[Full Episode] The Caliente Stalker | Anna Lee Case 002 | The Sims 2 Series

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hello everyone welcome back to my series it is solved the unsolved with Anna this is not a new case in the cereal because actually I just want to tidy up my videos a little bit by doing the re-upload so if you guys have watched both video of the Kalyan testulcher and the boy in grief you can simply skip this video I hope to see you guys soon in my next case it's been a while Anna [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign PM I heard somebody ringing my doorbell and it was Nina Caliente Nina Caliente is my close neighbor she lives in 170 Main Street the country District together with her younger twin sister Dina Caliente Nina is a golf caddy at a local golf club and this is so interesting to me because she heard that I solved the amazing girl case in town recently so she came to me asking for investigation help and I was so excited to know what her case will be thank you she said that she felt like somebody unknown had been stalking her for 92 weeks wow the stalking case interesting she talked to me from where it started a couple days ago around 4 30 at down when she was about to leave home for work she found a flower bouquet in front of her door because the carpool already there so Nina just brought it inside and we'll check it later after work she returned from work around 11 in the morning and check the book right away there was a card on the bouquet that said lots of love to my pretty Nina from your long time secret admirer she asked her sister if the bookie was actually sound for her but didn't I just said that she was not even dating somebody and it was clear that Nina's name was written on it on the next day she also received the love letter from her mailbox but it was her twin sister Dina who found it the letter red hope to be with you very soon lots of love and kisses from your secret admirer Nina also said to me that she had not been dating somebody and none of her male friend or co-worker sent her the book you order letter two days after receiving the Love Letter Nina also received an email from her stalker which was creepier than the letter of the flower card because the center Greatwood is from the creepy secret admirer to the deranged stalker signing off as your long time secret admirer who has now become your stalker and Nina also said that the stalker always put this strange code on his or her letters and you could not explain since the code was not pronunciable I said to Nina that it will be better if I can see the letters and the email directly and so she invited me to come to her house on the next day foreign I arrived at Nina's house around 3 30. Nina said that she has been waiting for me I also saw her twin sister Nina Caliente in the dining room Nina directly showed me some flowers and letters that the stalker had been sending her all the flowers were red roses and to be honest I didn't expect that they would be this many they were four rose bouquets two rows and a face and also two love letters she said that she had been reserving these nearly every day for the past 10 days more or less nothing significant about the content but just the typical upgradings all the cards and letters were marked with the same strange signature code that she believed there were some by the same person which I agreed [Music] the last the creepiest and horrible gift from the stalker was two days ago it was a flaming bag of poo in front of her door which of course she has run away and just kept the picture as the evidence Nina told me that in the afternoon around three days after the first flower scent she has ever witnessed somebody whom she believed was a stalker in the doorbell she saw probably a man from the windows talking to the front door and rang the bell when she came out he ran away quickly before she was able to catch him or even just to take a picture or video as the evidence according to Nina he appeared with all black from head to toe long black leather coat black Boot and he covered his face with some kind of black ninja mask and also black goggles Nina was so scared and so as I know she really had no idea who Could That Be she said that her case was already reported to the police and still under the investigation after told me the story she took me to see the email sent from the stalker I saw the email carefully and asked Nina to also forward email to me and the email read Nina you choose other people over me I will be around as you know I love you you are very special to me and without you in my life there's only emptiness perhaps this is all supposed to happen some other way I love you and I only want to be part of your life I miss you very much you are my lady I saw you come home after the party at Puri and I only wish that I were at the entrance to your heart when you come home your longtime secret admirer who has now become your stalker and the code it is weird enough that the stalker using Nina's name as his or her email address to her personal email address at first I pronounced Gmail address as demo but then Nina made a correction she said it was Spanish so it's pronounced te amo te amo means I love you in Spanish the Caliente sisters are actually of Spanish descent on their father's side Flamenco Caliente who is now deceased so to me it also indicates that the stalker also knows about her family background which