REMASTERED PIT BONNIE Crawled out of the BALL PIT.. - FNAF Killer in Purple Remastered

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what's up guys and welcome back to some more Five Nights at Freddy's killer and purple one remastered as you guys know in last video we just hopped into the new game and there is a new animatronic a new area and some other pretty fun Easter eggs and stuff in this game that we have yet to find but we know it's there and also there's a fully VR version of the game that we haven't even tried out yet so there's a lot here and we're going back in today because we're gonna be trying to find some more of it now of course if you guys are new to the channel be sure to subscribe right now you will not regret it first of all we're so close to 4 million subscribers and second of all we have this game early so if you like what you see here get subscribed I mean come on you'll see some more gameplay anyways let's go and press play and hop back into the game all right so we want to go ahead and hop into spring Bonnie and we need to get a thousand credits now why do we need a thousand credits well if you guys weren't in the last video uh we needed to unlock the kitchen which basically the kitchen is FNAF 2 which I can't wait to go there all right if you guys remember FNAF 2 we got Pitt spring Bonnie in there we've got just a bunch of toy animatronics and very fun things and of course that also gives us the opportunity to unlock sister location which will be a lot of fun all right so let's go ahead and hello come here oh no I clicked what am I clicking [Music] this is the second time I've accidentally clicked on Timmy guys can I get a Timmy in the comment section down below okay you know what let's get some love from Timmy Timmy the dog all right let's get some dog emojis and some timmies I don't know why but every time like you know uh whenever they say like someone's a noob at something or like they're bad at a game or they're new to it uh they always come with Timmy I don't know why though I guess Timmy why do they call him a Timmy I don't we're off track we're off topic right now he just okay he just ran outside all right doors exist for no reason in this game because he just opened it and I opened we both opened it together and he ran out all right well who do we got okay so we have one more here let's see if they'll follow nope all right let's oh wait I can use my guitar let's use it real quick might as well the problem is you gotta sit here and play it for like 20 minutes for one child like it's not really worth it but we'll do it why not you know why not let's have some fun here also why am I in the Halloween update for the game I watch my brother rexter's video and his game is normal it's September I just figure I was like oh okay it's close to October so you know maybe that's why I I don't know guys dude you should let you just like stab right here put him in the trunk of the car if you can somehow get them to come outside and I guess they'd follow you out there but that'd be kind of interesting like you put them in the trunk of your car and then like you get points for that too or something I don't know it's just little ideas I come up with that are very dumb okay so what do we got here 395 okay so I think we got like 95 for that one let's go and going again um I think no yeah let's stay at Spring Bonnie because I don't think the other characters have like uh abilities so might as well right all right come here follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me hello hurry hurry hurry come on okay stuck in the chair everyone after me come on no stragglers no one left behind oh dude a lot of them are following me oh this is gonna be a huge pay holy do I have every I think I got every single one of them following me oh my god oh no we got missed one dude that's it holy oh my goodness come on in here fellas come on in all right Pile in and goodbye goodbye goodbye no the body went outside the door I don't know why it does that come on everyone in here you go inside come on everyone in also I I like the YouTube posters be on the wall but am I the only one that kind of feels like it kind of throws off the uh how am I supposed to okay it kind of throws off the immersion of the game then again I don't know if you'd really want to be immersed in this game but like seeing giant posters like mine stuff like that and especially on the floors and stuff where you can accidentally click them kind of like okay I don't know man they're kind of everywhere at this point but yeah maybe that's just me all right let's get out of here what happened to the music by the way it just stopped okay he's just gone awkward exit all right that's fine all right what do we got here 516 it's going again um let's go ahead and do spring Bonnie and let's hop into this again I was gonna say one more time but I think it's gonna take a few here if anything though I think I'll just uh I'll cut to the part where we get it done let's just do that all right guys so we are just about on the I have a charge delay before I can use the the guitar dude this thing's awful um but we're just about to finish off