NEW, Thousand Sons v Grey Knights, Warhammer 40k battle report

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welcome to the channel and welcome to this two thousand point match play game between gray nights and thousand suns so if you're watching this battle report on the day of release the new thousand suns codex and grenade codex are now available for pre-order from games workshop and they graciously sent them through to me so we could play a game and show you guys just how this thing works now i've done two reviews slash overviews which will be coming out at the same time as this battle report they're 20 30 minutes long so you can check them out as well and find out what the main changes are inside these two codexes in this battle report we're going to take these rules out for a spin and see what they can do so today we're fighting in the ruins of their cities almost all of the buildings have been torn down except this building over here and there's a small imperial outpost overrun in this back quarter and we're playing this one from the chapter 2021 mission chapter approved mission pack thingy bob so quarter to table deployment someone deploying in this quarter someone deploying in that quarter we're not sure who's to playing deploying it in what edge yet there's five objectives down on this battle grid as ever you get five points for controlling a primary 10 points for controlling two and 15 points for controlling two or more than your opponent that's the primary scoring we'll talk about the secondary objects is that we've both taken when it gets to deployment it makes more sense talking about second reason when you've got them out on the table you can see what we're aiming for a word on the thousand suns however they've got plus one to cast now and they've got lots of sorceress if you like space wizards pick up codex thousand suns um it's easy for them to cast they've got access to 18 basic spells as well as their cabal that they can play with so they've got more spells than you can shake a stick at and they've got loads of ways to buff those spells or improve their casting with the new kabbalistic rituals grey knights these days get plus one to denying the witch so thousand cents plus one to cast grey nuts plus one to neither which and they're all cycles and they ignore multiple wounds on a five plus so all those smites coming out all vehicle explosions can potentially wound them uh ignore them on a five plus plus grainites have five warps tides of the warp that they can pick from and they can switch between them with a psychic spell as the battle goes on but i'm going to be sticking with one all the way through because i don't want the thousand suns blocking the chance of me switching it on when i want it switched on the battle map is from jew gaming if you go to jw gaming they sell lots of battle mats if you happen to buy this battle map this is the deployment zone exclusive battle map and i get a little bit of money in kickback it's a way to support me it's the new minimum size battle map all this lovely scenery that you see in front of you apart from the gw stuff all this lovely scenery is from foreground publishing dot cola uk and while i'm pimping other people's chisel i might as well pimp some of my chisel the our command point tokens and the objective markers that we use and all the dice that we use can be found on my website at on the merchandise page and if you'd like to support me that's the best way to support me subscribe to the plum zone tv for more winters battle reports and podcasts and content from play on tabletop and den of imagination and quipster and i'm forgetting someone jim vessel hobby pop hobby apocalypse sultan plays say hi paul's got a battle report up on there now it's a big community content hub anyway that's enough of pimping the chisel let's go and have a look at these armies you're not an army hello yeah i forgot um and introducing stylus say hi stylist hi stylist i i love your t-shirt by the way which you can't pick up from the merchandise page you get deployment merchants but you made that one yourself original it's in the original you are the dz logo you see so you've what do you think of the new thousand sunscreens i'm very excited yes it's it's sunny outside it's christmas in here i'm i'm very very happy mate a born to the bone a thousand suns player never touched space walls or any other filthy armies like that only thousand suns to the core i arrived here i was given a large cup of tea and about an hour to digest all this written let's go so on a scale of one to ten where do you think that is the codex uh well i love this but it is like the old codex just throw it out it's all it's all new so you've got a brand new army where you keep your own models and you've got a whole new arm to play with in terms of its power i have no idea there are so many possible combinations and things you can do it's you're gonna need a long time in a few games to get your head around this yeah it seems to me that they've given thousand suns players everything they wanted and a bit more there's lots of tools in that toolbox there to make the thousand suns sing yes yes um it's very exciting right this is 1995 points worth of grey nights and what you do now it's a single detachment a single battalion gives me 12 command points to play with and what you do now is you pick a brotherhood for your detachment i've picked the rapiers and what the rapiers do is everything here is a psycho and no smite and also the power from their brotherhood and the rapier psychic power is i've got a name already but it adds one to the attack so i can get terminators terminators are base three attacks normal strike squad guys are base three attacks if i get that psychic power off they go up to base four attacks if they have a pair of fashions in them doesn't matter whether you have one or two factions you get an extra attack so three attacks the psychic power four attacks pair of fashions five attacks on one model this unit here could chuck out five marines can chuck out 25 attacks that's one of the things they do plus plus one to deny the witch plus five up ignore in vulnerable saves and then you select a tide of the warp they're the masters of the warp and there's five tides to pick from and one of them is reroll hit rosa one and reroll wound roles and one against demons and that's this tide is turned on unless you turn it off with a psychic power i haven't brought the psychic power i'm just sticking with a tiger convergence all the way through the battle which increases the range of my sci weapons but on sixes to wound in close combat with nemesis weapons i will do mortal wounds in addition what does that mean everything here that's got a close combat weapon except for the nemesis dreadnights with their doom fists they're not nemesis weapons but everything else here is going to do sixes to wound in close combat in addition and i've got a psychic power to give them all attacks and they know smite and the way this works is there's two psychic disciplines to pick from these guys can only pick from the santic discipline sorry the dominance discipline they can pick a power each you can pick two net grandmaster can pick two powers from the dominance discipline my captain picks one power from the dominant discipline everyone else gets powers from the santic discipline handed to them so as well as smite and the extra attack my terminators know hammerhand and all my troops know hammerhand and with psychic confluence in the dominus discipline they can cast hammer hand as well as you can cast hammer hand more than once just like you can cast smite more than once so for example when you cast a smite it's a five then a six then a seven and if i wanted to cast hammer hand it would be a five then a six then a seven you can cast the powers from the dominance discipline more than once there's also a way stylus you can pass cast the power from your brotherhood more than once as well you know the plus one attack plus one you can do that going up but you need that warp turned on that title of the wall and the reason why i'm sticking with one tide of the warp is because your thousand suns and you can deny me switching that tide on because it's a psychic test right so you could get caught with your trousers down if you're trying to go aggressive defensive yeah exactly there's a nice defensive tide of the walk which puts me in light cover so long as i'm more than 12 inches away now adrenal in light cover or a land raider and like clever more than 12 inches away and if you're already in light cover then you get dense cover as well so you could have light cover dance cover for your whole army in term one and then you've got to switch the tide of the warp to go offensive but say you blocked that or say i was playing against dark angels that have that watched warlord trait that can just turn off a power once or there's the silent king that can just turn off a power once i'm not convinced in tournament play at least or in match play relying on being able to switch these tides around i'm not sure it's a good idea it's nice for any player mechanic go defensive go aggressive it's a great play mechanic particularly for open play narrative play stuff like that but if you're going to a tournament or if you're playing competitive i think perhaps sticking with one is the way to go what do you think yeah could be you've named three armies that can shut that down yeah and lots of other armies that won't have that power to stop you psychically at all yeah you're sweating something like god whatever that's true you have a lot of options so tournament you don't hear facing but against the game you think well i could do the type thing i'd be quite fun yeah so my nemesis is grand master dread knight dude he's got two and i could have given him santik so perhaps at tournament levels i would have given him the warp shaping one as well as another one and in some battles i don't need to use the warp shaping one i've given him two so nemesis grand master in a suit the two powers that he have is one is gate of infinity to teleport around all over the place and the other one is one minute empiric amplification so he can increase the damage of psi weapons that these guys have got by one so he can gate around he can increase their damage by one he can smite or he can give himself one additional attack but you can only cast one power there is a stratagem now it costs one cp i think it's called mental focus and then you can pick a granite cycle unit and they can cast one more power than normally could so even though he knows four i could spend a strat so he could do an extra one now his relic is called the sigil of exigence once per battle when he's selected as a target of a shooting attack you can teleport out of there i've also upgraded him the prognostic cars there's 12 things that you can get with my prognostic arse and they're once per battle things and you pay for the upgrade i know there's something in those books as well you've got things that can pay to upgrade characters but yours are turned on all the time it's like add another power or do a thing and you've got it all the time my prognostical things is you pay it once and they've both got one and it happens once and his he's got one minute servant of the throne when he's selected as a target of attack he can turn it on and he's got a three-up and vulnerable save the prognostic car said to him you're going to die this day he went no thanks for the warning so he's got a three up invulnerable save for one turn and he's normally got a four up save and he can teleport away if you try and shoot him once once post once per battle things as well as all those psychic powers this guy i gave him the wallet so that's my relic the teleport away gave him a wall or tray and i could have spent some of my cps dishing out some more stuff but i really want to spend the cps on gray nights uh stratagems to find out what they do so i've only got one relic one warlord trait on the captain um i've given him psychic epitome epitome that's the word and he can select a grey knight cycle unit within six inches of himself he's also a grain outside unit and it adds one to their which fire damage so when he does d3 mortal wounds it could be d3 plus one but i've also given him four takes of doom vortex of doom is a 12 inch range smite that does two d3 instead of one d3 damage and with psychic epitome turned on that'd be 2d three plus one vortex of doom also does splash damage to units within three inches of the target units only 12 inch range though so he's my smite bomb carrier and i've given him one minute gem of enoch two i think that's how you say it he's listened to the prognostic cars as well and once per battle he can add two to his psychic tests because vortex of doom is a seven to pull off two d3 smite plus one because of a psychic power if i put it on him and a seven to cast well with plus two to the casting power i'm casting on a five but if i roll a nine or a ten or something it's highly unlikely gonna deny it and uh then you'll shoot the crap out of him then he's dead [Laughter] so yeah he's psychic epitome he's got the relic you can teleport away uh grand masters give core units re-roll hit rolls of one and dread knights are core paladins are core everything's everything here is core and captains allow you to re-roll wound roles of one now and everything here is core how cool is that so reroll hit rolls one re-roll win rolls of one and the dreadnoughts are venerable dreadnoughts so they've got a six-up shrug and they'll be hitting on twos and their psychic power is armored resilient so i can get their armor save up by two up by one sorry to give them two up save dreadnoughts along with smite along with the um the plus one attack the troops i mentioned all of hammerhand which and then i've got two units of interceptors there's a uh heavy flamer they're not called flamers they're called something grey like something i'm getting excited they're called incinerators grain night flames are called incinerators they're strength six heavy flamers essentially at 12 inch range and their psychic power allows them to move shoot move it's called ethereal castigation basically in the psychic phase if a possible church fellow 6 they can shoot and then they can make a normal move but if i do that in the psychic phase then i can't shoot again and i can't charge again so basically you've got an ability with your interceptors now to move 12 because they've got jump they teleport through stuff move 12 pass the psychic test and then move 12 again or behind a wall they could move out shoot move back behind the wall but again if they pass that psychic test that's it they're not charging they're not shooting again in the shooting phase if you fear the circuit test then you could charge and you could shoot they're there to harass essentially the dread knights i mentioned so hammerhead uh armored resilience hammerhand ethereal castigation these guys have got powers from the dominus discipline that's how it works i'm very excited right this is 90 how many points one nine nine nine one nine nine nine you beat me by four points a single battalion of thousand sons plus one to cast yes you've now got kabbalistic ritual which is something that happens in the psychic phase you get a number of points depending on how many sorcerers and other things that you've got and you add up that's a point that's basically a bucket load of points that you get to spend in the psychic phase leftover points are discarded and then you do it again in the next phase and then you do it again in the next phase and the whole point of kabbalistic focus is to make you better at casting spells there are lots of things i think best thing to do is we'll see in the first kabbalistic phase exactly what it can do because there's different units have different points yes you add them all up and then you work out what you're going to spend you can't affect the unit more than once one ritual unless there's things you do with it and so yeah it's um it's like more psychic powers you don't have to roll for and you can't be denied oh yeah yeah well there's also cabalistic power for example which is this power cannot be denied that's a really good one uh worth pointing out as well while we're at it is the xangels and the rubacai and your terminators all have objectives secured now they are also we should say on the their plus one to cast is their first army-wide trait yeah the other one is that um zangos and rupert and rupert means get five of binvin so yeah that's not a data sheet that's uh so you've got to have a battle forged attachment to get the invent save on your coins yeah so fiber from van plus one to cast these are all troops there was something else i wanted to mention these are all sec yeah those are obsec that was it you can't bring more zangara units then you take rubicar units now but the floaty guys on disks don't don't have the bray keyword so they don't count basically you can't load out with five units of xangos and one unit of um rubikai that's kind of the restrictions that we've seen in other codexes and these are no longer called they're no longer called just checked yeah oh interesting and then the last thing you do just like i pick a brotherhood to belong in yes you pick a cult per detachment if you have two detachments you could pick two cards for example what cult am i facing today so you're facing the cult of time what is what does that mean it's everyone's favorite so to quickly recap yeah what you could do is pick different attachments but you have to pay points for that and again i want as many points to spend on stratagems yes so i could have and probably would have divided up but we're going closer time here because it's a power that every cycle knows right so they all know an additional pattern it's like you all know smite and an additional power like me and then your regular will give you below two and one etcetera so you know all those plus your your cult power what's the what's the count called power is time flux right uh i better check it because they changed it slightly because it was horrible back then these these cults by the way are basically the same as the um the ones in psychic awakening they've been tweaked and amended a bit but you'll