Orks vs Space Marines, 8th edition Warhammer 40k battle report

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welcome to the channel and welcome to this three thousand point match played game it's a bigan between space marines and hawks so today on the channel we come to this world where an aqua is raging across the system and the war boss is off doing what war bosses do slaughtering and having a jolly good time and there's an orc encampment here and so the Space Marines previously landed in this encampment and have cleared it out the reason why I'm saying that Space Marines have already cleared the in camera now is because we're playing this Vanguard strike deployment and I've rolled up and I've got this bit down here where all these buildings are so the space winds have already been here I've already murdered all the stuff that's here and ready to disembark we're ready to to go back into orbit and potentially or move on to another mission but there is a rumbling in the distance and a vast dust cloud building and so the orcs will be racing back from that table edge over there to try and beat up all the Bee Gees there's a nice big fight going on so we're playing cleanse and capture from the main rule book that's the one where you have three cards a turn every turn because the Space Marines want to cleanse and capture this site finally and the auks want to recapture this site and cleanse it of all the because of all the humans so there's six objectives down the two ones in the entrance ways to the encampment are obviously going to be a hub vitally important there's two out here in the wilds and two down here 3,000 point match play game from the main rulebook really looking forward to this one and one of the reasons why I'm really looking forward to this one because we welcome back to the channel Paul say hi Paul I hope you brought your alts back boom I brought my oats back the whole of the world has been waiting for a long time view to bring your orcs back because the last time you appeared on the channel the orcs it just that battle Paul went into orbit what happened there a lot I'd like to say it's because we know what we're doing but I think it's just because we just had such a good time it was immense fun and it flowed so well I want to thank everyone who chose to sob and look at that last battle report that we put up the 13th versus the auks it's my most successful video 100,000 views you know that's almost as many views as cat videos get proper you know almost cat videos get a few million birds for a four week a battle report to get that number of views it's just it's fantastic so thank you everyone for choosing to last night for a bit of nostalgia and there were people you posting like yesterday and this week it's crazy some questions about it and so yeah so biggest question was why won't you be rolling all your wands and what happened to ducka ducka ducka is that game was a dummy index yes before any of it'll come out yeah that was index old-school so this time you've got all the new toys ah yeah you've got all the new stratagems and you've bought something big and stumpy yeah and we're going big as well we're going 3,000 points so space rings deployed on this side oops rumbling back towards their encampment on that side a couple of shout outs this battle mat is brought to you by urban mats comm they do scenery and battle mats and all this all P terrain that you see is from chroma key you they also do our objective markers and our command point tokens on diplomas own TV merchandise page you can find the objective markers and command point tokens and if you follow that link it'll it'll get to the chrome-like website basically where you can find all this lovely okie MDF modular terrain this is all different bits stuck together right sure oh it's done let's go now look at these armies right this is just under 3000 points worth of space rains I've got about a thousand five hundred points worth of primaries a thousand five hundred points worth of old-school space rings and so it's a double battalion which gives me 13 command points to play with which is really nice and we'll start off with the primaries contingent this is the second company of the 13th the primaries these are from a crack so there are signs of gulaman they follow the ultramarines chapter tick so space rings what they do is they've got the Devastator tactical and assault doctrines are in effect you start off with the Devastator then you switch to tactical then you can switch to assault them while the tactical doctrine is in effect ultramarines that didn't advance will fall back counter stationary so what would discipline kicks in and heavy weapons that have a benefit and basically when the title of doctrine is in effect some of my guns will get some benefits as though I stood still and also all tureens can fall back and still shoot and they're plugged +12 their leadership so this is what happens to these guys I'll get to the old-school guys in a second and what I'd like to think of is the second company got to this outpost first this walky outpost and these are the guys that have destroyed all the orcs that were here in the Graz and the orcs that were running around inside the encampment and then they see a smoke cloud coming in the distance in here the rumbling of the war as its racing down towards them and they've called for aid from the first company so I've got three units that are going to be coming zipping down in drop pods and two fliers coming in so we've got orbital support from the old school coming in here to help support the people who've already cleansed and captured the site and now there's some more weak lensing and recapturing going on which is a really nice space for anything to do yes they will always have reinforcements ready on their buffer barges yes so let me put any any brothers anywhere in the sector it can be reinforced yeah yeah I'd also you got to imagine that this war is raging across the planet so there's other elements of the 13th that are deployed here there or ever there's Astro militar and Titans blaring in the distance and these guys were prepped and ready in their drop pods ready to come into support just in case they needed to so yeah I've got a captain in Phobos armor and a left tenant that's the captain left tenant have been leading this force three units of intercessors with bolt rifles and then a good mixture of guys in the background there's a unit of in sectors or jumpy dudes with assault boaters there's a unit of suppressors there's a unit of six flame storm aggress now if they count a stationary they can fire their flames from aggressors twice so they're going to be quite nasty against infantry they won't catch - were there were ladies bolt guns counter station no it's um no the way it works is well the tactical doctrine is in effect my entire army counts as stationary so long as they didn't advance so it does affect famous yeah and the suppressors for example even those these are heavy guns while the tactical doctrine is in fact they can jump around all over the place and counter so stationary well you know 10 our blasters because don't leave home without them and to invicta tactical war suits which they have concealed positions so i could potentially push them forward doesn't make narrative sense other than the fact that perhaps potentially they could have been running straight up towards you as soon as they saw the smoke cloud in the distance because they're quite quick or maybe they're they weren't actually involved in the main fight maybe they were scout you know round the edges removing peripheral forces that's been coming back in yeah yeah let's let's say that's what's happening they were out when about scouting doing their thing so yeah full backing shoot and when the tactical doctrine kicks in a counter station which is quite nice however the first company of xiii these guys are six used the successor chapter tactics these were not founded on the crack they've been rampaging across the cloud sea for many thousands of years so I'm using the bolt a fusillade rule and stalwart both utilizes real rocket roles of one with bolt weaponry that's what they're going to be doing all game and unmodified wound roles of one or two don't wind them I find that that rule doesn't kick in very often because if a space wanes getting hit by something they can wound him on a one or two he tends not to have an armor safe it does kick him once or twice but leading the charge is brother Captain Salguero he has the burning blade so it's basically a strength seven power sword which does two damage but he's also the Imperium sword so if he charges or was charged he gets from plus one attack plus one strength so technically he could get up to strength eight with an additional attack if he goes charging in and he's going to be coming out of the storm regen with a standard squad of terminators inside this storm raven here and attached to the mag grapple at the back of the storm raven will be an ironclad dreadnought with a melter and a heavy flamer ready to tear apart some of the transports coming down towards me and then i've got twenty tactical marines melter combi melter and miss quad melter combi melter and that squad and there's just a missile launch room this squad of ten here and there be a librarian joining them as they come down from the sky in the drop pods and the librarians got veil of time of might of heroes and then adding some fire support being the wingman for the storm Raven is a storm Talon gunship and I've given it typhoon missile launchers so yeah this is the reserve force coming in to support the second company really liked this idea the other thing is in match play drop bots can come in in turn one I'm not entire hold them off until turn three to be fair I don't know drop words can come in and turn one so a few rules to a way to remember help me out with this book oh yes these guys are always we roll in hit rolls of one with bought weaponry and they've got the Star Wars thing these guys are the guys that can fall bad yeah there's the chapter but the thing is if I hit the dread with a strength 20 weapon 20 weapon yeah yeah then a one or two to wound it doesn't so that's what they do that's what these guys do but the the Devastator tactical doctrine affects everyone here yeah but they only get the benefits of counting as though they're stationary when they're tactical doctrine isn't a friend so a number of rules to remember but I am really looking forward to this game let's go and have a look at the orcs right this is just under 3,000 points worth of orcs it's a bad moon's detachment which their clan culture means they get to re-roll heroes of warm when they shoot they've got all the darker it's a battalion and a supreme command attachment and you've got an extra command point because if you're yeah so what am I looking at Paul okay so before I talk you through what everything is yes I'll tell you why is what it is and how come about the the usual thing I did so it's narrative wise yes it's based around the fact that we've got or Matt shops at the back yeah building stuff might stop it yeah and we've seen some beaky's have murder eyes some nearby orcs we've got us a fight over there jolly good and one of the big macs is gone followed me lads yes and everyone is piled into vehicles that's knotted running in the direction of where the beaches up ok so there's loads of other raw books that are running this way when these are the faster things these are gonna get here first you're okay right so there's 300,000 pounds of points worth of walks charging down towards me but fortunately for me I've only got a paper in these guys and let's be fair unless it's a mage deployment um there's three or four wholesale chapters involved yes we've never fight that number of books they do surgical strikes they have surgery stroke but we've got a club or a before they can nap off okay I like it so that's why it's all either flying or riding or stomping with big lot Lexus so everything here can get inside the transports yes and it's charging ahead of the or clients yes beautiful I love this ward the army is based right now yeah okay yeah my brain works a certain way it works it's based around having the Stompa yes because the Stompa was a 40th birthday present from my wonderful girlfriend and I paste it over Christmas so I need to stop some beaky's with it beautiful and it's got 40 wounds as well 40 yeah yeah oh you would stroke 20 weapon yeah 20 weapon back that was the most rate of Taylor's time too right okay that's a strength 20 chained fists of dude Wow okay okay so I've had to build the arm in a specific way because with a bigger bad moon stomper yes I absolutely won't field it without a bad moon trait yes and I do it this is the same number of the books but particularly York's the axillary support detachment exhilarate any well you know with the one we just take one yeah you've done in the contract yeah cuz that's super me I think it works like that for the garden some others you don't get the trait yeah now I'm assuming that it just stops people having one train for the whole army and then bolting on one big nasty thing anyhow and then just picking the best trait yes I assume that's why yes so I would either have to bring three of them or you can take a super heavy industry from an attachment Supreme Command attachment unlocks a super heavy thing yell with the clan traits it's like three three three and five HQ yes not one elite nor was he baddie so how many hate scared to go oh I've got a lot because I've to the battalion yeah three mr. breem command sir five okay right so here's the wall of pool okay the wall is this guy who is the Big Mac gah brats okay so he's basically seeker there's a scrap on the horizon he's used some kind of spin D or key find humne device and god knows who he's over there's Big East Follow Me lads yep and they've all followed him by those who the party said Follow Me lads he's quietly Follow Me lads warlords right yeah which basically gives it all the war basta that gives him breaking heads and wah and the restaurant okay so yeah that's how waltz work right so yeah they're following in yeah and he's the defector war boss for this scrap yeah they followed it yeah cool so initially I thought what I want to do is I want to have the supreme command attachment all in the stomper yes I mean are these three others a page Jesus become a detachment okay the Big Mac with the teleporter II good thing yes and we're both yep regular weird boy and our mega Albert Nobbs okay but the space left in there so I'm not wanting to waste that we've got five regular knobs okay you were so the knobs I like it so you got regular laughs mega knobs following the supreme command catchment and they're all jumping in the stomper yeah because it's the biggest and shiniest thing yeah nice and yeah and coincidentally pure coincidence the possible generator will give the stopper in for a second yeah well give up your pure coincident sporty wounds with the five up invulnerable safely built it so he doesn't want bits falling off of it yeah yeah okay so that's the supreme command attachment yes the rest of it is a battalion yes so the battalion is led by these two gates Big