Thousand Sons vs Dark Angels, Warhammer 40k battle report

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welcome to my latest battle report and to this two thousand point match play game between thousand suns and the death wing of the dark angels today on the channel we'll be fighting on the edge of a ruined city that fell long ago trees have returned to this war-torn landscape out beyond the edge of the ruined city walls and inside just ruins and craters so this side of the battleground looking completely different to the other side of the battlegrid lots of large line of sight blocking terrain and things to hide in out here much more open fire arcs and trees which of course are harder to shoot through we're playing surround them so there's six objectives down on the table three up this end three down this end and it's standard deployment 10 inches in and 10 inches in and on the primaries you get five points if you control one objective an extra five points if you control two and an extra five points if you control more than your opponent we don't know who's a ploy deploying on what edge yet and it's the thousand suns versus the deathwing now the last time i played my deathwing against a large psychic army a large mortal wound output army i lost so i'm running it again maybe mortal wound output is the achilles heel to my death wing list and uh testing this theory out is stylist say hi stellas hi stylist welcome back thank you nice to be back this is actually the first game i don't know when it's coming out but this is actually the first game i've played since the first competitive game i've played since i've returned from no retreat and i said to you are you sure you want to go against the deathwing and you said i said it's a nice looking army but it's not going to win anything nice [Laughter] and now we've actually played a little bit with your thousand sons before and you've been tweaking your tournament-ish lists i've had the school of hard knocks i've had gray nights after gray nights after gray nights hammering me in tournament practice you said you played some ad mech as well i did you also hammered me they're also how much i was gonna say that the nice thing with these tournament lists is when all your guests come in with their armies they say i've tried it it's won eight in a row which went nine games do you know how many games this list has won how many it's been consistent it's one no game oh dear yeah okay so this is your only game winning list so you're telling me there's a chance there's a chance yeah chance for me well the interesting thing is when i was doing my tournament practice series in the deployment zone and behind camera i lost about 75 percent of my games which was a good thing i was trying to break lists i was trying to try listeners they're learning moments right forged in the white hot fire yeah yeah i know the lonely thing is my army isn't good enough to be done but you haven't got that yet but you certainly are you know thousand sons i do yes um you were born of this stuff molded by it i think i've done that quote already i quite like the dark knight one because you know you're a hero to have hair what's the word heretical that's the one so this is my two thousand point dark angels less deathwing only there's a full list breakdown actually that i did back on the youtube channel some time ago but to talk you through it it's essentially got six and five blade guard and then three units of ten terminators which i've already combat squaded because i always combat scored them except for that one occasion it is the one with all the elites in it so i've got one hq and six elites and they're combat squad and when you play deathwing you get refunded your three cp for doing the spearhead whatever it's called that one vanguard it's a vanguard detachment now dark angels everything here has transhuman the terminators count as objective secured um if you stand still with dark angels you get plus one to hit and there's another thing oh yeah when the assault doctrine is active you re-roll wounds in close combat against anything with the wounds characteristic of eight or more or characters i think that's all they do there might be something else as well um leading the charge actually is this chief apothecary with selfless healer and i've paid a cp for the watched warlord trait which is a once per battle deny the witch which you don't have to roll for and is across the width of the table so if you do a power i can just turn it off right i'm very interested to see which one of my ten powers a turn you're going to decide crucial one to switch off well honestly he's he is there i'd rather spend this ep and have watched and not need it then not spin the cp and need it and so he's there to deny a world null zone or a hex or something like that or a vortex of doom or something like that but um it's good to have because if you have an army that leans on psychic powers it's usually one you really want to get off yeah you can just stop it just there's a spanner in the works yeah and at match play levels i'll probably use him to deny uh well i hope to use him to deny a power that might get you some points okay i'll use that power now and if it stops one or two points then points make prizes so he can pick up stuff for free plus he can heal two units and then leading the charge is my jump interrogator chaplain he's a dark angel's choice and the reason why you take an interrogated chaplain is not just for the extra win in the attack but it's because he can take a chain sword and because he can take a chain sword you can turn that into the teeth of terror i do get asked why the teeth to terror and not the benediction of fury which is the other hitistic relic that chaplains can take and the real reason why it's got the teeth terror and not the benediction of fury is because the titans area gets an extra three attacks and this unit this army is incredibly resilient but it does actually lack output unless in close combat so you want to maximize the amount of attacks you can when you make attacks and tita terror with mantra strength on him gets him up to nine attacks on the charge because he has mantra strength litany of hate and exhortation of rage because he's um a chief chaplain that's what i spent the cp on and then there's another cp on this fella over here to give him mastercrafted hammer again get lots of questions about master gravity hammer why don't you put it on a clause guide to give master cloudy claws and the answer to that is a damage for hammer works against death guards and against um uh what is it dreadnoughts anything that reduces the damage by one i don't want um extra these guys when they hit stuff extra claws doesn't really help in the units with claws but having that hammer there every now and then to hit a sonic king or hit a dreadnight or hit a dreadnaught has actually come in clutch so that's why he's in the list like that six units of playguard five units of blade guard um haven't brought a librarian along with me haven't brought along the guy with a banner to reduce one damage all of those tricks got stripped out of the list during play testing for more bodies that's why blade guard and blade guard just more bodies the list did start off with deathwing knights but um more bodies is the way and then every single unit of terminators is the same there's two shields and four shields and hammers two cyclone missile launchers and then what you see at the front which is two three normal dudes claws and a guy with a hammer and a combat squad everything across the line there's two watches in the dark which gives me two deny the witches and you can re-roll deny the witch versus chaos versus your army yes um so i never had to use them in a tournament so it'd be nice to use them now broadcast to a tournament no one brought cares to a tournament no but on top of that i didn't run into any psychic armies so i didn't have to ever use the deny the witches or the but they're they're there because of points is a thing they're five points each five points each so they're nice to have so what this unit does what this army does is it's tough it's resilient there's three main things that you can that you can focus on when you come to an army you can up their output or you can up their defense or you can up their tricks and what this does is up the defense all the way to the max and then it's got a pretty good output in close combat as well and all the other if you scored the tricks on a mark of one to ten it's like two if you it goes right down it's about output sorry uh resilience it's about scoring your secondaries we'll talk about the secondaries after deployment because it makes more sense when you're shooting across the board and showing people what you're doing and what you're thinking of but that's my wing that's 2 000 points of dark angels and here we have two thousand points worth of gloriously painted thousand suns two thousand points on the nose it's a single battalion yep so twelve command points you've spent one already yes what do thousand suns do again what's their thing their base um thing is they have plus one to all their psychic tests okay um their um objective secured units are the terminators and the rubric yeah they also don't have a take morale cool so all these units including your terminators object fearless no morale tests oh yeah that's the other thing that i do i don't take morale either yeah it was running so and they've all got five even your base units have got five up and down uh with the exception of the two spawn everything has a five up in van um and the two characters there have a four open van okay so you're tough as hell and you've also got all his dust and all these dust so any one damage weapons that hit them um adds plus one to their on the safe okay so you've got the resilience as well you're fearless you score minus one uh plus one save to any damage one weapons okay so similar apart from the fact that they're psychics all over the place and you've got plus one the cast yes right talk us through your list please okay so this is again the court of miracles battalion lead um she's not led but he's in charge he's the little warlord araman is in front right and center is arrowman nice uh i won't go through all the psychic powers i've got a lot in all different places yeah they'll come up as we go through there's 18 i think i've picked about 16 of them so we'll get through them one minute you've got 18 powers to pick from what's that and there are uh two different psychic trees yeah there's nine powers each yes plus i get the cult power for free on each of them right plus smite so there's a lot there's a lot yeah okay yeah they'll come up what coat have you picked as well cult of time what does cult time do it's currently the one i'm working with cult of time is the resilient one okay because it's special power is you can um time flux and return a model to the unit so they all know the cult of time as well as smite they all know cult of time and smite except iron man he's not a cult model right cult of time smite and their extra power for these guys so they know three powers yeah and two x two extra powers for him and an extra power for him players little rituals yeah it's like grey nights grey knights everyone knows smite and the brotherhood power and then the other powers and everyone here knows smite and the brotherhood power and then there are other powers and your cult tie your one is i put a model back you put a model back and so you put a terminator back you're getting an awful lot resilience out of those terminators yeah there is also a strat where if a unit scores a natural nine normal when it casts you can pay cp and put a model back whoa so you could put two back in this squad yeah if i cast above a natural nine to do that and there is a way to cheat with it which if it comes to it i may come to it um because it was in the faq yeah you know smites go up one two three four each time you try and cast so on the fifth smite you would need a nine to cast it yeah and then you can pay with my uh my cabal points yeah to cast that spell at its base casting level right which is then nine okay um which was in the faq they said yeah you can do this you can do that so if i wait until these guys cast on the fifth smite yeah pay the kebab points they then automatically cast on a nine and then pay a cp to put another one in and i can do time flux and put another one in so time flux is the brotherhood thing will go in underneath and then you can get easy and then cp to put another one in yes nice cabal points as well because you've got plus one to cast another thing that thousand suns do is there's a chart that you've got which helps them cast better and that's cabal point that's command points each unit will contribute to cabal points sources contribute more icons of flame than a scatter right give me an extra one and they help me add to my cast they can make a power undeniable which is interesting how it worked with yours i think i can make your auto deny not work because i have power to say it cannot be denied yeah um so things go off like that i can make a smite go again if i want to with the points there's things that can happen there it's nice so first when i saw that actually the bowel points i thought actually this seems really complicated but on reflection it's not really is it no because you only use a cabal power on one unit per phase yes you can't just keep on loading up you use them pretty quickly because they're not cheap you know like seven points then you've got half you could buy points yeah and i think they make it sing more than any other additions to the codex yeah it's the cabal points because you you really need to get your psychic powers off yeah you cast when you think i've missed it by one that's happened to me a lot in eight's edition yeah the idea that i'll just take three combat points and i'll make it happen yeah it's brilliant yeah yeah yeah it's a way of helping you get your psychic stuff off yeah better that's simply what it is there's a table look on the table and after only a couple of games you're saying oh yeah it all slots into place yeah yes and there's the cabal points to give you an extra um command point if you want it so you can keep it in reserve right because this is the command