recognize them when they come in so then there's they're quite consistent so if you're familiar with the psychic awakening rules you should be familiar with the cult the names and there's two or three have been altered but basically you all know what they are and this one is called time flux um so a friendly time cult of time infantry unit yes which is going to be these because zhang can't be cult yeah and you pick one and you would within six inches of the cycle and so these are all cycles and of course there's a psycho that commands each year but your sergeant equivalents are psychos indeed aspiring sorcerers and then on a warp charge of a six which is rolling in five because you've got a plus one to cast anyway yep um you can return one destroyed model to the battlefield with all its wounds remaining so a it's a six of five for you so on a five up you get a terminator back forty point two and a five up you get one of these guys and five out get one of those back so and you're basically gonna do it every turn unless you go first so you're guaranteeing a hundred points back in just put them back in nice i like it right that's the concrete that sticks the army together let's take a look at the bricks talk us through what you've got here stylus okay we'll begin with my warlord this is monty hi montu he is uh the source an exalted sorcerer right disc um i tried to pick exalted source because you get more cabal points and they're better than regular sorcerers maxing out uh so the first change is there's a new type of weapon in the army called the prospering kopesh right which is basically an upgraded power sword um so it's that it does two damage um so he has it and the sources so this tony's have it too so they used to have power swords now they have damage to weapons okay so he doesn't just have a better stick he has his um fourth stave which is represented by the ordinary sword and the kopech so he can pick and choose what he wants to hit with right but the paradigm change for 15 points he has one extra wound and one extra attack and he's on the dish she basically made a smash sorcerer a smash sort of a slash sorcerer okay um and he um being an exalted sorcerer core units will we roll ones around him as well because that was his original power okay how many pounds does he know two he knows again he knows the cult of time one and he knows smite so that's a given he also knows twist of fate and swelled by the warp twist of fate is what was known as death hex i pick a unit within 12 inches and until the start of my next psychic phase that model does not have invulnerable saves turn off yeah and this is i'm so glad this is it because switching off infant saves is a big thing for chaos armies generally yeah with what we face so that survived and the other one was swelled by the warp i think it was used to be called demonic power um until the next phase i pick one friendly model he'll probably pick himself plus two strength and plus one attack really okay beefing himself up so there's a proper smash captain has given re-rolls and i like it yes all right what else we got what else we've got we've got the other exhausted sorcerer okay two exotic sorcerers oh yes skinfish euchara so that's six points from the kabbalistic focus there three and three oh yes okay uh so skinfish i've given him he's got an extra relic we'll talk about the the official look i'm given when we get to the units right his extra relic is the umbralific crystal that was formerly known as the dark matter crystal right and it allows me to pick a friendly infantry unit and within six inches remove it and in the reinforcement step of the next movement phase um which is basically the next move is because this is a command phase ability set it up so remove the unit place it down within nine inches away so it's a movement one so so one if you're doing the command phase then that happens in that movement phase yes the command phase you pick them up and then end of the movement phase in the reinforcement steps of the deep structure you put them down okay so repetition power i like it yeah and his spells are temporal manipulation right again carried over it's a healing spell a thousand sounds model within 12 inches gets d3 rooms back so they all know the spell which is hey let's put a model back in yes and he's got a spell which is he'll d3 as well yes oh okay so you've got ways of i like it i like it so they should have gone for the head strategy it's like one back time and his other power is presage which is like the form of prescience power but better and you pick a friendly unit within 18 inches and until the next psychic phase the model gets a plus one to their hit roll to attack so shooting or melee for a hold them around so prescience used to be for that phase plus one to attack but now it lasts until your next psychic phase yes plus one ahead yeah nice so that's useful and that's all the stuff he's got okay right now we have the new character right who's so new the model's not yet so i had to improvise so this is a kit-bashed infernal master this is a kit and she looks lovely 90 points infernal master for a psycho who basically operates like a space marine chaplain he's got two things that he can do and he passes them on a three and i can't find any way in that book where it buffs it so he can do it on a two or do automatically but basically it's two upgrades in the command phase roller three and it happens roller three and it happens as well as a 90 point cycle yeah so what are his upgrades this is hateful marduk the internal master again rather than chaplin's chanting listening he's so many little demon families to do his stuff okay so you can give him two packs to attempt you're gonna attempt one per turn is there only one i think there's only one here okay let's just check on that because yeah let's check yes one pack that has not already been attempted so if you want two infernal packs going off you need two of these fellas yes i think i want two um but the first one i've picked is called bladed maelstrom right so you pick one enemy unit within 30 inches and visible too if the unit is six or more models which is not relevant for this battle it's a mortal wound but crucially until the start of your next command phase subtracts two from advance and charge rolls made for that unit two for advanced in charge and it's a 30 inch range they can really slow down that's interesting and i suspect there are ways to boost range for spells we could do it from further away yep and i think that's one of the couplistic pacts yeah so that could slow down an assault on me okay and the second one i think is one of the gimmies it's called glimpse of eternity um if you get it until the start of your next command phase you can re-roll one dice you can't be roll a mission-related dice everyone has that for grabs so on a three-up you can re-roll a dice yes so it's a free command point reroll it's better than a command promo why it's unrestricted you can do it for anything oh yeah command point re-rolls you can only do for to hit to wound to save and it's a dice that you can re-roll so long as it's not a merchandise exactly so you could do it on a vehicle explosion you could do it on a psychic power you could do it now you could do it on the charger one of the dice was really good and one was really bad and you keep the good one and we were all the bad one because yeah now the cp's got real them both yeah and anything so that's put that in your pocket that's fantastic it's like zinc is trying to twist the tides of fate very much so it's they took away cp rerolls and they've put a model back in that can do a cp reroll for everything they took away the overriding power of cpu roles and put one back in for one army the zinc army i love it and that's always on because the other one you've got to be 30 inches if i get first turn it might not come off yeah always do this one throughout the battle if he's around because that's always useful if he pulls it off he does it yeah okay okay and the last character is mildred so this is a zangoshiman uh who again is not part of the cult so it doesn't know the cult of time ability but can buff these they get plus one to their hit characteristics when they're within range knows the smite power and knows one others i think the shaman is the only one that is restricted in the powers there's two psychic trees one is discipline of change one discipline of vengeance as far as i can tell all the thousand sons know all of them with the exception of the shaman who just knows change right and so the change i've picked is called the caco demonic curse okay with an enemy unit within 18 inches if you cast this off you then subtract one from the strength characteristics of their ranged weapons okay so stormbot has certainly become strength three and i've got a lot of stone bolters that could be very useful as soon as you're all toughness fours angles are toughness four nice defensive power to help keep her little cackling hounds things creatures alive xenos zango are basically unchanged um they have a their blades which is an additional attack and minus one to hit yep uh some of the strats don't benefit them as much as they used to django have been pushed down the running order a bit in this okay um and we have some zangar enlightened which again have uh fate cluster great bros which look at it um strength five minus one step although i'm looking at it now i can ignore the lookout circle so that's interesting really yes how many shots they have each they have it's an assault one weapon so they've gone down used to assault two okay but each time an attack is made an unmodified hit roll of two is always successful okay so always hit on twos looks like and so that's nice okay and they can character snipe they can they can't snipe and hit on twos strength five minus one so we'll see about more i know i've realized i should and we'll go back to the big land in the back okay uh the meatloaf vortex beast he's a great big monster basically he's but he's changed a bit so essentially what he is is a 140 point tank that can punch you and the vortex on the back fires out mortal wounds and the more injured he gets the less mortal wound attacks he can do with a shooty thing and i think when he's on one two three wounds he can't shoot with that thing anymore yeah that has changed he used to be again a big big old beast and he had a tree of powers to pick from that modified things rerolls to charge increased the strength lots of tweaks and stuff yeah now basically he's got one of four powers that do mortal wounds in different ways yes and you can and used to be you'd pick one and have to roll a dice to see um whether it went off or not yeah it appears it just goes off if he's at the right room bracket and he can start doing two at a time yeah so a bit more simplified um a bit less refined but there's plenty of complications in the army anyway so yeah we don't need extra 140 points he can do two at the start and then he does one and then he does zero at the same time he's still a monster which is coming forward punching stuff with a fiver from vulnerable save he's still got 14 moons at seven yeah and he still heals d3 wounds a turn and at 140 points it's a very interesting model to bring now i think you should watch it i don't true competitive it's but it's it's it's good for what it does i think in the past i found him to be a useful problem to give the opposition yeah you you throw him forward and they've got to do something about him and he's not really the linchpin to your plans he's just causing problems also if you're bringing a pure thousand suns on me you're going to bring that instead of defiler or hell group surely yeah he could defile her in the other armies you could only get this in thousand suns and look at it it's glorious um spawn you brought spawn because you're you yeah yeah do we recognize this guy back here i yes he's come for a reunion with his custodial friend this was a custodies that you turned into a spawn once in a thousand point bat report there's a mordian 3000 point there's a mordian iron guard these are spawns that you've turned this is my trophy cabinet the victims of your enemies sad news they put this up to that we're gonna oh yeah i think wood got out and they said you can't do that anymore so all my future opponents you've got off lightly because i can't turn your carrots into sports magnus can't do spawns except in my head maybe i'll just head cannon everything i killed so we'll skip over that that didn't happen ruberkai oh so they they all they've done their attacks has got a bit more reliable yes 2d3 rather than d6 it's the same as the death guard it's nice it's better rubicon can now bring reaper guns what are they called again soul reaper cannons so one per unit used to be you need 10 rubik to have a one now it's just one per unit so you've brought a solry for cannon and a soul reaper cannon because these are five shots of strength six minus three one damage indeed they're pretty good guns oh it's worth mentioning now we're on to the rubikai all is dust that's still there so if you get hit by damage one weaponry you have plus one armor safe yeah um you've also got the fiver from vulnerable save and you're fearless you don't have to take morale yeah so that's not the oldest death the honest test is the damage one increased armor so yeah with storm voltas i've got a two up safe two up save and the other part of all his dust is i don't get any penalty for shooting heavy weapons oh yeah so you can move your soul if you can and the sorry but cannons uh your missile racks back here no penalty for shooting heavy weapons yeah and then i skip to the immune to morale that's pretty big to me arcane automata well they should be able to run if anyone is not going to get scared there's gonna be things that are you know like i'm made of dust i'm made of dust yeah you know i'm sure the necrons have something to say about that but well the necrons are a bit more tactical aren't they so that's the thing necros leadership 10 and they can see when you fail a morale test and you're a necron i don't really see it as failing morale i see it as protocols kicking in place and they go back yeah but these guys i mean in the books there was a time where like in telling the horus and stuff when the guy says guard that ship and he knows that he could come back in a thousand years and they'll still be guarding the ship without moving yeah i'm sure the iron man trilogy he tells rubicon to stand there and then three books later comes to do and goes oh you're here come with me they just stayed there so that's so that's their special rules that code anytime a moral test is taken it is automatically passed nice so big unit of 10 terminators you don't care because you're not gonna have to bother right um so yeah they got the um the sorry buchanan and um inferno bolt guns which are rigged about guns but minus two oh yeah that's one there's two ap on your ball oh malicious volleys are still a thing as well if you stand still you're firing twice terminator's firing twice anyway because they're terminators and then there's sorcerers which are the sergeant equivalent in every single so you can cast a spell here customer here customer here customer there they also these ones can take icons of flame right you only see one because they used to be rubbish but i'm going to dig them in my bits box and add them here because icons and frames are good so if you put icons of flame in all the units now yeah you can't see them they're hidden somewhere invisible flame but okay anyone who can take one one two three all have an icon of flame what does icon of flame do it gives you an additional cabal point right okay so three six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve cabal points thirteen command points and then the icon of fame thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen you've got sixteen cabal points to play with to put to tweak the psychic phase yeah that's quite a lot yeah it's pretty good i think it's interesting death guard get tougher as the game goes on because the contagions spread out thousand suns have more cabal points at the beginning before they start losing cycles yeah this is uh again it's quite good that it's on the units too but i mean it always used to hang on the characters 1000 cents armies and it does think even more so now because you lose them you're losing spells and cabal points and possibly infernal pacts and everything right so what you're saying is you really don't want to face an army with a bunch of snipers i really don't know okay i'm making a mental note for the next time i fight thousands of indicators and they've got two powers and one has zinc is firestorm which is um roll nine dice and on five episodes no there's six up is mortal wounds unless i roll high roll a natural mine up to cast then it's more than a five up okay so right exactly targeted smite yes and the other one is a new one um so this one is psychic stalk it's one of the new ones in discipline of vengeance um hard to pull off but potentially nasty and warp charger five select one enemy unit that's not vehicle monster or character yes um beat the leadership on 2d6 yes and one model dies my leadership in gray knights is basically eight yeah so if you get a nine plus a model dies yeah so that could be an outrider atv that could be is atv vehicle uh yeah no it's not a vehicle oh atv yeah pop get rid of that could get an attack bike you could get thai battle suits they're not vehicles you know some of the is there only vehicles and monsters vehicles models and characters okay okay so you can just delete very expensive units right leadership so you've got to get higher than the leadership on two dice which is unlikely but if you do manage to get it off dead modern it's unlikely but there is a cult that allows you to decrease leadership with its spell there of course you'll have your extra roll dice so you might be able to tweak that builds well for just removing it and the great thing about this is it's not mortal wounds and you can you can shrug more this is just it gets taken out yeah so that's nice so hard to pull off but if it happens that'd be fun nice um and then we go to the the big unit yes now this is very expensive there's ten of them and five of them