New Mexico Red Chile from Powder

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[Music] okay go one 2 three hi everybody welcome back to the Z cooking kitchen I'm Carrie and I'm so glad you're here it has been an exciting day I'm already getting busy with these wonderful tortillas and I am going to be sharing with you a delicious recipe today welcome to the Zia cooking kitchen if it's your first time here and if you're well welcome back if you're joining us again thank you I'm so excited about showing all these wonderful things today take a minute click and subscribe if you haven't done that already today we are going to be making some delicious red chili now this is a very very much requested recipe I get it all the time and the question is how do you make a delicious red chili out of powder and I'm going to show you the most affordable delicious way to make chili in your home and it's going to cost you less than $3 to make six cups it's the best way to do it let's get started now that I've got these tortillas going because we are going to be smothering these with that chili in just a moment let's turn our attention to how easy it is to create red chili in our home now what I'm going to be doing is using a heavy bottom Skillet and I'm going to talk to you a little bit about chili powder we're making red chili now traditionally as New Mexicans we get this sundried red chili remember this grows green on the the plant and when it's harvested it's usually sundried it's also um put together in Ras but a lot of times we'll find oursel once our rra has been gone through or we may not have access if we live out of state we're going to resort to chili powder and chili powder is simply taking the actual pot of the chili the stem is removed and all of the seeds and what we do is it's ground down into a very fine powder and look at that color that is gorgeous I love red chili now everybody in New Mexico that I know has a certain way of creating chili so I'm going to share with you what goes on in my kitchen but remember New Mexico is a large State and we have families from all over and we create recipes differently it's important that we learn from each other that we're kind and that we share the way that I cook may be different than what you find in your kitchen but it's important that we all uh take a moment and we appreciate what we have a lot of people budgets are thin it's harder to keep uh wonderful food on the table especially when we're having to make different types of decisions for our U meal budget so enough talking from me and let's get started the ingredients we're going to be using today and I'm going to have them all by measurement in the Dropbox and it's going to be hard for me because I always make this by sight but I'm going to use the best measurements that I can and we're going to start with our Skillet and we are going to be adding approximately two tablespoons of oil now today I'm using a clear canola oil and I also like to add a little bit of butter it's just something that I like to do for my taste and I'm going to go ahead and get that melted in the skillet now when you're using this type of way um working with um our um I'm sorry with our spices it's important that we allow them to bloom so we're going to go ahead and we're going to start in the very beginning and get this oil going and I'm going to start with creating um AO now what I'm going to be adding there to our um vegetable oil and our butter thank you guys for following along is some simple all-purpose flour and I like to use a one:1 ratio when I'm creating this and you want to make sure that you take a few moments to cook it over low heat it's important that we cook that flour taste out and we bring it to a nice golden brown and you can see how beautiful that is already coming together so nicely and it gives a nice nutty quality that's why it's important that we get this started in the very beginning now as that's cooking I'm going to tell you a little bit more about the other ingredients we're going to be using while I'm stirring uh we are going to be of course using some salt and I like to use a ground um garlic for this not a garlic salt but a garlic powder it's really important that we realize that um The Garlic is a very very important part for enhancing the chili taste I also like to use a little bit of that mexic Mexican oregano and of course we're going to be using about 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup of the red chili powder this is picoso meaning it's hot so you want to make sure that um you're using it for your taste some families like to make really really hot chili I like to do that too sometimes we like a mild one on the on the table uh just to enhance the meal that we're making so as you can see this is becoming a nice dark color I'm going to go ahead and this is something that I like to do is as I'm working with my Rue on this side and cooking I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to drop in my spices over to the dry side of the pan and I'm going to start to roast that chili and what I do by roasting it is I'm allowing it to bloom and we're going to mix that in together oh gosh look at that color is coming together so lovely now when you're creating this in your kitchen again you can always adjust the spice level but today we're going to make it a uh we're using hot chili but I'm going to show you because we're going to be using some broth to cook this down now I'm turning this down to a low you're going to start to uh see the color darken and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to add in my spices at this time and we're adding in some oregano and we're adding in that garlic pepper oh my gosh I can already smell it it's going to make my eyes water because I'm using this really super hot chili but I'm excited to share it with you guys and as we go you can see it's thickening up and what we're going to be doing is I created a delicious vegetable broth you can also use a chicken stock you can use um water that's another thing that you can do remember true New Mexico cooking is making do with what you have in your house and making delicious meals so as that is coming together really really nice we're going to go ahead and we're going to start with our broth and you always want