Making Coward Cole OVERPOWERED - Animal Revolt Battle Simulator

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okay but who else can he take down what about godzilla let's find out shall we oh okay well you know i was just kind of being stupid welcome back to animal revolt battle simulator before i jump into the first suggestion in the last video i asked you for a name for the upgraded dragon and the name i've gone for is the absolute beast so thank you for your name suggestion i also had other names like charles fred bruno razer tommy howard dragon god and more all great suggestions uh so thank you to everyone that got involved and now i'm saving him with the new name and taking a new picture proceed so anyway today's first suggestion is make an upgraded velociraptor be able to take down a t-rex so here's our t-rex now as you all know the philosoraptor here is the smallest carnivorous dinosaur in the game look how tiny is in comparison and he's only seven dollars when the t-rex is 165. so here's what we're gonna do we are going to scale him all the way up to five let me see how big he is well he's bigger than a t-rex now well about the same size actually so let's scale him up but we also need to change some of his stats because let's face it he's probably still gonna die so let's go eight and six i don't know if that's gonna be enough or not or maybe it's overdoing it who knows you know what let's just find out shall we in a moment i'm gonna add armor and some weapons if he does lose but oh geez what the okay it's kind of weird oh no he is not designed to be that large he's getting thrown around oh no come on philosoraptor oh no he's getting absolutely messed up still what's his health looking like yeah not good no no okay we're definitely gonna need some upgrades here yeah he he definitely is not designed to be scaled up like this but anyway let's give him weapons give him armor and hopefully he'll actually be able to take down the t-rex here right so i've started off with the classic helmet i love adding this helmet to different animals i know it's a little weird and i often give um armor like this on their legs too there we go same on the other side and why not give him purple glowing eyes just to make him a little bit more intimidating to the t-rex and a nice little hat with i'm also giving this guy some feathers because why not but while i'm doing this i also want to let you know that in this video in fact the next suggestion i am making a very very powerful unit so make sure to stick around for that because uh it's going to be insane a lot of you have been asking for the next suggestion which we'll see as soon as we've taken down this t-rex over here you gotta die punk don't stand a chance now as you saw before we got thrown out of the map and i think a good way to stop that happening is actually by adding harpoons to this guy and that way we can actually harpoon onto the t-rex and if he tries to frost out we should be able to actually just stay in at least i hope that's the case anyway right we need to give this guy better teeth because look at that it doesn't look amazing remember this guy's supposed to be scaled all the way down so you can't even see the bad detail there anyway uh bone spikes and let's increase that to um eight the attack my player and let's give him big teeth yes although it doesn't seem to go on the same as the other side which is a little bit weird but you know what it should be fine oh man that's super weird why can't i just do it the same as what i've done the other side okay well there goes the symmetry out the window i guess unless i do it like this maybe which looks a little weird but we might as well stick with it yeah this might be the strangest velociraptor you have ever seen i think it definitely is for me anyway okay you know what i think this guy is now t-rex ready and remember that hat that we gave him earlier well it's now a missile launcher hat we've also got a bunch of spikes on his back the harpoons of course extra armor extra spikes and now the t-rex is ready to be defeated at least i hope he is anyway here we go yes miss all away whoa holy oh my goodness the harpoons worked very well there a bit too well oh did we do it yes victory to this guy right here the velociraptor he's very springy pretty cool barely lost any health as well speaking of springy let's call him springy so how you spell it who cares now i think a lot of you saw this next suggestion coming and i saw so many suggestions saying the same thing but it says here day one of asking fighting to make a new army killer and use the dragon so here is the army killer and all the rest of them this guy is freaking out for some reason the army killer killer you good bro now as you know these are my most powerful units but because in the new arbs update we had the fire breathing dragon we can now make the army killer killer killer killer killer yeah i know it's getting pretty crazy now but here he is okay yeah i scaled down the dragon but yeah this guy is going to be pretty ginormous i've been making quite a lot of dragons recently but uh you know this has to be done we need the new army killer times five yeah i guess that's right so this guy's going to be insane so let's go ahead and change his stats 999. everything it's at my player 99999 boom okay now let's remove everyone else so this will be my brand new most overpowered unit i have ever made let me just make sure he can fly first hill giant can he fly of course he can looks like he is struggling a little bit because we scaled him up now because this unit is already extremely powerful we don't really need to do too much to him but i will give him some extra armor anyway extra weapons and so on i reckon we give this guy some nice yellow glowing eyes and some glasses because he likes to read after he's killed everyone now i am also going to give this unit bone spikes going all the way down his back but as you can see the attack multiplier for every single spike i give him is 9999 so even if an enemy touches one spike they are dead instantly bone spikes now added to his back and also his tail but this wouldn't be the most powerful unit if he didn't have extra weapons of course he can breathe fire which is extremely powerful but i think he needs plasma cannons so let's go for the yellow one right here and again 999 and i say we added let's see maybe we could have like one here and one on the other side wait what about on his wings oh that would look really cool like right here and then like another one here yes it's gonna be like a light show oh man there is no unit that will be able to stop this guy now unfortunately it does mean that these two will have to fight because we need to make sure that this guy is more powerful than this guy right here because you know he has got a lot of missile launches so we have to be careful with that but we should be able to win pretty easily i hope the army killer times five is now ready well at least i hope he is because he's about to take on the army killer killer killer killer so here he is i should