New Spongebob brings back jokes from 20+ years ago (but are they FUNNY?)

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so I was Doom scrolling on Twitter as one does and in between posts about how the world is a never- ending dumpster fire I started seeing clips from new SpongeBob and I noticed an ongoing theme they keep expanding on bits from 20 plus years ago from when I was a kid so I need more context is it well done or is it giving Wattpad in the worst way possible yourself AR you AR you but lovers happy New Year the year I'm posting this in is 2024 24 years since the premiere of SpongeBob SquarePants Nickelodeon's Golden Child the very man that shaped my sense of humor through absurdity Unapologetic optimism and obnoxiousness and look I say this all in the most affectionate way possible I love SpongeBob I've been wanting to talk about SpongeBob for forever but knew I couldn't do like theories because Alex Bale already had that covered he killed it I have to sit from the corner because if I did it like this it would just waterfall down practicality schac theity I don't give a [ __ ] so when I saw these one-off jokes and characters of appearing in this new era of SpongeBob I haven't been keeping up with I knew I had to take a closer look we're going to talk about the first appearance of a bit which will be a recap for most of us that grew up with old SpongeBob you're old and then look at its comeback I decided to categorize the effectiveness of the comeback with letter grades F meaning it was funnier as it was and an a means I didn't know I could love this more than I already did doodle Bob's first appearance is in the season 2 episode Franken doodle here we see how he was created a live-action human artist on a boat accidentally drops his pencil into the sea for whatever reason the pencil doesn't float down it propels towards SpongeBob and Patrick at at least 80 mph and impales the Bikini Bottom sand between them it makes sense that the [ __ ] has an anchor on it maybe they're just advertising that she's not like other pencils she sinks they're rightfully terrified but they do know what pencils are so they go over to investigate and then start drawing with it their drawings then start coming to life because this is is a Magic Pencil not when the liveaction human was using it but I have a theory that this pencil only works in Bikini Bottom what with all the radioactivity Patrick draws a little Squidward only for him to immediately erase it because it was creeping them out poor Squidward SpongeBob decides to prank real Squidward with a classic Dollar on a string tug honestly that's on him that he fell for that the sponge nanigans of casual Squidward abuse continues SpongeBob plots his next scheme that's essentially haha I'm going to draw a little version of myself and then Squidward's going to answer the door and think it's me but they it's not me it's this drawing I made that little drawing is DoodleBob they're gleefully watching SpongeBob's plan play out until DoodleBob starts beating the living [ __ ] out of Squidward and then they're terrified well actually SpongeBob's terrified Patrick kind of loves this's beating up Squidward doodle bob steals the pencil and runs off and I completely forgot how quickly the reality Dawns on SpongeBob he even says what have I done so he immediately takes the situation very seriously they're trying trying to get the pencil back but doodle bob outsmarts them by drawing a hole in the ground which they immediately fall into this episode combines the physical comedy of a Tom and Jerry episode with classic goofy SpongeBob writing and honestly I laugh to this day from the way doodle bob talks to Patrick's scream Finland this episode is just non-stop jokes it doesn't stop it's just joke joke joke joke joke and it never gets old SpongeBob thinks he completely erased DoodleBob but doesn't realize he accidentally left his arm DoodleBob crawls into SpongeBob's room to get the pencil back and draw himself back to life also sorry I keep mentioning every single joke but I forgot that SpongeBob said good night sweet prince to Gary dear Lord the writing is so good you think those writers had magic pencils like in the episode anyway after doodle bob brings himself back to life he Reveals His plan to kill SpongeBob and take his place DoodleBob uses the Eraser as a weapon erasing SpongeBob's pillow part of his house his butt crack but if it can do all that how did it not erase the rock earlier remember when SpongeBob erased DoodleBob on that rock is the Eraser power enhanced when the pencil's own creation uses it and furthermore who cares they fight for the pencil and it breaks in half doodle bob is left with the Eraser and SpongeBob's left with a point but then DoodleBob turns his mouth into a sharpener and sharpens it yeah little dude's kind of opaque if op standed for obliterated by paper yeah he was defeated by paper his leg got sucked into the page and then eventually all of him got transferred onto the paper and he even seems happier as a result SpongeBob hangs the picture up on his wall and monologues the little lesson that