Opening the Slime Door ! Into the Ancient Ruins ! Modded Slime Rancher | Z1 Gaming

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and the final one the rock what's going on everybody's here welcome back to some more slime ranchers samantha slime rancher we are back we're doing some more modded things and today hopefully we're gonna be able to uh maybe farm some tars i'm pretty excited about this hopefully you guys enjoy if you do make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more and before we get on it to anything else let me get a quick shout out to today's sponsor of this video the ridge wallet the ridgewatt is a modern sleek industrial upgrade to the old flappy wallet that you probably have sitting in your back pocket that does absolutely nothing but collect junk and clutter and receipts and stuff that you don't need anymore instead upgrade to something more modern something new something in the 21st century like a ridge wallet you can get multiple different colors they have over 40 colors and types to choose from you can get the super amazing camo i know you can't 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and returns that's gaming use code z1 gaming and thank you again for sponsoring this video rich let's get back to it alrighty so let's go ahead let's get on into it so um i was looking through the mod information and it says to go to an area that is considered the slime see in place down abyssal pumps because like i said we need uh we need some certain things well i guess you don't want mozzie all this stuff we got royal jelly well holy moly we got some royal jelly that's pretty nice okay so let's go drop this stuff off um now it's telling me like i said it says to put an abyssal pump on an area that's classified as a slime seed because we're going to be getting a uh a special item out of the pump that's going to allow us to tame tars i think i think i think that's what it wants i think so we have advanced pump novice pump i really like to get the titan pump um i do have i do have a little bit of money let's see if we can get the final 70 reward upgrades like i said i think 25 is the max we're 22. so we might we might be able to get a 70 rewards club uh they're just the titan drill oh gosh abyssal pump 150 000 royal ap areas 150 000. oh darn it i need a little bit actually hold on a second i have my golden plorts right here how much are golden ports worth today 349 that's terrible but that's okay let me sell those and let's try to get these upgrades done and unlocked forever all right i'm a little shy i'm a little shy of the money that's fine uh let me grab all of this stuff we gotta go get some ports or uh some ports made up because i know we're gonna need i mean we got the abyssal pump so that is that's what we needed um but i don't know what it needs to actually create the thing you know what i'm saying you know what actually it specifically says you have to have the abyssal pump to do it it says place the abyssal pump so it's a good thing we unlocked it because i probably would have made a regular pump and i probably would have uh messed things up all right so the abyssal pump oh shoot i need dervish we need dervish slimes i don't have dervish slimes oh all right uh looks like we are making a trip today um okay so i'm trying to think where i need to go i need to get another slime key or two actually no yeah i need one slime key to get there oh look it's a taming belt oh uh that would call the anger of any near of any feral slime that hears it oh that's interesting um hmm we have to go get dervish which is in the glass desert which is like the last area we have to go through the slime gate and we also have to go through the quantum plort the quantum slime area and we have to go through a portal holy moly okay we have a lot to go we have a lot to do ah and i don't think um do we can we get can we get um maybe we can do singularity uh slimes maybe we could do singularity slimes today we need a chicken cloner i think uh what machine is that i gotta figure out i gotta figure out what this is the chicken cloner i don't know if i have that i'm pretty sure i have to unlock that through like through is it victor or is it is it somebody else i don't think i have the chicken cloner yet alright so the chicken cloner is through victor humphries place so we'd have to either go do the glitch slime stuff or we have to unlock the place to get to the derby assignments because i don't have access to the derby slimes yet and i'm not actually sure what victor would want anyways does do we have a is victor the person uh oh it's bob bob wants chickens of course of course bob wants the chickens okay hmm all right well i guess uh i guess we're gonna go try to unlock some stuff okay so in order to get these slimes unlocked we're gonna have to what are you still doing in here man hi bud uh we're gonna for you we're gonna get a corral going we're gonna need a de mons plot yes let's get a let's get a coupe going here because i know we're gonna need chickens uh for all kinds of stuff so basically spring grass vitaminizer deluxe upgrade all of this yeah olive what the heck is this like a chicken laying area what in the absolute wait what what does this do what is does that suck up chickens no what is this definitely sucks up chickens or something i have no idea all right let's get some chickens in here uh we're going to go out and find some roosters as well um i hear you because we're going to have to feed we're going to oh hello what's up dudes oh more chickens more tickets all right i don't know how many pens how many chicken pins are we gonna need let's get a few going you never know how many we're gonna need coupe fantastic fully upgraded all right so i'm gonna go around i'm gonna find uh different types of chickens and we're gonna throw different types of hens in all of these and i need to get some roosters as well so that way we can start uh producing a mass-producing chickens because there are a few gordos like the big big slimes that want meat actually so we're going to get those going yeah those things are obnoxious