point hungry army as well that you use a lot so yeah there's um i've not struggled with that i thought it would but actually you know it's it's pretty good to work with so we have a resilient psychic army which has bonuses to cast and bonuses to manipulate the psychic table yes nice and then you've picked the cult that can put more models back in to make it even more resilient yeah i love it right back to arrow man by jeremiah so he's not in charge he's the head man he is basically just like a an exalted sorcerer he's on a disc he's got a four-up save from zinvan yep um and he has three powers can cast three denied free world championships three to nine three to knife three nice yeah and he can re-roll the tests he's in there because i had the points and he is a more reliable version of him who's my exalted sorcerer uh so exalted sorcerer three upon before invent flies around on his disc and he knows again two powers plus the time flex and the smite yes i've spent money on him and points as he's the warlord okay uh and his warlord trait is immaterial echo right if i cast on a natural nine yeah um i get to cast another power for free so it doesn't come into my my limited of two powers cast okay and that power cannot be denied oh um so it's a nice way of getting another spell off uh and on top of that his relic is called the athenian scrolls right for neon scrolls that is an a point in the battle i pick one of my powers and i roll three dice and pick the best right so it's a pick of power and i'm more likely to get that natural line which means i'm more likely to get off that extra power cool and also there are spells will come to them if you curse them online they're more devastating instead of doing multiple ones on a six they'll do out of five so i'm fishing for those natural lines whenever i cast stuff so it's fishing for mortal wound output there's there's there's seven units and three cycles and that's a mortal map update this is a lot about kicking out mortal roots okay i've not usually done the mortal wound training before but i know what your army is so i won't try that well yeah if this breaks that i want to see it yeah yeah you asked me to bring the scissors to the paper yes please or the rock who's who's this fellow um he's been given the relic the hourglass of manat right because when he's killed he gets up in the next phase on i think d3 runes it's a resurrection he auto gets up he's gonna have to roll for it you have to roll for gulemon to get him up this is the celtic time special relic you have to roll for saint sabbath to get her up well they should have joined the right team and they wouldn't have to run anymore they just in the warp back out he just comes back up spits him back out again not ready right so i've got to kill him twice you do yeah nice okay and uh yes to have that um so you've given the relic of the athenian scrolls yes to have the hourglass of manat i had to give him a command ability because you pay extra points and they get stuff right his command ability is dilatant because he collects relics so it's 35 points so he can take the thing and scrolls and the hourglass of manhattan and it doesn't cost me a cpu both relics two relics and i don't play the cpu to get the second relic because you're so cp hungry yes you want to hold on to the cp yes okay but also there i'll come to the reason why i took my secondaries i needed him to be a certain amount of points right so i threw things in him to get him up to a certain level we can mention it now you're taking to the left i'm taking to the last and my most expensive units are arrowman the sorcerer and the terminators yeah so they're tough because i can put units back in and they've got this the invent save and there's three wounds so they they can withstand punishment yeah and these two are on disks and their characters so i can keep them out of trouble we can hide they can hide if i didn't spend it on him he would have been the third most expensive and you can just shoot missiles out and get rid of him yeah so he needed to be the most expensive the third most expensive thing okay and with the command things and the stuff you can actually make that happen so to the last is if these three units are alive at the end of the game you get 15 points it's 5vp per se yeah so if i kill one i'll deny you five points yes and killing these is going to be really tough as we've just discussed and killing characters that can be like that and therefore i can't target them is going to be really tough your um your nemesis would be sniper weaponry yeah but sniper weaponry currently isn't high in the meta because the bodyguard rule is everywhere so people aren't bringing many many snipers these days and i suppose i could say i could just hide them out of line of sight um yeah because they don't need i don't the thing is a thousand cents why i'm quite attracted to the last is whenever i've played these games in any edition i want to keep the sources alive they they're the engine of the unit yeah so i don't want them to go in danger and i don't want to lose them so this forces me to look after the source and i want to do that anyway right so it synchronizes quite nicely that's a beautiful thing you're building your list around your play style it's also quite narrative because sorcerers throw everything else forward and they want to live so that's what the thousands about a couple of sorcerers and everything else is fodder yeah nice right okay moving along yes he is expendable um but he um he has got some packs it's like a chaplain's litany yeah he will cast off on the command phase um likes his belts give me stuff to do and i'll give spent the cp to give him the extra relic right his was the relic plus the turn this is the actual extra relic strat to give him the umbrellic crystal which is the teleportation one i choose a unit within six inches pick it up in the command phase and deep strike it back in yeah it gives a reasonably slow army some good movement and possibilities yeah infernal masters basically the chaplain thing on a three-up he can buff something but it's only one thing one thing yeah do you get to choose from all the six or have you picked it i've picked you introduced two right because one okay so that will come up in the battle and then he's got a relic that he can point at so that teleportation thing is that once per battle per battle does he go as well or does it point at another unit he can point at himself but he's oh just himself or it can be another infantry unit so he can teleport himself or another infantry unit once per battle redeployment nine inches away from an enemy yeah same deep strike stuff okay so he's got the psychic stuff too okay so it's concast as well yeah so i like it anything any redeployment options in this edition are is very powerful yes yes right troops troops uh so six squads of rubicon yes um all of them are slightly differently kitted because everything is wizzy because i remember it better right because all i really care about is um objectives secured all his dust and having a in it everything else is just um extras in here okay so six quadruple guys with things things what do you consider when you said icon they've got icons here canon they've got a canon when you see flames they've got flamers it's just things um so i remember what they are but the thing again they're quite handy it's because their weapons are strength force so trans human doesn't come into it yeah and they're minus two so they they don't really need to be negated by an infant save either infernal rounds infertilizing both guns and flamers two so they were minus two bolt weaponry yeah fruity but i mean the tactical doctrine is an effect when when that's in effect for me i'm minus one but minus two all the time yes i like it right that's what they do so um yep these are reinforcements from the black agent we needed help so we called in the brothers well you were telling me off-camera that the reason why you're painting some black is because um if you do end up running two detachments yes then you can run this as a separate attachment magic and that's easy to remember and black rubicon look cool mind you blue and gold ruby car look cool mind you even the old school red and gold ones look really cool i'm doing they're my favorite 40k unit to paint because these are just the paint's still wet on them because i get to get them ready for this and i've got another fit i've got a third chaos zinc band that i'm going to paint rubik's eye in their colors yeah i just like painting with a guy how many points of um thousand zones have you got now oh five six thousand campaign nice right the terminator scandal called terminator's objective secured fearless yes um and again infernal combination minus two but combi bolters yeah um the not power swords anymore they're called prospen kopesh's so it's damaged too um yeah they're better power souls okay um and the special thing about them is he has been given a command option as well called rights of coalescence which is if any model in the unit is less than full wounds i think is the command phase they heal back up to four wins okay so he's like a free yes a fourth group so this is good in many ways firstly they heal back up to full rooms secondly the strat i was telling you about where you score over nine to cast and you put a unit back in yeah if you've got a wounded unit it just heals it up only if you've got everything else fully wounded when you do that nine you put it back in so when you get that nine you want to make sure no one is on half wounds so it all synchronizes heal em up getting a gun the guy back in so this is as tanky as i can make as tanky as you can make it it's also worth noting that although they have a five vulnerable save there is a way to give them a four up from vulnerable save there's also a way to give them minus one ticket and the other way to get minus one to damage minus one to damage you can make this unit tanky af i've never had a competitive list i've written yet that didn't have ten scarabs because even though five and five give you the versatility you throw so much on one unit to force multiplier and they're a threat you have to you either run away from them or focus on them because otherwise they're gonna hurt you yeah yeah um maybe the trans-human death wink can dig their way through it we shall see you've got three of these so yeah yeah well yeah with your spells your unit here is tougher than mine when you've got trans human who hasn't when you don't care about the transhuman because of all your strength four stuff everywhere yes okay it's going to be interesting mutilate vortex based mute left vortex beast why him and not defiler or something uh him and not a defiler i don't know about his points basically in the what i've been running as a kind of an all-cameras tournament list yes i would have last canon hell boots something to give me long range because this is a very short-range army it's yeah smites are 18 their guns are 24 there's not a lot that can reach out and touch so i want some last cannons to just deal with stuff at the back yeah but i knew your list didn't have that man or it had missile launches but i can't get to them anyway yeah and you've got transhuman and you've got the invent heavy weaponry was useless he does mortal wound output so i want to put him back in and see what he's like as even more mortal wounds you know smite smite smites mortal wounds and mortal wounds yeah so yeah a couple of rhinos for your troops yep melters and um combi melters just because we're wizzy wiggins yeah and then rhinos are good in thousand cents because they have a five from vanderbilt they do yeah because everything with the heretic status keyword has a five-up and vulnerable save yep so they have rhinos see it's interesting because your rhinos are the same cost as a death guard rhino yes death guard rhinos don't get disgustingly resilient quite right too but you get a five of them vulnerable safe yes for the same points yeah that's good it's nice and you brought along two spawns you spawn yes one can't do that um i mean why didn't bring more because that's all that points i had left um they're basically because i'm taking engage another secondary they can scamper into another corner yeah or you deal with them they're just 23 points well i have to get the two vicky vps so are they infantry they're beasts they're beasts not infantry so they can't do much except for just being a different table yeah all sewn out in corners things like that yeah yeah so they're useful at match playing levels yeah if you've got if you've got a lot of deep strike problem in your rear quarter yeah you've screened that out so what you've brought is a incredibly resilient uh thousand suns list with a high amount of mortal wound output and with lots and lots of objectives secured yeah what could possibly go wrong one final shout out um i knew this was gonna be a rough tournament list so i went to the most competitive tournament cheese man i could think of and that was brap scallion so he gave me this uh hobby apocalypse this is my uh old-school thousand-cent sorcerer he's lead he's lead he's a proper old-schooler paid to get paid him up just for the occasion as well he's lovely he's very short which is why he's on a base but um i don't know if you knew brad scallion went to a tournament nice friendly one he smashed over and walked over the trophy yeah he's dead-eyed ruthless so yeah i thought i'll need that kind of luck rubbing off on me so here we are after deployment if you hear some grumbling noise in the background there's diy happening just outside now before i go any further i want to mention my litanys i know litany of faith will give me a five up shrug to mortal wounds but i'm not tailoring my list for this battle report i'm sticking to the three that i normally pick with my chief chaplin this will be a good play test because against the gray night list i really needed litany of faith and if against a thousand suns i really need lit near-faced then going forward i'll probably drop exhortation of rage and put the litany of faith aura in because it is a if you get it off six inch aura provides you with mortal wounds five up shrug mortal wounds so that might be a thing that comes into my list in the future because when you go to events