have warped flames five of walk flanges those are ap minus two flamers right right eight monsters your bolt guns are ap minus two your flames are ap minus two and there's that stratagem so it's plus one to wound there is but i may not need that because this spell is called the pyrrhic flux which um again within 12 inches add one to the strength characteristics of warp flames walk from pistols and heavy warp flame as they're equipped with so one minute how many flames are in there five and if you pull that spell off that strength fly of ap minus two flames five d6 strength five auto hits at minus two okay so they're going to die and then sky because gold terminators whose have objectives good they do yes um so all the good stuff with them two missiles two missile racks another reaper cannon in there i can see two reaper cannons two missile racks everyone else has got infernal computers 40 points basic now yeah yeah and um probably fairly pointed given what they one of the things with the bolts is they took away the really dirty strat where they could fire again now that's just used to be two command points everything would fire again can't do that you pay one command point and you get an extra shot with your commie voters strap one cp extra shot yeah so combos is four became five so which is nice and more reasonable um but no no an extra shot with your combi bolters is does that go from rapid fire to rapid fire three and therefore six shots no it just says it because you get an extra one extra shot and that's not just for them they could so their rapid fires two they would get extra shot too if they fired twice would become three right so just extra extra pips um there's also a soul reaper strat that won't come in because it targets hordes but if you do see a lot of hordes have a couple of solar panels in your team what's the psychic power on your aspiring dude ah um well the one that's going to get used a lot is the time flex because i'm going to keep bringing 10 liters back and i gave him the glamorous each which is minus one to hit right so if i'm ever not bringing people back i can make them harder to kill in the first place okay and i see you've spent a relic i've spent a relic and i spent some points so the points i spent because you can spend points on um aspiring sorcerers as well as regular ones so you've upgraded a dude here and you've spent 10 points upgrading this guy to battle psyche he's a battle side this is really good awesome because one of the things there's always been odd to me is that these sorcerers only have three attacks same as the rest of the group there were a few sergeants that don't get extra attacks yeah um but you make them a battle psycho yes which i'm just thinking i can do yes i can um aspiring sorcerer i can't do it oh okay so double checking triple checking things you can't make him a battle cycle that's for hq's essentially lesser hq sorcerers and terminator sources but what you can do is spend those points on something else which stylus has just done which is protege he needs an additional psychic power okay he's a protege now so after me saying he's only going to cast one spell he nana is like four so so we're giving him temple manipulation which is the heating one we talked about so if i have so he could directly bring one back and then spend a cp to cast another one and he'll wipe who's down so yeah it's a healing kind of thing he's a he's a very nice guy okay so we got out of that one and you have spent a relic yes give this guy a better hitty stick yes this is not quite as good to say as we thought it was when we thought we had five attacks but it is called v um let me get to it so the rep the cp i spent is aspiring magister right which allows me to put a relic on a basic champion okay so this was the paid for relic this is my free relic okay and the cps allows me to put it onto a champion right as well so far and the relic i gave him is called the stave abominus so it's a force stave but instead of being d3 damage it's only one damage it does give me plus three strength minus one ap and every time i make an attack i make two hit rolls instead of one so it doubles your attacks we did think it was with five attacks that was nasty yes even got six attacks that's still pretty good yeah so six attacks uh strength seven minus minus one minus one one damage okay so he's got a lot of taxis and nugget in there that can hit more killers of course you can always um yeah more of a horde killer than a little killer but we'll see to try it out okay so that's the thousand suns plus two runners with tommy melters two quick riders can be melted okay so there's lots of tools in the toolbox lots of different things to remember but essentially what we've got here is a pretty stripped down thousand suns thing there's rubakai and there's troops running around with some support there's lots of spells to remember and buffs to remember but that's what it always was like with thousand suns the best generals can make the right things happen at the right time for their army or the most not necessarily the best but the most experienced once you've got a lot of experience with thousand suns making the right things go off when you want them to go off are those moments that can change the game and that's why i like fighting against you because there's a number of occasions when you've done that to me like i think it's going this way and i think it's going that way but then zinc all of a sudden changes a few things it's like oh dear there goes that flank and that's what makes playing thousand suns a glorious codex to play with not necessarily a new person's army but definitely someone who likes a bit of tactics and intrigue let's go on to deployment right here we are after deployment grey knights have teleport strike they can teleport in and i've put these units in reserve two units of strike teams and a unit attempt terminators that's it for now because for the secondaries right there's a one that you can pick for killing demons you don't have any demons there's another one you can pick which is a psychic warp crafting thing complete psychic actions on objectives and i don't want to pick that one because you could deny me them if you're in denial range you can deny psychic actions so the one i've picked is the good old space marine one oath of moment basically i want to get within six inches of the center of the table not fair morale or fall back and kill vehicles or monsters or characters as well so oath of the moment is a good one with the type of list i've got essentially because i'm going to be pushing forward with the dread knights pushing forward with some terminators pushing forward with my granite grand master there there's the captain who's the smite battery the vortex of doom battery i'm going that way anyway i've got a 24 inch range army you've got a 24 inch range army it's going to get messy so i've picked oath of moment i've also picked retrieve octarius data and engage on all fronts retrieve octarius data is if i do an action in two table quarters i get four points and three table quarters it's four eight points in all four table quarters it's 12 points you've picked retrieve octarius data as well yes and you've picked engage as well because i've got like you can get around the board as well so yeah that seems a good thing to do so engage is about spreading out and getting into table quarters retrieving octarius data is about spreading out and doing actions in table quarters and i've got a unit of interceptors here that can move cast a psychic power shoot and then move again and the same with this squad here they can move cast to psycho parachute again but because it's this quarter deployment i can get on that objective anyway and then get count charged by a mutual fortix piece which doesn't sound very anyway we both want to spread out and get table quarters i've trailed one unit back here because you spent three cp to put two units of thousand suns inventory in the web way web wine filtration yes so they deploy more than nine inches away from an enemy unit and you put both of your xango units on foot in the web way yes but you chose not to put your terminators in deep strike because they can instead you've deployed them front and center what you're thinking here stylus thinking with the zanga is there's just no safe place for them to be on the battlefield you've got lots of storm bolters yeah they've got a fiber pin down but that's it they've got toughness for i think you will shred a unit a turn if you want to if i go first yeah but even if once i'm running around the battlefield i'm expecting to lose them the minute you choose to get rid of them whereas everything else has got good toughness all this dust i can regenerate yeah zango are there to deep strike in get me octarius get me the light break give me um a engage in all fronts and if they die later i got the points okay so that's what they're there for so the terminators i've been through this before and i just don't like losing the amount of firepower they can kick out on tier one it's uh it's seen and also you could scream me back so you know i've got the time flex i've got ways of healing them up i'm happy for you to shoot that if you want to because i can bring it back so let me put that as attempting buffed by the four characters and screened by the spawn yeah okay that's that's the hard kernel um in this one i've got the big unit of rubicon with warp flamers so 10 unit 10 big 10 yeah so they can slip off here i've got the two infantry units i think one of them will have to disembark to do the octarius both in there to start with again zipping around to threaten that flag okay um uh these guys again these are my own little screen to push out deep strike okay they're zippy enough that they can get anywhere afterwards and again they're pretty vulnerable to small arms fire so i'd love to use them to to screen and grab right they've got two wounds they've got two wounds um but you're right i've got three deep striking units as well for getting back here right so i'm gonna watch that too yeah uh and then yeah i mean you're going for the center you go for it i'm happy to meet you in there and i think i've got enough stuff that can threaten you too so we shall see bring it on the third chapter so engaging and retrieving just like me and your third secondary is there is special ones for a thousand cents we usually get four of them yes and there is one that's an auto include i think for a thousand suns for every army except for grey knights why is it an auto include for everyone who said the greyhounds wrath of magnus yes you get three victory points at the end of each battle round if more enemy models than friendly models models not units were destroyed as a result of psychic purpose so in your psychic phase if you kill three or four models if you see a unit of guardsmen or termigans and you smite them a couple of times yeah and you've caused kill like five of them yeah is one you know imperials and psyche gonna do that much damage to you no again again again that's the max out and you've got lots of smart opportunities so essentially if you kill more models in the psyche phase three points each time you face and even you're facing safer facing custodials who are harder to kill the cycle points they don't have cycles you kill one and you've got it one and you've got that three point auto however however green eye can also outsmite you yes so i know if you took that as a secondary and you killed three of mine yeah then i would be like right you're gonna get three points unless i kill for where it's more unless i kill three of yours and i could stop you and shut you getting down that psychic thing so they want to include for a thousand signs you haven't taken them well they're interesting though it says more enemy models were destroyed so not by enemy action so given the way i roll i could blow up my own head from the perils and that's that's just like the question mutate landscape in the warcraft section you take landscapes you take landscape so um i've got to have a psyche unit enough to be influenced a psyche unit i've got lots of them performs an action in the psychic phase right it's a psychic action so it's slightly from a regular action i can still shoot and charge afterwards yeah if you com units that perform actions like retrieving octarious data that's all they can do they can't afford they can't shoot they can't charge or do that but psychic actions you do in the psychic phase and it still allows you to shoot and charge so basically you've got a corrupt and objective different one around the whole battlefield and you take them you take them so if i uh i cast a warp charge of four three points for each one of me takes three six 9 12 15 the potential 15 points there which again helps me i'm supposed to get around the battlefield and do that too okay the charge goes up one each time i successfully do it okay so um yeah so that's a four that'll be a five that'll be a six so the warp charge makes it harder to cast yeah but then there's some good points there to be had okay but you've got plus one to cast anyway so you're trying to spread around the board get octarius data and engage and mutate these things i'm trying to spread around the board to retrieve victorious data and engage you and also take the center which is and you've got deep striking stuff and i've got deep striking stuff you've got psychos i've got psyches this could get crazy real quick let's roll the dice and see you guys first i have white today for the purity of gray nights black for the darkness of the void the blackness of your soul after you say it again and would you get the five five i get a four it's thousand suns turn one so in the thousand suns command phase the infernal master is casting the bladed thingy bob yes i'm making a pact with the material okay it's called bladed maelstrom just to try to see if it's interesting i'm putting it on this guy because this guy i'm gonna shoot right so it will make you might slow him down so i need a three to make it happen that's a three it happens so if it contains six or more models mortal wound doesn't yes um until the start of my next command phase subtract two from advance and charge rolls two from advancing charges yes they're packed with the dark gods is successful and here we are after the thousand suns movement phase the first thing that happened is these fellas jumped out of the rhino before the rhino went flat out and has got on to one of the objectives and then round here the metallic vortex piece whose base movement is 10 advanced over onto this objective now his gun his psychic thing the the the vortex it's uh it's not heavy it's not assault it's just the power that he has so even though he advanced he can shoot down into that unit of interceptors there that's a shooting phase action it's a shooting phase action yeah so you're on three objectives um you're engaging on three fronts for two points as well these guys did a handbrake turn there's a unit of 10 protecting your right flank and the guys that got outside of the rhino retrieving octarius data in this table quarter here yes so you've done your first data you're engaging they're staying back with the screen and then in the middle there was some shuffling around you've decided to screen with the spawn so after i come piling in in next turn the smite should hit the spawn screen and then if i charge the spawn screen i'm going to get count charged by a bunch of terminators which is very very nasty um so positioning for turn two positioning for a counter punch we're now into the psychic phase where are we starting sir well you know you asked me am i ready for psychic phase yeah and i said yes yes i'm in no way ready for my psychic phase okay because i've got all the cabal points come on points so you're starting off with what now packed from beyond from beyond seven cabal points yes uh when attempting to manifest psychic power don't make the test it's past its minimum value right i put it on the infernal master yeah he's got weaver of fates he's in range he doesn't need line of sight he's in range of the rhino over there yeah i'm giving it a four up and vulnerable save it's done you can't deny because i'm out of range it just happened oh next up uh this chap is gonna cast presage on the scarab occult this would be plus one to the hit roll okay there's a walk charge of seven okay hmm that's perils that's perils welcome to the new thousand zones codex is going to use the command point reroll just to make that number yeah i can't have that so once again take two okay that's gone off that process with an h and it's this guy is this the only one in denial range is him so i can't deny that so they've got plus one to hit with presses which lasts until your next psyche phase yes um other powers uh they're gonna put glamour of zeech on themselves minus one to hit minus one to hit this okay it's a six six um that does pass so yeah i'll try and deny that with my thing no no i have eight kabul points left yes eight carbon points i can buy kabbalistic focus right after a psychic test has been passed yes do this it cannot be denied why it cannot be denied so that's an automatic pour up and vulnerable save on them they're an automatic minus one to hit on them and i can't deny it yep brilliant nice enough that's all you can [Laughter] either steph is not in range he could smite but i don't think it's worth it i'm just going to my um psychic action now yeah psycho going gonna do this is mildred she's gonna attempt to do um to mutate this you take that objective i need a four for this okay okay you fail your psychic action i found my psychic action and um as i kept cabal points i could have done something about that has that one done a psychic thing he has yes so that's it that's failed that's it that's interesting so you that would have been three points i would have been three points oh dear oh dear okay shooting phase both of the rhinos advanced they're not shooting the ones behind the wall are completing a psychic action essentially we have the terminators here that can shoot and the mutilate vortex beast over here that can shoot so what are we doing with the mutalith vortex v sir because he's on full whack he has two vortex powers yes and like the last time they