they don't they don't want to be in here all right i have collected a variety of different types of chickens we have briar hens we have stony hens uh i got some roosters for all of the pens and i'm going to put these in the different pens we have different little chicken different little chicken areas you know so put the briar hands in here we'll throw the stony hands over here i only have three stony hands but that's okay nothing that huge crazy there we'll throw a one in there we'll throw two in there we'll throw two in there actually we can throw two in all of them and then i would say since this is like the most popular one we'll throw that one in there so i don't exactly know what this does i kind of want to read what it does let's see let's read what it does let's see what it actually says so if i got another coup what is this a special upgrade designed by monkey miles that doubles the number of chickens you can keep and moves elders out oh that's what it does okay well let's go ahead and just get this one fully upgraded too that way when we come across any more types of chickens we'll have types of chickens it's gonna be good it's gonna be good okay so that's automatically taking the elders out these are going to they're gonna start creating more chicken they're gonna create more chickens is what they're gonna do you know what there's too many in here let's get rid of some of these um i'm trying to think how many how many chickens can actively be in one area let's do let's say there's six hens let's say six hens any more than that i feel like might be too much um well shoot there's hens all over the place here i might as well grab these because we have a tabby that we need to feed and oh yeah let's get rid of some of these guys too i put way too many here one two three four five that's fine okay cool so we can actually grab these and take these and start opening up some gordos hopefully hey heck yeah uh excuse me how did you get out how did you get out it got out of this pen how did i don't even know how that thing got out oh my gosh over here snacking on the mint mango um okay so i'm trying to grab the mint makeup because we're gonna go and we're gonna try to unlock a couple of uh we're gonna try to grab a couple of keys from the moss blanket area because we have hens uh we have mango mango is gonna be used for the honey slime because there's a honey gourd over there and there's also a hunter gordo which i think is gonna give us another slime key as well so let's sell those uh let's go check chicken status over here see if we need to grab any chickens what's up chickens oh look at there's little chickadees in there are there any no elders i don't imagine that there's gonna be elders hey oh that's right they respawned for the day uh i don't imagine there's gonna be any elders yet we just put all these chickens in here look at all the little tiny chickadees oh there's so many they're so cute all right first stop is going to be the honey slime which is actually right over here not hot not far away at all uh you know i'm gonna grab some more i'm grabbing more hens just to be safe because i want i have 65 hens there's no way i'm gonna need more than that well maybe there is i don't know okay and then let's see right up here we're gonna have a honey gordo what's up my dude you like mint mango so i should only have to give you 20 of these and you should be super happy about it yep that's what i thought oh look at all this little oh yay slime key okay what's up dudes what's up um okay i don't need any of you actually here you guys want that chicken no you want the fruit okay all right cool looking good looking good now let's go grab the hunter as well i think we can go this way oh this is sketchy it's a long ways across okay the hunter gordo is i believe up here i'm pretty sure the hunter growth is like on the top of it's on top of one of these things oh darn it oh lucky lucky you're coming with me lucky slime uh no it's not on top one of these it is on top one of these but not this one is it no no it's back that way further okay um i don't know if i can make that jump oh yeah not even a problem was it this way is it across this bridge over here down yonder yay it's right up there okay cool cool cool what's up my dude i have some snacks for you i don't know if you prefer briar hens no you made me shoot some of them away dart it all right here's some regular hand hens all right he's full oh look at all these happy actually you know what i kind of need some of these guys come here buds i kind of need some of you because i'm gonna i'm gonna need hunter stuff anyways uh we have five that's probably plenty okay cool looking good looking good looking good uh nothing amazing out of there wonderful wonderful all right so we have two slime keys now um let's see trying to think if there is any more there's any more slimes over here hey i hear it come here lucky slime that's two that's two lucky slimes that click okay um let's see anything else that's the portal going back to our place i don't know if i want to go back to our place yet i don't think i do i think i want to go go ahead and open up the next door yeah i think it's time for the next door look at the map here i'm trying to think okay so if i open up a door oh right here yeah i think we need to go into this area so there's multiple ways to get in there there's this way we can go that way or there is there is a way over here somewhere as well okay let's go up to here let's unlock this area and i think that's going to get us to uh kind of where we want to be going here hello there mr slime door how are you let us use the slime key and hopefully hopefully go to the right place let's see is it the right place yes it is perfect okay so we need to go through this gate and in order to get through this one this is like the ultimate slime gate deal uh we need to throw some plorts onto these guys so uh we need boom for sure phosphor boom phosphor tabby is that tavia or is this rock that's rock okay so we need boom phosphor rock uh looks like we need rad are you rad yeah you've got to be