is really creepy [Music] as Damian mentioned that the stalker knew Nina attended the party at the pure on last Wednesday as she informed me so it seemed that he or she tries her all the way out there like some lost six stalker somehow I was still not sure if the stalker was really a man as then I should because he or she wore a full body covered outfit so I really still needed to dig out more clothes about that after getting so much information from Nina and also taking some pictures of the evidences I was leaving for home I said to Nina if I could manage my time I would go to the pure this evening hoping to get some more clothes for her case I was thinking about all the evidences Tina had showed me if the stalker was a somebody new and wanted to know make friend or date Nina he could just have asked Nia directly without being a stalker did it mean that the stalker was actually somebody that Nina has rejected for a friendship or a date or could it be somebody that cannot expose him or herself or having any relationship with Nina because he's a celebrity politician or an official person stalker in fact that the Caliente sisters are quite females in town especially Nina she's an active and easy going woman she holds access to some private and VIP Club in downtown the one that I could investigate at this time was pure and I went there after dinner [Music] I arrived at Pur around 9pm Pur or some call it pure is the dance club located in downtown area the club where people can dance on the Dance Floor have a go at the Electro Dance sphere or relax in the Hot Tops upstairs [Music] oh yeah I was chatting around with some people there and I saw an eccentric lady with a black dress somebody told me that the lady was narissa slew she's a professional party guest she's one of some famous people in downtown and people call her Miss Diva all right [Music] I really could not control my curiosity about everything happened in the club there was a darling looking guy arguing with woman I asked the bartender whose name Allah nakagi Alan said that the only thing he knew about the guy was a gas station attendant he often comes to the pure dressing inappropriately and making trouble with other customers hmm interesting I also asked Alan if you knew the Caliente sisters he said yes with excitement on his face especially Nina she's the loyal customer of the pure and gave him plenty of tips each time she came Allah informed me that on February 17 which is tomorrow there will be a birthday party of Mr Big in noodle Lounge I said who is Mr Big Allah laugh at me as I don't know about the most famous and richest guy in downtown oh my God I think I really need to go downtown Austin to know what's happening so the birthday guy was Peter Gregory people call him Mr Big Alan said that the party will be possibly attended by celebrity Paparazzi and other families in town since Mr Big has crazy popularity it was too late at night so I went home and I thought that I would call Nina tomorrow telling her about my findings at the pure and obviously I will ask her to give me some knowledge about some famous people in downtown would come to the birthday party and let's see if she could gain me an Access to also come to that Miss a big party at little lunch Nina called me before I did she said it was something important last night she received a phone call that she believed was from the stalker because the number was private so she preventively recorded the conversation she said the stalker was absolutely a man the phone call was like he's reading in a romantic poem in Spanish and hung up after his done I asked Nina just to email me the phone recording and also the written text of the poem plus the English translation since I didn't understand Spanish I also talked to Nina about Mr big birthday party she said she would definitely ask me to come together with her since she got the invitation for two and she also said that we need to come earlier so we can see all of the invited guests arriving because she said it was also possible if the stalker was one of the guests Nina said she will pick me up using her car since well her car is nicer than mine and that was really important to Mr Big and then also asked me to wear a long night dress at the party dress code I agreed with Nina and I said to her that I will study all of the windings after coming back from the party and hoping to get some more clues there here we are at the Lulu Lounge arrive around 1pm and the party will start on 2PM and wow I felt like a celebrity walking red carpet [Music] we decided to stand next to the entrance to see all the arriving guests it was 110 and the first guest arrives to Jose Paparazzi Amanda Cox Nina and him knew each other they met couple times at the party club suddenly we saw a slopped lady with a dirty t-shirt seemed that the security wanted to send her away and it reminds me about the gas station guy yesterday at the puree I said to Nina about the guy and she said that those guys are indeed a troublemaker she had ever thrown a drink at him because he crossed her out when they were at the pr a few weeks ago she hoped that the guy did not come throwing things today [Music] interesting so here in downtown we have not only Miss Diva and Mr Big but also another couple which is totally their opposite couple minutes later arrived The Not So Nice Miss Diva there is a slew the professional particles she wore a light yellow dress and walked