doodle bob was no monster he was just in a world where he didn't belong a cute little nod to Frankenstein the clear inspiration and namesake of this episode SpongeBob and Patrick return the pencil back to the artist on the boat who immediately breaks it fun fact the artist is played by Plankton's voice actor Doug Lawrence you may have already known just by the way he screams dle Bob's next major appearance is in the season 11 episode Doodle Dimension immediately the colors are so much brighter than I ever remember them being even in my latest watch of SpongeBob so clearly I have not been keeping up well it is also much more fast-paced SpongeBob and Patrick visit Sandy in her tree Dome where she's working on her latest invention she turned her hamster wheel into a portal to other worlds she also uses it to get her favorite treats from Texas and demonstrates her doing so by sticking her hand through it and stealing nuts from a human man I like this bit I thought it was fun I love when they switch to live action it's disorienting it gives me a little head rush but I must say the characterization of SpongeBob and Patrick hurts me a little because they're really leaning into their goofiness instead of just letting it happen Sandy tells the two don't touch anything and as soon as she turns around SpongeBob says Sandy told us not to touch anything like this and this and this and then since it's Nickelodeon he also whips out his feet and starts slamming the buttons with his feet and then Patrick starts slamming the buttons with his butt butt lovers merch out now by by the way and listen they most definitely would have pressed the buttons even in older SpongeBob but I truly feel like the buildup and punchline would have been executed with a bit more thought at this point it feels like I'm watching a totally different show it's the difference between Charlie the Unicorn and Charlie tah Unicron it's a parody of itself I feel like I'm watching a SpongeBob parody now that being said this premise could lead to some funny moments for example because they're acting way stupider than before Sandy has to give them very clear demands to make sure they don't run into trouble so she tells them to stop turn around so they're facing her instead of the machine and then she says now walk and they walk backwards into the portal that made me exhale air out of my nose pretty funny they are then in a white void they run and run and panic and panic but there's no Escape SpongeBob screeches to a halt and leaves skid marks on the floor that then begin to crawl away so I thought oh cute they're going to draw with their shoes or something they're going to switch it up a bit but then SpongeBob takes the OG pencil out of his body trying to apply continuity here is a losing battle just don't think about it too much especially because once they bring back DoodleBob they act like they've never met him also Patrick is the one that brought him to life this time meaning that SpongeBob and Patrick have totally the same art style whatever don't think about it it's fine Patrick hugs doodle bob and doodle bob gets transferred onto his skin just like a tattoo doodle bob multiplies and begins to bite him doodle bob draws on Angry Eyebrows just like he did in his first appearance and a fight scene ensues with SpongeBob draw drawing an army of their friends DoodleBob draws evil mustaches on Doodle Squidward doodle Mr Krabs and doodle Gary making them turn on SpongeBob and Patrick this episode ends with SpongeBob drawing Sandy and doodle Sandy bringing them back to their Dimension I knew it was impossible to improve upon Perfection but if you needed a real life example here it is continuity isn't necessary but because the first episode ended with SpongeBob hanging a picture of DoodleBob on the wall I thought they were going to bring that back I would have loved to see them face off against doodle bob like he's an old foe instead of a brand new character I would have loved to see him conspiring with the other evil doodle versions of SpongeBob's friends there were so many ways to make this good I desperately wanted to like this not off to a fantastic star F all you need is a box and Imagination season 3's idiot box starts with SpongeBob and Patrick celebrating over getting a package Squidward watches an absolute bewilderment as they unpack a giant television and then throw the thing out only to then jump Inside the Box Squidward deadpan says something about them being idiots but he asks if he can keep the TV and they say sure because with imagination they don't need a TV Squidward is positively giddy about his new TV until he hears strange noises coming from the box the first of which being an avalanche followed by Spongebob and Patrick's screaming about how they have to cut each other's limbs off Squidward in a rare moment of caring opens up the top of the box to check in on them but they're just sitting and smiling and doing not much of anything limbs intact we continue to hear these dramatic scenes play out as Squidward loses it he can't even enjoy his new TV over the sound of a police chase or a rocket being