle be brake fully out and i'm just looking for that point [Music] back over my shoulder keeping our air altitude it's almost there [Music] there's our dots and it's about there that's where we want to be let's start our turn so again we're just trying to keep ourselves in a little slight descent here we don't want to lose too much altitude and we're just keeping our throttles full idle back on the stick just to keep that altitude up we don't want to descend too much as soon as we get our gear down 400 here you want to just lose all power because you could store it so keep in mind so now we're going to go gear down and flaps down getting a bit of a float now because of the flaps just correct as we keep this going around so again we're trying to still keep a 30 degree turn put sp brake back in now we don't really need it all right he's got to keep adjusting if you as you roll you're going to lose lift so i'm tapping nose up trim trying to keep my speed around the 300 mark i'm just using nice and smooth inputs that's the airfield i'm going to shallow out our turn now it's going to adjust as required to get ourselves looking the goods tap the nose up a little bit more if you don't over speed your gear trying to keep it around 300 we've got plenty of time now to line ourselves up with the runway which is right there on the nose just come left to touch still doing 300 so we lost a bit of altitude just there so i'm just going to pull the nose up just to rest it so we don't come in too shallow again your air speeds down here if you can't see the hud this is your airspeed indicator this is your altitude so i can't really read the hud right now because the sun is blocking it so i'm just referring to this we're at 300 kilometers an hour we've got our gear down lights on flaps it down ready for landing 290 looking good it's going to just be nice and gentle trying to keep it on center line we're just going to do a touch and go on this one we're not going to we're not going to come to a full stop because we're going to reset ourselves and do it again water is coming down all right we want to start doing a bit of a flare so we don't slam into the ground pull them back on the stick problems to idle gently gently tap the wheels down and we're gonna go full power again a little bit just to rest the uh the climb because we did put a lot of pitch in gear up flaps up and i'm just re-trimming it down gear it down that because we're in landing mode retrieve ourselves all right so let's look around and we'll do it again sun is a pain in the air isn't it all right so we're gonna do it again again some speed 600 remember the little triangle here so if it's in the middle it means you're maintaining your speed you can kind of just tweak your throttle to keep it around there if the triangle moves to the front of the line it means you're speeding up if it drops below to the back it means you're slowing down all right so it's going to head on the downwind so 2 5 0 is the reciprocal of our run where we landed it's gonna keep coming around to two five zero [Music] so that's what i want you guys to do i want you guys to practice this until you can nice controlled landing without any issues clear weather no crosswind or anything like that don't make it hard for yourself just want to practice this okay so again we were looking for 600 kilometers now 450 feet just extend on the downwind here roll back out and we'll do one more pattern approach so we've got 450 there 600 knots kilometers now keep saying nuts apologize so you don't have to be exact you have to be right on 450 just use them as guys but you know if you're like 200 or 700 way above and you're way faster way slow you know you want to be close and stay close again in our turns keeping an eye on your turn slip indicator kicking your rudder in trying to keep a nice level turn and then this here is your climb and dive indicator so if that needle is on zero you're keeping a nice smooth turn which is what we want you also refer to there if that's at zero you're not losing any altitude or gaining so depending on what you can see in the hud you can always glance down at your steam gauges at the same time i'm just going to keep coming around here speed up a little bit now your raid your altitude is going to change as your aircraft pitches because it's shooting a radar beam straight down underneath the aircraft so obviously as we turn our aircraft the beam is going to be pointing not directly underneath our actual aircraft so it's going to give you a weird kind of reading to start with but don't stress okay just try and keep an eye on so when you went into the turn if you keep this level when you roll out you'll be at the same attitude i'm just trying to spot the airfield there it is there just gonna keep our turn around here roll that on zero seven zero more power 570 knots speed up a touch zero seven zero and there is our air fuel all right so for kataisi here a good little reference point would be the taxiway fly over the taxiway and have the airfield on your left it's just going to line ourselves up with that so there's our taxiway let's get ourselves over the top of that let's uh call airfield again because we did land every time you land you have to re-radio to get the lights and stuff on if you're watching two five six four six seven five six decibel one side runway zero seven two pattern altitude as well so we can change our qfe to seven five six zero seven barometric altitude isn't going to cramp itself out all right so there is our airfield climb up a little bit more with 300 and once we're over the end of the other side we're going to go into a 30 degree bank a little bit of rudder trying to keep ourselves in a nice level turn even our airspeed i'm gonna roll that one two five zero all right so just keeping on these gauges here keep that in the middle keep this gauge level 30 degree bank or on here 30 degrees airplane icon just keep it nice and smooth nice and level maintaining altitude maintaining airspeed as we roll out on the downwind two five zero which will be on the downwind with some separation from the field so we were a little close maybe that taxi bill was a bad reference so as we've rolled out here we're going to be a fair way away but that's okay we can correct and this is just a starting point as you get more uh confident and competent at your your landings you can do this like more of a aircraft carrier break come over and rip around land a little bit quicker a bit more aggressive but the su-25 does take a while to slow down just keep that in mind so if you come in over the top super hot it may not slow down fast enough time before it's time to put your gear down let's just climb back