just happened i'd have to roll for it right which is nice just pick you can just pick collect wonderful right beam of unreality yes pick an enemy unit with the wounds characters of 10 or more right i'm picking this guy with a sword here are you selecting this guy in the psychic phase yes in the shooting phase in the shooting phase shooting phase i'm going to activate his thing okay you have to make his thing i'm going to activate his thing sigil of exigence once per battle in your opponent's shooting phase when the bear is selected the target of range attacks can activate this relic if it does remove it from the battlefield and set it back up on the battlefield anywhere that's more than nine inches away from enemy models if the bearer is no longer an eligible target your opponent can then shoot a new eligible target for any attacks that had targeted the bearer and i'm also going to activate his once per battle three up in vulnerable save servant of the throne until the end of the turn and he disappears from there and he appears there right up in your grill three up in vulnerable save now until the end of the turn can't be shot out by the big mutal of vortex piece give me a jump forward so what would you like to talk with this is a mutalist vortex piece now now i've done my shenanigans i've out shenanigans the shenanigans army you have i've i've tricked you into jumping right in front of all my guns what this is that's where the enemy is i want to go that way so instead the mutilate vortex piece we're going to do the same thing but on the other dread knight you need a what now a three up okay things happen that's not a three out of us there's one to be left away for nothing right uh right the next one is uh i could do turbulent discharge to sound so much fun turbulent discharge maybe a discharge sounds painful it does let's do that i had one of them this morning uh closest enemy unit which is them yes with an 18 invisible which is true yeah there's a d6 uh again things will happen on a two or more two or more things will happen because that was a four which means yourself a d3 mortal roots d3 one great eyes ignore mortal wounds on a five i don't ignore it i take a wound from there we come round to my nemesis dreadnight grand master uh i may have made maybe foolish putting him there because this unit is hitting on twos re-rolling once and you're about to light him up and he spent two cp on wrath of the magnus did nothing wrong wrath of it did nothing wrong the wrath of the wrong is what it's called but as we know they did nothing wrong so they did nothing wrath of the did nothing wrong right which is the new veterans of the long war yeah which is you must want to win there's two zps it's expensive but i could kill your boss here go for it and you've got a three-yep inverter right now yes so i think i'm not going to try and get cute even though i've got soulmate cannons and hellfire missiles and combi bolters yes i think just put it all into him pound his twitching corpse afterwards a whole lot so there's eight cubby bolters two sorry cannons two hellfire missile racks sounds like a lot of firepower yeah so these are the commie vaulters were you surprised that i put him right in harm's way i was slightly surprised as well to be honest i flushed you out you see that let's try and hit him twos re-roll the ones this is just the combi bolters with the re-roll all but one hit strength four toughness six would be fives but fours because of they did not do anything wrong to make oh he takes six damage he's down to seven wings remaining they start off with 13. with the cannons they've gone up from heavy four to heavy five so right ten shots okay hitting on two three rolling ones okay we roll on threes threes to win they are minus three oh that is five to make minus three five more three episodes maybe i can make some threat from vulnerable saves this time uh i fell another two it's on five wounds left okay damn it you've got some missile racks as well right uh hellfire missile wraps heavy two and i've got two of them right so again hitting on two three ones and it's wounding their strength eight so i'll be winning you on twos yes three come in and they are also minus two but d3 damage d3 damage five wings left three up in vulnerable saves here we go uh d3 do i come up yeah i can point that no it doesn't help me d3 is the big two he's on three wounds remaining is that everything they can kick out that's their loss phew is that the end of your shooting phase now that's all i've got they can shoot yeah brilliant okay he's still alive he's fine um would you like to try and charge you the spawn i think for two runes left it's worth cheeky overwatch i've got a flamer which is 2d6 auto hitting for snake eyes damn it it's strength six i wound twice though i think toughness five or six ah there toughness okay minus one one damage okay um what from this one so six ups nope um there's a two there that was two there yeah another one no two mistakes two wings and then the heavy side cannon hits on sixes i get two hits it's strength eight i would not threes at ap minus two two damage now we'll kill the spawn it kills the spawn the spawn that was worth it for the other watch now a ten inch charge well it's nine just because you're a knight okay no no it's charged they're angry they're in there okay spawn versus grand master in nemesis dread night thingy bob um you found another strat i have called fated mutation yes uh when selecting a unit of chaos one to fight yes uh instead of rolling for that random ability i pick it and when rolling to determine the number of attacks i can add one to the result okay so plus one attacks and you get to pick one of these toxic hemorrhage re-roll wounds yeah normally you'd um you'd randomize it i get to pick some reward wounds because they're strength five and your testosterone random number of attacks random stuff what they do when they attack but this stratagem helps balance out all those randomness so 16 attacks hitting on fours so hitting on fours winning on fives rerolling the to fails rolling are you rolling so that was another two that got through okay minus two two damage through two damage six three up in vulnerable saves because it lasts till the end of the turn he's got three wounds left these do two damage he's alive and one week left so my grandmaster and dreadnight suit has four one wound remaining that's four attacks but with this sword sward sword he can do the sweep thing so it's eight attacks okay hitting on twos and this is strength user so strength six toughness five wounding on threes and these are ap minus two two two just one killed two spawn killed and then two mortal wounds in addition okay because of the tide of the thingy bob because the title is once born on two wounds left it's called tide of convergence my warlord stands firm on only one wound remaining and that's the end a thousand suns turn one they're engaging in three table quarters got to be more than six inches away from the center to get all four but you're on three table quarters that's two points and you're spreading out you've failed that one down here but you are retrieving octarius data over here so it's two points to zero you've taken a incredible amount of ball control which will give the grey knights something to think about now ruins well they're breachable to infantry but dread knights are not infantry they're vehicles they have to go straight down or around and you've blocked my forward progress with a spawn so let's find out what the grey knights do in turn one okay before we go any further stylus hello i made a mistake you made a mistake so i'm so used to picking oath of a moment for space marines ones and then just occurred to me while we're double checking triple checking all the rules grey knights can't pick oath of moments because they have their own unique codex it's adaptive status units can pick over the moment so also space wars and blood angels and death watch and all the other studies can but we're not adapters of studies we're sanctic astartes oath of moment it's all about taking the center of the battlegrid you get two points if you've got a unit within six inches of it yeah so ins and also an extra point be killing characters or not fail them around so what we've decided to do is i'll pick the mission specific one instead which is called direct assault and direct assault is basically i'll get three points if i control the center of objective at the end of my turn yes i'll get five points if i control yours as well by the way but that isn't going to happen okay here we are after the gray night shooting phase the team at the back are retrieving octarius data and i'm engaging on one two three fronts now the middle is a bit of a car park and that's a threat that mutilate vortex beasts so one of the dread knights has come around this way to lend his fire support down into the mutual fortix beast and a squad of lone interceptors are going to try and charge him and kill him we'll find out whether that works in the center everyone is sort of ducking and covering um i've got a re-roll hit roll from him and a re-roll wound roll from my captain the other intention is to try and crack open this rhino with a four up and vulnerable save i know i could put the last cannons missile launchers elsewhere but that is a considerable part of your mobility to be honest and i want this unit to either charge the unit that gets out or after they've shot i could move shoot see this is the thing their psychic ability is to shoot and then move again and i can get on the objective but you could block that or i could just shoot it and then charge it i think i think that's what i'll do i'll shoot and charge it so they won't do their psychic ability so talking about psychic abilities let's start round here now their psychic abilities move shoot move i don't think i need that what i do need is extra attacks so let's do that with the rapiers one it's a four to cast and i cast it on an eight so they will get an extra attack um i have so many divider witches okay so it's a nine to deny that you don't deny it uh on to this fella here dread knight he's gonna smite you and that passes are you into narrow range of that i don't think you are don't think of anything that can nope um that does a mortal wound to the mutualist vortex beast they're doing an action so they can't complete any psychic things this one is going to do this one's going to do armored resilience first it's a six that passes that pluses one to their its armour save would you like to cry on that deny that on the dread knight fred naughton no and then this one i'll try and do it as well because you have deep strikers that one passes so i've done armored resilience on that one and that one because it's a six then a seven so they've both got dread knights dreadnaughts with a two-up armor safe wow which is nice now we come down to the mess in the middle um i'm going to try and get my guy out of there okay so let's hit test of seven to get him out of there because he's got one wing left and he perils so i think i'm going to spend a cp on that the imperium has gone crazy actually i will spend a cp on that because i forgot to but i'm going to burn another cp on tripling my psychic thing okay what i can do is i spend a cp and roll three dice i really need to get him out there and discard the lowest okay what i should have done is do that but because i forgot i'll burn both of the cp one for the re-roll and one for this thing i'm learning the book okay i really need them out of there so i'll discard the lowest and that's a seven that's a pass you can delight that one on eight okay um that's seven you don't deny it okay but i should have remembered it and it would have only cost me one zb rather than the two so he gates he reappears over here um i'm ready to start putting pressure down here uh what else i forgot this thing might as well smite how many wins is on left so i've already done one smite this is now a six to cast and that passes again they'll try and this one seven that starts you deny the smite so i'm on to my uh captain who's got plus one to his well he hasn't he's got yeah plus one to his smite powers and he can put it on himself or a unit within six inches and that fails because it was a five six seven now okay so we're on to this unit who might as well smite as well five six seven eight that passes that fail sorry forever and then this unit there i'm gonna give them plus one attack okay that was a six these guys are a seven okay no i can't do that i can do that if the tide of something is on they can do their same brotherly thing so they can't do that what they can do is smite i think i need nine or ten or something oh that's definitely a super smite that passes 12 to the nine d6 damage on the rhino for five damage on the rhino is that a five that's definitely a five yeah right shooting base he's got minus two to charge he does but i need to end up within six inches the center of the to get three points so i can't shoot him despite the minus two to charge instead he'll shoot his gatling silencer down at them um it is damage one so you will have your one-up save okay but it is twelve shots fours to hit because of warp warp stuff and things that's the one strength five threes to wound um yeah two or two upstairs one goes i took tickle one tickle one next my character with a side cannon will fire down there 24 inch range on side cannons but because of the warp or convergence is in effect it goes up by six thirty inch range heavy though i moved i hit on threes and it is spent seven and he's not in range of himself so that's one minus two two damage so because of minus one because of the barricade and kills one two damage which you can just bring back with a spell [Laughter] because that's all the firepower that's going up that way just tickling them just tickling them we're across to my now i'm in see if i blow that up let's put the uh dreadnought the venerable dreadnought into that that's what i put it here for last cannons on twos because it's venerable and wounding on threes two for up in venerable saves make one fair one d6 damage for one damage and the missile launcher hits and wounds and he failed to save d6 damage for five damage dead rhino no but there's five fellas inside who are going to pile out around the back i imagine mind you if you pile up around the back you won't be on that objective in yours they all get out okay they stop drop and roll okay so you part them out next to the objective what is that stones their objectives secured and they're not okay as tough as they are if i've got one left that's still my objective well i'm gonna shoot them then you go let's do the incinerator d6 auto kits there's five auto fits it is strength six so are we on threes but it's ap minus one one damage so the minus one you negate with all of dust okay back up to three x yes i'm okay okay storm bolters threes one hit the floor fours two upstairs so that's that part we're coming around here to all of this lot now i am in 12 inch range with him with his flamer so he is going to flame the mutate vortex beast and he hits them three times these flamers i clearly didn't fill them with promethium this morning it is strength six your toughness seven and i wound you three times though uh ap minus one i'm up saves yep takes three weeks okay and then he's got a gatling silencer a heavy gatling sensor which hits on threes strength five though is anti-infantry so no wounds so on to my grand master his weapon skill and attacks go down and his ballistic seal so his weapon skill stays the same his ballistic skill goes down so he's now hitting on fours with his heavy side cannon into the mutalift vortex beast and he hits four times it is strength eight your toughness seven i'm wounding on threes i wound you twice at minus two two damage that's another two wings and i'm putting just in range to hit with a flamer let's see if i put any promethean in this one no only five shots that's the highest number of damage i've done so far i do do two wounds at minus one though five one off again how many wounds has got left seven seven wins left because the interceptors right in front are now going to flame on with the incinerator for five times these were wound on fives at ap minus one takes another two wounds and now i'm gonna unload with all the storm bolters which hit on threes and wound on fives uh two more so four upsaver standard right yep it takes another win how many got left four left so you don't need to charge him to get in range of that objective i'm in range of that objective um so i could shoot him with this but i'm confident now that if i charge him he's dead i'm confident because that's the thing with plus one attack as well so i will instead fire the last cannons down at the scarab terminator so i'm going to do the laz and missile at the same time because the armor save and everything the same mind you minus one and no actually get a better armor save because of the barricade there so here's the last on threes because of your glamour and twos and that's ap minus three which comes ap minus two because of the barricade so two four up saves okay and d6 damage kablooey one gets evaporated you have to put it on one within three inches of the obstacle that's how that works but within three is fine missile launcher misses and that's the end of my shooting phase i know you can bring them back but it's only one a turn yes okay so now we're gonna charge this unit will attempt to charge these guys would you like to overwatch no no let's charge charge charge interceptors they make a five inch charge they end up there i'd have hoped more of these dudes were dead so i don't think they're going to do the job my nemesis grand my the great knight dread knight needs a 5 because you put -2 to charge on him to hit that spawn and he gets in and then the last charge i had to make was the interceptors around here charging in to the mutilate vortex beast now he always gets five attacks yes which he can travel up to 15 attacks for anti-horde or the big smashy thing is now down to the middle bracket that's the difference okay he's about the only thing that can really hurt me because i'm gonna get three up saves against here hitting on threes wounding on fours that's i have to start here yeah let's