and things you have to have your litanies pre-picked you'll see so that's only going to come out a couple well against gray nights and thousand suns so how often might i need it and if it is the difference between getting slaughtered horribly or winning a game then it's something i might need to put in so combat squad there's five punchy guys five shooty guys five punchy guys five shootie guys five punchy guys five shooting the guys and my playguard are holding hiding in this objective here and my secondaries are stubborn defiance i pick an objective in the command phase and a unit to hold it and if that unit still holds it by the end of the game i'll get 15 points essentially i've got oath of moment so i want to get into the center and kill characters and monsters and vehicles but also i don't want to fall back now i have to pass a leadership test to fall back i never fall back basically so that's my points oath and stubborn and this army tends to do quite well and the other thing i could have picked because i have no psyches and you have lots of psyches is a ball the witch but i know how resilient your army is so for every psycho unit i kill i would get two points if i kill five of them that would be ten points and i honestly looking at how resilient your army is don't think i can get those ten points plus also if i do go for a ball of witch it's an easy counter and you can counter it by staying away because my army isn't that shooty and therefore get me all the way down to four or six points so instead i've gone for banners um raising banners here and here and hopefully on one of the ones in the center as well so i want to hold one of my key objectives get in the center and get banners essentially to max out i don't have to kill the thousand suns at all but the thousand suns we've already mentioned you've got two the last and you've got rod and engage so retrieve octarius status you need to do actions in all four quarters to get a maximum of 12 and engage getting all four quarters to get extra points and with that in mind you've already already spent a cp on what now for these guys risen aruba kai risen rubicon thousands of years ago the thousand sons knew they'd be fighting here so they buried five of their rubrics into the rubble of the building right right probably a nice building but they knew it would get leveled they knew it would be dust and now the time has come up they come through the ruins okay and they're behind a ruin so i can't shoot them um unless they actually enter the ruin or i come all the way around here and i think the idea is if you go first you can just walk forward you'll get your engage get your rod points straight away yeah is that the plan yeah it's kind of sacrificial so yeah okay well yeah they had a plan thousands of years in the making let's see if you managed to pull it off but down in the ruins apart from them this is all you have yeah yeah bit thinner but um so a couple of spawn just again run forward and get engaged or just stay hidden yes on this objective six rubricai and the infernal master so it's a very weak flank but i do have on the other side of the building over here rhinos filled with two rubric squads so if i need to reinforce my thoughts out bust out sideways go through the ruins with the squads and reinforce around here okay so it's yeah they can deploy and go yeah yeah so is that five and five and five and five there's 20 guys in those two rhinos yes okay so they're packed with rubrics so they can again go forward but i'm thinking i don't go too far forward give one so maybe these runners are a screen and the infantry bust out either side okay reinforce the light okay so that's what they are then big blob of scarabs and the two characters so this is kind of to the last blob here yeah and the meatloaf is sitting on the objective for the moment um right hopefully he's not gonna get into one um i want to get away from him because he tends to blow up with mortal wounds he's as scary to me as he is to you because he blew up on a four or something something like that yeah he's a bit volatile so if i kill him in term one he could hurt some of your stuff there are yeah there's something again he's got a five up save and he's got like 14 wounds right just to try something it's he's quite doable and and there are some strats that you can deciphering power to make to heal your guys and make it more powerful right why you'd want to put any of your guys near him to do that i don't know okay um i can definitely hear that noise in the background of that diy hopefully ain't working camera doesn't click right okay so mainly in the middle but with ability to go right and left where is your the crystal that allows you to redeploy once per game this guy's the emblem crystal it's out on the flank if things get really dodgy he could jump himself out of there okay but yeah i mean the idea is he could use these to get the squads that we need to be but he doesn't pull units to him no he goes himself but he's he goes himself or points at a unit near him yes command phase you pick up in the command phase yeah either him or another infantry unit and then they can okay drop down like a deep strike okay because yeah you're not i've got i've got 20 plus models in the ruins because ruins terminators in cover mind you having said that thousand suns in cover yeah are uh i've got a zero save as well you've got a syrup save as well so we're ready to roll off to see who gets to go first it's not a choice whoever gets the highest goes first i need a dice what do the tides are to the wall i wouldn't object to going second because i know you've got oath and i'd rather have the chance to push you out of the center my army is designed around going second well that's foreign good luck six four first tonight here we are after the thousand sunset movement phase in turn one there are now five and five units in the rhino because before the rhino move forward to get your engage points by going over into that quarter a unit of five got out and on to this objective and the same happened over here the unit got out and ran across onto this objective advancing both ways there also this rhino advanced to get all the way up into that table quarter i rolled three sixes for the advances i know so wrong with my mind reading powers heard you say that that center was a bit light but yeah this magister sent a psychic message saying get more guys over here three of these guys best right out of the right way through the ruins across here there's an extra screen for him so yeah he's feeling more secure which means three ones are coming up right i think so yeah your side yeah uh then you also the other thing about advancing that far forward is you advance this far forward with a spawn he's on that objective you advance that far forward to the right so you're on four objectives right now and then this unit this one ran forward and the ones that risen up through the ruins step forward and they're doing rod yeah they're retrieving our toast data so you're actually in three table quarters right now you're getting one of four table quarters right now for the three points you're doing rod already they are in harm's way but it does give me an interesting choice do i want to come out to the flank to deal with five rubikai or not that have already got you the points it's turn one and i've already scored as maximum points i could yeah should you end the game here no [Laughter] these guys staying back holding on to this objective some shuffling up in the middle the bonus for me is there isn't a lot of stuff in smite range right now so there isn't going to be much mind bullets come out but there is a lot of psychic powers to run through so let's do that now one last thing to note is the total number of cabal points stylus has to play with this list starts off with 18 points um and those are points that you can use in each phase to manipulate the psychic phase as he loses characters then those points will go down oh one more thing in the command phase the infernal master passed is three up so glimpse of eternity it's called and that gives you a free reroll it's basically like a command point re-roll every turn when he doesn't want to throw up the other but it's better than a command point reroll because you can use it on anything and you can use it and a command point so that's the power he's got glimpse of eternity that's the one you'll be doing all game basically right until i come into smite range and he's got one that does multiple rooms oh if you know what you're doing as much as i always do yes yes it'll be a fairly light rain because i'm mostly doing defensive spells you're not really in smite range and i don't need to buff things up right so here's weaver of fates which he's going to put on uh this unit to boost their invent by one okay this will go off on a seven that goes off right and they now have uh invents over four up right you're not doing that on the terminators probably too far away okay so what now so they're weavered to protect this little screen here yes these guys have glamour which is minus one to hit right i would like to put it on the terminators okay 18 inch range however i can use four of my cabal points to increase that range by six inches they're now in range okay so now i need a six to cast this right that's six okay actually a seven because i have one all the time i had one all the time yeah they're glad and they're weird okay uh they've done their action so they can't do anything right this unit is out of range to do anything particularly useful yes uh arrowman does have a spell to plus one to hit called the president he will cut that he gets a seven uh being arrow man he can re-roll uh the result of a psychic because he's aromantic he's a man and he gets plus on the cast and he casts anyway yep so they're on a two up they want a two and they can re-roll ones because they're near both of these these are lords of the thousand cents okay his other stuff is is out of range last one is these guys they have empiric guidance which will increase the range of their weapons by six inches and does that mean you can hit me that means i can actually shoot you okay and that is that's a warp charge four i like it okay so and that goes off for a nine this sorcerer who had nothing to do yeah i'm gonna spend uh three cabal points to make him cast a pact from beyond right which is uh only a three to cast it and it's an extra cp that goes off again three kill points and a three yes nice so then minus one they've got a four up in van that's it for your psychic phase because a lot of stuff isn't in range yeah when you get closer when you get within that magic 18 inches yeah we're going to feel it okay let's move on to the shooting phase so interestingly what a short range army so only the rhinos and the terminators are going crazy strange can actually hit something yes what are we shooting out first sir uh we'll put these they've got a kombi bolter yeah it can be melter yeah combi bolter parts into this unit into that unit then the mount was out of range so i'll just do the comic book okay it's two hits why three dice uh one combi bolter and then one can be melter of which i'm finding the bolt part of it okay right sure the meltdown is melted so just voter bits yeah running on force yes which i'm going to say i love this battle is that ap minus two yes even the vehicles now are in finland so ap minus one because of a shield i need a three and i make the save okay turns out this rhino that advanced isn't in range or line of sight so it's now all the terminators you're counting out lots of dice because you've got 30 inch range and you can see everything in this unit down here yes eight can be eight inferno copy boxes right so they've been hitting on twos because they're pre-saged yes and we're running ones because aramaic is around them okay and everything's going into that lead squad of terminators yes [Music] two three rolling ones glad are we running ones after the re-roll all 32 hit now you're winning on for us here we go right that was 15 hits at -2 i've got a shield guy within range of the barricade so minus two becomes minus one for the shield and then minus two because of the basically still two upsides because of shield and cover so don't roll any ones he's taken a wound so far and two wounds he's got one wound remaining okay i've got two soleple cannons right there strength doesn't matter but they're an extra pip of ap okay they're hitting on two's ruling ones again extra so these are a p minus three yes nice so they all hit all right and we've gone forwards even though this string is six naughty only three only three so these will be three up saves on the shield guy he's alive he's alive he's alive these are the hellfire missiles now right nice strength strength is eight right double force yes minus two ap minus two so two up safe um i'm going to see p reroll mind you that's the end of your shooting phase it is yeah and if i get them within range of the apothecary you can pick them up anyway so i'm not going to cp reroll that lovely because i think that's the end of your turn one that is yeah and so at the end of thousand suns term one they do get three points for engage in all fronts and they've done a rod in this corner here not a lot of shooting well a lot of shooting but not a lot of psychic power came out yet but next turn as soon as i move forward i will be in this smite bomb range as we go on to deathwing term one here we are after the dark angels movement and command phase i've nominated this one as my stubborn defiance objective and i'm slowed by craters so that will be a seven inch charge minimum to get into this unit of thousand suns here and the unit of blade guard at the front it'll be an eight inch charge to get into that spawn i really need to kill that spawn because you're currently on four objectives and if i make that charge i'll outnumber you on the central objectives keeping you down to 10 points on the primary but of course then there'll be a unit of blade guard in harm's way right in the center of the table i haven't pushed forward to take the center yet we've marked it out for the oath of moment things because i'm not going to fail a morale or fall back and i'm hoping of killing a vehicle and that will get me two points for oath so pushing