launched all of which come from spongebot Patrick's cardboard box he repeatedly asks how are they doing that and we see one of Squidward's thoughts play out he thinks they're playing these sounds from a tape just to [ __ ] with him to be fair that sounds like some [ __ ] they do and we haven't seen inside the box yet I remember when I first watched that at this point I really thought there would be a reveal at the last second like in Patrick's secret box where all the paranoia is confirmed good thing you didn't pull the secret string opening the secret compartment of my secret box revealing one embarrassing snapshot of SpongeBob at the Christmas party scubber decides to join them on their next imagination adventure and apparently this is all they do in there be beep I Squidward's annoyance at their imagination Adventures that are never seen But sound really fun when he's not there with them builds up to him sneaking into the box at night when they aren't there and he exasperatedly and half-heartedly pretends to drive a race car but then when he starts to hear the noises and feel the sensations he is ecstatic he thought he uncovered the true power of imagination VR but without the headset little did he know that VR in this instance stands for very wrong he was just hearing the noise and feeling the sensations of the garbage man picking up the box with him inside and taking him to the dump season 14's squid it box starts with SpongeBob finding his imagination box in the Attic it doesn't work how it used to so they take it to the imagination box repair where this fish tells him that because it's a 25-year-old model it doesn't work anymore and I take offense to that I'm a 25-year-old model and I work very hard you better work [ __ ] you better work [ __ ] you better work this seemed to be the moment most people had a problem with claiming it was a retcon but they have a established time and time again that there's more than one timeline so I more so agree with this Twitter user in all honesty so after Squidward fell into the box it began to work again and Squidward finally successfully used his imagination I was pretty amused by SpongeBob and Patrick ruining this for him from outside the box I found this to be a fun Switcheroo a new angle to the torture Squidward was enjoying his time on the beach until Patrick said it sounded like he was in a jungle Squidward went to correct him but because Patrick put the thought out there Squidward's mind wandered and then he actually was in a jungle this episode has a lot of really fun bits that just stem from how easily SED our brains are whatever you do don't think about a swarm of angry bees don't think about how angry those bees are and how there's a swarm of them did you think about a swarm of angry bees as someone who has intrusive thoughts constantly I just watched this whole episode like I do that not having control of what you think all the time is super fun then when Squidward finally clears his mind he's brought to this void of white he is is in the doodle Dimension dude doodle bob is back again and I actually liked this comeback more than his first not more than the first episode he was in more than the comeback we just heard about before Squidward fends him off using his ink because he is an octopus after all and SpongeBob is the one that gave him that suggestion so this is one of those episodes where SpongeBob has a brain I love that I love that for him the episode ends with Squidward escaping his box and going to his job where he says imagination goes to die he is comforted by his non-threatening drab dull routine at the Crusty Crab but then it's revealed that Squidward is actually still in the box a real mind [ __ ] uh I loved this one like I said earlier I was exposed to this episode through Twitter raging about it so I had low expectations I was bracing for impact especially after the doodle Dimension but this was a really fun reimagining I'm sorry I had to you can boo all you want it only makes me stronger I'm going to give this episode an a I can't say it made made the jokes in the first one any stronger but I don't think it had to it was a really strong Standalone give it a chance if what I said intrigued you it's clear that the writers are fans of the show and want to pay homage to the earliest era still the strongest in my opinion and I don't blame them I would probably do the exact same thing okay so this wasn't even in my initial list but as I was doing research for this video I stumbled upon this horrifying Super Bowl ad where the pirate painting that usually sings the theme song is begging us to scan a QR code like he's being held at gunpoint a truly unforgivable mockery of his character this dude does not sound like how he used to first of all paron plus I don't know if they just couldn't get the original voice actor or what second of all seeing him walk around is very unsettling he's a painting and when he's not he jumps out of the painting this is not the same guy not in the words he's saying or how he's acting younger Athena would cry older Athena would cry I'm crying cying this is the worst