Mac with shock attack gum mm-hmm and a weird boy war pad I recognize that guy yes you do it's not the guy that killed Civitas King yes ed banged him yes and the other four cleave up yes I'm coming friend yes and it is him as well it is here is him oh you're gonna die he always takes Ed Banger and the crutch so that's what he's got so I've spent a command point all right okay so it's been promoted to warp n last time as soon as he was able to become a warp ed yes well it's not a promotion it's the way we're boys tend to work in orc that nor background is the wire energy really hurts their heads yeah I'm back in the day the web or used to be a unit yeah and you'd have one weird boy two minders and the mindless job was dragged the width boy onto the battlefield okay as they were they run away from the orcs because they couldn't stand the warp energy mm-hmm and if a month the mind has died the weird boy would run away a warp head is someone who gets off on it they've got so used to warp out if you they love it they're thrill-seekers so he's getting dragged to it yeah and him they can't keep him away they can't keep him away and the warheads cast war powers and have no more powers okay as he's also got the relic these ghosts get bones right so story yes a weird boy by the name of odd get vomited all over some yellow beak egit called typhus or typhoon or tiger or something like that ready was off her face yeah and then he got shot by the Bee Gees then after a fight the wind boys captured his bones they went back not the wave boys job boys that's not the other boys the bad boys there's a lot the mad boys went back picked up his bones I make speech selling them to other orcs okay so when he's doing this is one thing you can have a little nibble a little nibble a little bit of all I'll get ya Plus what casts okay two powers plus one to cast yeah I love it okay sorry yeah they're inside a truck back in the room yes with ten boys boys come be rocket on the knob regular rocket yeah it's probably on your head a thing because it's heavy weapons and we drive it around as you can far out a truck such a thing yeah okay you can't fire out a stuff but Dark Eldar Harlequins and orcs have this but that's one thing that what did Dark Eldar and Harlequins and orcs have in common they can fire out of vehicles that's about the only thing ok that was a bad joke we have a go colonel what we have a coconut with some more no balls in it yeah so Google transport capacity 6 yeah so five knobs add a knob with a why bother yeah which makes an excellent weapon but also orcs can add one to their hits in the fight phase when they're next to the orc yes just make an excellent weapon however the only available model is modeled with a powerful yeah so you give them the power floor as well and it makes the water pilot pointless yeah ok so coconut man it's basically like an imperial knife but not quite as good yeah I think it's 18 yeah so now that thrips a big good 18 shots some Rockets some big viewers scorcher but a key thing toughness 8 many wounds toughness 8 many wounds toughness 8 many wounds you've got a lot of tough well the battle wagon doesn't have to be tough to say yeah you need to look great to make it super say have you given it to make it yes so it's no longer open top so I'll shoot after that okay but basically it's just a lot of boys a pardon to that so I've seen there's a 10 boys one mobs got a core the other nubs got a combi scorcher right and they're inside the bandwagon no to the battle wagon the battle wagons got a kill cannons for big shooters lobber death roller Daryl it was awesome if you I don't know why you haven't got Buffalo the death roll as your or over yet I've got a wagon with a deaf role of coming back was we have a flyer yeah bird Obama that's the bombing you won yeah okay the fly run dropping things on you and then a bunch of scorches inside another truck yeah Berta boys and two spiders taking it to 12 I had hoped to absolutely fill everything but there's two spare transport capacity in the Stompa that I didn't have the points to be able to fill up so don't carry disappointed myself like that yeah maybe they clambered in there at the start and they were hanging on because I know it's got transport capacity of 20 but they're not all inside right they just hang on to it though they are on the side if you look at the model right these are sort of hatches that I put up in the office ballasts but they're all the way around I always had the impression that most of them were inside but some were just sort of like hanging off of it and maybe they fell off because I would agree on trucks especially like to auction it the rest of us hang it up yeah but this has got something been paling spikes all the way around the outside okay I don't know maybe I just never thought it'd stop that way yeah or maybe he annoyed one of the nobles or something and they killed him already yeah ripped his teeth out yes okay so just under 3,000 points worth of bad moons all coming at me really rather fast quickly let's go into the bloomin and we deployed to this three thousand point game of cleanse and camp sure the orcs the bad moods are racing down towards this Hawk encampment that the Space Marines have already cleared out so the Space Marines are digging in and preparing to sell themselves against this orc push the way it works in cleansing capture as well is you take turns dropping and he who drops first can choose with go first you had six drops so the orcs have the drop on the Space Marines and can choose whether they go first what I did is there is a couple of war suits which can deploy further up the battlefield so once hiding behind this thing here ones hiding there that's slightly out of my deployment zone these two war seats but were they concealed positions they can deploy a bit further forward and then my jumpy dudes the in sectors are in reserve along with the three drop pods that are thumping down from all bit and then one of the drop pods is my librarian in the storm raven we have the terminators and my warlord brother captain Saul Garrow and hanging off the back in the grav harness is the ironclad dreadnought close air support is the Storm Talon so we have intercessors intercessors intercessors spread across the line there is the primary's captain and leftenant and then all the guns the suppressors and the hell blasters are taking up positions on that walk bastion there and we're ready to go pause deployment well there's a gateway there so trucks are gonna log jam their way through that one and there's a gateway here we've decided that this is a 300 ton stomping machine if this stomper wants to crash its way through the walls it can crash its way through the walls go cannot not so much but these things will not well they'll be pancaked essentially if that stumble wants to go that way it can go that way yeah so would you like to go first or would you like me to I think I need a dice need to try to you want to steal actually that's a good point because range in my army I've got the suppressors back here let's be honest everything is gonna be a foot further forward after my turn and I've got the Flyers I don't really want to steal but it seems like the space means would try and take initiative really wouldn't mean I want to go first so I'm just I'm playing with you but wouldn't they want to draw them into the net and then kill them why would they want to act before the trap is ready yeah I'm sold it's Itzhak Stern anyone and so big mech go brach shouts out his first array of orders mission-critical objective take number six that's quite I like it because it's right in the halkan Kampmann must basically get the camp back yeah give him some Decker shoot something to death and big-game hunter blow up a vehicle so it looks like you're going vehicle hunting with your orders here we are after the old movement phase that was very quick Paul just what about these two objectives back here yeah but there's two objectives and you're you just okay so the fly came forward the stomper came for there was no advancing going on the goal can all came forward just be totally giving sadaqa the trucks over here are ones rammed the wall he obviously had its foot on the accelerator and the battle wagon is breaking its way through so you're right at the income and you're almost home no psychic phase because the suckers in there one of them's in there one was in the trucks Yeah right let's shoot some backup stand off the shooting phase were standoff with a stomper of course we're starting off with the stomper and Paul's always spent 2 command points on more Decker so Dacca dakka dakka kicks in on a 5 up he's already told me all the bits that he's asked where all the guns are going because it has many guns but you start off with a super shooter well the big the death cannon the death cannon the biggest gun on his arm where is it going it's going to mention back back it yes right and you're shooting it the big thing yeah a big thing now namely hitting Flyers you dorks hit on fives because it's a flyer you'd be hitting on sixes but daga daga daga neither a kitten on a5 up now because you spent in that command point so how many shots 3 d6 3 d6 that 10 10 shots hit on fives with Duquette I gotta get over to here and rerunning ones because you're abandoning and 5s and 6s explode more shots and don't convert oh yeah we won once only three hits in the end mmm stress 10 toughness Evans running on Three's threes yeah cuz ones and twos wouldn't hurt me right they were wound what's the AP of this that's what - Paul yeah I don't get a safe what's the damage g6 did what b6 yeah I've gotta get messed on but that's not enough to kill it the storm Raven has got four wounds left not spending a command point there because the super rocker rocket super rocket is also going into the flier which it's on 5 DC shots is it so one shot that's a shame five-oh that's more Decker so okay just one hit strength eight it wounds EP - three - three I need a six I don't get a six no damage is for to get through one now which now do you want to command point 50/50 chances Oh Plus okay yay if that works that's the last four wounds taken off the storm Raven gunship which you will explode on a six it doesn't explode now there's six guys inside plus a dreadnought which after watermark and ever yeah seven models and on one I will lose a model okay they survived the explosion and so as the storm Raven spirals down from the sky and crashes into the ground the first company the ironclad and my captain managed to disembark without casualty now that his first blood give him some Decker and big game hunter that's three points also worth waiting in that subject of six that's the objective that you want to secure the mission critical one right inside the encampment right and then the other guns from this bumper someone's going into the interfaces and someone's going into the home Blastoise right so this is now all the shooters into the intercessors down here hitting on fives and five and six explode re-rolling bonds eight hits with the rerolls and they're exploding because of daca don't you know two more ones three more ones so only eight hits in the end these are stress five yeah three on Three's and I currently have a two up sage because I am in terrain and I we're all good now the super gutless spools up it's going into the hell blasters heavy 3d6 or many shows fourteen shots hitting on fives ten hits with the rerolls ball and then Mordecai kicks in oh and re-rolling ones what's the strength of this gun seven seven yep what was that boom if it were to damage it be the best thing since all bread it's all bread of thing there's now yeah well that's good seven what one off which becomes a three upside and I make all of my saves yay no one dies right what which I keep my foot on the board with a psycho duck and blaster rule okay let's just fire again okay I roll the dice yes I'm a two-up it's fine thrust again oh it's fine so there's more ammo let's do that all again 3d six shots that's nice so essentially it's just spraying round after round after round and you get to keep going until you run out of ammo yeah you do it maximum of three times a turn right it's got much more chance of running out of ammo on the third go okay which I will of course be doing but if it doesn't run out of ammo then you can do it again next turn and spray in transit okay fives re-rolling one's fives and sixes explode after the ones here's the more daiquiri rolls which gets re-roll the ones okay so more shots come in and these are wounding on threes and then I have a 3 up save again right yep okay duck and cover lat ah I've made all my safe ah again these dice available on the deployment zone top TV blaster firing a third time okay on a waterfall we were thrust again one two four yeah endless supplies of ammo the 3d six shot okay then we roll to hit and roll to wound and I've got this number of three up saves and finally after spraying three times all across that Bastion you managed to take down one hell blasted after the stomper fired now the Galkin or the small one is very kind of fire its depth on mega sheet into the tiller the tiddler it's weird calling a coconut a tippler it's very anyway the big 18 cannon shot of doom into this unit of intercessors hitting on fives yeah there there's good and then reward Borden's you've got two more Decker's there pull from six is six explode and another hit comes through right this is a strength six weaponry yep voting these Space Marines on threes that's pretty good shooting now it's a P minus one but I get a plus one because I'm in their terrain feature so just a three up save for a Maris of course of two wounds each and you kill a primeras marine but it's got some more shots coming in two rockets from the back their streak across the battle grid and miss and the big Q as in his other fist come flying in fives to here we're on it ones and sixes explode and that's four hits and there's a strength 5 vs. toughness 4 so 3 is to wound and it does two wounds but I do get a 2 up save because I'm hold down and I save them pull down where did that come from 4th edition yeah that was if if your vehicle was 50% obscure from the water size the fire it was referred to as Hall down yeah you would only score a glancing hit rather than a penetrating hit different damage table and unity blow two plus six two different yeah and they're not vehicles they're Space Marines yes right now we're into the burner bomber what's that what's it doing score to miss Ausmus basically it's just these guys just trying to destroy that tower there almost competing with each other what was the Freebirds what scorching missiles coming in to the tower yeah do 636 okay nice to hit and that's three dak attack attack attack I'll tell you what that rocket was full of Promethean or whatever deal okay use flammable liquid yes okay right so that's five wins 18 minus minus one ignores cover oh so I just get four up saves then yes one damage damage yet I only fair one next okay - Super sisters we should be farmed by the Gras so they hit all fours okay he's a good shooter good hit yeah super shooters spent five six six AP minus one minus one so just three ups and I make all of them your