start here and this is just three models 15 attacks hitting on threes i'm winning on fives but sixes do multiple wins in addition and you've got four wings left uh so that's three invulnerable saves you need to make and then two mortal wounds is dead yes does it blow up does it blow up you know happens when they blow up oh it's nasty blow up does it laugh on a five now please don't let it blow up on a five it doesn't blow up on a five what does it blow up on it before oh no it's not as bad as it was though yeah but it used to wipe out entire units what does it do now each unit within six inches d3 model wounds on the gray nights which i can ignore on fives like not one of them it kills one is your rhino within six inches it may well be yeah six inch range d3 on the rhino i roll for it there you go i'm rolling for damaging you that's two wounds off the rhino it's down to eight left but i do lose an interceptor because one of them was injured but it does get me that objective there would you like to pay to interrupt with some spawn or some rubicon uh the spawns don't do anything and the rubric i don't think so you do your worst okay let's start off with the nemesis dreadnight i need threes to hit is strength times two someone's strength twelve two's the wound and it's ap minus two two damage each and those are two more wings as well it's gone gunsmush moves um wholly within six inches of the center of the battlegrid and come around here to granites versus rubikai right this unit hasn't got any buffs but there are three with fashions so that is four attacks and they hit you on threes their strength user certainly forced to wound one hit the floor and their ap minus two um if you minus two one damage so it's six five ups six six up five upside six yeah six five up saves one damage i get so it's four up saves because of all this dust yes yeah the six four upsells yes which you apply after you do the normal wings before up saves them okay okay that's one dead and a bit and then two more williams okay just cards in this squad he's got a howl bed he hits on threes and how bad's the strength plus two so i'm wounding on threes and that's minus two two damage that's two so no all these deaths so last two is straight to the five of them yes one safe one safe i did it and then there's a guy with a incinerator and interestingly that is not a more wound it's only with nemesis weapons he's punching you with his fist so that's a two-up safe he makes it so i killed one dude killed one dude i was expecting more so three ruber kai all his dust dudes a fight on threes this is just with their fists right yep so these three get through okay four two get through no ap two three ups um i lose a wound and then there's a guy with a staff he has a four staves okay threes he hits all his twice yes and his staff is plus three through his strength he's seven seven threes minus one d3 damage they're not really there to hit things so uh i killed aruba can't put a wound down you put a wound back on me they keep slapping each other but more importantly you do claim that objective because at the start of your turn two you'll get five ten points for being on two objectives yes yes but at the end of my turn i'm engaging on one two three fronts and i get three points for direct assault for being in the middle and i've retrieved octarius data in my back field so at the end of turn one it's two points for the thousand suns and five points for the grey knights as we go into thousand suns turn two here we are after a thousand suns movement phase the four primary characters still staying back but the um terminators scavenge terminators are moving forward to take on the dread knight which is standing there in the middle of the battlegrid shouting cowards come at me over here the 10-man squad of rubicon got out of the rhino before advance ground here because it's got a combi melted melter which is an assault weapon and my grandmaster's on one went left maybe plink it off meanwhile the zangos have dropped in here and they're retrieving octarius data yeah so you've done two quarters that'll be four points you've kept the other unit in deep strike reserve for now and then something i found kind of surprising around here is you actually broke out of combat with the rubikai against the interceptors you're still within three inches of that objective though yes so they're holding it they're reasonably screened from other stuff until you bring it in yes and but i can throw shots that way to try and reduce or remove them yep so i'll have an inventory get back there that seems to be quite brazilian okay and then we did the command phase infernal pact and you made a pact with zinch one more time we put the dice roll down to say it was successful because you've got a free dice roll reroll free reroll for anything that is mission specific until my next command phase next command phase yes it's not mission specific okay okay so we're starting off the psychic phase where do you want to start start here yes this guy yes pyrrhic flux okay sounds painful it sounds painful it will make my work flames good um and i need that five to get this you need a five to get it that's a ten it's an eleven because of my plus one i will attempt to deny i don't deny it okay these flame and his pistol are add one to the strength and that's five flames i think that's quite a not long for this world next one next one uh he is going to uh try and turn off his um invulnerable save okay using twist of fate twist that's a fail that's a fail but i have couple points wrath of the immaterium after making the test so that's a six now a seven now an eight nine so you've got to get 10 to beat it i've got to get 10 to beat it which is a nine for me because i get plus one tonight i don't deny it okay you have turned off his four up in vulnerable save so second power he's doing what now cult of time he's doing the time flux again um he needs a six to do this and it will return one friendly one from the index okay so i need six okay and that's a six five makes it a six right i'm gonna deny it with that squad okay i need a six i deny power you're not putting a terminator back this turn phew that would be a 2040 point army right next uh mildred's cheeky smiley mildred smiting away i can't deny that yeah i'm out of range d3 and i ignore those on four fives so it's down to ten wounds remaining the dread knight they're going to try she failed to do a psychic action psychic action you want to consecrate mutate that still needs a fork i'm getting anything yes right it's gone off right i will attempt to deny that with that squat so that's a seven to stop it so i need a seven to stop it because this is three points yeah i deny it i stopped you getting three points this is unfortunate yeah yeah yeah yeah next pre-sage on them okay plus one to hit i can't block that no one else in range of him so that's plus one to hit on them uh cheeky smite over there okay on the dread knight that passes it was a five then a six and that's one i can all that in a five up i ignore that he's still on ten wings left he thought we'll do um with your fates on the tournament okay is that the four-up and vulnerable side i might have a unit let me measure nope i don't have any in range that can deny that so they now have a four-up and vulnerable save plus one to hit at least i've shut down that psychic power you've dropped the invincible save on my dread knight have you got any more psyches anywhere uh general i think everyone's domestic yeah because they fell back so they can't do any psychic stuff yes so that is the end of the psychic phase okay shooting phase they're not shooting anyway they're doing artarias the rhino is only trying to get the melter at my grand master it's forced to hit there's a combi vaulter there too so it'll be there but the kombibot was a rapid fire yeah yes you're quite right i'll stop talking so it's just the meltdown just the meltdown out of four misses you've got a reroll there that's easy again the melter misses okay so the rubik's gonna do it what's gonna happen is all the flamers are gonna go into the interceptors and the four shots from the bolters that have bolters are gonna try and kill my grand master on threes and two hits winning on fives one wound it's a four after vulnerable save with death on my thing in fact i think this is the only shot that it's going to come at here yes so i don't really want to use the cp rerolls i want to show off all the other things but i'm gonna have to use the cp reroll if i fail like that for up in vulnerable save and he's alive it's okay i still have eight cp to play with i'll get one next turn as well right five more flamers auto hitting for this number of hits okay so how many got now 23 auto hits right and because i did peric flux the strength five so they're wounding on three okay any re-rolls with this there are he rolls with this so that you'll need it i should be okay 17 and minus two so i need fives uh dead dead dead dead yeah you're they're all dead everybody's dead dave everybody's dead that was painful uh what else you got i've got this guy back here i've got three guys back there three bolts they didn't they tried to fail the psychic action but psych actions are different yeah interactions you can still shoot yes so three bolters which is long range okay and the cannon which we'll do afterwards he's got a pistol so three bolts to start with right uh rerolling ones because he's in range of a sorcerer okay there's a one you need fives to wound and at minus two i need four up saves because i normally have a two up uh i make both of them he's still on ten wounds left five shots with the reaper auto cannon nice because you ignore the penalty for moving and firing heavy weapons [Laughter] hmm you thought he would be more injured so that they could fire all their shots into him right because they fell back yes but now you're thinking but surely if they charge him he's dead i mean there's eight rubikai terminators there and he hasn't got an invulnerable save yes surely he's dead well they've got arrows so let's do that first the only thing they can shoot is him okay so it's much like things are they shooting at nemesis dread night with bows and arrows frozen arrows yes uh wounds on zeros that's it over let's go into some proper guns this doesn't work so these are magical bone arrows right from what i can tell yeah because it's changed i will always sit on twos yes and i will auto wound on sixes nice but i've got fewer shots there's only one shot per hour okay okay okay so all the time twos okay and i'm within six inches of a guy i think i am no i'm not so that's a miss right and i'm also winning on sixes okay that's five's a wound yeah that's wounded nothing oh okay yeah frozen arrows did not shoot which is what they shoot the bows and arrows they don't do anything to our hallowed aegis armor right onto the rubicon yeah what have i killed this squad uh you killed a scorers interceptors you wiped them out they're 27 points each it's quite pricey okay i'd rather he was dead what well that guy was dead i think he was in last day well yeah but he's a hero of a thousand different battlefields all kinds of problems he's gonna he's gonna hurt something next to him yeah yeah but choices for these which again i've got a few of my thoughts they couldn't time well you could split far it always works into them and then yeah okay a few moments later what have you decided to do with the scarab cult terminator stylus i've had to do wrath of the wrong again so expensive strap but i need to punch through things two cpu plus one away yeah so these combi bolters are going that way into the um receptors yes and the heavier stuff this the cannons and with missiles going into that guy right so starting with the common voltages from your voters they have precedence so i'm hitting on twos re-rolling ones for that wounding now on threes minus two okay okay here we go sounds like a thing sounds like a plan after reroll everything but one came through winning on threes now wrath of the magnets did nothing wrong these are eight p minus two maybe but i am in a ruin however there are 17 four up saves to make that looks bad and that's how much damage came through and because one of the grey knights was on a wound the terminators wipe out the squad so now the soul reaper killers yes the perfect amount of shots no wastage there and right at nine nine shots quickly yeah [Music] 10 shots in total yep hitting on two's rolling once thankfully there's a lot of ones that's another one all those ones okay so one minute nine um it's strength six toughness six because i'm roth of the wrong moving on three yep okay and these are ap minus three three and you don't have an inventory so minus three from my two up save is a pipe safe yes fives uh he takes five wounds he's down to five wounds remaining and then we have the four shots from your missile launchers these lovely little spiky things on their shoulders i'm hitting on twos everything hits everything hits winning on twos now yeah what's the ap minus two minus two so i need fours he's got five wins left and i make every single save what and that's the end of the thousand sun shooting phase they've wiped out the units of intercessors interceptors on the right and left flank and there's potentially only one charge lined up here the scarab cold terminators versus a dread knight are you doing it stylus no what i just i just big that was eight inch charge they've got plus one to hit and everything oh i can have it i'm not worried about that yeah right but i'd be right there yes and you've got smites and smites and smites and i was thinking and that's the vortex of doom guy what i like when i'm playing a thousand cents and i'm having an aggressive army they come into me and i just pound them from all sides of mortal wounds right why would i do that with a really good unit of mine into the lines then i'd take him out then there'd be a super smite and a smite and a smite and it's mine you shoot me and you i'm not in a bad position that's far too sensible you get to kill a dreadnought in close combat glorious stuff is they potentially could die horribly if they did that and there goes your toughest unit and they've got a four-up save at the moment and they've got they're all as dust and i think they don't think it's in a good place and they've kicking out a lot of firepower they're doing bad work so i'm gonna i'm gonna hold fire for a moment well they're kicking out a lot of our part where you've got cp you've got three left you'll get four next turn this is this is true okay so let's rack up some points because you are engaging for two points again on three fronts you've done octarius data here and here so that's another four points plus you had the ten for the primary at the beginning of the turn you didn't have more primaries than me which means at the end of turn two for the thousand suns they have 18 points to the grey knights five as we go to gray nights turn two okay here we are after the grey knights movement phase which takes a long time because you've got to plan ahead because of the psychic phase so i need engage in all fronts and retrieve octarius data so i've dropped him one of my units of strike scores here they're out of line of sight of the rubikai and they're retrieving all tyres data so that'll be four points for me and with the units that i have spread around i'm engaging on three fronts for two extra points my grandmaster can only move five right now because he's so injured so he can get all the way around but he's going to light up the xangors and the unit at the back are going to help him light up his angles nemesis dreadnoughts can move nine so this one shuffled around here and he's going to shoot and charge that unit there if this works out then i should take over this flank a little bit but around here the unit of terminators that were here went through the ruin and we've worked out it's a seven inch charge onto them and i've positioned my models carefully because smite hits line of sight and range so i can't see them because they can smite my captain advanced forward and i had to cp re-roll it because i wrote a one because i wanted him within 12 inch range of them for four ticks of doom and then they dropped in and i've actually still kept a unit of terminator still in reserve back over there the reason why i dropped this unit in is because the idea is a lot of smite is going to hit them and if i drop my terminators in we're probably going to fail this charge anyway but i did spend a cp at the end of my movement phase called haloed insole fire pick a core unit they're now minus one to hit until the start of my next turn so that's might just want to hit shooting them minus one to hit in close combat just like your guys with glamorous inch you're glamoured up and i'm haloed in so far and i thought about omen and aaron with the dread knight and moving him forward but he's gonna stay there he's gonna get my direct my my my three-point hold the center objective thing and he can just stay there and shoot as well essentially that's what he can do um so yeah nail them charge these that's the plan still got some terminators in my back pocket for the next turn now we're on to the psychic phase and this guy is doing i think it's called peru amplification one minute let me check sorry my warlord empiric amplification on the unit within 12 i need a seven for this to go off and that goes off on an eight what it does is it increases the damage of side weapons to two that's important because all is dust you ignore damage one definitely want this to happen okay you need a nine to deny it that's his psychic power done um he's gonna smite might as well and that passes on a six i've smitten you with this dude you got any denies within 24 of him i probably do do i want to use them um you've got one two three four yes one two three four five so i guess i'll use my spare one okay i've got a six and you deny that as well you stop that um let's do armored resilience on him okay that is a perils i'll take it i'll just take it d3 mortal wounds on him and i ignore mortals on fives uh he takes a wound he's down to seven wings left armored resilience on the next dreadnaught uh this is now a seventh cast and that fails okay so i've got three up armor saved dreadnoughts this