Unlocking Viktors Lab and Advanced Drones ! Modded Slime Rancher Ep.16 | Z1 Gaming

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what is this is there a secret here that i don't know about what is going on everybody z here welcome back to some more slime ranchers some more modded slime rancher we're doing the things we're doing this stuff now uh today we are gonna go we're gonna go and finally get the advanced drones because everybody like literally everybody's like telling me to go get these advanced drones so we're gonna go get some advanced drones we're gonna play some more glitch slimes and we're probably gonna unlock this area too because this area is really cool i actually really like this area uh it's super neat and i i haven't played in here a whole lot so we're gonna we're gonna do that we're gonna figure this out we're gonna play with this stuff maybe hopefully you guys enjoy if you do like subscribe all the fun things let's get go i think that's actually the advanced drone right there and then 93 of 360. i think we're ready to go are we ready to go i think we're ready to go let's do it let's get into it shall we button activating and we're activated all right cool cool so we are over here uh now i do remember people are commenting like hey uh the uh the trees and stuff those are where like a lot of the things are and i was like oh yeah i forgot so uh we're gonna look for trees uh along with slimes because i believe that like the trees and plants and stuff like that actually give you like more than like almost anything so so let's go check over here now i am going to be passing some slimes along the way i know i know it's happening but we'll we'll be good we'll be good okay you know what there's there's there's a guy right here we have to take it we have to get the ones that we can there's one right here too let's get them get them little glitch buddies hey get over here i don't want the rock slime rock slime get out of here okay let's go look at these trees uh huh i can't remember yep it's trees with fruit on them come here buds yeah okay that's what it was any tree with fruit on it is gonna be a glitch come here little glitch buddies i need you i need you we have any more no more up here all right to the next street oh wait hey hey get over here i got you oh we got another one there's a tree there's a tree with fruit a tree with fruit can you get out of here i need you yeah come here buddies come here buddies hey hey where are you going where do you think you're going where are you going where you going get over here good gosh they're so fast they're so quick oh and they're gone darn it i don't feel like i'm actually getting that many slimes out of this so that tree doesn't have fruit on it so that's not one of them darn it i feel like i'm actually doing terrible here i've only got 29. like what the heck what am i even doing you know uh let's try going this way maybe oh nope there's one story buds okay we're at 38. i think i did last i think the first time i did this i got like a hundred uh no fruit tree oh is that a lucky oh i guess the luckies have uh have a few more glitches in them that's kind of cool ow uh okay let's go look for more trees there's a tree i found a tree oh there's another lucky i need all of you guys nope that one's gone that one's gone uh come on boop you yeah the lucky slimes lucky slimes have a bunch nice and come on gosh the trees are kind of hard like they explode and go everywhere i feel like the slimes kind of stay together you know come on suck them all up get them all right let's see we need more trees can't go that way can't go this way no trees over here uh oh the world is beginning to fall apart that's fine we're only at 77. we're not doing very good are you guys glitches nope okay there was one it's not worth it there's only like three in there if i can find another tree holy tours all right let's move on from that one uh little fruit tree oh no little fruit trees not uh not one either okay so it's only the fully grown fruit she's got it hey look man i have so much of this stuff this time oh this isn't one either oh what extra portal activated okay i have so many debug sprays let's get to the portal let's try to let's try to get as much stuff as we can my gosh how far away is this one where the heck is it at i don't even see it yet oh it's up there it's up there okay cool cool cool uh are you one nope okay we got a couple more glitches right here uh i need to get up here oh shoot i gotta go this way i don't want the world to consume me uh oh hey hello okay we got 91. that doesn't seem like a very good run that's all right we could always do it again oh that was so cool it was so neat all right let's put these in here uh we are nowhere close to getting advanced drones yet we're gonna have to do this a few times especially if we're only gonna get 91 and at least like to get like a hundred you know right and we got some magic cubes we'll go put the magic cubes over here okay so i'm like uh you know a little like almost exactly halfway all right let's do it again also just another little bit uh the rocks and stuff are also glitch slime capable so let's see uh oh i don't think i ever went out there last time that place looks fancy looks extra fancy all right let's go this way i wanna see if i can find one of these rocks ah there's one it's like that wasn't a tree but it was a glitch slime so any like a decor can be a glitch time as well earbuds i need you too all right hey mushroom attack [Laughter] oh nice nice nice okay all right let me get these finished i'll let you know how many i get once we once we finish this round oh what happens to a golden one oh okay all right golden ones are also uh glitchable good to know good to know all right we're at the end of the level uh i'm kind of picking up how i used to do this i need to stand back before i shoot a plant or rock or whatever i gotta stand back so that way my uh my like my like sucky cone thing is covering the the area of where they're going to spawn from uh let's see one of these rocks has got to be suspicious no no suspicious rocks over here anywhere oh i finished with 98 that time all right that's fine that's fine all right we got 103 that time get a little bit better a little bit not a lot better though oh you know what actually we're gonna have enough to finish this one nice okay so we got that all right now victor humphries uh uh yes let's continue something is not right not right at all uh the simulation have been running to predict