saves on fire like the Space Marines who are standing not on fire more guns to big shooters six shots coming in hot hitting on fives really well in one and then the deck is to deck is exploding they're three hits right stress five moving on a wound I need a tube - I'll get it - because of the cover okay so moving from the right flank we're coming round here you've got some guys inside some transports and the big wagon of doom was yet to speak what you're firing at ball okay so the contents of this truck no fire these terminators okay raining shop at a group first first off determine the strength of seven heavy d6 for 3 right now six is to move them a heavy heavy weapon okay we were all one so as expected shut up gun fires wide there's everything else is out of range apart from a Combee rocket a rocket so both of those yes into the sorry some obvious a separate unit doesn't matter they're going into the big thing the ironclad okay the big thing the big thing we were ones miss firing widely their rockets going off into space okay maybe they're trying to shoot them in there are two big chances on the trucks yes thirty-six inch range big shooters yeah some mayor's yeah okay oh you're missing again yeah we're using the same dice here guys from the same dye spot there are two custom shooters in the bucket truck okay so they will also fire at the iCloud and I'll just check the range 24 inch range you're in range for anger the ironclad sitting on fives and they miss as well after the trucks and the contents are fired we're now coming across to the battle wagon so the battle dragon it's got a lover on it which is gonna come and you said you're going to love it down into this mess because there's a lot of boys here yeah so help last is all suppressor suppressors okay so the lover is getting lobbed at the suppressors and then all the other guns the big shooters and the battle cannon is kill cannon is going into the terminators so um where do you want to start lob up for three shots okay right the usual AP no no EP to up I'm making a save yep and then we have okay kilkanin is heavy eighty-six there are two misses me big shoot us okay nice to hit three rolling the ones six is a more backer one more done here three it's three rooms and terminators to up saves I did I do make a snake eyes to Snake Eyes saves I haven't used a command point in the thing you've all been the shooting face yes I did to save one of them save one of those seven eight yeah who's that we shot in the face maybe he was limping after getting taken out from the school that maybe actually you saved one of the other terminators and that one's been shot you have saved a terminus just one else's died instead then the guns fall silent that is the end of the shooting phase you've killed a terminator a intercessor a hell blaster oh and also a storm Raven but the guns fall silent and there is a charge coming up Paul's been in command point O to graboids on ramming speed yeah the battle wagon with the roller is gonna try and RAM the Invictus war suit I did a bunch of overwatch actually got a couple of wings through but it made the saves now this is another 11 in charge yeah but it's re-roll about because of here we go because of orcs and you roll three dice because of ramming speed so three dice re-roll a ball to make this charge on the Invictus suit here we go and so the battle wagon makes the charge for what a glorious charge this does a couple of things it get you your mission critical objective you say get it you got it and you're also blocking off passageways for me to get through to get to the soffit two trucks behind and when you complete a charge move with ramming speed I think you do mortal wounds yeah and two plus does d3 water wins okay shall we yes shall we Charlie okay so that is a 2 plus d3 mortal wounds but three wounds on the Invictus suit I think they start with 13 it's majesty it's already down to 10 yes the suits down to 10 wounds left and now it gets crumped by a death roll or what does this thing do so there's a number of things but it's a strength well the model plus one okay so the strength is 9 I'm toughness 76 all right so my story bit too damaged oh but you know it's three to hit rolls you attack with the weapon ok this profile I have six attacks so basically six attack strength nine mines to hit on twos well okay two's to hit them and everything hit it's hard to miss in a victus war suit threes to wound five wounds at minus two yep so 5:5 up saves and I don't make any I make one of those saves did you say to damage you though it's got two wounds left the Invictus suit has taken a critical hit but it's not dead for attacks plus one for shock salt is five attacks back again but it's hitting on fives because it's only two wounds and I hit three times its strength 14 with its fist so I need threes to win because you're a tough mistake I wound once at minus 3 but it is a flat 3 damage I have 4 observes a straight route ok 3 damage off the battle wagon so it's got 13 wounds left is that the end of the fight phase now Paul no no you can put it on boarding action what does that do you haven't read it you should know a language to enlighten you ok use the stress and we end the 5 pace it's the end of the fight phase select an enemy vehicle unit the cattle fly and is within one inch above truck or bottle like a model from your army yes any model embarked upon that truck or battle wagon there are 20 boys in there yeah can make a single attack with one Melanie weapon against the enemy units they swirl jumping off and clobbering you I wouldn t pu I normally have knobs in there any boys but there are there's a powerful Oh so shall we start with the part that's not a single attack do it the signal is that so it would be on a for business right then the boys want to package tourism of the mob in here but strength for strength 5 makes no difference yes threes with all of these 9 toughness sixer so 5 still wound is that three it's three three three three up saves and then makes it saves and the guys come clambering out the battle wagon and trying clobber the Invictus war suit but it kicks them off and that is the end of term one some lost opportunities here to take down the Invictus suit but you've got all three of your objectives and you've got first blood and that's first blood available in this mission not first strike so is four points to zero in favor of the orcs because I'm not within three of the center of that objective so it's four points to zero in favor of the orcs and they're already back inside their encampment and something big and stompy is about to come straight through the entranceway you are gonna you're making MASH that buckling on those boys I think you should do is concentrate here ears and pea texture what's going on here I just get rid of that threat get rid of that threat and then that's tomorrow's winters problem well this terminate is wrong for any growth battle wagon there so they're only going one way right no morale for me to take let's find out what the 13th do in turn one and here are the orders for the 13th mission-critical objective are all six we're both fighting over objective six I also need to master the warps and my librarians feet need to hit the metal grid and find a character find one of these supreme command detachment orcs and kill him okay here we are after the 13th smooth phase and for the longest time I was looking at putting all the daca down into the goal Kunal and the stomper and hurting these things there but then I realized that I couldn't either bring enough gun to bear on them so I could damage them but not damage them very much yet I need your big mech with his burnable safe to get out of there to get out of there oh maybe you're half of the street he's gonna stay inside and tinker and pull on the levers and press the red buttons yes okay so anyway I couldn't what you said is is jump on the battle wagon and after having a goal I was taking them no it's a good idea jump on the battle wagon that's tomorrow's problem destroy the battle actually because I reckon what you've got to do is you've got to shoot the wagon to death and then kill the orcs but otherwise you've got twenty boys there well the weighted numbers they will clobber you I forgot to move the Invictus e so that's the end of the movement phase of close combat now the idea is 13 moons is shoot it blow it open and then blow the crap out of all the boys that got inside and I've dropped a pot and get mission critical objective number 6 but to do that I need to kill many boys but I don't think it can fit any here because you'll be within there you'll be out of coherency there world around the back Baylor's remember yes a space yes so the port came in here with my librarian and there's a melter combi melter in that squad I originally thought about putting him behind but he needs to buff characters so there's Master the warp there's mission critical objective number six and of course the pod comes in at the end of the movement phase after all my units move forward and then the storm talon raced through the sky and has got behind the trucks and another squad is back out here in the wilds it's not bait it's gonna be shooting your your stuff from behind it's not bait bait and hopefully damage some of them I need to character hunt and that's it I did think about doing some new burn in the castle back here but it's just there's a stomper coming stand your ground men meanwhile the captain left haven't pulled back so they're aura affects all the units next to them psyche phase library I'm trying to put might have heroes on the Dreadnought and that might pass those are six yes that bosses extra strength toughness and attack on the unclad up to toughness 9 now and his other psychic power is going to be a simple smite on a5 and that passes an OD d3 mortal wounds on the truck and the mind bullets Waggin Waggin Waggin take three wounds off your wagon cheese invades now before I deal with all of that mess let's come round here this tactical squad is gonna put the melter combi melter into that truck and all the bolt of fire as well so let's do the melters hitting on threes they both hit strength eight toughness truck wounding on threes and get a wound you don't get a save there's AP - many and it would do d6 damage for five damage on the truck run chuckles brand shuttle yeah new because on a1 and I've just blown off a bit you didn't need and then the bolt is in rapid fire hit on threes and rear old ones are remembered because of my ability mm-hmm survived wound so far and another wound for up safe you make the same right then the stunt on a spinning command point on big guns never tire so my storm can't Talyn can move and farts heavy weapons having singularly failed to protect the store raven from enemy fire yes so it can move and it doesn't suffer the supremacy of movement for instead weapon so it's it there would be no entry in the role of honor for you well that means it's hitting your truck on a - because they're heavy mushrooms and now three is to hit and then +1 to hit because it is a ground target so they tell if you mission on launch has two shots hitting on twos and that straight seven I'm wounding on three threes and with the devastated doctrine it's ap minus 3 and it's d6 yeah okay the - yes that's through the six role on a six reducer that was caused by the attack - a 1 so that's ramshackle that worked yeah that worked so that makes that a 1 yeah I basically blew off a bit you don't need yeah so that did three damage instead of eight damage yeah and the trucks still alive yeah about 12 assault cannon shots hitting on to use because the big guns six versus six is weaned on fours and it's 80 I need to ease it's ap minus two so two six up saves and you keep the truck alive it's got ten or one of them yeah the trucks gone yes does it go kablooey no and there's 12 guys inside so roll any ones and you roll three four ones you disembark three when a vehicle goes nuts and you don't have to be wholly within three if so it turns out what the office could clamber over the wall into the encampment there which is maybe why so many of them died because they were getting shot as they were clambering their way over the wall now we're going onto the Invictus suit I can't see the wagon so it's going to put all the shots into this shot into this here the in sending cannons out of range so it's just the heavy bolter and the iron hail heavy Stuber and the grade launcher would do the heavy ball turn the iron Hale all at the same time because it's hitting on fours because I'm heavy and it's strength four or five so I'm winning on five and it's AP minus 2 with the Devastator doctrine in effect so two sixes I take two winds off the truck then the grenade launcher has three shots which hits on three so they'll bit we're not fives no AP one would three winds off the truck storm water into the boat mmm I've got assassinate there's a character that now he's not closer into the boys re-rolling hit roles of one because it has two it's weird hits don't win a boy right that's the firepower from round here now the idea is to crack open this big wagon before I am yeah before I go charging in the boys so they meet the soup fell back it's an ultramarine it can still fire mines one but the in sending cannon auto hits the flame up that or deported I would very unsporting I will bathe you in heaven II meet him it's 12 you arrange the boys that suit these boys might just be I want to kill the truck again kill the wagon number of Auto hits 7 and it strength 6 so or 5 sorry I'm winning e15 but it is AP minus 2 because of the devastated doctrine so fives chooses oh yeah three more weeks then the iron hell heavy stuber's and the heavy ball to just bounce now the Dreadnought in front of you the iron clad dreadnought has a melter and a flamer so I should do the melt combi melter from that squad first yes let's do then they hit on threes and all the boulders will come in as well all two hits swimbait versus toughness 8 yep force I get a wood no I'm a safe d6 - take damage from shackle ramshackle old it's not a truck how many winds got left what nice bolt apart from the same squad and I need sixes to wound to take this last wound off - wimzie for UPS Oh dead it does it go kaboom don't blow up don't block and there's many guys inside battle wagons gone and when the boys scramble out it looks like there's a couple in each squad died now still got mini shots coming in the ironclad I guess it's gonna fire this squad of boys has got a melter and a flamer the melter hits this is a bit rude isn't it and melts one the heavy flavor has five shots which will kill on trees and he kills five is four plus the melter then after the ironclad fired the terminators and the pod joined in and it's looking like this now brother captain solid garrow's get a fire in he hits on twos with his storm boater re-rolling ones and he wins on fours and he only wins once one more 6 up safe and that's what the firepower that is gonna come raining in against the alt crowned Hills trying to spread the firepower across the line because I know morale is a thing but more but there's also a thing you got at least one at least one has to be 10 strong ok there's some charges coming on but