forward over here to make some charges i've put the marine back in that was injured in the shooting phase i've stayed still with both of the units with the cyclone missile launches because everything here can see that rhino and this unit are doing banners and the unit with the cycle and missile launches back here are actually doing balance because they don't have any good targets and normally the s that unit would be doing the banners and they'd be shooting but line of sight and ruins are a thing so instead they're going to go charging in so in the shooting phase all i've really got is these two units firing in at this rhino so you're popping smoke minus one to hit so this unit of cyclone missile launches will be hitting on threes because dark ages stand still get plus one to hit everything hits three's the wind um i'm thinking about cp already i won't i've got four more shots coming in so that's two five up and down for saves you make one d6 damage five damage it's half way there this unit will be flying through the trees so they're hitting on threes the smoke doesn't affect them because you can't go up or down in the modifiers more than one actually no they would normally hit on threes i go down to twos because i stood still i'm on threes because of the trees and then i'm down to fours that my actual ballistic skill is a three up so it does put me down to four up because that isn't a modifier of more than one if you say so that's how that's that's really how that works um so any force to hit you and now i'm thinking of cp so i will cp yay i need threes to wound you i only wound you twice two five up and guns cast them and i don't block the rhino which doesn't get me a point oh i forgot there is storm boaters here and storm boulders there we'll do them yep yeah the storm boats fired in chipped another wound off of it that's the end of my shooting phase now we need to do some charges coming over here to this unit of deathwing charging your thousand sons would you like to do anything sir no thank you i need a seven and that's a four i'm not going to cp re-roll it do i because i need the eight here you see i should have done them first mistakes were made because i really need the eight inch charge to get onto that objective can the emperor give you that eight no i'm gonna hold it's just a unit thousand suns how bad can they be who can say so instead let's charge the spawn i need an eight see now i need my cp re-rock okay i need i need this otherwise you're gonna get 15 points in the primary yeah third time's the charm there we go boxcars we're in right i've got a good 12-inch charge so we end up like this i'll explain in a minute after kill this spawn i hit you on threes only two are in close combat oh dear right okay i'm strength five your toughness is five but i've got exhortation of rage officer plus one to wound so i'm moving on threes and that's ap minus two two down minus three two damage just just just enough to kill after killing right okay good just despite that horrific dice rolling and the reason why i put them there is because when i consolidate and pile in i'll be closer to the rhino and i'll be able to get this unit wholly within six inches of the center which is that little token that we put down there then i consolidated into the rhino it fought back and didn't cause any damage the reason why i've done that is because i don't want the melter and the bolt is firing at me next turn that gives me three points for oath as well i'm wholly within six inches of the center and i haven't filled them around and fell back so that's three points each i'm also within range of that objective with that charge so you're on three objectives i'm on three objectives which will get you ten points to the primary so basically turn one we didn't kill very much i killed a spawn you killed a terminator i put it back you want three points ago a charge over here would have been very nice to clear them away they're going to be trouble and my blade guard right up the center of the board well they're going to get smitten to hell right now let's find out just how much psychic output the thousand suns can do in turn two so here we are after the thousand suns movement phase and command phase the infernal power from your master failed you get 10 points on the primary making it 13 points to three yes and there's a shift forward was there any advancing anywhere uh there was no advancing no advancing this unit got out of the rhino and they're rotting they're running so they're in uh they're in danger yeah but you've got to catch all their motorist data yes but that means you'll have the octaros data done there and there and those are the hardest ones to get both in my table quarter and you're in that table quarter and you're in that table quarter with this unit down here yeah they pulled back a little bit again i don't want to leave the table quarter because it's worth a vp to me and if you're going to come at me you're coming at me but this is yeah i thought i'd lose last time so they're a bonus and yeah um do i want to charge to the edge of the battle grid to try and get rid of them i'm not sure the spawn lurking ready to engage maybe next time if they die i like it so you've got layers of scoring possibilities yes yes it's like you thought about this um here mostly just holding this objective this unit came forward a little bit because i got eyes on the blade guard so they can throw out some smites these guys will do defensive and auxiliary powers okay and then the rhino broke out of combat and the unit inside got out that's right yep the scarab cult and iron man getting moved forward just walk forward they're not on the objective but this bad boy is right and these guys get holding it so the amount of psychic stuff about to come can you kill a whole unit in one psychic phase giving you my guarantee it will happen the stylus is guaranteed that this 18 wound transhuman blob will be gone at the end of the psychic phase oh at the end of the game friends because he's his shooting phase right i'm counting it all as one big mortal wound mind bullet blob well let's do that now okay really rock and roll we'll do a cheeky smite from this guy into the blade guard okay needing a five actually a four because of the plus one yes is that super smart that is a super smash that means so i will pay my one cp to avoid that what do you mean um like there's a stratagem called just take perils it means i don't take pearls don't take pearls okay but that's what happens so that's just d6 to them they will be gone at the end of the mortal wound phase take that to the bank yes where else are we going um this you know we're only ever going to smite i might hmm that was pretty good they'll smite as well okay so four becomes a five actually no if i can know them to come on point fam i can use these guys to weaver so they're they're my they're my backup command problems so these guys are gonna do something called dark blessings dark blessing dark blessing okay may not work but i've had a good renaissance right right um i pick a unit it's a warp charge eight yes it goes off and annoying yes to deny what happens is i pick an enemy model right i gotta roll great then this toughness sort of five or more it will have a d3 plus three mortal rooms okay do you wish to deny no okay i need a five up didn't happen before i try next up is my exalted sorcerer okay i'm using his relic the ethernalian scrolls okay to effect i've got to pick the power and keep it for the rest of the game the power is zinchi's firestorm right pick a unit within 18 inches yes i cast it on a six i'm rolling three dice and discarding whatever yes okay that is six more well that's a six okay but you need a six anyway so you're good ah but because that was a ten yeah actually eleven i rolled a natural nine right online or more so instead of doing muscle wounds on a six i do multiple wounds out of five that's why i picked this one to have the extra thing so i'm looking for that nine so what does z storm it's nine dots nine dice and it would normally be sixes do mortal runes but now it's five's doing more for once so what's the ones and twos please um that is two more just two okay but because he does that all the time now on that spell with the athenian scrolls yes right and also yes um his wallet abilities if i cast anything on a natural nine i get an extra psychic power that i can cast in addition okay and you can't deny it oh uh so the next part would be the smite this is the second smite's only a another one kills another dude now he will do his second power i'll take him away even though he's the sarge his second power yes the second power which is gaze of hate right nearly five for this that goes off okay that is a three dice picking a mute on a four or more you'll suffer a muscle grind right that's three more three more mortal wounds okay there's two left how's that slightest guarantee look in there it's looking good aaron is up to the aki yes he is gonna cast a temporal surge okay he's a free movement needing a seven for this that goes off on an eight actually a line you'll cut them on the describer called terminators so you're using that just to nudge forward onto the objective so you're not objectively secured unit on the objective but not too far forward because of potential counter charges they were half an inch off so now they're they want it okay his second power is pre-sage to make them shoot better need a seven that goes off so up again right and the third power is going to be a smite that was my first might need a seven for this as well and that goes off d3 b3 two more okay so coming over here we've a fake ts which boosts the invent safe right he is using cabal points to boost the range of it so they can reach the terminators okay yes and that goes off they now have weaver of fates on them four up and down four up in the valley glamorous each which is a minus one to hit yes can reach over to them okay you're gonna need it you need a six that goes off okay so minus one to hit them four up and vulnerable save them yes next they got your cp back now we're coming on to the terminators i think this is the last unit apart from them over there in the corner i believe it is yep so i can um they need guns to reach over there again so i need period guidance guidance this way charge four okay and that passes so that's the increased range on their guns right increase their engine against as well right do you know what you're doing with this unit what we're over here yes you do i do they're already minus one to hit they're snugly down in that room there perhaps they should say very very quiet no they are going to do some stuff um i'm going to put doom bolt on them right this is one of the reasons i should say where my guarantee may fail because i'm not going to kill them with any more psychic bullets oh um but you said you'd kill the moment my mother made the turn i've got to get rid of it okay but i was saving this this is my backup psychic surprise because i've got loads of cabal points left yes and i can do stuff so doom bolt is the first one um which is a flat three mortal rooms need a six okay that's a six it's actually a seven a negative eight and then there's three more wins slap three mortal roots okay okay and because i did something with a witchfire power right you're gonna spend four cabal points yes on malevolent charge right kill and if i inflict any mortal wounds i can inflict another d3 mortal root on the united on the st sorcerer allowing you to do another psychic power and smith this unit one more time and took another mortal wound off and that is the end of the psychic phase smith smote smoke with this unit right shoot vey start off with the mutilate vortex beast what you doing turbulent discharge sounds painful that's so painful so it's uh on a two to four you get d3 multiple booms and a five up it's three more okay one does nothing one does nothing whoops next up um you were very successful killing stuff in the psychic phase so all the good ones you can't do because the closer you get to it the better it gets yes so now you're just going to roll a material flare right d6 for each model left on a six will get multiple okay and i'm skillfully taking models away to minimize the amount of shots that can come back in on that unit well also he's also the only model within range of the objective as well what do you think inside i'm thinking i've got two units now that have line of sight and the ability to shoot yes three yeah three if you've got a body damage driver right so he's shot now so i've got the terminators here yeah they can do an awful lot and they'll hit really well and be rolling staff everything into them him then i think so because last time i didn't even i killed one so i think i've got to overkill him or you can focus split fire and put some down here if you want to i shoot down there and that pothole is going to pick one up yes and you'll probably storm shield it yes and kill a unit you can't pick them up for starters you're right that's a blade gun and there is a storm shield within range of a wall down here yeah there'll be two upsides again and i've got my guaranteed to think about it right then we pulled the trigger on the terminators that were hitting on twos re-rolling ones everything into the blade guard he killed him about three times over is it empty you completed your guarantee and now we're coming across here yes into these terminators and in fact this is the only thing left in line of sight and range that can shoot this turn right so i've got uh three in front of both in short range and he's got a pistol and i've got a soul reaper cannon okay bolters go first yes that's nice three to come in at minus two minus two uh the guy at the back's in a crater he's the one wounded so i have to put it on him three up three up three up oh and then he dies sorry so that one's dead okay uh and then i made the other save cannon yes uh hits four times still wins on fours despite its strength yes uh that is three minus three so that's it minus three coming in at minus three okay i'll put them on the shield so these will be fours and he takes a wound okay and with that the thousand suns stop to re-arm reload and re-calm their mind you are on one two three objectives i'm currently on two so i'll only get ten points on