this is this is an F minus minus in the season 1 episode pickles we meet bubble bass so honestly bubble bass is supposed to be an antagonist but I have to mention something that flew over my head as a kid Squidward immediately fat shamed him imagine going to a restaurant and before you even order the cashier says to you let me guess tiny a small salad so when bubble bass hit him with that long complicated order I don't feel bad for sward Squidward started that [ __ ] bubble bass just ended it by throwing him ni SpongeBob and bubble bass face off because they're both aware of each other's reputation SpongeBob's reputation for making a pretty mean Patty and bubble bass's reputation of being picky I hear talk you're kind of picky a notoriously difficult customer even bubble bass devours a Krabby Patty and then exclaims that SpongeBob forgot his pickles the rest of the episode follows SpongeBob drained of all confidence forgetting how to do everything Mr Crab coaches him because he needs his fry cook back when SpongeBob returns back to the Crusty Crab all the restaurant's patrons are really enthusiastically like hey there's SpongeBob oh fry Cooks back and they hold stomping grounds and it actually audibly made me a bikini bottom residents are usually pretty blunt and don't sugarcoat things at all so you know SpongeBob's the best fry cook around bubble bass returns and they face off yet again this time in a western style Twang and all this is where I belong bubble bass once again said that SpongeBob forgot the pickles but as he laughed in his donkey like way SpongeBob noticed that the pickles were under his tongue the pickles from last time were there too and also this lady's car keys and there's my car keys after he's been caught bubble bass ran away and no one even attempted to catch him I don't know why his objective to make random fry Cooks look bad is so aimless and I'd love to see his neck beard like Tendencies Inspire different story lines maybe he'll have a food blog that sounds like something he'd do bubble bass's next speaking role was in season 9 in the episode bulletin board and spoiler alert I adored this episode okay SpongeBob sets up a bulletin board at the K crusty crab to build community and these silly little fishes are using it like social media Pearl puts up her drawing and people are leaving encouraging comments on it it was really cute to see and then all of a sudden something negative is said about the Crusty Crab by the anonymous poster P star 7 gee I wonder who that could and when Mr Krabs tries to take it down a based hippie preaches about freedom of speech and censorship Sur fish is white SpongeBob replies to this bad Yelp review or they're underwater should I say bad kelp review huh huh huh anyway he responds to this bad kelp review very respectfully but it was too late the initial negativity inspired more negativity I want to express the worst side of myself bubble bass oh yeah who we're supposed to be talking about Praises P star 7 for keeping it real inspiring haters everywhere bubble bass also starts leaving mean comments about SpongeBob and his username is handsome lad 42 the use of the word lad animate bubble bass in a fedora you cowards if that's the direction they're going with with bubble bass I got to say that's pretty fun not a villain by any means but just a jerk speaking of jerks we see Squidward laugh at every mean comment including the ones on Pearl's art no pearl don't listen to them it's beautiful you finally give this girl an interest other than boys and you just [ __ ] all over her and then we see her cry I feel terrible but then when P star seven [ __ ] talks Squidward Squidward doesn't think it's too funny bubble bass adds insult to injury by being like I mean was he wrong and then the situation escalated to a physical altercation between Squidward and bubble Bass the Athena P team has asked both for a comment on the matter but they declined so this is wild not just because the girlies are fighting but also Patrick God damn maybe I have mini theory in the word works that Patrick secretly hates Squidward Squidward so bubble bass isn't seen for the rest of the episode and I really have to stay on topic but can I just say great episode I'll just tell you a little bit more about it Mr Crap SpongeBob and Squidward have a stake out to catch P star 7 and the way they wrote this group's Dynamic was perfect highly recommend the episode it was made in 2016 so this is new SpongeBob to me but that felt like I was a kid again that didn't feel like a parody of SpongeBob that just felt like SpongeBob you know what was missing from doodle Dimension other than more than one good joke SpongeBob's kindheartedness SpongeBob has pride in his job and his friends and in his community as this episode bulletin board shows and when you water that down just to emphasize carelessness you lose what makes this show fun to watch sorry I got on my soap box there for a minute let's talk more about Bubble bass or at least his most notable moments because he's in a lot more episodes than You' think crappy Patty Creature Feature is the season 11 Halloween