Wubuntu, the Dubious Linux Windows

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today we're exploring wuntu which according to the developer is an auntu based OS that replicates Windows 11 functionality and is compatible with Windows applications as an old school Linds fan certainly peaked my curiosity and today we're going to install it on an old MacBook Pro this isn't going to be cursed at all so stay tuned and if you enjoy old computers strange operating systems and the fine line between intellectual property and parody I hope you'll consider subscribing to the channel so I only discovered wuntu pretty recently and I'm not going to lie I was initially drawn in by just how delightful it is to say the name wuntu and the fact that it seems like a modernday spiritual successor to my favorite weird Linux from the early 2000s lindos you know the weird Linux drro that Walmart included with their super cheap PCS back in the day the main Lindo selling point was that it gave compatibility with Windows applications while running on an easy to use and inexpensive Linux base well wuntu seems to have pretty much the same philosophy advertising on the site that you can run all of your favorite Windows exes though they take it a step further replicating much of the windows 11 user interface through a really rather detailed KDE plasma customization oh and real quick this is action retro not action knows anything about copyright law so I have no idea about wun's use of Windows UI graphics and icons or their use of the name auntu in fact there's actually a fair bit of controversy around wuntu and coincidentally as I was filming this video Michael mjd released a video on wuntu where he covered covered a lot of that controversy in depth so I will link that video down in the description below definitely check that out before you decide to give wuntu a try for yourself but we're going to give wuntu a try as it's presented and see if it lives up to its own hype and I have the perfect machine to try this out on a core i7 early 2011 MacBook Pro a Mac running Linux that looks like Windows 11 we'll see how easy it is to install and then I think it would be fun to try a couple of experiments we'll put it next to a computer running real Windows 11 and approach it as it's intended as a Windows user making the switch to wuntu and trying to use it like good old windows right after this quick word about today's sponsor clean my Mac X if I had to describe by computer in one word it would be absolute Wasteland of a mess because I import 4K video files all willy-nilly copying them to multiple projects without removing the originals and you better believe that I'm always running out of space enter clean my Mac X trusted since 2008 and downloaded over 30 million times in 185 countries and Counting including one user in Antarctica it's just a one button press to keep your computer clean and fast even if you're pressed for time smart scan cleans up removes malware and can speed up even the slowest Mac in about 2 minutes space lens lets you see what files take up space on your drive and protection modules malware removal powered by the moon lock engine can scan your Mac for Crypt miners viruses adwar and remove them instantly so if you're an absolute digital mess like I am embrace your creative process embrace the mess and let clean my Mac X clean the rest and right now clean my Mac ma X will handle the mess with a 7-Day free trial and use my promo code for 20% off check out the link and code down in my description below so this is my trusty early 2011 13-in MacBook Pro and despite being like 13 years old as of the filming of this video it's still a very nice machine it has a 2.7 GHz core i7 Sandy Bridge I've uped it to 16 gigs of RAM it has HD graphics 3000 from Intel with 512 Megs not too shabby honestly and as you can pick up these wonderful old machines for very little these days it's a great test bed for weird stuff like strange operating systems and we'll just try the default option here select operating system Windows up on to 11 and look at that immediately greeted with the windows 11 startup splash screen here loading in with the KDE mouse cursor which immediately turns into the windows mouse cursor look at this oh boy that really looks like Windows let's just go straight to the install and then while this installs we'll talk a little bit about what exactly wuntu claims to be now according to the developers W buntu is Linux with Windows look and feel and tools and includes the new co-pilot wizard unfortunately Edge one drive Powershell teams and Etc but does not require TPM secure boot or any other Hardware requirements okay sounds pretty good like a modernday lindos which I love now there is a bit of another thing here in that W buntu is free but there is a professional version that there selling and in order to get all the features you have to buy a $35 professional key so that in of itself might be a bit controversial to some but in the interest of doing a proper terrible review of this I have indeed paid them $35 all right well install complete Let's uh restart into our new wuntu installation wuntu going to run with bun to but look at this is this what Windows 11's login prompt looks like I think it's time for our first experiment here is a Lenovo ThinkPad x230 running actual Windows 11 and yeah the login screen does look a little bit different honestly I kind of like Windows aun's login screen better but let's log into both machines and see how the experiences compare all right well Windows buntu decided to open a bunch of stuff immediately let's close that honestly they did a a pretty great job of making a buntu with KDE look like Windows 11 I mean there are some differences of course I mean if we get nitpicky Windows auntu has icons horizontal