the primary as well you have wiped out an entire unit of playguard in the second turn and you're also engaging for another three points and you've rotted for four points which means the thousand suns are up to 20 points to my three points i will get 10 points at the start of this turn so 20 to 13 at the start of my turn two so somehow i need to find seven points to keep this game a draw as we go into deathwing turn two here we are after the movement and command phase i forgot to add the banners points i get two points for banners and two points for stubborn defiance making it 17 points at 20. three points behind and then this unit moved forward but i spent 2 cp on steady advance so the count was stationary so i can hit on twos with shots the idea over here is to clear away this squad and clear away that squad don't worry about any of this mess right now these are the ones that are scoring and then over here the same thing they stayed still and they're gonna fire in and this squad will go in and try and stop you getting as many engage points as you've been getting even though you've rodded already up this path but if i can stop an engage point just one or two and the gain comes down to one or two points then i'll win um the blade guard advance onto that objective there and that means i'm on three objectives you're on three objectives and my chaplain is right in the corner which turns out to be wholly within six inches of the center and he's not hiding with the five terminators and the apothecary he's they he's he's it's a trap he's ready to jump out he's sat down he's got a deck of cards out he's just he's chilling yeah he's no he's not really in here sharing secrets with the inner circle there could be some charges to this side of the wall but then there's five terminators there as well and the apothecary and it could get very very messy in the middle it might keep them alive because smiting and most psychic powers hits the line of sight and range and there is a big solid wall in between you and i so it might keep them alive for eternal too um so yeah get my oath points get my stubborn defiance points and push back where i can starting off over here the terminators that stay still are firing into the four wound rhino would you like drop down count would you like to pop smoke again uh yes please okay threes to hit i hit you all the times threes to wound i wound you uh three times five up from vulnerable saves and you make one you make two so but that does four damage that is a dead rhino does it blow up and hurt your dudes it does not no all the remaining shots would have gone into the rhino this squad here now unload their storm bolters into the thousand suns right in front of me i'm hitting on threes and i'm wounding on fours and the tactical doctrine is in effect so that's ap minus one but you get plus one for all is dust so it's just a three-up save and you make the save and then this unit back here because they have a five 500 vulnerable safe i'm not convinced that these can kill them all in close combat one minute let me think because i could fire past over there now it'll be fine let's shoot the storm bolters into them and the missiles back into these guys i know you can heal back in there but you have to do spells to do that right yes yeah so it stops you doing more mortal wounds out yeah right okay so storm bolt is into them on twos because it stays still uh only six hits and fours only two wounds two threat saves you're okay and then four missiles into the terminators i hit three times two's to wound i wound twice for up from vulnerable saves because of weather of fates you make it fate would not have it right over here these missiles and all of these shots into those fellas down there they're minus one to hit right there but i stood still some dark angels so i'm hitting you on threes i hit you three times and i wound you on twos only wound twice minus two but minus one because you are in a ruin so four up saves you make them as well then we're going to do lots of stormwater fire and because i was firing a thousand suns in cover i only did one wound now we're gonna charge because the crater six inch charge and this time i make the charge and over here these guys are going to charge those i will overwatch they got flamers nice four flames swap flame flamers okay the crack grenade first from the boss because you have a flame out yes that misses now this does d6 auto hits yes okay so auto hits winning on fours at -2 okay seven wins i have storm shields here let's do some because these are three up so he's on one wound left and he's alive on one moon remaining then i charge for seven inches and it looks like that and so i'll select this unit to fight first so there's two powerfists which will hit on fours are you burning any strats and things not for this you didn't know two wounds three uh five open vulnerable saves or death each of these during two damage so kill two and there's the hammer which hits once and wounds once another five of them no one dead another one bites the dust uh then there's a chain fist which hits twice and wounds twice that's the death very good bites the dust no they're all dead and that well that does d3 and d3 so only kills one more but then i have claws on a sergeant who's got three attacks one for each claw and shock assault he hits on threes and he wounds on fours and re-rolls all failed wounds so only two wounds no it's not it's definitely not worth the cp it's not it's not it is alive um and are you paying to interrupt anywhere i'm not paying a trip but i am paying well i should let you know then if you're not paying to interrupt that i'll pay cp on fury the first on this squad so they get plus one to hit which cancels out the glamour but i will let you know that i am paying a cp to be an unwavering phalanx is the damage for an unwavering phallics okay unwavering that sounds a bit like something else yeah well it's unwavering what does it do it's zero you will not know reduces all damage coming in by one so stop waiting stop waving your phalanx at me i want to hit you i only have the powerful one right anyway it will only affect the power fist yeah yes so here is the pat mind you because i'm hitting on minus one to glamour minus one to glamour means um there's no point on fury the first because you've got glamour because it cancels out here the first so i'm not spending a point up here at the first okay because it will three yeah it's still minus one yeah so i hit you what twice with the fist and wound you twice with the fist but this only does one damage because of your phalanx ap minus three yes so it's now minus two so i'm saving on five many attacks again threes only hit twice and re-roll along all fair wounds i wound once interesting once no there's another wound but that's that was much better than what it was i thought hope some would die in the shooting phase as well um yeah so you can fight back yes please the bus stylist yes i just remembered a strap that space rings have it's called like i hate chaos and they can re re-roll all hits in the fight phase i must remember that one for other game turns indeed right normal dudes hit him back on threes if only more people took chaos to tournaments and you get practice into doing that yeah i don't know it's not like house yeah he's using his force to give you a whack right um so this will hit on threes that's two hits yeah falls towards the right two rooms minus one storm shields i'm okay storm shields minus one plus one and these guys hit once they're not really there to fight rude ones i'm okay okay okay we're wrapped up oh i know i've got a limb like you survived it's not gonna it's gonna be fine have it two hits two hits two wounds minus one yes plus one because of the shield i'm okay okay now that's it and you don't have morat i don't take merrell i'm not scared because you don't have morale i don't have morale it was 17 points to three yeah but i didn't fail a morale test or fall back and i'm holy within six inches the center how did you kill the vehicle anna killed a vehicle so i get four points for oath making it 21 points to 20. only one point in it as we move on to thousand suns turn three so at the start thousand suns turn three they get ten points on the primary making it thirty points to the thousand suns and twenty one points to the deathwing and you failed your infernal regeneration thing on him as well your free reroll and then here we are after the movement phase of thinking that we will face there was a lot of thinking with my face yes do you nice cup of tea yes t-phase done so you actually fell out of combat here do you want to tell the people why you fell out of combat well in uh if i was feeling aggressive i could think eight wounds maybe i can smite and do that thing where i hit again kill them kill them but their job is to score me engage in all friends yes and they'll get killed in the next fight because i keep them there yes so i pulled them back to stay back because again if i tried to smite them you now know i've got several powers in your hand yeah you've got denies and stuff going on there you could potentially kill a couple or one in the psychic face i would try and stop that and kill them with death to the traitors and then you don't get your engage points this way you've still got engage points they can't shoot or do any psychic powers by falling back but it does get you a uh points for engage as well as this fellow over here you fell back so you will get your max three points for engage yes okay so that's what happened here that's what happened here the unit inside the rhino got back and then you've advanced it and you've got a good advance role yeah because there's terminators just behind that wall yes what's this thought about here right um these are my scoring units yes i get five points five point five points if they're alive at the end of the game all of this yeah and there's the characters yeah yeah and also my aggressive units they can do the most damage i have to i have to use them but not put them in danger so much yeah so the plan is put the rhino there i mean if you want to hit it it's going to die you've got all sorts to get with it um but you're going to it'll it'll take you time to get around it yeah it makes my movement longer to get to these guys so movement blocking keeping a character it's a vortex piece as well it's a monster it can give up an oath point but it is in some ways stopping you from getting direct access to the big stuff and you're trying to pressurize forward so potentially in turn four or five you can stop banners or get on another primary and things like that right this is the point if you've hidden you've got characters and blade guard and terminators behind them it's a hard nugget they're scoring out they want a objective yeah and without the ability to smite them because i can't see them or shoot them because i can't see them um i'm not getting them out of there i'm gonna have to live with the fact they may score out the whole game yeah so i've got to pressurize things where i can influence so you're leaving these alone for the moment i think i can't waste effort doing that right i think i can put smites into this i can put shots into this i may even charge or whatever i've got again flames in the rhino so there are three there are three strong units here yeah but i think they're doable well yeah there's a minute you'd have to step into the blender yeah and then it becomes a mosh pit and see who comes out on top so you're choosing to pressurize this way instead you can use that little unit and not lose the game i use those units and i use 5 10 15 points yeah yeah you're right actually i can lose all of these here you can't lose one of those three units there so uh rodding wise there was some movement here one of these units is rotting the blue one yes the blue one is running so that'll get you to eight points to rod and then next turn if you do it with that unit you'll max out rod for 12. these guys in the back just nudge forward so i can actually get into some smart range now so they're getting terribly much but they're supporting so stepping back making sure the units are safe for engage rotting where you can and choosing not to put pressure on the middle ruckus instead come this way and put pressure on my lines over here i like it and i hate to mention it cause i'm hoping you'll forget it but i should tell the viewers is that i've still got a spawn who's hiding all the way back here behind the ruin i completely forgot about him yeah just between you and me so here's my backup backup so when these guys do die he'll run in and hopefully get me another engagement don't worry by the time it comes to my turn i'll completely forget he's there let's go to the psychic phase eight ninja's firestorm do you know this is what it looks like behind the scenes while slide stylus is trying to work out all of your psychic the cogs and the gears and smoke coming out of his ears hey that rhymes then we ran through the circuit phase and with cabal points and super smites you have wiped out that unit over here yeah it's gone ensuring that you will be getting those engage points turn after turn after turn that's the point what run off from here to the edge i think in that unit they're doing nothing yeah they are they're just they're stubborn defiance and you stay there hang out chill that sort of stuff then in the middle we had aaron doing a super smite and zinc is fast on with smites and smites and smites and smites and smites and the second unit of terminators has also been wiped out in the psychic phase so you actually managed to pull away eight terminators with that psychic onslaught and you have got pre-sage off on the scarab cult terminators one more time so they will be hitting on too and they added another unit there with time flux right now that unit is now two nice strengthening with the one on the saucer which is unusual but that's how it works that's how it works so now we're on to the shooting phase so starting the shooting phase of the mutilate vortex beast is targeting what unit terminates this one in the corner on my objective beam of unreality yeah it goes over that way on a uh three to four it's d3 model wounds it's a d6 model okay so that's 66 multiple wounds for five mortal wounds on this squad down