time round and then we come round to the middle what my uh captain did is in the command phase pointed at himself he's gonna get plus one to his witch fire stuff and now let's start this match oh we're gonna spend two cp on psychic locus everyone within six-inch range of my captain gets plus one to cast which is basically what you have so i've already done one smite here's the next might which is going to hit them and that's the super smite would you like to even with the plus one cast that's a 12. i'm not going to stop it no i can't stop it can i well yeah you can't stop it because the 12 is equal yeah so this is d6 mortal wounds to the scarab occult terminators and that's five mortal wounds i smite you demon back to the warp that's not friendly so that was a five a six this unit that appeared in are gonna do it i now need a seven but with plus one to cast that's a pass you don't deny it this is d3 that's another mortal wound so that was a five six seven i'm now going to do it on these guys this is an eight to cast on these guys plus one to cast as a seven they i fail and now i'm going to do it on my warlord and this is a so five six seven eight he needs a nine okay he gets plus one cast for psychic locust and i'm popping his once per game thing the gem of a nuke two with so he gets another two wow so he's got a plus three to cast i need a nine for the smite but plus three so that passes uh that is plus three on top of that is a ten blue and this is d3 plus one because of his warlord trait empiric amplification so that is four mortal wounds on him and now i'm going to spend another cp on him mental focus select one grain outsider you can do another power because you can normally cast one okay so now he's doing vortex of doom okay this needs a charge value of seven okay but i've got three plus three to cast here still does it and that's a pass with a plus three that's a ten let's see what we can do the psychic locus is still in effect his empiric his gem of the nuke two is still in effect right this is 2d3 plus one mortal wound and if there are any other units within three inches of that they also take an additional model wing well there used to be but you've killed so much okay 2d3 plus one model wound vortex of doom and that's a four five that is five mortal wounds that's the psychic smite train that the grey knights can now bring so in the psyche phase you went from eight o'clock terminators to three yeah that's quite nice i feel less bad about having a cult of time now yeah now i've got 20 storm bolters and 20 storm boaters firing at them in rapid fire range and we rolled off camera when all the dust cleared from the 40 storm water shots hitting on fours because of glamorous inch no damage they walk through fire okay so we'll get back to them actually no i think the the dreads are only firing at them so let's fire them with this dread here i'll do the they've got four of them vulnerable save right now so the last and the missile will hit and wound and damage and ap all the same so i'll do it all together okay last missile together on twos because it's venerable threes because of that well i hit all the tires and then twos to wound and then they're all four up in vulnerable saves would be different for las and crack though no because it's minus two to your armor so you've got four up armor but the damage characteristic is different they're both d6 and three dc you make one one gets three okay because you're four up and down right now yeah d6 damage that's for damage dreadnought number two uh hit once because of glamour and a wound for a vulnerable safe and you make the save so laz and missile rounds stumping into them stormbot around stumping into them they laugh at this sort of thing we're coming around here to psychic amplification which i did on that unit there yes so it didn't go off so i'll do my flamer 2d6 auto hits finally get some good juice in it and it wounds on threes but at ap minus one you have a three up save and it tickles one and then 12 shots with a gatling gun and then five saves of three up with a gatling gun just one for now i'll come back to them we come back around here to this squad i have a silencer in here which is 24 inch range but 30 inch range because of the warp of convergence it's heavy i'm shooting it then and along with the storm bolters here's the gun i hit only three times it's strength four ap minus one one damage so two saves you guys yeah the zangos kill one and then the storm bolters hit on threes and strong bottles of wound on fours and that's three more wounds or five of them and two more bite the dust that's three wiped out so far so now my nemesis is dreadlocked grandmaster hmm well morale is a thing i'll actually put the heavy side cannon into them he's got a heavy cycle and they've got gatling because it's damaged too okay so all his rust is a thing and the flame are into the xangors so 2d6 also hits with the flamers into the xangors which is eight which wound on threes stylus only three wings yeah it was three wins there at least you didn't save any of them but it's gone into the rubikai now hits on fours and he hits three times is strength eight now they're good counters used to be terrible their strength eight minus two two damage six shots two's to wound uh so four at minus three at minus two two damage okay five up and downs one two that's a bit caught oh i thought that was okay yeah save the lot then save the lot um that's my shooting things done i guess i need to charge them now i expected more of them dead would you like to overwatch with all those flamers you're winning me on five so you've got plus one to your strength right yes so the strength five that was to the end of the face right it's nice still winning me on fives yeah he's got 13 wounds with the four up and runner will say if you might tickle him but you're not going to kill him i'm gonna be rude not to there okay let's do it okay does have any shots the flames get warped flamers that's not good um one two three four six five six six four up saves uh i take two wounds then we have boulders then i took another wound so ten wounds remaining it's a seven inch charge to get into the rubikai and i make the charge then we move all the way around here i've only got oh two more charges to do first i have the strike squad that jumped in this turn they got actually tried and charged to terminate this it's a 10-inch charge now though so um they've got a long way to go they fail the charge i'm not gonna re-roll that because i really want this one here with my terminators into these rubikai i need a seven to get there and also i've got objective secured you've got objective secured so this is quite critical and i failed the charge so now i'm going to cp reroll that put me down to three cp remaining and i make the charge oh yeah thanks for reminding me i forgot to charge the grand master into the rhino he's auto in right okay i'm spending one of my cps called thunder stride when a dread knight makes a charge you roll a dice on a two to five i'll do d3 more wins to you and on six i'll do six uh three mortal wings to that squad they come charging in and i rolled a six so that's a flat three mortal wounds on the rubik's eyes he goes kicking him out away like a football he's like oh nature he scores right he's got five attacks with his fist okay he's hitting on threes and he's strength bajillion i'm wounding you on twos at minus two two damage each so again two five up saves and two more dies so that squad has gone from ten to five remaining would you like to pay to interact with a rhino or some rubikai no i need some terminators okay so my captain you keep killing my captain will hit this tank i say captain he's a grand master sorry mate you're your grandmaster over hand swing now with the sword he hits on twos and this is strength times two so i'm up to strength 12 it's still wounding you on threes but it's ap minus three d6 damage this overhand swings three sixes yes you make one how many ones it's cool it's got eight left so 2d6 damage on the rano uh it takes six just got two wings left then we come all the way down here to the terminators attacking the rubikai my just a car as a hammer we might as well actually yeah we might as well start with him first he's got four attacks hammers are unwieldy they're basically exactly the same as normal space marine hammers except they've got nemesis in the name um yeah strength times two um minus two three damage a pop so five up from vulnerable saves or death sir oh take this plane from hands damn it four guys remaining with swords and halberds i'm gonna do them together because they're hitting and winning you on the same profile i will hit you on threes and then i'm wounding you at threes at ap minus one or minus two and they're all two damage so they're all five up from vulnerable saves doing two damage and that's a more wounded addition um that's that's nine nine nine wounds on your rubikai they dodged the nemesis hammer to the face but can they dodge this no taken take it out and that allows me to turn around and consolidate back so now i've got terminators in cover with my one up save we have some fighting back though the brave and vicious rhino and the rubikai against my dread knight let's do the right now he's got one attack left okay six is a hit he could kill him he's on one wound he doesn't kill him he doesn't kill him right right now the rubik's high not much better but you never know um joanna a little i would slingshot you've got a three french move get within range of the objective so you control that objective in your turn very kind well a wise man once said to me that there is actually four movement phases in this game there's the movement phase the charge phase the pile in and consolidation there's four times you get to move your shizzle and that will win your games you now have a troops choice uh within three inches of that objective uh because otherwise you'd have only had one objective and now you've got two objectives a ranking file first yes yes i'm winning on five um look at those sixes wouldn't it be nice to do more wins in addition it would but nothing two upstairs i take a wound he's down to nine left now you gotta go to the staff yes okay so yes he hits all the times strength is seven now yeah wounds on threes once four up and vulnerable save i make i fail to save how much damage d3 is it one and that's the end of the fight phase these guys don't take a morale because arcane automata arcane automatically these are these guys the terminators in the middle utterly rinsed me yeah they're not running they stand there these guys though six and you need a one to pass no so one more will flee and then ones and twos on the three remaining oh yeah one guy there's one one zangor stood there the five rubicon toe to toe with my dread knight which currently control that objective and the two scarab occult terminators looking down the barrel of all the smite trains now at the end of that turn i'll push you back to two objectives you did control three um i got ten for the primaries at the start of my time but at the end of that turn i've pushed you off this objective here and there's nothing around here and i've also well engaged your troop choices at this flank and controlling this flat you were controlling the left and right flanks but all of a sudden i'm controlling the left leg and you did have a significant amount of push in the middle of the table but that push is greatly reduced so at the end of turn two i've got six points for direct assault so far four for engage four four retrieval terrorist data and ten for primary long story short is 24 points for the grey knights and 18 points for the thousand suns as we've gone to thousand suns turn three so here we are after the thousand suns uh command phase and movement phase you tried to get your free reroll from the infernal master but failed this time and you've got 28 points you've got 10 for the primaries 28 points to 24 so you're four points in the lead and you've got three cp to play with and these guys dropped in you need to be more than six inches away from the center to retrieve octarius data and you have six inches away from another table quarter and they're also engaging for you yes so they're stacked in such neat rows because that's the only corridor where they're nine inches away from your two units and sixes from the center and they can land in there so they are jammed in tight because you can retrieve data and they are engaging more friends they can't fit in there they couldn't fit in there so but that's six points for engaging and retrieving they're probably dead but it's six points and then what happened over there i was quite interested in because the rhino that was in combat has fallen back and the rubicon fell back and jumped in it yes because we're contesting that now no one controls that so i'm on three right now yeah um so this is the push i think it needs to work what's the idea here it's turn three and i'm up against it yeah so i need to push back and i think my aim for this is i want to take up the drain lights right that's the goal okay so to that end um the if the five marines left if they stay here they're dead right if they fall back you're dead in your turn yep so they're jumping into the rhino if those two are left they can kill the rhino but then the marines come out and they're on that objective yeah objective secured oh and the last little angle hid here yes because you're like well if you want to waste time dealing with the xango screen that way then you're going to have to after yeah if not he's another engaging level of friends yeah he's there that makes sense yes it's like you thought about it it's like i thought about it so that's what's happened here i'm trying to recover the mess that's going on here right this is the pushback now so he's not a bad as a fighter character i need to bring him out now he's turned three he can't he got jumped over he jumped out of the cover and he's if he gets his powers off he'll be better but powers are not he's gotta kill something right so um i'm pushing this way this unit will do first yeah they were screaming back there they advanced because their bows are assault weapons and they will always hit on a two up so actually it doesn't matter if you can advance right so they can't charge but they're not going to so that advance brings them within 30 inches of him and one more left one left right and they'll be hitting on twos auto wounding on sixes it's only minus one but you never know it's a glory shot yeah four shots on the glory shot the battle of hastings shot through the eyehole so that's that that's the that's the hell that's the most least likely thing to happen right what i've got here is a smite can go that way a smite can go that way i can try and recover finally a terminator into that unit okay so i'll have a soul reaper cannon two soldier cannons and some missiles and two missiles they can shoot that way or they can fire that world and charge that way because i'm currently on that objective yeah and i think i'd like to kill it because i'm they won't be there for much longer if i leave it so whether they walk into the smites or not the unit's done for i just need to get that that central just because you're getting three points for it and you're pushing that i don't want it for a turn yeah getting oh yeah and that drops me down to just two objectives now yeah so instead of the 15 i was getting that drops me down to 10. because that's contested you now control that one so i think that really has to go yeah he's got five wounds left yeah so i've got a unit down there that hasn't moved so they can fire up at him okay i've got some smites and buffs around here as well so operation get rid of that all right soften and charge that keep these alive throw them to the wolves and then that leaves you with a couple of dreadnoughts and your infantry units to come in and go at the end okay i fancy my chances a bit better it's okay so where are we starting with the cycle phase sir we start let's say we get starting as we always do by counting at the cabal points that i forgot to count we did we have 14 14 cabal points yes remaining starting off time flux okay get me a terminator back okay seven yes i'll do it eight cabal points you can't deny it because i was about to try and deny that yeah you got six left okay eight power points and that's a power that cannot be denied and that's the soul reaper cannon and a missile launcher and a power weapon sadly not a missile launcher because i uh i modeled it wrong this was back in the day okay not too bad a soap a cannon i'll take that okay okay right six points already i'll try and boost him up now he's got a big sword so he's got something best he can do on himself right let's go so his first one swelled by the warp swirl by the wall on him to buff him up yes okay that's an eight which makes him nine you can have that okay he now has an extra two strength and one extra attack okay cheeky cheeky smite uh that's a lot do you remember that again i was in the moment that's the super smite that's a 12 um yeah no there's no way i can stop it without rolling box guys and that's four mortal wounds on the dread not night and what okay so that does go off because of the plus one to cast i'll try and deny that with him okay let's try to know that i deny you sir no smites okay uh weaver of fate on that unit so i can keep him a little bit alive okay that does go off on a 10 10. let's try and deny that with that squad i don't deny it okay presage on that unit so they've got four different one now you're trying to get them plus one to hit well let's try and deny it with that one i don't deny it over there that's the closest yes the five six i've tried doesn't work you need a seven but they are four up and band and plus one to hit right now okay last one is this one yes we got the psychic action okay you need a four need a four and that's just got five which becomes a six and they're going to try and deny your horses now no i want to try to neither because you've got some more cabal boys i'm going to spend five of them to add plus one to that test okay so the five becomes a six becomes a seven plus one four thousand suns plus one for the capital becomes a seven right so i need to deny this on a seven because