that's that's that flank that's ok this flag did well I took out the wagon I took out the truck round here is gonna be less successful because I'm going to be firing at some really heavy armor so let's start off with all the intercessors which we'll be hitting on threes and wounding on sixes firing in at the big stomper all three squads fired in and you major saves only got two wounds through anyway made it safe so I'm coming across to the hell blasters and I'm overcooking my guns and we're gonna fire in so I'm hitting on fries and re rolling ones but what a bunch of two's look sure so on ones I would have lost the Marines so that's good I didn't lose any Marines but four of the shots go wide anyway this gets my guns up to strength eight your toughness eight I need fours and I can re-roll ones because there's a left hand three wings three five up invulnerable saves because the KFX no huh oh six damage to damage each now the suppressor squad are going to join in with their accelerator autocannon two shots each hitting on threes re-rolling ones because of the captain so look I'm making all my armor saves but I can't hit the toffee two hits strength seven I need fives I get a wound it's a P minus two or three because we're devastated option by the pivots with Jack they're all for you that's two more damage lieutenant master crafted bolt rifle hits doesn't wound now my foe boss captain can target cactus with his three damage gun I've got down and had a really good look at your shop attack gun I can't see him so he'll fire was woken up as well go for a nice long to totally just mercy it was laughs yeah you have like millimeters to the right you got it six is too wound no because that's a damage free weapon it's the only smoke yeah nice smoky gun I have in my tire I mean that's in on my shooting face so how to tickle the stomper take a neat wound off yeah only thirty two to go remind me stay bug gras triggers later okay we're gonna do some charges this ironclad we'll try and go in against both for the unit's yeah let's try and do both of the units will do the air box in a second snake I don't make the charge okay let's send the terminators in no because they roll it so no no no because I got two now I've got another opportunity where did you put a spoiler literally let me roll no no that was extra strength and toughness and think about not sure the other spell have got veil of time that would have been a reroll the charge yes maybe I should have done that one yes okay terminators they gonna fail the charge as well I'll have to man point yeah seven I think they might get in terminators make it here I've lost a terminator pool because you put scorch ring that scored what and scorches of - one moment yes okay so a lots of terminate and made the charge now at the start of the fight phase I'm gonna pile in three inches you have to go to the closest model we've already pre-measured this which will and move the sword which will tie up the second squad because I don't want that power fist charging through and hitting my ironclad and then I'm spending the command point and fury of the first semi I've got +1 to hit so what I'm going to do is the sword and this fist have to attack the sword is gonna tuck him the fist is going to attack him because he's within an inch of him this fist hits that guy so we do the lone fist hitting these two here I would be hitting on falls but back to threes because of fury of the first and I hit twice and I will squish these two guys on dude I only squish one and the other wasn't norm anyway you've had to have done the wounds just wish him okay power fist number two hitting the squad of three on threes I only hit once Tuesday wound I wound AP - mitts right it's gonna come down to the sergeant so he's got three attacks busy sergeant plus one for shock assault he's hitting on two to the power man good man and yes everything hits tuppence for right yep what's the wind - wounds ap minus three Wow kills him and takes a wound off him so your power core still alive and gets to fight be back and he's in his ulti happy place right so walk strike him back you've got your knob good active activate my knob yeah hey three attacks he hits on fours with his claw could do it any strength 10 - OH not twos why cuz oh yeah thinking wonderful ones and twos will not hurt me if I roll two now it makes the whole thing worthwhile stalwart there you go the two doesn't hurt me they do I need five up crocks terminal two saves I'll make the boat I like them both we are first we stand firm that Armour has a sliver of the Emperor's might at it yes the crooks the crooks seminars is the the icon of the shoulder inevitably yeah every crook stem analysis has a sliver in here at the Emperor's armor in it which is what gives it its invulnerability I know that's what they tell them anyway I know you know I'm telling you what else oh yeah yeah okay I mean we are in your back room having a gay before UK just having a conversation but this will eventually it's a glorious thing though it's imagine if just a tiny just a molecule of the Emperor's armor can provide you with an a the emperor protection he does indeed okay Oh today was to up and I make the sage so I did lose a terminator on the way in but I didn't lose any too close combat which is and tied up that power claw which is what I wanted and that's the end of my face we have that mini morale to do so so you're not spending the command points on keeping those two allies they've gone we have a role on the show you hacked to bits by the terminators overwhelming numbers through the wreckage of their transport now their leadership would be ten or twelve within a year but that unit isn't a truck so it doesn't count as on the battle grid rather so it's just they're flat leadership four plus before they lost at this 77.7 just one fleet needs to be powered up stopped on a spike is you sure about this boss slip that's the end of my turn I got master the warp I'm securing mission critical objective number six I haven't assassinated any characters yet I think I will ditch assassinate I'm gonna kill some characters anyway at some point but I'd like to draw some more cards next turn so it is only two points for the thirteenth and four points for the orcs they've got double the number of points than me but I have pushed back the thrust on this flank however eyes there's precious little standing in the way of this thrust let's go to aux dad after achieving all of his objectives last turn your Big Mac stop screaming out some more orders psychological warfare make the Marines fail a morale test but we do not Bend here we go we're gonna make three charges get a point and secure objective for that's what I learned subject is behind you Paul back out there's obviously some gubbins out there that Lee wants us to pick up on the way back we're partway into the movement phase cuz the bomber has banked through the sky and has dropped bombs on male blasters this happens in the movement phase you you roll the dice for every model in the squad yeah and there's nine too much of attempt right and then what does it do well an infantry model their infantry yes yes I look at your model I will take a model were those four up oh okay nine dice looking for fours bombs away lads cool is that v i5 that's two and a half but he'll blasters like that blown up here we are after the orcs movement phase it took them two turns only never entirely back inside their encampment they're back home again there's there's objective for pool now they're the other objectives are make us break and do some charges we have trucks and burn our boys that disembark from the truck we've got the remaining shooter boys and there's opportunities for multiple charges around here we already did the fly doing this bombing run and the stomper has come crashing through the middle now you said you what's this grah triggers thing that you were talking about the stompers gras triggers an upgrade it's an ability at the end of the movement phase roll dice on a two-up d three words repaired okay to up that's a three D three wounds three wings you've got three wounds back on it when it's gonna take a while to take that thing out okay psyche face you've got your warp head here and he's got some psychic powers plus one to his cast because of the green warp energy flowing through him plus one for get bones okay plus two then okay they manifested a crunch okay a big ectoplasmic full of more possibly go he's gonna stand on them gates that's it yeah okay sweet plus due to currency cash terminate and that's for 12 it's not apparel it's cousin that it is Apparel's because you're an orc because I went all okay however no it's not a path it's not a parallels because it's plus one is for my get bones yes which it's not doesn't have a special rule that makes it go over 12 if it's moment it yes II suppose the perils it take D three wounds one we left okay yeah it's cast yes right to crunch role of d6 for every model of the unit on a6 it was a mortal wound okay stamp stamp stamp stamp stamp no treat yourself and then turned on to me however the end of row 36 on at M plus no we're doing it again right okay this might know at Bangor hey bud I don't like this one I think manifest on they are you aiming at small Garrow no its newest model oh okay what with Civitas k it was only because he was the nearest model yes it was his it was his poor awareness and positioning of the cause his downfall don't take me back there pool it was a dark day right that works mine is cast are you trying tonight oh yeah I keep trying the night yeah I don't deny it okay okay roll the dice compare it to model topless one no so psychic phases of wash yes okay now we're on to the dagger face what you don't say hi Paul okay so we'll the the burner bomber has just one over here so I think he's gonna load into these hell blasters the ones that sit on fire yeah then I think over here we'll do the small arms and the burning into watching we'll do these first shooters into the terminators rockets into into here okay so let's do that then I've got some choices with them depending on what gets killed or what doesn't what about the stomper stop well I did think you're doing a stomper first but there's so many little things I want to whittle down okay I want to whittle them first so you said this unit first so rockets into the Invicta and cleaning that let's do that okay two rockets at the Invictus suit folks to hit yeah Becca oh two hits top of six a wing wound it's minus three damage and it only has too much yes and I make the save again I keep making saves okay is it - - yes okay I made the save one will hit the terminators and I make that save onto the burners they're going to set the terminators on fire and the - custom mega blasters from the Spaniards are going into the Invictus suit so we did in that first yeah first okay you get hit this is minus 3 this weighs and I don't make that safe DV 6 sandwich the Invictus suit is taken out where spanner which does not blow up boners what are they doing 3d 3 also hits on the terminators 30 30 30 30 Auto hits winning on fours this is gonna sting isn't it you got 20 wounds Paul yeah can the terminators walk through fire don't roll anyone's so there's a dead tomato there's a nut you killed two terminators so there's one Terminator left and then the big shooter from the truck just fired in that the Invicta didn't do any damage that's the attacks from this flank II a couple of terminators and one of the Invictus suits gone now we're onto the burn and bomber Paul splits far a little bit now we've got missiles going into suppressors and all the other stuff going of the hell blasters right that's right okay so what are we doing DC shots with scorcher massage make addresses always a big fat 6 this is gonna sting isn't it in my vibes to hit someone - yes okay yeah three hits spread seven right five so much of ourselves okay so threes three AP - - one ignores cover Oh so forth into the suppressors you killed - a suppressor and a half Russian half mmm and then the other shots there's a lot of these now there's the super shooters yes five other crops they have force okay yeah strange anomaly there was five micro but it's still getting a clown culture you're getting it back of there no okay three sirtuins no blasters have a 1-up safe - warm for the good is it yeah oh so well one more dies more gongs twin big shooter this one's hitman 5s we're all in ones and daiquiri for one more okay so only two hits in the end twice to wound no strength five three threes the wound if I roll a one at least another he'll bluster and I don't so there's two suppressors left and six hair blasters now we're moving along to something big and stumpy basically all the smallish arms and the flamer are going into this unit of intercessors the super daiquiri stuff is going into the hell blasters and the big cannon of Doom is gonna go into my ironclad so spring far all over the place spending to command points on more daca one more time because let's face it this thing has got all the daca where are we starting but interestingly so this is her top tip okay - top tip okay the psychic duck a blaster rule is an additional firing yeah it's like a choose different target yeah so I'm farmer lust oh yeah because you could spray it yeah I could smell different on you if I'm decided because I want psychological warfare yes if there's a couple of them left I go to know what they mad enough I'll shoot someone else because he's basically planning his gun right in left and spraying lots of explosive rounds everywhere okay so we'll start with the death cannon into the iron glass the I plus three T six shots that's 12 shots fives to hit and there's a one what's the two's look he wrote like me yeah and then the fives and sixes explode and you've got four of them because of more Decker and rear all the one so in the end six hits out of ten what strength this come for ten all right I'm toughness known right now cuz my spell is runing on a three AP minus four I don't get a save for d6 down the I support it that's Wow Wow that would have been 21 damage on a toughness 9 chassis yeah it is a big gun does he go boom he does though oh he's right next to my warlord I'm reroll in that one he doesn't go boom the ironclad has finally gone that was devastating and now we're on to the scorcher and the big shooter coming into the intercessors right in front so Scott your time it's go time it's one hit it's red 5-1 it does wind doesn't mean it doesn't move and then big shooters I need more dice and biggie twin big shooters fives and the more DAC is and the rerolls all coming out there so that's 9 hits in the end that's transpired toughness for 3s - hmm rip sighs I'm not cover now and you tickle one and now the super gala into the hell blasters from number of shots eight five steer you roll those ones hmm and three exploding dice any four hits this time threes three wounds - to set of says four up saves the Akuma yes the hell plasters with us so that's the injured one he's taken out five left is still shooting in so they're wrong you don't roll a one still got more ahem left in that gun and this not a lot of ammunition those my I was only seven I had a good turn last turn I'm alright with