the amount of money that we need to be able to unlock the kitchen here so I think if I were to get all of these I think I need a hundred and like three though I really hope this will get me over 100 I would assume so but let's find out okay so we've got a lot coming in here the oh my okay I think this is definitely enough holy back away children back away okay come on everyone down everyone I mean who's really scary though here if you think about it right like I'm just a normal guy in a suit right look at me I'm not that okay I'm kind of scary but they have creepy pumpkin heads on our heads for pumpkins I don't know what you want to call them but it's just creepy so I mean I'm more scared of them than they are of me I think all right let's go ahead and do oh wait there's one more here okay let's play the guitar for this one let's get this one to follow me back here okay come can I move thank you come on please follow yes okay we have enough I'm pretty sure if we get these two come on in everyone follow me that's every single child in the restaurant too yeah not bad all right come on in everyone pile and all right so goodbye and into the suit you go yeah that's def 22 points on top of 90. yeah all right we're out of here time to finally unlock the kitchen and uh see if there's anything new in there I mean of course it's all gonna be new because it's all remastered but let's see I'm pretty excited I like the outdoor area now though too besides the fact I'd Park in the middle of the parking lot I mean I guess so it makes sense for me to park there but 1055 let's go level two okay so what do we got now animatronic suits Time radar glasses less parents which Ah that's not really that useful uh I guess in a bigger area like FNAF 2 it is level three sister location and golden Freddy oh okay so I think what we're gonna go for here is animatronic suits I think that's our biggest bet here because they pay more um and wait is there one for more children no okay dang it all right so let's go and hop in let's play as spring Bonnie and wait what two oh that's cool you can choose her to spawn that's new I don't remember that all right here we go FNAF two let's do this here we go see what this looks like all right generating simulation and we're in we're in the where the Wizards are okay so this is where that's right I remember the suits now it's like Shadow uh Shadow Bonnie or Shadow Freddy and then there's like the Wizards over here okay cool all right let's see what's out here so out here we've got the bathrooms which we can open any secrets it like we know there's new Secrets like we know that oh okay I remember this one flush myself down the toilet I think this takes us yep the old man consequence let's see what this looks like now all right so what does he have to say to us though hello there player sit down and relax the simulation has nothing left to learn Goldie will keep you safe yeah okay buddy can I go in the water no it makes me like blind look I can't see why does it do that wait what I can't go over there either why is there an invisible wall right here what am I playing as by the way oh just normal purple guy well wait how do you get out of here then he always has these things into the game but they're always so hard to get out of like I remember I think it was killing purple too you had to like run into the lake to like get out of it but this one I have no idea how he would leave this besides just going back to the menu yeah let's just head back to the menu I mean it's cool but I'm just wondering if there's more to do there yeah I'm sure there is but I have to wait for uh see what golden Freddy says uh let's see here okay so back to Spring money FNAF 2. luckily we didn't do any of our job that that day because that would have been a waste but it's lost all of that all right here we go back in once again all right so um wait this is FNAF one oh wait we wanna wait wait I can connect the two locations can't I yeah this is oh look at a little golden oh look at that all right so this is huge all right we get them to follow us into this location or from this location to the other one but whenever you get the suits that pay more oh my yeah we're gonna we're gonna be making some huge money now like big bucks all right I'm talking gigantic money all right let's Get These Guys these guys to follow us and anyone else new in here also they have they have little pumpkin hats on now too or are they just normal hats but wait this is the elevator why is the door is there anything else in here okay so there's the elevator oh you can go out back I actually I do remember being able to do that I want to say yeah all right let's go ahead and get all these all right oh look red hat man that guy hasn't uploaded in years I think last I checked he like stopped uploading I want to say I could be wrong though but he's still in the game all right let's go so let's get all these guys to follow us over here now obviously wait let's check out the uh okay so you got some ball pits I heard oh Escape okay so that's obviously for after oh we have core on the wall um anything else in here Pizza I can eat that uh let's see here more