elegantly on the red carpet followed by Ronan LaJoie the movie actor I know this one I mean I saw him many times on TV Nina said she and Ronan also know each other they met couple times at the golf club as we know that Nina is a golf Kitty and there it goes the guy for the party Mr Big or Peter Gregory we saw narissa came out to greet him by giving the hug Nina seems stunned by the Charisma of Mr Big she said she really wanted to get to know him closer but it was not easy for her the only chance she had was a week ago at the crypto nightclub she had a quick chat and drink before narissa took his attention away from her good [Music] y the next one arriving was tariadai the business tycoon with her limos in she's the biggest person from exceptional wealth power and influence in Sims nation and this is the first time for Nina to miss tariadai she was Miss a big special guest for the party we saw him come out creating stereo personally the last guest star coming was Mr Big's best friend Stefan player he's a famous comedian in town Nino didn't know this guy in person seventh player was the last star of the party guest list but we still saw some regular guests like us keep arriving the party was such a blast but to me it was a huge chance to gather all the clues analyze people for the soccer suspects since most of the guests were Nina's connection thank you [Music] thank you we decided to return home earlier than the others because I said to Nino that I still had a lot of things to be started about her case we talk inside the car and before leaving Nina said that she really had the interest in Peter Gregory but as I could see that narissa was always on her way you'd also said that Peter probably had a romantic relationship with narissa but that was only claims by narissa herself Peter was so private about his love life nurse also had a little clash with stadia because she felt that Peter was nicer to her but seems that Daria had no love interest in him study I just like to connect with people that can hear benefits either for her money business or popularity but not for love as we know that Peter has those factors for benefiting her I asked Nina about her suspecting somebody in the party she said it could be narissa because since she didn't want anybody being closer to Peter than she was and it could be also Ronan since Nina has ever rejected him for a date but after listening to the stalker on the phone she became not so sure about that because the stalker was reading the form like he fluent in Spanish and knowing the party could speak Spanish as in the news so far but who knows everything was left for me to solve I arrived home around 10 pm and started analyzing the clothes I gathered so far started from the film recording which did not send me this morning are you as curious as I was so here it went a recording hello Crystal today hello who is this hello hello well I did not speak Spanish so I just agree with me now if the stalker was fluent in Spanish so did Nina whether or not somebody could just easily took that poem reading from the internet also send me the text versions of it and the English translations as I requested [Music] so what do you think guys do you have any thoughts so far about who the stalker was if you do by now you can post a video and write your thought in the comment below and see if you guessed it right at the end of this case following up the recording I type a line of the poem trying to search the info about it in the internet and it led me to this article I went through line by line and the fact that this was India the Spanish poem title I'm more eternal or eternal love in English written by Gustavo Adolfo Baker my searching continued to the writer and brought me to the wiki patch of his biography the side red Gustavo Adolfo Baker was a Spanish romantic poet and writer I read a whole page of it and found something intriguing he was born on 17th February 1836. do you guys remember the date it was also Pierce aka Mr Big it was clear that he mentioned his birthday date in his greeting speech yesterday I had a video recording about that was it just a coincidence well to me he was one of the potential stalkers but I still needed a valid proofs I also checked gustavo's signature just to make sure whether or not it had some similarity with the stalkers which in fact it does nothing look alike and here was the video recording of Pierre giving his birthday species a day I just wanted to check if he got the same or similar voice to the stalker [Music] so at long last it's my birthday the day I've been looking forward to for so long I couldn't be happier today because everyone is here to film part with joy into the last name the best part is that no one is missing and everyone has shown not today thank you all so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to help me and make this celebration more graceful indeed this goes above and beyond what I could have asked for [Applause] what do you think guys is this voice the same with the stalker reading the poem I personally do not think it was him Peter's voice sound deeper than the Spanish one but still not sure sure about that believe nothing you hear and only one half that you see remorse are usually false and sometimes the things we see can be misleading until there is a proof it had been hours since I was on my desk let me now finish my investigation board before I go to sleepy I pinned a letter from the stalker