that's what i do plus one to the nine yeah i don't know stylus yes and this is why you don't take warp craft as a secondary because it can be stopped yes i'm learning this yeah that's a learning game and i'm learning a lot because i could take warcraft there's one for me for sanctifying each thing if i sanctify when i get a point if you sanctify two i get two points sanctify three i get four points and what happens is you keep sanctifying them as the game goes on you can agree sanctify recently but it can be stopped i could be nine points you could be yeah but uh you're not mutating anything around here fella we shoot stuff instead right we're gonna shoot these guys him okay they've done a psychic action which has been blocked they've stood still so malicious volleys so you get maximum range maximum fallout damage here we go three guys with bolters yes heading on threes nice nice look at that i'm out of range of the eye no it looks like you're in re-roll one it's that fell at the back i think you were measuring it beforehand to make sure they were okay nope doesn't have right fives to win highest minus two and that's a wound and he makes a safe okay time for the gun you saw me the cannon we roll the ones and we're only gonna four we're gonna four so that's four hits right there and two wounds right there and one failed save he's down to four wounds remaining running then there was a grenade over here didn't do any damage we've got the bowman the shaman what are they called angles it's angle enlightened next uh if you're wanting four shots hitting on two into my grand master into your grandmaster yes wounded on five sixes yes that's an auto wound ap minus one so that's a three-up save or death on my grandmaster i laugh at your bows and arrows i've got two cps left let's spend it let's spend it i laugh at your bows and arrows with the help of a command point i'm not going well so far right what we're doing with the terminators then right my thoughts are i can't have half measures i have to charge it hope i take it out right and that means i've got to put my other shots into that and hoping it's softened enough for him to charge it and take it out right because i've already one thing failed to accomplish already so what's going on cannons missile launchers bolters that way or all the shots into wandering all the shots and i've spent the wrath of the wrong to cp again plus one to work two cp plus one to wound which means i'm hitting on twos because they're presaged yes rerolling once because i'm moving six inches of that yes wounding on threes you really want him dead ten shots with the two cannons here we go here we go everything hits running on threes you we have six wounds at minus three minus three yes so need four up in vulnerable saves yes um i failed four of them five of them the fellow probably bolter from the uh sparring sorcerer okay hits with everything yes running on fours because of wrath of the wrong wrath around two and minus two so one of them he's on two wings left that dread knight missile type two wounds left two missiles coming up and they're both here they're in wounding two twos because they're out for the wrong two runes minus two how much damage d3 damage two wounds left yeah for four up and runs i fail one i fail another no matter what happens that is a dead dread night they are vehicles but they do not explode you've taken one out stylus okay that was one down two to go and i think that's all the gun i've got left where we charge these three into that okay and the terminators make it there five inch charge for the other dude on the desk what's the dude on the discord he is uh monte attach he's a bit of a glory hand so if he's last until turned through without killing anything he's quite itching he made a seven what's his what is she is he though he says he's an exalted sorcerer exalted sorcerer prospering okay and because he's on a disc he doesn't have any penalties for moving over that obstacle there he has to fly keyword that's it for the fights i can't pay to interrupt the charges um that's it for the charges not the fights now we get on to the fights so start with your exalted source right uh four attacks basic five attacks base right and i paid uh at the start of the game extra points to make him a paradigm of change right which gave an extra wounded attack okay and i cast that uh the new diabolic strength whatever it's called it's called um swelled by the warp he's swelled by the another attack and plus two strength right so kopesh gives him an extra strength anyways we strength seven right minus three two damage whoa okay so seven attacks he's hitting on two hitting on six good luck thank you and he's gonna be one we roll ones for himself no he's going to be winning all threes yes that's really really bad that's one ap minus what minus three so the fourth invader will save two damage yeah he's got four wings remaining yes you're not see peeing that with your last cp oh what would i use it come on point um yeah this is wrong i need a i don't need to say and you're three two three to wait ah the dice god's saying no my dread knight is on two wounds remaining okay the occult terminators are gonna have to do it how many attacks there because before he has he's got a wii disc gives each attacks anymore they've taken it away no he's got displays disc blades one attack right which hits yes and there's no wound okay now we're good for this one so we came to this because i gave him something special too what the this this is the exploding scenario that's the guy with six attacks right yeah we couldn't give him the extra attacks but he still has the relic he's got the relic which gives him double the number of attacks so he's got six attacks instead of yes so he's hitting on twos because press age is still a thing oh yeah okay choose to hit rerolling ones because of the sorcerer that's everything and this is a strength seven weapon it's a strength seven away i'm tough for six so you need threes that's a bit more like yeah it's only minus one one damage but there's five safe to make five threat saves coming up i fell two of them that's his last two wounds he's dead and in one turn two dread nights fall you've taken the center you've retrieved octarius data in this quarter this quarter in this quarter now and you're engaging on multiple fronts racking up the points here and so at the end a thousand suns turn three they're on 34 points to the grey nights 24 let's move on to gray knights turn three here we are after my movement and command phase i got 10 points at the primary before it moved anything for um this objective and that objective says 34 points each then in the command phase my captain said you're the guy that can get plus one to the switch damage that's what he's doing there and then even though it seems quite painful to do it stick any unit of terminators in the corner to retrieve octarius data i'm happy with that because all they can do is that action it will get me four points but there's an objective there and then i've got terminators in turn four and turn five in this quarter which will be hard to shift just like i've got some terminators over here in this quarter which will be hard to shift as for the xango as well hopefully they are not long for this world that into that uh strike team should go in there and then as we're pushing you off the center there's the other strike team that dropped in last turn which will within three inches of the center i need to blow you off so i've got dreadnoughts that can blow you off and psychic powers that can blow you off i don't need to spend the 2cp on psychic locus this time around because i've now got 2 cp um i don't need to do that because there's so much firepower here it should be enough i'm hoping you took out what six last time yes but the first thing we have to start off with is this team down here because as soon as you take that guy away they're no longer in smite range so they're gonna do a smite and hit him okay and that fails anyway over here we're going to try hammer hand okay because i want to go charging in after i shoot them and hammer hand gives me re-roll wounds hammer hand passes so you try to deny with that unit back there failed to deny right we're going to come on to my captain i'm going to spend one cp on psychic channeling and i'm going to try vortex of doom you roll three dice and you can discard the lowest nice um so that's a 10 and with his plus one no he doesn't get plus one to cast that's a ten you need a 11 to deny this scene as we'll try no so this is 2d3 plus one that is five mortal wounds on that squad then i'm going to spend another cp on mental focus so we can do two psychic powers now the psychic channeling is still in effect it's until the end of the psychic phase you roll an extra dice so he now passes his smite on a fuel tray seven yeah eight to deny he dies no no and this is d3 plus one for another three mortal wounds nice let's do another smite that's a five six seven it'll hit your warlord that's a pass you need a 10 to deny this i do deny it okay and let's do hammer hand on that squad there okay so i did a that was a five this is a six and that's really cocked do they perils they do perils so but it passes and you can't block it d3 mortal wounds to the unit and then i can shrug them on fives and sixes so one of them takes a wound takes a headache but at least it can't be blocked the last thing i've got this unit over here and i really don't know what to do with them um let's smite it'll hit that that's smite again that works uh you don't deny it and that's three mortal wounds to that unit over there now it's an eight to pass to smite or a nine so i'm not gonna bother anymore instead i'm gonna give him the brotherhood one which is an extra attack okay and that fails and while we're around here let's open up the shooting flays 2d6 auto hitting flamers on the last of the xango and the heavy sight cannon that's going into the rhino here's the flame is on this angle for snake eyes i need threes to wound i wound him twice two five vulnerable saves he's gone and then six shots with the heavy side cannon into the rhino on fours that's only two hits but wounding the rhino on threes that is two wounds at minus two two damage each on the rhino and the rhino dies does it blow up please don't blow up i've only got one wing left because he was then gonna charge the dudes inside and wipe them out well can he shrug one he does shrug wounds yes do not miss your opportunity to blow mum's spaghetti on the beginning that's the fives yes i didn't know you it blows up i can shrug mortal wounds you've got five rubikai inside the rhino and none of them die in the explosion but um i'm gonna charge them and of course they jump out that side of the barricade way away from my unkillable ground master because i spent so many cps on keeping him alive um in the psychic phase i put the infernal master down to one weed remainer right you did so now we're going to shoot some guns small guns let's put 20 storm bolters into them and the 20 storm board shots and rapid fire range killed out seven killed out seven zangos then this unit of terminators fired into your infernal master yeah and did seven wounds to him but currently has a two-up say because of the barricade he's behind yeah seven two up saves the one wound remaining you know if he dies i'm not too upset because if he'd done his role at the start of my turn yes had that extra point to reel the mortal wounds and maybe could have done more damage to the rhino yeah so if you're looking at whose fault it is it's his siege has judged him and off he goes three days not surviving that's a new model syndrome off again one space wizard dies now we're coming across to this strike team which will fire everything into this fella here he chopped up my dude last turn and i'm winning him on fours and i'm re-rolling ones because that's what captains do now six wins does he have all his dust he doesn't because he's not a group of guys he's a living thing so for the moment three up saves six of them yes okay he takes he got extra one because of his thing so he's down to five did they cast hammer hand no they didn't they are the ones that got hammerhead off yes okay my captain will fire him with his side cannon hits on threes he misses every time okay i'd rather not charge him if i have to um do i put last cannons elsewhere though i could put last count oh look at those guys right my dreadnought just can't see them so i fired him with the strike team the ones that could thread the needle through and top safes you're fine so my dreadnought has to fire somewhere else the only thing you can really fire at is him stood there so i'm going to fire at him okay um does he have a four up and butterfly he does so last cannons and missiles will all hit and wound on the same i hit on twos and i wound on twos and you need three four up and vulnerable saves and you make one of them five left and that's seven eight damage he doesn't he explodes under laz cannon fire and then lastly this dreadnought will fire at mildred and i hit on twos because it's venerable and i wound on twos oh it's cool re-roll wound riser one i wound three times on mildred two saves ah four rooms to get through well now she's dead that's six damage bam have i killed three characters you have them these are a lot of the command structure yeah command structure just getting wiped out i don't think i have anything left to shoot these guys no they fired in uh that's it that's it for shots now we need to charge this unit will throw dice all over the place this unit will check attempt to charge these angles that's a nine inch charge this is my unit with hammer hand we end up there the intention is to slaughter them and use the movement to get further up for engage points later and then this is a long charge and i don't have any cp to re-roll this so let's see if i can get into the rubikai and that's a failed charge so the rubikai will live i was playing this day but i wouldn't because firstly i don't have any cp he would have survived whatever i thought that's what you've been doing all right let's uh let's pile in pile in we end up like this here's the fashions on threes then i wound on fours and re-rolled a wound with hammer hand and i didn't get any sixes to the mortal wounds um five five from vulnerable safes and they get taken out and i still have the hammer to speak and that's another three inch movement towards a thousand suns deployment zone and because i'm spreading out yet also taking the middle at the end of turn three is 43 points to the grey knights and 34 points to the thousand suns here we are after the thousand suns movement phase it was 34 points to 43 but they picked up 10 points for the primaries making it 44 to 43. they're still in the lead by one point and then there was the etheric crystal was it called unrealistic crystal the old dark matter crystal he pointed out the unit of rubicon that were there yeah and they disappeared and have appeared over here and that's your engage points again two points for engage because you're in three quarters and they're retrieving octarius data yeah so that's really good so um that will get you up to 12 up to the max points for retrieving octarius data they can't do anything else while they're down in this corner but they're looking for those data skulls yes it's worth six points right there the rubicon stepping forward to kill that grand master one last time or for the only time but i mean one last time try and kill him just utterly kill him and then you have a screen of bowman protecting your last sorcerer yes that's it you still have seven come back seven cabal points to influence the psychic phase though so we're starting in this corner with the rubicon what are they doing sir eric flux this will make their um um flamers plus one stretch okay that goes off for an eight might as well deny there's two units here i need an eight to the nine i don't deny okay and i'm gonna spend the command point my last one that is recovered yes on um they're also cult of time i'm going to try and time flux one of my rubik's cube back okay that goes off and it settles so that will allow you to add one back unless i deny that i'm gonna spend my cabal points um five cabal points i can spend to make it an eight to make it an eight okay make it a nine actually because i've got plus one to himself okay kindred sorceress adds one to the test after i've cast it yes they have a natural plus one so that's a nine nine so normally you need to exceed to deny but i get plus one to deny i don't deny i get a flamer back so they're powered up over here now we come back to your last sorcerer yeah now we've been digging at this for three turns now right so surely now i'm gonna i'm gonna crack it i'm gonna mutate it you're gonna mutate this psychic action yes let's mute it yes big money it's not big money but it does go off that's a five yeah to deny it it's a six uh i don't deny it finely mutated part of the landscape we're going to call an orbital strike now but that will be three uh three victory points well done there we go right shooting phase you're going to do the bowman one more time yeah yes now this is where six is auto rune we got that wrong last time all right it didn't matter and but if i wrote six is to hit it's all before two okay because 62 doesn't make any sense right that's the shots here so now we have all the wart flamers doing their thing down here yeah so what's the plan with the rubicon styles uh because of that spell i got off yeah all their flame weapons which is the whole unit he's got a pistol they've got their flame warp flamers yeah is increased by one so you're gonna be wounding them on threes terminators and three so because he's super tough anything i shoot at him will be rooting on a five anyway yep so the pistol is going into him because it's too far away five walk flamers into them it's a wall flame pistol right it's a wall flame pistol these six shots minus two i'm winning on five so let's save that to the end all right that's up the money show let's do five into them five into terminators five d6 auto here five six order hits you light them up with flamers from the wall not bad 17 hits wounded on threes because of the spell and these are all ap minus two twelve wounds came through at