New Moon in Libra 6th October 2021

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[Music] hi everyone pam gregory astrologer i'm going to be speaking to you today about the first half of october and the new moon that we have in libra coming up on the 6th now october is going to be an incredibly powerful month particularly towards the second half of the month the energy builds if that's possible so and uh that will be i think very important for the us as well but more of that in the next video but i do see october as pivotal it and whatever develops in october will really set us up for 2022 so super important the pace is picking up many of us can feel it and it really um surged i think at the libra equinox i'm filming this just before the libra equinox but already the energy is so strong people are having difficulty sleeping myself included i'm kind of wired to the mains people are talking about headaches migraines because the energy is coming in so powerfully and so fast because we're in this period of accelerated ascension this is what we're moving into the next six months this is really the beginning of six months of crescendo of events crescendo of energy and events so it's going to be intense and it's going to be fast moving and and the fast moving has really started already but particularly because we've got a change in direction of several important planets that i'm going to be talking about so um there is a huge fork in the road i've been talking about this for er for four years now since 2017 and the divergence of those tracks is getting wider by the day and so we've always been in our own individual reality but our individual realities are now more different more diverse than they have ever been and they're two kind of broad trajectories of of collective timeline that we're looking at here so choose wisely and be very aware of your focus where you're putting your attention it's so easy to slip back to the the drama and the 3d and um i've had particular personal circumstances in the last few months that have kind of tried to drag me back to the 3d and it's so easy to get caught up in all those anxieties whereas i've had to be really tough with myself in terms of walking my talk i i generally always walk my talk all the things i share with you but boy have i had to be stressed with myself so choose wisely and be very conscious of where you're putting your focus and attention so the month starts strongly right from the kind of get go from the first of october because we have mercury in an exact um by degree t square to heiress and pluto mercury is 24 24 31 in fact of libra and it is um opposing heiress in aries 24 of aries and squaring pluto 24 of capricorn so this is again highlighting this long long running eris pluto square that we've had all through 2020 all through 2021 and with mercury in libra this is potentially bringing up more angry words but also issues around the law we are in libra season in october and remember that the two signs that are linked to the law are libra the scales of justice and also sagittarius the truth and venus moves into sagittarius on the 7th of october so i think this is a very big month for potential legalities there are hundreds of cases going on all over the world but they may come to the fore in a bigger way um this month i would say they'd be on mainstream media but um they may become more prominent so that t-square is very strong however it's also important to say because this is about kind of angry words on the street for fairness and justice and equality um and iris is always the street fighter as you as you know she's very feisty but remember she's also the goddess of awakening female awakening and she's the patron saint of of chaotic creation i discovered i was so excited about so there is purpose in this it isn't just mayhem for the sake of mayhem it is purposeful to get us to a higher place but it is going to be it is going to be gritty and it is going to be loud i think and i want to say through these next six months the grittier is going to get the gritty is going to get grittier the tougher is going to get tougher and the good is going to get way better way better and i'll talk a little more about that as we move through so this square between eris and pluto just before i get there actually i want to come back to the first the first of october so i've talked about mercury in that t-square very interestingly with mercury being at 2431 of libra she is exactly um conjunct the fixed star arcturus and uh mercury was conjunct the fixed star arcturus at the libra equinox and will also be on the 1st of november so it's a kind of three-hit conjunction and arcturus um and thank you to stephanie austin who reminded me of this edgar cayce had talked about arcturus as the highest civilization in the galaxy a nick forensic astrologer talks about the um symbolism of arcturus being to help to guide souls to their evolutionary fulfillment so this is beautiful this is very high level and whenever planets are exactly aligned to these points in the heavens these fixed stars we can it's like a hotline to that particular symbolism so here we can get downloads of higher galactic knowledge it's that kind of a feeling where we're plugging back into the galaxy in a bigger way because you probably know that the earth has been offline for a long time it's now stepping back into its role in the galaxy we're all becoming galactic citizens in a bigger way now the intensity intensity is a word i'm going to be using an awful lot in the next six months but the intensity of this eris pluto square has been great i think very easy to see to remind you eris tends to be on the street demanding fairness equality everybody needing to be heard nobody excluded in society demanding that but running up in the square against top-down government rules regulations authorities etc particularly top-down capricorn um