with a signature code first and these are my suspects the first one was narissa SLU or Miss Diva as Nina suspecting her because she knew that she also had a crush for Peter so she could be paying somebody to do the terror to Nina the second one was Peter Gregory or Mr Big even though the voice and his personality did not match the stalker but the fact that his birthday date was the same with the boy whose poem read by the stalker on the phone could not be something to ignore the next one was Ronan lajoa whom Nina rejected for a date they often met at a golf club number four was awanakagi the bartender at the pure I put this boy as his Sim fancy Nina and of course he knew that he would not be able to get close to her moreover he was the one who told me about the birthday party of Mr Big critically I could assume that he framed Mr big as a stalker by the poem a spot had the same birthday date too far thought but why not number five was the Troublemaker guy the gas attendance was named still unknown Nina said that she had ever insulted him in front of people by throwing him a drink so I thought it could be enough reason for him to give Nina the Revenge by the back of poo in front of the door as he was humiliated before by Nina I also put the paparazzi Armando Cox on the last list well for this one as a Paparazzi he could use his skill to sneak out taking pictures of Nina and becoming her secret admirer it would also be easy for him to track in out there finding out which clubs in Awan knowing somebody's address and even family background will not be difficult for him especially about somebody that he secretly admire as we know that the stalker sent her email flowers letters directly to her house and he also knew Nina's father was Spanish and here are all Clues I could list down a stalker was flown in Spanish he wrote the poem by Gustavo for Baker amore eterno the signature coat that I still needed to crack the date 17th of February and the genre which could be 80 male [Music] I was really too tired at that night so I stopped my analysis before cracking the code I really needed to focus on it tomorrow before I called Nina and 6 PM was my own deadline thank you in the morning I got a call from the Caliente but it was Dina Ina's twin sister I thought dadina wanted to tell me some other Clues but it was the opposite she asked me to stop the investigation she said that all of these are just scenario Fina herself Dina accused her sister maybe a slight of lunatic or perhaps there are split personalities of her at play here so there were not any stalkers at all when I thought again there was still a possibility of dinner being right but it could be also the twin sister rivalry as I found in my previous case in person family remember Lilith and Angela um maybe I should also put in on a suspect list but I also see the internal conflict Brewing when she found out that the stalkers will ore in her head I'm not sure what's worse being stalk or being once on Earth's enemy but for now I really need to focus on cracking the code so I checked again the letter from the stalker that Nina gave me I saw the code carefully and closely you know what when questions far outweigh the answers sometimes the answer is telling you right in the face have you guys just post a video and write the comment if you also have the code cracked and continue to watch because I will reveal it shortly so now let's go straight away to my computer and crack the code I tried to recreate the code and if my analysis was right I just need to put all of the characters close to each other rearrange the order and flip them one by one like you saw them through the mirror and voila I got you Peter [Music] so guys tell me about your decoding will you get it right are you know in the same page with me still not valid enough for accusing then I moved on on the flowers in fact that we could not find any floral standard in Pleasant viewer downtown so having those red gross bouquet so I surf the Internet here and there until it led me to this newsletter published a year ago and oh my God I found some extra puzzle pieces here it published with the people on the picture Peter starya narissa Ronan and I don't know these two and Ross bouquet and the News read Mr big birthday for the opening of De la Rosa florist Peter Gregory or Mr Big has announced the opening of the LaRosa florist in Bluewater Village coincide with his 35th birthday celebration in crypto nightclub Wednesday 7th February 2021 the forest runs for his friend from college Florence De la Rosa in Bluewater Village she I comes the beauty of the Magnificent dry roses that you will not find in any other flower stores in town wow so that was why we couldn't find those bouquets here they were only sold by the florist named De la Rosa in Bluewater Village and I believe that the ladies done posing next to Peter was Florence De la Rosa the owner [Music] then I searched about the Dolores of florist it opened and located in 15 Lake Middle Circle Bluewater Village so I do not want to waste any time I gotta go out of town for investigating the red rose bouquet and I guess it would take me around two hours driving to Florida Village and it was 1 pm when I left home [Music] after nearly two hours driving I arrived in Bluewater Village 15 Lake Middle Circle where the Delarosa florist was located when I entered the store the smell was so flowery nice and their special battling white rose bouquet