TELETUBBIES vs BOOHBAH which surreal alien show did it best?

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this is my brain this is my brain after dedicating my life to Teletubbies this week any questions on but lovers welcome to an episode of lore light now what is lore light in my lore series I watch every single episode of the series I cover in L light sometimes I don't do that also lur light isn't just limited to kid shows we can cover sitcoms video games toys sometimes a book report crossover in this instance we are comparing trippy surreal media Teletubby's original run was from 1997 to 2001 and bouba ran from 2003 to 2006 at the very top of my research process I realized that these two shows were made by the same person so yeah that that checks out as always my videos are not intended for children but instead young adults and adults just looking for a goofy silly time so legally you're not allowed to get mad at me when I curse okay tell Tes watching through the first episode of Teletubbies it was amazing how much I remembered and at the same time how much I had absolutely no recollection of were there always bunnies on the field I hope the Teletubbies actors never accidentally stepped on them I feel like putting somebody in a costume with low visibility and having them sprint towards rabbits is probably not a good idea baby Sun still steals the show from me there's something about a baby show world revolving around a literal baby son that's so on the nose in such a silly fun way we of course follow Tinky Winky Dipsy I don't know why this headband whitewash Dipsy laa and probably my favorite po I just love how small she is the mechanical pipe speakers that emerge from the ground are known as voice trumpets this is how they're listed on the wiki and also on the official Teletubbies YouTube throughout the very long run of this series it's never revealed who's operating them so we can consider these guys their own species which is Fun the wiki even lists them as supporting characters after the theme song portion of each episode the Teletubbies run away and the ominous voice trumpets ask us where have the Teletubbies gone I don't have to answer to you I'm not a snitch we see inside their futuristic Bunker Hill and my favorite part of the show as a kid and as an adult too apparently is watching them eat oh yeah they ate as circular Smiley tubby toast is launched onto each of their plates we hear them count 1 two three this was something else I forgot about I forgot they could talk I thought they only said their names like Pokémon and said e oh when they're excited but no they've been talking they actually speak a lot we just haven't been listening have you thought about that after they've eaten their tubby toast the sparkling pin wheel summons them because it's time for their antenna and TV tummy Powers their powers of seeing children living outside in the real world only works when the pin wheel declares it so they have their routine and their world makes them stick to it we see their antennas and TV tummy screens light up as they exclaim their names once again as if to say choose me choose me this episode it's Tinky Winky's turn and when his TV tummy screen turns on we see a human child Ned and his father playing with bikes it was very cute but I was in absolute awe when the Teletubby said again again and they played the entire segment again is that going to happen every time was my mom valid for hating the show next segment something new poofed into tubby land po asked the narrator what is that and the narrator explained it's a flag the narrator said very matter of factly Po decided to wave the flag based on Po's reaction this wasn't actually something that occurred to her until the narrator told her to PO decided to wave the flag oh just like everything else in her Teletubby life she just goes with it I haven't even stranger comparison based on this scene alone I feel like a Yo Gaba Gaba Teletubbies cross over would go so incredibly hard what if the narrator was just DJ Lance Rock putting on a different voice and this is just one of his many other worlds I mean we've seen DJ Lance speak things like this into existence before Flex can drive yes I can drive po decided to wave the flag oh in the end the flag disappears without warning a cruel lesson from the Teletubby land that nothing lasts forever the Teletubbies hug completely unfazed the pin wheel spins and sparkles once again so we know some truly magical is about to happen the Teletubbies climb up this hill to witness whatever the hell the pin wheel has to show them and guys I'm going to let this moment play out a bit there's no way I can do this Justice Just watch it with [Music] me what in the Noah's Arc is going on here is the teletub world the biblical end of times oh oh and then all of these pairs of animals including these two overgrown butterflies just disappears as if to say wait Noah and his ark died 50,000 years ago all the Teletubbies have to say goodbye to us even though they still want to play no the Sun is setting so the episode which takes place over a day has to end as all things do this world is so fascinating to me because it really feels like I'm watching preschool aliens like they feel so alive this came out in 1997 as I said but everything from the blinking to the mouth movements