ap minus two so i need to make a chunk of four up saves terminators of three wounds each now that's one dead another one dead and one is down to one wound the warplane pistol yep something i would call seventh time lucky okay okay this is the number of shots yes it's five watercolors does the emperor protect one more time no the emperor does not protect and finally my dread knight grandmaster gets taken out and that's the end of the shooting phase would you like to charge the terminators no that was my win conditions gone okay uh they're not doing anything because they're doing the data that's the end of your turn you are engaging you are retrieving you are on two objectives right now let's rack up some points with the thousand suns finally mutating a little bit of the landscape they're up to 53 points to the grey knights 43 but at the start of my turn four i am on five 10 15 points for the primary and i've got a lot more assets left as we go into gray nightstand four and so after picking up 15 points on the primaries the dreadnoughts and the team that was in the corner turn around to deal with these interlopers that came down here my terminators are going to try and deal with these rubikai over here and then i'm moving forward in the center this is a lot of storm bolter fire about to come out on the xangor enlightened the last team i actually advanced because next turn i can be more than six inches away from the i can retrieve octarius data in term five i'm also engaging on all four fronts now for three points but we're going to start with the psychic phase around here with this team first of all i'm going to try and cast hammer hand because i want to go wheeling in there and that passes you can attempt to deny i'll do that again okay you don't deny and then i'm going to spend us what's it called command point the psychic focus mental focus the one that allows me to do another power and the one is going to be extra attacks and i perish myself and i just put the cp i got back this turn so i do two mortal wounds to myself and i shrug one of them but one of them was injured and for some silly reason i put it on the hammer so i've only got two guys left there but we have got extra attacks now let's do some more psychic stuff there is a couple of cheeky smites that are in range from here and over there and this team managed to put two wounds on the sorcerer and then round here triple smites went out and killed three of the rubikai in this table quarter and now we move on to the shooting phase last cannon rounds missile rounds storm bolt rounds the remaining two ruber car here get wiped out then these terminators pulled the trigger on these ruber car causing four wounds four two up saves oh dear and i take one of them out maybe i can do this in close combat now we've got 20 shots with this unit of terminators firing into the zangara enlightened and i hit on threes and they wound on fours nine five often verbal saves make two wounds each that's one two three dead one one's left alive and he left that one alive which means this unit down here can't see him anymore the unit over there behind the building advanced so that is the end of my shooting phase all i need to do is make a charge with the terminators here and then make the charge two terminators versus five rubikai i have six attacks i'm hitting you on threes and these are strength six weapons i'm winning on threes but re-rolling failed wounds because and it's minus that's three at minus two two damage each yeah no two die leaving three remaining yes you're out numbering me on that objective actually then we did the fight back so you caused two wounds and don't scratch the aegis and the guy with the stave yes hits three times yes he wins three times it might be one um and you wound one of them twice putting one down to two wounded d3 is it two d three damage first one he's dead second one hey look at that the remaining squad of rubicon around here just refused to die something they've been doing for 10 000 years but at the end of turn four for the gray nights there is only one two three four five models remaining for the thousand suns this last shaman has a leadership test to make and manages to hang in there and now we're gonna rack up some points for the grey knights i didn't get any points for retrieving octarius day to this turn and because they killed my terminators i just get two points for engaging all over the place which puts me on 63 points to the thousand suns 53 points at the end of term four anyway i'm part way into the thousand suns phase it was 63 53 got 10 for the primary making it 63 points each you're trying to do the warp ritual on here this time you need a five i may as well use my last cabal points to boost that by one there's nothing else to do so yeah it's not a twelve so i can't deny it so you've denied it you mean tated two bits of the battle grid here this guy's on the way up he's done a grand job yeah he's killing things you've been knocking out ten minutes mutated on the first attempt and like the rest of them yeah yeah the aspirations survived the charge for by a dread knight and then survived the charge by some terminators i do keep track of what the sources do and this guy has gone way up in the enumerations nice okay so 10 points on the primaries getting to 63 points three points for mutating that objective 66 points and you've jumped forward you advance with this guy here getting a grand total of another two points one minute 68 points a final score 68 points and a painting standard 78 points at the end of thousand suns turn five let's go on to gray nights turn five then at the end of my turn i move forward with that unit then retrieve octarius data meaning that i've got the full 12 for the octarius data just like you i've engaged on three fronts so 10 points for engage and 15 points for the direct assault in the middle so 15 for that primary then 10 then 12 for the second reason and i've maxed out my primaries at 45. the final score for the grey knights is 82 points and with the painting standard 92 points so it is a gray night victory 92 points to 78 and this is the way the world ends 92 points what happened there my dread naughts are still alive this squad is still alive a strike team there is still alive and behind there and and that terminate what i congratulations well then thank you new codex and all that well i mean your thousand suns trickery yeah there was stuff coming at me from the sides i didn't know about i learned a lot i don't don't take a warcraft secondary against the grey knights what when they can shut down yeah that warp craft thing well three times the cycle actually that kind of potential lots and lots of points yeah it was tripping up so that was one thing yeah well but against any non-psychic army you take that other one which is so long as you kill more models in the psychic phase than your enemy you get three points so you do that against ad mech against trucari against necrons here's three points we're playing thousand suns that's what that one is yeah there's also i made the mistake that i try and catch other people in because i put one unit in the middle of all the smites you should try and stagger the units out so the smites will hit lots of them yeah and i just gave you the enormous nugget and you just hit it like a train so yeah all the terminators huge amount of points have gone we see the thing is i know they've all got a hammer hand and they can almost cast it now and i know they can all get an extra attack and they can all cast it now and i know they've all got re-rolled charges you can give that wide but really smite and plus one to cast spikes might smite switch off tomorrow and the funny thing is i had there were lots of powers i didn't take that were mortal wounded ones yes there were lots of smites i could have done yes but you were saving a lot on that flight that's incredible yes the perils is the things exploding things exploding things that you don't expect to say like it's the old death guard ability you just get that that's fantastic especially with the psycho camera that is always very vulnerable to mortal wounds exactly because you don't get the safe to mortal wounds so if you did the amount of smites back to me i'd saved a third of them yeah yeah so i couldn't have i couldn't advise much you're very good in combat um well grey knights always were yeah they're a great like you know strike team and there's you've got plenty of stuff but you're not talking about numbers what do you think of that sixes to wound in combat doing mortal wounds in addition well the amount of attacks they dish out that's very tasty and i guess it gets past because though it doesn't look like it you have a lot of ap coming at me no i was i was saving all the low stuff all the storm bolters were just crossing off my armor so you need a way to get through man i guess for gray knights apart from their weapons that's getting in close and just knocking out the mortal wounds because you can surround at night and just keep on whacking at it and get some sixes yeah i don't feel like i got many sixes but in each turn i think i didn't get many each turn but there must have been two or three a turn every turn so essentially as well as doing the smites in the psychic phase immortal wins in the psychophase in the assault phase they're reliably putting two three immortal wounds out two three more rooms i can't even try and deny it it's just coming at me and i had a great ammo so i was saving all your attacks on two three up yeah but when the mortal wounds come in did they go i know and i didn't manage i was trying to do the combos like hammer hand them up for re-roll the wounds and then give them the psychic power for the extra attacks and then go flying in because then you're hitting if there was a if there was a dude you could see you could make terminator set on twos as well yeah and then re-roll ones if there's a grey master grand master there so you can slingshot them in hitting on twos you give them an extra attack you can give an extra attack if there's an ancient nearby as well that's an extra attack if they all add fashions that's an extra attack hitting on two three rolling ones and then sixes to wound re-rolling everything and mortal wounds once i tried a smaller version of that but honestly first time with the codex just trying to find out how it works i mean there's both this code both these courtesies there's a lot of stephanie i haven't even scratched the surface of what i could do layers mate that's why i see layers yeah the first what do you think of new dread nights now with a four-up and vulnerable save and thirteen wounds they're good and they're killed to kill they're not that expensive either yeah i mean i i i didn't think there was so much my first time i thought well i'll take one out and i'll carry on yeah damn thing survived and the other two again maybe i should have focused fire but um it's interesting from my side the exalted sorceress they kind of gave them stuff that implied they could be good combat characters yeah not convinced they they you so need the cabal points and the spells and to protect them well that one ultimately any smash captain you do any kind of combat character is vulnerable to the counter punch yes and you really don't want to lose because again i was on the back foot when you took out one two three of my psyches yeah because there's no way back after that well that's the true point actually because when you do smash captains and space marines they're kind of like five forget missiles you know you're gonna lose them yeah but you send them in to do the damage yeah sometimes they can tank it sometimes you can tool them up particularly if you're deathwing or something like that so they can take at least one hit back you send in your smash captain it does the damage and it dies or you've toured it so it can take a bit back and then it does it again then it does but when you lose your characters you lose the buffs because they're psyches as well and the cabal points for the kabbalistic focus so try it out i normally do twin protected characters and the discs and to maneuver to get the right psychic powers it's i thought let's try it let's give him a good weapon and give him the best chance he can do yeah he may have gotten failed he could probably have taken out a squad but yeah got him back and wiped him out and then four kabal boards gone two psychic powers gone all this kind of stuff that i need yeah so no i don't i don't think maybe a demon prince but even so you've thrown him away and he's he's expensive i think as with thousand senses use the minions yeah maybe when you're looking at xango cultists as smite squeeze facing great your demon princess know two psychic powers unlike the nurgly ones yes and they have a four up and runners that have a fight from them they do but when i throw them in they really survived the counterparts because you're chucking them in dead center yeah or you're going around the corner where maybe it's not so vital though interesting i think there's there's so much in here with so many layers layers it's hard to tell how good the thousand suns are also it's your first look at the codex also let's face it this isn't a tuned list this was hey let's chuck this down with rubicon you brought a balanced list with xangos and rubicon to see what they did now i bought a balanced list dreadnoughts dreadnoughts infantry that's what you do i think if i was going really mean with grey nights what i would do is obviously the triple dread naughts the dread knights with the grand master you need that guy but i'd probably bring in lots of little units of interceptors jumping around all over the place because there's fast and the smite and the move jump move i'd probably probably drop the terminators i'd have bigger chunguses in the middle and then more little guys zipping around all over the place and i think little five-man squads of strike teams just struck adds smite adds hammer hand adds more denies adds more i'm not sure if terminator is the way to go mind you three wound terminator is lovely what do you think of two wound thousand suns three wound terminated a thousand suns very impressive i mean this this squad wouldn't be here they took a big hit yeah several corners yeah and they're still here the one over there again there you wipe them all out in the end when they were on them but they stuck around and they normally don't um and i think yeah i think the future i mean i'm thinking out loud more rubric more more get them and spread them out and they can do damage to be fair yeah a unit of 10 rubikai is still here yeah that fearless really helps it doesn't matter if you lose six or seven of them there's still three guys on an objective one of them is the caster and he's got the force they've got the psychic powers yeah and if it's cult of time he can refresh you add one back yeah yeah hmm imagine they're 21 points each 21 points each year so 50 of them so thousand points thousand one hundred points yeah so 50 of them that's 52 wound five up in vulnerable save fearless troops this one was a cap on cabal points but if you had that in squads you had 10 squads with 10 icons yeah you're getting 20 cabal points just off your inventory just off your image and that's a thousand points right and um which are quite impressive now and you've got to remember as well your bolt weapons uh weaponry as ap minus two very good and then again you don't often need to turn off the invent so when you got minus two because yeah it's that fearless thing and the reason why it sticks into my mind the fact that you don't have to roll morale the reason why that sticks in for me is because i play with death guard i'm a pox walkers often and the number of times it's climbing clutch whether there's one dude left on that thing scoring you the thing yeah up against uh terminators or something massive and it's like haha i'm troops um how many rubicon have you got i've got twenty thirty if i paint them all so we have like tens of thousands of points i like a little bit everything i don't know okay i have all the chocolates from the chocolate bars yeah because they had the meatloaf vortex piece they've got two of them yeah they mean they're glumping forward well see this again the meatloaf species was that is it bad you got lit up by laz cannons and and the dread knight and then i charged into you i think that was probably it's 140 point model i think that's probably what should have happened yeah and like again this is how you use the list they've got to think about it if they're throwing forward and distracting you i've got to be thinking of other things to do whilst they're being distracted yeah and so there's that too maybe i should have you know spread them at the center and force you to come at me yeah and then you come into the smite it's all the combinations if you come at them to destroy them i should be able to have a counter punch already which i kind of did with the what flame is it's it's it's it's the ways you're using it and i like i like to use the whole codex i wouldn't want to go one way there yeah okay so i think we'll wrap it up there um your dz tv start us on the instagram dctv underscore stuff these easy tv roll there but yeah yeah dztv underscore stylus on the instagram write a comment in the youtube section so i can pin it because you've also got your blog off boot chronicles pin yeah write me a comment so i can pin it because if you just tell me what it is it'll i will screw up the links and things um the battle mat is from jw gaming so they also do loads of battle mats just a humble battle map uk guy trying to he started off making batman for his friends and now he's doing these things so this is the deployment zone one if you get this one we get a bit of kickback um foreground uk for the scenery here um if you like this sort of thing and one more of this sort of thing then please consider subscribing to where you can get more of this sort of thing and more awesome content podcast community content things like that um i like that game that was very interesting happy war gaming you
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Length: 146min 27sec (8787 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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