pizza and that's about it okay so let's go ahead and head back and uh drop them into the suits here now this should be way more than a hundred because of how many I'm following me at least you would think I might as well play my guitar here because they're gonna be pretty far behind me I think go and get this one to follow me yeah look how far away they are all right let's head in here and uh do our job now I do want to go outside in that back area until we can spot anything because if I remember correctly I think that's where you find Eleanor but she could have moved somewhere else now in this update we'll have to see all right come on in here come on pile and everyone in oh my gosh there's so many okay here we go down here go home I think this could be a lot faster too though if you couldn't accidentally click on like doors and stuff and posters it's so easy to accidentally click on other stuff all right Indigo indigo how much do I get for this dude oh 154 already okay so this is gonna be like 200 a day not bad I mean I think it probably oh what end of shift oh I ran out of time wait earned point zero what do you mean huh wait I ran out of time so I don't get paid at all what no I did did I get paid I think I did that's weird okay yeah cause you can increase the time hmm I think I did get paid though all right let's go in again um we might as well start FNAF one and go to FNAF two no we it's better off starting FNAF two and then going to FNAF one because we don't have any suits yet until after this level after this one we'll be able to afford a suit so it doesn't matter follow me follow me come on everyone follow me please follow me I have a job to do that's all I'm trying to do right now okay sure it involves taking your lives but it's my job okay come on you can't hate me for it not like it matters anyways because you'll be dead you won't be able to hit me all right anyone else let's see follow me why do these guys have hats on though I wonder like what if you go into FNAF 2 they give you a hat or something like what's up with the hat I don't get it follow me follow me and follow me okay I think that is everyone oh there we go that should be everyone all right let's get out of here I know I saw the little golden Freddy uh Cinema plushie back there too follow me all right let's go and play our Guitar Hero wait for them to catch up and there we go so this should definitely be enough to afford a suit which is exciting all right everyone follow me look they're still back there dude they move so slow and they're running imagine if they were like walking come on in everyone come on everyone in holy everyone and everyone in come on come on come on all right there we go and now down you all go oh my dude there's so many of them hold on get away from the door I hate how they go up against the door like that because it's so easy to open the door on accident okay there we go down okay everyone in the suit now this is a huge payday dude this is massive another suit you go massive money right now oh come here no come here into the suit all right so this is already 230 yeah we have enough for sure we're gonna have over the amount that we need we could buy some more time oh my it's already 4 P.M yeah that might be an upgrade that we want because we're really short on time even though we get paid anyways but I don't know like I mean we could if we have extra money I guess all right end of shift 92 children I would have thought okay so I guess it doesn't stack from our previous playthrough because we had a lot all right so we have 744 now animatronics who we definitely need um the other stuff I'm not really looking for I mean the suit would be cool golden Freddy but the other stuff eh oh I completely forgot um we got to do the ball pit I gotta see um where are we starting okay let's start from F1 go to FNAF two actually if we're gonna check out the ball pool might as well go straight to it all right let's see what happens here hold on a minute all right so we're gonna go we're gonna skip past all this I want to go straight to the ball pit and see if what I think is in there is still in there all right straight this way through here the ball pit should be right to the right if I remember correctly I think in the email he said he updated it oh look you can see the ears how's he in both ball pits at the same time though can I oh my he's down there spring body here so wait oh my unlimited health wait what do I do it's unlimited I don't remember this fight at all like I remember it like it being in the game I don't remember what to do what do I oh I'm dead holy holy he has a jump scare I don't remember that but that was cool wait but what do I do there hold on okay let's spawn in FNAF 2 again we gotta do some experimenting you know what I'm saying we gotta do a little bit of experimentation on this uh fella right here all right let me which I'm always lost whenever I spawn in here okay so what did we do I thought last time right didn't we bring a child over here and it like grabbed him or something like there was a way to get him to come out of the ball pit but I I don't remember how I don't know how we would do this