to the physicality and expressiveness of their voices amazes me and also the world is very ambiguous because we have no reason to believe that these voices are Sinister but with them being unseen and the creepiness of these farting voice Trumpets the internet has made plenty of creepy pastas about these four and I see why in all honesty now let's look at bba's first episode after a minute and 20 seconds of this glowing orb with a rainbow tail finding random British children to laugh and dance around it it crash lands on Earth so here we are again with the immediate alien imagery we see around the rainbow swirl crater the five Bas waking up from their cradles we have HBA jinba Jumba zing zing Zinga and Zumba these tiny creatures inflate their bodies and float and flip through the air they finally land and spin around like tops the offscreen voiceover child yells for Zumba and then Zumba the purple BBA works out like he's doing zumba oh my God like his name also take a good look at their features this is why I made my eyebrows little polka dots the sequence continues and the voiceover child calls each of the bbas by name and this is where we learn that their name acts as a command when somebody calls on them they run up to us shift their Shifty little eyes from side to side and then join in whatever workout the group is doing somehow these little guys appear to have even less Free Will than the Teletubbies the boas never directly interact with the humans the humans just interact with the bba's energy ball lirer I don't know how these kids always sneak into this glowing orb and proceed to create a gift and then blow it up to the story people who are the story people the story people are Grandmama Grandpapa Mrs lady Mr Man brother and sister and little dog Pho and how could I forget about Auntie she's my favorite character these are little characters for the voiceover children to play with in this episode The Gift of a jump rope is given to the brother and sister it's clear that the story people are completely imaginary because when there are flaws to the story The Voice Over children can freeze them and fix the issue I thought the sister jumping rope for eternity would lead to a lesson about sharing but no the voice over children just froze them and gave another jump rope to the brother this is f fascinating stuff are you paying attention please hold your questions till the end I will say although I'm bored I like that they're color coordinated if there's one thing these shows have down its unique Aesthetics now the voiceover kids keep freezing and making the jump rope longer and longer so characters like Mr Man Mrs lady Grandmama and grandpaa can all join in awesome amazing where the are the boas okay so the story people section is over and the kids start chanting booa booa booa and I'm getting I feel like I'm at a concert and the headliner is about to come on stage so I join in BO oh my god there they are and then they jump up and down rhythmically as their body makes whoopy cushion noises is this all they do so far the bubas have no discernable difference personality-wise I can't tell my Jing buuz from my zing zing zing buuz so apparently the boobas are sheer energy the only thing that's different are the colors and their names which might not even even be theirs the human kids probably made those names up just to talk to them but according to the wiki they're Adams hi pink Adam hi blue Adam no a t o Ms like I said Just Energy particles I guess the goal is that kids watching will want to join in an exercise but honestly I don't even think that would [Music] work um Athena what are you doing nothing also multiple times throughout this episode this rainbow made them float up they would all hold hands and sink up with this very electronic Harmony that just it hurt my ear the kids repeat booa boa over and over again as they're powering down and going back to their cradles for sleep and the little energy ball off somewhere else for their next adventure and wood created both the Teletubbies and BBA so I wanted to hear what she was going for her goals I feel like I can always connect to a piece of media better when I hear from the Creator especially because although I joke and I'm a bit of a a jerk I genuinely love hearing about Children's Entertainment even if it doesn't click for me that's fine I'm not the Target demographic I just want to learn more about it so anwood on the principles of business went on to say children live in the same world as we do but they perceive it differently so her goal is to perceive the world in the same way a child does and for developmental TV like Teletubbies and BBA they're not just for kids they're for babies so in a way flashy colors and textures would definitely work it's Ely engaging I to this day remember some happy chemical firing off in my brain every time I saw the Pepto-Bismol looking concoction that is Tubby Custard I wanted to eat Tubby Custard so badly and wood also told BBC that the inspiration for Teletubbies was based on the concept of astronaut babies I love the way she describes this conversation between her and co-creator Andrew Davenport we decided we' go to dis Smithsonian and we saw the actual space suits of men who just not that long ago walked on the moon then Andy said to me you know isn't it amazing there's all this