organizations governments it has recently been in its fourth exact square and now they come to that fifth and final exact square and that's going to be on the ninth of october now we won't just feel it on the ninth we're filling it over this entire period because eris and pluto are barely moving hovering around that 24 degree point and by the way if you have anything 24 to 26 degrees of the cardinal signs aries cancer libra capricorn are you going to be feeling intensity in your life in some area you you really are so this is the fifth and last exact square so it's a peak it's a peak in this struggle it's not necessarily the final peak because i'm looking down the road to the third and final square of saturn and uranus on the 24th of december christmas eve that's going to be interesting i think there'll be more attempted control coming in or just before christmas around then but these both of these big dominant squares for this year are reaching their exactitude there is pluto 9th of october saturn uranus 24th of december so it's kind of crunch time it's like being squeezed this is vice-like activity but there's also awakening activity at the same time so we're going to be squeezed under or we're going to be popped out to something entirely different and um these two big squares as i've spoken in the past have similar themes really it's it's control there's freedom it's new versus old those other and you can find in my previous videos when i spoke in more detail about this so this is big now both of those squares continue through 2022 but they are no longer exact the degree in minute they're looser saturn uranus square becomes exactly the degree in october 22 but they're not again exact to the degree and minute and in astrology it's when planetary aspects become exact that they are at their most potent and their most visible in the world so it's a big time very big time these next next few months so we have a series of planets also moving direct changing direction because for the last few months we've had jupiter saturn um uranus neptune pluto and more recently mercury all moving retrograde so there's been a kind of introspective or um assimilating process integrating process of what the previous few months in the year have really meant to us individually and collectively but now there's a very significant shift of direction because within two weeks four planets change direction and therefore that will create the pace change um so on the 6th of october and this is happening just three days before that exact eras pluto square pluto becomes stationary direct at 24 degrees of libra now when these big slow-moving planets change directions like a tanker almost moving incredibly slowly stopping and then very gradually moving on you know that drilling down in a very concentrated way so round about six but you know equally this will span a good week to either side we'll be feeling this really the first half of october will feel very strong in terms of this pluto pluto eras energy so we may be feeling bigger issues or seeing bigger issues in the world around power and control and intensity but also transformation remember pluto is the planet of spiritual transformation then on the tenth of the month we have saturn moving stationary direct so pluto's moved stationary direct on the sixth saturn move stationary direct at six degrees 52 of aquarius on the 10th so this could be some kind of reality check um saturn represents very contracting energy so there may be more about rules and regulations and for your own safety and you've got to have social responsibility and that kind of thing but just one week later on the 17th of the month jupiter moves stationary direct at 22 degrees of aquarius and if saturn is contraction jupiter is expansion so just a week later we have this very different energy that's that's very much magnified that's about that's about future visions it's visionary it's it's bigger and better future horizons it's it's quite linked to the galactic because it's to do with long-distance travel it's about freedom it's about human rights so there will be quite a surge around the 17th on those issues and by the way that's the same day that the sun comes into a t-square with eris and pluto so boy is this this is very strong astrology and then the next day on the 18th um we have mercury moving direct at um 10 degrees of libra but these are four of those planets that are now moving direct and i very much think over that two-week period we're going to start to feel a change of pace a change of momentum and also clarity i think we're going to have greater clarity as we have this sort of acceleration of planetary motion so that's going to be very interesting to see too and then on the 6th of october at 405 a.m pacific and 1205 lunchtime uh 12 05 pm uk time we have the new moon at 13 degrees 24 minutes of libra so see where that falls in your chart and don't forget to set a new intention for uh what you what new seed you want to plant in your life what you want to manifest very much determined by the the house area where it's falling in your chart so if you don't know what i'm talking about you can download a free birth chart from my website and if you go to this link below you can buy two part video series from my store that you can watch forever with every update i ever do that will help you to understand the meaning for these of these updates in your life your chart and that will be the beginning of your astrological journey so well worth doing every lunation so far this year has been powerful and this is no exception because we have the sun and moon at 1324 of libra conjunct mars at 13 i think it's 58 yes 1358 of libra so they're within really half a degree of exactitude so sun moon mars now mars and i mentioned this in the last video mars has to act mars has to fight mars has to do but in libra because it's opposite it's normal sign of