probably actually remove glasses doesn't really work too well for this unit but anyway let me just go over a few things what i've done so we've got the grappling hooks on the side the harpoons lightning guns ballistas on the side there plasma cannons got flamethrower under his chin for some reason and yeah just plenty of spikes which are fully upgraded so if this guy cannot defeat the old army killer then um well we're gonna have to go back to the drawing board and add some more weapons right here we go start the battle yes oh that's good oh my goodness and just like that he's down he didn't even shoot at me maybe we need to bring him a little closer right let's try this again because we are on the largest map here okay here we go oh oh no we lost we almost killed him though all right we just need a few more weapons then you're tough don't you well prepare to die so honestly i think the way forward here would be to add more plasma cannons yes more plasma cannons here we go right now let's try this again we have more plasma cannons and i've also added a missile launch on the back but we got two there so hopefully we should be able to win now let's find out and no we lost again i have underestimated how powerful i have made this guy oh and now he's dead and now i've added even more weapons all right here we go again come on yes and we have done it so ladies and gentlemen i introduce you to the new army killer times five look at that you took no damage either well he's upside down what is that new skill yeah he looks pretty good and i guess he is extremely powerful my new most powerful unit but just to make sure let's go up against the army killer killer killer start the and of course we have one so let's go ahead and name this guy so we can't actually do this anymore we can't go the army killer killer killer killer because we we have no more space we we can't write anymore so what we're gonna have to do is the army killer x5 i guess is the best we're gonna do would it be x5 i'm just lowercase x4 let's just do that we can always change in the future but yeah the army killer times five and save this right here is coward co most of us are familiar with him probably the weakest unit in the game because he just runs away like a coward so yeah he's just being eaten by a tiger right now but what we need to do is actually make him overpowered because the next suggestion says day one of asking fudgie to make coward co overpowered so you know what i'm actually pretty excited about this and as you can see he cost like 50 cents is so cheap and he doesn't attack at all but here's what i'm going to do i'm going to increase his multiplier to 10. is that any point in actually increasing the attack my play doesn't do anything it just runs away but anyway let's go ahead and place him with the new stats now you might be thinking well he doesn't do anything he just runs away but if we add weapons to him let the weapons do all the work then we should be fine i was thinking we just add like a machine gun to his back make him face this way so when he runs away the machine guns fire at the enemy it's that kind of idea that i'm going for anyway i mean we could go down the other route of adding rocket launchers oh yes that could also work out cool come back there he is what about the um oh hang on a minute hang on a minute you can add stuff to his umbrella i did not know that what do we want to add a flame for oh we could have a flamethrower umbrella yeah you know what his umbrella will actually protect him when he's under attack let's add it on both sides now i know you're thinking you're probably thinking he's just going to get burnt himself well that's where you're wrong well actually i don't know if you're wrong or not i don't know if they can actually do damage themselves i guess we have to do some testing with that so there we go flamethrower umbrella is ready now i really want to focus on his back here because obviously he's going to run away so let's see i think we should add like tentacles but first we should add maybe somewhere for the tentacles to go something like this gonna look a little bit like doctor octopus or something then back to weapons steel tents cool oh yes here we go what's the best way to add them maybe like this or even like this up here and that works pretty well all right there we go steel tentacles now added three weeks later so i've not tested him out yet but i think it's fair to say that he is now battle ready check out his back he's got armor spikes and everything he's looking pretty good and his first enemy is going to be a philosoraptor all right here we go velociraptor should be pretty easy right okay run oh oh my goodness the umbrella it's so overpowered you took no damage whatsoever oh my this is insane all right we need a stronger unit there is absolutely no way coward co was winning this one i'm sorry i love this unit that i've made i love the concept behind it but there's no way guru is going to lose here we go coward cole start running now hurry go there go go go fire the flamethrowers come on whoa oh my goodness no no okay well we knew that was going to happen didn't we i guess he's not technically overpowered but he's way more powerful than what he was so you know okay let's just go for a hill giant just a regular old hill giant let's see what happens this time shall we hmm can coward cold do it oh big punch oh whoa that was weird has he done it he's done it yes all right guru i guess was just a step too far but oh he did take a lot of damage though look at that and his umbrella has got a weird okay but who else can he take down what about godzilla let's find out shall we oh okay well you know i was just kind of being stupid of course he didn't stand a chance sorry fella next up we have a giant praying mantis this is a fight i'm really not too sure about i'm pretty sure this is the most powerful insect in the game the giant insect anyway all right here we go oh that's bad no no no that's very bad okay we're dead yeah i think it's those slam attacks any units that hit me into the ground they just do way too much damage oh we got down to half health though so that's something i guess but anyway on that note i'm gonna end this one right here there's another video on the top right so make sure you go ahead and check that out also don't forget to comment like and subscribe and i'll hopefully see you in that video right there goodbye
Channel: Fudgy
Views: 199,667
Rating: 4.9162416 out of 5
Keywords: Fudgy, animal revolt battle simulator, animal revolt battle simulator godzilla, animal revolt battle simulator wyvern, animal revolt battle simulator fudgy, animal revolt battle simulator goro, animal revolt battle simulator gameplay, animal revolt battle simulator t rex, animal revolt battle simulator new units, battle simulator, animal battle simulator, arbs, godzilla, kozarog the demon, update, scourge, super animal royale, goro, dragon, dragon update, new units, velociraptor, custom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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