special this this one came out in 2017 new to me okay I hate those comments that are like oh yeah that's when I just entered Middle School okay well that's when I was in my second year of college shut your face in this episode everyone turned into crabby patty monsters because of Sandy and Mr Krabs is sci-fi floaty Burgers collab I hate to say it but if I didn't know the consequences I too would eat those they look cool anyway it was a reverse zombie apocalypse these monsters forced the regular fish to eat them so they too can trans form into these crabby patty monsters so anyway we finally get to the scene with bubble bass and he sees all of these crabby patty monsters and he thinks this is some kind of promotional flash mob and he starts scolding Mr Krabs saying that this is a tacky advertising technique I paraphrased there the actual line was Eugene I didn't think you'd stoop so low what a dick he points out The Real Pickle as part of the design eats it and then he too turns into a crabby patty monster and his design is like the creepiest oh my gosh season 11 's moving bubble bass is about Bubble bass moving from his mom's basement to his grandma's basement and his objective of this episode was to manipulate SpongeBob and Patrick for them to do all his work moving for him bubble bass pretends to break his back and then also promises them free lunch after they move all of his stuff the entire move has some really fun visual jokes the sack of all of bubble bass's [ __ ] creates a lot of problems for them leading up to an Indiana Jones Boulder rolling towards them kind of moment they finally get to Bubble bass's grandma's house and he tells them that he's been waiting so long he ate their lunches manically laughing and then burping in their face the best part of the episode was Patrick and SpongeBob's reactions to this I posted this scene on Twitter because after all seeing a clip on Twitter is what got me into this mess in the first place so I like a good full circle moment unfortunately the one critique I have of this episode is that it doesn't end on a full circle moment earlier in the episode we saw SpongeBob and Patrick destroying bubble bass's comic books and action figures in the move SpongeBob and Patrick did this with no intent they were just trying to get everything to fit in the boxes does this lean into their stupidity more than earlier Seasons perhaps but it was pretty amusing to watch because bubble bass was being a douchebag the entire time fast forward to the end of the episode and bubble bass's comeuppance was his mom pushing him around in a box and yelling at him oh okay I don't know I think a better punishment would have been him seeing all of his things destroyed but sure whatever season 12 swamp mates take some creative Liberties that aren't very good cute premise at the start SpongeBob is reading Gary a bedtime story and the book they decide on is the plot of the episode bubble bass is a superhero who uses his butt to fight crime you'd think I'd love this butt lovers merch out now by the way I like when they use his shitty personality for jokes instead of his body one choice I did like is in this story bubble bass is part of a team of Heroes and they get a call from the chief my jaw dropped once again this wasn't even on my list but the last time we saw this dude was in Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 5 back in season 3 I really enjoyed seeing him again uh he'll get a be from me because he wasn't there that long and nothing will ever be as funny as re you know Reef although I do love how he ends the episode this time around too with him getting positively giddy over his figurine collection this completes my collection Chief's a freak I love Chief I changed my mind A++ back to the rest of the episode turns out this whole superhero thing was just bubble bass imagining and the real episode revolves around him and Patrick going on this swamp Adventure or did they yeah that was a dream too I hate that [ __ ] chope and they did it twice within an already fictional book Universe I will say when bubble bass casually dropped the line by the enchanted spatula of a Suburban dad I had to rewind and listen to that about four times but even that and the chief couldn't save this episode it was a real stinker lots of gross out humor unenjoyable annoyingness and quite frankly not enough SpongeBob I think expanding the universe and utilizing different characters and Dynamics is very ambitious and sometimes really pays off but there's a reason SpongeBob is the main character also the villain of this episode just feels disrespectful next up bubble bass's tab I thought I was only familiar with this episode because it was incredibly Shippy with squidbob and whatnot but I forgot that I watched this for scenes that made me uncomfortable bubble bass bubble ass attack in multiple angles and multiple ways this one where the cheeks are kind of doing its own thing is intriguing to me um because Squidward and bubble bass's mom had so much tension and chemistry that in Universe in the episode bubble bass broke down pretty much screaming no