because like we can't get him to jump up here hmm and then if I fall in there it just starts to fight I don't okay let's what about this okay so wait it's only this side that you can fall into yeah huh all right here we go again all right so what do I do then he has like oh my whoa this is wait a minute can you come down here where is he oh there he is okay let's see if he can come down here there's Taco all right so here we go come on in here this is the sister location elevator though it becomes a staircase where is he he doesn't want to come in here yeah look he like doesn't want to come in here for whatever reason all right let's drop down and let's see what we can find in here this is interesting wait there's another one oh my what's he doing oh no okay he's alive okay uh what do I do red button I have to get him to step on it no okay we did something he just I I got a green button is there wait where does this take us what is this I'm stuck come on come on come on climb climb climb I want to know what's up here see I knew there was new Secrets uh see what's up here though so all the way at the top we've God uh why another Big Spring body no oh my God okay he can follow us in here though he's stuck wait this is FNAF 2. wait what we're on the other side of FNAF 2 now what what could this Act do what's our goal here I think we have the what error turn off security huh okay hold on down here we got another button that's two buttons down it's down okay Security's off now what I jump in oh what wait what did that do did I unlock no wait he is here though wait what unstable update Pitt spring money I don't know wait look look look look look behind look behind right there I got a little um a little pit spring Bonnie golden statue or something huh can I not buy him though I don't know what we just did uh maybe now I can unlock him though because I don't remember him being there before but I could be wrong like I remember we did players and at some point but I remember if it was the first or second game I think it was this one though um but interesting all right let's go in again to FNAF 2 and let's try out the new suit though but I want to go back into that Easter egg I feel like there's still more there or I mean maybe we did it like maybe it's just a way of unlocking pit spring money and that's it but we'll have to see all right oh dude look we got Shadow Freddy cool or Shadow golden Freddy looks like but all right let's go ahead and get these guys to follow us follow me follow me follow me I'm gonna get a huge payday from that suit though that new suit man oh my I think it's gonna be like if it's 20 I'll be oh my that's insane but let's see what happens here I mean even 15 will be huge let's get these guys to follow me as well follow me follow me no come on hello follow me come on everyone follow me dude hurry I got things to do man like putting you in Suits come on this way this way this way okay so I think that is everyone all right so we've got a huge crowd of them let's get them to follow us in here and obviously we gotta remember to close each of the doors because they will run as soon as they see the knife so we got to keep that in mind close both the doors and everyone inside come on everyone piling all right here we go knife wait what happened no I'm playing the guitar oh imagine he pulls you to the back room just to play a guitar dude like what the all right everyone down goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye and goodbye all right so let's see how much we get paid for this how much no Oh I thought that was dude I thought it was 125 points it's 25 that's humongous though like that's gigantic we're gonna be able to buy another suit in the other shoe like a thousand oh my dude this is huge all right we gotta make sure that we do it in front of the suit though because it's so much harder to like drag him over there how much do we get so it's like 500 per day more than that 550 575. holy moly goodness it's like a minimum of 500 though that's really oh hello make it 600 he was just waiting outside for me all right let's get out of here Escape you can't escape yet what what do you mean you can't escape yet what uh maybe is that like a new ending because I can just drive away why can't I escape through there maybe you have to pay for that or it only works if you like kill all of them or something I I don't know that's interesting though all right out of there we go and back to the menu okay so oh my how do I have 1400 Oh I guess I had money before that didn't I all right animatronic suit oh no we maxed it out okay um we can do let's do a Time increase because time is pretty short here um next we'll do less parents I think I don't know I mean golden Freddy would be a nice suit to have I want to know what his ability ability is I don't know why I said it like that ability his ability is uh let's do FNAF one here we go I'm excited to find those other like statues though it's cool those are in the game now at least they might have been the game before but I don't remember all right follow me everyone follow me yep yeah I know where your friends are right this way follow me everyone oh my