red you're green uh we need a honey for sure and i'm going to make this in like two trips i want to say there's one like right up here too like hidden yeah there you are that is a tabby right you're tabby are you tabby are you a hunter i think it's tabby i think it's tapping we're gonna go tap we're gonna say it's a tabby all right let's head back let's grab the things that we're gonna need to unlock these guys and uh get through this gate here well hold on a second there's tabbies there's booms all right here already let's just see if we can grab some of these guys let me just throw these mint mangoes out everywhere you guys want some mint mango maybe we want my mango uh we got puddle tabby there's a tabby uh you guys want some hens who wants hens anybody want hens uh there's a boom let's see rat is not gonna be over here what else could we get let's go drop these two off because we got tavi and boom right here so that would be super easy all right so boom okay let's see if this one was tavir if this was hunter are you tabby yes okay cool oh let's see phosphor is gonna be coming out soon we could go grab honey over here not even an issue all right we got the honey uh there's a phosphor hey you guys wanna you guys wanna eat oh yeah there you go enjoy uh phosphor perfect so phosphor and honey are going to be done so last ones that we should need are rock rad rock and rad i think right hello honey port and phosphor over here yeah all right so yeah we only have uh we only have rad and rock left now i'm guessing if i open this door right here that might actually take me to an area that has rock and rad in it but i don't want to use that slime key for that because i have a i have other things i want to use the slime key on you know it feels good to be back it really does let's throw our lucky slimes in here what's up dudes look at how many lucky slabs are good oh they're just so lucky all right now hunters i need to do something with the hunter slimes as well um i just don't know why yet i just don't know what we need to go make a pen for them somewhere i also need to gather i think we need to gather a bunch of carrots let's gather some carrots and the reason i want is some carrots actually we might have to use fruit is because we're about to go into the the quantum phase area the face uh slime area and i want to grab phase lemons but we need i don't maybe you have to have fruit we'll just grab some mint mangoes before we go we'll do that i'll just go feed the uh i'll go feed these carrot store guys our buddies actually let's throw the hunters in here with the crystal there you go buds have fun look at that now we're gonna have crystal hunters nice yeah you guys are gonna be crystal hunters nice okay cool they're gonna be so happy all right so i need one rad and i need one rock okay we're good let's go ahead let's sleep for the night let's grab some uh some lemons or not well yeah we'll grab lemons tomorrow but we'll grab mango tonight perfect so let's go ahead and let's place these guys in here let's see you are a rad and the final one the rock it's happening it's happening [Music] it's just so happy it's such a happy door oh ancient okay ancient ruins all right we are looking for i don't even care about going this way let's go this way instead oh well poop i gotta hit a lock all right so that's gonna open that this should open this one perfect perfect all right so we need to get yes you come here yes quantum slimes and i want some of these lemons perfect now we can plant our own more quantum slimes i need all of the quantum slams nope nope nope get over here quantum slime um okay so we need these quantum slimes because we're gonna have to farm them for their quantum ports uh where are you where's your actual being where are you where did you just go these things are these things are so tricky i swear what's up little watery dudes you see anymore oh face limbs yes perfect okay so there's six phase limits that's actually probably all we're gonna need as far as the phase lemons go um now you can only get phase lemons if the tree has the lemons on it so hold on let's activate this yeah look at that perfect perfect okay looking good um this looks good this looks good i need more quantum slimes we're gonna need some we just need so many quantum slimes we're pretty much just gonna gather all that we can um we need to continue on where is the way oh look how many quantum songs are down here come on buddies i need all of you you're all coming with me i don't know why there's so many here but oh i'll take them holy moly we've got 26 now that is awesome that is absolutely fantastic um oh there's a uh there's the boom slime in here too what do you eat hold on i can't remember what this guy eats it's not fruit though it's veggies oh it's meat shoot i should have brought hands with me darn it all right so i think the last area i think we only need one more slime key and i have the slime key to get to the area i do need i need the quantum ports though in order to activate the final teleporter deal to take me to the area with the dervishes and stuff uh the glass desert but i want to make sure that i only need one more key because i might actually come back and open up that boom slime as well just to make sure let's see here do i need more than one more key in order to make this work i might not okay so there's the teleporter back to our room i might only need one more key i think it's the key at the bottom of the stairs right here i think so i think we're good and then this all i need is quantum plorts in all of these and then we have the teleporter oh this is fantastic we are actually getting somewhere we're like i think this is this the last area that we have to unlock i think this might be the last area we have to unlock uh that's gonna be this area right here oh you know what there's more slime doors within this area though i think yeah there is okay all right so our little faze dudes they're gonna live in here this is where i always have them they always live in this area it just it's just where they live it's just the thing so i'm gonna put in