Squidward's going to [ __ ] my mom and I love that Journey for him I love that Journey for bubble bass I almost feel sorry for him almost I'm sorry sorry I have to support bisexual Rights and Wrongs you better work [ __ ] so while bubble bass is working off his incredibly long crusty crab tab he's acting purposely insufferable and disgusting and incompetent to the point where the customers rally in Mr crabs' office and pay him to fire bubble bass Mr Krabs let bubble bass go but then immediately regrets it when bubble bass opens up a new tab I would say this is the perfect use of his character the bubble bass section is about 2 hours longer than I thought it would be but I'm keeping it going because I watched the Patrick Show for this video you can say it you can say it I'm brave and strong thank you the Patrick Show episode Terror at 20,000 Leagues features Patrick and his little sister squidina going trick-or-treating and when they get to Bubble bass's house first he tries to take their candy sadina threatens him and he's like okay but I'm still not giving you guys [ __ ] Patrick Peaks inside his house runs inside says hey how about these and then proceeds to eat them bubble bass shrieks because Patrick just ate his valuable superhero collector's candy bubble bass's next major appearance in the Patrick Show is in the episode bubble bass's review show this episode centers around bubble bass talking [ __ ] about Patrick and squidina online hours of content I wanted to know how many followers bubble bass had but it was never revealed we just saw how intense bubble bass's hatred of the Patrick Show got it escalated to the point where he said everyone that worked on the Patrick Show should be thrown in jail and that Patrick and squidina are enemies of the state what makes it worse though is that soon as he's confronted about running his mouth he tries to run away I thought this was especially pathetic to watch Once Patrick and squidina said that they actually appreciated his criticism oh that's not that bad at all only to reveal that they reviewed bubble bass back and their review got 2 billion views flexing aside their review of the bubble bass review show included a countdown of his stains his worst meltdowns his sweatiest moments like they very much matched his energy they fought fire with fire his videos probably got one view their video roasting him let me remind you has 2 billion I wish it was more of an even match even though he's not a good person that felt like Overkill give him a platform at least so we can enjoy his downfall if he's not even in the spotlight why tar and feather him in front of 25% of the population side note I honestly think I'm going to give the Patrick Show its own lore video one day if Planet Sheen can get one so can this she's literally so strong and like how does this stop motion world exist within the Patrick Show there are two Patricks interacting and no one finds it weird and this isn't even different dimensions they live in the same neighborhood finally we get to Bubble bass's ranking I wanted to give him the highest score but I'm going to say hi B there's only so long you can watch somebody be pathetic no Fatu was responsible for the lights flickering on and off in the season 2 episode graveyard shift it's just the last 5 Seconds of the episode it scared the [ __ ] out of of me as a kid this photo puppetry of this random liveaction vampire is such a jump scare how does he live underwater how did they bring him back I feel like no matter how absurd or random they get it's going to swing back around to iconic in my mind because the what the [ __ ] factor is cranked up to an all-time high and I'm going to feel like I'm high one episode of Tom Foolery and [ __ ] later yeah I was right I feel like I'm tripping so in a season 11 episode entitled The Night Patty SpongeBob and Patrick got kicked out of glove World side note that amusement park is seen in the series way more than I thought it did so anyway after that SpongeBob and Patrick go to the Crusty Crab to order from the night menu SpongeBob is deeply disturbed because not only was he completely unaware of this night shift but he was also thrown off guard by how different the patronage is very creepy deep sea Halloweeny we see some fish we've met before in Rock Bottom which is another old SpongeBob episode and some completely new designs as well look at this blobfish Chef this is so cute no Fatu is revealed to be the night manager and holy Neptune's ball sack look at that tongue no Fatu what that tongue do SpongeBob keeps getting culture shock from the night shi's weird Customs which include their tradition of getting robbed it's some sort of weird immersive dinner theater that they all eat up they're quirky they're different they aren't basic fishes the episode ends with the reveal that Mr Krabs was also completely unaware of the night shift and then the narrator Cuts in to reveal that SpongeBob was in the title Zone a parody of The Twilight Zone this alone enhanced the initial bit for me look at him swirl to frame wee but guess what he also has five more appearances after this let's