here that's painful next up turbulent discharge it has to hit the closest unit for four right he must die then we did real guns and melter flashed out and didn't wound this unit of terminators we had infernal bolt guns coming into the blade guard which didn't wound them only a couple of shots here or there now we're on to the terminators with presage this is the last thing left to fire and they're firing down into my terminators on this banner objective back here um some of them are hitting on twos because they can shoot past the trees some of them are hitting on threes because they'll be shooting through the trees and some of them can't hit yes the bolters and the cannon that got minus one to hit right plus one for pressage so it's hitting on threes re-rolling once because i remember that yes so new ones to be wrong okay pretty good you might as well do the cannons as well oh no because they're different ap right so these are one of fours right five at minus two so three up saves um the one-on-one wound dies and then the cannons oh everything hits nine source three so four up and run and i'm okay no i'm not okay that's the three the shield takes a wound okay missiles come in there right don't need a minus so he's heading on twos okay level six lovely on fours nothing bolters hitting on twos three rolling ones okay and then these are fours only three three minus two okay three up says that will kill the shield even if i cp re-roll it it's definitely the shield dead and one down to two wins and that's the end of your shooting phase are you doing any charges uh i am not doing any choice i'm quite happy with things right so absolute psychic barrage came out then lots of shots down into this corner here clearing away some terminators this is one of the objectives um we need to rack up some points because that was quite painful apart from these guys over here and this down here i've got the blob in the middle things are suddenly getting very interesting so the end of thousand suns turn three they've got eight for retrieve octarius data nine for engage and 20 for the primary bringing them up to 37 points but i'll get five for stubborn defiance and two points for my banners and including my oath in the primaries i'll be on 36. so at the end they'll turn three thousand sons of one point in the lead before the death wing move well the start of my 10th you'll be 36 to 37 you'll be one point in the lead yes so i should be able to get in the lead in this turn but i can't withstand that type of reckless hate again and again as we go on to death wing turn three here we are after my movement phase in turn three and that took me a long time lots and lots of thinking there because this unit down here is at risk now if they die i'll still have the banners there until you can test it but the number of primaries i'll be on will be reduced which means the thousand suns could potentially max out the primaries of 45 in the last turn and that could win them the game particularly as they're probably going to max out rod and engage so i need to get aggressive now i need to try and stop them scoring the primaries and put some threats into their to the last units down here also if i engage as many units as i can down here that stops the firepower coming out and hurting some of the units that i have so my chaplain has jumped over and uh down to this quarter here he's got the re-roll hit aura off but um he hasn't uh given himself an extra attack with mantra strength and it's a seven inch charge into that unit down there which is holding on to that objective so that's the plan down there that's a long shot another long shot is the nine inch charge that my terminators need to make to get over the barricade and engage these guys and then not die so that you have to psychic and you can't shoot and you're engaged with the unit there these guys going into the mutilate vortex beast is kind of relatively easy because only two inches of the barricade and then i can tag the tank there is a lot of flame of hate in there everything that i'm gonna put out is probably going to die in turn three which is a problem but hopefully i'll kill a lot and the assault phase is now active so i'm re-rolling wound roles against things that are really really tough what i did do down in the corner is put the apothecary right in the corner so he's getting oath and the blade and the blade guard are protecting him and the blade guard have raised a banner on that objective so i am taking that objective down there um i actually haven't moved this unit yet i need to think about this unit i don't need to move them they can shoot and they can kill some stuff over here i haven't spent any points on steady advance there's no point in putting steady advance on these guys counter stationary well i could actually and then they'll be hitting on threes when they fall through the trees at these two guys here instead of force and i've got a lot of cp so we'll spend the two cpu on steady advance and start the shooting phase down here and shoot at these fellas i would just say that was a very long thinking phase it wasn't i did i feel less bad about my fit too yeah thinking phase because that was a lot and there was bits here and there you were grinding it over here so for just terminators and blade guard there's a lot of options you were you're going this way this way in that way and there was where the points end up at the end of the game trying to deny you as many scoring options here another decision was i could have busted my way down there to try and take that off of you but you've got a lot of objectives secured down there and also a lot of psychic powers that can come washing back at me yeah um different things and i also want to be in the center where i can still do oath and there's things to kill that are worth a point yeah so yeah [Laughter] anyway let's shoot missile launches at this squad here on threes because i paid to stay still and i only hit twice so let's cp reroll one of those and i hit three times i will wound on twos and they need five up in vulnerable saves and you make one so one dies and then d6 on the second guy and i take away that squad then the cyclone missile launches on this flank fired in and took out two of the rubikai down here now we're into the mess in the middle right i don't really want to fire into the terminators because you could take one away and make the charge even longer or two away and make the charge even longer i don't want to fire into the rhino because then they can get out and move block on this side and move block on that side uh i wonder if i can see that squad back there but that will make the charge from these fellas even longer right so even if you take that one away it's still a nine inch charge into them so because of this one so i think let's wound them by shooting some stuff into the other thing i could do a cycle missile launcher that to guarantee some and if i kill that then i could charge the rhino right let's chuck a grenade from my kit chaplin into them first and he hits and he wounds and that's minus one and you make the save then storm bolters from this squad fired in and i injured one now we're on to this thing don't wanna overkill i could kill one in that squad with the missile launchers and the rest into him so yeah one missile launcher dude and storm boaters into them and the other one into the weapon beast right in front of me so this is going into that unit here's the storm bolters and i do three wounds three top saves okay and then two missile launchers to hit and i'm hitting on fours because i moved and it does wound them yep no three four up it's a four up actually yeah so that's actually two of them with the old terminators that kills that kills it's still an iron shot right and then the other two missiles will go into the mutilated vortex beast which hit both times what's his toughness okay i wound them both times ap minus two two five open vans uh you make one fair one and that does one damage and i've already done the cp reroll and here's the storm bolters which do one more wound one more for up safe so i've taken two wounds off of it how many does it start with 14 14 so it's down to 12 left and that is the end of my shooting phase now i need to make lots of crazy charges we'll start off with the easy charge which is this unit into the muted left vortex beast so they're in because two inches of a barricade i'm in we'll go there and when i pile in i can i can pile in right the one that i really need to happen is the nine-inch re-rollable from the terminators okay okay okay good luck so let's make this happen that's an eight so let's see p reroll that and that's an eight that is a failed charge so now my chaplin needs a seven inch charge into that unit back there if i can kill all of them you won't score that primary then he dies so there's a 7 and that's an 11 he makes the charge right he ends up here i'll start with the chaplin because if i came in that side you might take away from the front because he didn't get mantra strength off he's got eight attacks and but i did get um litany of i've got re-roll all hits off i'm gonna spend his cp on unwavering phalanx right to use the damage coming in because he's damaged too right now okay i like it um so i'm hitting on two one minute is there a cpu i can spend no yeah but i want them to do death to the traders over there okay uh he's re-rolling all hits anyway i don't think there's anything i can do to increase my wound knee so i am hitting on twos and re-rolling everything and then i'm wounding on threes and that is ap minus two right now so you get four up saves so five four up saves um i kill one kill one and take a one would you like to uh pay cp to interrupt with your mutualist beast i don't know if he's any good in close combat or not you know what he's never lived long enough to find out so i think it would be sporting to find out two cp for the neutral used to hit me back so he's got two attack profiles which one are you choosing there's the the potential for more the grippy thing yeah there's um it does three hit rolls instead of one so i could do 15 hits but it's only damage one minus one ap right or his big old crushing claws his mute claws um it does minus two ap and damage three so every failed save is a dead terminator right what does he hit on it's on three now he's been improved okay so five attacks hitting on threes good luck thank you and you get this one i think i may as well do the cp okay this is the last kind of hit twice twice right you're winning on fours because it's trans-human things there's two two wings two rooms minus so storm shields minus one so three up saves each fell safe give us a terminator um rcp reroll i'm okay i was three cp not well spent right then i'll pile in and i'll spend a cp on death to the traitors and i reroll failed hits against heretic to start his units and interestingly enough this thing is a heretical starter's unit so we'll be hitting on fours unless i spend another cp for fury of the first no i'm re-rolling all hits anyway so forced to hit you with my hammers and then re-roll all hits because for some reason it has the heretic start his keyboard and then it's strength eight versus toughness seven so i'm wounding on threes and because it's the assault phase i re-roll all fair against you so that many at minus three four five i think yes and each one of these doing three damage you make two of the saves so he takes six wounds he's on six left and then i've got a fist and a fist hitting on fours re-rolling hits and wounding on threes re-rolling all failed wounds and that is five wounds five more in vulnerable saves and each of these doing two damage which is eight more damage he dies please don't explode mind you it's close to all of your stuff as well yeah the four up four up he goes you have a mute explosion no he doesn't go boom at least i take down that monster then i'll pile in tagging the rhino uh the guys could get out this way the rhino if it wants to move has to go round this way uh that's the end of my assault you get to fight back over here with my chaplain a bit of piling in this take myself back to currency yes he'll stay there yeah he's still on the objective and their objective secures two regular dudes [Music] they hit three times i'm okay oops psychic stave yes it's twice forced to win nothing okay and that is the end of my turn three so at the end of turn three i get another four points for oath because i'm wholly within the center and i haven't failed morale and i killed something big which makes it 40 points to 37 before we go into turn four i have got banners and a primary down here at risk but psychic stuff tends to hit the closest things and there is ten or nine terminators down there and my chaplain over here and while my banner on the right flank is at risk i have managed to drop another banner down here so you are winning the war of attrition so far it is a very close game 40 points to 37 as we go into thousand suns turn four and so here we are after the thousand suns movement phase they got the re-roll off with the um infernal master down here free reroll and it's 47 points to 40. this unit of risen rubikai is causing me problems it's engaging again and it's perilously close to my stubborn defiance objective but getting you points down in this corner is the spawn and all of a sudden it's looking kind of naked yeah you did some advancing back but in the command phase there were shenanigans a crystal of the umbrellic kind of crystal and the unit of six rubikai teleported from there all the way over here it's a once per game thing for what the rap squad the brat squad thank you for having scholar yeah um and that means you've got a call a unit in all the corners again it looks like you're going to maximize those engage points that happens in the command phase and there's five wounds there to shoot in and smite in and try and kill them off of that objective you won't knock down the banner until you get on to the objective but next turn all you need to do is walk there yes to knock down that banner so we have engaging all over the place and psychic shenanigans happening and taking a step back to hold on to that objective even if my cyclone missile launches fired all the way down across the battle grid and took out the thousand suns i can't