DCS F/A-18C Hornet NEW Cold Start Tutorial!

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hey guys spudnocker here as always and today i figured we'd hop back in the cockpit of the f-18c hornet and do an updated cold start tutorial video now it's been over a year since i've done a cold start tutorial in the hornet and a lot has changed about how to get the jet up and running and ready for combat now a lot of these changes actually relate specifically to the ins system and how to get the ins aligned properly and how to get it operating to safely navigate you through your taxi take off ingress to your target flying in combat egress away from the target and navigating safely back to your home base so without further ado let's go ahead and hop in the cockpit and get out of this very hot uh western arabian peninsula sun and uh get the canopy closed and turn on some ac so we're currently here on liwa air base in the southwestern portion of the uae getting ready to engage in some training operations with some fellow kuwaiti fa-18cs as well as some saudi arabian f-15cs so let's go ahead and get started with this tutorial like i said i wanted to go ahead and get that canopy closed nice and early just so that way we could get ourselves out of the hot hot sun here on the western arabian peninsula now keep in mind you do not have to have your battery switch turned on in order to close the canopy this is for two different reasons what if i was trapped in the cockpit here in an emergency and the ground crew has to get the canopy open with no electrical power actually turned on in the jet secondly the ground crew has to be able to raise and lower the canopy very very easily while maintaining the jet without having to drain the main batteries within the jet itself so just a quick little tidbit there so let's go ahead and first engage our battery switch down here at the top of our right hand console the note that the generator switches are already in the on position and do not need to be moved at all this is a change from the very first release of the f18 where these were default set to the off position next we can come over to the left hand side of our cockpit and just aft and outboard of our throttle we have the apu switch so we'll go ahead and turn the apu on and wait till we get a green light there and we currently have a green light so the first engine that i recommend you crank is always the right hand engine the reason for that is the ins draws its power from the right hand engine and so that way you can actually get the ins starting its alignment and get ready to go faster if you get that right engine cranked first now on the i feed the integrated fuel and engine indicator down below the left ddi we can see the rpm of our right hand engine climbing and when it reaches the 29 to 30 percent mark you then want to hit right shift home to bring the right hand throttle into the idle detent which will then continue the startup procedure and we can see the engine temperature rising along with the rpm and they should stabilize out at about 65 percent and roughly about 340 on the temp temperatures a little bit lower than i would expect but it is still good to go and we can see we now are getting fuel indications because we have that right engine cranked if we crank the left engine first we would have to wait until we get the right engine crank to get these fuel indications that we want next we can go ahead and come down to our sensor control panel down here which is the furthest aft uh panel that actually does anything for us in the game version of the f18 and we go ahead and bring our radar into the operate position don't worry you will not overheat it with the weight on wheels the radar will not be transmitting and then we can take the ins knob and throw that into the ground position now you want to quickly turn on our screens and at this point you can also turn on your hud by increasing the brightness knob and you hit backspace to get rid of the stick so that way we can see the mpcd very easily in front of us i'm just going to wait until that mpc starts to come alive and we can see down here we have a new osb option on the mpcd when it's displaying the hsi page that is std hdg for stored heading now if we click that we can tell the jet that it needs to use its last stored heading like say if we had shut down in this spot right here on this heading the last known heading in the ins system is now used as the current startup heading to allow the ins to align itself a little bit faster now as we wait for the ins to align we can go ahead and crank the left hand engine with a left click you can hear the little detailed detail and then we know that that engine is going to start spooling up we can see the rpm start to rise and we can keep an eye on both the ife and the ins countdown over here and we can see the left engine is ready for the throttle to be put into the idle detent we're going to hit right alt and home to bring the left throttle from the cutoff position to the idle detent now as the ins starts to align on our mpcd the actual map itself will start to be projected on the mpcd now if you find this to be annoying and can't read the symbology like i can't right now you can always hit this middle left osb button two times to turn it off and then if you want it back on just hit it two times to turn it back on but we're gonna leave it off for today because it's very difficult to see without it keep in mind that with the new way to align your ins if you do not hit stored heading the jet will go ahead and do a full alignment which takes roughly about eight minutes whereas this alignment which now is has an okay uh uh symbol up here is showing us that it's good to go with only a time of about a hundred one minute and forty seconds so we can go ahead and now come back to our ins panel down here and here comes the second uh change that we have here we want to skip the nav position and throw it directly into the ifa position for in-flight alignment what this does for us is allows the jet to use gps signals that it receives to keep the ins alignment updated and to update the position of the aircraft in space and time so next we can go ahead and come to the lighting panel up front and you go ahead and turn on your console lighting or your instrument panel lighting on a very bright day like today here in um the saudi arabian desert you may not need those but those are there for you in low light situations i always tend to kind of turn them on on by default in whatever lighting situation i'm in just so that way i can see the labels very very easily on these right hand and left hand consoles in the cockpit that are kind of in the shadows now that we have that set up and ready to go we'll go ahead and reset our fcs system so we'll go ahead and on press our menu osb the center bottom osb and come over to the fcs on the on the support menu next i like to in the f18 always bring up my adi page on my left ddi so we'll then go ahead and reset the fcs we want to prep one click on the reset button and one click on the take off trim button so with that you should have the check flaps and check um and check seat and check um fcs of warnings turned off now in fact