that we were on the warden to Dax so only two hits this time 27 own they both wind force you tickle another one I would like to think that being 50% dead is more than being tickled he's got a limp he's a slight limp you'll bite your kneecaps off it's fine he's getting better it's getting better right okay fingers on the trigger hello dear I don't want to find right I don't wanna I want to Pyro's eight one five or six six número of shots roll in the wall this is much this is much better oh dear I'm how many duck is that that's seven seven again extra shots do you need more dice no are they right we're on the ones okay so nine hits Buhler nine three step that one's really cooked that merciful sure yes so forth for about five he'll blasters left and now I've got four three how blasters lefty you got psychological warfare yeah I like that it's good you've killed six three have blasters left then we moved on to the gochenour and I thought well get this on camera cuz I've got threes and two up saves here and I just rolled that for my last bunch of saves for the shooters so you've cleared away the intercessors with the golf Renault the intercessors in the watchtower there and that was pretty successful from Big Mama and little tiddler and the last thing left to find out is the shock attack the chakra that gun is going to target the Invictus suit that it's the trucks gonna ram so strength is that's okay its toughness is six two shots hitting on not that know that so that's the shock attack gun twice now he hasn't chucked him up great and into that teleportation all these small things right then we did the charges the truck made it into the Invicta and you have both units of boys charged into the Terminator here orcs get to re-roll charges I took a couple of wounds off the truck I didn't take any wounds off the boys that's three charges then the stomper only needed a five to hit this unit of intercessors for charges and then the Gorka not made it into this squad here you needed a seven and Yuri rolled and you've made your five charges there eyes big yellow stompy things all across the space means lines were pushed right back so we're starting with the stomper and are you doing your big slash tackle your big jumpy jumpy attack so the mega chopper can smash or flash yes it was flash yes which is three hit rolls reads attack give me total 18 attacks hey okay so hit on threes strength user which is currently 10 - 2 D 3 damage now I'm contemplating spending it now I'm gonna spend a command point on trans human physiology there's no just slash me would be fully where we going let's do that corner ok ok you're hitting on threes strength 10 and winning on twos it's strength 1000 maybe I should have spent in their mind you've got a split on try to move it says minus t2 yet fine thanks one I saved one each of these does d3 there's five guys that the first one comes the first one cuz I want word yes that's two dead three dead that before you kill for that leaves one behind but then you need at least a three plus on there and then a three plus on that one as well I'll let the dice tell stone I can't believe they've survived an assault for the stomper we're a start ace we know no fear it looks like this do you wanna pile in yeah now it looks like this where we're going next right let's do the truck the truck ramming the Invictus ooh see I could spend 2 command points to interrupt now well what's the Terminator gonna do maybe kill a couple of boys and the Invictus suit can withstand the truck and I'm not gonna kill gochenour by interrupting so I'll let you get all the way through your charge phase anyway what's the truck gonna do to them Viktor suit anyways it was a wrecking ball your wrecking ball wrecking ball [Music] what is the wrecking ball do it's pushed to strength - one down one for a P and 2 damage so you got a hit right yeah d3 attacks on okay what that's currently seven because I'm damaged lose number three but the wrecking ball did nothing came in yes like a wrecking ball he's not exactly like a wrecking ball a wrecking ball made of mashed potato now we have mini boys hitting Terminator have you got a Power Core in there somewhere man nothing ok so a load of attacks so the normal boys had to go first doing six wounds six to up saves I'm fine and now we have the burner boys which heal and threes and wound on fours but this is minus 2 right because you're using your burners they can also use them in clothespins like art welders mmm try to cut him apart force you do cut down that Terminator and the burners consolidate closer staring down brother captain solo Gary and then we come around here to go cannot versus in scepters and now I'm going to spend 2 command points on grounds human physiology 1 right now I'm not because they do a flat 2 damage it does do a flat 2 damage just Lombardi 3 were flat 2 so anyway so he's got six attacks but you can times that by three yeah to do your slashing attack as well so a quarry rock smash did you smash rather the slash okay smash is the slashing on the with the core of God crush is the flash oh god a row three guys three three steps three sit and two swooned just racked huge straight exactly and I would have you ignored those ones there look at that if I was spending on I even though the threes as well I have one two and three with the trans human physiology that would only been two woulda coulda shoulda sure - yeah - two one two so fives or dead in successors that's the squad and stumpy things consolidate even closer now I have a fight back I'm heroic sergeant it's gonna surprise a bit of metal off the front of thats number he's got four attacks because the shock or threes he's he hits twice as he should choose good to it yeah how does he miss four sixes no no that bolted on rather solidly now we have morale no no and you got cycle yeah yeah yeah this will make me feel better so then we just will sleep five attacks its uninjured so far vertex with shock results hit in the truck on Three's and I am strength 1402 tattoos and they are minus three three damage well ramshackle that's all of them oh yes no thanks bud okay so I kill him now I can consolidate a bit so he goes around the orky Bastion now we're on to morale so leadership 8 which is leadership 9 because of the ultramarines thing because you've got psychological warfare haha so okay that's a six no fair he stands firm he stands firm right he'll blasters I lost six this turn their leadership nine so if I roll a three I'm okay or I could burn to command points and stand firm is a 50/50 chance of a say four one two three I'm okay yeah and then I could spend one command point no I can't because it's the rear ox it's a 50-50 chance is a rear or evil yeah I'll do that instead so one two three I'm okay I'm okay we know no fear and that's the end of Hawks turn to their deep inside the encampment and they have certainly smashed all the way along the lines now the Space Marines are gonna have to respond in turn to you I've got a couple of hell plasters and suppressors left and it looks like aggressors are going to have to try and jump on a stomper and I don't fancy their chances and maybe brother captain sole Garrow is gonna have to go in there as well and yeah I have to do it or I could ignore the stomper entirely in my turn and try and kill everything else around is full of mobs and characters yeah I've still got a drop pod and ten guys in a missile launcher I've still got five jumpy dudes that can come down from the sky the in Victor's okay this squad over here is okay I've still got some assets left and it's a point scoring game it's about spreading out and getting these objectives and talking about that you've ditched objective 4 yeah I got way out fine and talking about points it was four points to two but you made five charges so you get D three points there and good luck it's just the water one I'm happy with that it's five points to two but the Space Marines are certainly on the Batphone let's find out how they respond in turn two and so here are my objectives in turn two I need to defend six the mission critical objective that makes sense Kingslayer cut the head from the orky snake and no mercy no rest bite you get a point if you kill will make an enemy unit for a morale test if I kill or make 3 firmware test kill and all three units that's d three points five points to two I need to define objective six and kill at least three things so the storm telomere switched into hover mode came flying across here back through the sky switch background this way and we're looking at the mech boy with the shock attack gun and the psycho and there's vengeance in this life or the next and we're also in the tactical doctrine all of a sudden so rapid-fire weapons are plus one to their AP and my victims are assault words as assault weapons yeah and my in Viktor war suit doesn't suffer the penalty for moving the farm now because he's coming around the corner and he's gonna flame on into that squad and then go charging in and hopefully that's three things dead and there's the objective that we need to defend so I've put brother captain's old Garrow on it along with a big the squad that came out of the pod and I should be able to get those two points there I was thinking about spending sending so I'll go in against the stomper along with the aggressors the aggressors are gonna have to try and dent that steel hide but this is the objective that we've been ordered to defend that's the objective that he wants to us to defend and it is five points to we need these points we need to secure this installation this okie installation arc and that looks like it's a good landing site for Thunderhawk little ship yeah that would be why their extraction please of course the sergeants fall and back the librarian steps forward and talk about falling back I haven't got many guns that are gonna go against the goal cannot this turn it's gonna be unimpeded so these leftenant and captain here has flown back I'm figuring if I kill everything else then you're gonna have this bumper in the gochenour and it's cargo and a flyer left and then the last drop pod came thumping in on to this objective up here out in the waste there's two objectives up here let's put a squad there a full squad of ten with a missile launcher it can therefore turn our goods on it yeah we've got it now we just really get out of the way out got to come through you yeah come at me bro and then I owned an arc for a very long time bringing the jumpy dudes in the in scepters and I've decided to keep them off the table because I want to crack one of these open and then use them to shoot all the goodness and also to be fair there wasn't any good places to put them I could have put them back in this corner to lend fire against the stomper but then they would have been back in the corner or I could have put them somewhere over here but then they would have got lit up by a Gore Kunal so and I'm not putting much into the gore not this term so it made more sense to me technically and spiritually to leave them in the pocket all right let's do some psychic shenanigans start with a good old-fashioned smite against the stomper I need a 5 and that's the perils I'm not going to come and point reroll it I do D three wounds to myself so he takes two wounds but it is a super spike which is well not then it diva shakes on this bumper it's got one desperate time she's really putting everything into it the desperate measures that's the - come on boy that's it - its it was meant to be and now let's put might have heroes on brother captain so again are oh and I need a 637 no you don't and you stop it right let's get vengeance we're in the shooting phase I'm going to spend another command point on big guns never tire so that spawned Talyn is hitting twos I'll put the twelve shots into the weird boy from the twin assault cannon and the two typhoon missile launchers into the shock attack gun here's the shots hitting the weird boy twos everything hit pool everything please to wound and now you need to make a chunk of six officers I'm just before bullets come in he's gonna just jump himself away he jumps himself away he's gone now to Thai food missile launches into the shock attack gun Tuesday hit they both hit I am straight eight they both wound and they're AP - - what's this no more safe normal for up okay so it's three up there are two five saves yes you make 1 1 d6 damage for 4 quickly 10 Facebook page always got 4 words and you know thinking about it because I've moved this tactical squad round here with melters I should have perhaps father-type few missile launchers at the stomper or possibly find the unit first yes that would have made more sense yes right let's do the Invicta tactical war suit into this squad of boys the 2-iron health heavy stuff is hitting on threes now and wounding on force at strength for their ap minus one that will kill one because they only have t-shirts saves burn void this been boys and in the heavy bolter hits once and kills another then the grenade launcher lashed out didn't kill any it's only a strength full weapon but now the in sending combust a number of Auto kits as the orcs get set on fire 5 Auto Pizza strength 5 is 3 more die burning straight through their armor the burner boys get burned in return after the redemptor moving on to this squad here I've got six bolt guns or three Bakr and 6 shots rapid firing engine into the burners and the two melters from that tactical squad are gonna hit the stumper here's the bolt guns 3 is to hit forced to wound and it's ap minus 1 because of the tactical doctrine so that kills two more burners now milk guns into titanic stomper melter combi melter one hit straight they doesn't wind I'm gonna command point that it does wind 5 up and vulnerable save you don't make it D 6 damage with a melter don't roll on don't roll a one day another one or four ok that works now got a storm water from the pod in rapid fire range into the burners and this storm water from this pod not in rapid fire range into the burners I'll do it all at the same time 3 is to hit and falls to kill a kill 3 more and then the brave heroic sergeant that fell back last time turns his bot rifle over shoulder and shoots bumble down leaving one more burner now we're on to mm let's shooting with my librarian but pistol hits and kills the last one at ap minus one perfectly shot right between the eyes there you go three years killed cool now interestingly these flamers r6s to wound the flamers from a bulk storm aggressive yeah they flame storm gone Mercer 2d6 Auto hits but they counter standing still so each of them gets four d6 Auto hits you have a mistake which is this many Auto hits that's 96 Auto hits but it is sixes to wound let's do this all cameras a lot of dice right they like that stomper on fire from head to toe 14 wings AP minus 1 because the tactical doctrine is in effect okay pause how did I do it's three then three seven wins seven one eight seven wins I've melted some of the armor this pump is on 26 wounds we get in there now missile from here streaking across the battlefield on a fall because they're not ultramarines and that misses right he'll blasters overcooking it point-blank range into your side those we're cooking very good threes