target the character behind so you will definitely get that one there so you're on one objective you're on two objectives and over here these guys you fell back with the chaplain the rhino reversed out of combat yes and then the movements got back out and they're gonna rod so yeah maximizing rod so you've maximized rod now that's all four quarters just reversing the rhino won't be shooting but and they won't be doing anything because they're rotting they won't be doing anything but they fell back but you're getting your four points again for rod and you're holding on to your home objective and all of a sudden my chaplain is looking a little bit exposed this unit this is the interesting part because you have objectives secured but i have nine terminators that also have objective secured yes and this is all your to the last points yes so after all the shenanigans down here that's your output down here and this is your output down here and what you're trying to do is just cut away each part of the death wing to try and max mouth points it looks like you're on for max for engage and max for rod and max for to the last this is looking as close as it gets and at the currently you're on 40 point 30 points for the primaries yeah this is as close as close could be yeah it is very frightening to make a mistake at this stage because it feels like it could be critical yeah we have been yeah it's yeah psychic phase so a very critical part of the game we're on to the psychic phase it's interesting that you still have five cp to play with because normally the wrath of the wrong is the thing that you would spend plus you want to win but no point against me yeah so it's i've been spending more on the um or the uh the phalanx which has been keeping me alive yeah you don't normally do because you assume once you're in combat you've had your chips anyway they're not great fighters but keeping it down to one damage is saving my bacon so it's better than wrath of the wrong demands the damage output's gone down but the robustness has gone up yeah so still five cp to play with i've got two and you've been farming some yeah and sixteen cabal points left this i know a lot of my my rubric units left on the board so since you've taken a ball the witch you're having a board match yeah it's a good call so balance was better than a ball right okay so what are we doing he's going to die he's very dangerous so our echo pathway my exalted sorcerer yeah he's doing zinger's firestorm yeah his athlete scrolls give him three dice pick whatever you like okay okay that's very good that's a ten which is a natural nine or higher okay which means i wrote nine dice and five now sixes people might be asking winters you've got an automatic deny why haven't you done it yet because he there's there could be a psychic power that pops up that gets you lots of points like a re like a movement or a something like you need to there could be something i've been spinning horror stories about how it's theoretically possible for me to take away that until about that you could put a guy back in there having four and i've got five and then doom ball to guy off and then it's four and four and then you make the charge and somehow it's five and then you take away my stubborn defiance there's ways that you could take my stubborn defiance objective back yeah so keeping it in my pocket yeah to prevent that yeah it could happen this phase it's theoretically possible if you do nothing to stop me right i can add a man to that unit and boost onto that objective yeah but you don't want to happen i don't want that to happen i can see it coming yeah so you have to let me have my way over here it's not a long way off it's got some lights on it and it's coming down the tunnel with the horn beating i see it yeah right so he's got five rings five wings five and you take three of them off of him and he's got two left now three of them let me wind back to the fact he scored a natural nine which cast that spell so his warlord trait of immaterial echo keeps glitching and it gets from another power that cannot be denied yes so that's going to be smite okay and that's a fail that's so you're using kindred sources yeah to add one to the circuit test which gets it to a four because you're a thousand suns that's a five and because this is the power that cannot be denied i'm not worried about the low score it's just gone off it goes through so now it's mortal runes d3 three more tails and my chaplin falls this next power is time flux i'm going to put on this thing try and get a 10 meter back i get attention back unless you wish tonight that's you can have a terminator back thank you very much next we're coming over here i'm going to tease out your deny now so doom bolt it's a flat three damage okay yes on a six yes that's a twelve that's a twelve so that would be a perils yes i'll spend my command point so i don't suffer the perils right and that goes off do you wish to deny that flat three mortal wounds so i could deny that with my auto stop which puts four guys there and then next turn you could feed a guy back in that's four on four in charge but if i take one away then hmm because i'm thinking about charging them and shooting them and charging them and still staying on the objective so that's the thing i could do but there is a possibility working out of you adding another one back with your cult uh well i've just done the cult of time but next turn you could i could do that so he goes down to four then you add one back in then there's a four then you do bolt again getting to three and then take the objective off of me so i need to stop that one now so i'll stop that with watched my psychic power very good then back over here they cast warp sight to gain another cp he will do weaver of fates to give him an extra pip on their invert five is not enough okay i think they're safe anyway they're doing stuff so they can't cast they are doing stuff just down to this one this is iron man and the terminators and those guys over there yes so down in this quarter the um prolific crystal squad are gonna smite now you are in range of this objective down here this is my last deny the witch and this is quite critical so i will try and roll that i need a 10 and i can re-roll because you are chaos and that's what watchers do and i don't deny you so the smite goes off and takes three mortal wounds spend four cabal points yes to uh having done a witchfire power right we'll do extra rooms on it okay that's another one another one so he's on one way left it's looking quite perilous down here so aaron's doing presage on the unit again yep that passes goes off and he's gonna do smite asking that unit okay um that goes off seven it would be it that's a that's a seven how many smarts have you done i've done one two so that would go off yes i won't okay well interestingly enough they're within three of the apoth who is just there okay take a word and the unit are smiting and that passes and the super smite yes these six mortal wounds for three mortal wounds of both cree uh no so he dies i'm putting on the cycling guys for that one but then back over here for this one because i know there's shots coming in potentially on them or them that's the end of the psychic phase we're now onto the shooting phase trying to clear me off this objective trap squad just need to take off hitting on threes yes reading on fours yep so four wounds minus two and minus two so four four up saves is there any more shots coming out of this unit so four ups yep he's dead he's dead he's gone that's one of my primaries gone fortunately for me down in the ruins i'm still on two objectives for 10 points on the primary then we came over to the unit the risen rubicon they managed to put a wound on my stubborn defiance units just nibbling them away in the shooting phase now the thing the last thing left the fire is your pre-sage terminators hitting on twos re-rolling ones everything into them everything into this squad because this squad i'm not receiving the benefits of cover but here we have storm shields just side of a wall even though there's four there and three here lots and lots of shots we've got all the dice these are just the storm builder shots okay hitting on twos we really want yes [Music] after the reroll 32 shots got through winning on fours [Music] right 16 came through at minus two there's two shields in there one of them is my super shield guy but i will put them all on shields first because this is all three up saves uh take a wound [Music] it's all one damage right yep wow uh one takes a wound how obnoxious is that these are the cannons yes and on fours yeah it's interesting to point out that with wrath of the wrong against anything not transhuman it would you could make it one on twos yeah it could be so nasty yeah let gonna get six that's only five five minus three so these are four up saves yeah so he's on one wound one wound now he's dead and then the other shield guy is on two wounds remaining missiles missiles hit them and everything yes on fours one wound one wound um you can roll it you've got your free reroll and i want to save that for anything important do you want to save it for anything important when do you have to spend it at battle round no till my next command phase okay it might be a clutch save here and then it could be i'll take whatever fate gives me that's fine so that's fine you saved it like that now whatever fates well basically my super hammer guy is down to you kill that guy yeah and he's down to two wins cool then pistols fired in causing no damage is there any charges coming on there are no charges there are no charges coming on but you're rotting here so maxing out rod for 12 points you're engaging everywhere maxing out engage turn after turn off the turn and you've killed my chaplain and you're stepping back to make sure you hold that objective i've got four terminators and three terminators here my stubborn defiance objective is somewhat under threat with some psychic shenanigans next turn and of course my apothecary hiding in the corner down here with the remaining blade guard at the end of the turn turn four stylus is on 12 for retrieve octarous data and 12 for engage 30 on the primary so far he's still got his two the last points as well so this is about as good a game as it can be maxing out as much as possible so 54 points for the thousand suns at the tight start turn four i will get 10 on the primary over here 10 on stubborn defiance 11 on oath of moment and seven on banners so far three on balance this one i still have making it 58 points to 54 at the start of my turn four and i'm running out of assets let's find out the death what the death wing do in turn four so i'm back up to three cp and what i need to do in the room is quite clear um i can shoot and charge and still be in range of that objective and hopefully clear these off and i move this blade guard unit for forward as well because they have 18 inch range heavy bolt pistols hopefully clear them away to stop any shenanigans are you taking the stubborn defiance objective if i fail to do that it might get a bit fruity they're also still on that objective there they won't charge because currently you're on three and i'm on two so in turn five if that stays the same you'll max out the primaries yeah so what i need to do is stop that so over here this unit move hopped over the wall they've moved forward and my apothecary healed the two guys in both of the squads because he's a chief apothecary put one back in that squad they have objective secured my apothecary is holy within six inches of the center charge then i'm currently on 11 points bro for the moment so when i take them out i'll be on 14 so i won't need to be anywhere near the center in turn five because i'll get a point for not falling back and i'll maximize maximize oath so that's okay are they any minuses to hit or invulnerable saves or anything on them right now no they just are as they are they just are as they are but before we come to the diamond in the lump of coal let's go down here and try and keep my stubborn defiance objectives safe starting off with the blade guard veterans i'm hitting on threes and that's three hits and i'm running on fours nothing right terminators and while i do have three cps now i'm not spending any on a steady advance or fury the first or anything because i want to get the re-roll all hits off over there with best of the traders and i'd like to keep two cp in my pocket in case i need to interrupt next turn so here's the storm bolters which hit on threes and win on fours and that's only three wounds and you do get two upstairs but one is on one moon i don't kill him missiles on fours only one hit and it wounds minus four up because you're in a ruin you make that save as well definitely gonna have to charge them okay so they're a problem [Laughter] let's come back over here and pour all the hate i can into this unit starting off with the cyclone missile launcher which miss our hits wants and wounds wants for up safe make the save right the rest is all storm bolters which you have saves for so we'll do this off camera and when the shots flew in i took one down to one wound now we're gonna charge but we're gonna start over here first because this is more important and i'm in a crater so i need to make this charge and that's a failed charge so i need to cp re-roll this you sure you don't want to say that i need to cp reroll this i need to kill them uh that is only a four inch charge but am i five away that's a fair charge stylus that's not good that's not good that's not good doom bought me off of there and then go charging in and contest that objective you know what i think they're a bit too stubborn but they do they're too stubborn and they're defined they're not moving right over here the unit of three they're in that's the twelve why can i get that over there and this unit which will be slowed down by the wall there as well that's its way right this is what it looks like i'm gonna spend um hatred eternal or whatever it's called death to the traitors on this squad okay because reroll hits and there's a squad of five and one's on one moon so let's start with the claws while we're spending things yes damage two damage three damage four yes i'm going to spend three points because they're a big unit on