Windows 11 has them vertically the icon positioning is a little bit different of course the status bars look slightly different but still very close I would wager to say that if you showed Windows buntu 11 to a not computer person who has used Windows 11 before they would think it is Windows 11 all right let's compare this start menus wow very similar great job honestly I kind of prefer what they did with wuntu on the start menu versus Windows 11 I like the blue line under the search bar but the icons pinned icons look the same I mean great job huntu people this looks shockingly surprisingly good and we can see we have a lot of the same apps here like Microsoft Edge which uh yeah they have a Linux version of edge so it's not running in any kind of emulation or compatibility layer it's running actual Linux Microsoft Edge so let's compare the two of course Microsoft Edge wants to nag you about a bunch of stuff Windows 11 is asking a lot more questions than what buntu is confirm and start browsing oh my God come on get rewarded for searching in Microsoft Edge come on and Microsoft Edge crashed on Windows 11 that does not bode well all right let's go to Google on Linux uh I am slightly concerned that I'm having a better Microsoft Edge experience on wuntu Linux versus actual Windows 11 okay so after paying I received an email with an activation code that says it's good for one computer so I'm going to go ahead and enter it now which I believe is under system settings okay here's where we enter our product key yeah we are registered and activated uh system has been activated all features have been released okay you know I think the feature they replicated the most from Windows is how lock down the registration is that is surprisingly a Windows likee Experience okay now what I'm really interested in is how well does this actually run Windows applications or even Doss applications this is using wine of course as the compatibility layer of course wine is free soft Ware so you could install it on any old Linux drro but maybe the whole package together here with the windows style interface really makes it worth it let's pop in something from Windows and see I'm going to start with something that should be pretty easy for it this is the original install disc for driver an old windows game I'm curious what happens if like a novice Windows user we expect this to work like Windows and just pop the CD in all right it's asking us to mount and open the CD ROM that's good sign let's try to actually run driver setup yeah launching right into wine I mean for a Windows novice user this isn't exactly the simple experience of starting the setup program because wine has to do a bunch of rigar roll to get ready to run Windows stuff ah but there we go launched the driver setup application all right I kind of came into this video expecting wuntu to be as slap Dash as lindos was but the whole experience here is actually surprisingly good value is another question but using this very surprised all right run driver now it crashed all right installing halflife 2 should be interesting because it's also going to install a very old version of steam so I'm curious what's going to happen with this more complicated installing yeah steam installation wizard all right well halflife 2 installer doesn't want to work but hey you're not installing wuntu to play a bunch of old games you want to do serious business like Photoshop CS2 all right well the installer seems to load okay well I guess the install has finished because hilariously it says finish finish finish finish finish and I'll click on finish finish fin finish the middle finish they all say finish all right let's see if Photoshop is in the start menu it is with the correct icons that's good all right and we do apparently have Photoshop let's try to oh my God stop asking me things let's try to start a new document here yeah I mean there it is it's photosop of course this isn't so much a Triumph of wuntu as it is a testament to how good wine is now look closing Photoshop gives us a C++ runtime error nice so wuntu would I personally recommend this absolutely not in fact I can't see any kind of real world use case for this operating system and even looking beyond the potential IP issues and uh the security issues which definitely you should not look Beyond those I ran into trouble just trying to do with this advertise to be good at running random Windows applications couldn't install halflife 2o the installer froze and Driver would not launch if you need a dead simple Linux install that runs Windows applications just install a buntu and wine they're free so as interesting as I personally find this and as well done as the windows 11 interfac is yeah I don't think there's any reason to give this try outside of just straight curiosity and probably shouldn't be your daily driver in any event if you enjoyed this adventure I'd appreciate a thumbs up and if you'd like to see more Shenanigans like this please subscribe down below and thank you very much for watching a special thanks to Graham Drew Hamlin James lri George rosanski Jesse Iselle Matthew Crowell April white James Fryman Andrew Nicholson Scott Cedar bomb froto Jedi Lyall truid unknown Soldier 41 Tom Woodfin Alex Hoffman Veronica explains Paul Spencer control Al Reese Ryan Chris bigs Jason pz Scott Thompson camel rowski Chris Nelson Greg from rut K mods Chris Calderon and Gaspar heler who are my highest tiered patrons and all of my patreon supporters for helping to make these videos possible
Channel: Action Retro
Views: 177,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro, vintage computers, macintosh, apple, retrocomputing, retro computers
Id: 5AegNsIsHcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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