up we lost a little bit of altitude there is our airfield so we do have a big gap now way over but again if we uh keep our air speed around the same and altitude around the same we'll be able to correct that as we come back in so we're looking for that nice so it's going to keep air speed a little bit a little bit more before i turn in because we are going to lose speed in the turn because we are a little bit further away this time 45 behind you 45 degree angle behind completely fine same deal keeping our turn a little tiny bit the descent we are losing a little bit out here we don't lose too much keep that ball in the center with your rudder back on the stick so we don't lose too much altitude keeping 30 degree bang let's me break out because we're still not slowing down fast enough for my liking [Music] a little glance where the airfield is i'm starting to lose a lot more altitude now pulling back on the stick to keep our nose up so we don't drop too much as soon as we get to 400 knots gear's coming down flaps are coming down there's gear there's flaps put the speed brake back in now keep our turn happening a bit of power have a glance and shallow out of touch because we are going to be rolling out a little bit too tight and then what you can do if you want to go to landing mode 10 miles out and you can just use this as a reference to line yourself up if you'd like to i guess it's going to have your altitude and your air speed go straight in again we need to get some altitude we lost a bit but because we did roll out we were a fair way away from the airfield on that one we're a lot further away than we actually would be if we did a nicer one that one there wasn't too good let's keep this altitude coming up it's very shallow here again just looking at my uh because i can't see the hud too well just looking at these controls here so i can use this line because i've got it myself in landing mode i can use that as a reference point centerline there's our glide slope coming down just like we went through before you just use those as references to fix yourself up she's coming into landfill 1-1 check landing gear runway zero seven 280 knots look into goods so we're gonna come to a dead stop in this one a little bit of a float pulling back on a stick goes to idle nice little flare touching down beautifully and we're going to press p for parachute and we're slowing down just using nose wheel or rudders to steer us lovely so when you are coming for a proper landing make sure you put the parachute out because the brakes on the su-25 are pretty damn average at best you can actually blow the parachutes off if you put too much stress that does actually pop them off and another side note you don't have another parachute so if you have landed and you used your parachute and you take off again without getting a uh a rearm and you go to deploy your parachute at the next airfield it ain't gonna pop out because you've already used it you've only got the one so if i want to reload my parachute i have to shut down my engines open the canopy up and then select a rear refuel and then they will uh install a new parachute for you your next story just keep that in mind as well guys don't get pulled out and go i've got a parachute i got unlimited parachutes you don't you got one one only as soon as you use it that's it it's done and just be careful of your uh your air speed i think it's 280 knots or slower you can put the parachute out so if you put if you come in like screaming hot like at four you know 350 400 kilometers an hour and you put the parachute out straight it's going to rip it off okay and then you'll have no parachute stop and you'll go straight off the end of the runway and crash and burn which you don't want to do anyways guys i hope that one uh helped you so practice that practice to do that that patent flying do you want to come in at 450 meters on your radar radar altimeter you want to keep it at 600 kilometers now as best you can fly down with the airfield on your left hand side once you get past the airfield do a left-hand bank turn rolling out on the reciprocal of the airfield until the airfield the the touchdown point is 45 degrees off of your okay just go go off this one to start and then as you get a little bit more confident with your uh abilities shift it out and then you want to use like a wingtip so you can use that mark there 45 degrees off that and then start your turn but usually this one here is just going to give you a little bit more time on base turning into final to actually line yourself up with the runway because last thing you want is to roll out and have to come so far left or right to get yourself on centerline that you're landing like sideways onto the runway you want to make it nice and easy for yourself and as you get more advanced and more comfortable then you can start worrying about doing a little bit nicer quicker landing but uh yeah that'll do us guys so if you like the video make sure you go ahead and give us a like for for the video it helps the the video get some traction on youtube if you've got any questions queries or comments on anything that we covered in today's video make sure you go ahead and throw them in the comment section down below and i'll do my best to get back to you guys as soon as i can and lastly but not least if you haven't hit the subscribe button and you've been watching the channel for a while or his first time in the channel and you like what you saw um yeah do us a solid and hit that subscribe button and get us cruising towards the uh the five thousand five thousand subscribers so that would be amazing we can hit that pretty soon that'd be awesome but thank you to everyone that has subscribed and if you've just hit the subscribe button thank you very much you legend i appreciate you just as much as everyone else who has already subscribed also anyways guys so that's it for this tutorial i hope you guys can uh take this away and practice and get gura and i'll see you on the next one see you later
Channel: TorniQuetHD
Views: 4,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dcs world, dcs, Mission making, dcs mission making, dcs mission editor, dcs editor, tutorial, top tips, DCS Sortie, F16, A10C, SU-25T, F 14 Tomcat, Hornet, Warthog, AV-8B, Harrier, DCS Liberation, DCS Liberation Dynamic Campaign, DCS 2.5.7, TOPGUN 2, Maverick & Goose, How do I get better at DCS?, Getting better at DCS World, F 18 super hornet, p51 mustang, f22 raptor, f18, f-18, Su-25T landing tutorial, Su-25T Frogfoot FREE DCS tutorial series | Land like a BOSS #dcs #su25T #frogfoot
Id: _ZmL0sTyipM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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