unwavering phallics right because it's because it's big it's normally five if it's five or less and for more it's three cp to reduce damage by one reduce all damage by one yes does it go to zero uh it does not because the clause okay flaws every little bit's gonna happen threes to hit and then fours to wound re-rolling everything that's ap minus three right now okay so on the claws yeah five up saves there's gonna be two up and i'll get some damage one so you're reducing all damage by one yes okay so let's do the hammers next because well you failed two so one takes one dies and one's on two weeks keeps forgetting he's a new intimidator so i'll do the three wound hammer which is now a two wound hammer because one's on two wins and i re-roll all hits i only hit once i do wound you minus three five up from gone smoosh one is smushed okay there should be a chain fist and a normal guy there's the chain fist guy chain this guy three is to hit a force to hit rerolling everything and then two's to winged okay that minute minus four like that one gets through it's d3 damage for one damage because you've reduced damage by one power fist fours re-rolling and then twos and that is ap minus four right now two damage which comes one damage i kill one more and then we have my sergeant with a hammer who has got four attacks and this is a damage four hammer this will auto i need this to get through um but i hit on force and i re-roll failed hits and i get three through i'm wounding on twos and my last cp because it's a five-up and vulnerable save or death right and currently i'm out numb and then you have to pay to run drops you you've got two cps so you can pay to interrupt and swing at these guys yes so let's burn my last cp and that's really cool ah three okay that didn't help at all zine said no five up or death death now let's pile in right this is where we end up you've got six models and four can fight the unit that didn't fight because you spent two cp to interrupt right now i'm outnumbering you so you need this to work i do but i do still have press edge obviously i'll put that on myself so you're hitting on twos hitting on two's rerolling once because it's still there and we have three attacks each with my prospering possible what now they're kind of parasaurs they do two damage each okay what strength are they they are strength um so they're still running on fours okay so these three and then he's got a four state which is different so okay they're going to go into the unit hasn't fought at least right have to fight these let's do that first okay that's that's important okay so six attacks going into them hitting on twos re-rolling ones okay everything goes in and four's the wind first there's one two two wings there is a shield four every buns he's on one wound remaining okay now the other guy says one two three yeah hitting on two what the other guys so the other guys one two three and then this guy oh sorry the previous attacks weren't here did they yeah they did yeah okay so one of them is on one move right now this is the unit that you really want to kill right this two rewarding ones because of arrow man yes so they'll go through it okay this is the unit of three right fours to win please roll though that is four wings four wings four four seven minus three so i can do two at a time because actually there's two shields in that squad so fours and fours one of them falls from that squad and then the fourth stave yes are you running that one sadly death the foster is no longer there yes three get through yes you'll get window fours one move this is only minus one okay did you okay well d3 damage right of course it kills one so that leaves the fist left right now you've got six guys on that objective i've got six guys on that objective the power fist will hit you on fours and we'll wound you know it's a different unit on twos and there's a one five f and button when you fail to save it just takes one damage damage and so just by the skin of my chinny chin chin you've got six objects sec there i've got six object there these two are just out because you push them a bit further back because you're worried about long bomb charges until the last of me killing them yes so that is contested yes so in term five you're on two objectives and you will get 40 on the primary yes but this one is under threat yes so let's work out some points before we go on to thousand suns turn five so the thousand suns are on 64 points or 74 if you bring on the painting stuff um you're gonna get your 15 for to the last it looks like so it's all about and you've already maxed out rod so honestly the only other points that you can get are engage which is here and here so you really don't want to lose that unit but also there is a threat with that unit to take away my stubborn defiance yes so let's go on to a thousand suns term five so in the movement phase the thousand suns need to walk forward here onto the objective yeah then after they step forward towards my stubborn defiance objective over here in the wasteland you've ripped my donut banner down down it goes stamp all over it piddled all my banner down here and taken this objective off of me yes you have stepped back with the terminators because there's a lot of to the last points there that you could potentially use and defenders strike first and you're lining up to try and kill as many terminators as possible yeah it could happen i've done that much damage before so you never know okay so then we're in the psyche phase you gained a cp and you want another one i have yes so i've spent three cabal points already on warp site it's called the warp site yes which three app will give me an extra cp right whichever smite over here over here yes is the the critical thing so we'll start off you have no way of stopping me anymore no they're going to do doom would you do a flat three mortal wings on a six that passes that passes so that kills that guy there yes i've now got four on my stubborn defiance objective you've got three allows me to spend four cabal points on malevolent charge right two mortal wounds with a psychic power yes there's two more two more one more dies and at this point we'll say this is the way the world ends because that has been contested because this is contested so i will not get 15 points for my stubborn defiance objective i'll only get 10. and regardless of what you do here or here i'll only get 10 for the primaries as well and i needed 45 on the primaries to beat you right let's run through some points because i can kill them at the end of the turn but actually knocking me off the stubborn defiance was very critical so at the end of the game i'll get 10 for stubborn defiance i should get my 15 for oath and 11 for banners but i'll only get 40 points on the primary so before you do anything the max i can get is 10 15 11 40 which gives me with a painting score 86 points then you're gonna do a lot of damage to these guys in the middle which means there's no way i'm gonna get any of your to the last points and you'll get 15 for to the last nothing i can do about that which gets you 15 for the last 12 for rod 15 for engage and 40 on the primaries giving them a final score of 86 to 92 if i'd have held on to that one objective it would have been 91 92 and potentially i don't think i could have won anyway [Laughter] so you win 92 points to 86. the move down here taking this off of me was critical contesting stubborn defiance and also the psychic power in the middle and being able to take me off of this objective that would have been plus two points for one for banners one for holding it at the end of the game and i would have won 93 to 92 if these guys hadn't of teleported over here to take that objective off of me so even though we moshed it out in the middle the move down here and the move down there with your psychic-ness is what won you the game which means even if i'd have had the five-up feel no pain thingy bob instead of the six i feel no pain with the apothecary with my aura a litany of hate whatever it's called from the chaplain it wouldn't have changed the outcome of this game there's very few apothecary auras to make yeah the other areas being direct the fire against yeah i've really had a game where so much my stuff is left on the board lots of your stuff was well you built the list to be resilient that's true yeah it turns out it was very resilient um i don't know how i could have played that differently i was i was really working hard there to try and beat this thousand suns mortal wound output list i think i've said to you beforehand off camera that just lots of rubicon lots of scarab cult terminators because they're all fearless they're all objective secured they've all got a five-up and vulnerable safe all their guns are ap minus two you just sort of swamp this there's something in that list i think they've they've become very very good now i mean you if if i had the models maybe swap out the um the vortex beast for more terminators even more termination he did well but yeah i mean um it's like i said i was losing units but not all together because they suffer morale i've got one left and cult of time can bring them back in so yeah it was i mean that unit of three started in that quarter from the first 10. it's interesting isn't it this unit of five three now but was five was buried here many thousands of years ago to win this battle for you and they won the battle for you in each turn if i had some killed them earlier yeah then i could have kept the stubborn defiance objective which means i wouldn't have divided resources this way and i could have done something potentially because i was thinking about charging up there earlier and doing something down there so there was it was the shenanigans it was the thousand sun shenanigans that when you the game and also failed charges and then down here this move was also genius and um yeah that's why i kept that stop you doing a spell in my pocket because i thought yeah it's a good list you asked me to bring kind of you know the the paper to the stone yeah so i did i bought one with lots of water wounds but i wouldn't change it much to face anything yeah i said i swapped the meatloaf for some cannons but apart from that everything has a job to do and it can do it yeah interestingly enough that's twice now i've shown off this less than twice [Laughter] despite going to a tournament and winning with it and you can buy this list from den of imagination painting studios honest look it's a tournament winning list i won the no retreat thing there's my trophy the trophy of power it's got your fingerprints all over i beat some really good players by rolling well not veiling charges um it still is a very tough list i think what we did show off there is the deathwing list even when i haven't got very many models or units left but it still scores yeah yeah i mean maxing out oath getting 10 for stubborn defiance i still ended up with 11 on banners yeah i think the way it still scores well you'll really get rolled over because it's it's so tough and you get units back in and this kind of stuff well that's the thing on the games where i lose i lose but i still get 70 or 80 points i still score except for angel bizarre and deep gain he got me down to 63 that's the lowest i've done that makes a good tournament list because you're racking up yes on the games where you lose you lose but on the game where you're gonna win because it's deathwing you win you get 90 points you get 95 points you get 100 points but your thousand sons list is with the shenanigans it's it's lovely i like it i think it's very good thank you it's uh it's been blooded twice before under your tutelage so yeah well you said i've never won before it's a terrible thousand sons list and here you come yeah do you know what i think made the difference perhaps scallion but it's different little brat baby brap here with the og thousand sons model he's a tournament player yeah he's a terrible monster yeah yeah crashes the dreams of all these narrative people he goes to walks away with a trophy i know so um any closing thoughts i think this the list i bought was one of the hardest counters to your death by great because they they they're good at everything they definitely do they're fearless they're resilient so do what i do and they've got psychic and they've got the output yeah so you can avoid what you're good at which is melee which i mostly did you got into one really good fight and took off half my terminators yeah the rest you you didn't really get locked into combat no you killed the spawn you killed half a squad it was it was yeah that denies you you're a good thing but i was able to do my good thing the psychic consistently so i rolled very well for which is absolutely resilient and you can take it and scores and it's fearless and then you've built a list that can absolutely take it and scores and it's fearless and has output so it's better this is the closing point is that the way you've scored into how to win tournaments is do things that your opponent can't stop yes it was things like you can't really stop me doing rod or engaging so i'm getting around places yeah if i keep my characters and terminated safe you can't really stop me scoring for that yeah as long as i make my primaries you're a little bit powerless to stop you've got to max your secondaries yeah it becomes a case of who's stopping build around your secondaries you will score your primaries as the game continues now my tournament practice series is over however i am always well not from now on i'm going to be working on building tournament lists for the next no retreat legends or for any other events that i might go to in 2022 so i had a 10 oath of moments made that can only be taken from my cold dead hands you can't buy them in any store and so far i'd only given out four let's have to win and you win one beneath my guns enemy shatter beneath my blade enemies break i am war i am death this is the way the world ends in memoriam winter's seo that's very much look at that happy war game
Channel: winters SEO
Views: 47,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rQVCZg9pWu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 16sec (6916 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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