everything hits Wow and strength eight because I'm overcooking falls re-rolling ones because there's a left tenant there for wings at 80 - two huge four five up custom force bullet saves you make to them so that's only four damage it's down to 18 left let's do the suppresses everything yes I need close to wind one wound and once to owe you another two damage right that's all the guns that's the end of my shooting phase we have some charges coming on the Victor suit is gonna try and charge this unit voice let's see how far he goes nine that'll be enough let's do some what what do you to dice in hand these Rockets on camera hmm hit and that's a Decker Decker Decker come on ah we're gonna three yeah wounds it takes three wounds yeah let's do this small arms and he took four winds off the Invictus eat before he made his way you really hurt him it certain right that sarcophagus there should be sealed up you know one thing I really needed my orc army what smokes just oh it's awesome brother captain soul Guerra made the charge as well he's in that squad and now we're gonna charge with the aggressors and there's a ton of overwatch coming out and the aggressors make the charge there's only five left cuz you killed one Paul yeah at least the big death could have missed with everything as did the big explody superwash yo rocket yes but there is a flamer there and much duck a big Wow and you killed one of them as they came charging through now I'm gonna start here I'm not gonna start with the Invictus ooh Oh God now they all have power fists that guy is in range of brother captain Sargeras only four inches away I could have moved he's in range so I'm rerunning hit rows of one indeed and I've spent a command point on gene Roth might so any 6s to hit auto wound yeah it'll put you straight through the superstructure yes and then I've spent another command point on inspiring command which is an all-terrain specific one which increases the range of my leftenant who's just here from 6 inches to 9 inches and we're eight inches away from me he's shown over the top of the building come on dice cunning that is go for it lads go for it well he's right through the Vox right he's saying over the box well I like to think he's tapping into the feeds from their helmets he could see what they do see and he's sending rocks bursts through them giving them direction and instruction yes that's exactly what's happening but I'm Himmel forestry rolling ones and six is - anyway let's do this oh and now three attacks each plus one for the child for chakra so the surgeons got the five on the turn so it's the force to hit part good litter and then I need to reroll the ones look at all those fours what that is and they said stop and the six is auto wound three order wounds with gene Walt might and another 11 hit that's not bad is it yes that's the stopper be screwed strength eight well hey yeah strength wounded on fours we rollin ones cuz an inspiring command any ones to ones there's a couple of ones and I did that many dude that sounds bad there's like eight sixes there yeah and they're all ap minus three yeah and you've got sixteen wounds left yeah and the custom force world only works gates shooting attacks yeah so my turn to say good luck to you I think if you've used before the look on please die for on all those sixes shall we get some more dice different dice okay six is change no dice didn't have done right so this is all d3 yeah alright that's really cooked so three six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 there's a dead stomper bro yeah yeah yeah yeah yes does it blow that is the question sort of the book do you want me to give you a dice that rolled a one last time yes it's are all six okay don't blow up don't do it come on point no oh well worth the try we just pull the bits of plate off and the stomper keels over and collapses how many keys are inside 18 18 yeah and there's a stomper shaped gap and no one died as they scrambled out and then I consolidate little bit forward but I can't tie them up on to the next combat brother captain Salguero against an ops he's got four attacks plus one four imperious or plus one four shocks all so six attacks he's currently hitting on twos and he strengthened oh no he gets plus some strength on the charge as well so we spent eight minus five damage - bye yes the Burning Blade okay I've gotten on to a 605 wounds at minus 5 - damage yeah that worked then he'll consolidate come back this way then I'll select the Invicta war suit because he charged so then he can pile in three and then move forward another three and begin to bring his guns to bear that's the end of my turn that was pretty successful Paul can I give you all tactical summary yes yes well there's still some dudes in there you've got one in there it's not looking good lads you don't really want to charge the aggressors because oh I'm gonna mess the aggressors up somehow you want to DAC at them but that's the end of my right I've did started to defend that objective there five points - - yeah and I'm gonna get D 3 points for no mercy you are no respite and I get the big three so it's five points each as we go to almost turn three here at the all quarters he ditched one you've still got psychological warfare Kingslayer take-out brother captain so go and secure objectives who wears subject to I'm sorry oh yeah right is good Lance yeah it's all happening down here for the boys except for their bomber so what put another light up in the corner because everyone is now scrambling through the orc mick workshop you had some advancing so the knobs that got outside of the gore Connaught and the way banner got out of the wall Connaught and the guys that originally got out of the stumble you've got two squads and nobles there yeah plus the war banner yeah plus your wall or table and because you advanced you can still charge because you've got Follow Me lads yeah and you got Kings laying around yep so you're going after brother captain soul Gary yep that get there he looks like easy judge big app meanwhile it looks like there's gonna be trouble for the aggressors as well to be fair if you meant to clear away the aggressors and some of these nice chunky assault based units here then the that coconuts going to be a problem for me let me tell you if I clear away those aggressors yes I am going to use ramming speed on the spirit command points either way I'm gonna get the gore canal to go okay right let's go into the psyche phase where is the library oh yeah the other warp in what is that librarian weird boy him the widow he's not a more pet he's very naughty boy he's there there is right what we're doing with a psychic face lure of Gork war of Mork okay it's cast I've got more than ten Oaks within yep plus one that works okay I need double sixes know what does it do okay every enemy unit within 18 inches of psycho subtract one from the leadership okay yeah okay would you put some Polly der ship going down there slightly distracted and wondering what this weird boy is making all this noise and there's no discipline warriors coming well you say we're either it'll discipline or scared that's about the size of it yes right shooting phase making shooting that aggressors you've got full with the rockets there yeah nice to hear and two daggers that's me okay so three hits strength eight times five trees to wound you wound twice - - right and they're also flat free damage yes so every felled save that kills an aggressor out right now the big mech there has got a custom mega blaster and a teleport blaster which one we don't first make a boss there okay yeah we wrote one he's a bad name thank you yeah doesn't wound that dice is not fatal wound now teleport blaster okay start three two to start date string yes yes indeed one wound AP money's huge I wasn't though most 205 up save I fail the save okay you take one wound yes the monster was all safe words from this weapon is not slam rolled to six at the end of the face can we do it now so we don't forget yes well no the fact or the shooting and stuff so this teleport blast if he's still alive at the end of the phase he could potentially teleport away the chances are your teleports away if you roll of boobies room is wounds characteristic yes which is a three up but these little loans are more fine now so it's not come off so unless I'm incredibly looking at the rest of attacker well it's a teaching moment what we should do going forward because I've got one of these guys as well is far the most yeah teaching moment over began with gochenour it's fine everything into the aggressors starting with a zoo scorcher number of auto hits for auto hits that strength five were wound on falls wounds twice - once were need falls and I make it shoot twin shooters hitting on fives re-rolling ones with sixes explode with daca not to rerolls their or to Decker's yay stratified toughness five four stab wound was pretty good okay throat soaps your huh that one who's injured he takes another wound now the dev storm mega shooter I've got seven hits with all three rolls and daggers now to wound threes 201 wind one wounds -1 and I make the save okay two rockets from the shoulder point-blank range can't miss rerun once we can this with one and it does wound and I make that same because it's minus two there are still three aggressors four regressors staring at you going how are we shall not pass well you shall not pass we shall not bus and they're not going are either tuna pirates here today right so all the nobles were ordered to unload their sluggers into the aggressors and they did and they did two wounds to three up saves and I make them as well so God brought the MEK boy is firing his custom mega blaster in and he hits with a Decker he hits quite which doesn't in generate people with one shot yes not bad and he wounds once and it's taking my spore I don't get a save the one was one move left is dead or unless it's a few minus three then I get a six I see the way I fail it you do kill the one that was gonna get teleported away his corpse teleports away custom shooter from the weird boy with that know the banner guy not with the banner whoa he hit three times and a decker three times strength five custom pieces when I stepped forward with many shots one mooned I make the safe that's it for the shooting phase except for the bomber bomber okay I know what the rules say but there's any weapon that could spin around online tutorial on the back so whilst I want to put all the shots I possibly can into those the Rockets really gonna fire and the front mounted guns are only the flyer may be pointing that direction at the end of the movement phase but he didn't come this way and then take a right turn and he's an AW he went up he did a loop he sprayed and now he's there I mean how slow would that fly be going if it's now there there's a flyer it goes up down side to side it doesn't stay at that height all the way through the battle so I know narrative Lee speaking there's absolutely I think reason why you come as me spray the crap out of the aggressors if you want disperse all these so personally I'd hit the tactical reasons that defending that objective instead personally oh you're gonna get police rely on you yes but you've got to kill the impact of war suit as well we're generally okay so screw that guys scorching missiles get dropped on the aggressors d6 basically broke and three of the missile is complete nice we broke anymore okay so that was an explosive missile so one misael yeah six hits yes okay it went boom just five so forth yes okay pause Warren is tickled and on one wound left they start with three it was a oh yeah drop didn't get anyone all right two bigs users yes you're the ones every wrong one thank you [Music] one one one one one no now we're in the desperate search for another gun phase because those aggresses well they're gravis Harmar is holding up to all the firepower that the orcs can throw of them I don't think I think you've run out gun not enough gun my friend right opening up the charge phase yeah the gall Connaught is gonna get set on fire eat the flame is from the aggressors yep this number of all tickets now these are strengths for you are toughness eight I'll put a wound on the go cannot pull one wound yeah so where we going next you're not Megan arms but man right re I'm basically you to charge everything with everything pretty much so that's the order on which I do it sure so I think these five knobs will first charge off those three declare charge and those three so yeah it's got a heavy flame yep why did need to cook one to survive to lock them up basically if they weren't all separate units in game rules turns yes they're just all piling in right so the ones the front ago that storm boulder from Seoul Garrick hits three times and wounds twice at minus 135 and kills the nose or not of course it tests karo the Sun whoa legend Chuck a grenade which misses the iron hail heavy stuber's the ones dead so far sixes re rolling ones hits once and doesn't wound the heavy bolt ER because I strength for doesn't hit so killed one this is the in sending cannon from the Invicta water to d6 auto hits 8 Auto hits that's eight pool it said five you need you could wipe the unit you are having to wipe the unit at minus 1 because the tactical doctrine is an effect so five saves three so two and a half died yep right and then you charge well you're there it just yeah because how far cuz I didn't yes I can Betty hill whoa did you just say you could Betty hill Benny Hill I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that about report for poetry I love it okay the knobs make the charge looking up some guru and the Invictus suit now again with goblets the MEC they're declaring the same oh he gets as 12 as well he's declaring the same targets he ends up here after Benny healing his way there now we've got the wire butter and that's a 5 you can re-roll the 2 because yeah we that's an 8 he's gonna go a long way as well and he gets there now we've got the second unit knobs charging in 9 all these charges are so good that's what walks do though okay so you'll lock them up entirely now we're across to this Big Mac who's declaring the aggressors you can't overwatch because they're locked up and these guys and the librarian which shoots and hits and wounds just one and there we go right let's see how far you managed to make water legends to charge one on Libby 9 10 he's gonna cost him 10 he's coming straight at me isn't he it's coming straight for me more charges happened Megan Hobbs into aggressors weird boy into aggresses it's basically the entire orc army is having a scrap now except for the bomber so after much debate we have decided Paulus decided to start with this group of 5 knobs hitting brother captain soccer oh he is aware I've got full command points in my hand and I could potentially interrupt he's gonna interrupt I'm gonna lose something tasty yes I lost left ok so um you've got this big sport here there I've got plus 2 the hit plus 1 to hit because they're next to a why I know who you stun with is it kills orders yeah kill saw okay so three attacks I just want to hit so buckle three yes it's twice strength eight yeah no 10 so the two doesn't count because I'm stalwart