the gardens uh nutrient soil sprinkler not scarce slimes i can't do scarce climbs otherwise this area won't work uh garden and then in all of these we're going to throw phase lemon in that one we're going to throw phase limit into this one now the the grown phase lemon trees like these these will just naturally fall on their own you don't actually have to interact with them which is good because that actually used to be a thing where you actually had to interact with them and then they decided to change it so fantastic uh okay so i'll throw another phase lemon in here and then i'm gonna put one up here as well but basically what this area is to me is a perfect area for quantum slimes and a phase limit in there and then basically all i do is just let these guys run around and do their thing um and then if we want actually what i might do no what i am going to do is we're going to make these all quantum phase golden phases because why not we might as well because there'll be golden golden ports laying all over the place too so let's do that let's give it a try i want to see how this is going to work what's up dudes who wants to turn to gold oh my gosh they all want to turn to gold look at them they're going to be so happy oh my gosh and you know what i'm not even going to do anything i don't have to feed them because they're going to come over here they're going to eat this they're going to produce two of each plort they're going to produce two quantum and two gold by me doing absolutely nothing i don't i all i have to do is come in here and collect the uh the plorts now what i could do is we could have put a robot in here um we could put a drone in here to collect plorts off the ground and deposit them the only problem is that i have to water them i kind of wish there was a i kind of wish there was a mod that you didn't have to water the drones like when you said once you set up a drone like it would just work forever i think that'd be super cool um okay well you guys have fun in here these golden quantum largos it's fantastic that is so good that is so good i love it okay now um we have the boom slime but i need those i need those ports so we're gonna let them actually just drop some phase limits in there and get some of these ports right now are you dropping two gold and two quantum yes you are indeed see that that's the only problem with collecting these is when they get stuck on me like that um guys we have a lot of chickens in here holy moly i'm gonna have to take some of these chickens out of here you guys i'm sorry there's just too many of you all right that that looks to be a more a more reasonable amount of chickens um yeah you guys have to come with me too so before i take the trip all the way to the glass desert i was kind of hoping to make a teleporter however i either need a deep brine and hexacomb or i need indigonium and hexacomb or i need spiral steam and indigonium so i'm gonna go play some some drills but i think we're going to go the first time i think we're just going to go i'm just going to grab try to grab some mosaic slimes some tangle slimes some dervish slimes hopefully hopefully i can grab all of those then we can bring those back and we can start uh gathering the ports that we need from those guys but we're just going to we're going to go drop off a few of those technology things real quick all right perfect let's place some things in here let's go ahead and place an advanced drill and an advanced pump and you know what we'll throw an apiary in here too why not okay looks good so we'll let those guys do their thing uh and then we should be able to get some indigonium maybe some spiral steam i have absolutely no idea but we'll find out uh as you can see these guys are feeding no problem there's plorts light everywhere i really need to get some drones in here to pick up these ports so that's gonna be something we work on probably in the next episode as well um because that i mean that's literally passive money and it's actually it might even be better than this too because i can sell the quantum ports and the gold of course these guys are already full so i need to go through and sell all this stuff too oh my gosh we just got we have so much stuff to do so i brought enough hens with us to feed that boom the the boom gordo over there um in this in this area that we're gonna go up to that way we'll have an extra slime key because like i said i think i still need a slime key in order to like progress into the uh the other areas anyways so that's gonna be that's gonna be crucial for when we go to the to the actual glass desert but that is actually gonna end this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more next episode we're gonna activate the portal we're gonna go through the portal hopefully uh find our slimes that we need that way we can continue on making the things doing the stuff and uh yeah having a good time i was trying to get to the tar stuff today but because we need the abyssal pump and because we needed the dervish slimes uh i you know yeah driver slimes are in the or in the glass desert i was just thinking i was like you know i really hope the driver signs are actually in the glass as they are they are they're actually in there so uh next episode we're gonna go explore the glass desert it's gonna be a blast hopefully i see you there again thank you so much for coming out like subscribe all the fun things and uh thanks for the the sponsors of this video as well but you guys have an absolutely fantastic rest of your day and i'll see you the next one bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 190,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slime rancher, slime rancher gameplay, slime rancher mod, lets play slime rancher, mod slime rancher, z1 gaming, slime rancher z1 gaming, slime rancher update, slime rancher mods, new slime rancher, tarr slime, best slime rancher mods, new slime rancher video, black hole slime, singularity slime, slime rancher cheats
Id: RJHCFwImv9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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