technology and you look at them and they just look like babies with nappies on toddling about like I said the imagery of these shows are the strongest thing about them to me so the fact that this all started with an observation doesn't really surprise me now for BBA the message of the show was revealed on a DVD and it's exactly as I thought it's all about movement the main thing is that you have engaged children totally with movement chalk one up for Big Brain Athena seeing the complexity that is Boo I earned my BFA an wood also goes on to talk about the in her words two-dimensional story people they are used as a tool for the kids to interact with the plot I personally feel like asking more direct questions like Dora works better instead of presenting kids with a very vague problem and then offering the magical solution of just blow on the screen I felt like I was truly starting to understand an wood and Andrew Davenport's Creative Vision and then I heard about how they fired Tinky Winky's original actor Dave Thompson in a very unprofessional Manner and the reason they gave was really stupid right before everyone else in the cast went to a wrap-up party Dave Thompson was handed a letter from an accountant which essentially said you're fired the reason his interpretation of Tinky Winky I don't know why I put the air quotes there was unacceptable people claim that this was amidst the Tinky Winky gay controversy but that didn't really pick up until 1999 and Dave was fired in 1997 I don't really know but I don't like the way they went about it I'm going to eat yeah I want to discuss Tubby Custard in great detail so let's discuss the episode swimming with Stephanie and the episode milking cows the episode swimming with Stephanie opens with the shot of the Teletubbies napping in the field now I know what you're thinking this sounds peaceful Serene maybe a lovely aesthetic moment and you would be wrong the actors had to lie down in these costumes and the rabbits got so close to Tinky Winky it truly felt like I was watching a horror I know I say that a lot cuz I'm soft but like pea is on speed dial dude look look he has to look down now there's two that go right up to him and they have to fall to the floor look how he keeps looking down he's stressed I'm stressed I mean he handled that expertly but I'm also fuming at the fact that there was a cutaway in between where they show close-ups of the rabbits and then they go back to the Teletubbies lying down and no one on production moved that rabbit from under Tinky Winky's ass dude and now this dude has to navigate standing back up without crushing the creature what you could have moved it he accomplishes this he stands up without crushing the rabbit I don't know how but like oh I was holding my breath enough is enough I was trying to ignore this but now I have to do research to make sure these rabbits are okay I'm probably going to regret looking this up I tried to find the original source for this information but instead I found the exact same article copy and pasted on both Huffington Post and Yahoo finance what these rabbits have to do with finances Beyond me but I'll just use the wiki as my source again okay so the wiki taught me that these breed of rabbits are Flemish Giants which are massive the average size of Flemish Giant rabbits are anywhere from 2 and 1/2 ft to 4 feet what why did they choose these massive rabbits well it was to hide how massive the Teletubbies are po the one I always look at and think oh she's so tiny she's over 6 feet tall and Tinky Winky is 10 feet tall something else pretty kooky about the filming experience is that apparently the rabbits kept on camera she she Tinky on my winky till I po sorry these strange rabbit fun facts as well as the true height of the Teletubbies are featured in a buzzfeed article 16 things you never wanted to know about the Teletubbies but we're going to tell you anyway wow so there must be even more wild facts let's see the Teletubbies height mm we got that rabbits yep okay number three apparently there's racial diversity among Teletubbies wait why would that be something I never wanted to know I already knew I have eyes why is that Being Framed as strange that's so weird okay wait even more on the rabbits so I don't know how reliable this is but according to this article from Daily Mail John simit the actor who played Dipsy explained that they had earpieces during production because like I expected there is low visibility in those costumes so they had these earpieces so production could warn them if they were getting too close to a rabbit which isn't funny but can you imagine that being your job all right so just so you're aware there's a rabbit to your left but you should be good to walk forward no no wait it hopped in front of you la la stop the article went on to say that Nikki Smedley the actor who played la la wrote in her book that she accidentally kicked a rabbit one time now me personally you couldn't torture that information out of me I would scream and SOB at the mere mention I'd be a mess but lo and behold I think I found the one person on Earth who overshares more than I do my wife's ass rabbits this show about her life is told through a smly of moments get it like her name anyway she may be the most interesting person alive and I just bought a copy of her