rulership it needs to fight it needs to act for others it needs to act for truth it needs to act for justice to fight for justice so that's very strong mercury by the way is also conjunct mars um here as well at 20 degrees of libra it's it's wide but it's operational so again four planets in libra are about fighting for justice in my view and a new start of some kind new moon around justice by november we'll have moved into uh scorpio energy that will be different so this this is the big time around fairness equality etc um what is also interesting here is that the sun moon and mars are exactly by degree quincunx uranus at 13 degrees of taurus now yes taurus and libra are both ruled by venus so you think they should be very peaceful signs but remember libra is a cardinal sign so it's action oriented and here with mars and um uranus so highlighted these are speedy planets um urgent and uranus is of course to do with um the unexpected shock surprises earthquakes of of all kinds so we should expect the unexpected here we should expect some surprises some things coming out of the blue we should expect some truths i think uranus is truth higher truth as well coming out of the blue to get us to a higher level of being so that's a very strong aspect here mercury is very um highlighted as well because it is it isn't just in that conjunction to mars it's also in a very tight quincunx to neptune so this neptune can be linked to the media or disinformation so this could be um this could be more truths coming to the fall because the fog is now clearing in my view with these planets moving direct so that's going to be quite interesting and mercury is also still in this t-square to eris and pluto now another important aspect we have at this new moon is that the sun moon and mars are opposite or opposing chiron at 10 degrees of aries so chiron is about health and healing all that kind of thing and so again there's this sense of legalities or justice around issues of health and healing that's very strong what's also i think helpful to remember about chiron moving through aries if we look back to when chiron has about a 51 52-year orbit and if we look back to when it last entered aries that was in april 1968 and aries as a sign is about i am i am i exist and so there's a strong sense of needing to be heard here um because if if you lived through 1968 and remember what's happening then it was really a lot of um peaking i mean 1968 is known as a kind of europe revolution massive student sit-ins across the world new york london paris were particularly strong for that a lot of strikes a lot of striker sit-ins as well the protests against the vietnam war war were peaking in 1968 or civil rights movements were still going on very strongly so it was a i need to be heard i matter aries i count i need to be heard and i need any kind of woundedness or sickness or whatever being attended to being being acknowledged and being dealt with and eris in aries is so similar to this you know the god of the only goddess he wasn't invited to the wedding at mount olympus she was excluded so that's why she fights for anyone marginalized and on the periphery so really complex energy and very interesting energy at this new moon and i really want to say here that um we're moving towards building new social structures if you just look at the symbolism of saturn in aquarius alone that is about building new social structures for the future the square from uranus to saturn emphasizes that even more so as the old is crumbling i would really say don't extend the life support be super aware of where you're putting your focus for the future be super hyper conscious and aware because we have a very clear choice here you know libra is about choice it's about do i do this or do i do that it's about the scales do i go this way do i give that way libra's always trying to to balance those you know if that's okay with you that's okay with me if that makes you happy that makes me happy it's trying to balance but this is a time of strong yang energy where we have to choose very consciously and definitively which way we're going to go and as i say the you know the the energy coming in at these times is immense i mean it was immense it's immense at the libra equinox i'm just as i say filming this just a couple of days before the equinox the energy is huge um people having a lot of trouble sleeping myself included just wired to the mains normally i sleep very well people having headaches migraines they can feel the energy not only very strongly but how fast it's coming in because we are being our ascension is being accelerated we are being taught to become our light bodies that's what this is about we are becoming our light bodies and it's all about how much light can we hold in our bodies and that's down to our our level of frequency and i also want to say because people sometimes say well you know if you talk about high frequency that sounds as if you've got to be excited all the time well excitement is certainly an expression of high frequencies so is inspiration or anticipation of something wonderful they're all expressions of high frequency but but so is peace so is calm and libra is very much about peace so in all of this cardinal yang strong aspect squares opposition's energy find your peace find your bliss and one way i do this pretty much every day several times a day if i can ideally sitting on the grass on the earth if you get a chance but even wherever you are close your eyes and drop into the belly breath just like a baby breathes so you're not pushing anything you're not forcing anything the breath is breathing you the breath is breathing you because that's what's happening all the time you know our autonomic nervous system so close your eyes just up just have no thoughts just drop into i am the breath feel it just feel the breath and gradually just feel it softening the breath softening