Can You Deep Fry a Dry-Aged Steak in a Wok? — Prime Time

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- [Ben] Whoa! - That doesn't look like what it looked like before. - [Brent] No. - [Eric] So this oil is very much on fire and I need something to... - Eric! (lid clanking) - So our friend Eric at 886 has a steak on his menu that he wok sears. Brent have you ever wok-seared a steak? - No, I don't own a wok. - Me neither, you know something about steaks though. - Know a thing or two about steaks. So we are going to bring our expertise of steaks to his expertise of woks. - And together with our powers combined we'll rule the world. - Of wok seared steaks. - Of wok seared steaks. (upbeat music) You're probably wondering what's up with this big hunk of meat that I'm standing next to. This is a rib-eye. - I've grilled rib-eyes, I've pan seared them I'm a little curious and skeptical of how this is going to work 'cause wok searing it just sounds like it might burn the hell out of it but not necessarily cook it all the way through. - But we're no chefs and Eric is and he says he can do this. Right now Eric has the hanger steak for his black pepper steak on the menu. He mentioned he wanted a few different options to try something new, that is why we're thinking that rib-eye is the cut to go with. We figure the number one thing that we can do is prep out a couple of different ways of cooking the rib-eye. We are going to start with our dry-aged rib-eye which is why this looks like one funky monkey on the outside. The rib-eye is one of the pricier steaks on the animal and I think it's one of the cuts that actually really lives up to the price tag. It is consistent always, it's tender always, is one of the fattier muscles. You know what you're getting with a rib-eye and that's why the rib-eye's the rib-eye and the rib-eye's the rib-eye. Brent, we are at the point where I'm tired of talking about the damn thing and I just want to do the thing, what do you think? - Lets cook some steaks. - Lets cook some steaks! (upbeat music) All right Brent, I got my rib-eyes, cleaned a couple of them up already, got a couple more. I grabbed a hanger because why would we not eat four steaks today? After all it is a Monday, so let's eat four steaks for breakfast. - Uh hmm. But if this is our control that Eric is already using, just curious, how is it different than the rib-eye? - Just curious, couple of curious boys. We're gonna do it a couple of different ways, right? - We're gonna sous vide one, we're gonna smoke one and then one 'au naturale' but with a wok it's gonna be black and blue, it's gonna be a super, super hard sear. - Yeah. Let's hit the road. (upbeat music) So as you know we have the black pepper steak on the menu, it's currently the hanger stack. - Right. - We want to see if we can bring that up to more like a steakhouse kind of thing. Blended with a Taiwanese night market style. So the rib-eye was the perfect choice and we'll see how we can cook these babies on a wok. - Is that something you typically do? I've never heard of that but like searing large proteins on a wok just doesn't seem very typical. - It's pretty simple honestly. You have high heat, and you have the protein. We came about this technique really 'cause we are a small kitchen and we do quite a bit of turns at night and just needed something that's just really efficient in terms of searing meat. One day I was like, "F*** it, let's throw it up on a wok," and it turned out great. You get that really nice American steakhouse char on the protein - Uh huh. - but the inside doesn't cook as much. - I'm super excited. - I'm super intimidated. I know we all haven't had breakfast yet, so I hope you're hungry. We have our sous vide to 125, we have our smoked to 125, we have our raw and then we have the hanger because that's what you're using now, we figured we'd bring a constant - All right. - to see how these actually interact a little bit more. - So let's cook some steaks. - [Eric] All right lets do it. I'm going to do the smoked one and then you guys do the other two. Any wok you need to season it with a little bit of oil, it does impart on the flavor of everything it used to be cooked with, so oiling it constantly and consistently is very key. - I mean it's gotta fry in there. - Exactly. And you want the oil to be kind of like the cooking vessel between the super hot wok and the steak itself. - [Ben] All right let's do this thing. - [Brent] Let's wok in roll! -'re fired. I can't