book it's on the way I hope she apologizes to the rabbit in it I'll report back to you so after that terrifying suspense of will Tinky Winky crush this rabbit right in front of my very eyes we move on to the TV screens and the namesake of this episode swimming with Stephanie takes place a kid named Stephanie learns how to swim they play this twice and for the sake of transparency I didn't watch this I'm here for Teletubbies why on Earth would I watch a random human kid why what have children ever done for me we see just how in control of the world the narrator is when he asks the Teletubbies do you know what happened and then goes on to explain that a puffy Cloud went inside their house we see this happen after the narrator declares it so and do you know what happened the little puffy Cloud floated indoors more World bending Shenanigans from the narrator I'm on to you DJ Lance the clouds have turned their Lair into every overpriced popup photo op in New York City Noo-noo the vacuum creature I'm glad we're finally talking about him looks like he's getting zooted high as ripping on that cumulo Nimbus but none of that matters for now is the moment of truth it's tubby cust time the reason we're watching this episode in the first place I remember this being so satisfying let's watch oh I don't remember it sputtering out like that I thought it was a steady stream the Teletubbies start to get annoyed about how in the way the clouds are inconvenient oh my God that was a four syllable word I'm actually amazed at their speech capabilities Noo-noo sucks up Lala's spil Tubby Custard and all the clouds and spits up this pink tubby custard Cloud outside Noo-noo like every other robot sidekick we've seen gets the job done unlike other shows we've seen however the Teletubbies appear genuinely grateful I'm going to piss off the BBA fans with this one but I thought the one thing BBA had over Teletubbies was the daning yet here we are at the end of this episode where the Teletubbies are dancing in unison they look great they're rolling around I want to see both sides I really do but as you can see my bias is just being confirmed right now although I will say the repetition is lot even for me in the Teletubbies episode milking cows they have to figure out how to fix the Tubby Custard machine watching each of their attempts amused me for a bit la la was like hm maybe it'll work if I beat the out of it and then dipy tries a sort of dance or intimidation and then by the time we get to Tinky Winky dude is so defeated his hand is shaking so none of their attempts work but of course the narrator has the solution He suggests that they sing a special song so they sing this song and I'm not going to lie these little dudes I mean these ginormous dudes cannot sing for imagine the British narrator just turning into Simon cowl blogy terrible job everybody and then when the Tubby Custard machine works again he turns into Gordon Ramsay it's raw and he just smacks the out of the Tubby Custard no instead they sing this song and they bring the Tubby Custard machine back to life implying that the thing wasn't working because it needed joy in its life The Tubby Custard machine was depressed and the power of the song healed it right well not quite they actually had to sing this song three three times stinks three times Dipsy is really killing it though I must say now as for BBA I thought the Hot Dog episode could add a great contrast while still adding to the food theme of this section what the am I saying so the most unique section of each episode is the story people and for a show called BBA so far they really are the most uninteresting thing about this show yeah I said it this story time follows grandpaa and Grandmama eting eating a giant hot dog the physical comedy of this section is much better than the jump rope one he can't keep his wiener in the bun tail is old as time am I right when he and Grandmama are finally about to enjoy the voiceover kids yell freeze the voiceover kids noticed a problem I didn't these two oldtimers need sauce the adult narrator adds some much needed commentary it's a big bottle of sauce it's a big bottle of sauce for whatever reason the execution of that line is poetic to me I want that to be remixed This Is How We Party this is how we this is how it's a big bottle of sauce what slaps even harder ow what the is the fact that they made this cloth wiener Abomination looks so appetizing like the ketchup thing looks like slime frosting I was already salivating over this big bottle of sauce but now seeing Grandmama and grandpaa devouring it from both bends I'll have what they're having I also thought they were going to lady in the trampet but they're cowards I guess I did not think I was going to be more intrigued by the story people I am more interested in these basic humans and dog than these inflatable flying weirdos why is that I just feel like despite the Teletubbies also being absurd we see a bit more Humanity in them their strong bond their excitement over food and everyday life their joyous Expressions their laughter all we see with boas are their ship sh y eyes and Shifty attitudes I don't trust them I understand they're supposed to embody energy in its purest form which is movement and not much of anything else but what are they hiding from we almost never see much of