the performance on this project is not matching your results at all how is this possible i rely on my simulations for everything and they always made life easier but what if they're wrong or what if what if some other element exists that i can't even simulate i would need to create an entirely new formula to compensate for this finding and what would that mean for my previous simulations all the experiences and people i've passed on because i need to think on this i've added my advanced drone blueprint to your lap this should prove very useful to you according to my calculations well i hope so at least now i need to think on this right away but please collect more bug reports in the simulation slimulation slime i'm very close to isolating the source of the bug that is responsible for reproducing glitch slimes in return i will prepare a substantial reward for you run diagnosis and simulation uh yes user v humphreys password remember i'm sorry i slipped to my work again without saying goodbye looking forward to seeing your results goodbye bye all right so the next one 600 is going to unlock the lab so let's i guess start that one grab my manifold cube here and uh we'll throw that in here so um i came back to the farm because i just realized that i was having some i was having some issues with my computer so i had to reinstall some things well guess what all of my mods are gone except for the drones one of the mods is still going because i still have more drones but as you can see i have no golden slimes wait that means i have no singularity slimes oh no that means my quicksilver quicksilver was already gone but my tars are gone too oh no this is horrible i have to get these back in here stat uh you know what we'll we'll work on that one next time uh we will go and finish the yeah we'll go and finish the um the victor humphrey stuff and then i'll make sure to get my mods re-added um i still have some mods though because we have one two three four five we saw five drones in here so maybe that just didn't take those away i don't know what is the uh what does the advanced drone take ah it takes manifold cubes oh my goodness so man if we wanted that many ma advanced drones those manifold cubes are pricey those things are super expensive because each manifold cube let's see i have a total of 15 right now each manifold cube is 20 bug reports holy moly all right so um i'm going to finish getting these and then we'll get this area unlocked right here and we'll get the drones uh we'll try to build we'll probably build a drone maybe we'll build an advanced drone over here that could be fun that could be neat and then we'll figure out what we're doing over here so all right back into the simulation all right i'm sorry i had to take a break from from the bug slime things it was getting repetitive but um i checked my mod status we got it reloaded everything was actually already there it just i had to reload the um slime rancher mod loader slrm or slmr or something like that the thing for the nexus anyways i got that reloaded i was just like i need my gold slimes back so these guys are all good again um let's see are these guys all good again no these ones are not oh you know why these ones aren't supposed to be those ones are not supposed to be golden um pretty nope those aren't supposed to be golden either all of these back here should be golden though if i'm not mistaken right oh we have our buddies back i'm so happy uh okay you guys are good you guys are getting awesome all right whoo i just i was so worried about them i was worried about my gold slimes all right so let's go finish our last bug report deal um i think i only need like 40 more so we should be able to get it this time no problemo i need some of this now i don't have my i don't have my increased backpack upgrade on right now because that was like a different mod and i have to get that reinstalled you know how it is uh all right so let's grab this guy shoot you know these things explode a lot more than they ever used to like i don't remember them ever exploding quite that much oh that's not one well that changes everything i thought all the fruit trees were always glitch slimes let's go check these ones i only have five from that my gosh all right let's grab all these come on so i've learned that if you don't like if i would have grabbed one of those trees uh the other ones would have like disappeared so that's why i wanted to go through all of them real fast we only have 19 come on you know what we only need 40. oh we only need 40. oh is that big tree one this time nope uh this one is though yeah buddies all right we have the 40 that we need but you know i'm just gonna get more because we're gonna need those manifold things anyways to get uh to get the advanced drones so we're gonna need it uh are you one no i don't know what the deal is i'm like messed up here hey okay there's one well now i'm at a bug spray oh wait wait a second there's secret packs in here oh no way retro visit the ranch house to manage the secret style wait there's a retro glitch what that's super cool oh nino i didn't know there was a secret style for those guys oh they're so cool looking i mean they're instead of green they're blue but still they're neat i like them all right let's see we only need uh we're actually doing really i feel like i'm doing pretty good this time because we got 74 already not bad all right tree come here they're so blue and happy i like these slimes i it would be kind of cool if we could get a uh if there was a mod to like to have glitch slimes i think it'd be so much fun that would be a lot of fun uh that yep that's super sus super sus tree is suspicious clearly imposter you know i think this might be the best that i'm ever going to do on this because i've gotten a cup like i've gotten 100 a couple times like we're doing we're doing good oh now it's time to leave is there more in here no okay uh i feel like we could do better i feel like we could do better we're close doing good you're super sus you know the more times you do this the better you get at identifying the the suspect ones all right come on i wanna max out i wanna max out come on come on something yes i think we okay i think we can hold 150 if i'm not mistaken go away tarz no i don't think we're gonna make it uh you no anything you yes we've done it we've maxed it out we're good to go let's roll heck yes 150 bug reports in one time i feel good i feel good i know there's gonna be comments like oh i can max out every time it's all