and perhaps deepening and perhaps you know a minute or so goes by you you might slightly pause at the end of each inhale and exhale and within a minute no time at all you are changing all the biomarkers in your blood you are dropping into peace and bliss and that equally is high frequency and libra is all about peace so fabulous thing to do for free wherever you are i really recommend that the more you do it that becomes your kind of default frequency just like butter melting in the sun i can go there in seconds you know it's just boom um and that is a great skill to develop because it's just so easy to now as we move forward helping humanity is going to be a very big aquarian theme how can we help humanity and i've i've mentioned several times in recent videos that i'm i'm very aware of of groups and people um across the world this is international who are getting into community they're getting into collaboration because we might think in these extreme times well what can i do on my own but if you get together in a group you know one person can do this and you can do that and well we could get together and do something you know bigger and better to help other people it is truly inspiring and on the wealth and richness of experience and knowledge and talent is quite frankly incredible so this is happening and and this these communities so this isn't pie in the sky this isn't walt disney it's some you know 2035 date this is right now it's happening right now um and what's really exciting about it is these communities of of of like-minded people are forming these these hubs of light that are forming a grid because they're all in communication or starting to come into communication with bigger networks other people doing something similar so they can share ideas so it's forming a kind of energetic architectural architectural structure for new earth we're in this right now we are building new earth today and if you haven't connected to any like-minded um groupers yet set that as an intention i am already easily finding my family of frequency i'm already easily finding my family of frequency so present tense and then step into that energies if it's already happened so very important in these times to stay very positive um i've often said recently and i must try and do a video on it but somebody'll have to film it for me because everything becomes kind of horizontal not vertical but um i've been mentioning that when i douse my um and measuring other people's frequency who give me permission for that you always have to have permission to enter someone else's energy field they some of them are jumping hundreds of herbs in a week hundreds of hertz in a week it's just extraordinary and when i kind of check on the frequency for humanity that's that's kind of off the chart and what was so funny in the last week when i i did a short q and a with bracket goldsmith i was interviewing the asking the palladians some questions and you can see that on bracket goldsmith's channel i try and remember put the link below but one of the questions i asked the palladians was about this you know is the frequency of humanity um expanding and the answer was kind of yes sort of exponential you know it's accelerating so fast and then i was listening to zack zachariah who i've listened to for many years he's an aspect of an ascended master called dwell cool i'll put the patreon link below because once a month he um he he has several offerings in a month but um he's he's channeled through the very gifted janet triloa and there's several this was a an hour-long deep dive and he happened to see zach happen to say by janet that the um frequency for humanity the acceleration of the frequency is off the chart literally off the chart is what i'm seeing i can't get a calibration i have to recalibrate all my measurements to kind of start from a higher level so you know this is very exciting but you've got to be you've got to have that as your focus you've got to have that as a focus because if you've got that as your focus then magic really does start to happen and again this isn't pie in the sky i i literally know people who are creating the impossible in life the miraculous in life simply through working with their energy and their intention so it is a potentially it's a very tough period it's probably at the 3d level the toughest period we have ever lived through in our lives collectively but it is also the most exciting period in terms of our evolutionary development our jumps into the light body let's call it and um there's a particular phrase that that zach encouraged us to say to stay is to say rather to stay in this magic zone and i'm going to put my glasses on to make sure i get this right but he encouraged us to say creation is fueled by magic and i am a magical being of creation and if you say that through your day if you say that several times a day you really will start to notice the little little kind of pops little bubbles of magic that are happening through your day and increasingly they become your reality so i have covered a huge amount there if you'd like more information about my books my teaching videos um my newsletter is also on the website now newsletter uh sorry website really slow being upgraded won't be upgraded um and we don't re resign redesigned totally actually i hope by the end of october but the website guys are working on that and the next video about the full moon in aries um is enormous it is um i barely have vocabulary so that is going to be one of the major peaks i think in this wild white water rafting few months that we are going to be going through to create new earth i hope that's helped you god bless and bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Pam Gregory
Views: 178,890
Rating: 4.9557061 out of 5
Id: 3r-ubWgV6Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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