were displayed right on the center of the store and there was a lady approached me I believed she was the owner on the florist Florence De la Rosa she said I came right on time since she just restocked the store with the fresh roses she also showed me another bouquet of roses with different colors that she sells in her store before suddenly I got the incoming call the call was from Nina she told me that she had just received another letter from the stalker and it was different from the usual the letter was in the black envelope with the red School Wax Seal stem the letter word you shall suffer no one can help and no one can protect she said it was getting serious she will see the police to get the output of her case I said to Nina to it from me and set the police together because I was closer to the truth to uncover the stalker and I promised her that I will bring along the valid proof about who the stalker was since I have cracked the signature code but I did not tell her yet that it was actually close to 100 that the stalker was to Mr Big the guy that she admired all this time now let's get back to the florist I said to Florence that I came far from Pleasant Futures to hunt that famous red roses bouquet because you do not sell them anywhere else I told her that I was looking for this bouquet for my important business partner Peter Gregory she was excited hearing that name she said Peter was also her friend Florence said that Peter ended a big fans of the red roses and also the Snapdragon so I made a perfect choice she also said that recently Peter made a huge order like 20 of red roses bouquet wow that's it I got another piece of puzzle to place she asked if I wanted her to send that directly to 125 Waterfront Drive in downtown I pretend to know the address before she confirmed that it was Peter's house I just said to her that I will give it personally to Peter myself and thank her for offering me the service I was so happy that I just got another piece of puzzle unexpectedly so guess what's next yes sneaking out in 125 Waterfront Drive in Pleasant View downtown the house of Mr Big here I was one to five Waterfront Drive where Mr bigley well I will be surprised if the house was not this big and I saw nobody pick up the newspaper so I hope no one in the house at that time otherwise I will have to create another story I went right to the front door and I could not believe what I just saw there was a Spanish boy panting hanging on the wall and the red roses bookies are all over the place so I pick up my phone to record this absolute proof that was the painting of Gustavo Adolfo the Spanish poet and of course the red Rose's bouquets and letters usted a black Terran left her Nina say to me before and was that Nina I gotta go quick are you guys as shocked as I was now I needed to go back home to put all the puzzle pieces together before meeting Mina and the cops I was so excited he had exhausted I was printing all of the evidences I collected from Mr big house and will bring them to the police foreign [Music] she said she was in Red's famous 50 dinner waiting for the police they had the appointment at 7 30. I said to Nina do not be shocked because the soccer was Peter AKA Mr Big she said she could not believe what I just said I might be wrong because the police said to her that they have already got the sauce back and he was not Mr Big wait what I better get going now [Music] when I arrived at the cafe I saw the police car parked before me so I guess Nina was already on the meeting at that time there they were I joined their travel right away it was officer appreciate the piece the one that also handled my previous case before and also officer Jordan Hamilton so before they told me their suspect I submitted my evidences for accusing Peter Gregory as the stalker they were quite surprised and just said that Michael station to him did not make any sense I also told them about the bookcase and also the signature code I was really curious who their suspect was and they showed me the picture of the blonde guy and he was the gas station guy a troublemaker they also showed me his employee ID card and his name gave me chills Adolf Gustav born 20 to December 1991. is it coincidence that his name is similar to the Spanish poet Gustavo Adolfo Baker and the date I need to make sure since I remember that I have ever read that somewhere on the other photo I saw another attendant when I looked closely she was the dirty looking lady I saw at Mr big party another troublemaker said that she was Solvay Jordan adult's co-worker the boys have been coordinating with her to shed the light on this case since Solvay was a close enough to Adolf and they were working together in racetrack for three years oh great the two troublemakers working together the officers took my evidence in submission and they said that they will definitely consider about it the requisition on Adolf Gustav was not final they still needed to collect more valid proofs about him being a stalker Nina looks so depressed at that time I tried to comfort her and to as fast as I can to solve her case I said to Nina I will go to racetrack gas station after this to speak with Solvay yeah I arrived at a restaurant gas station around 8 40. 