to make sure when you're adding any type of hot liquid to your pan that you're going to go ahead and just temper it or just add a little bit of the time to get that started that is delicious yes a red chili facial nothing like having one of those yes love that now what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be adding in my um chicken or I'm sorry my uh vegetable broth because that's what I'm using today and I'm going to go ahead and I'm just going to go ahead and start adding that in again Cooks you want to be careful when you're working in your kitchen now our flour is going to work for two different things not only is it going to give us that nice nutty taste in the background but it's going to be our thickening agent and that's something that I want to talk a little bit about when we're making this for a um carne and we're going to add it to our meat we like it thicker really coats the meat we can stuff our burritos with that or we can make delicious tamales but what I'm making this chili for today is so that we can use it for enchiladas but we're going to make some smothered burrito there is a place um Taco blank and I won't say the last part of it but they make something that um comes on and off the menu a lot and anytime that I get a chance to recreate an enero in my kitchen I love to do it and this chili is perfect for that so moving along as you can see this is mixed well Incorporated and now we're just going to let the magic of the stove go working couple of things I'm going to do is I like to drop in a couple of cloves of garlic I just simply cut the them in half I like the natural oil to come out of those garlic cloves and then they're real easy to remove at the end so I go ahead and I drop those in as well we're going to bring this to a low boil and this is going to cook for about 15 to 20 minutes on our Stove Top and it's going to thicken up and I'm going to give you a couple of different tips and hints um make sure that you watch to the end because we're going to create those delicious burritos and I'm so excited about that cooking is a fun thing to do with your family and your friends it's a wonderful way to share stories and history and I'm glad you guys are here today let's get back together in just a moment and we're going to be looking at these delicious burritos oh my goodness it smells lovely in here so I'm going to tell you this morning when I got up I used my granny's tortilla recipe and I made some delicious homemade tortillas if you're not able to do that that's okay store bought's fine but there's nothing like my granny's tortillas and I have that video If you haven't watched it make sure you do and practice those tortillas at home I also used some uh Pito beans and you want to make sure that you uh click and subscribe if you haven't taken time to do that look at these delicious beans these were made in my crockpot thank you Sandra Maro for this delicious gift of beans that you gave our family during the holiday season and I U went ahead and I put a ton of cheese you know how I like it so we were working today with our red chili sauce now some people get very very touchy about the word sauce and they say we have red chili and we have green chili in New Mexico but I think that it's okay to use the word sauce when we're making something as delicious as red chili sauce because we're going to smother our burrito with this today but this is also delicious for you to dip your tortillas in you can layer them on your plate with cheese and onions you can add meat if you'd like but taking a look at this I wanted to recap a couple of things you're going to make sure that you cook your chili for at least 20 to 30 minutes you want to make sure all that powder gets reconstituted and it gets thicker as it goes so I took the lid off so it can thicken down and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to add the salt in at this time it's important that we taste test as we go and I've made this many times so I know that I like to use about a half a teaspoon of salt to get started because the cheese and the beans are going to be offering a lot of flavors as well but I'll leave your spice level to what you like to do in your kitchen so we're going to go ahead and um I'm going to show you kind of the consistency of what happens when you make this red chili and you cook it down so we have our burritos and I'm simply rolling those up nice and delicious with all that cheese and look at this this is how we smother a burrito in New Mexico yes look at that easy delicious and lovely and of course we need all that extra cheese it wouldn't be car's kitchen without some kesso going on so we're going to go ahead and we are going to be liberal with that I like to put these under the broiler and let that cheese get a little melted and crispy I'm not going to take time to do that since we're together today and of course you cannot have red chili in my house especially if I'm making it for my honey without those white onions that just makes that chili flavor pop so let's go ahead and drop on a couple of those and I want you to take a look at how delicious this is this is a great way to make food it's very affordable you can see how delicious it looks all of that cheese and that lovely beans inside this is going to be a true treat I'm so glad you joined me in the Zia cooking kitchen my name is Carrie come on back and see me again and I'm going to take a little nibble just so you guys can see me do my happy dance I'm so glad that we were together um today this looks hot and steaming if I don't get a chance to say thank you for joining me while I shove this in my mouth I'm going to go ahead and do that uh now if I can it's always hard to be a lady and eat on camera but I'm going to go for it guys again thank you for joining me in the Via cooking kitchen woo it's a winner guys kitchen's open woo welcome back we'll see you next [Music] time okay great [Music] fantastic
Channel: Zia Cooking with Kerry Caldwell
Views: 6,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ziacooking, #mirageartphotography, #southwestcooking, #nmrecipes, #cookingshow, #lascruces, #kerrycaldwell, #redchile, #chilepowder
Id: SfrHesdE2Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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