their retractable head except for this one shot of Zumba oh holy hello look at this little dude's chin or lack thereof yeah I wish they were even a little bit distinguishable from each other maybe one can be the type of energy you get from seeing your friends one can be the energy you get from from food one can be the energy you get from resting you know or like Teletubbies they can have their own props why are the boas giving me nothing you'd think the embodiment of energy would give me everything but instead they just give me one thing it's just this and you know what else is confusing wikkipedia describes BBA as for an older age demographic than the Teletubbies and I got to be honest I completely disagree with that I understand they repeat stories less than Teletubbies like if we're comparing the TV screens to the story people then you have a case but the actual creatures absolutely not do not a chance Bas lack Pizzaz like they lack sauce it's a big bottle of sauce other than the TV events which happen every episode there are seven other magical events according to the Teletubbies Wiki the one I talked about in the beginning was the animal Parade and I genuinely thought I was being a bit cheeky When comparing it to Noah's Ark little did I know that's exactly what they were going for kind of a strange thing to be in tetes but we proceed the other six are the magical house the tap daning teddy bear The Magic Tree the three ships little B Peep and lastly the line and the bear which was banned in the United States for scaring children so I watched it and took a tally of the things I think unnerved the kiddos they shouldn't have had the bear do this it's a wooden cutout the tongue was a bit much but I think the lion was the real offender the Lion's Roar made the clouds move a very intense and menacing introduction quite the tone shift in this Teletubbies World also he mentions his sharp teeth and that he's even scary from the back and scary underneath what I'm not going to lie if I heard my kid watching that I would change the channel immediately like I understand they're going for a nursery rhyme but the entire story is a be hiding and the lion hunting her and while the bear is mocking and finding the danger she's in amusing there's no indication that they're friends and just playing so it just feels like the Teletubbies are witnessing a hunt after this I watched through all the magical events and the only one I remember really sticking with me from when I was a child was the tap dancing bear I love this dude kids nowadays have the beatboxing puppy but I had the dancing bear I'm trying to find what connects each of these events because they're all so jarring in such unique ways since there are seven events I naturally try to connect them to the seven sins since that's always fun I thought easy Lion and the bear is wrath magic wilting tree is sloth the animal Parade is lust since each of those two animals are going to have to repopulate the Earth pride is the house with the singing boy the most boring magical event in my opinion I'm just going to say it Envy are those boats because the Teletubbies will literally never see an ocean again in their lifetime greed is little B peep hoarding all her sheep but wait that leaves gluttony to the dancing bear so that doesn't check out maybe he is gluttony since he's eating all you up maybe these seven events are pointing to the end of times dancing bear signifies how the Teletubbies are being watched by a Godlike being just as they're looking down at the bear our Sky God looks down at them then we have the tree the inevitability of change and death the boy singing in his house symbolizes loneliness little B peep a story about being lost and then feeling found then finally the animal Parade is of course Noah's Ark and then we actually witness the flood the Teletubbies TV belly screens are the connection they have to the humanity that came before them again again they beg for us to have another chance but it's too late buba tried to warn us and prevent us from the sin that is sloth but we succumb to it anyway humanity is doomed let's look at their websites there's no clear indication of who won the culture wars than when we look at these websites buas is so Bare Bones and then Teletubbies is still up and running as we see newer clips from the reboot look at that no-no's got a new new look there's a Tubby Custard ride all things we'll look at a bit later but let's try and go back to that BBA website and see what it has to offer we have a game and by games I mean you can tap the characters and change their color when I click on them they should at least make their classic fart sound this is ridiculous there are these coloring pages so I decided to make my own bubaa her name is bitcha and she eats all the others up to be the most energetic bubbly being she is capable of harmonizing all on her own and when the kids try and break into her house she spins towards them like Sonic and knocks them down like stupid Intruder bowling pins this is the most Joy I've gotten from these tiny freaks now let's compare TV Tropes Pages oh look at that PO is bilingual she speaks cantones in a couple of episodes I didn't know that that's pretty cool apparently they classify Noo-noo as jerk with a heart of gold I didn't think I could like that dude anymore