you won't have the check seat warning turned off because you need to have the ejection seat armed in order to do that and so now you should not see any kind of warnings in the bottom of your left hand ddi at this point now we can go ahead and continue with sweeping our cockpit for the rest of the things that we need to turn on when you of course have our obog's turned on make sure that we have oxygen flowing into our mask so that way we won't pass out at altitude that's something very very important that's easy to miss because it's right back here by our left hip and kind of easy to miss next we want to turn on our position lights in a high a brightness situation like this in the middle of the day we do not need our formation lights on so no need to waste the light bulbs there so we'll just keep those position lights turned on move on to the area near the parking brake we want to make sure that because we're on a field here we want to have the hook bypass set to field we want to have our landing taxi lights set to on and we want to have our flaps set to half we can also see the flaps indicator as well as the gear um indicator on the bottom here just to the left hand side of our iphy underneath the station select for selective jettison also want to check and make sure that selective jettison is in the safe position which it is by default in uh dcs we also can go ahead and turn off our parking brake now that our ins is aligned we also want to make sure that our anti-skid is set to on this is important that it's on at an airfield but if you're starting on an aircraft carrier you want to make sure that it's set to the off position this is simply because on an aircraft carrier we do not want anti-skid to kick on and potentially release brake pressure than we don't want it to and that way we could potentially taxi right over the side of the other side of the carrier very very bad situation and it has happened before in real life so you just want to make sure that you have the anti-skid turned to off if you're on the carrier turned it on if you're on an airfield like i said flaps to half and the launch bar of course is retracted with that being wired in place in most land-based f-18s that are only land-based like for the kuwaiti air force next we can go ahead and set a bingo quantity i like to go ahead and set my joker fuel so about half of my current fuel so i'm going to go ahead and set it for 8 000 and then once i reach 8 000 i like to then reset it down to half of that again and have that be more of my bingo setting next we can go ahead and box ins on our adi page the reason why i like to have the adi page up on my left ddi and the f 18c is because when i'm flying with a double ugly loadout or a massively asymmetrical loadout like is typical on f18s i like to have the slip skid indicator very prominent and on display for me as the pilot these three boxes up top let me know where the slip skid indicator is moving this bottom box out here will swing left or right and just like any other slip skid indicator we want to step on the ball and bring more uh rudder to whichever side the ball is swinging out to this can also help you counteract and know how much rudder trim to input when you're flying with a double ugly loadout like i said that is very very common the f18 and that's why i like to have that up instead of the hud repeater page next coming to the ufc i want to make sure we have our volume adjusted for our comms as well as the brightness adjustment adjusted for our um ufc here next we want to go to iff make sure that is turned on very easy to miss in the f18 because it is kind of a kind of a discreet thing where you have to actually press the push tile and then press the on off button unlike in the f-16 where you just flip a knob to the on position on the left-hand side of the cockpit next we also want to have data link turn on and there we go we are currently ready to go and taxing the f-18c and fly into combat however there are a few more things that we need to get that's kind of housekeeping before we actually take off next we need to uncage our standby adi down here by right clicking and dragging up on the pull to cage knob make sure that's reset back to the horizon next we need to come down here to this little uh what looks like a dial down here next to our bureau number plate that we can right click and drag this up you're going to hear a nice whoop kind of sound and that is the warning for whichever altitude you want to actually have the radar altimeter notify you and you can set that bug to whatever altitude you specify i usually like to have it at about 600 feet as that's kind of the altitude i want to be at when i turn from my base leg to my final leg for a landing of course wanna make sure that we have our wing set to the spread position and we have our hook in the up position especially if we're here on a field make sure that our wings match the position of our um a wing fold mechanism and coming back to the right hand side we've already got our um lighting turned on the way we want it to be turned on we have our um radar turned to the operate position we have our ins set to the ifa position and for the flare we can go ahead and put that into the standby position so that way the targeting pod is getting power and is getting ready to actually turn on and that way we can just flip it to the on position once we're in the air and have the targeting pod up and ready to go whenever we need it next thing we also want to do is of course make sure we have our rwr turned on or our raw gear and that is just underneath your mpcd you have an aor 67 power button right here you know you've hit the correct button when you have all of these lights turn on for the different buttons and you hear that nice kind of sound and of course we need to set our dispensers to the on position and get those ready to go and with that you are ready to taxi out and fly into combat in the f-18c hornet now you can once you get good at it go through this very very quickly and very very efficiently and actually do some of these operations on the roll as you're taxing to the runway if you're scrambling if you're taxing with a large flight of aircraft i recommend not doing that because you need to have your head out of the cockpit as much as possible to make sure you're not going to run into anybody so with that i hope you guys enjoyed the video and i hope you guys uh give it a like and maybe even subscribe to the channel and i hope you guys fly safe and stay healthy out there see you later guys
Channel: Spudknocker
Views: 99,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hornet, digital combat simulator, f-18, dcs, dcs f18, dcs dogfight, dcs f14, dcs f 16, dcs f22, dcs f/a-18, dcs f/a-18c, dcs f/a-18c hornet, dcs f/a-18c tutorial, dcs f/a-18c startup, f18 startup, f18 startup dcs, startup tutorial, tutorial, dcs tutorial, dcs world gameplay, dcs world crashes, dcs world dogfight, dcs f-16 tutorial, dcs f-18 dogfight, dcs f-18 jdam, dcs f-18 carrier, dcs a10, spudknocker, cold start, cold start tutorial, f-18 landing on aircraft carrier, f18
Id: LmaEySyqFw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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