look at a few more in season 13 squid Fatu Squidward has to return all the mail he's been getting sent to his house that's actually addressed to no Fatu I'm obsessed with this art style you already know I'm obsessed with photo puppetry the first half of this episode was stronger than the second half and it peaked Al together halfway through when this [Music] happened I'm losing my mind people will argue that expanding on an absurd oneoff joke will make it lose its novelty but I think bringing him back after so long is more shocking I never could have predicted they would bring this character back in this way I could do with or without his henchmen Slappy llo but to my shock the SpongeBob Wiki seems to eat him up a lot of Slappy enjoyers they kind of remind me of the waren the worm enjoyers I don't get it I don't know maybe he's better in the Patrick Show speaking of which I'm watching more of the Patrick Show because no Fatu is in it I said I'm watching more of the Patrick Show you're so brave and beautiful and this video is such a fun time love it a lot in the episode Patrick's got a Zulus we hear about no fatu's one man show I didn't order the steak the crowd goes wild as they should he did his Charming little wiggle dance and then jumped in his coffin mobile no forat too cute people may disagree but I think this is a wonderful yes and moment did the bit need to be a yes and obviously not none of this makes sense and I love it A+ for no forat to is that really her name it never came up in her first appearance chocolate with nuts in season 3 in her first appearance we meet her daughter very first her daughter is also very old so when SpongeBob's trying to sell her something he attempts to flatter her by asking is your mother home no one I repeat no one expected baby prunes to roll into the scene looking not a day over 400 but actually several days over 400 one thing we learn about baby prunes is that her daughter wants her to die but she wants to live forever let's see if that Dynamic continues oh yes indeed Mary still hates her SpongeBob and Patrick are running a babysitting service and believe it or not they are amazing at it Mary gets them to watch her mom running off into the sunset yelling I'm free good for her also Patrick is the one that gave her the nickname baby prunes I should have known that wasn't her legal name but damn I wish it was talk about fulfilling a prophecy that would be like if my name was like funny super cool YouTuber that you should subscribe to anyway baby prunes wakes up for her nap and discovers that these two men are watching over her so she's very creeped out the next thing we learned about her is that she enjoys all sorts of Daredevil activities surfing lava skydiving without a parachute boxing it's funny because she's an old lady yeah I didn't like this episode at all we needed her and her daughter interacting that's what made them funny and we got none of that F not a single joke of hers landed for me they shouldn't have brought her back bubble buddy is the titular bitchell of the Season 2 Episode bubble buddy so he would love this shirt hey I have an idea check out my merch SpongeBob creates bubble buddy because all all of his friends are too busy to hang out with him and they wreak havoc all over town all the Bikini Bottom residents are like damn SpongeBob's being so annoying with that un alive bubble holding up the bathroom for 2 hours dining and dashing and much much more but it turns out that bubble buddy is actually alive pretty [ __ ] up that he waited to talk and move until the last second when he just let that Surfer guy die he made me experience high tide what will that murderer do next we meet bubble Buddy's son in season 8 his name is shiny and he's a tiny criminal just like his dad shiny immediately breaks into Squidward's house and breaks everything in sight also I should mention that bubble buddy sprung the whole watch my kid thing onto SpongeBob with no warning so he's just as awful as ever what I like the most is that people didn't forget his reign of terror when SpongeBob was introducing Mr Krabs to shiny and said oh yeah this is bubble buddy's kid Mr Krabs was like bubble buddy he still owes me money I guess they were still trying to keep the continuity in 2011 by the end of the episode even SpongeBob loses his patience he tells bubble buddy an advanced notice would have been great so even the writers know that bubble buddy is a piece of [ __ ] and I like that I like that there's the awareness there oh but it gets so so so so so much worse with his third and last appearance in season 11's bubble town this time SpongeBob actually causes a Ruckus where bubble buddy lives for a change is he going to hold up the bathrooms too SpongeBob kills this lady's dogs a trains this dude's fiance before putting that thing in reverse and running him over too he killed a mother duck and her ducklings before proceeding to take down six skyscrapers a school full of children the mayor this whole crowd of people this child basically half of bubble Town's population this is all your fault bubble buddy what how is it my fault