gosh they're denying me all right there we go okay dude a lot of them denied you what how okay this is not good we are on the normal suit oh dude we got the shadow Bonnie the rxwy whatever you want to call it um follow me come on come on come on everyone I I wonder how much that is it gonna pay 50 per child now I don't know why they're not following me now but I think this thing's gonna pay massive at least you would assume so here come here it'd be kind of nice though if you could tell the children to like stay you know like you bring them into this room you just say stay and then they stay there I don't know I think it'd be kind of a cool feature all right everyone in and then there we go all right now right in front of oh wait no that's who yeah yeah over here over here wrong suit you're right like how they're just slowly walking like they're so scared that they're not even running they're just walking away how much do we get for this oh how much is that that's 50. that is 50. oh my goodness yeah we're gonna be able to buy everything now so fast next video man we got sister location and then after that I'm assuming the new level and then we are done well obviously we're gonna have a lot of Easter eggs to find but still all right is that everyone now can I escape through here can't escape yet I don't know why why is it saying that I don't get it I'm missing something obviously but let's get out of here head to our car and go out that way I do want to look for more some more secrets though after we buy uh whatever we're gonna buy here see what our options are the radar glasses are there but I don't remember what those are for like I think it's just to like see parents or something like that through walls or I don't think they're very useful from what I remember like I remember not using them um we could do less parents though no let's do golden Freddy I think I have enough for both yeah I do all right let's do um us parents there we go okay so now we got golden Freddy let's see what this guy's gonna play like golden Freddy imagine I just instead of running I just sit on the ground and move like that like float around everywhere that'd be so funny I imagine like Gmod for some reason all right so let's go ahead and do FNAF one let's go see what our ability is gonna be maybe like a lullaby or something I don't know teleport through walls in front of you what whoa okay okay this is interesting what uh I can just go through oh I mean I'm stuck in the wall though oh where am I okay I don't this is an interesting this is such an interesting character what do I look like by the way I got the GTA run dude look at me go I'm out of here fellas all right uh oh why is this red in here teleport but it's just a toilet teleport I could just go everywhere I want teleport no I'm stuck teleport oh whoa I got a reflection that's cool teleport what you just go anywhere this character is fun just to like mess around with it's like it's like you can hack you don't even need to like you know download any other software you can just hack wait I can't I can't teleport it here what's going on here well what's in there huh what are you trying to hide from me golden Freddy Cinema what's in there hmm this is gonna be fun though I want to just teleport in like random things like this right here this wall okay I'm in the table okay is this another it's another ball pit teleport into it oh what the how did I get how did I get here oh okay I must have went through the wall right yeah this is so fun okay teleport into here whoa oh I'm in Scott's office what the he's just relaxing you know all right okay I'm stuck get me out get me out what or I'm in I'm in the walls now I'm in their walls I'm in their walls dude wait wasn't there a secret if you ate all the pizza or am I remembering incorrectly I could have swore I think there is we're gonna have to try that in another video for sure but I want to wait look they're they're not Phantoms oh but they I guess they've always not been oh yeah because they're 20 animatronics duh I was gonna say did we finally get rid of this uh Halloween update all right well guys out of this video here though we did a lot this was fun in the next video though we got a lot more to do okay we gotta unlock the sister location we gotta go down there see what's up down there and we got to use this ability to like fly through walls or whatever and okay I can't why can't I go through this wall there's like certain walls what what can I go through this wall on them oh isn't this remember the door was there maybe that's why let me go through here yeah look wait what is this I just can't go through there interesting all right I'm in this video here though I hope you guys enjoyed subscribe right now if you're new and I'll see you guys in the next one thanks so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 630,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, killer in purple, killer in purple remastered, killer in purple remastered fusionzgamer, killer in purple vr, fnaf killer in purple
Id: OpLeD1lFwJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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