you all gets through how good is that I have an iron halo and I do not bend okay poplar powerful presa hit because the wanna two hits telegin the two doesn't wound because I'm Star War I so well worth having I'd halo that fails the three damage three damage it's a critical hit you've knocked him down to his knees he's got three wounds left and then he drags himself back up as all the other boys with the choppers cut something in there's no - for these you're not gonna fail three tubes to hit those - a proper cocked yeah our strengths 5 6 3 stir wound two twos not wounded stalwart well it's just it's they don't anyway six is six weeks is that six wings so obvious yes I started 6 months 6 - up saves and he they just bounce off his arm but he's got through three wounds left and now gonna spend two command points oh I was tarnished to pay to interrupt paying - come on points to interrupt with the aggressors attacking the Gorka not spending another command point on Jean wrote might get me down to one command point left so sixes also wound this might be my only chance to take this thing down because I'm running out a big gun you've got left there little guns these are big all right this is gonna cost you gara no it's no I'm gonna be fine I'm gonna be fine mark my words I've got many attacks because of shock assault and I'm hitting on four sorry rolling once because garel is still there so pause re-roll in the ones and the six is an auto wound with Jean rot might and now I need force to wound I was hoping for more six foster wing look so I get three just three threes six ups at minus three the purpose so three six up saves and you make one of them to d3 damage it only does three damage just three damage off the Gork naught okay next up joining them a leave and now no but with the wall banners using his power fist against all girls yeah three used to hit yes twice and teased to wind he wins twice for up inhaling hello man point last one no protects I hope so oh no that is slay the warlord that is Kingslayer so go gets club down well you didn't warn me I'll take away as William camera there we're on to the next unit of knobs we've got to kill sores and a power saw Pablo - yes powerful hitting the Invictus award so the to kill sores six steps hitting on threes because of the wall banner and it strike 10 on top of the six oh you're ruining on threes and it's - four - damage so I don't get a save that's six wing strips off the Invictus suit it's got three left and then the power claw lashes out and it'll hit on three is that it hits all three times it'll bloom on threes the only ones once six up save oh but your warlord can potentially take him out yeah - a hot gonna turn and then pick the water into a hat yeah hitting on threes there's already caught those cards okay one hit you could do it three is to wind it does wind can I make another six no d3 damage your three lives those years he's got two rooms that's my point really yeah you really want that happen the Invictus suits got one move left so that's that scrum thought he would be dead if he hadn't killed some stuff on the way went out into the other Big Mac attacking my librarian he's hitting on trees because of the war banner he only hits once he's winning on a two he does wound I need a six I don't get a 63 damage here he's he's been crushed that's two of my characters you've taken out and now go cannot and Megan Hobbs vs. aggressors right go cannot what are we doing six attacks using crush look but eighteen thirty now all right freeze oh dear everything strange sixteen sixteen yeah okay - Stu yeah ap minus four I don't get a say d6 each person dead dead dead all over which means of course that the mega dogs can't fight so they just come charging towards the closest enemy units now it's my turn to fight let's fight Invictus war soup and one wound left steaming leaking oil you took down my warlord I will now strike your warlord bring it bg5 attacks because I was charged but I'm hitting on fives his legs his Pistons are unsteady and he misses with four of them he hits once strength 14 he won't it's minus three you need to make a 5 up save which you fail and take a flat 3 damage he's still alive and then there's a hero sergeant locked in there as well who will strike him to on threes he only hits once and he does wound but you need a 2 up save and you make that save and that is the end of those combats so you're deep in my lines that is the end of Orcs turn 3 that is your entire army it was 5 points each but you have secured objective to 6 points to 5 you've taken out my wall or to slay the warlord 7 points to 5 and you get D 3 points for completing the order for Kingslayer and it's the fact 3 it was 5 each now it's ten five the orcs have doubled their lead in one term that's going to space wingers turn three oh by defended six I've got six is ten seven - the space wings now let's go swish mister say hi Paul I don't know what's up with six but now I need to secure it you'll do that stay still secure six Kingslayer and overwhelming firepower three points behind and these two units of tactical Marines secure the wastelands and prepare to meet the arrest of the orcs that are rampaging down towards their outpost they're laying mines and things like that that's why I'm thinking that was better and teleport beacons for the rest of the first company to teleport in and landing homers for thunders and stuff like that we're establishing the landing ground you have activated my trap card and came racing down towards your encampment and this is exactly where I wanted to be right in my crosshairs so I need to take objective six again so here it is on at active six a fallen out combat with both of them I need overwhelming firepower shoot something and if I shoot your warlord that's king Solaris lay the warlord yeah and the tactical Marines the melters are closest to your horse they are the leader I've gone Achilles bulk carbine on the captain there that can target characters and the melters are also arranged in your coconut and there's a storm coming as well so there's gonna be lots of firepower coming in oh we talked about things coming in jumpy dudes are here they're inside the building all along they can't come out through the hatches and now they're gonna rain fire from their dropship they haven't come out of the building they were in there securing Mel to charges and things like that I imagine that Bastion goes down underground to come off for a bit they just just have dropped out the drop packs and then went inside and okay they fell down from all but right Saiki face done because you kill them a little over so we're going to the shooting phase let's lay your warlord mean Victor will put everything into your warlord in sending cannon let's set him on fire for seven Auto hits I need three star wound forget two wounds three wounds it's minus one now so three three up saves there you go oh okay I obviously there was a bit of oil leaking out of his neck armor any weapon and that is slay the warlord and that is Kingslayer what was that what anticlimactic yeah that wasn't supposed to happen okay so the squad here will put all the bolt guns into now let's put them into this guy with this his big teleport blaster and the two melters are going to try and hit your Walken off so the melter calmly Melton hits on threes and wounds on fours or get a wound you don't get saved right Apple that's d6 damage for six it's a critical here it's got 8 left then the bolt is bounced into the Megane Ogden damage themnow the guy who fell back out of combat is gonna fire at the Megane ops all right okay Megan ops is there a guy there yes far at the other Nobles forced to hit them no they have for like combat always be close yes so the master crafted instigate a bowl combine from my second-in-command the other captain's gonna fire at the wire banner its assault well he's now to Stu hit he's not a field commander the commander's has dropped back down to him and I wound him that minus 2 flat 3 damage I was too beautiful to be shooting at the guy with the where banner will swing in that big sign around I was that post - harmony - yes 6 up safe he loses three wounds I think he's still alive your field commander yeah you said he's the field commander now no your guy oh my god oh I thought you were diner guy was the field commander which is why there's no one in charge of this this is just a scrub right stomp Talon storm telling everything go cannot typhoons on threes two hits and on fours one wound at - to make thurber safe it's got eight wounds left - another six it's got two hands left 20 soul cannons freeze that's threes because a plus one for strafing run it needs fives to wound it - wins - one two four saves come on big bada boom I shot the big stompy now a few vanilla stompy okay overcooking hail blasters into mega knobs re rolling ones cuz there's a captain there and I missed three times look there's a strength a I will wound you on twos andrey rolling once because there's a left 10 in there target acquired boyfriend 18-4 you need sixes and every failed save is to damage and I think mixed up with three each no they only kill one hmm I wanted more bang the left tenant will fire his thing and he hits twice cause he wounds but it's a P - but it does do to damage the Mastercraft it want new you make you save right suppressors hmm yes I guess I have to find this yes yes sir presses into mmm one minute yes sir presses into mega knobs they're the biggest threat free is to hit re rolling ones three hits at strength seven two wounds at - two - for up saves wealth rip 6-4 6-2 yes okay so now it is just the jumpy dudes right before we go on to the jumpy dudes all the way over here there's that missile launcher and having a look he can thread the needle and the weird boy is the closest character and closest model so let's hit him with a missile launcher I hit him I will wind in one or two I don't wound him hahaha he just blew off blew off somewhere right jumpy dude so what we're gonna do is put two jumpy dudes into this unit of three and all the rest into the mega knobs because they're the biggest threat I think okay but two guys have 12 shots because it's sick well three shots each person bought it and they up to so three needs to hit and it's straight five it's three is to wound and they're all 18 months to because the tactical doctrine is in effect so you need six is oh wow I only killed toogle so there's one left in that squad let's see how many left will be left in the mega nobs squad three is to hit and threes to wound and at - - it's a four up save but they're three wounds each and that's the end of my turn I am NOT going to charge this is your army you can charge me and face my overwatch but my army is mind you baby moves right out all over the place you have got morale to take on the nobles leadership seven - and that squad died don't roll a six new and I think three make a mobster I did oh dear sorry it's keeping order so failed morale you need a six and no don't but if you've got that six then that last and migunov wouldn't have ran away so what's temple it's just seven that's the end of my turn I get a point for that thing yeah yep and I get a point for everyone firepower how many things did I shoot to death I shot the gorkon wall and the mega knobs no they didn't die in the shooting phase it was just the coconut did they died and they ran off the round face you shot yes you know I should have focused all my fire until one thing because that would have been deed three things for everyone fire back health rings three things of guns but there might be probably in the red mist years so was ten seven but I get point for that objective a point for everyone will fire pound a point for killing your warlord making it ten ten and I get D three points for things like yeah so ten ten plus I get the big three as well thirteen points to ten in favor of the Space Marines as we go to August own for here are the orc objectives scour the skies kill the jumper dudes will fly tough behind enemy lines now if you have three units back there you get D 3 points and guess what you deep behind enemy lines in your encampment so that would be d 3 points and defend objective 4 that's the one that you want to pick up the loot yeah don't worry what I'll get on the way back awk phase here's objective for not getting that all the boys are going charging towards the B keys right in front of them except for the weird boy he's going in the wrong direction where's he going I don't give in the wrong direction there's no longer being dragged towards all the orcs we're running the hell away from all the or doesn't died explode he's gonna have to let the energy out before it kills him so it's probably gonna vomit it on to that flyer okay speaking of flyers d3 behind enemy lines you've got that and then you put your flyer across there and did your second bombing run because you do 2 per game and I said we'll do it off camera because you're not gonna kill them all and I want to for up you do mortal wounds to the unit that you fly over and he killed them all he's been a pretty successful bomber he's a flying X hawk flying ace right on - the psychic phase he needs to vomit up all the warp energy that he's accumulated so you can powerbomb aka smite smite I can't block it d3 mortal wounds on the storm tell them not a lot of vomit maybe maybe much of it missed now we're going to shoot some guns everything from the bomber on to the storm Talon starting with squash Versailles five shots yeah I'm good said I don't have command point left for long on controlled bursts great strategy so 6 is to hit because I'm flying but the six generates another hit we're robbing one yes well hit okay strength 5 doesn't lose ok super super special doll I say it because it's broad yeah yeah matter thank you as on sixes okay how's quite as a vessel well I like thing is doing a dipole yeah and all the other shots went wide and maybe the boom it's spraying all over the air in this general direction put him off as well all right let's do all the remaining guns from here custom mega shooter from the mega knob into the Invictus suit here they got a 5 mana misses are you doing the teleport blaster as well we haven't eight oh three hits and Dacus he's got the beam turned on to max so three hits his strength eight it will wind on threes it wins once a P - - did you say Jack oh that's a failed save I would have felt my save the Invictus suit is dead it has one wound left and it doesn't detonate and all the sluggers and remaining guns fired into various units and made lots of loud banging noises but didn't kill anyone it's good luck that we charge no damage done on overwatch no command points left to interrupt with now we fight then we did the fly phase and everything died you got power claws and buzz saws and all sorts of stuff you killed everything and the only thing you score this turn is d 3 points for behind enemy lines because you're definitely up in my grill and there's another three so it's 30 nice it's a close game I'm gonna ditch secure objective for because if you tell him we're getting down on the way out interesting yeah yeah it's 13 H I've got units in every single corner of the battle Bridge you've got a lot of good