fire you but I think I just fired you. (pan searing meat) Oh yeah. - [Eric] Literally, we just keep moving it. - [Ben] Fat, fat and a lot of heat. - [Eric] Fat, fat and fire. (meat searing in pan) - [Ben] Dude you got steakhouse sear in 30 seconds. - [Eric] Yup. All right, so who's next? - I want to do it. - All right. (pan searing) - I'm going to do the sous vide one. (grease popping) (meat searing) Wow, you can see like that fat, like already cooking off. Wow. I think we're good. - [Brent] It's a beauty. - [Ben] That's a healthy sear. Good god that was so fast. (metal wok clanging) (chanting and clapping) Black and blue! (chanting and clapping) Black and blue! (oil popping) - [Brent] Needed some flames, flames on the outside. There we go! - [Ben] How do you know you're cooking if it's not on fire? (Eric laughing) - [Brent] That's what I always say. Yeah that's what I expected. - So I'm going to do the hanger steaks right now, like how we do them in the restaurant. - Okay. - And I guess we can compare it to the rib-eyes. All right. (meat searing) - I have never seen a hanger come off of a grill or out of a pan looking like that before. - Yeah. - All right, we have five cooked steaks, we should probably eat them all, in the name of science. (upbeat music) - [Brent] So let's start with the hanger. - [Ben] Sounds good. - This is our constant. - Yup. - [Brent] Pretty nice crust on the outside. - [Ben] Yeah. - Mmm hmm. - Mmm hmm. - Mmm. - So the char does add like, a slight smokiness to the general flavor. - It's very similar to being grilled but way more crispy. - [Ben] Black and blue? - [Brent] Black and blue. - That is incredibly tender. - Yeah, like it just completely falls apart. - Yeah you can't normally do that with a steak, you can't just with your hands - [Eric] Yeah. - boop. - My only hesitation about this was that black and blue can sometimes be a little bit chewy. - [Ben] This is the opposite. - So tender, so crispy on the outside. Curious of the sous vide and whether that actually broke down the fat but usually sous vide steaks are a little bit more mild. - [Eric] Yeah. - So, curious where we ended up. - [Ben] Well it looks tender. - [Brent] It looks incredibly tender, the giant piece for you. - Yup same thing, just kind of pulls apart. - Incredible, but to be frank, I think I prefer the black and blue. A, it's less work. (laughing) B, I think by just searing it and letting the residual heat kind of carry over the cooking while resting, you get a little bit more of that beef flavor and some how this is, in my opinion more tender than this. - I know, super surprising. - These steaks were like literally right next to each other on the animal. These are all from the same loin so there really shouldn't be any discernible differences from the raw material. All right let's try this smoky boy. - [Brent] I know, I'm so excited. - [Eric] Yeah. - I didn't think the smoke was going to do anything to it but this definitely tastes like beef bacon. - Yeah. - You know how like, little ends of the bacon burn a little bit? It's got a little bit of that flavor, it's got all of the smoke, it is super beefy. In talking about the menu, what do you think, where are you going? - Yeah, so I think, between these two cuts of meat it's a very fundamental difference. The hanger steak is going to be a little bit chewier, it does have all the beefy notes that we would want but the rib eye is just a different experience. That's what we set out to do, is to almost have steakhouse quality steak in a weird Taiwanese restaurant and I think rib-eye is our way to go in terms of the black pepper steak. - So everyone at home, tear the oven out of your house, - Yup. put in a f****** wok and cook everything in it. - Yes - Yes, Literally everything. - Yeah. Wow, cheers. - Cheers guys. Thank you so much for coming. - Guys, we made some good steaks today. - Thanks. (upbeat music)
Channel: Eater
Views: 1,230,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, cooking steak, wok, wok-frying, wok-frying steak, wok-fried steak, cooking with a wok, cooking steak with a wok, Taiwanese food, Taiwanese NYC restaurant, 886, 886 nyc, 886 Taiwanese Restaurant, The Meat Hook, Prime Time, rib-eye, rib-eye steak, dry-aged meat, dry-aged steak, dry aged rib eye steak, Taiwanese steak, Eric Sze, eater,, food, restaurant, dining, dish, foodie, chef, foodshow
Id: D0WLa0U9Yuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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