but apparently he can get up to no good at times and can suck up the Teletubbies things and run away with them oh so he's like a little dog he's like their pet I love that now moving on to bba's TV Tropes and look how much shorter this list is viewer gender confusion that's pretty cool that's kind of based of them I must say well all the boobas run on in biguous gender Zumba and Jumba are made to be more masculine in color and behavior while HBA and jinba are more feminine and zing zing Zinga is the only one that falls in between the line of traditionally masculine versus traditionally feminine cite your sources which episodes are they showing these traits they all move exactly the same and they never talk am I missing something I was looking up the episodes I watched multiple episodes I thought they were all nonbinary I thought that was the coolest part of the show and now you're taking that from me sweet dreams fuel absolutely not how much less there is on the bouba TV Tropes page is another very clear indication that there's just more substance to the Teletubbies another round goes to the Teletubbies I really thought Nostalgia was clouding my decision-making but it seems like all facts go back around to the fact that the Teletubbies kick BBA around like they're a soccer ball Teletubbies 10 ft BBA 1 in if that every time a t tuby scratches their arm Abba Adam dies BBA doesn't have on the Teletubbies and you know what some of you BBA fans need to hear this Teletubbies outsold your girls could never do what my girls do booba flop get a boa job you heard that right my girls are booked again homophobes be damned this old tried to take down Tinky Winky in the 9s for being a gay man but he's still out here doing the damn thing meanwhile that televangelist is dead don't with Tinky Winky in 2021 the telet 's official Twitter said and I quote be who you are for your PR so let's finally get to this reboot it aired from 2015 14 years after the original series wrapped to 2018 and then they brought it back again in 2022 on Netflix altogether the Teletubbies has 10 seasons with 530 episodes you see why this had to be a l light now I love this channel I love these videos I can't do that I can't compare this to bba's two seasons and 104 episodes now listen over a 100 episodes is not bad at all in fact it's very impressive it's just no 530 episodes Teletubbies got this one in the bag cultural impact they won no question the Teletubbies reboot however is uh the immersion is gone let me tell you the world looks so fake because it's all computer generated practical effects never heard of her well maybe you should the cameras are also way too high high quality I can see the seam of this costume so clearly here's the thing though I can tell the actors are having a much better time there's no way this is 10 ft tall it's probably much lighter and better ventilated they don't have to worry about Bunny's or tripping them because they're clearly nowhere near them it's green screened in which is of course better for the bunni so I a th% support it I just wish it looked better they might have been able to accomplish this if they just lowered the res solution and my God make more set pieces these voice trumpets are nowhere near as menacing as they used to be they're so tiny and again fake looking one thing I found really interesting is every episode they change the baby son this concept I think is really cool the show revolves around a different baby every day it's as if the Teletubbies get to play with another friend now here's where I'm going to sound like an why don't they glow why is the outline of the face so harsh at this point just cast me I'm going to do the rest like this now you can't stop me why did Dipsy do a split during the intro that looks so painful but honestly he did easily upstage the others by far his stunt was the coolest I I don't know po maybe should have span on her head for whatever reason we move even closer to their faces and I can see their mouths behind the mesh of the costume it's too high resolution they don't look alive they look like costumes how was it more realistic in the 9s I'm on my Boomer and I can't even apologize for it cuz I'm right back in my day they knew how to make the Teletubbies right like honestly there might have been a method to the 10- foot madness even the magic pin wheel doesn't have that same intensity it doesn't have that same magic I'm disappointed but not surprised at this point yeah actually I don't feel like being the sun anymore the real weirdness started when as the antenna and belly screen magic was happening flowers also grew around around them I think this expands their power and their impact on the world around them I like this what I don't like however is how they made their screens have play buttons on them and now they're also touch screens the video portion also gives off a totally different vibe instead of a random kid doing a realistic Vlog it's an overproduced song sung by an adult this section lost its authenticity for sure it feels more flashy in a way that doesn't make it stand out a total oxymoron I was relieved that the Teletubbies still wanted an encore with their classic again again but they didn't play the whole song again just a section because they're cowards wow I gained character development halfway through this