because you brought him here Knowing damn well what would happen and you didn't even have a reaction when everyone died no give me that shirt back you don't deserve it when Mr Krabs broke SpongeBob free from bubble jail we saw the Dirty Bubble Escape which I thought was really cute the episode ends with SpongeBob bringing everyone back to life so they forgive him yay honestly the bit escalates quite nicely a true crime dock in three parts bubble buddy was on the run for 3 days but he really enjoyed it so it was less of a run and more of a skip if you know what I mean he he just loves killing we love a king that's good at his job oh brother I didn't know his middle initial was C I thought it was see like under the sea C cucumber like the species he is but no it's the letter c what does it stand for I hope it's cucumber Kevin cucumber cucumber was first seen in season 2's I'm your biggest Fanatic in this episode SpongeBob and Patrick are at a jellyfish convention the first thing we learn about Kevin is that he's the leader of the jelly spotters which is a jellyfish Enthusiast Club SpongeBob very much wants to be a part of and admires SpongeBob says he's Kevin's biggest fan and punches himself in the face to prove it Kevin is very amused that SpongeBob would do just about anything he said so in true shitty influencer fashion he proceeds hazing SpongeBob but as Mr worldwide says the bigger they are the harder they fall these biggity boys and Diggity Dogs Kevin is exposed as a terrible leader immediately giving up when he and his group are threatened by a giant jellyfish King SpongeBob saves them and even after all that Kevin is like you still can't be part of the club the rest of the jelly spotters disagree however giving SpongeBob Kevin's crown that they ripped off of his body because it wasn't an article of clothing it was it was a part of Kevin maybe the C stands for Crown this show is pretty consistently violent it's just so funny I never noticed the next time Kevin made an appearance as more than just a background character was in the season 13 episode Patrick the mailman SpongeBob and Patrick are delivering mail great setup for seeing areas of Bikini Bottom we haven't seen before like Kevin's house which is a pickle barrel and SpongeBob and Patrick are delivering the news that Kevin was summoned for J jury duty poor sucker he is so annoyed by this that he literally won't accept the mail but Patrick won't give up he took a maale man's oath I don't think he did he just said that he breaks into Kevin's house and a Chase slf fight scene ensues but all I could really focus on was how fancy Kevin's house is he has armor jellyfish paintings and Decor dude comes from old money for sure I feel like that also fits everything we know about him and his unearned elevated status in society at the end of all that struggle it was revealed that the summons was actually for bubble bass it was so weird to hear Kevin say bubble bass's name it feels like those two are from two totally different shows also if I were Kevin the Cucumber living in a pickle Barrel I I would stay away from Bubble bass anyway not the best inclusion of a character but it also didn't feel forced B+ it seems like the reintroduction of these characters and iconic bits were pretty well received by the fans that stuck around at least outside of Twitter even with all of these appearances I found a Reddit thread from a few months ago that asked the community which iconic characters they wanted to see again I thought for sure I'd scoff shake my fist in the air and decare that my era of SpongeBob was the best and while I still think that's true I was not expecting to enjoy new SpongeBob as much as I did a lot of what I do on this channel is for my inner child watching these episodes for the first time I felt like I was eight again I was eight and I ate I'm sure many people feel differently and that's cool too I just never realized how much I let people on the internet's opinion sway my own to the point where I don't even give the media a chance like I'm going to be real I don't watch [ __ ] unless it's for a video on my Channel or it's another YouTube video I pretty much exclusively watch YouTube and then all of my television and movie opinions come from other people 2024 is the year I watch movies and shows that I've written off and form my own opinion I really hope you enjoyed this video butt lovers I think we're starting off this year strong next week's video is Nana landore and I know it's going to be a trick subscribe if you want and have a great day bye
Channel: Athena P
Views: 180,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Spongebob brings back jokes from 20+ years ago, spongebob squarepants, new spongebob, spongebob nosferatu, the patrick star show, kevin cucumber returns, nosferatu returns, bubble bass spongebob, bubble bass, doodlebob returns, bubblebuddy returns, bubble buddy, bubble buddy is a bad person, old spongebob vs new spongebob, spongebob analysis, spongebob continuity, Athena P
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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