ball control you've you've got some effective units left units a battle effective but it's been brutal you've torn the crap out of me I've told me you got battling me this turn I need to drop the hammer I need to end this okay the orders are clear now hold ground defend to defend one secure three here we are after the Space Wing turn I had to advance this unit out into the wastes to secure objective three over there there's defend objective one I'm nowhere near that but defend objective two down here the hell blast is up there jump down the one that we I'm defending two and now I'm bringing all of my guns to bear down on this some remaining ragtag band of bad means let's pull the trigger the second-in-command that capped him with his populist bot carbine will aim at the wire banner hitting like - it hits wounding on it for that wounds at minus 2 flat 3 damage 6 up save for the war banner buys it war bad buys it now he'll blasters into the mech Big Mac with a shock of touch you or him 3 needs to hit over cooking obviously and re-rolling ones everything hit and wounding on Tues and everything wounds he need to make six 6 up saves on your big mech - I mean like - for once for yes 5 up some cover oh yeah right ok that's six damage mmm eat what's 1 minus 6 my arithmetics of his lazy these days right he's dead next up monster crafted thingy Bob from my left Tennant into the nobles he hits on threes he wounds on not that and then the suppressors will fire into him hitting on threes re-rolling ones and they will be wounding on threes at strings 7 so that's 2 at -2 and each of them just too damaged killing two of them leaving 4 knobs left and then the jumpy dudes are going to unload and a bit sick shots into this guy here with one guy and then the other 24 shots into these three remaining Nobles and they're gone which means the Talon is a train to cart bar I mean typhoon missile launches 48 inch range I'm just out to pick on the lone bomber wheeling through the sky get the whip and oh yeah I can shoot the way boy yeah let's put typhoon missiles into him hitting on threes runing on twos I wound it's minus 2 so you don't get a safe and it's d6 by a mint winner assault cannon range on fries and threes to wound and their ap minus one and the way boy only has a 6 up save so that kills the weird boy and so at the end of space means turned for they get a point for securing an objective it's 1413 to the starties and they're defending one in the orc encampment the Astarte is a one point in the lead the orcs have one model left a hero bomber pilot let's find out what he can do in terms I've it's all very simple scour the skies secure three and no prisoners now flyers cannot control the objectives but if this hero bomber pilot takes out something with a fly keyword with no prisoners as well you'll get two points the auto pilot banks through the sky wind blowing in his honky hair with a canopy down and he looks over his right shoulder I'm defending this objective here even a stitch murder at that one or you're gonna go through the suppressors which your scalp stars have no prisoners these Scouts goes on their prisoners but they're getting the extra saved because they're entirely on that terrain piece whereas someone stuck his built on the floor to control that objective yes they aren't getting the extra point of save correct I also have a gun that is out of range of all of them so the scorching mishaps I just go into these over and for a laugh let's do that then scorch you're starting off with t6 to two hits and two minus one ignores cover duck and cover from it though yes and then the guns are gonna come across into the hell blasters take fours for super shooter yes and one bucket okay three hits four suits the grotto six threes go to the game minus one minus one you kill you kill one any more shots yes - big shooters - big shooters oh this is the turmeric I needed a good certifier so I'll take that guy away and that's the end of your turn I said the writer and you don't and I defend that objective so now it's three points in the lead and you don't get scared this guy is no prisoners and you can't score an objective let's find out what the space mates do in turn five so it's 16 13 I got rid of that objective last turn witch hunter I can't get that one because all the witches are dead all of the chapter I can't get that because there's no characters left just liar hold the line though I'll get that one they're just holding the line right I'm holding the line with these units down here the storm Talon banking round and now I'm going to fire suppressors hell blasts a storm Talon and this squad of space ruins everything up at this flyer then I fight everything at the fly and it is hard to hit and when the smoke clears it's got three wounds left and I hold the line making it 1713 the player went first rolls dice and that was you on one - the game ends though do you turn sticks of course you're four points behind don't care olks 10 secs got rid of secure objective 3 still got scale disguise no prisoners and this one you cannot school because you've just got a bomber so the bomber needs to kill something with a fly keyword and so the all bomber pilot dodging through enemy fire his thing hanging together with only three wounds less rattling bits falling off of him he should egress out of this battlefield he should fly back towards the oak lines but no he has a mission and he is ammo left in his guns he's gonna aim down of these units here so what are we doing there's a hell blaster a he'll blast left oh yeah one of them died because I overcooked when I was shooting up at your flyer last term discourse your missile his backside okay d six shots free to 360 okay three decades ha we're legal freeze ignores cover minus one okay pause he's alive wrong wound left okay and then all the other shops into the suppressors was it super good thing is the Hellfire is still a Graz okay with a backer yes okay six barrel wins -1 -1 no cover just Monday just once more for super shooter six freeze there in cover so there is a suppressor on war moon left right twin big shooters yes and you go sixes one hit and if Decker Decker why don't we roll for one okay okay winning on five yes it wings so we love three yes three so safe one of these died and then that goes on one one so two up save this is for scale skies yes and not at any point regretting the fact that I fired the missile the provirus thing and got one more though yes what a hero I'd get started the chapter which hunter I can't do lightning strike a can take no prisoners let's take no prisoners let's kill at that bomber out in the wastes these guys stay still continuing to plant mines and plant teleport beacons over here the jumpy dudes jumped down from the old bastion the stone columns is in veto mode he switched last turn he will fly it fire up at this flyer to typhoon missile launchers hitting on fours because you're hard to hit and I'm not rerunning once because for some reason the members have to far away from my captain waiting on three that's really cooked it wounds minus-26 up save to keep your bomber alive so good luck murder d6 damage three remaining oh it's not a critical hit let's do the assault cannon force to wind at minus one five saves of five up two wins left and it flies through a hail of explosive rounds and gets taken from the sky ace pilot versus ace pilot it blows up speaking yes it's a massive flying a century buff is this for up yes and that's the last fly of gone that's another point that's the end of the orcs on this battle grid and this is the way the world end and so it is a victory for the space brains of the 13th we've cleared out this encampment and the bad moons have come here and with cleanse and caption it and we've we've cleansed we have captured thank you so much Paul how did you find that victory temporary what there's a lot of the rocks over that way oh yes there's a hundred thousand more about it okay but I I definitely with hindsight yes I definitely think I made a fatal error in not targeting the aggressors with big guns at the Stompa when he came in and shot the other cloud I should have disregarded the ironclad and taken out the aggressors but the stratagems you're able to use yes the you know Auto wounding the re-rolling all the buffs from the different characters that you could bring into bear nice and that it's respected was very very effective and it was very thematic it was sort of really right you five guys have got to get the business done here this is what you're here for your bread for I never expected them to be able to take those last 18 weeks or however many wings it was off the Stompa I thought it would get down to two three six wings left or something soon I think they might be able to take it out without you guys shooting out of the office and then you'd stomp all over them and kill the remaining aggressors and then I'll have a few wounds left to take off of it next turn I was thinking as soon as I realized I'd left them and they were in charge range and how many flavor attacks you were gonna get I realized that really messed that up mmm maybe but I would have put trans human physiology on the aggressors if it just shot them with that big strength embedded in but I'd still taken a big chunk of the unit I don't take the big chunk of the unit and not and I still had the stomper left you have been yeah rape but it's thought have been there know the difference missing on five or six orcs and never done fuel on lower than fives I mean over sixes it was glorious though watching bark or scratching in and then watching me trying to push you back it went one way it went the other way I think at the end of one turn off at all it's all over for me and then the end of your attorneys are all it's all over for you and then if if that was bloody a gloriously sea sword very similar to the previous game we were referred to that glorious we see sort except we both had a few assets left at the end I think you had slightly fewer and I had slightly more yeah we were scrabbling with a few models here or there yeah interesting I also moved the way you built your army around the primeras elements that was on planet Cagiva ng its mission yeah that when circumstances chain gang they called in reinforcements I was in the Flyers glorious but also I thought your army was really good as well I know yeah you're on had six drops oh no with a stomper no looters and mech guns and none of that stuff it was like at me here turn one it was like whoa well part of it was I wanted to make sure the stomper didn't get killed before I got to fire it ah which a little bit like with the death of hope and karma gets that yes all right I'm really forward dr. what then I'm happy so I wanted to I wanted to do as few drops as possible and then I sort of started thinking okay well maybe I'm racing out to you the first cut of my list because I go through the list a lot yeah because I'm optimizing stats I'm optimizing the narrative yeah first court had some met guns and I had some boys actually how many boys should I get in the battle wagon right twenty it's two units at ten yep the drop the garage drop the met guns what am I got the hundred and thirty-six point sorted let the narrative teach you what list you want to bring and that's why we love you pool that's how I always do my list I always think about that art is lovely that's why sometimes you say can we have a roll Nord regain this time please I say yeah I didn't spoil this and I'm like I've worked it out mate it's 4k you know drop some of it no not a point behind the scenes chat last time you came down we said next time because we always do these big ones off the mat next time we just bring 1750 or 2000 pointless to birth but this time 3,000 points I have to say you can't keep it in the bottle Kenya I'll give a genie in the bowl just painted it I really really really wanted to use it and it was glorious smashing its way through and destroying stuff and I loved it and I really liked that you took it out at the counterpoint as well because we tactically I should have it's interesting when you talk about tactics yes and this is something I'm intimated to you earlier but when we were chatting off-camera yes this is the difference between the tactics around how we play the rules of the game yes that's one type of tactic you know connecting two units to stop from firing and having your characters within range and daisy-chaining back so you get or as a song yes one element of tactics making sure your buffs in or ISM yes yes the game tactics yes that's the game play tactics yes what the actual army tactics that they're a thing to write yeah I know what you mean cuz addition to I addition the gameplay rules change but you not only tactics things most never do yeah my hobby tactics were okay partly to do with the list but also probably how I played it just throw everything forward shoot your guns get out clobberin see what happens that's a very or tactic but when I'm playing a different faction I work in telling differently the with the amazing you want to do is quickly but I'm gonna run out my yes my clan cargo from reading the bunker I think we did one on YouTube a little while ago I think it's my angles now a little while ago I said I haven't read much the Meritor we're going time to show how it should be playing them but I went back and read it afterwards and if Quan cargo get close enough to see the whites their enemy's eyes ie they fight them in combat they think their plan has failed because their plan should destroy their opponent utterly from range nice so that's how I build my lists and in fact in many ways whilst the orcs always wink they've had a fight yes hi I am hand Quan Cargill they've always lost it they're having a fight well the the orcs love a big Barney and I think it was in turn three where everything except the bomber was having a lovely great scrap so that's all power dice right there snapshot of all Kevin happened here chubby dudes and the flyer morning there's normally my break glass in case of emergency unit then they are pretty good they did work for you they are pretty good because they can come in anywhere and their toughness 5 with many wounds concepts we first lost of a hard life though they were really struggling to get you were the characters and the things that could just fly off yeah at that point I was just the fish in a barrel yeah walk in a barrel yeah want to put an orc in a barrel make it very angry well wrap up here thank you so much for coming down and say hi Paul it's absolutely glorious fun one more time this bomb at it from urban mattes calm this scenery is from chrome Lake dot-eu you can get the dice and the objective markers and things like that on the deployment zone TV merchandise page and if you'd like to support us help us make more butter reports like this then please consider subscribing to D you see TV anyway thank you guys thank you for watching happy wargaming
Channel: winters SEO
Views: 377,355
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Id: 6bDIOx9BBzo
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Length: 147min 57sec (8877 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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