3 and I saw ladies sending lazily solve a Jordan I introduced myself as a private detective investigating the stalker case which involved her co-worker Adolf Gustav she said two police officers have been in touch with her for the past couple days asking about Adolf she welcomed me to talk and led me to the corner of the shop next to the car Park area she said this was the place where employees having a break time for meals and hang out with each other then she began to talk Solvay and Adolf first met in this gas station they had been co-worker for three years she joined the company in April 2019 just a week before Adolf she explained me that there were three shifts for the gas station attendant and in here they have seven attendants and she was on the evening shift today together with Victor McLennan and Adolf had morning shift today which was 7 AM to 5 30 in the evening and he went home around 6 30. but yesterday Adolf went home earlier around 1pm he was feeling unwell so she had to come earlier to pick up and sis of his face was so pale that Sylvia convinced that he was sick I said to solvey that I saw the employee car of Adolf and it was written that the car was issue on April 2021. and she said that it was because the company policy to renew the ID card of every two years so that the car the police had was actually out of second card she also showed me their previous card that I had it was written that the first card was issued two years ago which related with what Jordan said about the company policy I asked if by any chance she had employee file with Adolf signature on it and she showed me this the goods delivery for the store receipt that Idol signed for their store manager Dominic gray who was not in the office at that time and of course I was not surprised it was not a code it was just a usual signature of Adolf Gustav well I got it so that was how he did it that was how he was poor Peter Gregory I mean Adolf Gustav and the police did a good job on their investigation by putting Adolf as the suspect but just one thing that they still did not notice I thank sulfate for her time and information and I went back home with peas in the Hat I would definitely sleep well after this exhausting long day now while I'm sleeping I leave it to you guys to put all of the puzzles into place and make your own conclusion [Music] [Music] thank you how may I help you officer and off Gustav you are under arrest for the stalking of Nina Caliente you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law you have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford one one will be appointed for you but off he said I was not stalking Nina that was how I express my love to Nina Caliente [Music] a man named Adolf Gustav accused of stalking a woman arrested by the police's officers from Pleasant View downtown Police Department after more than a week of Investigation this morning the suspect has been located and in his house 37 Graves Avenue Pleasant View downtown the officers found the black goggle and mask in his cabinet at his locker room in racetrack gas station where he works the valid proofs also found in his house some painting and photos of the woman of his victim collected and painted by the suspect can be found in the living room kitchen and also his bedroom people who stalk victims and devastate their lives can be sent to jail for longer the maximum custodial sentence available to the courts for stalking will increase from 5 to 10 years and from 7 to 14 years if the offense was racially or religiously aggravated [Music] okay good morning guys is there any news about Adolf Gustav I wonder if the police has arrested him [Music] foreign you must wonder how I could sleep with peace in the head while my accusation was to Peter Gregory or Mr Big with all of the valid proofs I have collected but the one that was arrested was Adolf Gustav well let me explain you then Pierre Gregory was medically identified of having dissociative identity disorder or it is also called the ID or multiple personality disorder did previously called multiple personality disorder is usually a reaction to a trauma as a way to help a person to avoid bad memories a did is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality identities each may have a unique name personal history and characteristics when Adolf was integrated he said he didn't know Peter Gregory at all and he can change to be Peter in just a split second and same to Peter that he didn't know who Adolf was and he was so shocked finding himself in a jail when he knew nothing about a crime Adolf did India and his imprisonment punishment was delayed by the guarantee of his own Peter was sent to the hospital to get his diary therapy which was cognitive therapy it can help individuals with dissociative disorder focus on iron Divine unhealthy negative behaviors and replace them with the positive ones and for Peter it was for the uncertain time [Music] I got a call from Nina she was so relieved that her case had met its end but yet she was still shocked about what happened it must be confusing to her that the stalker was actually the one that she adored but in different identity and character thank me to all my assistants supports and efforts I met for solving her case and she said that she just transferred me to thousand Simoleon to my bank account as her gratitude [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] so guys what do you think about my second case did you find it interesting should I be a private detective instead and start to open my own office [Music] anyway thank you so much guys for watching and see you soon in my next case I'm