right you can do that that's fine i'm just so happy all right we've got two of those we could talk to him hello good to see you again the bug reports already collecting are most illuminating with your help i've isolated the source of the glitz slimes and i have a fix in place for removing them in order to continue my work on the slimulation but first i must tell you something i've determined that the slimulation of running on your performance with this project isn't wrong at all though true it predicted a seemingly incorrect result it was missing a crucial data point that the universe cannot surprise you until i observed your willingness to help me a stranger really and then your tennessee tenacity with the simulation i thought people and their abilities were much more predictable but you've shown me that all the data in the world still won't account for that spark in humans that motivates them and this does not mean attempting to project and learn with scientific process isn't worth pursuing quite the opposite in fact but it is important that we remember that i remember that the unexpected still has value i regret that i have not seen this until now had i not simulated relationships and simply let them surprise me then perhaps i would have connected with a lot more people in my life so with that in mind i do hope you will continue to stay in touch and encourage and to encourage us i'm giving you ownership of my workshop additionally i've decided not to fix the bug that created the glitch times it would seem to me that this very unexpected result is worth keeping worth studying so let's just see where it goes who knows through this my slimulation you are may not be perfect uh recreation of the far far range it has its own merits because it's so different in that sense it's very exciting discovery so please continue to collect bug reports so that i may continue to study glitch slimes and i will continue to give you a manifold cubes for your efforts but also perhaps we could occasionally just chat you pick the topic i think i think i would very much enjoy that thank you sir do appreciate it and with that you have access to this area there's a super magical force field bridge it's super amazing um i really actually like this area because you have this room in here um there's already like a there's like already like a i think it's a phase lemon tree i think and then like you can plant stuff on all of these super cool there's like a little puddle spot if you want some puddle slimes you could have those in there um you know i'm not gonna lie it would actually be i wonder if they would stay in here like i wonder if we got the quantum the quantum golds if we put them in this room if they'd actually stay in that room because that would be really that'd be really kind of neat uh and then we have a we have a pen there we have a pen there one there one there so that's four pens and then this room i don't know oh whoa what is that wait what what's in here hold on a second i've never seen that door before water swimming we can't swim though but why does it look like we could go through there what hold on let me go put my stuff away because if i die if i die i i don't want to lose all my stuff okay we have 49 cubes now um i've never seen this before but you know what i don't know what it is it looks like we go out in the water but if we go in the water we're gonna die let's do it let's see what happens actually let's uh we can't say right now darn it all right unless it's just a force field oh you can't even walk through it interesting huh that's weird it's almost like it's blocked like we could open it you know what i mean like it has like the um maybe not maybe it's just supposed to be a force field it's kind of got not quite this one it's almost got the force field that this had on it when we were trying to come in here and you couldn't like it's like a locked area what is this is there a secret here that i don't know about water can i shoot slimes through it oh is that what that's for hold on we have to test uh we gotta test this all right i'm super curious because so a lot of times when you're working on the farm and stuff like that you get extra slimes you uh you blast them in the ocean over here because it says in the game all slimes originated from the sea so if you put them back in the sea they can reoriginate from the sea they can go wherever they want again they can be happy they can be free essentially and i wonder if that's what that's for is that what that port is for maybe because you don't have that option in there you're kind of like stuck whereas everything else has water access and this one doesn't is that what that's for let's see can we shoot him may go through it oh oh you know what else it's for oh we can't we can't suck up water uh huh i did not know about that i did not know that was a thing that's crazy that's super cool i didn't know that i'm sorry i'm excited about the littlest things that i missed um but yes that's gonna end this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subs subscribe as well for some more next episode we'll be back uh we might fill out this area because i'd like to play in it i'd like to do some things over here i don't know what but something we gotta do something over here we gotta do something scientific but thank you again for coming out hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more also uh if you guys want the the mods that i'm running i have a link down below it takes you to a webpage uh it's actually my web page so it's kind of cool it's kind of neat and we do also have a giveaway going on the discord so if you join the discord discord gg slash day when gaming you look for giveaways you can enter the giveaway there we're giving away um uh five steam cards so pretty fun pretty interesting but yes thank you guys again for coming out have a wonderful day i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 129,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slime rancher, z1 gaming, slime rancher viktors experimental update, slime rancher how to unlock viktors workshop, glitch slime slime rancher, slime rancher mods, slime rancher viktor humphries, viktor humphries, viktor update, lets play, slime rancher new update, secret style pack, slime rancher mod, slime rancher lets play, slime rancher update, new slime rancher, slime rancher lab, slime rancher z1 gaming
Id: qglpFCHj6aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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