video they played the entire segment again is that going to happen every time was my mom valid for hating the show I guess you don't know what you have until it's gone The Tubby Custard machine is now a bubble train ride that makes Tubby Custard as they ride The Tubby Custard ride the concept's fun I want this as a ride at Universal or something and then at the end they give me Tubby Custard cuz I'll just say it I still want to eat Tubby Custard that still looks appetizing to me I don't know why back to harsh reality Fame really changes a person exhibit a Noo-noo it's your boy Noo-noo feeling good as Noo-noo with this fresh paint job kachow I don't know how to deliver this news to you but uh have you ever heard of Tiddly tubies I remember people saying a while back that the Tet tubbies had kids and thankfully that's not what we're looking at here what we are looking at are the Tiddly tubies there's eight of them and under the trivia section of the wiki it says that they're the Teletubbies siblings so wait the Teletubbies are also siblings right that's always what I thought or are two of these little babies laa sisters and four are POS Brothers what's the deal what's the combo also I'm just going to say what we're all thinking why are all eight of them white the Tiddly tubbies names are ping dougle D Ruru umby pumby that name is awesome daada Mimi ba and nin umby pumby is obviously the breakout star I will never remember another name on this list but umby pumby that shit's staying with me for life I wish umby pumby didn't just look like a little la la though I wish umby pumby was this little okay back to the Teletubbies wait why why do their eyes look like that they look like five nights at Teletubbies should I play that should should I play that what's up it's your girl the son today we're revisiting my old friends here time stamp on screen for those of you who want to skip this I'm scared my pants do you hear that music Tellies say help we like say goodbye let's do night one I clicked the button I'm so brave I'm not a gamer I'm not a horror gamer I'm just the sun oh oh I didn't mean to do that why can I run oh I don't like this I don't like this does it jump does it does it or does it ah you what the there's no flashlights there's no doors ew ew you're my favorite why would you do this to me ew ew it came out of nowhere it didn't come out of a door o I hated that so how did I lose what did I do wrong I should have listened to the phone call the only tool I have is to just play music if they show up on the camera I think there should be more gameplay like I feel like I I deserve like a fighting chance oh okay okay there there [Music] there oh that's funny what scares them away is the time telletubbies wait I feel like that gets her closer to me because that's what they do before they I think I fell for their trap I got to stop going like this cuz I literally disappear I forgot I'm I'm so I'm so oh oh oh right there work did it work did it [Music] work it's always po I haven't seen another yet it's always eyeless Poe even though even though I played the noise I did such a good job I was so strategic about it it was an illusion it was me the whole time guys it was me at the end of the whole time I'm not the son want know what's scarier I just found out that Teletubbies also has four spin-offs if there is any Soul brave enough to consume all the Teletubbies media which again is 530 episodes plus the four spin-offs please tell me your theories I fear there's so much more to explore but I'm afraid for my sanity despite that welcome to a second section I'm calling why do parents complain when instead they can just parent dude for as mindless as the show seems sometimes it will never be as mindless as the thought process of oh no my child likes something that I don't think is good for their development whatever will I do reminder that no one is forcing your kids to watch anything that's on TV take a more active role in their screen time if you're going to demand for people to cancel certain shows when instead you can just monitor what your kid watches you are the problem you are the it's finally happening so apparently the original Tubby Custard was an inedible mashed potato mess and I remember looking at the consistency again after I heard that and I was like how on Earth is that a potato that they turned into this liquid it's it's not thick at all this is just like condensed milk I I didn't do the whole mashed potatoes thing that didn't seem right I wanted it to be sweet okay as I enjoy my Tubby Custard and my tubby toast I just want to say thank you so much for watching if you did please be sure to subscribe sorry the time I spent talking about both series wasn't even at all but at the same time a ratio have a great day bye
Channel: Athena P
Views: 72,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teletubbies vs Boohbah, Teletubbies vs Boohbah which surreal alien show did it best?, booh bah, teletubbies, tiddlytubbies, teletubbies and boohbah, what was teletubbies, what was boohbah, teletubbies lore, boohbah lore, athena p lore, athena p lore lite, lore lite, childhood ruined, weird kids shows, creepy nostalgia, teletubbies versus boohbah, athena p
Id: cTGnhEjk9mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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