really looking forward to having the one that is more challenging bye bye [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just a minute before this is the extended story about the stalker himself Mr B AKA Peter Gregory AKA Adolf so happy watching foreign story of the previous case will take you back in time to the childhood of a boy called Peter McLennan or as you know now as Mr Big or Peter Gregory he is the main personality of this person and Adolf Gustav is the second personality born from his childhood trauma when he was 5 years old [Music] Peter McLennan was born on 7th in February 1986 from a single mother named Bianca McLennan and his mother lived in a small house in Spain the country where his mother loved the most and where she started her career as an artist [Music] on the age of five he lost his mother by the terrible car accident in 22nd December 1991. [Music] then he was raised and taken care by his own Ernie Andrews until he moved the Pleasant View on the age of 18. smother Bianca McLennan was an artist and she was fluent in Spanish Peter was thought Spanish by his mother since he was a baby and become also fluent by the age of five mother was a fan of Spanish laser chore and admired the Roman's form written by Gustavo adelophobic here his mother always read him the poem as his lullaby and the one that Peter listened the most was amore eterno he became so depressed by the loss and was sent to the hospital by his aunt fundamental illustrophy as Peter grew he tried hard to forget all the bad trauma and memory he had about her mother he then changed his surname to Gregory the name he took from his grandmother's maiden's name by the age of 18 as he owned his first ID and graphene license but little did he know that another personality who still could not move on from the loss was still kept within himself it could be said that he's another personality a man with Spanish accent Adolf Gustav was born within himself on 22nd December 1991 the time when Peter lost his mother [Music] how is it doing with the school [Music] you have no appetite do you know resp friado Peter was struggling with the dissociative identity disorder and was not aware that he had it as in most case and different with adults he neither could speak Spanish nor paint all he knew and remembered was his mother passed away by the car accident even though he was not Spanish but he had Spanish accent when he spoke that was because the only language that his mother taught him was Spanish Adolf just learned English when he was in January high school but he never used English in his diary I don't like this jacket are you feeling okay [Music] did you sleep well [Music] what did you do today [Music] what would you like to drink [Music] would you like some coffee gracias I ate a hamburger and ordered another [Music] place [Music] Peter Gregory moved to Blossom view downtown on the age of 22 and started to build his own life by the money he inherited from his mother wow [Music] he grew as a successful investor in some business lines throughout the downtown he became more popular as he also reached his popularity in town by becoming a professional party guest by the age of 29. the nickname Mr big was actually the abbreviations of boy and grief he made it for himself when he was six in the opposite of what he showed to people that they were big refers to the big house big money and property he has no one knows exactly the sad story behind his nickname Aspera was keeping his family background and personal life as a deep Secret [Music] the name Adolf Gustav itself was inspired by his Mount Everest Spanish poet Gustav fotol for Baker Peter Still kept her portrait painting of the poet created by his mom a long time ago not only the name but Peter also changed his appearance to be his other personality he decided to wear the blonde wig and also put on the gray contact lens and also change the way he dressed as a spit personality has a very opposite character from himself instead of the painting he also has the same liking with his mom about a Snapdragon flower and also the red roses he decorated every corner of his house with those bouquets [Music] different from Peter Gregory Adolf Gustav is quite the opposite he still could not move on from the loss he had about his mother he has an introvert personality and bad luck and money and career Adolf Works in a gas station and never get any promotion for the past three years he never uses bitter's money which actually his money for Living he runs a small house in downtown and just leave from the money he got from his job as a gas station attendant he is not an easy going person his cycle is just some co-workers he has at work and the closest one is Solvay Jordan [Music] in related to the previous case he started admiring Nina Caliente from the first time he saw her but as Peter and I was not actually his type [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] so guys that was the story of Peter Gregory and his other personality Adolf Gustav I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for watching and of course see you soon in my next case bye bye [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: My Sims Journal
Views: 8,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #thesims, #thesims2, #detective, #ninacaliente
Id: O0dELY6nsek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 9sec (3609 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.