DATA: United States DELTA WAVE is collapsing before our eyes! Some good news…

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hi everybody dr sunil dand internal medicine physician is the u.s delta wave collapsing before our very eyes that is the question about six weeks ago in the middle of august i made this video about how i thought the delta wave was about to peak and numbers were dramatically going to decline very soon you can watch that video in fact i'm wearing the same shirt in that video as well by the way i am working on my shirt collection right now you'll be seeing more shirts very soon following that video i made a month ago i received the usual set of angry comments from the same repeat offenders dr dand what are you saying this is misinformation how can you have a hypothesis and talk like that when we're in the depths of the delta wave let me tell you something having hypotheses drawing upon data observing patterns and then putting forward theories is kind of what science is all about and why did i say that one month ago i encourage you all to go back and listen to that video well i said that basically if we were looking at patterns over the last 18 months the united states lagged several weeks behind what was happening in europe and i was looking at certain european countries especially the united kingdom and seeing that they had reached a peak and declined actually in the united kingdom they plateaued a bit but generally speaking the us is several weeks behind europe and pandemics often follow very predictable patterns and i talked in the last video about a very interesting gentleman by the name of dr william farr a 19th century british physician who did a lot of work on pandemics and he formulated far's law that i encourage you all to read about so what have we been witnessing then over the last couple of weeks in the united states well we have seen dramatic declines in covid cases across the country in fact as a total up to 35 percent decline in number of cases and this is excellent news because hospitalizations and deaths will roughly mirror covered cases look at the different states florida which was really suffering a couple of months ago very big declines in covid cases california a similar pattern illinois texas this is all very good news does this mean that we can let our guard down completely no because as i've always said raise a sharp focus especially on those vulnerable groups we know that there's still cases hospitalizations happening all over the country and i would like us to stay focused as the colder months approach but the overall news is very good and my message here to the media which was all over how bad the numbers were a few weeks ago i would like to see more reporting on the fact that covert cases are rapidly declining 35 percent is huge there is nothing wrong media with giving the population some encouragement some hope perhaps try it once in a while excellent news let's hope that this trend continues and covert cases continue to plummet thanks everyone for listening dr sunil dan med strike lifestyle medicine we'll speak again next time you
Channel: Dr. Suneel Dhand - MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine
Views: 115,595
Rating: 4.9840851 out of 5
Keywords: COVID cases USA, United States COVID numbers, United States COVID hospitalizations, USA coronavirus cases, United States Delta Wave, Dr Suneel Dhand, MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine
Id: TKLhrzkjMI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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