HOW TO MAKE PICADILLO: Easy Recipe with Ground Beef and Hatch Green Chile

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hi everyone I'm Marcy and today I'm making picadillo this is something I make all the time it's the sort of down home cooking that I grew up with I just never thought of sharing this recipe until someone requested it so here you go [Music] [Applause] the way I make picadillo has a lot of similarities to the way I make my green chili stew so I'll put a link to that video for those of you who might be interested but one of the biggest differences is I always use ground beef when I make picadillo so I'm starting with one pound of ground beef you'll need two to three potatoes depending on the size a couple of Roma tomatoes I've got some hatch green chili that I pulled out of the freezer this morning and I'll probably use about half of this bag and I should say real quickly that this recipe is not precise I sometimes use a little more of something than the other but it always works out I'll just put some guesstimates in the description box below for you I've got half a white onion a couple of cloves of garlic you'll need some water here again I just put this out here to remember that we need water but the amount will depend on how much fits into the pan I've also got about a teaspoon of chicken bouillon another tea teaspoon of cumin and you'll need salt and pepper to taste so let's go ahead and get started [Music] I'm first going to prep my ingredients that means chopping up the Tomato the chili and the potatoes [Music] cut the potatoes into Cubes but this is how my mom always cuts them when she makes picadillo so now guess who does it exactly like her I pretty much have turned into my mom in fact I remember the exact moment that it happened my daughter was little and I was calling her and she was lollygagging and I and I told her but he said get over here immediately if not sooner and when those words came out of my mouth I was like Mom was that you because who says that immediately if not sooner my mom does anyway it's kind of funny how that happens surely I can't be the only one I'd love to hear it if you're turning into your parents let me know in the comments [Music] now that everything is ready to go we can fry the ground beef in just a little bit of oil [Music] when it's almost done cooking add in the chopped onion foreign [Music] and let them cook for a few minutes [Music] then add in the minced garlic the chopped tomatoes and the chopped green chili continue cooking for a few minutes longer while enjoying the wonderful aroma [Music] I'll go ahead and add in the chicken bouillon and the cumin [Music] I'll mix everything well then you can add in the water I add just enough to where it almost covers everything that's in the pan I'll mix everything well and let it come to a boil [Music] then I lower the heat cover and let it simmer until the potatoes are fork tender and all the flavors are married together this should only take about 15 minutes [Music] finally I season with salt and freshly cracked black pepper [Music] give it a good mix and this picadillo is ready to eat [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I'm serving my picadillo today with rice and beans and of course a tortilla and I can hardly wait to dig in hmm that is so good to me picadillo is just the ultimate comfort food you've got the ground beef potatoes that are nice and tender you've got the chili and this one's got a kick to it in other words it has to have a little bite to it to be called picadillo in the first place so I really hope you try this recipe and by the way next week I'm going to be showing you how to make Mexican rice so come back for that one [Music] thanks so much for checking out this video if you liked it be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel if you haven't already done so I post one new recipe every week you can also follow me at Marcy inspired on Instagram and Facebook until next time blessings for my kitchen to yours [Music]
Channel: marcy inspired
Views: 792,066
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Keywords: picadillo, picadillo recipe, how to make picadillo, easy picadillo recipe, easy picadillo, picadillo with ground beef, picadillo recipe with ground beef, how to make picadillo with ground beef, picadillo with hatch green chile, picadillo recipe with hatch green chile, how to make picadillo with hatch green chile, como hacer picadillo, picadillo con carne molida, mexican food, mexican recipes, mexican comfort food, comfort food, marcy inspired comfort food, marcy inspired
Id: 8a2Kk5r9Cdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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